T1IK OREGON SUNDAY JOUKNAL. rORTLAND. SUNDAY UOKNJNQ. OCTOBER. 19, Ull RKAL ESTATE DIRECTORY . tmt laws 444 , , 4 .., Sa . t 4j 4aTaMW-- H . .tVw 14 4k- aa .! . A J. j 4 .-a 4 4 - 4ms 4 J-"" 4a hail 4 a 4 4 4 - . taa- Vv -a4 a. m i a .. M bm JJJ t . ... . ' Cil 1IIWIMI J JrAM,TI Ci a ti it it :-; I I AfW C.i. i,t, 'ak.ai . i' 1 t- 4 III) t. . lift i: a. . WAUacrio4 kUia Mil IU a- lA.alaA ' I till tvaa.A.. - a .A 4 t - tt ( mm e4 i4 "". i. bbikklt ri.a-a i4i ,a n i..iiit ill W IIU rAraa AtrvaaatB Ill CkataW " aia,ek-ll i L.e al I' 4 4ai el- IW aa f'a. Tt a r4 ef TiaAa l4 l-h-friVi. '" ; j c a. M lu.'t"rii'i '.4 aV . ii if .'?---- I 4-. U V "-.JU k4 ! 'it - . I tX't r. W11h tMMi.lirRll Ha la l tik Wala l ! a4 WlTtiCiOU A. JIB CXV.XM TWlTl'lltUI aa4 cral rirara. )1rwU r al r. fahla i-rlca tsa latwt III. ' 4sa:l till C."iilLOnJtTr. aalf ti &XAm. fiwal an4 al f!tlu'a rlal'r. 'ai! la roatwclloa, lef. lJ.t-ll tltl iif l-Tk I aai calalf . Mm ral!tf aa iriaur: aif ' O f liltaa. Ua tiaii Mala 11 1 kltW, tebbia aa4 atrtll. 11 lib ac Hal 1141. . L &lsrtl ciMni.r. all alfcia b o.W fumiiura rair, urii'4 t aitt rlniia (II lilt Mala Till rHi-K.vf i:k Wf ik. ar cfcifaf. Iwt I iJlllf l ! K Iia A. "fTCili'ihY. coaifarlor, bul)'l'. "1- klra all M IH '1lf K lll aa4 rillka. mi'"" alaM avM..! M I. KLIhK r.ifl:r Iria4 It l II rMl al - aM.iaJ I l A Mil i W -irf H r 0 I ' aal affWa ia a Mala I ll rtAo rvvui 41 IMmovrn ritr ti O f. V Wan A Lat, at a4 ix-..iw. t. i a. kit jrnf Ttuut HEW TtUJAT a I awl I M i i, ll I i a- a a. am smmm e m i inn tm it, atu'i Wati Tm It a lti? Ta il a'a I JUm a( ia a. II taik. 44 ta atM, wtf at4 t M miai itaHl a- Mia44 I I i4 tIalMJo ll k t (, t.iai a4 la i a aaMf 4iM( erra tuiwrA. in b. Ii H till 4 'waa ttrtl 4 I. K H tlM jV. IVaVit'K UJ7 mJ "HAa J 9 Aaf aifc 4 ata 5rf A AaAf aa ta U l-l a h t ak!i M4I atvf Mia Mil 1)1 A a4 t-AMC. K. a A U-llIaT I Ilk ti i aiAa al II l ana nit am r t..a. 4laiiaMi Aaa4a4 fwala aa4 a lliia aiaaA a-a-i !4 l J iklrfti la If 111 ai U . a tiaaaa'l at4 Mk I a k4 a.a a a Iiaa v "a. b . nrt'rAMi1 iiaa UMIIM aaat Mala tli A 4M4. 1 aja 'ia rv i a. A 411. ; All. . a a 14 aal lUtUtUUK UrK.aa3l ritCM JA-tJM.: aiaaa laataa : I. a fa aira ! 14 Mala Itl fUTUt WOIII WIM-AUITTTIt tnalta W I kailnj a4 f tiMg M Vfa4 til 4114 mi a nit rLOMBtaO ABO BlSATlJfU n.l'MHtNU Mn Ua 144 lata llaf at tv a f. BAJiCXS rnor. wal wiujoyi avhooi. ia- ona He; A.ll aip or thr taf: fnaraala In flfal laaann r moiiar Vrun4)4; arr mmln afiarfion an4 rm Blaa danrmc laufhl (Talchlr JliV U'aah al. Mfm w. Iark and IMh 'a rofa MalU HIT. iTTTT Ti SaT KU reM.ma IT?! fanry ataga an4 aoclal danrln lauchl dllr. walla and I wo alrp (tiaranla In four taaaona; claaa and aoclal dara Monday ranlng. o t4 bat. Waahltifton and (ark alA lilMiLI.KH aclw fToaal Ik lo. rlaaaaa Wad.. rrt. rantnra; Inalrue lion lallr: alcanl rnom 1IIU Morrlaon LiANfJNtJ avary avanlnir. , and Oak; bl hall ?th fa fraa. Nar Oracoa muala and oiTBcnta ararjT fAHnC Btalaa Bar rat f arrlra Aganry, III-III Board of Tra4a bW5. Da lardvaa. aha4ow work 4 apadalt. Mar- Hall ITt UltllNERI TNVrrSTIOATIONS HATX)W WORK A FPKCI ALTT. AI-IRFS- BOX Z-K. JOtRNAU boo ioro ioui soarrrAit MROWS HROH. Waahlnfton at. Iaa 11 K. IJIh. E. Vrlaiinartana, III Main na, A-IOII. mo. it-im. pa-EianAKCTO acKooi, VALHTNTIVK'S aralam of .uttlna, lal lorinir and dreaaraakjDf JaufbC III K. Morrlaon. r riNK TriiBt Aalanaan rrlailaf Cm, 1IH h r-r Tal Main !! A. K 4oi4AMr4S' A tVi. arlatata. It. Oak Marahatl till HAMILTON, arlat.f III Caaa- ai.l r r fMiaMltr) 4tM . Ilk ad Al C."B. Print' Shop. Main 9R6. K4aai4 4f.a.af. Ilaial taaaa. I a. aa4 -axiiaa aaaaom. II Ata.ak lla'aral. I! Mama Ilia. Ik, laanl Maflka iMaai. ia laaxl U4 111 Unraataa. L aaa Aaaa lliltaA. It Jan.. M.ilaa, tl Vaofka. IT. a 4 iteaala Hafata. il J r fcfta. ttl Marttaa atfaal. II a4 AaMita Mar. l iturlta Mkrkatt. tl lfk a !. It. aa4 Aitr tAUlla. tl - t ( Hrittl. ail K. ia arraau at a J tnAmm al Wiikelm jakaaaa. dir. II. aal iaaata a ti Akloa U-bim. Ill taoflk-Wk. II. 4d Y.ma flhim. If L404. flANITART W ar4 alarillaMt I'lNil nAQI. vaahad Kafka liroa. IT1 Kroat BOOITJIO, I1UTUO, B.41AXmla 4.f n 4ki..nM m mft P.. L. kiOII il Ct UU. i Wa44lnC and laiila taf4 a. raara aa4 aiMMitaai alaUaar. Hraafciattaa kldff. WnHri 1, kat a ana at a. Mti aulu for rant, ail aiaaa. Lal4jua Tallofiaf r.lt Blart at. rCirXKKTlTl?". flr ia I a" h a Aara and Oaral daalfna. Ill MarrtaM at. TIN raoflna rta tin patadna and ra. Klfia Larill lltliar III Jaff M 1411 tUKTna "lk 4tTA. 1 1 1 U 4l a AJfjra AID BB.AXB BTKNl alnrVat Cm. .Ti ra aiatlanarr III Ham Mala I 111 Cua BATXa Bala Ca, lla Id rt Bafaa THE rioalar tl raclery eruaa' raoalrai lock aal a attanad' baraalna In aarond kand.aaraa I0U11 UAMjrVAOTVMXMU BCRFKX8 BCRECN8 BCRCaTNa iuiiii to raar. anr aiaa or alvla; imad aad hunt eomplala. tS. I1IL Ion Mfr Ov. Ill I'nlos aaav N. BxraoivaB - Wr.tT la Partlaad. I WnWnatiw at m W la lhaa nitttan. Ill BXOWOAIXB A-HO TLM.TVMMB SXVOUII XJTBTITCTB DR. B. C POLLMANN. N. P. Narvaa. mental Ularawfa, 401 (loodnounn piflf XUCTXIO MOTOMM BOflHT. aold. ran tad. rroalrvd. E-11T Wklkar M'kantia Kl Win., I l.'nKa zxitbzbs UNITED Tran., 147 4 Madlnon. Expraaa worn, coal vy aack or ion, irunita puo. axtra 1 5a atorrd 7 any rre. Mar. BOWERS PARSONS, formerly with Tull A Gibba, (urrltura rap. reflnlnhed. packed, ahipped: Front, m. 7444 KL'RNITL'RK rrpalrl. reflnlahed ' ' packed and ahlpped. Work tuarantead. Friona B-XZDT. STATIONART and marina, ataetrta . - aqulpmenta: launcbaa, acceaaorlaa. arnolaaaia and retail; anclna renalrlna. Kfttaraon Marnlnerv Co.. IRa Morrlaon. QKIXDHfO RAZORS. aclsBorn, aafety bladea ahap- ened. Expert r-palrlnir. Portland Cut lery Co., 12 U 6th. near Stark. M. 7605. HAJB, OOOIIB FEBVET & HANEBUT. . vLeadInr wig and toupee makers flneat stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, lace ana seal ti, near Mor. m. bit treatments. 147 7th, novas cuiAimro- CARPETS cleaned on floor. .. cleanlnar, new proeecs. 1042 Ora wall paper nd ave. nrsvBAKcx McCAROAR. Batea & Lively, t)l Teon bide. Every form insurance, bonds. . JAB. Mol. WOOD & CO.. all kinds insur- a"c. kurety bonds. Railway K. Bldg. KODAK DEVELOPIMO FREE DEVELOPING Velox 1 up; mail orders solicited, chants Trust. rlnts jc Mer- prli in BRING you kodnk work. tourhlnfr. to Hose City studio, enlarging. hi. re- 6th SHOWCASES of avary daaerlpUoa; bank, bar and ators f laluraa snada t r4ar. The 1. lithe Mfg. p, THE JAM KH I MARSHALL M KXI CU. naw and old shCTcaaea, rahlnafa atara and office fixture III Couch M-I7II R. II UIKLiSIKLL. HAMfWON HLXxST Show raaea In slock Prnmni 4ellar Sa'a "-- f m-i. I. timber Co. axoa; Ajro now oaabs rOBTFR A nLEIBER llftu; tho larf oat aitrn makara la tha oeribwaat. U. Ttb and K. Kvaratt at Pbuoea Caal till Homa B-III4. RANN HaLIMAS To Mr and Mm. Dllo Bala- n.ano. III! AlajnrO airaal. Aufuai is, a glfl BouKMAN Ta Mr ana Mra iiariar liwkinaa, Waltlagtoa Court, Aufuet I. a alrl MuI.MEATo Mr and Mra Carl Holmes T Haalae. Auforl II a boy WlliOS To Mr. and Mra Harry Wl. aon. i Tth airaat. Auiuil 4. a boy. . MrtHH ILLTo Mr, and Mra iMauda Merrill. July II. IIU C Hlb aU flrl WILIJION To Mr and Mra Birdatta Wllleon. 117 E- IHh alraat, Oclohar It. oy . . BKoNSER TO Mr. ana mra. nasrw Uronnar. Ill Kaat Salmon. Octobar 14, BARKER To Mr and Mra. Waller Baker. Ill Wsat Kllllnfsworth. Cclobor II, Bi'kNCER To Mr and Mra. Ouy Spenc er. 4l lib etreet. Oelobar tl. a boy. IIAC1I1TA To Mr. and Mra tlleakicha Harhlya, II III) street, October II. a 8?XNB0N To Mr. and Mra. Arthur Swanson. Ill tth street. October II. a Law OLSON To Mr. and Mra. Aiaa Olnon. Good Samaritan hospital, October 11, a boy OrtAT To Mr. and Mra. Andrew Gray. Good Samaritan lioapltaL October II, a girl. I a-.. I ... .......... 'A l aM aU I Bma I aa.4 4, A -4. . I m a J . 4ia Ul4 tVa f 4' l H tJ rt a4 44, Iml 1, 4 ia li4..4 ie44 low 4a Ht kva4i, .4 4 4va efa4-K la-4 'ti. M -alt ii. 4 ft I t 4.lr.t.Ma a.J la t . 4. K t . t'w mm U mi i- aa At III al t.(ia Hlil 4a aaera B. IUI.4 Aa4 II kM.A 4 Haa4 tMIIUkl l A A iii rain mt ta C, C M"Ma mt, ia I A ia la 14 ImI 4. Il.ina.f t 444IM - 4.MI UfM Mf a-4 if 4a FaAkto I. tieil 4 te tmm k4 il. Il i.-a .tut'liM .. .. Ill p l4 ad4ay ta t BJ. mt Ka. - la 4a ! Ii a Maiia M kwMa aal nmi4d 4 tt te.e 4 at. Ie4 I, tiol II . , Uae U ttaa a4 H I ,i.4 W t4 t4 I kta4 llntl Tat- 4lta aJKi . uwi . iti.tui aavt ila 4 aia (1 lrkjk 4 ae -kA:f .1 M A a. kiata 4 IN tl.alk.TM -ai ... Ml t, 4 taJlaa aa4 4lfa i T k.. 44 4 4k4 aaealk I ea4 f 1-4 4a lit. ( Al4Mt aA- 4Mk.a . Mt ti-iMfc h al I HHr rmV n tot II tvaf Aaraa . III taa aWtfaV'A'TlaWr. a'ia tilat-aa 4 Ihuaed e' Tr-4a 414a ricIFIi TTilT ATr"etT.7 tfca aaiCJ akairaetavra I Ck i'a frtd flaae W'H HAliOfHrO, f. AVafa44 MKW TliOiT Hesitate! . : jlnvoaHtlgatol in IM fttt-fcati U it ! !3 f il 4a4b.cal 14 4WH akf k 4MW 4kA email 0f M14 Id 141 4f 14 rvBM Btll lilB HOail 4i 4M4i4 B. ire 1444 r4M1la4 44 ifc-kvJatlJfj 1114,' A Trip to Central Oregon I!!itirtf4 f try vvtniaf il tiic ouawp Tun rAtirjut a-w a i.i . RAILWAY 44 a,aa.:rt4. 44k. I U IL W X 1 U 4 144 IH4) AJW-IMAJ K.444M44 I AKDW KB ta rlaaalfiad a4er1 lanenia akirk iMMiai li tk4 Jauraai a all lba fKMaiaa aarllftralaa for 14a fat UalAd hyiBbaia. A-t, tie. ill. lit, sis, ti. sia. I!a. lit. lit. IJtL ttl. tit. :. III. It! I4 III H- 4, IJI. III. TIL III. III. III. lit, T4 HI, 1)1 IIL 114 C 441 441 III. III. IIT Its, ill. lit. tit III 111 III. III. III. Ill . ru. hi. nr. ttl. iit. in. iii. 114 171 Ml. in K 441. III. III. It!. 171, 14. III. r-t:i : it. I!l. 144 I4J. ITI (1 111. III. !! ii iu. nr. na. in, in X 4. III. 111. in i:i. II. I7J. 111. "1. 111. III. III. III. 111. lid IIT. 144. til. 174. II. II . 114 141. ill. iiY ill IT l. Ill la, 11. III. II. Ill I.? 4j aVe J -411. III. 111. Ill, 111. 111. Ill, Hi. Ill . K 147. III. III. 114 141 L t. III. III. Ill III. III. III. Ill I4 111 111. II T. N 414. 711. 711. 147. III. III. lit, III 77, 111. 117. III. III. r-ii' in', hi. hi. iit. in. lit 11114 111. III. III. 111. Ill, 147 ti in no in. in B III. 111. III. III. 114. III. Ill a a . . . 9 m . . . Tlt. lit. III. III. 141. IIT. 110, 0. 117. 117. III. IIT. 111. 774. 111. III. W 141. lit III. III. HI. III. HI. Ill III 111 III lit. III. 111. 111. Ill T417. lit. 111. III. 114. lit. 111. 174 147 141 III Z Ha. 141. 111. Ill, lit. III. Ill, III. 114. III. 111. III. CX SHIFTED AD RATES Central British Columbia TVe-Aiiaii 4' B4 41 li4 l C n4 4.'1 li aa 104 t'0f I diatikrt, 14a h'ttiiia ViKiy 4 iki UalkUr Viniy. ll U4 lU 4Vi4 I kd iMbll M 3 4o41 41 4ff I T. I. Ifl4ll If 4fel14l04 4U li4 WrM4 io4iy tf tHt4ii dtxt.b. ief 4ii v4ffaj co4iry, BEND PARK CO. forlh Cowl Land Ca Fr4) I ai orsvitioti Dbi. SIXTH STREET CNTKANCS PORTLAND 1I0TEU . ' LIMITED ICIT CV4mbr 4f Commafi I14044 Uiii 1X3 PAID UP CAPITAL llMCX OacwrtJ Ofn4) H. C 'UCLUSIYI H0ME31TI 25th and Marshall Don't FaU to Visit Westover 29lh and Raleigh Tefraces tOOstW iss.ooo Tooo C41 4iy iStMB till 4 k tt; t4 ! 4r 144 IKf, 1444M (tl U4.(i. U flint ti 1I4 La al lllllauA. Oo tinppy M 41 4 V h 44 t-li44 4f y. TMIt IS YOUR OtANCC Ornup ttio Oppor tunity RonU 13 4414 U 4144 mil tJ r.h,A. lixMk. 4fl 1441444 Hkari tttAlal rtMldJtivB. ItaUB.t tt (inj 4i ,t t4, iwritii 4 fn4r tl; IfcU tr(aa tJi4f. tat 4i. t4itt 44 4bw.ldi44tL m4 441L fetadtiw" 1144. IC I i tUll to '4dl4 WW, I tia.it lttf nr. Ik laft La V. rof M ef y SBiwtlI li IkuWl -041IB. rirt M 44414 Owner Cmtll4 10 4-494 iiy, 44 4 KM can to itt; csir4 eir )Ct0 etf (Iki hU ynr. Will ncrlf!co For fASal rMin! mi. tit taA 4 ia4 M 49 to UXU if nrIl Ia. C4ii4 lor natal tHrrx44 baIaaco mi or cBortttf . IT WILL PAY YOU TO SZZ UI AT ONCE WARD'A YOUNOOR SUITE. U4 YCON BLDG. M. . tl I. I l I- aa , a a a 4 it I ill wl uofltr wiy it intrnirij ia. KfrlfTC rfOffTnrC Ann lurtnina to witch in4 lomruiac ia a" ar f ai mmm a a tiititji iivimh; i tuwi (),, PINS LAR0E LOT. SOatO Vieoo. MIX & MARSH 1201 YEON BLDO. DEATHS AND FUNERALS HIGN CU. Iff K AMerll. WTp Card IS at lilt. aarvtoa MERGER A fcon glgne and 8h n I4 Yaklll at Main 11 8 how 1. STXKOaKTKKS, COTTBT BIFOaTIU QREGON Law Raportln Asa'n. 444.441 Aoingron. M BQIT. A-llll. Depositions btotb uiAimafa STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't hake thera ta OLSON At tha family residence. 1014 Denver Avenue. Hannah Augusta, be invet arifa of Charlea I. Olson, at tha aga of 41 years, 2 montha. 11 daya. fu neral servloea will ba hold today. Sun day, Ortober II, at 1 p. rn .. frorn Paar aon' Funeral Parlors. III-I71 Russell street. Friends and acquaintances i are respectfully Invited. Interment Rosa City Park cemetery. MAX M. SMITH, florlat. Ill Ith at.. opp. Meier A Frsnk'a. Main 7115. something wrona. I ean flr it. Morrison. Phone East 1011. Ill B. CEMETKUIES AJtvoanra) ALFHK.V OGILBEU. Ill Labba bldg. Id anu vaaninaton nuita to oraer. MOl'NT SCOTT PARK. . Portland's large, permanent, beautiful modern DarK oemeiery, mcaieu NORTHWEST TAILORS FOR LADIES AMU OENTLKMBN. I N. ITH ST. mil a aoutheaat of Lents. rerpeiuai In Effaet Anrft II. 111. ALL PRrVlOl'l RATES CANCTXLriX CASH ADVEHTIB4.Mfc.ri IB. Dally or Sunday. 1 tlma. 4e Par I In a. I vnecuUve Umaa, Ta par Una par Insertion. I or mora coneecutlTe timaa. 4a Bar Una par Inaerilon. or T laaertiona for ptioi or I. Mo a4 mnnlkt for laaa than 1 lineal Tha above ratea apply to "New To 1 Aav" anel all oihar claaalf Icatlona ax ceptlng tba following: "Sltuattona Wanted. To Rant and Wanted to Rant Hi Tha rates lo theee elaaslfloatlona am: 4c nar Una Bar lnaertlon. Tbraa Inaenfona for the prloa of two. Sevan Insertions for tni pnea or nva. Ho ad taken for lee a man lie. CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, lo par Una. I oonaecutlva times lo par I'm par io aartlon. 1 or mora consecutive tlmea. To par Una nar lnaertlon. Tha above ratea apply to "Naw To day" and all other claaalf Icatlona ex cept tha following: "Sltuatlona Wanted. To Rant and Wanted to Rent" ada. Tha rata In these classifications la Tf per line per lnaertlon. No ad charged for lesa than two Unaa, or lie. TKAJrSFOBTATXO XAIXO&IBO BOHOOIi KIKSTERS Idlea learn dreasmi-Alng. tailoring. f41H 11 lb Tailoring college. CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. ,'"" Duppiy win ana uouca at a I par. month Porfln4 I JunHr. r-& Phones lfaln 41. A-4414 rare of all burial plota without extra charge. Free auto service from Lenta to the cemetery. Take ML Scott or Caxadero cars. Prices reasonable. Ser vice the best. City office. 920-921 Teon bldg.. Main 225. A-7086; cemetery office. Tabor 1468. Home phone, B-eilL then call Local 4201. ring FUNKKAL DIRECTORS TKAwarEB aitb btobaob P. PICK Transfer Storage flcaa and commodloua a ilnr. hrlra warehouse. . with separata Iron rooms and fireproof vau.'t for valuablea. N W. cor. Id and Pino ata Ptanoa and Mra. turn moved and racked for shlDnlna leclal ratea made on goods In oas rough CRTs to all i1nmtl .nil fanlM -.1 n . , , i r - - . .... - - w .inn own 1HI4, a Dunning & McEntee every detail. 7th and Pin Main 410. A-4BB8. Lady assistant. J, P. Finley & Son Thlra ana Maaison. Ldy attendant. Main 9, A-16II. Oregon Transfer Co. Kstaniished 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. ' Stomas frt-i Irackaa-A rnces and storage, 474 Gllsan atreat. t'liier uin ana ijiinan. Phones Mam .-i,'t. A, R. ZELLER CO, Both Phmea. Zeller-Byrnea Co. Lady attendant. Undertaker. Lady assistant, ft toes n. -9111 tfl Ith. A M.a Sue. LERCH ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS jTew York, lVondondarry and Olaagow, Maw York, Falmsro aad WapUa. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Con tinental and Mediterranean points. Su perior Accommodation,. Excellent Oul- . mi.Im. B.miIm. inn. tl.rtTO tltl. for iteservatlon, to local agent of Anchor Ilna or HENDERSON BROTHERS, General. Agents. Chicago, 111. - Mallory. Addition Ooana atit today aad tkk oat r full re rvornaelle while yon have 4 a lertloa lo rhoaiaa from. 114 beautiful lot in blautOby ABomoar I wo Moras south of Hawthorne ear, be tween 1Kb and 41 d etreeta, wlthla two blocks of aehool beuaa and thrao blorka or atoraa. Concrete sldewaJka, aaatr r, water, ga. electricity, hardaurfaoe la the Bprtng. II mlnutaa rldw from west aide. Bom dandy lota for Moo, 1-14 down, balance tnoatkly. or aeieel your lot and wa will build for you on oasy terma. BIX 4B. BL1TB, AOKaTT, 1114 Ha wt heme Ave. Agenta on tba ground nil day Sunday. ractrr. Tb4 view, tb4 txil to M hid la Portland. From mid'entii! itandpotnt it U tniicU4l For a profttibli inviitRifnt it U irlf-con-vinnnf A rki-ia Witt Sid 4 prop erty with bard arfice ptvernrnl to bonneii crntir a9ih itrtft od (Cor nell Road. CLARK-C00K CO. , Room 6 Board of Trada Bldg. Attractive Investments Bora of oar eropartia are rAiief orr It rr root o ra araonat of rata o caoqro. V 44V II aeraa aaar Orchard. Was 4. It improved ana a unireDrovaa. win sail all or will divide; good Improve- snenia ana wan water, u, ryaa. III 114 au A Vrw I room haosa. t paneled rearai concrete baaament. f We need some addidonsl money to complete syndicate formed for tivking over acre age near Portland; will bear strict mvesUffation; best bank references; will double money in year and half and give full security; 'must act quickly. J-982, JOURNAL . AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE i ma. ood garden and Boll Run water; call 401 W, Mala. Lenta. BTw 47 A 4 room modem bouaa, W 47x110. located at 74 E. 11th. Take Sellwood ear; III aab; Mra, r. BctUagal. 14 E. ilia. - Ta. Tal A II room rooming bouaa, all outalda rooms, i aatraneaa, l floors, prtco 1110; oall Itlkk Tarn hill; pbooe Mala till. Tlvaao are all rood Vaya aad Va aa4la4 aaaUT. re elker UJoraaauaiBj, oail Ba B lark Bt. The Oregon Realty and List Ing Exchange The no commission house. Five paaaenger 1111 ictrlo lighted throughout apeedometer and clock, all In good con hlgh-lase car. hout; fine Warner dltlon; eatato. will sell' or exchanga for Will Lake houaa and lot real and pay cash difference, or will take vacant lots or tract of land: or ir need be, will pay cash difference or assume mortgage. Belna obliged to hava larger car for my bualnesa only reason for selling this pienaia riaing car. Domeooay will et a handsome car. Address G-988, ournal. COOS BAY LINE BTZAJCZB BlEAIWATIl Sails from Alnaworth dock. Portland, I p. m. overy Tueaday. Freight received at Alnaworth dock dally up to 6 p. m. Passenger fare, first class $10: second II lncli,Ainfl, meala and nerth. Ticket office Alnaworth dock. Phonea Main zsb, Main nv, A-ua. S. S. GOLDEN GATE Sails from LEATHER AND TISOIX QM CHA T L. MA6TICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every description: tap manufacturer finding's. SCACHINXBT TRENKMAn c cc. Hydraulic snd Declal oloes. screens, hactrlnar wilnlns machlnwrv All kln1 renalra 104 N Ith. MEESEIf OIB, BEBVICE. MESSAGES. packapoH. trunks, delivered open flay and nisht; eervfee gwar ' snteed , 171 4 2. Marshall 1785; A -3105. EeLIABCE bonded in 'SRfngerH, day or night service. Ma rshall lfi8. A-ltll. MUSIC TEACHEKS ruill'LANIJ Van S torn ire r-o.. cor ISth ana Everett Bts.. lust nnnnpd new est most modern storage warehouse in my; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest In surance rate in northwest; free track ase.. vans for moving. Main or A-1620. MT TABOH KXPkKSH & 8T RGK CO. Trips to Mt. Tabor dally. Also city rnovliuc and expreaa. 114H Grand. B. 4ZS8. PORTLAND TKAN8. & DEL. OO., 201 WaBh. Storage piano, furn. moving. Main f. 10. A-1604. Hergetrand. TRl'NKS 25c on agreement, extra 3855 8 Portland Express. Main TYPEWBITEBB TTPEWRITER & Sucpiies Co -Rebuilt Id hand 142 H Id Mar. 411. E. THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil - Sevclk. 800 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1129 PROK. T. E. LWKON, 135 14th at. 'Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons, 60c ITATUitOrATK PHfSICZABT DR. Catherln C. Gates, 11 years experi ence treating nervous and chronic dlseaaea. 807 Aplngton bldg. Mar. 1141. Hra. -ll. 1-8. . DR. 6. F. (JROVEK. Naiiiropath. Chiro. practic Specialist. Paralysis. Spinal. Nervous dlsesses 701 Oregonlan bldg. OBTEOFATH10 FgYSICIABTB . Dr. W. W. Christie . th, chronic nervous dlsessea. Osteoj 114-4 t LILLEBE.LLE PATTERSON, Bpa- opath. chronic nervous Macleay bldg. Main 1171; A-4180. lilL. eialiat on nervea, acuta and chronle . dieeaees. 204 Fen'tr, bldg. Main Sill. U inaKs rfiite-1 rerairpu. aoid Cut nlngharrt i Hta-k Main 1407. VPEOI.BTEBESB CARTWRIG11T ft CO.. U6 Madison, up hoisterlng, funiHura repairing and matresses; work guaranteed. Phong Main 1326. nr.-l.l-.lA. 4iu.lr TLfrt Person Ho. r CltyL Garibaldi and Three Fine Lots With Good House Dwelling; with modern conven iences, In fine condition, haa base ment, tuba, best of plumbing, etc., .three lota 60x100 each, all Im proved, on rcrner. Let ua show you this place, yon will ilka It Prloa $8800; terms, too. 406 XVawla Bldg. tth 4nd Oak Bta. UUtfl. t AS PUBUC LAND wA Ull OPENING VTW a i : If I Tt0UA1lNTITU0TOPIU0N II II II l rMAOtUOr lgrtl4ATEI UU44 If II VLA Ar'TOCATtOlt CAB Bt HAaX IL Jh W27XV 414 . W.. WIAW StJ II PrW. o.ooo. . 1 1 1,000. . Sit. OOO. . ftaJVOO.. SI7.AOO. . S27.ROO. . S3S.OOO. . $45,000. . 110.000. I 08 per Slia per . SIU p 4444. IIO CVkkh. .. 4.0O0.. .. T.OOO.. . . T.OOO., tin mm . .$! I.OOO. .'.SIM prr ba . .Sia.ftOO. . .S300 per ton. . .S I3.0OO. . .SSOO per trto. . . 30,000 1 . . SOO per Bin. . . . Terma. ...TOO prr mo. AU Are Cbolca and iBrrrAAtac ta VaJsi fUcavdl) Western Oregon Trust Co. 273 BlArtt Bit ERICSON Undertakln 8138. A-2I8 ' . City. Qarlbaiai ana hotjbohvimo. Co. Main ftnd Paaaengera. Phonea M. I41, Lady ase't. HoTJSonvllle. Freight A-I4I4. DIUEj lUIIQiai uiioviwia. o u v.. o- or to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. 52. B-2626 NEW TODAI. EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker, 224 Id Bt. Lady assistant. Main 607. I HEMSfOCK 1687 E. 18th. Sellwood 71; I also 414 Dawaon. Woodlawn 1174. : REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS t-KRTrirTCATES of titio mads Title ft Trust company. Lewis th and Oak. by tho hide. 660 t urn.'-ura repaired, mattraaea renovated made to orrlar 107 RuaselL C-llll. TETEKIHAJUAJf MODERN veterinary hospital. Ill K. 7th. Doga, cats treated and boarded. Dr. 3. H Huthmah, R-1142. Kaet 1147. WEXaZ. savxx.z.rjro tJ'tlLL.O walls a specialty; prices roa sonable Call Malt 1141 ' write la. Weat. I Morrla.it -t. wboaVebaxs josaxma rAUtr, oxx. aito class F. K- r.F!A"H CO, Pioneer paint Co. ' 1 K'ral t ! 1134. A-74I. TlXi N ltitN A 'ZOl Hlafh btaiMlarrt- paint, ta cor l A Taylor M . A-1T71 4C0DEX. WOIU FXprRIMFNTAT. war, all kind: t wrllere rued; keys fitted. ;ta Mor KVRRDING ft FARRELL, produea and oommlaslon merchant lia Froat V Port Is ft 4. Q Phone Main lit. . . at- A. GUN8T C4. D1STRI Hf'TOHB or FINI CIOAB8 PORT! AND OR na- 1 VVAUHAMd at CKi . wl.yieaala gocara msfinfarf a rare and eoftae roaatera 4ta en rl nk ata MCrxfAN WALL PAPER OO . ISO Bt. Mw ri.lmoe enr? Mala. II ALLEN ft LEWIB ORX. sr.- Title Guarantee & Trust company to Celia E. Bollman, lot is. block 11, Rossmere $ Clara L. Saunders ana husband to J. J Jennings, lot 13. block' 18. iTvington addition 6.600 Laurelhurst company to J. R. Good, lot 6. moot &z. laurel hurst 1.800 B. M. Lombard and wife to Lillian R Eastman. 10x100 feet, com- mencingt southwest corner of lot 3 block 8. Wild Rose addi tion ' Fred H. Frulht and wife to Isabel D. Bates, lot 5, block 8. Lee Bow 4 park Anna L. Mickelson and wife to Emma Burmester. lot is. Yam hill terrace Same to same, lots 10, 11. and 21, Yamhill terrace G. D. ' Montague and husband to Marie A. Ernst, lot 1, block 6, Floral Park addition J. H. Hccker and wife to Ernest " 'B ISLalson et al. lot 1. block 2, HecUBf addition Jay Smith and wife to Robert H. Strong, part of block 76, Car ters addition to city. 1,600 Hattle C. Glosa and husband -to . Ella E. Burrington, 44x78 feet commencing In center of Haw tltorne avenue 20 rods west of east Una of Seldon Murray D. L. C 1,000 John W. Jackman to Jamea F. . Murray, lot . 6. block .4, Cen- -ter addition to East Portland.. .260 Frtd K; Hungerford and wife to John 8. Smith et al, east 13 1-1 -feet of lots .7 and 8, block S, Pla&Hant Homa addition 11 , H prague And, wife to Jacob . Pi O.-ebe, lot II and "SdVth II , feet nf lot 11, block 14.1 Haw- x thorn avanu additioa ..,, 4,801 . V . 'I " . 660 200 600 760 425 126 CHOICE BUYS 885(H) 60x100 corner on Market ' street, can be improved so as to pay M per cent. 15.00050x100 corner ori Fourth street. 18,000 Close in corner on Sev enth street, ideal for stores and apartment above. $33,000 block, close in, big future. 830,0001 1-3 lots, close to Mor rison street. IDEAL FOR FAMILY HOTEL nOR APARTMENT . : HOUSE. M. E. LBB 311 CORBETT BLDO. Country Home at Oak Grove 2Yi acres and 7 room house, 2 blocks from car, mile from river. View of river, Jennings Lodge and Oregon City district. On. Pacific high way. The best location' in the district 9yc fare, 30 minutes Jo city. MIX & MARSH ; 1208 YEON BLDG. , : BE M ED rSABQTJABtTESS, COTTBT XTHTBAXrCB, HOTEXT FOKTZiADT). ntB, ACOTJ. BATB III OIXATIOI Bag-ardinf Svarythlna; In, CENRTAL OREGON rmm qtxtiap bstdob at LYLE . 1 bow being built. This long awaited improvement haa brought 4 new Impetus Into tha Townaite. Building operatlone are under way all over tba tract. Bet tar inveat now and make money, rather than delay and be aorry. Call for full details. Keasey, Humason & Jeffery Baalars In Ziasd. Cnuunbar of Oommsroa bldg. APPLENUT ACRES Choice fruit or nut lind. cleared. fruit and nut in bearing: on place: 1500 per acre, eaiy termi; 3yi rrulei from Portland. fSOOO. A good farm of 70 acre in Yamhill county, Hock and crop with place; $1250 cash, balance long time at ix per cent. f 7BOO. 10 acres on electric car line. 10 cent fare, improved, good building. U caih, balance long time. a 3 000. 10 acrei on Mt. Hood car line at Rockwood, $1000 cash, balance long time 7 per cent A W. LAMBERT & CO. 404 EAST ALDER ST. PHONE B-1910 EAST 64a a m Bk . F EAST JNCOLN )lete and Jf NORTHWEST CORNER OF TWENTrFOURTH AND LINCOLN STsmsorTZOOiT pxortntxas rasa DAIRY FARM FOR SALE son acrea on Sauvlea Island. 12 miles from postoffice in Portland, with stock and Implements; Only $100 per acre; very easy terms. ' J. W. OGILBEE Boom 11, 1463a m Bt, poruand. Or. SANDY ROAD PRICE $6200 100x100 with all Improvement ' In; Located S. E. corner of Lawrence, and Bandy road. Terma. MALL & VON BOR5TEL 104 Baoond rt, Iittmhat .ggohang Bldg-. 3600 88x100, aoutheaat corner of E. ltd and Fine; excellent location for flat or three tfwellings. ' Bargain. . M apaUlaaT. .- ' :'"" j, 100x200 For $33pO On East 28th street, between Tilla mook and Thompson streets, facing east Concrete walks and street im provements in and paid for. For further particulars, see . THE LAWRENCE CO. Successors to the Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 ALDER STREET Tha moat attractive, complete up-to-date two-family bouse In P Hand. Entirely new plan: every corfs' venlence; $2000 will handle. In spection Invited. W. J. SUMMERS, Owner ACREAGE To the man whoWnts-one acre of fine land just outsiaKllicity limits of Portland I can sell the very best that can be obtained. This is cheap. Near electric car line. Easy terms. B-712, Journal. . . 10 NET We have for sale for a short time a ' business block yielding the above returns on the investment. After April next will net 12 per cent Price $19,000, We can recommend this as a good investment McCargar.-Bates & Lively 301 YEON BLDG., Ideal Hop Land Near Hubbard, 126 acres, about 40 acres as fine Beaverdam land as their is in Oregon; it will pay to investi- fate this; price $140 per acre; terms, a S. Hall. 417 Abington bldg. . . ' , 1 AUCTIONS Sale of Second Hand Heating Stoves and Ranges Chairs, Tables, Rockers, Dressers, Iron Beds, etc. Flat or Apartment House Site XtTts aSalV aa hMrta Til 4a44B tt TirrtrA4ta4 located 011 the 8. BL corner of E. Hat m.m.A XT UaatalrA, A k 14 44 at 1 4BtM s B44IU Ala, Jill aaax ATA. auJBB4 avaja, ivi 44441 apartment houso or flat.' For Informa tion see ua. ' ALL & VON BORSTEL I Soeoad Bt. XV bar Exchange Bldg. JVIortsasu tdty ptoporry at Ltoanai , raautonabla ratast oxaauiK-coox ooarwA-rr. Board al Trade BaUdlms. j MORTGAGE LOANS PZOfa JOHN t CEOSAI, -7i iU Boa tTpsOdla Bldg. 'w HOUSEFURNLSHING i CO. CASH OR TIME 112 UNION AVENUE and Commission Co. Inc. NOTICE - :;i "-,- aa ' I We will tell by public auction at 126 Second street, tomorrow.' Monday at 10 a. m.. 25 very fine Oak Dressers and Chiffonier (without reserve); all in perfect condition. GOrnan Auc tion tf, Commission company. -