The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 27, Image 27

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IM lit- itti(i-
kUIVAIt iikW44l Jl
V$u7 aAl4 ThT"
I'M aaaM
ii-4s ,iLJi-4
ti He-:?:. Ffcr.'.? Furr. i. H
u .i, . J. . ii aa4 .i
44t. e.M m 4 .. . 41
-4..a a, tax.
9 H:::i.sf a BerM
v f r -. at. 4
"- l iwi iii. r.t n.
--., iv -$ i4 4
10 Rccrr.s. Very N'c
'1411 l. 4a,,4. -4 "
- i. La
4, 4.1. W
12 Rjcms a Pickup
4 .,-....-.. .a.i4M .t4at
a 44 III r.'a.a- e-aet. ""
t4 !.
13 Roems. a Sr. 3 3
T. luni w 4 F rt $-
-4- 4 a M s.aaaa4a
nw lite, k la .a'
18 Rooms, 3 Years Uasa
na4 m a a ri.
w. mi )Mi ta kM, !
a4 eta 4alatk.
Ho!c!$ and Apartment Houses
l twM,k, laf la W eMa (a
lMM(M4 . lit. . Mt
eaaaaai .a fiakaa w a... k 4rB MM
I I la a fT I vi k-f-aax
Money to Loan
( ft a- awil If torn ka
4 aa, la f 4 14 lM rx
a. yMi
Removal Notice
Hiiit ta 4 rM
I-, t kt L -
lilt ''M4 -.4 . ,. ,..
k 4 -...,. j
b ,...
t Ml k..u. Hilu kj.La It
Iwl j4 I -J lifck- .tt.f-i j
t Ci tA k J
. . . K
111 itMtMtwtlkM ......I
lit -. HiliMrtM. W4
44 k '. 44 fHoi-Mx)
l- Jl ....... . a-i
tMi ki C ... .M -''
I. i.k Hi t ki .,,.
IM I A l n
t v4k ( till Ik M
- F I , M kt k lk
A Wk4i fu iA J-wk Nmi T4
.ti na il
lkk4 k
WHIT ..i r. w1l.ii'U t
"i. l kk ff kk Ik.
n-e Grc:ey
fk'ear Laurt.-jfit
k J m1 kt v4
J ftj 11 - kk
i-. 4 k '-k k-
It l-M kU k4- -A f.kl nU4
t ( Vk flMMf l'i.k
W tim Inn
Hjr!ef RfiMyCa.
i: ill midkt f
T- m .k4
.4A i-... lit ...
I t t ik
!.- It-" k
4 ' 1.4
f kv.4 M i-ii !
li t k.k. k.k ll4
I 4
lw hiiki.1 Iw iJa !
kMk !i l t T-M
. i t .Ilwu4 IIIUk4
i ufi4 ik
Hjr.tef Re-iUy Ccrrpany
l M.k 4 MM At Iff.
WmI kkiM ta rinH
lV mW4 4F i ' k-
I' f k k .i
Jk UtMMI k 4 IM W M
imti kv4 In j tNiik
UllMHk . 4 Mlk lid'tk
i - ivi mU 4 Ii
.. lfr ia4 K4
r.4 i4h tw4 lf
I w i ivi v 4
!, 4 i
fctrir-er War.trd
MImmU tt.aku, iaf vol
a a4 afc4
I w ri i w
I T4 ia fai rt4 Iw kt il
ihk i i m y imt ia k
ti , l IWfHlttl Uk i lk -..f
kki a4 l lH ( 4 afn
a. r Mt.ti.1 1 III ).iki
kx tkt tl III in.
fc,, i ...
laftt M,an aaaf la
b ikH kK, ktk k t
M fo fclll
il akl til k M a-L
at atl kl-k , aal
w hi ;iru
Good Transient House
! r a4. il iikakk al la t
Aa ia kxi
mm: cut ciuxm
it 4k la aaar4aAa
aaaka M wvif Ira I
Im ml4 -4 aim la l4ia Iftra
mil tnum lkt 1114 i4 w
t.a.r aMllkiy link I
fr4lc ti-uiafa II (wh al
frwV.Jd iYki" ia,a iMkl lit'
I K iiaaairai liu Ilk at. rl
I I r . iranaival. ral I , I
J ii :i
I tiHiAirTiteirrii exchange.
r t'l . "ffoaHa rlljr Kali.
Exchanges Exchanges
Taa toad routnlng ItatM of I r a
aarh, medal, wall loralod a a4 maalaa
mM)t; ttav food Uaaaa. ra icfcaaga
iih.r or lhaa for arraa or rllf a-I
any. iTVr.a ara
O. A Ml'HiiUl IN'V. (
HwMan4 l'1
Fine Grocery
lal4 la para4 ittelttcl. a
4n4 a, aik la Mkfa
r v 44 rakatal a( ikinmk,
aiaaKb! f kl! L !
Im, atklK4 aa4 4! t
a 1 1 1 la a a4a. 4 aaa a4
!. la'fa WMaal fu4
aaiMr aa.a; rl l r
Walk trV liW. atll aaraaaa
far fan, t
Hunter Realty Company
1111 Koaf4 af Tnk4.
MaraaaU I tit. AllT.
ar aik
til taia la il
af44 M ili, 4aai
. II IM W IM mini ,lfM., M Millk I
K li 114 ka Ik. fkfik t-n. U fill- MU .ikklM .!
I m 4 af Am raaltl4
I aula aa4 4 U4ik M
ft!a iMk kiil al -aif al
a ri4M K'U II
aaf aaa4 al , ii aaa
l rlwaaal aaiilM4L.
"6est0?fer"Buys THIs
row pal
Oaaaral rarKa4ia a I ark a4
i:4lt. 4alaf aoa4 uIim.
rx1 laraliljr; f xl frMalltoa la
r if i pad? Alra'
J r tIXN.
Kla Cl. 4r,
rx'M ILK rl rlaaa far ailuf al
a la a ( ikiki !. kkk.
aal faiatiag Wrtiisrf la laiaktiil clr
a-aam I IM . 14 4 fi ar-iir
r-ar4L K l r'l aaalM. laJ
a-iv . Mai il a a llaatiai
Ma lai.4 t' L. Haiti.
ikiMM, ir.
It'Dt RAN f..l MnUillH I a l
aakltaa a. 4 I !. Mai
aM rM ! I IIm mt 4Ur . ewull M
111 I ilm mi. im iw'illlW I I'WIH
I tun r a aa i Aar nii
im it ml aaJ im i iaa
i a m fUk I lU m
afl r la. fi:. Wm it I
m Wf Ma.lkM I 14
a. IMl I M Mkl af IMa
mm lit awiUkkiM a4 at M44.
lata Ma iaa im aat r iea Ha
ilk nimiik Mia a4 -aia ?a
Mr kiM Ml ka aar im la aatlaV
Ml II aa f ra Uk mi a4
la Iki4l la aMflaaMia Iba
m illai imu aaaa (II la Iti. Kikw
a !- ra iiaialaa a aa Ufa a
aa. Im Ufa la Ma.lW.I ika '
itMilli tlfiiaa a alaa mk a4
liafal. mt la aaaa aM la
torn a kr al4r aa iikiN r a laar
l4a alll fi4 aU pMiuaMr. fc
111 lli aa aM dna a M f
a4 aia rkaolMa a4 lallfanwai aa
Mr TM Mlial Mir r.faillb4
.ui u. ia a kia MiiL.v Lk.aaaa
kl- V4laa4 7 la afnr la cUa i aa kiia Cm. Jt niWfl al
Hi M a i4 la aa MHkii aa4 aoa
4 alala ikIKI M b la
km iloki . Mr raiaakia. f
iraikfk. nrlMIM. lr Or aM tot
Ta lakia af a Wkk-s-v iniMk " II
la fraa A4Jr llat of Navlaalta.
koi lit. Mir 4aMiloaal. WaaMafiaa,
1 1
Kea Ojt cf the Ra!n
tr lraLfc4 ft aa44 U 4
-i tikiwk aa'a i I 44
ll.i kwiUMli aaiaa'a
U-mmi mi iaa !, ImhiI
lt a 4 KikUl ! i i
44k k4uM4ta iia
a w r a k
I mi a4 -a-
I til 4 kM ..
4 II I
TMB fAiine TlrtMk4f JttLM lliati R li
i v iiii
ra wn iutf us rt. hi eve a. rr.v i .
I b. . Iili
I44.U' MiV.tU-M'.lJt At
t.M4t: k
iTEf .7, )TTPT3aViI7
T4 WH. M4 t J 4) 4BM4
- 4 la ax W at blii.Wk M IM
i-ailY kM4 kk a aj f.-i4 mJm Ml'
"4 aittaM M.aa kM kwl uf a
MW I14V kx ..
kaa.i I I.m -M M -- I v af
I. i a.M i4w.a rnWi'' ' iliao I liiJkiwa a-w
mi aM I r a a'?
OHArU Ckl. 4TT lTH akli AM.
ak.. MM
a. i I mi k .
) t i a4 -
Utt 4niKM.ft.litU 4
!-.( t'l.l IMMk a. .4 I 4.4 14
I - i- ij k'Mita i a. aa a
4i f4 aMl4wik IIH4U. I f I
ImUtll 4 T
.iiiiMiiii .. i mmm m k .4" a. k 4 si! 1 1 1
" , Ma a.
44 1-4
Befmt Auto School vr-.r:v4r'nr' r rF.n!tani:ra
raak.4a M Ik.iiw IMMkil ' (? .k' ,.L " i(
4rk.iaa IMIivx 44 a- 1I'ATI l tlif.Mt 4) tlrrTiiVT kak, 4 -.
Im4 a- la all i la Ih.i.i ' ," ' . ,r . 4. aaaia 4ft a im k-
, lift AKl al.nlVifc m a mm- a ia. .i ft.aaal k -"'"" f '"
Taa A ar Mi taJ-f -m m H..- JV ' ' ' f !? 1 fT .k ak, (mi
fjiIBiiliilall laiia aMl a! bi.Iii la a aaaaa, attM.a fcUVti. Iw aaala M.I-4
14 MMMIW miiim I I'. 4V Mtil ! a M 4. IM M. m . a.a4ia-M akavaa
r laa Tva la 4 k4 akakwa -a mt aaalxtkl AlaaalM kiaM
" . aa a a taaai.l HI. !' s k.aMM Aalv m4 tMMaa
liaM .!. aul laar Ji4a.4 aiar a all x ati
""M laiitiaaii lakf ia '"IlillW tlln
a.a fa MM144 I S MllalW J,4 t- aaai
r.rl llaia kraaaiaiM f C aialavaaia al m.
Tilt l'4IUkl Ailaawlill
u4 4it. aaa
TV. kaaa rati
tVkar !. f l4M W4 , TM It
l klk MluM Mliuai fa IM"' I .a 1 1 aai'i ki al aiM
fk-ra a4 lualf m kfkff 4 aaaiaainiM l.iaal4 hM
m4 mi m far Ika aawtiiM. 4a-.r,fcl kjkafc..ta laaa afa, !-.
tf f l,kl a4raa III . a 4 fa. IWi.lx -
N,' tfr '. I r laiaa laiaxaiaal kataia i.if.l.rr lifari
WAKTTn fikWiJ aalaaaaa far iti klltf aiail ml. Tka VkllM
lmMi4 4 Ataana ria4ar. , Haaa4 r 1 fl4V i
"..f"" ' . i WSlJll'"aar"ar' a.kT."k.ll Vk
wall! 4.. aa alia ar Nil Um J. " t .all Ink!
I S.iijr la. till O al. Uacala. .fcafaaait T firaV. FkMriai, aaMM-
tXltXXITK-i tin,
ral4ular iLaM.
klol furalakj $
MM, alar.. all4la,a. k 44a4M f f . rnoal- full mb.r.hlp
llTlk r.H .a 1 ami"..., I ac.ll.' aael.l prl.ll....
or Hi tM i aii ma aa. ai4 a4tabaa ia fca farir
4ar1a( full l"a af mrSThlB. with
aal fiankar rriara k .a tarnltr am
Kara faralahlaaa af I wa kHal la I ri m.fti kfaim.rl
aoo4 eauairr !. d-let o4 tMla. U AKfrrKirill hTitJ K.alea armr no, a )' mm ... par .Ma-hodlad unmarrl m.n tl an
1 r
kiMMtl kwk rail Mar
aalaama for l"wM la ad. AIm " I akaM 11 1 ra a Hla'k 4 4a. ! 44a'
aMn l.ttlw iraAa iJMitl !' rlr alral laualn l.
Miila lalf.4 rlM ava Thamaa 4 , r.Yr w Y4"m" i... o TaaTiaa llTa
1 1 I - : ' - '
-I iiralial Ural a.llr 4 a k-TMuraI.
rir ta of t and lb ) M
alal.l. 14 lu 14 l r. al t.-fll. kM
tla l-a
Ui'.sl j f
a n lad la a lua a
rtrai l kMa balaaal a.l a aala amouniad la III I all
da: aaoikar 117 la la "Mr mm-
V M.LU Miaama aac aa--ra!
arrallaM flalda I all o
rltndld aaraarj- .(ark A MrtaM
alar, rath waaklr ak4 aiutt firm
hark af VI rila far' particular
Waahlf1a Ntiraarj t . Tvt4Ut.
M aah
firm; iiMMmrt uMuman, taual far
lah fntd rvfri.ncra. ar , pl.aaanl
wnfk. fair aalarr atari. Vlrlan.
Iliark 4k Ca. Jill Haiarly 41. Ikotlon.
PTSTf lusk
Kar trrrxtualaa laa I ra r . ma and va-
bm laar barter lda In aaaka. haa
la a-yra axiisat; aradualM .ara III
la l.t aaaklr: tlMTI I rial rw I ot-
IS rxxima t block aoulb f klarrlM ifiriiTtHTi. d.llraUaa
rloaa (o l?lh al. Ilanl on It l par
raoriih. Tim rn pari. IT if. ha a bn I
r.rjr. Haralpla araa 1 1 par
4vil-tiil li n-da aa l k!4 It af t'nllad llbarvl rotnmla.lana Kronorar A4rrtll-
ii ii "ii l i ci im cntrtrirr ana ivmpwut i mt; i o . iowi I nr. in
ablla w ho ran atx-ak read and wrlla I 1. .t . .
: looia T7...CTJ I aKaTTna
Mil'i -?!Vl V,JT.nS""n 1 PoVdVr, Tbaw. oura..f -llh.u. a
rTTr-trrtr- N-J1.?ii-,,,!f,,,,?-f alll m.ka r.i rlrh. four ahaaa
MUHWl.N aanlad. lo rarrir atcluatt a-I r( wu j rnie Hand I Ox for aamp a
Ijr Una of ralandara. bank booka. xi,rk,, (t,rnil-l '. 1514 11. Vladlao
laalhar and rlolh good, panrll. finti... K'a V...k niv
.I . . 1 1 i . ... ,
T a ItT s k m"1v as'tku"
and lirhl a ft- I hava iba Mat aalppa4 rhiclr rrh lb. ICnllkh lancuaa for I
a Iba laclfl- -oaat. but a-4 aiparl-
114. bul lxai ffor UlM H Tjrna curlavd. Vrlca 114. IIP ruN.
Raol TI: raf laa. Iat lsUo) ..rtrad man. Will (14 br(lo. ma
o part fall for particular, II Oat
Local ad en rorn.r. cloaa In and mal
aM ouialda roomi, avarrlhlnc I fnnd
bat. all modam. Ineludlna alara baa I.
I lca and can ba aalandad; rani
laa ban 14 par month par room . prlra
i:;n ITatlcallr your own t.rm t.
K Mrbola 'o . 41 Tmn bid
!xtra Fine 11 Rooms
On Waahlnaton. and !lh alraal: oraa-
lha ownar I Wad thr for thrr yaara ad
lloo.a la ivaaunful In and out; una
la: In olhar Wi rda It la awall plara
flna furnllura. and a anap at 11300; tlila
aIll o at oiw I all 114 Oak atraat
mit RK.ST
CI aar a I or, aa th at. KaralM III
I I) par da. Han II. tv takaa
lb la
Haatauntnt and lunrh oogalar aal
U Mm thla
ttl 4lh at, appMlta rity Hall.
iWill Sell
Amountlna la ! drawing IT par
month and tnrrl al f par cant for
1110. Tr.rr ara Ilrat morta( and 1H
r Mr t.iuin
lit OrlM Bldg.
JCKK AT firirJ.
fdla and aanta lallorlna. aatabMahad
II year a. flna location, rlrhl n Wa.h-
. A NirilOIJI !?V. CO
44 Bw.tUnd bldf
UoVTS-jr i iCTVhk TJieTTTU
lit vaalad fall or rlt ua ra
ta rd In a local Ion Etbtlba4 tbaatr
tor lv full aqulpma!. on aay
414 4 WnMnilon, Portland. Or
arply l rarr-jitlng afMr Worcaatar
bidj I 'I and mi kit. 'rtiani i T
FTOsFnT man aaniad In avrry town lo
rprot wall known wtiolrMl firm.
aipananr uanaraaaary. muil fuml.h
uraaani tori.
Urk m
i .a.
WARiTr.U T"ralna aalraman a bolt
now amDlorad and "bo baa wida
aaqualnlanra In lha atata of Crragon, lo
antarlaln a propoaltlon whl-h may r
aull In big mon.y lo right man. Call.
aipananra uanaraaaarr. muai iu
Mod raf.ranraa. aaay. plraaanl '
fair aalarr lo atari M-1-an. Hla
C . Ill I It ar I r at , Ikoat on. Mat
WILL laaa my dy work-a lo
raat-onaibla party. Raaaonabla.
X o, JokjrrX
.f aa Raimrla ra
WANTKLv To mat trograalra bual- I llh at.
Monday 4 Yaon bldg
Wa want a rood alrady rlaanwut man,
full of anrrgy and ambition, aom -
. i -.M
pananra in aa t r. i nvrriMrr, t an
hataaan I and II Monday
Truat Co.. 41
aa. man Who haa I000 to IIV,HI llinil .nla .irwkt aalaaman arantad tar
to Invrat In a aubatanllal manufaclur-I hl.h mTm,0. .trlrllr Iraltlmata. Itxliia-
i .'Nri. k.'xiiiiip.ii ill him i zt.m lit ji p r. i irrinn gi . in mm. wm i niiinsu irig. ' i.. k . . a,K.a . ai i.. nrAr. .
44 room., .well wear ..da lo.tlon. owner rallrln. from bualna... will -II 'JJ fi-ii -h hw' UpU d l.rlad pillion, or
Tnt IS40; glva I yaar laaa; ataam hat all or any part of atorlc. or Juat fl-"d ran markalad dally Ulva phona liv-rTT moat JTJ.fTtKM Haa
and hot wat.r furnlahad at IIS month; turaa anl lea... location alon worth i!U Jottrna 4iia pnona v.r moat ur..ful a.lramcn. Ha
don I drlay If you want thla. R. N. Prlca aakad. Call Monday. Oordon. "1"'' " "l ".r"" , , MV."-21iJ!l!Lt.ll .
Ooodklnd Co.. tOJ-4 Board of Trada. 7I Cl,.mrwr of Com m area JCAlUl.NTfch -W hv th lot nd WXisT iff A man wltliblSnaaaTiTarr
lTr,nrnrcrwlth-ic4 WAITED Lady parln.r 1. buy 4 In- I 'i' ' 'rfaaTonMoll.'rV t'r" .7t i'i?, 'mj0?"
location: prlc 1700. 4 caaK. 14 t k fin Mylng mnufacturtn Apply 610
rooma. rantllO. long laaaa, tran.lant bualnaaa: to look aftar offlc. city an! f "l'Zi2.V VZliXZZ
location, 1560 40 rooma. brick build- road ala; no competition; 1400 will .V" "" .iVr hi Ktfnri Addraaa box I WANTIU Man to Uh half ln(rat
In;, cheap rent, Ie.. :400. term, buy. Ktr Information caJI at room 101 i,fn0 7?I ,V.Vt7.uT.ra Aalr" x and work with me In lunch atand
13 Ablngton bldg. Ooodnough bldg., 6th and Yamhill. op-. t .. r,"'rul,r, J , down lown; will make good propoaltlon
. a A a- a a 4V D AAT L X kla aaan f r m a rk Kllri. I . . . . . . . i a r
posix pot-ioriii'CL iunaax jv 10 it -.,-v oai-iv ' . . io man w no j wiinntr 10 worn. v-
I 1 4t a A t-aw-l Aim.Tm If f k n nulrklv: rn I r. a i w
i rn.i m IV v I. III.
10 ROOMS 10
Near Washington at, all brand nw
furniture, clegantlr furnlahed. Prlr
for all 1360. To ae la to buy. Fetera,
it N. tn at.
For Sale by Owner
Houaa 14 rooma, cloaa In on good cor
ner, aleotrlo light, gaa, good furnltura.
good leaaa. Part ctvah, balance term
or trade. 44 Holladay. Kant 4671.
Rooming House
Saloon for Sale
Flrat claaa down town tranalant
atand: long lea.; will eell or trade.
For particular "call at 146 H Morrlaon
irn. A. . . iM.MM& .i. i at., room u.
property or acreage, a bargain, com and ON account of bad health For aal a
Ing net 11000 a year: crackerjacka of
eaatern llnea wltn a nig eatabiianeo
. . . t . 1 v ...
n.. ..,( . ... . trial ana iiiiiorr, a-,
r in imaiiuiii i.iiimu iffii, v..... . .
weak. If you want a real bargain ilH?h
hami.ii i-ariner to join ma in our
In- hotel, central location. 13 rooma.
12600 raah. bal. 13000 In monthly pay-
mania or llftu per mo. i own in one
adjoining thla. Active and aoher part
ner who look, good to me call Malniooz.
Cash Business
ae thla Monday.
60 Bwetland bldg
jr.a It. Phone A-1568, Marshall 82 or
fall at Sixth at.
47 Room Bargain
Rent II BO; t year lease; positively
clearing; izon every month, it this ln
erema you ee J-.aniiora, zszh Becona
RHALK By owner, 22 rooma, cor-
Wanted to Rent
Show house In country town Tor man
and wife. Trnn drummer and piano
player. Our outfit la up to data Mat
full particulars. 248H Yamhill at.
bast paying hotel bat ween Portland
anl Tacioma- baa nlca omoa dlnlna
room, parlor, kitchen, atorage room and , PUBLIC market, one of th beat atandn
ZS Dea rooms. Kent ana water eneap.
For Information, write or call on Oeo.
Kramer, Wlnlock, Wash.
Old established, good, paying store,
rar brick building, good location; nlc c.'ying'r clean line of cfgaPs con
rnlture. Price only 11600: small pay- S?'" ?noJ,in a-onrfJ -fi a i lo
! e"r terms- catonn8,bT8r!17olfr0nal.,, tC- 10
v v i 1 1 i i ;a n.
lt at
. Rooming House Owners
t hav 60 trades and part cash with
any to trada for roomln- house. ' Big
or small. Call Main 4377 or A-7710.
12 ROOM rooming house, 2 kitchenettes,
2 fireplaces, furnace heat, beautiful
corner, west Bide, rent 166; no vacant
rooms, rilled with nice people. Hell
cheap for cash. Owner, Main 8621.
ia ROOMS furnished, all rented, ren
or house fs5; rour rooma rented for
In lha hulldlnr. chean rent. 3 years
lease, doing big business, lease alone
worth the prce anKed, 460. Jordan,
410 Lumbermen bldg.
HllOK STOCK, will Invoice llO.OOp. beet
location In Portland, established 25
years, long leaaa, cheap rent, 40 cents
on the dollar will buy It. Jordan, 410
Lumbermen bldg.
180; will sell on easy 'terms, or trada
for a house or first mortgage. See
owner. H. M. Ahbott, SR0 Madison st
9 ROOMS 9 -
Nob Hill district, g-ood furniture and
a money maker, 160 will handle, Peters,
15 N. 6th st.
WANTED--Apartment house, 25-25
. rooms, west awe, south of Washing
ton If possible; some cash, balance
terms; give location and price. R-998,
WANTED Apartment house 60-160
rooms, west Bide; a-lve some trade,
some cash; must be paying and good
location. R-991, Journal.
411 Henry bldg. Marshall 64.
Hotels, apartment houses, rooming
hmses bought, sold and exchanged.
FOR SALE by owner, 16 room house,
all housekeeping; nice furniture
clears 170 per Tfiionth; price I860. 269
7th st, Phone Marshall 2467.
20 room rooming house, . housekeeping.
uooa locution. jt-rice ivv. Term,
(everything first class condition. A
'42g2. 608 Alder.
NIN.E room rooming house. Ideal loca
tion, ctoofl income. 230 Madison.
FOR SALE Butter and buttermilk
route doing good business; if Inter
ested In proposition of this kind call
at Damascus Creamery at 7 a. m. or
cor. 69th ave. and 68th Bt. S. E. In the
evening. Wm. Owen.
The very finent In Nob Hill district.
full and easily kept full; long lease, 1 for the man ahle to develop it.
OLfi established real estate firm
wishes to give desk room in large or
flce to capable man competent to negoti
ate loans; excellent opportunity to right
party. T-9997 Journal.
clears 1220 month not hot air or
agent's talk S5S0"; will take lot as part
payment. v-z, jcurnai.
WANTED To ararnge with experienced
salesman to take charge of rooming
house department In up-to-date real
estate office. No money required. E-
970, Journal.
For aal or trade, good transient bus
iness;' long lease. 245 Morrison Bt,
room iz.
WE have an excellent gravel proposi
tion, located close to rapidly building
section of the city. A splendid chance
Mr Ferris. Columbia, Trust Co., 84 4th.
I HAVE a number of the Feb., June
and Oct. issues of Columbia River
orchard bonds to sell. What will you
offer for them? Call Main 3002.
WANT men with meani to take active
positions in promotion of the biggest
Belling article that was ever introduced
in Portland. 430 Worcester bldg. .
VALUABLE real estate, clear of incum
brance, up to $2600; exchange for
(silent interest) moving picture show,
FOR SALE Shoe shop, good stand, good
location; will stand inspection; please
I call at once. H. Halvoraen, 147 W. Kll-
llngsworth ave.
MAN to take restaurant (nearly fur
nished) In hotel, sleeping room In
cluded: board one for rent: anap. Ap
ply 4 N. :th. W car north on 6th
to 24th. Mock south.
SALESMEN to aell subdivision; good
commission to live men. Also good
men to sell liimsra.
.20 Railway Exchange.
W'ANTEI A fi-w live salesmen to han
dle North Albany fruit and garden
tracts on an attractive contract, over
400 acres. Wells & Laber, 404-8 Swat-
land hlflg.
MAN or woman1 to sing and play piano
evenings In picture theatre, 2 hours
from I'ort'and. Call Mr. Slagel, East
WANTED An experienced tailor and
presser for ladles cloaKB and lull.
R. E. Karrell Co.. 7th and Alder.
WANTED To let contract for grub
bing limd. Apply tomorrow, 9 to 10
a. m.. 70S r.Mst (Salmon.
AwCVfll witlS auto or molorcy.l. eall
trada In your rlty t an make fioin
Ik la lie'par day Bend lae for aam-
J la. and particular !wry'a Ktrr
teady. 44 Eaat Milh at.. Lo
VET5r-t raTSITn,. to sell arring
dry gooda. aparlaltlaa. Including
while good., to retailer Cicallenl .Id.
Una Liberal rommlieton. Power Tex
tile Mllla, 114 Chratnut at-. Philadelphia.
Ill weekly job guaranteed young men
who learn automobile bualneM. Wa
fumlah auto model Teach you at horn
In I weaka Make l(l weekly while
1-amlng Korheetar Auto School, 641
Roche. ter, N. Y.
flfCEO RAPHY Sneaking of guaran
tee. I will give a limited number of
bona fide guaranteea for position to
dealrable appllrante and teach telegra
phy In a practical way. My era. 64
Mandara at . Portland Or.
nwiLL alart yu earning 14 dally at
home In apnre time, allverlng mirror.,
no copltal; free Inatrurtlve booklet,
giving plana of operation. (1. K. Hed-
mond. dept. 111. Boston. Ma...
WE teach-ladles millinery or dress
maktng In a few w-eka at Boaton
School of Millinery nd Dreaamaklng,
274 Williams ave. Phone East 146. I
Tuition reduced until November 16.
WAS'TKI Haleamao 10 aid ua supply
lha brlak duand for our good Home
vacant '-rrllory yl In every ata waat
of the Ml.ietrtl Cah weakly.
Hal am. Or
AOKNT In akary city and lo. Im
proTd automobile aparlalty: large
demand for good.. II to 111 dally; free
booklet trlla how. Pept. 14. the pa-ama-l'arlflo
Supply Co. Santa Monica,
LIVE agania wanted for an article that
aelia at eight; no talking: customer
ara Waiting for It. Particular fre.
Addrraa lha Oordon Glfford Co.. Port-
llOKARA diamond., agents, everyone,
wear and aell our famou Rnkara dia
monds, write for .ample offer and
catalogue fre. Nortbwe.tern Jewelry
t o., nil wnaon are , t nicago,
LlH'Al. repreaentatlv wanted. No can
vassing or soliciting required. Good
Income assured. Address National Co
operative Realty Co., V 909 Mardrn
bldg. Wa.hlngton. P. C.
U'ANTED Men. ladlea, to learn barber
trade: tuition IZ; after 40 days, po
sition guaranteed at 60 per cent. Phil-
adelphia Barber College. Id and Couch.
BE a 3eteetlvi earn from 1160 to ISO
per month: travel over the world.
Write C. T. Ludwig, 1546 Scarrltt bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo.
AtiKNTS Mo.t attractive propoaltlon.
Our new 1911 Model Mantle Burner
fit all lamps, 100 candle power light.
Price, defy competition. Simplex tJaa-
llrht Co.. New York.
TOP CAN'f JlfeTTP but make money
selling our guarantead-to-r Ive-aatl
faction stock: fre outfit: raah weekly
rxclualv territory, Yakima Vallay
wureery t o,, loppanisn, iin.
HANDLE "Derma-Rosetu." . Tott'
Starch Enamel." "Potts' Washing Tab
lets." "Pott." Herb Renovator" and oth
er specialties. Prof. E. Jackson Potts,
r.ogena. t ir.
SA I.KHM EN wantefl to aell our Una of
Pacific coast grown nuraery stock;
easn paid weekly. Pacific Nuraery Co.
1206 Yeon bldg
laatla Ma kikl
hi ru Tlbl r -ti ai.i lake
4al af aaaatl Mla 44
Ikalta f . .i,aai laaM a.4
aaraaii Mlar Mala IHk ft I
U T'l'rjl'il.4-IMMa af Imi Wl.
Iiaa 1 la I laui. 4 k-taa a. 4
aalUll rat 11 aa K llll at 41 I.
fcXHIHtCSTOt UiMMM .k4aa
aaanaiaaj a ia Maaaa
aa III
t oa aal i
U" A k T" E fa f 1 1 atk a kaiM
kaaaaa by lalakligMt l4y
re wt'i 11 a i:t
a a4
146 Ala
UilaLrr aliiit aa4 , (
aitloa aa aatM kMt I U I av
f.a.lly H III JmimI
C.VurETES'T 174I aa
I la-xi la akr f.aair,
rA-a W. In ! t I raaaa I !
a labM -
atft 1 1.
I .kiri; aM4l aia
rl.tkltl. ttay . S4 lll. Mai
laaaaJry "
UiiUkV aaaaila Mark
aad ricaalag Lira tkaatrk, Jtl
Park i tT!!.m
WANT ran af Uaby or eaten tt-..t.
fnaibarty rare aula kaigbbaMliaaa4.
Pboae tabor Tk
Wort! like rataariiiO flt A4.
4fMk ll 4tk at S E Vlr VMI-
WJk S'f TD Poatiloa 'aa (()
by yaang ladr. good MOanaa. rf
ervca a4drM II - I . JiarML
WANTKIk Waakly aga4til ff
aaabmg en Tuaaday a4 THuraday.
Main Iti
XS' f Kl Maneaatnant email l"-
Ins linuk. member work or Mntrr.
Pb.e . 1 J
U ii MAS' wants work waahlag dlab'
in boarding heuk or iiauranl. K.
and I
ronlng by
VVTiMANaaola a. .king
day I'bona Kaat 71.
LATE curtain lia4 laundered
Main 114
LACK curlaiaa laundered by a l part.
Tabor Ilk I. CUtl,
FX P KRIENC KI I'lrphon eicbanga op
erator wnta poa 1 1 Ion. Phone A-illl
w7MTr3 waTTta "poal'Uo by lb tty.
Phone Woodlawn 441
LACK curtalna Uumlerad rliht, price
right. Phone woodiawn itt.
MAN and wlf (no children) dealr man-
aaameat of farm. Kitanaiv axpa.
rianea in aeneral farmlna. stock, grain
or fruit. Irrigation expert Beat raf
erencea. r-7. Journal.
FRKE Sample patented August 29,
1911. Not sold in atores. Dally profit
14 dead easy. Send 2n (mailing cost)
B 7. Seed Mfg. Co., 93 Resde. New York.
LOOM fixers, day and night work.
steady work to rieht men. PortlaiiJ
Woolen Mills, St. Johns. Or.
WANTED First class commercial sign
writ rs. I Apply Foster tfc Klelser,
ana k-
E. Seventh
Everett stfl.
WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to
drive and repair c tomobiies. call at
128 N. 6th st.
CHEF eadquarters and r.o:pers. Cali
fornia Wine Depot, zsa Yamhill, noxt
to Journal.
House girls, family cooks, second
girls, housekeepers, domestic help of
nil kinds. Some very nice homes at
good' wages.
Always wants waitresses, maids, cooks
and Kitcncn neip ror city ana country
34 5V4 Wash. St., Cor. 7th, upstairs.
I MADE 150,000 In five years with a
small mull order business; began with
id. nena ror rree booklet. Tells how.
i-ieacocK. Ofzs. L.ocKport, iV. r.
. 40
NOW Is th tlm to bring la your old
.xii. and poata and have them re
modeled Into preeent tyl; JH fitting
..mania mad- to fit Tier
pert ladr fitter.. Th Mk-ovr Shop,
room 60. 27m Morrlaon at Pbon
M smhall 2304.
Dll ESSMAKINU Suits snd draaM al
tered. prices reasonable. Satisfaction
guaranteed. OS Uliaan. rnoni aiarautut
juain ornoe, ze rs. zd at., Portland.
Lauitj department, 7th and Wash, eta.,
upstairs, t on i ana.
424 Front ave., Spokane.
17-89 4th St., San Frarcfsoo.
Established 1874
WANTED At once, a men to learn to
drive and repair aufmornes. call
Hawthorne Garage, 446 Hawthorne.
WEAVERS Three good weavers, good
price list, steady work. Union Wool
en Mills, Washougal, Wash.
a saloon with independent license;
Jgi aide; must be pay,ngrN-88I. ToVr'. j w) grnaT
FIVE salesmen, men who can get re
sults. Good salary. Apply Monday,
202 7th fct.
WANTED Italian, young man who can
speak English, with a good person
ality Call Monday, 404 Yeon bldg.
YOUNG man of some means and more I TWO thirds Interest in an established
willingness to Join In developing a! business, guarantee $60 per week;
tract of range and hog land: same Is investment required. 810 Henry
also In the best . rruit- Den. 185 West , : .
Park st. . OPPORTUNITY for steady, honest man
BLACKSMITH outfit; 332 lb. anvil, ' to buy H Interest in substantial cash
large portable rorge; win sell or trade. "UBlnBBB lur. vc, imu uiuinji. uwner,
Broadstreet Exchange. 272 4th St.. od
posit City Hall. '
RESTAURANT If vou have between
S200 and 6300 ana mean business, can
show you good proposition; Invest!'
gate. 211 W. 6th St., Vancouver, Wash.
500 Business Cards $1
Fie City Prlntery, 192U 3d.
A REAL BARGAIN. Bring this ad.
811 Davis st.
CLEANING and pressing stand, plenty
or busneung; aiso two living rooma.
86 jerrerson.
PARTNER with only 100 for half In
terent in fine paying business.
Hawthorne ave.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. October 18. 1911.
The undersigned desires to purchase
bonds of the Home Telephone and Tele
graph company , os roruana, Oregon, to
lnyeet an amount not exceeding 69900;
r jfbmpi
r Bt 1
unmatured interest coup
ons to ae-
timpany the bonds. Submit? offer In
writing not later than November 4. 191 1.
at 1 o'clock p.-m- We reserve the right
to require loai me oonaa orrered b de
posited, or In lieu thereof a aBfa deposit
, of ten per cent of the amount bid. Wa
also-reserve the. rightio. reject any-or
an oias. Auartit a. ". jacx. Trust Of
ficer, Title Insurance nd Trust com
pany, 201 New High street. Lob Angeles,
Cat. . . - -
WILL BUY Port. Horn Tel. bonds and
stock: United States Cashier Co.
Port. Concrete Piife- ft Eq.: People's
Amusement Co.: Alaska Petroleum 4c'
Coal; all Marconi Wlrajesa stocks and'
all other mining, -oil and Industrial
stocks, rrb matter where they are lo
cated. Call, phone or write W. E. David
yon St Co.. 209 Lewis bfdg.
bonds to sell. See, Davidson at 209
Lewis bide. .
WILL BUY Etern Oregon Oil Gaa
Co. stock. 209 Lewis bldg. Ask for
Mr. .Davidson,
FOR SALE Milk, cream and grocery
store,, gooa iraae; must leave city ax
once: cheap if taken this week. 644
Washington st., city.
WEEKLY paper doing profitable bus-
iness in rapidly growing town: will
be sold cneap tajcen soon.
M-19. Journal.
WILL exchange 6 months' room and
board for $160; gentlemen preferred.
P-994, Journal.
$20,000 In profit for security to right
lady that will put In $10,000 on le
gltlmate proposition. R-997. Journal.
FOR sale or lease: A billiard and pool
hall in a furnished rooming house
In Eutacada. Address the Progress
isstacaaa.. or. . ,
IF -you want a . grocery, , buy mine;
must sell at a bargain; rent cheap;
big trade, nearly all cash, Inveati
gate us. D-970. Journal.
Letter Heads, Envelopes, Cards
Acorn Press, 612 Buchanan bldg. M. 6664
FOR SALE Meat market doing good
business. rua .Division or Sunday,
603 E. Slat st.
OWNER only Will give big trade for
cigar Btand up to $1000. Y-992, Jour
ii, wan ; nmi,
Address gALOON, good business,
k' 4Almu klimaia. AVAhinoO'
terms. some exchange:
away. J. D. Swank, 817 Hamilton.
.bonds to sell. See Davidson at 209
Lewis bldg.
WILL BUY Eastern Oregon Oil & Gas
Co. stock. 209 Lewis bldg. Ask for
Mr. uaviason.
WANTED 3 collectors; salary and
commission. Bond required. Apply
402 Washington st.
Apply 402
WANTED 3 canvassers,
Washington st.
WE sell uncalled for tailor made aults.
$10 up. Harvard Tailors. 308 Burnslde.
WEAR a Kenshaw $2 bat; all
169 4th, 449 Washington.
UNCALLED for teilor made suits. 110
up. Taylor the Tailor. 9- Burnsid.
WANTED Ladles to demonstrate house
to house'ln city and on road, can make
from $2 to $5 per day and a chance to
advance. We teach you how. Call room
301 Ooodnough bldg.. 6th and Yamhill,
opposite postofflce. 9:30 to 11:30 a. m.
and 1:30 to 4 p. m.. Sunday and Monday
Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co.
24 Mr N. Scl St.
Main 3206. A-1291.
Red Cross Employment
N. 2d. err, Burnslde. M. 6294, A-6X35.
WANTED Several young ladlea be
tween the ages of 18 and 26. for ner
manent positions. Apply P: T. 4 T. Co.,
is i Aiaer si., or no u.
Ankeny st.
SITUATION wanted by young man, 26
years of age. Handy with machinery,
fxpnrlenco In gas engine and automobile
work. Will take any kind of work. Good
references. Write quick. Bryant, 835
Oarfleld ave., Portland.
WANTED Lund to clear, stumps to
blow, wood to chop, we want large or
small contracts; this Is our specialty;
this Is our business. Call up' M. 3205
or A-12H1. Butts & Eldrege.
XV A MTtMl 'Pn tub. ........ ... onn
eeper, elrl- I or 400 cords of wood of someone from
erly woman preferred, to care for, whom I can rent 2 acres of good land
wuoiiicbo .viiiaii. nKaiuiioiii emu iww lur riexi year. n. Aiuncn, vv. u. LO. OI
children. 216 E. 16th St., cor. Sal- ney, Or. '
Phone B-U8Z. Wini.b ..u-ir. . I.
.. .... . . j . . . w . . . , 1 1 v. . -i nun cm-
ployed, a heating plant to look after
in exchange for board and room and
small salury; must be near 12th and
Morrison. H-984. Journal. f
MRS. DAVIS, dreaamaklng; work guar
anteed. resonabl price; $69 Madison;
Main 3269. '
WANTED Sewing at homor by day.
Fpst 853. Mrs McArtnur.
FIRST class dreaamaklng and tailor
ing. 643 6th at, Marshall 1161.
LARGE front alcove room, sultabl for
I or 4 persons; also slngla room, 17J .
12th st. .
SEVERAL well furnished Toom with
every convenience.
Transients. . I6S
AM S DON HOTEL. Nioo big front rvoms,
some big closet. Steam heaC , $3.
IPO 1 llll U.
FURNISHED rooms.iarge closets, run
nine hot and cold water, furnac heat.
free pnone ana pain, .m nn.
$2 week. Fine large front room, al-h-druom.
aultabl for 1 or S. Also
rooms for $1.60. See these. 470 Main st.
FRONT room, gas. electricity, furnace,
phone, bath. $1.76: also on $1.60.
Nob Hill. M. $376. 309 N. IZd.
6th st,, room
up per . week,
Free phone and lath. Main 77.
ONE large nicely furnished room, clean.
Free phone and lath. Main
light, suitable for
Main 9461. 171 13th.
2 or 4 persons.
NEAT room for on or two man. In
private family, ail convenience, jea- '
sonable, central. Matln, 409 Yamhill.
SALESWOMEN to sell city lots. Good
rzu rcaiiwny r.xcnange.
ELDERLY lady appreciating a good
home to assist with housework and
look after children. Good wages. 337
Fargo st. C-1595;
wireless and R. R. telegraph: posi
tions guarameea. can or aaaress.
Telegraph Dept., room ot common
wealth Bldg.
ANY lady can earn $10 weekly copying
addresses at your nome evening :
book, 10 cents in silver; tens now. -Monarch
Manufacturing Co., Washington, D.
SHORTHAND, typewriting, "bookkeep
ing, etc.. day or evening classes. In
dividual instructions; positions secured.
E. B. U., 630 Worcester diock.
WANTED Partner for tranafer busi
ness; will take man with I or 1 teams.
Phone Marshall 141J.
CONTRACTOR to build modern house
in exchange ror cottage close, in. Z-
999. Journal.
PAYING theatre fer sal, or will trade
for grocery store; good reasons. M-
1, journal
150 CORDS oak wod. $4.50 f . o. b, tjher-
naan. v worceeter piojl . -
FIRST class locksmith to take part of
room. Automatic Keen Edging Co.,
1S8H id t.
BY owner Transient hotel with lease,
$2800. half cash. 27H Morrison,
SALOON for sale, good corner, 8 years'
lease, K-gfi, journal.
SPLENDID little restaurant for sale:
102 th street, north.
MEAT marketafor sale, cash business
about "440 dfily. -W-981, Journal.
TWO chair barber shop for sale.
Madison St. I
FOR SALE -Lunch room, cheap If sold
berore tne rirst. ' iu rt. ia st
BUSINESS man. got $2000 and aer
. vice to Invest. J-187, Journal
WANTED 8 men immediately to learn
to drive and repair automobiles and
auto trucks. Call Pacific Garage, 266
nth street.
WANTED Three men Immediately to
learn to drive and repair automobiles;
good chance to get in the business. Pa
clfic garage, 266 11th st.
MAKE money writin g short stories, or
for newspapers. Big pay. Free book
let. - Tells how. United Press Syndl
cate, San Francisco.
' : girlV ""
Learn the business sanitary beauty
Bar lore; position guaranteed. 400-412
ekum bldg.
WANTED Picture play writers. Big
I pay. We'll teach you. Free Informa
tion. Picture Play association, San Fran
I MADE $50,000 In five year with a
small mall order business; began with
$6. Send for free booklet. Telia how.
Heacook, (678, Lockport, N. Y,
WANTED Neat, experienced woman,
housekeeper widower's family, coun
try, $30. 263H Alder. Main 2039, A-4775.
WAITRESS, country. $25; cooks, cham
bermaids, seamstresses, family heln.
Howe's Ladles' 'Agency, room 39. 270 (4
LUMBER tallyman and grader wants
position: 7 years' experience on the
coast; references A 1 as to character and
ability. A-988, Journal.
YOUNG married man would like posi
tion as salesman in retail or wholes in
dry goods store; have had 10 years' ex-
perience. j-b, journal.
WANTED Experienced body Ironer, on
coats. U. S. Laundry Co.. Grande ave.
and E. Yamhill.
WANTED Experienced feeders and
folders and mangier. TI. S. Laundrv
Co., Grande ave. and E. Yamhill.
WANTED Lady desiring good home to
look-after house and cook for one man.
J-991, Journal.
WANTED Competent .girl to car for
baby every afternoon, Phon A
FIVE salesladies at once.- Apply Mon
day. 203 7th st. Good aalariea to
right parties.
WANTED Woman 'as companion and
asfcist in housework, can up Marshall
410. Monday.
SCHOOL girt to help with housework
ror room ana ooara ana small wages.
T-M ir,a A c r X ' -
rilulio jjoai mmii
SOBER, industrious man. wants carpen
ter worn or van run any Kina or en
gine; engineer by occupation; M-17,
TVO practical carpenters will figure
Vour building so close that you can't
help, letting us do It. Phone Woodlawn
1642T Sellwood lt65.
nicely furnish il room for one or two.
furnace heat; every, convenience; vry
reasonable. 403 6th street, - i .
THE ELM PLACE. 41 Yamhill; rooms; .
hot and cold water, steam heat, prl-
vate baths and suites.
650 HQYT street, large, light Pleasant
rooms reasonable Tak "S" or 16th
street cars. Phone Marshall 1268. ,
ONE large room. $T; $12 fr 2; another .
with 2 closets, $12; $16 for I. 410
Park st.
YOUNG man, .attending business col
lege, wishes work for his room and
board. E. M. Grove, Holmes .Business
college, 10th and Washington. 1
FRONT alcove room with piano, sultabl
for one or more; bath, phon, heat.
226 12th. near Salmon. .. . '
ELEGANT large front room, well fur
nished: suitable for two, with or with.;
out breakfast. 5S0 4th street, south.
NICELY' furnished rooms at 611 MorrP '
sou street for $2 60 per week and up,,
Also an attic bed. 1 vX'
SMALL furnished room, modern, bat fi,
phone, electric light,, furnace heat,
$2.50 week. 300 12th. '
FRONT room for on or two men;
walking distance. 93 N. 14th. Phon
Marshall 688.
NICELY furnished rooms, all modern
conveniences. 664 Flanders. Marshall
PARLOR, furnished, sleeping, ground
AN- experienced cord wood chopper
. wants a Job to cut wood; write to R.
1. box 167 A. Mllwaukila, Or.
MOVING picture operator wanta posi
tion or would work as assistant. ' K
989, Journal. ,
BY general repair man. steam and hot
FRONT room, hot and cold waVr. larg
closet. 18 17th, comer Morrlaon.
FURNISHED inalde ropms, $2.60. ste-ftiii
heat, bath, phone and light. 23 13th.
FtTRNISHED rooms, good location, $ i
. . mac , a ..u .a :
ana 111. ' 1 11
DESIRABLE out:de furnlshod rconia,
321 West Pric; A-7104.
FURNISHED roomb right down town.
3 83 Bainion. nrnr ..c. a
water auto "Krltikia. anVln--"Urr ICaRGE. sunny room, 2 closet., moitern
and boilersV T-982, Journal. . r home. Il. I ror . i-nore ms.h , . ,
c.pivft iJi.k.. ' N1CKLY furnished rooms, ateam heat,
. niano: French rolishra want . ataaulv I fine location.
position. tt-yaa-, journal.
WILL give two housekeeping roma and
small wages for caring for J rooms.
S-99H. Journal.
CHAMBERMAID work, $ to 5 hour
every day. rooming house, north, and.
20c hour. 8-999. Journal.
MIDDLE aged woman for light house
work in small family. Mai zts.
YOUNG girl wnted for general hou4-
work; good korae. inon iA-n ',
471 Morrlaorr,
NICELY 1 furnisiied room, private fam-
CARPENTER, wants work by day -r yrTy
coatract, on laoor, city or country, t ! Is ICfcL.1 rurmaiiru ruin. . ...! n r
986. Journal.
EX PERlENCEU man wanta position as
janitor or watchman. Tahor 160 L
HOt-NG MAN want work on farm;
steady, temperate. Q-9i5, Journal.
STi:MPS taken out of town iota by
Bruce Hood, city, general delivery. "
HOUS13 and- wdwork cleaning. Mala
7$lk :?om 13T. 2) V nIngton.
rfflonM. Ar-olv 41 K!1a at
, , kiHrititi romite. in privet d
kVHli't et.. north, corner V. !-.
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