The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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    i ( -1
Tho Villa St Clara, Finest Apartment Houso in theAVcst, Furnished Throughout by Meier & Frank's Sea Section Threg, Lnst Parrel
Credit Purchases Tomorrow Go on Nov Account, Payable Dec, 1 Wonderful Variety Dolls and Doll Needs Doll Hospital 5th FL;
Our 1 ! th Annual Boll Show Will Be HeM Nv.-9, 1 0- aad 1
Over 53300.00 in Prizes PJanned on a Greater Scale Than Ever Before
For the Uit ten years The Meier A Frank Store has hell an orif uruj DoU Show
here on the Fith Floor In tha best AB-Ue-Yea4Uund Toy Department o tKo
Northwest W prop to make tKI year's Doll Show the rooat .rvoUtla am
enjoyable ever held cm tho Coast to fr eclipsa any previous event, and on
thai cfuklren and parrou eiie ww rrmemor wan pleasure iot year io coma.
A Doll Show to dcL'xM tKo chUJ heart end that'f one of the electa of tlJi iple.
did event to aroue la tK ciuldren tK feeling of tcnJcmeu ami cart for tio
doll companions of their happy duUKooJ days. Every child contestant gtte a
present, area thocrh they do cot win any of the prizes IXatexJ her. Entries open
November 6 and dose November 9 at 0 p. m. Judgea Announced Next Sunday
1 !!. ha lk .X '
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GRAND PRIZE $50 la foU to ths Church. Society or ChanUU Institution entering tKo beat rroup of Dreed DoH. consisting of not leu than ten.
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Ml! tflMl WMIIK (UKlINt
Spring HaiT Records Here
f-IKAR -Dat lrmi,- T0 LtiU
Lo Uc ib4 fmi Irom "ll
fpring Mtid," tKt ojro4 VtritMM
vfxr huli (Amci io I'oriUaD ihlt
ck. on iht Victor or Columbia, io
or new Mill ()orr drpirtmrirt.
Tht "Sprinf Mali Coil form," a!o
mj;inaletl or iht cptt la oar
UtAutjr J'ark; Trgulf $5, It
Til Way .HedEic&is Ar Mas3e aft
DlXJCUTTtX U It MrrMaaea,
1 . m I - J . j
aarc44j ta amoa a re
bV MT baatiM Srmtta Floea- Xaa
U arm at wQ pvr rriUtk 0m
af a&cf tHHi4 tma aUka.
, To Hti'Jr TKaatr OrcKtafr ftro
UUr from 11 JO l 2. Throwffc Wr
loc atrritc , . -
I ...agSto g30 Lines at $19.45
i C 'VU-24 jT( " . H-J YouTl not find more beautiful Drcaaea anywhere at thla price I Smart
J ) o f' VS7 cn'One-Piece Afternoon and Erening Dreaaea of Serres Panamaa, Cher-
Mill f
n -mi. .
S Big Sale of Dresses-$25
iotty Broaddotha, Silka and Satina. A1J ahow the modiah high waiit
line. High nedc with dainty lace yokea. alao with Dutch collar of Irian
crochet Colora blade, nary, tan, green gf r A
gray, purple, brown. AU aixea tip to 44 buat V II VyJ
meaaure. Reg. $25, $270. $30 Dretaea a -
532.50 Suits g1?45
Our entire line of $22.CO Tailored
r . ? a - J .
i suiio. uimoii, iwccqi ana wuisicua
in grays, browns, etc.t Also plain, blue
m models. Priced tomorrow a?) 1 1 x3
co? rvAA f cio
I Special line of our regular $25 Coats,
' including scores of latest models in
double texture and reversible fabrics.
Grays, tans, browns, black 1 A All
and mixtures. Tomorrow 447 XUx0
To glO Skirts $4.85
Women's and misses new Skirts of
splendid Tweeds, Serges, Chertots and
Broadcloths. Black, brown, nary, tan,,
both plain or in checks or J Qf
stripes. $7.60 to $10 lines D4aOD
To $6 Petticoats v3.95
A special purchase of handsome new
Messaline Silk Petticoats, with fringed
flounces. . Either plain or jersey tops.
Black, white and all wanted . shades.
Splendid $5.00 and $6.00 A Q Qf
grades are specially priced
All Trimmed Hate From
$15 Up,Tomorroi',I3(Off
We anticipate the greatest crowds our Millinery Department haa
in years, aa the result of announcement 1 ETery beautiful New
York and Paris Hat, indudlng all the exquisite creation you hare
aeen here thla aeaaon worth from $15.00 to
each, specially priced for tomorrow's 'great
All $15 HaU on aale a only $10
AH $18 HaU on aale at only $12
All $20 HaU on aale only $1335
Ail $25 HaU on aale only $16.70
AH $30 HaU on aale at only $20
All $35 HaU on aale only $2334
All $40 HaU on aale only $26.65
All $50 HaU on aale only $3334
To 312 Haty S5.95
Choose from 150 smart Tailored
and Dress Hats tomorrow at this
sensational price I Velvet, felt and
silk shapes, no two of the becoming
models alike. Our $7.50 to A f fr
$12 Ilats are priced at only 2)D7)
All $60 HaU on aale at only $40
All $75 HaU on aale at only $50
AU $90 HaU on aale at only $60
AU $100 HaU on sale for $66.67
AU $125 HaU on aale for $3334
AU $135 HaU on aale at only $90
AU $150 HaU on aale only $100
AU $175 HaU on aale at $116.67
Felts,' yeJottrs, velvets and' beavers fn
black, white and every col- ff
or, priced $4 to $20, at 4 XJll
FANCY WINGS An assorted lot,
In all shapes and colors, u D:.
price $1.50 to $7.50, atv-l ITIC
' p or5
$1.25 7-inch Pure Linen Damask for 87V2C
18c Heavy, Full Size Pillqwcases at 12V2C
50c Printed Silk Mulls at, the Yard, 19c
$1.50 to $2.50 Black Silk Hose, Pair, 95c
10c Black Spool Silk, Special at 4 for 25c
Women's $1:25 and $1.50 Gloves for 98c
Women's $3 Long Lamb Gloves at $2.39
25c English China Cups and Saucers 1 6c
$1.00 Griswold Waffle Irons; Special 69c
25c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder at 10c Box
18c Paiama Flannels, 27-inch, Yard, 12c
All Shetland VeUs Now at, One-Third Off
$5 to $7 Hammered Brassware at $2.98
A Big Sensation Tomorrow
Entire Stock oi Dress Goods,
Silks and Velvets Is Reduced!
ItV needless to tell you that no other store in the northwest can show such
immense selection in Dreaa Goods, Silka and Velvets. So with every yard
reduced, the response tomorrow ahould be tremendous.
To $1.50 Dress Goods, 98c
A big table filled with handsome two
tone Cheviots and Mixed Suitings in all
the new browns)" grays, blues, tans,
greens, etc. Regular $1.25 f f
and $1.50 Dress Goods are jfrOC
specially priced now at..., .
$2.00 Dress Goods at $U9
Hfeh crade Scotch and Homespun
Suitings of bur best $2.00 grades I The
smart rough weaves in new browns,
t an s, grays, drabs,
blues, etc. , On sale
tomorrow, the yard. ..
in new urviwna,
$1.00 Silk Messalines at 79c
Fully a huftdred different shades to
choose from 1 Think of it, " Rich shim
mering, all silk MessalineS for dresses.
waists and party frock s.
Finest $1.00 grades are on
sale for tomorrow at, yard
The Polo Coatings at $2.25
Every yard of the favored Polo Coat
ings reduced. All plain colors and re
versibles. $4.00 grade) 33.57; $350
grade, 93.13; $3.00 Y 4 wa r
prade'S2.67. and WA-Jl
the $2.50 grade for . . ' V w w W
J 50 Pairs Portieres. Half and Less
nLunra txzxo noos
osora bt sua
We've gone through our entire stock of Portieres, taking out aU odd pairs. To theae have been
added several big special purchaaea. Around 1150 pairs divided into four lota for this sensational
distribution tomorrow:
I it 1 Figged Repps
VLl Tapestry an
ipestry ana
Fancy Portieres in all colors
and weaves, worth $5 and $6 a
pair. i our cnoice tor tomor
row, the single . Por
tjejre, only . . ..... . ,
Portieres of the
finest $10 to $12
a pair grade- . I landsome Ori
ental desiETis with heavy fringe.
Also fancy Repps, with tapes-4
try borders, special CO CO
for tomorrow, -each J & UO
Lot 2-
Lot 3
Portieres of rich
M ercerized
Repps and fancy imported ma
terials in a great assortment of
colors. Worth $14.00 to $16.00
by the pair. Special Q Q A
for tomorrow, each ayJa Oa
All Irish Crochet Neckwear a Fourth Less
Marabou Sets and Stoles One-Fourth Qff
Sample Jewelry, 29c, 49c, 79c, 98c;-'$L39
Boys' $2.50 Woolen Blouse Suits at $1.49
All th Leather Goods at One-Fourth Less
All Knit Underwear Is i Greatly 1 Reduced, r
All Belts and Beltings at One-Fourth Less 1 ;C
Leather Traveling Sets at One-Half Price
200 Beaded and Tapestry Bags for Hal?
$6.00 to $8.00 High-Grade Corsets $2.98
Pictures and Picture Framing Fourth Off
To 18c Elyria Lace Edges and Insertions,7c
$1.25 to $2.25 Swiss BabyFlouncings, 98c
Money:Saving Opportunities on
Warmi;M Comforteins
noos ' oion it ma -
Light, aof t, ' warm and comfortable Comfortera. AU fuU aize, filled with pure aheet cotton that
I n t ludes really
astonishine val-
Lot 4-
ues in elegant Velour, Silk and
Satin Damask Portieres of
beautiful designs and colorings."
Worth $20 to $30,a. QtV
pair. Tomorrow, ea. daOl
" 1 i I. j
won't bunch up. Covered with good quality ailkoline. The Blankets of aof t all wool, f uU sized.
The Comforters
$1.25 Comforters for $1.10
$1.50 Comforters for $1.29
$1.75 Comforters for $1.53
$2.00 Comforters, for $1.69
$2.15 Comfortera for $1.72
$3.00 Comforters for $2.69
$3.50 Comfortera for $3.15
$3.75 Comfortera for $3.35
The Blankets
$4.50 Wh. Wool Bkta $3.75
$5.00 Wh. Wool BkU $4.29
$6.50 Wh. Wool BkU $5.65
$7.50 Wh. Wool BkU $6.55
$6.50 Pld. Wool Bkta $5.55
$7.50 Pld. Wool BkU $6.55
Dark Blue Army BkU $4.00
Khaki Color Army BktilSS
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