THL OKIISO:! SU.'iDAY JOIMIN'AL rORTLA?iD. SUKPAV I.'ORN'IKQ. OCTOIiHR V. Hit V 4 i J BIG DELEGATION . , 10 HAKE IKIP 10 v EASTERHCOUfJTIES Enfeebled Con&tion cf Iter man, Morrow, Gilliam to Be Inspected; Demonstration Train to.Leave. WILL -RELATE STOHr OF MIS LAST SPREE tw. ("wtUkl aa4 far, IUU-. at - t aaliait ia UmimI f MliMv 1 4l (UKM Ml, W 11 ta aaa it Ik. kJ tn llml e.f f l Ik. M I al V awr ! ei.M4 tititi af ft. . tft. kl-lwW e4 UUJiaaa awwailae el Iik,w atl T ,. ""T-4 imia wt4jr la iw- eve a wMai e4 k4 WMS I.IW.,.. IUk . eate. a f a. Baie-e -4 taaae." U IK IM n laMwata m! wa4 MM IMI l It aalaas twaaay I tt neat It hMiUM Maw im U' aakr af u-W. n. M eaatallawe all! Mte tUM HI aMr I It U IM lf-lf aWaal.aaawal . , ii wkU Ma a aa aiive ik eiuki4 ml mw Meaa ia rmmm inr af tta "! aU. irlly ink. iwf I Iwmea4. wktca ttw Me a Mat Ikrw iiiiim im mmmmtm aula. I. 4IBf im ManUtwa ef IM taa. TM f IMI ItlNrtHM IB IM IIMrlat mt tmm MNIM In M ft ml wll.1 t m e few! U tUaawt Me Ml trade I IM Wat frwea IM tair ml laruM hmm aete la U arla. . . . la Tweaaay Mefwiaf. TM a i-rMa trala kaatta )VlU4 I It nam Tw4r miii will ax. la ArtiMiMt ai t 11 v tlmu Tdr tfitnm. Tmm -rai far iriiiauix . la Uf I MM af barta-Marv)ll Ileal arotfarilow will m eufc- ef fuel M mmrt twnaaa twMMvratle, At at ! arr4 l liia pretraaa t-ada m. Irl-awaaiy fair Mil aataata. triaa wttt M ta for Ike Mai . iee. Ma. Ma, n4 kM. anil mIm, Wkaat. cwlekaAa, ease aa4 IM Ilk. Tba ere im ttwlna at laiaaalT, 4Jvatina4 fartnlac. l to a 4aa tot maktn Ua4 IMI mtrmr mrrm aayiaia bal akaat qvMlsl4 alia u, amail.r crapa IMI raaatra aaara arMa j4 oma. . AM tba tpia ba caaipait will ak la glvas Mat pporioaiir I Hra aya af prlM-vtaaiaf auccwaa , fraaaaaaivattaa Tfala &aaa.'. , TM damoaalratloa Ulm U1 M ar Ina iba ihraa cowaUaa a4 will earea lma Artlbttaa on I ha avaaJnc af aoo vaallaa day. It carrtaa Iba um af iba a-rlcalUral'MUff wba raa t aft at ry atop n4 mlntllat; lib craupa jaj"""""'"' tlUr WtUIamt. IrBar tT-gaittt lHlf. wilttaaa. IM 'Arum mmr avaa ftL mut IHI kla alary. "TM Lt Haana W u a T"lr. al IM a'a tsaviiaa IM TAl. C A. II I a rlarb Uia irufi lla aaa Mra laa yra a M aeUara4 I Via atlnaa a4. la la rnl II laalay by aaui imml , Tar a 4c4a aa aia WlUlaata aa a lrllaa aalma. lla Ia4a4 I bta Mitodiral apraca." Ilia Ual -mprmm laal4 far alt araaaa la Kaaaa CUr. IHirtaf IMI lima M 'Va- aa lliat la tia afforu la "Valnl IM taaa rad." Jit Iba vary Milam ( Mabary. A rraiamal aartaty af bleb M aa a mnbmt took cMrct af blaa M Lax4 fcim abara fct vauM baa a rhaac la airaifhlae mp anaa atara, lla Mraaia raacna4 It) CTiHal. Ualir, TMI vaa about It ytara aa- liaca Iba ha baa b-nt an tvanvaitat nl a l-iurr. warning paoplt frota IM pa lb at bad vuin Ilia tddraaa thia aftaraaaa la a rttal af aam af IM avaata af ittla Jaal praa" a4 IM lawu II pel a la aat. lla hms dellrarad Iba aMraa IIII llmaa. lit dallvar4 II rrkUy alcbl al prlnrfiald, Or abara a flhl aajnat Ibt Mkaaa I briar vaf rrata Mra ba will go la aalao o coaduot ravlval tarvtoaa far Ihraa waaka la Iba iaaea of paopla, lall ach and all tnaalrara Juab bow la M auecaaafal la IM prac- l alawartal rharcb. lcl operation of iba tpacUitr aach I " 1 ' .rlPr!r VJt.,. If. w . -?.l' ' ' l0" trala wia M raaarrad far IM aeur. Wt a 1 u-L .7 1!:- J2" tlooUt. TM rator from Arlington J.T. J1.. f1 Tr?,n WW earamaaca at 11 if a. m. Wadnaa- r---r d. at i nar or ina nammaa a.9 wi.k - ,(m .t Tha DalUa ina a lLaJ?:. :!,n. .1rrr'.jr?rlJ?' raauma af Iba Joumay at I p. n. la tlma offlclala of iht ,0 rate Portland P-V Wadaaa. rnrilMllv wVnn Ma tj laaaaa & A iBtiki 1 aay. ON SHOPPING TOUR. , f WED IN BIG STORE company wba hara Intaraat and lnflu anca la I ha davtlapiaaat af tha tribu tary larrltory from wblcb Ira f no for Port lajid la drawn. Tbt damoaatratloa trala la to earry ., noa-t and cowa otiKkaaaad taaebla. ry. .Jbart will M a pacbaat af.mUo ! nialM and anotbar paokara of flald I Kanaaa City. Kan.. Oct tl.Pradar I tZ VT farmar. Alone otbtr Ick Abarhold tnd Capitola BmaJIay, of X v . '"' ' w""w vaiiay-yaiia, naa ion oaaa in- tntr aaotba, had Inlrrfe. rtn.ny Hon of Iba now Idaa. which la to raJat ln' m City to boy fuf- in anuui cropa on (round not uaad for I mtura. . . . I wbaat I Aftar tpaadlnt M?ara! houra buyln la Talk. ' I yarloua artlcltt tbay cama to tha quaa- Arttr tbt trl-county dtralopmrat oon-1 tlon of a carpat for tha living room, vantlon la ovtr and tha datnonatraUoa I Frtd'a batrt btcamt aat on a pattern train ha a paaaad by, tha Intaraat awak I that raaatnblad.a aunaaL Capitola waa nan will b practically oonaanrad by a datarralntd aba waa going to havt ; man who will go throughout tht whola totnetblng aha likad. Bunaal carpota of tht great area, flopping and talking were not In her lltt After a heated with aach farmar concerning hit prob- argument Capitola had a brilliant Idea, leant and handicapa, hla opportunltlea "All right," aaaanted Fred, when tha i ana toe new Idea of Intenaive dryland I matter waa broached by Capitola, "they . farming, producing many cropt in rola.- I teem to have everything elae here. tlon. I'apott they'va got aome ona to hook ut Tht work of thlt man will ba cortJ P. too." , tlnued throughout the year. Ha will I A floorwalker waa aaked where tht eah by demonttratlng, and when tha minister waa kept Ha referred . tbt air It held next year it It expected that couple to Cbeater I Jonea. Mr. Jonea the attractlvt prlaet offered by. Port- proved hlmaelf equal to the occasion land buslneii people and out of tha fund by calling a clerk and tending Mm to garnered ry J. n. Teal will ba awarded tha llcenae clerk at the court nouee, to boya and glrla ; who have ratted big with directona to return to hla offjea. chlckena or to men who havt raited When the trio and the marriage llcenat better wheat or havt been distinctively returned they found tha Rev. W. A. auccenafut in hog raising, the arowlna? Rex. of St Paul't Reformed church. of peat or beans or potatoes or alfalfa. I awaiting them. With the clerk and Mr. I Because tht great Bherman-Morrow- Jonea at witnesses tha two wera mar- Cllliam area la believed to be capable Had. When It wat all over, true love of greatly increasing tht volume of had overcome Capitola's rug loving na- Jortland'a . out of town - business, tha ture and they" took the flrat train back commercial interests of Portland havt to Valley Falls. been quick to follow tha lead of the - - v 1 ;i trl-county development committee, and TUCCT CflDPCTU ' trie Commercial club is extending the I tlur I rUnuCIn - ' helping hand to a people who have cause - PAPPR TO I ITHP for discouragement because of tha wan- V rni UMV laiiiu ing production and' population. The , . ' , new .agricultural method it expected to Loa : Angelet, Oct 28. Tha queerest change all this and make Sherman-Mor- newspaper ' aver printed In southern row-Ullliam counties as productive at California Is this week'a Hsue of tht the fertility, of the toll warrants their Bawtello Sentinel, which makes tta ap- belng, ; loma of Tnott Wao Vffi Oo. V Tht members of the. tri-county com mittee ara R. B. Miller, J. N. Teal, 8. C. Piar, J. Derkhelmer, ttwlght Edwards, , A. F. Huggint, Q, F. Johnson, C. C. .Chapman. .. -.-."..-' . : The following list of names of those Who wJU go on the excursion does not pearanca with out the lottery's." Henry Schults, county statistician, and editor and publisher of the paper, makes an I explanation -as follows: ..)- . . r .: - I "At the time the Thentlnel . wath I about half thet an evil dlthpothed thief I entered thlth office and ' carried away i ill our etheth, and for thlth reathon our! thubthrlberth will have to do the very include tha full list but indicates only eth they can in, reading thome' of tht aruciem, wnicn are mepeiiou . in ius manner which they may have noticed in thlth1 announcement," v':: .''':,' --"A 1 joe the number that have bought and paid tor tickets : N. A. Icach, Kerr. Glfford A Co. William McKensie, Balfour. Guthrie & jo.; w. a. juacKae, Bank of California Ueorge W. Hoyt Merchants National bank; Emery Olmstcad, Portland Trust company; George J. Major, Fairbanks Morse company; C. C, Chapman, Port land Commercial club; W. M. Umbden . r m. - t . . . . H 5iU.UA, ' UlllUUCllBVUVa. UK. . ' , heiniw Wadhama & Co.; R.t M. Oooly jr:. uooiy oc wo.j u. winsinger, tar v Sand company; D. B. Thomas, capital- 1st; A. Q. Hugglns, Flelschner-Mayer i company; A. H. Oevert, Closset St De- f vers; Dwlght Edwards, Owlght Edwards mpany; JU Allen lewin, Allen ; Lewis; James Thompson, Wadhama . & Kerr Bros.; B. Neustadter iVeustadter Bros.; a C. 1 Pier, Marshall-Wells Hardware ? company; J. J.. Walter, capitalist; W. H. Crawford, C. C. Moore & Co.; C L. i Howe, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver; James 1 Bayer, John Deere Plow company; A. 'i H. Averlll, A. H. ; Averill , Machinery s company; ' J. O. Humphry, Advance f Thresher company; W. B. Wilson, Oliver ;! Chilled Plow works; L. A. Colton, Pa--, clfle Paper company; H. E. Judge, Val- voline Oil company; A. A. Bchell, Cnap I man Advertising company;F. A. Itydtr, . Ryder Advertising - agency; George D. . Iee. ' Diamond Tire company; E. , O. Crawford. Lumbermens National bank. man Unas that tha members - of ' the excursion go to Arlington Monday morn ing by fast train. A aleeper for their accommodation at Arlington over night I will be ttnt up early Tuesday morning. I . . Automatic Stabliirff. An automatic stabiliser for aeroplanes with which the French army Is experi menting utilises a movable pressure plata ; connected with compressed air mechanism for manipulating the elevat ing planes. 'Ill- raalMaa'JHsf Ml'. I I fftW U I' 1 w. 7 , si DESPERATE flCII Mill All EMI L.aa ! ,tW t t ail A a- awia aAi4iut - w na a Wul l la, M It AMi aJi a l ti la Afrtoa, aMa ia aaif af Iba Aaaaatcaa M - af Kal.tal IHttMf, iMt afl. mtm4 ai HI la a- I tf at. Il t M-wl -.iwMa IMI M m la i. I Km ii ml mm a mii4 mimt -OB a I i m4 bias 4 Mm4 t,ia mmmm. ell4MrJ U fl I, tat ftatl U n kl t4 tA "I mm wiiv a fw Mtia Ma tia. if iiraiiu. im aiuiM la iiik air, Mate f. aaia Mr. AkaWy -a IM ie af ata atml 1 1 Mt (. f w4 a b4 aat MlvM II ki,'f f l Ua TMf 14 mm mmmm4 tht auoaiai till t rM il af !- t a laaiM fMa4. t- mlf. liaal r-ia we Maid laika mmm;l mm ke kvrf-ra I aaaU aaiaa a aa a tfai tU i Urta IM I an l i eita'aH tl t a4 airwt m at lia Irwaa. 1 aafaitl fare ,dar4, fcal lactuy. aa f f't I bad frvu prmm mm af aala4 la la let aay M4y I IM air a4 ' aa Waarlag laakt I aay Ma. I waai -wa fi mm tsy Mra. Ml I lMa4 f da tM mmm Ikiag tModfal la vaa ika alaal garta mm I fwrtad aay M4y Mtwaaaj Mt laka. 1 ntiatif tlag IM lllllt Mgry ,,a a4 Mr1 alaa aaafctag a i.t v a a k a i i 4i a.a aa I i.a ial lv mU at k-a k.M.4 - itcM, t. ia an I i Mill timf a-t a Mf a-e Hii, mm I i-a, fa M. n M Ma4, mm Ul aaf tra l M mmmimM msf ! tuba M m mM.M i a-t I Mt4 ! iUIinIii a nia 4i4,aa( 4J a.a.M km " Im mm- lika II r It aw, a-4 mm mt1 Miv . a'" mmmm Kf. eA ii ,.)!, & IL,, rjial k , MMlM f aa aM J4 a M, TWO WINDS MEET . AFTEB FORTY YEARS Oyaiar (lay, U 1. (kit Ta aas 'a Ii4ig ka a I aa l34 im-iUmt limit kM thirawi, we aa af IMan aka4 IM 4Mr if M Iwa Wiiiua i4. af ftir Oar n aM r 1 114 IMI M mlA. M IMI Hill aa al IM it aat amiaa a hH f la iWt4 TM an Ma sua mhi alaly Ul kit aval aM t1" fwrwaH la4 Htuaaa Mad aa4 aiUi l I y iwt after "Ka. t waa IK r,lr Hiir, I yar Imim. UaMaa." TM law tak fcaAa aa4) aakarac4 aa4 ta a aMt wkii tk la Ik tar aaara IM im Iwa aaa M4 al aa aaa aiMr faa It ywara uliaaaa MwiMa waa mm IM way la mmm bias. Iwik kaa tMfrrl4 aad bare faaam, Ut ila la fifwakiya. IUalMia4 rarlta ball, ai pllm4 wlia a twrraal by a Mtbal aiaa- aaa aallary, ara a aliy IMI bad lkr aiia la Cagiaad dartag im lll faattflitoa. New Monmouth, Or., High School Will lie Occupied Monday Morning 1M - ; Xiaafib ilt.tit air llsavaal as TM Wwalt alaaawvia. o. I a TM a l.'t ttt lata ra4 Ma mmt Ma aa- tv4 by M duawiaaa a4 a! ui Mau la It a Mvaday, Ua4ikti aiawa eWtMr b aaiwiaMitaiad la IM Maraaal MiUia wkaia IM bitk a-vkaal r lla kara Ma faaaa4 e am imim mi laoid mi .j taa Taa kla aaat kirk la aava af IM flaaat la IM alir. waa a4 br r. a. Lat af Mi, walla Wan- A Wand Ika cmiirwrlaaa. Il la Mill at I a iv, Ja cvairu4. mi UttlaatlM Hlin, Mwa Om IM laalAa IM walia a Hi4 ba wim kxartimi nk im ai'at f 4 IM w4 ! TkrowtMvl il u aaiat4 atia IM Ml aw faa ata4aa ekkt la raUia4 by M I la a rk, IM gfaaad (Saat a IM axy Ua IM asl fUe are fawr Ur, abearfwl niai la wKirk imj t'wMa will M Maitl aiaaaaasa ItlaA. t-mtm taw as la pawatawd wtl aeea-alfcMwtiiy laraa '- . Mi a u i. i - . a ;i. .. . '"'n a () a a- i.i..t ' 4 , waa - ( l !... , ( . . .a a i tiM.i 4 . i . la (aaaitwa . a,tf M-l. nw i. ,ia.4 .a w-.,4 t , w POSTMASTER FLEES TOWN A.VO HOCOCD ? Tt t-t II hu la . ... , tw aa a 1 1 ktt.. a-.-l af tmtrn H J, a4 lt.k- a.. IMI M aa saiatf ka, m a kawt wMaa M a i, ,i tm4 IM lke Hl Um4 la & Ma 414 I Mi Va IM I a M awa aa l:4 ia , hi '. aaa a avr,, la M mmmtiw H IM )M ra'' iaa faar.a aa 4 !'. Wk M M4 ! W-.a 14 iaiy aa Maw waa tui,l in tmu4 aa.4 la a,m a fa t.l a aaail f aM M 14 ua i .... II Ml a ta kt wix ai t IMI M imII a 4 If at ! aiay ta im ia ka4. lwrwrr MaAaw laaafk, wkea. o. t C I in k-. It laaiilaiiwwa al iaa al l mm t, r M MiMawe na ituH La aa fiwaa IM aatUaa im IM aiiaiury wr lr twra M II Ma M aaa4 iMl IM r a aa liwa Mii Man rwa Mb IJa aMkiag IM ilra Tki la aa af im iMrmuMit ka ih Ma traaalaaa bp ika tw aaaa agaaaaal mt IM far ewaaaaay, - lata war. WMr f-a Caaaa, 1 1 k WukiiiiM m Wa, to! 4 by II 1 my' 2 ays waBaaaaBawaBBawawjaexajBwjaaay twswBJBBxaxaxaxawaBjBaaxaxa wasawaTaawBaawaawSwaaawaBBBaaaaw Mo Last Opportimty to BuyU. Si Cashier Stock at $15 Positively Advances to 520 Nov. 1 st. See Demonstrations at 266 Stark St. Evenings Ground Floor Railway Exchange Building - - , Record of U. S. CasMer Co. Unparalleled, Here's fair weurnfoff. '. This is ab solutely your last ' opportunity to buy United States Cashier Com pany's stock at $15 per share. It positively advances to $20 per share November X (Wednesday only two days more). .-; .ja -.In all respects the record of the . United States' CashierCompany stands unparalleled. Tpe United States Cashier Company has been financed in less ' time than any other of the present-day great sue "cesses. , Since the company was first launched, a little over a year ago the leading banks, business men . and capitalists : of this city and the Pacific Coast have : sub scribed for a sufficient amount of stock to assure its success. Today the assets of the United States Cashier Company (not including patents, which are conservatively : valued at not less than $500,000) are over $400,000, including real estate, factory equipment, machin ery,, machines material, cash and bills receivable.' The company is bound to be a The machines are bound dividends to the success. to return r big stockholders. What the Machines Actually Do THE CHANGE-COMPUTING MACHINE For department stores and all classes of retail busi ness. Visibly and permanently records amount tendered and amount of purchase, prints both amounts on sales slip, totals same and pays out correct change automatically, correctly and in stantly. AUTOMATIC BANK CASHIER A Change-making, listing, adding, check-canceling and coin-paying machine, designed and greatly needed in banks andfor payrolls. Permanently lists, visibly, registers, prints amount on check anj totals each transaction. I Only a small block of stock still remains unsold now. From pres ent indications, the stock allotted to be sold at $15 will be oversub scribed. After October 31 not a single share will be offered or sold for a dollarryes, even a penny- less than $20. Never has an industrial offering met wit such instantaneous sue- cess, out tnis is not to be mar veled at, as anyone who has in vestigated the machines and seeri what they'll actually do and accom- ' plish will tell you. . ' CHANGE-COMPUTING CURRENCY-PAYING MACHINE For use through the East, where currency is prev alent. Will do all the Change-Computing Ma chine does, in addition to paying -currency or coin,, or both. ' , s LIGHTNING CHANGE-MAKER For pay-as-yo'u-enter streetcars and all other places : where small change is handled extensively. Makes change instantly for any amount up to $5 by pressing one key, ; " , THE ADDING MACHINE Embodies all the good features of the adding ma chines now on the market, in addition to having a much more flexible keyboard and less parts. The United States Cashier Company not only con trols one of the above machines any one of which would return big profits but owns and controls the . patents and rights to all of them. These machines will revolution ize the present systems of handling money. The , demand is unlimit ed. Our big new factory at Ken ton is ready, and everything is in shape to begin turning out these machines in commercial quanti-' ties. Investigate at once, ere it's too late. Ask us to show you the list of prominent stockholders and of ficers and directors, many of whom you know personally, or, by reputa tion. Read the indorsements given ' our machines by the largest banks, prominent merchants, etc, through- out the West not one or a dozen, but hundreds of them. IReinnieinnilbeii Orifly Two Days MoFe .att &&S Stock Positively Advances to J320 Nov. 1 ' 'CALL, PHONE, WklTE OR WIRE' UMITED ! STATES' CASHIER CQ, - J 1 Manufacturers of Automatic Computing, Change-Making, Recording Coin-Paying Machines and Adding Machines FTtANK MENIFEE, Pres. and Gen. IVlm&r.j' E.GERNERT, Assistant Sales 'Mana-tr General 06ces, 7th Floor, Les jBuilt Oregon - Tha ' obtervatloa cat- - af - tha overland . i . - "