The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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OH'llfl' HOD
44 4.-k.l 4 -. V i
. 4
n4 ti. !
Lasting Benefits of Buildhuj Restrictions Seen
iti I
0i i . 4 kit i.'li.M
4 I-m i t inw' Wi
4 .. ..-
. .4 . X ..trfl 4
4 .,V ..t . .4- t
J4 Mill iuH 4
I .. ..".'I 4... vi.i 1 14
I f . m4 4
-v4 ... i f 4. . ' '
It lit U U Mio. .
tWwwLl m4 I aW H fta C V -s-U4: atUai4 fcataaV..
OF Clli
4l. .J44 44 It 4 ti.4.- HL
W .4 .i.4 144 -l.U . 4
. i.k.m M. 4k M t 4.4 A4.f
..- 44 WH (-4.
f. t.Mft 4 M 41 ll 4W44'
20OO Aeits lwwti at U"J
ue Cc'u r.t a B.ier.
. 1 .., tki ; - t.4
4 . 4 4a H.l .,.4
H. W. Snails cf Washington
State CoKcse TcH$ in Dc-j
til Mew Stumps Ujy Be,
J4M rwwl.1 414 k .-4.-ft
Removed at Small Cost.
, 4 .. . ... . t .44 u
In ... i4 JI 4fc 14
1 4 k 4 . . j 4 1 r
fa. iM f-
! X ... ... .....
. 4 a..l J II i I r t - 1
Hit IM lUl I! -'. i .' -
.,. .. - II -" "I - , ! - 14 ( ..
M ta r.-j - II -- - - . t
, I 4-4 I!
im!lHiMMM 1VN - -rTnf ' - - i ' 1 " " -" ' - -..
I fcaa4
ti a44, a-4 f aaMM
M ilk fate Iw4 IM 4.4tOT
. s 444k I i-W ak.
i I.
ll. 4 14. 1...4 4. l4
- r
4.1W mt Ik 4 I4l rtti4
f 1 4 rrl Ui44 M
Hr. tt " f 4l
ttwt If I44 I
ill im I4mi, r woeA
hwi i r4 for ! C4 Marl.
1 I4v I1 M4I44 HI' fclf f4l4
taxrf, r444 I4xl 4 Ml'
it. I l M IM titm tllm lioa ti
r4 fta f IK la hk
k.ttif iW4l lk rr UI f4t. T
fKr 4414 M CUlllkiM 4 f4jrl r
mifatM in l!lr 4 II
M Ml 44 ttttmr VI44IW
4 4 la at a4 UU t(lB-
4 la i aaMMiM af t I
U4 .r-U ralllla. tf laa
liH 14 ti4 lo lock II
Kif a 44 alMil Ik 4ilMr -ml at
Ik arwvM ItM. ! ira M aurnctvai.
-r ao44a af I4 fl-r tMlvfial I
rl 44 kia4lKk ft 4 1 la laa aiama a4
toi4rr Ik aart4r f fa la I
1 4 nr a4 414 rt laa krll ft4l la
lft alaK lpK Iba flra a Maar
Pa.a4i.l4 la ikal fc-a II la la burn.
la furikvr wrra tlx haal. eavar avar
4, tt lb aa4l aA4l raavaAlvAL
ir rarialir tfaoa. r If 44 paralar
M4n4 ai 4!aiaa b4 ihraaia ma aoil.
h.a alll ba a braakinc up lala Ida
rinc auhaiviaiaaw of aoi vMra will
rail lata lb twl4i of I Ha fu.l 4
tvrhapa ti.ldbl porlloaa Of II drift
In bira Iba fal ajvd Iba etump, thua
rroirm I ha stump fram iba flra.
I If fvca, iba baat raulla will ba aacurad
lr lavlnf n(k ahovalful of aanh ea
lha tuH aril boa I ibraalnc and If Iba
aoil abowa a odtofjr lo braak up. fill
in around iba atump at iba lop of tba
fu.l aiib tb maai roavanlmt malarial
at hand, amall 4ra of bark4 reltan or 1
wl wood, farnm. tarlca. or aaxtnJns lhat
will bold iba rina matarul up at tba
tart .
Cow tba Top Ttrbb
' Hulld tha aoll covarinv up from lb
hot mm and corar tba lop tight. Ba
tareful at tha lop of tola covrln to
t-loaa all lha bolaa. A faw ahovalaful of
flnrr aorta atfiad'ovav Ihla portion of
ih rorrrlnr will ba found to bo an ad
vaataga. Allow tha air to enter freely
r tha bottom, ainco aa e bumlaar pro
a j
II. a Ult44it fralltOMax, 4 44
4tf k fca w4la t.Ml &i
ali l-U4. a4 lo Iba Uaiia Vaa
ni of all oa af 4.nim la. Ifca
4riil4t44i4. la la Iba f4a of la
baaata t rtla44 al T'i'lb al
a4 taaibtft araaua, la Ka4la4antUM
AiiiMMta 4..i4 aiibia h tm i
4irvir4 ta ie da.iiiaga. Ibaa Iva
bate (l I 44-4 4 Ie44
44u4l 44 a a a4-tu lli4lra
liOb of b I. a-. af 4vr 4'f of
Pwalir a l"4 rwll.a' i.'44.lul aUa.
irwi. Oa Iba ll la 14a fuiufo la iba
4-a IM4M4 bjM4laa af A Wbntar,
a e.l airl4l la ibia rliy f iwm lbl
r( YM baaaataa baa a Ifn.N
bvl aaler balin ala. a 4g fire.
tl4'4 f T44Mll 4 44, 4f . f
litl wa f .14 Jivii. 4 4,11. i.
a 4-4. )rtf't aiHMi M lal-
tl4l' la ail 4fMa
I. r hlxktii a44a ff 10
I "a. la la 4if af l w l4
- r w ' ' - -. - ' - I W I t-i
14144 It wma ba I44 !'-- aa4 1 a4
I mm Hnt a a.. r f
o-aa ,, r ana J br I lL
Bend, Oregon
Will Make a City
a a
aurna 4MUW4
raaJla. Iba ar braa baol4 aa4 rata
14 la lap ml Iba (anfllu, K4 II tll
vp if lb ar aar bale, bl If ra
fta4 ailbia lb pmem. lb ai b
roanea b4 aa4 Ikal baal la radtala4 hack
I Iba eap If lb aaWl (r.ilna
Ira la lb 4MIU4UI or baarlr .
bia bawl la r4iala4 bark la Iba I pa,
la of lb aiaeap ah aiab lo
aura, unrlir. Iba loalav aad Ihla la Iba
leasci! ra4 for fceapin Iba fuel do a
la iba laaeel minimum far aoeraaoful
Uraea a amall opentnt on Iba wind
jaard aid of Iba aiump. m Ibal Iba
flra Bill ba drra la uadar lha rover.
Aa aooa aa iba lira la well uiul.r iba
roer, ahW-b my aaailjr be laid br
oparalor f real Iba amount of emoh la.
aumc Ibrougb Ibe roearlna at different
ptaf, rover Ibal opening In lb name
way aa Iba r-t of Iba fal waa eov.
aVaava roa Ceartm4r.
Tb elnmp mar new be'lefl lo rar
for tllf for aaerrai boura. while other
pari a of the work are a I tended to.
The operator ehould make regular
eUlta to each of the aiumpa to aea lhat
the ar procreoalnc aa dee I red. If be
find nolra breaking through the rover.
Inf at any place, tbeee ahould bo filled
up, avoiding at all lime parking the
covering. lxv a looaa. poroua cover
ing. tha more air npac there
la in thla rover tha belter non-conductor
It la, air being a non-cooduclor of beat.
Aa a general rule, I he operator will find
It beat to arrange Ma work ao that moot
of hie ntumpa ran ba fired In th morn,
log, leaving th afternoon for getting
atumpa ready to bo fired nrnt morning.
After a atump haa been fired for about
Si hour, n ahould begin to burn rap
Idly aa th fir haa had time to gen
erate an Intenae neat. From that lima
on'lba-opcrator aliouU lat I k tha atumpa
regularly night and morning for lit pur-
$1,000,000 GAIN Ifl
New Construction Authorized
Thus Far This Year Makes
Good Record Number of
New Permits Are Issued.-
Approilmalrly II.0.3p la th roel of
bulldinga for which prrmlla have been
leaned thua far during October.
Thla brlnga ht total for 111 to data
lo alihln a fraction of llf.oot.e.
Th total volume of permit laauad
during October 111 waa ll.ll.i;.
WRIcb leave only about II0.0 lo be
made up during lha remaining two daya
of th monlb in order that th preeent
month's f Ururea may reach tboee of Oc
tober, liio. Ho far thla year, lb ag
gregate coat of conatrtictlon eiceede lhat
of tha earn period In ill by ll.0OJ.00t
In round numbers.
Aaotber Booord Broken.
In th number of permit laauad, rec
ords of previous years ar alao being
broken. Tha gain In this respect for
tha first 14 months of lha year la about
100 permits. In thla reapecl. rortland
la In a class of Its own. when tha con-
pose of keeping- tht fir well underatructlon figures of tha (A leading Arocr-
cow. ,'It la or tba vtrnoat importance I lean cities sre considered.
that the heat genersted bo npt nllowedl jom Angeles Is th only other Pacific
to (tcspo. xou win nouc mat ma lire j coast city showing a gain In tba volura
purns peiirf at nigni. i 0f construction over last yesr.
. aTlght Air Bast. I Tha largest new building project
Th nlcht air Is cooler, ha mor oy-1 announced last week was tbst of th
gen In It and Is mor stlmulstlng. I proroaea now department stora at tha
Chsr-Dlttina In I ht work, but act-1 noruiwei c&rner oi rum ana wsrii
fn In Its nsture. Th operator mustllngton streerk. Th Mructure Is to ba
visit ths stump regularly and keep tlylPut up by the Holts Department Stora
fires - under cover.. ; A light, frlsble. I company, wnivn nss isKen a sn-ycar
sandy noil Is not good for covering' as
It dl4lntegrats and hss a. tendency to
run down on tha fir and imiother It.
A sou with soma clay In It should bo
In tha course of a few days tha flra
will hava progressed so that the stump
will be cut off about tha ton of the
earth covering and fall to ona aide. The
stump hould then ba covt-red over with
a light covering of earth and In' a few
daya It will hum tip entirely. The flra
la now eating Its way along' tho root 4
undergronnd and ahould be kept covered
with a light soil two to four Inches deep.
if the proper csre Is given the roots
wnitiii naa taken a
leaaa.on the site. It Is to be a steel
frame, 7-story structure with axterlor
walla of pressed brick and terra cotta.
Its estimated cost tn !2.r0,000. iMyle,
Patterson & Beach, architects.
Tha announcement was also made laat
week that conatrnctlon work will be
gin early In November on tha Z-atory
brick building for Woodard A Clark at
the northeast corner of Alder and West
Park street. This la to be a aeml-fire-'
proof structure and will coat about j
1150,000. "
- Twelve Story Hotel.
Architects are at work on tha plana
of the proposed 12-story hotel to be
KlWkUal 4HI 4 Ui AUaaeaa
4)4 4441 IkalvUr
A at IJ'14 la 4UJia a Va!
elrwlvr f-a Taral) .rt iifwi, l
ia t4r aa4 Uitaaa bl a' et
"t I if.
nt4r. 44i, t u tratut atu r. it
aVbalo laob OdI a a.!! far a
4laT. f ll f laiatt ba4 ba
rtacl4 o la.l iwleaaai '. ra I,
K4 TLiri.44-.atti ai a rl " -
f.4 -f e4 fA9y IK 4
liMt 14 .4a 4 4. 4a
4. a alt.'M4 . 4I 444 4- w4
i.,4 a4 .n.. aa . 4 ti.
mm i 4 44 kC !..( (41
lk4k44 4 444 I 14 4.1 I
44.kl4 -4 mrmm !'-44 4t44
w4i. I k., 4 m i-:a4.a
4h4 4 t-4.. yi4Ma t"a.
. I.lki I k ! 4 14. .44.4. A
4-4k fc,K. llt.4V4 41 U44 l
I 4 ... k 44aa4 l.a .4 l4
ItlkK IlKk-it 4 I 4 lata
.4 IV. a u a 14.4, a ti l
I II f 4k .'i4 to
W44S4 mm 4f 4ra 4ik.i 44XM
144 fkkl4i; b 44IW4I4 W4
ttmmm tlnk II t ailkt lk.4
hIi af lala.! la 1 4i.U4 A4
I 14 taeK m4 ! 441 ll
al tt-m a4.Ui at4a) af iul b4la
ut i4a
)Viil a.. 4 rvii4 4pa ,
44u.4Wal4 b) ll r Itkal la
4(4 arf a44 ag i-a kra.t tl.
44a l 1 wital-i 4H4 I frwi
aS ! 4M.
' air44al aaj4.. Ilk Ii4ikb
-a r baa Ia4 a f4) ksf imim.ii
,S.J!e I at lit )i!ik
At!, tvts a tj I
Zt in Oe !. oi!i; M
4SiiH ljrf vt frit
.... ! 4
U!e IuM to auUff
tirt'oi :e trYUffs JfuUvlkn.
Ttu ftitii . i'.-J It r.
r.1 ;rl U f t-
)tH i!cs anil lUf il
ltun jifitifYikaft ii a Ccrtif
Ai4jree raw -Tal IUaM Vr4
a ?
f tllj' Wa la.
TV l aaal'r la laa law
F ata-4: ta lMa ta fnUa4 ai !
ra i rv 4t4ii a4 tfy
rivjt 4ii44f fata ( la
I -rtk4j baaJlf IWr4 4 4 1.
Mr. faaa aa4 taat fr4 waa p
l'444 Ik44 aaaap 4ai 4 aaambar
af a s4i4 b4 taal la law a
14) a Ibal II lapaalta
- ""i inrrr li
TCAit orr
a law a !l
ibia rrta 'L
nfi!;-4if. CkU pttw JO' Title t Truil Co.
lih nJ Oak. Ponladd.
lxJ nte )tr Uiuklct.
illy ef rn4 cuja Ur nr
U'llcl. . a4 la r14l: at4 u l I r 1 7T " T7 ' IT IJ. '
at .: Arta I It ., mm H LI II U a IP .
4at 41(4 l4vH 4al k ( abi. k M I
Lewim Bid., Fourth and Oak
pi44i4 I afl.r aa lal 4im piwp'
Name. . .
Um 41 ftrcalbef.
llailxraMa aanl apilal
out a prmi for a lao.eiory (rain
apartment bovjaa akb-b ihey ar build
ng oa I al Niaib atrvat. bia Tay.
or and Tambill.
lata, aav l4k.a
Tba wall kaowa lall ftrea of Kaa.'
r. Ilumaaoa A J. firry haa dlaol4
ronnerMp bad b.rrafl.r . h mem
ber of lb firm Bill Cparal arparaleiy
aa I wr ww tmw iirai il vparai wpar.ivif
I I under lb folloain umat Iwrr II
r I Kay 44(4. tb ln tlitnvaaoa ron
Jpanr. tMA K. J.ffary fo.
The Portland Artificial Ir company
a preparing lo build a thraa-aiory coa-
rrele bulMIng at the oulb-al corner
of Klghti-rnlh and I'pahur atreala,
whlrh will be aa. addition to Ita pres
ent Ice-making plant. Th bulldlr.g
will cover practically a quarter block
alt. A portion of the etrurture will
e uaed aa ao angina room and th
remainder will b fitted for th pur
poses of Ira atorag.
Th production of .bear In Russia haa
lnrreaad In th laat decade nearly four
imea as rapidly aa th consumption.
Tb firm baa r-n e of ih lg
ral operators la trlland and baa on
their boufca some of Iba btgb! rlaaa
aubdltlalona. Tb firm, alien otgea.
Isrd waa a combination of laa lJlng
ruiHrna: ll. K. Kaay m tX . who bad
been very anresful In building up
Portland llrlghts and ortaalilng an
dlialea and llamaaon Jrffrry, who
had ba acllvt In handling doa-nlown
Tha reran! opening of Klnga Heights
and Arlington Heighia and tba Immrna
amount of development taking plar on
Iheaa properties require practically tho
esclualv attention of Mr. Keeany.
Therefore, It has pren Ibonglit best to
reorganise " th business of lha firm
1 to 5 Acre Tracts
V 4 -
Fruit Farms Poultry Farms
Berry Farms
Prices reasonable'
fast, electric trains
On sale this wk. Inquire
Easy terms. Short ride from Portland by
Near new tovn of NORTH PLAINS.
Ruth Trust Company
s aa) a
I K alva lfil,.; , fl t? , "
Uvl iiratti m fr Jm iooo jvV . .-t m( to Wi
. .M
tH 4 4aaa!
Dorr E. Keasey-& Co.
they will burnyAit for a depth' of two erected for the Oregon Hotel company 5
1 i ,i I
, Why? Because !.
WaL M4KB A CITT OV 6000.
feet 'iclow tire aurface.
Boil Oonditlons.
It haa been the opinion of many who
have .tried It, that this method is not
adapted to gravelly or sandy soils, but
our experiments have convinced us that
It may be profitably employed by modi
fying the method to the needs In the
changed conditions of soil. We have
done this successfully aa follows: Pre
pare -the stump In tha usual way, that
Is, removing the bark and digging away
objectionable soil to about the depth one
would, want to plow, making a trench
by 8.. Benson at the southwest corner
of Oak and Seventh streets. 'It is tha
Intention to begin the erection of this
structure with the opening of the new
year. At about the same time, the Pa
cific States Telephone' & Telegraph
company will begin the conatruction of
a 10-story office building at the south
east corner of Oak and Park streets on
the 100x100 foot parcel purchased some
weeks ago from S. Benson. The permit
for the new home of the Merchants Na
tional Bank at Fourth and Washington
streets was issued last Wednesday. The
structure la to be a three story steel
around the stump, wider at the top than Ln4 concrete building and will cost 1100,.
at the bottom, tha aides sloping toward
the atump. Now, put the fuel In till,
trench, using in the dry season the same
amount of fuel and placed in the same
way aa we have described above. Dur
ing the unfavorable seasons a concen
trated fuel may be, used with good
success. Where dry sawdust be avail
able,' use about one-half bushel of this
in the trench, with kindling wood laid
around n.-xt to the stump, then use from
WTXXi MAKE A CITT OF SOOO. J one to three Eallons CdeDendin on th
TWO TEANSCOlfTIlTEWTAI. BAIZ.- I size of the stump) of fuel oil poured
omit?naraEa!S,?w,,!over th,s kindling wood and sawdust.
xwBH&YVSM ""(Next place a small amount of coarse MAKE A CITT OF 6000. I wood and piecea of bark or any good fuel
XkAXQE BKICK TABD, STOIfE i which may be at hand, over tho top of
Bend Has All of These
, AVhieii you can verify by a little in
: voFtlgation. It's ALt. the whole
T1U.TTH. NOW, to say that BEND
WI1X make a city of 26,000 in a short
time l very reasonable. . Don't YOIT
' think so? J. J. Hill, the Portland Com-m.-rciai
clubs, all the leading mags
slnes and newspapers of the northwest
think so. ,. . .... . ......
Did It Ever Occur to You
How ." ,
The wealthy people of Portland. Seattle
' and Spokane made their fortune? Thev
made their- money by buvlng close ih
property In the above cities when IT
WAS CHEAP and a small amount was
all that Jt required "to handle the in
- vettment:' Just the. same as we are
offering you TOT AY AT ; -
Business and Close-in , Resi
dence Lots, 50x140, at
S200 $200
Terms $10 Per Month
this, and fill in with pieces of bark,
chips, rotten wood or ferns around thn
top of the fuel to prevent the dirt fall
ing In between the fuel and the stump
at the start, cover the fire and care for
the stump as before described,,
In the bulletin, Mr. Sparks gives num
erous Instances of the cost per stump
of clearing land by the charpit method,
lie shows that It has been done as low
as 32 cents a stump, and' in one In
stance when the stumps were very
large, he fchows the cost to have been
as high as 97 cents. ' The average, how
ever, seems to be about 64 cents. All
tho data at hand proves Conclusively j 8tory. frantf cottages, eacfa to cost t
For five rruirs and -photographs of
i" and Central Oregon, .call . on or
- i -te - - . -
The Ifewlon-Koller Co., Inc.
S I Bocbasaa Bldg, zS6a Wash. St,
that to clear land by the old- blartlftg
method it cost about 13.00 per stump,
taking onc acre with another.
.Mr.. Sparks advises that tho stumps
be peeled inhe rainy season and that
the actual work; of burning be carried
on during' the following dry season.
Copies of this-bulletin may bo had bj
applying to H. W, Sparks, " supervisor
of demonstration farms, Pullman, Wash.
Aak for Bulletin No. 40. '
Hopper Want to Be Sheriff.-
John J. Hopper, who ran for governor
of -New York on tho Independence league
ticket a year ago. is now a candidate
for sheriff of New York on the anti-
Tammany ticket Indorsed by ilie Re
publicans, th Independence league and
other so-called lndnendett urKanJsa
tlon . I ,.- ".". .....
. - . :. ' ' i- ' '- . - - .
000. This was the largest permit la
sued during the week. The Hanover
Building company took out a permit
last Monday for a .slxstory, concrete
apartment house to be erected on King
street, 100 feet south of Washington, at
a cost of-85,000. This building will
take the place of the five-story apart
ment house which was destroyed by fire
early in, the year.
Work on Parish House,
Construction work on . the parish
house of tho First Presbyterian church.
at Thirteenth and Alder, waa begun last
week. The permit. Issued last Thurs
day. authorizing its erection fixes the
cost at $60,000. The building Is to be a
three-story brick structuro and will oc
cupy a sito Immediately west of the
main church edifice. - V ,
William L.lnd took out a permit Fri
day of last week for a three-story prick
building which he is to erect on Rus
sell street, between Knott and union
avenues. Tho building will cost approx
imately 115,000.
Some decline was noticed In the num
ber of residence permits applied for last
week as compared with the figures of
tha previous week.
Permits were issued to the Colonial
Construction company for three,, 1-
and to be erected on Glenn avenue, be
tween Bryce and Shaver streets.
, S5OO0 Beaidenc.
' A permit was ' issued to J, H. Till
man .for a similar structure to cost the
same sum. and to-be erected on East!
Thirty-second street, between Shaver
and Bryce. -. ? V v. , ' c ,
On Multnomah street, near East Sev
enteenth, J. K. , Dolan haa begun the
erection of a ? ty-storjr frame res'ldenc
to cost 15000. - v
- Robert B.- Beat- procured a permit
last Thursday for a $4000. SH-story
frame residence, which he Is preparing
to build-on East Tenth, between Stanton
and Flskiyou. . '
H. K- Doherty Is also building a ty,
story, I400J' resident Ip the Irvlngton
district. A permit authorizing Ita. erec
tion on East Forty-first street, between
. - ' - t . - ' v' -' - -,- i 1 ,
-' !, v
e . : v . v h:-tiini - m. r: ,t
. --al- TS'MW,,W,W . . - -
'. l . :Sk. . . ti . . . . . -4
- 't
.jar- ; M :r.tY,4(w
" a
L, " 1
4vMak -
y J , , . . y .i -
; - - til
"W.: .v...-. .i.-.'. ' ..'.'"
Above is a cut of still another good reason why you, should buy in
Kenton-National Addition where, lots, warehouse and factory sites will
double in value in a short time. . ..- ..-...:-.,.
Cut is made from plans of factory of Pacific Specialty Company,
manufacturers. of the widely known "Made in Oregon 5-Minute Washing
- Compound," and other soap sundries. The very able management of this
company Jbv J. A. Thronson and G. T. Howitt is a-positive-guarantee to
.their stockholders of a handsome profit and safe investment Work has
.already begun on the concrete foundation. J . ,. . ' ( . -
- -The site for this factoryjs one of our Lloyd's Industrial tracts. The
building is to be 40x80 feet, with two stories and basement, and in full
operation will give employment to .50 men. These tracts have trackage
.and water frontage as well as a private roadway, are above high water,
.and are ideal locations for either large or small manufacturing plants.
Prices are very "tow as compared with other locations affording the same
shipping facilities, and the terms are made to suit the purchaser.'
- . LOTS In Kcnton-NationaJ Addition there arc still to be had good
sites to build houses that can always be rented and will return 12 or
more on .the investment. k ........
Kenton-National (Addition is one to two blocks west of Kenton bank
and carhnc. ;
Kenton is based on -actual development. ' 1 " ,
.Kenton 4S ot based on promises - , - f
Kenton is not based upon the future; . '
Present improvements, including graded streets and water, are in
cluded in purchase price. , -
To reach Kenton take a Kejiton or Union Stockyards car at Second
and Alder streets, transfer at Killingsworth avenue, get off at bank
corner in Kenton and walk one block west to tract office, or phone us,
and we will take you out by automobile. ' ' - .
bones s afazahtu 9340; C-1374 -