THE . OKEGO.'f 5 UN' DAY JOUKJfAL, TORTLAKD. SUNDAY If OC KING. OCTOUEU V, ill! ,A H-n (TD.r, iId .q We sili Otot Most Wonderf iid. Value (Giv o iiiiilf i V Another Imp Royal CLC 5 and CI. BO Cor- fQr eta, Sale IVlco... UOU An extra strong line of thrie pepj lir Conets, nude of good quildy Gemun eoutil anJ toned ith ni?trrof steels. They hive hose supporters of heavy suspender webHng. Included la this line 3re the HrJuso an J ReJn forced Mod els. All slws, 1 8 to 30, mi every caul Finnic cd. Regular 1.25 and J0 values priced HQr for this sale yOC ortant Sale of Oorootn .. 01.75 nnd 02.00 Cfl f OO Corsats oa Ualo J XafwU The very hteit voxue In comt stales. mide ith medium low lust and extra long sUrt They are of fine quality Imported coulil anJ are toned with genuine rust rrocf alumSnumlxed steels. Fin I she J with six heavy hose support ers. "All sites, 18 to 30. Kegu 1.75 and 2m values. Special ly priced for this sale CM 9f at only 4) J Ly Thoo who arT?rUta untuual value will do well to vult this store tomorrow and Tuesday. They will make ft prcf. itaile investment of tima ajvj ft mot economic! cicLanie of cah for ttonii!a f cxxU. livery t!on of tlk store prttenU ft wonderful Ut of real bwjmin la f .omLle mef. chandie( Tempting small prices are the rule In every department. IliO Inducements wlJch we cJrr are beyenj all competition and will certainly prove irresistible to any woman who U Interfiled la real money inf. The tlott In VsUue The Beat In Quality Two Very Spool til Offering Flannel Nightgowns G Flannel Gowns, Oar Or Ueat 76o Values at -VU A full line of theve gowns, rr.jJe of good quality outing flannel, in neai pin, and Hue strides. All are extra well nude anJ neatly fin ished. Don't fiil to see this Lne of reguhr 75c values that are spe dally priced for this sale A Qr at only tVL UNION SUITS FOR WOMEN AT ttOO-SPlendid new line Wom en's Part Wool Union Suits, high neck, tone sleeves, ankle length, cray and cream, all sizes, form-flltlng, seasonable weight, on sale at 52.00 I'Uunol (iowni, Oor ty t Ueat 91.00 Values' OU At this ri-c you have choice of a very full line of Women's Winter (iowns, maJe of good heavy qual ity outing flannel. In plain white or neat pmk and Hue striped ef fect. Cut ood full width and neatly trimmed. Pest II HCn values for this sale at lul n Extraordinary Sale of Women's Still Collars Neatly Embroldertd Stiff CoEara In Doxent of Style, Valuta to 20c, r n SpecUIIy Priced for ThU Sale at OL Stylea and Sixea, Valuea to AXLn 50c Each, Specially Priced at 1 OL You win be delighted with thesg beauti ful Collars and surprised at the ridicu lously low price at which they are marked for this sale. It Is a phenom enal purchase of 2500 dozen timbroid- ered Collars secured by our New York buyer at a mere fraction of their actual worth. Tomorrow they are priced to you In the same way. The assortment Includes every new shape In all widths and all sizes from 12 to 16 inches, shown In hundreds of beautifully em broidered . patterns. They have been arranged In two great lots and priced as follows: Values to 20c, your choice at C only. . . . . .................. Uw Values to ,50c, your choice at 1 Cn only. . ....... .v.. 1UV Our Imitial Display of Mew Furs Z?r ' tomorrow wo wiii dupuy tor ino iirai time ima aeaaon our new aaaortroenl ot rura ma iuv ! fi eat exhibit wt have ever yet ahovrn. The yanety ta complete, atarUnf with the popular-priced Dice fmfj ft&d only encHnf with the moat exdualre and forsoua that money could aecure. Piecea and ftluffa J cf Jan Kfink. Fox. Frtneli Contr. Brook ISIink. Iiabella Fox. Glarlc Foxtail are here ftnd it onlr remaina for jtm to come and pau Judgment Neciplecea .. . .$1-50 to $35.00 Tuffa ...... .jl.SO to $25.00 Ouldren'a Seia. to USX) 2V rr Women's Suits ot 912.50, 015, , 017.50, 910.50, 025 Whatiwill surprise you most Iirthls great ofTer Inr of Women's Suits Is the variety of styles, all showing that they belong to this season and no other. Handsomely tailored of fine quality, worsteds, cheviots and English smtings, and come In all sizes. Nowhere will you find like values at our low prices. A perfect fit is guaranteed. ' Long Coats tit 07.50, 010.50, , 012.50, 015,' 018.50 High-Grade, Fine Quality Coats, beautiful crea tions, direct from the makers who set styles and fashions. They are faultlessly made of fine Blushes, caraculs and mixtures. Also a line of le popular Reversible Coats, shown In dozens f of handsome colors and color combinations. ' - . ' 1 . V 4 1 ncre arc manJ ana wo wni yu 10 come ana ::.ulif - see them now. . . . Raincoats at 08.60, 010.50, 012.50 and 015 For tomorrow we have arranged a special sale of Raincoats. It's an out-of-the-ordinary. sale, and so all the more attractive to a great number of care ful buyers who are sure to be here tomorrow. They are of rubberized . covert, cravenette and other good materials, in a large assortment of styles In both light and dark colors. Silk Waists at 02.50, 03.50, $1.50 and $5.50 Our stock of Silk Waists Is larger and more varied than it has been at any time this season, and em braces styles that are not only dainty and bewitch Ingly beautiful, but scores that are strictly exclu sive; They are of excellent quality silk, in high or low neck style, with kimono or regulation sleeves. Many are shown with the popular sailor collar, and you have a full choice of colors. . A Great Sale ofStatloneryand Drug Sundries Take a little time tomorrow h3 aelect ft number of theae little article and you will find that the aavinc will Yun up big." Here ta the way they are to aelli 20c Pox Paper ..Pc 25c Pox Paper 14c 35c Pox Paper 17c 25c Tooth Paste 18c 25c Tooth Powder 15c 25c Tooth Wash ISc gt.OQ Alarm Clocks at .79c IOC Pencil Erasers ...Sc 35c Roll of Absorbent Cotton. . . .:25c 50c dar of Palmollye Cream .19c 50c Jar of WounaFace Cream... 39c 25c Jergen's t-Ib Can Talcum... 15c 35c Mb Can of Porlc Acid 19c 75c Rose and Violet Toilet Water 39c 10c Full-Size Tins of Viola Talcum 6c Anil ft Great Many Other Articles at Equal Reductiona V Great Sale of Underwear r - - I atoTv to'm rmtrfa lnrlrr mirefiaaa of Men'a Underwear in facL it ia one of the luckiest pick-ups of the eeaaon.' Thia, of . course,' redound to the advantage of our customers, as we always share our good fortune with them. , -. . At 69o Men's "Camelshalr Shirts and Drawers in all sizes and cprrect Fall and -Winter weights. Excellent T wear ing garments -underpriced. JLOb'KIND;; : At 99o Men's Fine Natural Gray Wool Shirts and Drawers in all sizes, custom-made. Underwear that fits per-fectlyunderpriced. $15 KIND Wool Socks for men, all sizes, in.tfray, the pair black or oxford, best;25c grade, . Cr ....V. a w At $1.15 Men'i High-Grade Natural Gray Shirts and Drawers in all stylesvery heavy, warm and durable, and they are yery much underpriced.' Golf -Shirts, made with plain, soft or plaited bosom values to: $1.50,: OA on sale at .. ;.;..;.v....r.Ov For the WIiolo Family ' At prices that tell of splendid savings. This sale com prises the best styles of the season in thoroughly reli able qualities, and you are asked to share in the sav ings with prices like thist ' - ' Women's Shoes in fash ionable styles and leath ers, shown in Fall - and Winter weight, with low or high heels, $3.50 and $4.00 values. Priced for this sale at (frl flQ only v t Vv.'. idy O Men's Shoes in both but ton and Uace styles, in gunmetair tan calf and velour calf leathers in all weights, regular $3.50 and $4.00 values. Spe cial for tmV $98? sale at' only. .&L(ju Boys' Shoes made of good, durable leather up per, insoles and soles, full length and one half dou ble sole, sizes' 8 to 5, $2.00 and $2.50 values. Special for this sale $1.49 Glrla'-anMiaseV Shoes, the pop ular style Jockey Boots with pat ent cuff and tassel, shown ; with light, medium or hearr weight soles and in all sizes. Prices : ' ' 1 Sixes 3 to 8, reg. $1.80 value 09 Sizee Sy to 11, $2.50 vaL S1.08 Sues 11, to 2. $3 value, $2.25 Substantial Savings in That Fashion Favors Just now. in our great Dress Goods Section, you will find extraordinary values in the weaves and colorings that Fashion favors most Among them are many- rare novelties seldom found outside of the most exclusive dress goods stores of the large eastern cities.' For this sale big assortments are well displayed and prices plainly marked, ao at a glance you can see if these special offerings nf nr unmnl to vou. . OVERSTOCKFJ) IS THE? PRINCIPAL REASON FOR l THESE. RADICAL REDUCTIONS I : V HO nil Tdnon PorliiAArl f.n .QQ - -ipl'A" unsurpassea snowing or.tnis seasons cnoicesi tunings in correct nO. jAAwFaII anH Winter wJirhts, , Finft Hnnhl-warn. niirft-wnnl fabric, full 56 inches widei shown fn; the popular plain shades and attractive mix tures. There are over 40 styles to choose from, all of ?2 fl1 3fl tvi.ay i: .tui J M "l .') ...:c nrsA it1 rAyifA in Scotch Plaids of 01.25 QAn Quality Bedaoed to Ovv Novelty Fabric of 01.50 QDn , ' Qnality; Bdnoed to . . . WOi SO to 54-inch All-Wooi Dress Fabrics Nov elty Cheviots,1 Fancy Worsteds and Herring bone Weaves, shown in a large variety of neat and attractive, designs. Regr $ 1.50 QO grade priced at .'. . . ............ XOv ' IT ovelty; XZiztnres of 85o Quality Beduced to . . . V 52-inch Acjua-Proof Mixtures, a splendid-wearing heavy, fabric for' wet-weather garments. Gomes in a large variety of. colorings, and sold regularly at 85c a yard. Priced for. aOr this sale at' Anderson's Pure-Wool Scotch Plaids, full 42 inches wide, shown in an unlimited assortment of rich color combination fabrics that -are al ways sold at $1.25 a yard. Now on Q A sale at . . . . . . .... ... . . . ; . . . . . . . . . .OyC SUk Plaids of 65o QQi - -Quality Beduced to OUU 36-inch Silk-and-Wool Plaids and 38-inch Nov elty Suitings, in a . full variety of new designs in desirable colorings Regular 50c and -65c. grades. Specially priced for this sale OQ mpprtainLlt audi Timely . al& of Beddlin One of the chief attractions at this store to morrow wiH be a sale of Bedding. Pillow Cases, WzC Quality, at 9c These are made of excellent quality muslin and come In a good, large size, 42 by 36 inches and are finished with neat hem, ready to use. , Bleached Sheets, 70c Quality, at 58c Full Bleached rjeavy. Linen-Finished Sheets,, full size for double beds.. They are unusually durable and well finished throughout. ' $5.00 Woolen Blankets at $3.95 Two hundred pairs of Fine Woolen Blankets of excellent qual ity, shown in gray and. white, with neat colored borders. "They come full double size and are per- tect in every way. . . -ivn $5.00 Cotton , Comforters at $3.95 Forty-eight If only m this lot of fine Silk and Silkohne Covered Comforters. They are filled with the best qual ity pure white cotton and are unusually well made. Some are-tied with ribbons and others are scroll stitched, and all are shown in desirable colorings. They are high-grade, comforters. On sale at an important price reduction. , - : White" Spreads QQ A 01.15 Values at OOO ' A splendid line of White Crochet Bed spreads,' full size for double beds. They come in a variety. ot.-neat patterns ana are neatly hemmed.; , - 7hite Spreads fl f o 01.75 Values at - Fine, Extra-Heavy, Whiti suitable for double beds, best Marseilles de::.:r. hem::::v1, fc:dy to x - ; - - - - 1-