The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Initiation I'wjcct iXcar Ih'tuI to Supply Water to ,cr'sif(J OREGOii It
) J ! '1 . ' I - - S - , ' . , - ' 1 (i
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IW iMUlff U lVk I M w Ml II it!
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flfl il lw fOf.ti
hj. fm l' t. ( r. f t
if".'. ! l "'',
LWalorrllvta f llw a tin I
a l J;-til, !-. AM i'""
i. i,f ri44ri .iuilai lb It'll .'.
a IK Hir of II 4lwklwl
' f ai-tvuM j . I Al !-" Iim lb
4-v !a y raanwHi t llr
cM( i t ' afc
1W rvur.irr P'-1 MllU-at 4
I 4 c" rn f nold iit l"f tlibfr
clrtlni f !! III'M, lxin
i I rr-r I f I I I a!il. k4 l(
1 . . . ... j 1 -.1 '
' v'' V ' -.-Aa, V' ' aaii"
- VV .
C j 3 "Ti ! ...
4 toJSi?
Toj Cmjp!neJ wiioii of Arnold nam; rlib'. loot turn la Ar
, ti(!J riJu. Uoltom L4 Flan rl) 00 !-hut rer.
11- !i- tri it l4 fi-anI Ualf
4UaMc4 riiKilSjr 4 i hflw, A
lrf anltAllta ll ffr-ll tWr.
iJ a -!ry. whlrh U tra-lrall
r. -o!'.cf f IH romtty IOtU, "
.ti.t ' W. J. Meaulviay. aim till!
mtaina hrail of lb raiany.
rirird nj K l- Wlral thUf
rnrn.-rr. AJHklXt Cr".l
cam cotnpaBr lp lt
i .Mi:l. eon I far I f' rni rur-
lu ff llm n--'.i ranal I"-!. at lo
iir lMf for !! flutn tn tli rai
)on .f li I hu 1 a i1r frin whl'h
lr U U il wmvlrlrd tha
pn.f J-ar, tvnf atxHeil ,f Uia C"in
iy n jv. plmbr ,
. X)irrinmi tt Coaatraetlom.
TI- tuU'lln of IM flu in waa a lrv.
itnr f r irlie f-Mimtii'B t a'
rlni l i cantun'for tti fnn aa
v diffKuii.
rnlttitlr.ft lha main ran I alaa pra-
a n ica aviiv iruiirm. a 1 a
nilla f fvn it f.jitie la an earth at4
ro-i ruf jja tt In lf-nHh. llh a
tnailmnm ilrf-ih of II f rL Tha main
ta f'm and cna aalf rnlla Inn 5.
im t tu.n ranal t-n con
IruclrJ 1 wo !( lalrrala. and l
nhi arr com! anl.-a Ih Una Krat
and l-a North IrMfMlnn rnmpnny 4 otv.
I rut , I li Utrrat. fiufh an oritalav
ilim ieIt. another f.atura 10 thl unl jua
tin ration mnifnnf.'
XVulrr for 4Himtll jmrpoaca wa
flrwf uMrt from t AfuoU ricin In
May MM. arvl tn Jun waa ar.pllr1 for
tl a firat tlm to ur Ih land, frlnr
in 1I1U Km ruany vt lUv .to kho.rra
rnrndoua onJ. rUl-. fl" to t'lv.of Ih comrany ta4 ka.l to liaul aratci.
Tuiia4Mia''ir 01 in rirrr wiow in 1 11 0111 it-ut to i-mni nine.
It.l wfclcti ta at a Milnl abuul "At tin- annual rnH-tin tl' Arnnirt
-- t Tl .. A - .1... H.aI ..... . 1 . . . . I ... I . . I J . u
.lit. v : n .. n T III au.v III pn.iriiuiliri n'lni
to jt corn 19 nmiilcli' Ilia ayatrnt
an lu Irrinata Ilia rnilrr ll.noo nrraa
In the projrrt, A Irtrphnna, ajmeni ron
nrctlnn ail IMe UHli'ia wan a I no ortler4
built. ,
Tba liincl uaitrr I hi- Arnold ayntrin ll
ffuiu two to alKht nill fruoi Rint.
iiomra for Apiroiliilcty too fatiilllra.
r alwiut lOuo prAi-lc, will ha prnvltleil
by thtj rarlnnwllon of thin land, mak
In lha urKlertaklnff on of mucli oni
mrrclaj Imporlanoa to the rlly of rii n.1.
Th board of !lr-lom of lha Arnold
coni.-any conaleta of W. J. Mctllllvray.
. loUra aVova iid , I lia plana
I' i-iirHr.r'tr'1tj y'hlrf Korinif
-NVl.nt of lli fomiany il It waa con
; alkui'lrd unilrr t)io ntrvllon of Aa-
't itAiit KnaiuiKT U.oa 8, Vouna. ftoy-rim-it
efr1 finva . pronouni.-d It
tha riot auhruatlal Iri liatlmi , flumo
tn all irrfon. For ,lt conalrucllon
fct of lumlier, board mmaura,
, rra uacd. - It la on mile long, 13 fvet
wide, and threa fi-et dtep. .
Tha Inlaki, one 'of the boat on the
t'whulca, wua aoc-iirrd by rcllnic a
-offrdarn and by building a dyk paral-
' 11 to the ranal and alone and In the
f-i.1 '. M
M Itroalrt-houa. I- I. M'laat. ChafUa
Klprlt) and W. Y. atcNauahl, all ef
llrt d Tb offWf are; rrldnl. Mr,
attMJlllvray. k f.rrald.oi, Mr. Pn
lerhou; arrtary and trurr, air.
Humane Prison Policy at Co
lumbus Productive of Sat
isfactory Results.
r4Wi. aw.!.- ml btlH, .
a aiiwi 1 a--i.4 aila
la Ua . W .l to aiJ la
ta tt,.. 4t4 t la. I lkt
,i . 4 a: .1 .i.4 Maa
ia4 i'aiM I ia l Wa la
al I l4 Ml- W
i.v-4 I. a muu ! ;
iU of Bi:ilA4f aiala aod l ta '
:alldkm.4 II aata ki . l
Haia.' la 1 1 VIM l-a t-U1.
WKf cwoaif, 1. 1 W4 la .al
.! a4. tM' l- a I a. Laka
.(. la ).ntata4 I
af I a mi 4la:r H' a.' al l
aa lia aia. a4 vl la lal
tlW la KI 4 Ml I 444
faaaa I iw4-a 04 a4
tela lb iiaii.4.
W34) ra af 0e
'tt Uf4aa Tfc la aarvawr l
Wait le ai:a aarlka! vt fiairl
111. liiaM towaiy, 1 4
4MfM a:aai narfiia Ka rvi1
llli al ! . ! f bluni4
l aa4 aa!U-l fa ail.!ia Jhm a
a'a a to 1 il c iixv, tha aniM la
a4 ht I. A t, af i4
Y(fc A ta aiama aill fr l.ia iuf
! la -" la calix, kit iaa ae
a faM Af 14 iwit dan efte-:i ara
rvow bia ifH atl L A. tliairy .
ta niUfir.
-fba IWa Hrria pi(rlr waa '
ana faaai iaa ari II t
waa or nan d f-r I !. 1 U A. WMie
a rtaltel lnrvnaii nva&u f4 luiar 4l I
l.iana. I'hia I Mr Ih manacerocai off
tt'. l r'elloaa. a rataabla lvlnlna eocl
near, ih trv.pil n f aow n aar.iy
lartnvd a MlaA kTl lundrd fupt
dtta i-t ba OfSlalncaj arfl af the
ora trhuU la it'. fc luoa, all ft
wtda. a 04 avert. II par ton.
10 Oa-aaae ef aUlrae.
"Alonaatda of Ihla or body, for a
dlalanr of 4 f l. hra ar II Inch
of ore aaaayl( ecr 1 4o miacwa of all
r and IH auna af gold Tha ladae
la between rlrarly tfrflaad walla of
iraoli and elate and It la ail tunnel
work. It la eetlmated that at leaat I
tl.oaa.aoa worib of or ha bn put tn i
atght ijurlaa h two year of on--
ttona Tb mm la located four mlla
eouih f Olive tUka, IB Uraat eminty,
(triHron. J
Th "Rainbow"" mlna waa ewnad by
tha Commercial Mining! company, com- .
poeed mainly of Portland Invratora. '
About an monina ago it waa purcnaaea 1
by tha t'nltrd ellaica Hmrlllng. Mining;
at neflntng conipany. for IJt..oao and
aa Initial rah payment of ItOOvf waa j
mad. The property la In chart Of
Howard 8, Le and alnca taking; it over
ha haa aunk an additional 100 frel and
t'aiau'-.f.4'' eaa g tan. ..4 t4 ., I Taiaol a cta4l Uaaa frv g a'
aaltalt la Itwa val g.i.K4 M j il tl. ml !'. a tti.a
l tr. aw I a ' I 14 .lit I tl.i 'aid I 4 4 t4 (.4
l la III. iu4. ml i.t ail tag tllai la Ituili
art M U.l 4a Ik Maa. 4
I la.4. l-l-4
-... vl- '')'.
, ... , J 4 I 4 ."
a--VJ l--T V-
a M a t a It rH- t. U W l
af . 4 It. i la
li .-. If . IJ 1
il 4 ltk 4 a-aa
II 14 - !, I
IM all
t V I - m al 4 I .. u4 II la- 4
f.n la " .. I r a ll a -Mt 4
a-4 .f tas1.
T iiet. li4 44 l4g 4
l--l II (IMl tla4 at .- g
HI.. mi lWr IMI 1 1 4
IMI !' 4M Far rl4 II g
m4. ll m4 wila tfl a-tf.-
ai-liaaiy futtla, . t
t ft( 4
Try itia4 Atl"4 '-
t'olumbiia. Ohio. Oi L SI Itoea plain, (dona an tmmcnee aaiount of other de
velopment work, Thg dlaiant? from
the apes of tha mlna to tta loweet lv
ta ill feet. Mlnerg employed at Ilia
property a tale that tha ora bod opened
up la at (at alx fret wide and ahowg
plenty of cold vtalbla ta tha naked ay.
Optloa Sacar4,
An otlnn haa recently been aecured
by tha L'nltrd tatra people for $i0.00
on aome adjoining clalina, and although
the Kalnbo la now 'ciiilpi-el with a 1
Here Ih the an.wcr. Humane treatment iV'mZ . TJ":. J" -.-7 T
411141 IW -,aaT-paia"a mttn,
common, every day humanity; tlto man
to man kind, count In Ui handling of
eonvlita? Do convict tak advantage
of klndncaa? la there any reaaon why a
man. a prleoner In the atate'a prlion.
cannot be truatad? Theae were aome of
the quritlnna that A. II. Jonca. atala
warden, aakrd hlmaelf two year a ago.
Ixfora ho atablUhed a penitentiary
farm mar Orient, a few mile veil of
: mvwJt iff-' - - AwLb h)M
Mir -
iiiw'x.' : m www.
Mr Ceorje , ft r J: - ' V?
Parrott. f ' ';1
, jltl 1 Member of the (Slobie Grand Lodge, No. I35,liiae,vendefli 1 '
r- jOrdgrooarcnaws.uicncoe.untano. ' ''Wl1 '
. ...'wv. -429-
- - :
A KciltTa Ccugh .. DaRgeroiis - Catarrh-" Folloiv-cd
a cough and oalarrh of
' I l).'iVj ittih vHinx .Heruna for soirie.. llmo Vo
tS t'li)o.-t yery ' eatlafActory resulti.
' 'HttVirB; nes-tvett'it .the cough, catarrh dvli.ii.d. and mv piivstcign i
I Bs1,4hiitt;d.'wiT4ii;Htarrh ot tiw .stoi;ia h. jUv 1-rcai'h was very, lo.' I a trotiMed w ith iaaa.
, . 'Letf? tlierf two pottles of I'tiuBa cnired me.". .Mr fS-orse' Parrott.
to 13 prlaonrra who .were taken to til
farm laat aprlng. aoon after the anow
waa off the ground, haa rraulted In the
rulalng Of .4500 n muting ram. 600 biiah
via of U-ana, (000 ut-hels of potato?.,
COO buahela of wheat. 300 buahcla of
outa, 3000 buahrla of corn. 200 bunhcla of
onlona and five tuna of cabbage thla
T!ie state owiib 1700 rrs of fertile
farm-Hand near orient. A yrnr ago Inst
spring Mr. Jones hk(I prrinisslon to
tiike 443 acres of tlm Halo farm, and
upon securing the order begnn to ex
periment with convicts ami humanity.
At first only 10 prisoners were taken
to' the 1'urm. As the work progressed
the number of prisoner farmers was In
The first' year proved thst the state
furm could mntTlully help In reduc
ing the food hills of tile penitentiary.
So this year more prisoners were taken
to the farm find noxt year an even ling
er number will be put at work plowing
uml lioelng ,potntoes. At the present
rate- the penitentiary farm will effect
25 per cent cut In the subsistence
department of tlio prison by the cntf of
ntxt season.
The penitentiary farm Ix like any oili
er farm. There arc no walls around it,
with Iron .gates. Neither do tlm houses
have barred windows nor do guards
watch the prisoners.
The prisoners are. put on honor not
to escape, and that means much for
ther tire several life termers as well
as Mhoit term men on the farm. ,
present the men sleep Jn the I.Hill(liins
cn the farm, sometimes several hurulreJ
yardw from a guard. 1
A nevr dormitory which will hotiMe 40
men l'.a's Just bn completed and will
toon lie occupied. Two prisoners will
sleep in a room, with nothing between
them and their liberty but an unlocked
At meals the men sit at long tables
and cot the bent of food, The cook em-ploj-fd
at the farm Is a prisoner.
After the meal the ron reach for
their pipes or cigars and enjoy a smoke.
After working hours they are at liber
ty to do 'what tl-.ey please, as long as
ihey d,o not leave the farm. 'Soma .'of the j
prisoners snouiaer. iisning" poles and
alk R mile or more to Darby Creek,
here they fish ' and finoke unguarded.
Others prtch horseshoes, play baseball
or get o,ut the :htcker board. They are.
pratticuliv freo after working hours.
larger capacity, will undoubtedly be
reeled on th new ground.
Thla group Of mines la ownad
by . tha Arthur Hill estate, - nnd
about 11 month ago the administrator
decided to find out whether It would
pay to flpen up the property. Davit!
Rosa, an engineer of unquestioned abil
ity, waa put In charge, and tha develop
ment was most gratifying. Tha ora
bodies were found to t from feet
lo ?5 feet wide and commercial value
are demonstrated for over ltOO feet In
length. At frequent Intervals tha ore
la thick with gold and the property la,
now beyond tha experimental star
The ore la free rrttlllng and concentrat
ing and aa tno estate has plenty of
means, the contemplated mill will un
doubtedly be of large rapacity. '
Tb Humboldt Mln. .
"Humboldt, mine, adjoin tbc Kaln
l)Jw mine, contained in the same ora
zone. ., A .denth of 300 feet boa recently
been obtained and the drifting on th
lodge (llHclosea values ranging from
to 154 per ton. ' The ctmipany la . now
engaged in driving both east and west
as In tho bottom of the- upper levef ore
was encountered west that assayed all1
tha way from $100 to $3000 per ton
and the dip of the ore shoot Indicates
It will require about 200 feet of drift
ing to reach that point. In the, east
drift on the aecond Invel four feet of
Q ore were opened up and thla, It la
exnected. wll be reached by 50 feet ot
drifting. Tha mln la fully equipped
with up to date machinery and it ih ex
pected to start milling operations with
in three or four month. Jjhn Arthur
is general- manager.
"Highland" property haa had a most
phenomenal career. It was promoted
by Nell Horenson, who had the repu
tation of being the most successful ad
vertiser in the country- Over 3000 peo
ple were Induced, to buy stock In tho
company. No one' knows how the
money waa spent, but it didn't go Into
tho ' mine. The property was not paid
for, foreclosure suits were begun and
things in general looked hopeless for
the investors.' At this point soma Of
the larsest stockholders decided to have
.the mine examined and if there was ahy
chance they were wining to put up
enough money to clean1 up the indebted
ness and provided a development fund.
John' Arthur of Baker. Or., was em
ployed for that purpose and upon his
advice tha necessary ,t unda . were f ur
nlshed.v Aithur waa retained as con
sulting engineer and slnca then over
40.000 ton of 20 ore .have been put
In 'sight, I--,-: -i-1 "'.'. -V-'..''-'' '. i-"..
Installing riant.
'Ak B0 ten daily capacity reducttdn
Dlant is now being installed at - the
property an4 In three or 'four months
l"1 - r, fimflh A a' ... n ..... ...... , . .
! bottle of this WMiOei ful medicine I had n'gftt and , then called for volunteers.
Out ,' j complete freedom 1'ro.m. pa In; my appc- i Four thousand hands went up.
'tiff had returned jid -''ccuM ag in en- ' you," answered the evangelist,
Jr.srcpsliV Twmty lnr3
Mr. Sidney, Wtsetls, Mcrriltoh.'
IVni' writ: V . . .
"I l.aVw 'bewi ' trsulifed with di'stinleia r'Jv wj'
sti'l 'i"tl.j.-tim fur iwetitj- yomrs. dur- "r belirro . lVrimi ,. in the grandest
llli? w'licii tlm I Hcl difftreiiti . s medicine under the ... Today. 1 weigh
loi, I'mt i'l'l rnt gret llie-'l-aii-'id rt- ! ov' r !-: pounds. ap- wouder,,ihat
11)11 el Pres. I.enwil Wire.)
Seattle, Wasli.. Oct; 28. "1 should
like to lead 10,000 Christians singing j tha plant-should be ready foe act! ye
un juen me uuceia oi aeatlle. said I goiG proauciion. - . - - -
North Pole has proauced over two
suit; 1 -hv been oinpell?'l for ateeks
l il t.'Dw ' ftiv Bji woik being r;t
p.etelv, pros 1 1 -i ted, ' I had to t-vfifi'ie
it'jj-elf ro a niilf: i);;.. as nothing would
i him in n my - siotiat-ij. . . , .
"l-bad airtittt r?yei: up, ttiin'ilng tr.y
(''' t.'WAJiabbv wJu'n 1 lionrd of I'M imk
. ml livid -d to trv it. lire lule niMl
h great cl-.angf. and after lirfrs enovhtr
I "praise llrurs
-ticuinonia Folldwexl La Grippi
JVtr. y. I'iirr. i mi, A I mcr. West, On
tario. i""aii , writes: "laet winter I whs
i!l with
call on you."
I shall
IllanteH ftod for Impure Milk.,
T.ima. tHilo. Oct. 28. "I am a Dunfc.
arj and my 'religion would mat permit
me to -anuiieraie milk, declared It. P.
SUai ts. a West Cclix) dairyman. wben: ar
raigned umief charges of-the state
.l.r.eui.ioiim, aftdi-.. havinc lsldairv d food commlmtlnn k;.. ri.
srtlpirt'. I Va-K i'ftur.;'. when t-became flared, however, that . the milk wised
not;' wrn. ar.1 l -nn say thdl any one came direct' frwra hla Own cows and if
' ire! m It in a reasonable time adulterated It waa Owl's fault, not his.
at l.ttl oj na " . His bearing was continued - ,
and a half million dollars, but : instead
of providing a steady development fund
the owners used all tire profit for,,thi
purchaaa o?f ether mines, and although
the mother lode traverses thla property
for over 8600 Joet in length, only, about'
1600 feet of tha ledge baa been opened.
up thua far In the. mine, , Very-recently
an option waa given on the property to
some very prominent Portland bankers,
and the mine placed In charge of Albert
OVIser. former owner of - th Bonansa
mine, which, he sold for $560,000.- It i
reported that iff. Oeiser in already deinT .
onstratlng lha existence" of further, ore .
bodies of commercial value, and as the
property Jg lully. .equipped U lg, but
IfunJrcJjof pfnplcfrrm a!) over thi 'Northwest have vWieJ us in our new dental par-
)on anj hxve Wen atjreeaHy surprised unj pleased by our new method of palnlejs
dentistry We have spared no expense lajjttini; up the mojt elegantly appointed
dental parlors on the Coasts The equipment is all neV We have at our serv.
jee the nyst experienced dentbls in the United States.. Our rrices are always rea
sonable. Ask your, neighbors about our painless melhovls and conscientious work.
22k COLD
n Work War
ranted for Fif
teen Years.
22k COLD
INGS $1.00
INGS . ,
Ber Bank Ret
erencw Ladjr
Eltectro Painless Dentists
E. G. AUSPLUND, D. D. S., Manager N. E. Cor. Sixth and Waahinston, Upstairs
Opaa Tery raliif natil a'eloak. Xntlr oornr. ; look for tb bif alrng.
T fii' rr ?7 rvn n '
ii ii -. fi m u ri r-4 ii ti fin ii ii i i
; ' ' ' ' ' i
I .'.'''''."' i - Maa2l. . . 'v' V H .V V
r-nnFHrx jn . il in laim m ma fif W aw n i m i mi ji iii Vaawu.. ..s.fl . I
Trie Beer ': ' ' l ' ''- : 1 Otir .Trademark.- I j
that readily finds ,.'., FVy ''' '''''' ; "Purity Is ' r f
favor wherever ' Jlfl' ' ' ' ' ' " ' n,lh" ' ' "I
; placed on , , " " V ' Wt ' r '' ' Is 'your guarantee J
.- the market. . ' ' fflW J.i': : , of quality; ' : ;i
! . why? ' ipf ' : TbIW-- : 4- v ; ' : (
I . .Its. careful. . . . ' ftl1 , - only the i :
, .. s I i 111 ' choice of' j
I -v purity.,, . ; ;.: il 1 1 ),. I i :-'.;.Hop . I
ItS deHd0US ' ' . I JW " :i : : and Barley v7 !
flavor' :' " fWHWW ' ' ' Malt; I
Free , tiVfl ! " ' Brewery's own j
" city delivery. ' 1 T ' Ll
'4.;.- y . - !ui.i;Hf- Mmr ... ,., ... y(
V .; gVi j .'iiira iiiiijiaj.iiujiiu;H-i'Mii.jri: ijiawjurr ' ' .,'
- 13r and Burriside : ' , j
I Main' :72::::: .-::-:'-:& I
i '-. 1': t"- : '; '-; '-,""" -a '--I:--...'-, - i'"-: -.":--'' .f
lli-jL U - ' y'- - -
W- -::: i '':::
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