The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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Tine Loingr SoiUgrM OppoHonStiy
To ImteinidlSinigj Acreage Boyers
& . - - 1 i -t l 7 - ar'i av - . mm a a & - r aw i win i mm m w m v- 1 jr m .a m m jt. m w jt m jf a arm -
Just 38 Mies From Portland
3 Miles From the Columbia River
2000 Acres of Rich Creek Bottom and Valley-
Lands m Tracts 01 r torn 5 Acres to 80 Acres
Selling at From $20 to $60
an Acre on Easy Payments
What More Interesting Low Priced Acreage Proposi
tion Has Ever Been Presented? Unquestionably the
The Most Notable Distribution of Acreage Tracts Ever
Known to the People of Portland and the Northwest
Indeed a Meritorious Investment for EverbodyFor You
How many people within the bounds of Portland and vicinity
ever realized that such an extensive tract of high-class, profit
bearing creek bottom and valley land lay in such close proxim
ity? For months we have been busily engaged in platting and
out to the-very
best advantage,
and now we are
ready ready to
present '.to you
the most profit
able proposition that you could possibly invest in. '
To the mechanic, the clerk, the" bookkeeper, the salesman, .
the professional man to men of every walk in life who are,
giving thought to ' the future, who contemplate something to
have and to hold, and that to their profit and pleasure: Pic
ture in your mind the possession of, say, 'five, ten or twenty
acres or. more of such land as COLUMBIA ACRES land that
we can conscientiously say will produce most profitably any
thing, and at its best Practical, actual tests have demonstrated
this we stand ready to prove it
Nor. can we illustrate a word-picture that will bring to you
a realization o'f the wonderful advantages that
offers its. ideal
location, its re
m a r k a b 1 y
low cost, the
richness . of its
8oilr the easy ac
cess to rail and water transportation, the low freight rates and
splendid water supply.
Here are a few other features that .make COLUMBIA
ACRES a valuable investment: .
The Portland-to-Coist macadamized automobile road already
touches Columbia Acres, and issto pass directly through it
This means that skilled engineers, after the most careful inves
tigation 1 of the geographical character of the vast country be
tween Portland and the Coast, decided that this highway was
to pass directly through Columbia Acres, owing to the remark
ably low grade percentage.
Agricultural and fruit experts have, by actual tests, demon
strated that the character of soil in, this section will produce
the finest fruits and vegetables -in fact,, rivals the famous Hood
R,iver and White Salmon sections in fertility.
The Goble, Nehalem & Pacific Railroad Company, an im
proved logging road, also passes directly through ,.
and c o n n e c t s ,
with the Astoria
& Columbia
River Railrbad
at Nehalem..
fewonly a few of the,' many resources of this most remark
able tract. We can show you many otners
At Least Investigate Columbia Acres at Once
The Disposal of Every Acre Before Many Pays Is Predicted
Office Open Today from 10 a." rru to 4 p. m. and Evenings on Week Days
For Your Careful Consideration This Comparison
From the investment miA nr itliMM alnt AMl . A - ..u...u ii i
with the constantly increasing cost of improvements, upkeep and taxation, when you can ae
pure a tract of ten acres of rich creek bottom and valley land that will pay for itself in a com
paratively short time and be a source of revenue to you a home a permanent investment, for'
the same price as the lot And this within the short distance of 3 miles from Portland. What
Afhp invatfmant that mtl nvai'k1a Wm r-- .l. . .
,,u..k vvwiu i-riui jruu mure prwmDir rjtumv wixa feme expenditure f
Moflltoipoolk (C(d
Offices' In; . ,
Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Sts.
- . and at Columbia Acres