The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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"K-JC"'";" m"rli,"
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4 Ma. kit.,
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Ta weeile- ffvlV.'f fair .f
A .A
ti Mll
.The Sun Jay Journal
"v vy
r- rt . . - V I, si
i -
6 Sections 70 Paes
vol. via no. n.
Roosevelt Next to La FoHette
in Republican Column; Bry.
, an Second to Wilson, Dem
In Journal Returns,
Orf t fta Wltfc tavraev,
TM Jurls elrew 4. teallaeiag
1 411, tadtr! lkl ttotwfl M, La
ftolMt ta ( kUaiM fkc
Ik ft .pus : f ib i far tk
rekacr 4 'r4r WitMt w
Irangty 4 It le4 Mlf tk I..
tmr vi ! or .
HgMt(rti and l(ir, Mibr f
candi4l but km trer llk
lb MopW IMI b4f rBt fen- !
HM IJf arc Moird rlrl c!oK
ky m oawtouritt l tk tour.
Tlmxtora Kauvlt tnl BsronA 10
I- ulUH la U KMibHca tlal. llk
IfMMcni Tf etuful ItilrO. Wll-
Itam t, Bryan I mutmt U'llaoa for tka
Icatorii0 j.rfrrix, but rMk Cham p
KWf a la ir ihtni.
Wllllim M. Tafl rlr II voir I
tola! of I.:1, f which US r Mrpu-
llrana, 171 ara pmorrU a4 124 ld
x-ndrnt cr ftlM thalr part
afn:uiio. Tarr vol liui r
four pr cent of lh tola I, atvj a HiU
over alB Pr croi f Ik lirfUbJtoan
Ol. 4. ,
' Hu; Writ lttta.
Quit Ifalftraot aa tk small vol
lor Tart I tk aplrlt of progrMalv
naa tkat la akown to k erlng parly
linaa, and ready to tak abort
aacur. rtaulta. rlftyavn woo
tkey kav always or grorraliy bn R
publican la tha paat tirclara for Wll.
son aa first rkotc. and II of t'nmm
rrlalrU aa tmH-ral- pick Lm Vol-
leu aa nrat ckulcav
Mnjr.roU 11 (r I i plain that
hll thry ar lUpablleana and favor
La Kollalt or Itooaevalt. they will b
for Wilaoa If Tart and W 1 1 awn ar tha
norolntta. Bomtlmra fbry war for
Results of Journal Straw
Ballot for Presidential Choice
!- lint
Bf . -aan. at kaaaarv; fcl
Bryan I HI ST Ill
CUrk.,.,- I ei . ft)
Folk. ,..,, , !. I , . - II II
Hamioa.. 4 IS 3 31
Wilaon,. 17 f 131 SI , 321
Sckltfrinx. .......... ... I . , 3
" toui. .......'.lu.v t1.7!? v .lsi
. Isy.&. araiM. 'taaawa ' T4J
Cumrnirvi . I . . 1
U FoUeit ..301 M SI . 283
KooievtH.......a H , II II 1M
Tafl ..... S 4 4 SI
Hughei. .......... ... 3 3
Scattering. ......' 3 , f , 3
ToUl...... T.. ITS ST; SOT
Grand total............ 893 - ' S7S IIS ,13
Reports cf Recapture 'cf City
Say Manchu VVanhipi
Aided Materially in Cringing
Victory to Government
Infonner inMcNamara Case Talks of Times Plot
Says Labor Union Management to Be Changed
cut t
President Tells Members of Sealed , Envelope . Containing
oar Mssuuiauon ne ociicti mwi,miui wwmtiiaui j
He Was Right in Fighting
Against Act. - ,
Name to Be Opened Mon
day; 65 Plans Submitted,
Wilson first. La Kollett aaend. othara
for IlooMvalt first. La FDiirtt or WU
aon acond, etbr for LaKolUtl first,
Wilson or Roosavtlt aaeond. Now and
than Bryan wa alao mentioned with
thfa tbres an sccrptabl alterna
tive. All tnrouaa Uia vot ran this
Strain of aentlment. favorlns; , Wilson.
La Folletia, Rooseveu and Bryan.
, ' '' BUtnurl of Taft. .
Alonf with diatruat of Taft In tk
Republican ranks ran th distrust of
Harmon amonc the Oemooratio rank
and file. Democratic voters apparently
ta latanatlaaat Kaw aVrtra.1
Chlcaao. Oct, l.Jraidmt Taft d
fended hi crpoalUon t th Judicial re
call bafora lo member of the bar a
oeiaUon, upheld Becratary risher aod
bla Alaskan coaaorvatton policies la
address to th ' Amrtcan mining
ronf rees, dedicated tha new naval train
ing station and closed hfa most strenu
ous day la Chicago with a banquet git'
an by th Chicago "Aaeoclatlon f Com-
And throughout th day th prealdnt
avoided any direct reference tk great
polltleal controversy over th tarirr
question, th trust crusad or th other
topic that have thrown th business
ar ready to accept . WHaon. Bryan. I ana political wvnq in- a lurmou ror
Clark or Kolk, lt frequenUy comment j wecka. It waa a day for aoclablllty and
was offered onfavorabl to ' Ilannon. I food.--' - 'i" , . ,
"At well ko Taft. 'aald eoma. ... .., I ;i.ii wad fot Bamdy. i x.u,
Homo complaint was offered by Dem- I His moat sariou moment waa when
orrstto admirers of Bryan, who wers I hs closed ant addreew to tha Bar ao-
placed In the position of xpraalng I elation an address in which ha mad
som other, choice. -They wrote to ex-1 a plea for remedy againat the laws
plain they would ..o for Bryan If he f delays and a literal laterpreUUon of
were to hevoma a candidate, but aa they I tha statutes. There were many wbo b.
do not believe he will t nominated,
they are for Wilson, Clark or La Frol
ic tt. Othera aald they would Ilka to
see him president, but do not bellv
he could ba elected.
In Corresponding fashion soma of tha
Roosevelt Republicans aaylng . they
would b for him If he war In the race.
express tha ' belief that , h must ba
counted out The ballots of these Roose
velt men ar Invariably marked for La
Follette or. -Wilson In about vn
ratla-, ( - -v '
- 0y Tavors Bryan. , .
. Taft ran bettar In the city of ; Port'
land than out In the eUte and La Vol
lett did better in the country as com
pared with the city, although h had
about 10 more vote In Portland than
all tha other Republican candidal put
, S " " '"' , - - . -. - --..
The plan for , tha SlSO.eot Portland
publlo auditnam was cboasn yUr
day by th Jury of architect that hava
b-n plkg oa tha It plans subsnirud
during- the weak.
.Th nam of th architect wb ta the
alitor or tb plan wlU not ba known
Id , tli. Jury or anyone else until II
ciorar MottOy morning. ; when th
aralM nvioDi that I . ta . reveal . bla
Identity will ba opened. In tk pr-
a or tn aBditorlnm commlaalon
called togath ta a pec: la I session.. -
-While w do not know wko-ta th
architect who . drew th plan agreed
upon, w ar certain that h la th
man who -may 'eafely .b ; trustd to
plaa th "Portland auditorium. , aald
Kills T. Lawrence of Portland, a mem
ber of th jura- on awards, yesterday
evening. - ' ' -
" Tha plan la fleilbl. simple and de
signed to wonderfully serve the utility
and convenience aa wall a beauty. All
feature' Included In-, th preliminary
plaa may hot be adopted by the' com
mlaalon In th final plan after which
tha auditorium will , be built, but the
man who drew the plan wa agreed on
can ba trusted to - make any desired
Revolutionists Forced "From
. One Position After Another
By Imperialist Troops.. .
rrkiag. Or. . Tk Cfci revel.
iieatai reetv4 Iketr flrvt atka tal
letf reafl aafUtag agalaet tkel
M.a raiy'wbea fh Imperial
irp yeeterdar rptred Ike etty f
H'Wtv after aa all day figkL Tk eaa-
al(i or tk laaMrullai ammtated
l akat t N tk rebel M !.
Tk !prtltat sarkd lata Uakw
tMiay. - - !
is ina rtaani r tk eaiitMl
that kav reached Peking, tke Ch
wareaip are giva a lane rt r tk
ereau ror iimi victory, aa Ifcey aaeutedl
isrgeiy la me aperailon ef the land
aa. Tk rebels war forced from
pottlej ctMN tbey war atrosglr I
trenched arar tk . Ilackow rsoel
irck. , , , (
tii imperial treoe ' advaaeed tel
wllhl yard kef or keglaalhaT tkel
at lack. Tha rebels wee forrd akaa-i
1 """
Startling Statements Gi.c.i In
Interview Vr.lh ' Pcrtzni
.Woman Indicate Nature cf
, His Testimony In Triaf
tConiiaued a Pag Tea.)
..... . . . .. ,J.1..T.
Archbishops Farley arid 0'Con
, ,. , i . . , ','... - i
Vatfld BV PODS " I Orttd MeSUatgalV who trU Tcrtland woman rrmarkahla atory-rcotrrw. I
t '-' I . r .'.fnIj(Aace!c Ttniea -tploaka. ' i --
Nearly half the Bryan ballots wer I ceremony and tha same eagerness to
cast by Portland iren, whllti Wilson re-1 get near his carriage to shake his hand
lieva that tha president referred to the
attempt of the steel trust to divorce
Itself from its ore fields and who aaw I changea.
an Indication of the vigor with which 1 ,Tb daclalon reached faeterdar kfter-
tb steel trut case 1 to be prosecuted I noon by the Jury of architects whoa
when Preidnt Taft aald to tha law- member ax Wtllls Polk of Ban Fran
yri -"Tou know and I know that it ctaco. Kirk KL. Cutter of Bookan. and
la the law and lh constitution that Mr. Lawrence of Portland, was after
must be preserved In. order that nnrtmlttlnr at all nlana aiihmlt.
ana.ii nave pwioiy ai im, kiiu - in
those who want to make cross cuts and
avoid the law will certainly fall into
pitfalls.' , .
The president never be for naa ex
pressed his . opinion of tha attempt of
the ateel trujst ' to avoid prosecution by
a partial dissolution. -
1 Throngs 6r4 Mim. '
Wherever th president ' went there
were tn same turongs mat nav al
ways greeted him,, the same pomp and
(Continued on Page Ten,,
, I vaiiea neaa I aaaa wire. I
Rome. Oct ft. Two mora American
cardinal will b added ta th erd
collage. It la stated on th . blght
Vatican authority, at a eonslatorv ea4led pop today for November, 17. t
oonrar. it ner.naia. ,. ' . .v
Archblshons Fartev at Kaw-Tnrk mnA
O'Cunnell or Boston. It la aald by Vati
can dignitaries whoa Information may
be assumed to com from th pop him-
self,- ar th Americana choaan as fu
ture princes or tha charch. It ha' long
been expected that one American would
be honored at; th next consistory, but
that ther will b two cornea aa.a d-
ciaea surpris. , ; , . . ..... t
..Weald Banal But Tw.
With three members of the aacred col
lego-Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore
and Archbishopa Farley and . O'Connoll
th United States representation will
equal that or any country In tha world
with ' the exception of Italy. ; with II.
and Spain, with- four. . , .
Archbishop Falconl, th apoatollo del
egate , to Waahington, It la reliably
stated, aad Archbishop Bourn of Lon
don, will-alao receive red-hat.. . . ,.
Archbishop ..John Murphy Farley of
New Tork was born in County Armagh,
r f Ai"
KM h
. I . r t '
i'WIJI 0i.
' f - ' ' 'i '. . .. ......... .
a ! ; 1
(Continued on Para FlvaJ
By Edward If.IIanjIltoit. j
i ' the ' Interoatnaal liiw arlre. )
iRv'tha IntarDatlnaal Keers ervlre.1-
Lo Angeles, Cat, OvU il8.--Ths.Me-.
fJamara case .went .petulantly, peevishly
and pettishly . todf y -aad wound-up , with
Clarence Darrow Issuing an appeal to
th . peopl , fr6m 'a ruling ' by Judg
BordwIL ... C'Uj i: v
Th appeal to the people perhaps
will . now Jake .th nlace of the anneal
to the supreme court, since . thoe peo
ple have Just decided that technical hair
splitting doesn't co-unt any mora.' " .
In any- event, tL attorneys for, th
defense wer quite sassy and there waa
a tone "of sOip all through ' the . pro
ceedings.'1! t I ( ',' i i
The . Jtulgv mW ordered court to con-
vane' at I o'clock and v perhaps tha ear-
(Tka vMrkk4 r I Ik first
taaruat hfanw an tk car wtt
U tk kltKami te atkwk ka
rHU t tk ptttUA, It
t af traartlaarv algtrvaa., V.
i It (WeA4 k teerlakeetr
tkat kLrklaattat will g1r stwa k
le IM) wtiAie alad. Ufa. rkr-
. k ajrae4 tk latervu. la a
rartiaat wa and la lkera
aeMi aa BKaa-tae rf.
a ta ta ife f Hv. Atket Cr.
!gtt, tr f tk raat :e tea-
I net . ekerrh. 0h give ta kl
war I a try f tk lafaraaar.
. Bf Mara lUrtJ ifl4 Ehr.
T-o AagrW, Ort'lt -Wkal I deoe.
sna'aaTL l dw le a re sirs If. asr wife
aad say ktie..
Tk Orti ktrktaalsal tk aelfeaw
fd draaaalier. wa wia rrtrfcabtv k
tk state- star witaee la tha ktc.S'a
tnara trial, aarr4 the v '.altar a la-
ailrv aa ta'wketker k kad saad M
rnfeelni tnr what k kellvd t be
lb good of organised labor r not.
WUlner fault k kaa. UrWaataal
does aet wlak ta aaeuaa Ike rol ef
l e, aerol la regard ta kia candai.
II kaa no Illusion a boat It; he elalme
. josa or Ar lasplraUoa ar vlaloa:
ike mpkUoall-av dM'iara that kla ac
tion waa oa of t or elMatereeWa
aIf latareat Uiat Included kla wife and
children. - . ' '.
"VVhea I aa 11 r. Sirai" ka Mtt.
utS. "and ha faced ma with all that
vldane. I aee that there was on!r
on thing to do. II gave ana 31 knur
to think It aver, but I didn't need that
murk tlm. I knew which aide mr
bread waa buttered oa. and aa I Jnat
made a clean breast of iL
Bar Uad V rrvrai.
a I la tha ertiploy f Bums
Mcktanlgal aat atralaht and leaned
forward a Utile, Blowing up but apeerh
Ilk a railroad train arriving at an
Important elation. 1 never laid mr
eye on Burn until ha com to mr
bouse, and whan I told blaa what I did
ha nvr rnd no promt, either.
except that' my family houldn't suf
fer. Ther was no compulsion and no
promlsea." , ' ,
vht. was vour idea In earrvin on
til a program of alleged violence!"
-Well. It was like thla: I waa Influ-
nod by . who' now a member
of'th executive committee of Iron
. ,lw . '.J' I
Hneas of the hour caused, the lawyers to I Workers, to Join In on tha dynamiting
get out or. oea wnng .side ror. ror tney i huaines. TTi idea, wa that th d-
wer aa tstya-o'tnnyttlpg'nn.
r ' .. . .. ... .
, i nings naa , not , procaeaea ir , wnn
J udge. . Bord well a atarted . to queatlon
talesman TV J. Lea, a fellow Knight of
Columbua -with J"b Bcott 'and vry
much desired as a Juror, by the defense.
Lee had been challenged by the 'prose-
"Mr., Lee, ; have, you , any, prejudice
against either side In this caaer; began
rfung jsorawail.r ; ; ; t.t i K l t.U
atructlon'of-property would bring aoma
of. th fmployera around to mem the
benefit of unionising. It wasn't alon
to hit' th 'mployer. either. Part of
the program . waa to make the non
union men afraid to stay on their Jobs.
Of course, I was hit by the temptation-
thoy held out to make eaay- money, but
they made me think I waa doln it for
tha causa. ' I reallr believed I waa till
I. got caught Then I came to my
enses. , 'V- . " "
"T," I answered, Tnoat men do.
But when you were on such Jobs, didn't
(Continued on Page Two.)
(Continued on Page Six.)
Busts, Waists. Hips, Weights, Heights, Show Average Girl
of 19.2 Years With Physique Superior, to That of Any
' Other American College1 Woman.: -
. (Special to The Journal.)
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 28.-The Univer
sity of Washington co-ed is the most
perfect' college woman from a' physi
cal standpoint In the United States.
Statistics compiled by th unlyersity
department of physical training, -made
public today, place her In the lead with
perfect grades for health and grace of
body. It is - the outdoor life In the
ideal northwestern climate that has aJ-
vancvqi ncr iv vine jiubiuuu, kvuviuiijii
6 David Connolly HalL ' director of
'pnystcai training.
Here . are the measurements of tha
average Washington co-ed, which make
her the model for the sculptor seeking
the purest type of national beauty
Age, H.3 years: weight, 121 pounds;
height, fr feet 3 Inches; breadth of
shoulders, 14 inches; breadth of cheat,
10.4 Inches; breadth of waist, 1.3 Inches;
breadth of hips, U.J Inches; depth of
chest (from front to back). I.I inches;
rfenrh nf Abdomen, fi.ft lnrhe- vtrt.h ttt
chest, 27.1 Inches; girth of waist. 26.4
Inches. -4 .t.;?- -. , -v
The University Ctt Waahington co-ed
la truly western In her athletlo ability
and It la the variety of strenuous sports
she plays on the campus that has given
h the body of a Diana. -
. "Beyond a doubt It Is the climate
ef the northwest which ha mad the
Washington co-ed so perfect physi
cal ir." declared Dr. Hall. "The girls
ara imof th most healthy In the
United States because they are able
to be out In the open air through tha
entire year. The great increase of the
percentage - of women who . aleep " out
doors has helped to raise the standard
at Washington. . t
- "Two things have given the univer
sity co-ed the lead, I think, in addition
to the pure air. These are' the excel
lence of tha drinking water and the
unsurpassed milk supply.
"By taMng advantage of oqr natural
resources wa of the northwest should
have the finest athletes In the country.
It is only a matter of a short time be
fore preventable diseases such aa tu
berculosis will be entirely unknown
here." - , -
$28,000 BLAZE AT V
- ' 1 (Special to Tb Jearnal.1 ' "
; Boise, Idaho, Oct. 23. An entire block
of tha business section of .Cambridge,
Idaho, waa destroyed by fire, believed to I
bav been of Incendiary origin, which
started lata tonight in the rear of the
Cambridge Mercantile company's store
and, fannedwpy a strong breese, quickly
spread to th adjoining buildings mak
ing a clean sweep of thi entire block.
The entire loss Is estimated at 128.000.
Two euspeots l.ave been arrested and
are being held for investigation.
'....- - - I
'.v '..JMtsx' 'iiiiiiiK'lfW
. 7 - rAAy&&&Yirj&ifss - jz 'Beat
: : III;
y -. . .
Sir?" asked the talesman,, putting vnu take into account tha Dosslbla. even
his, hand to his left ear .and, bending I probable, loss of life T" 4
McManigal .. shifted . his . position.
"Well." he said, "We never expected to
kill anybody: ' W timed th explosions
so that everybody would ba out of tha
way," In tha case of tha Times building,
it i was an awful -blunder. ' James B.
McNamara' ought to hava known that
a printing office of. a big dally Is never
empty.,. You see he's really a printer by
trade though he classes, himself aa an
iron ..worker.':-; ,.,,'m :',. ;:.'.".. , -.v...'.
'And now that . you have 'com to
your senses' you believe that force and
Violence are harmful to labor unions T' ,
' "Yes ma'am; and I believe thla whole
iui ru. . (; . .! 'J. , I :
-". '.'Hava you.-;'' any . prejudice at
against either side.Jn this casT"v .
f."I. can't. hear you quite." 9t '
;. "Are you afall hard of, hesringT" '
v-."A little bit Just; a- lltU blU' ,
"How .long have you been', afflicted
that way?" . , . . . i v J A
Qnestloa Stirs 'TJsrrow. - '
( Now, ' that seemed an 'Innocent' ques
tion enought" but 'Darrow was1 angered
and ho came -up with the' promptitude of
a Jack in the"ox. " -, ', "
Red an vehememV'he said VI object
(Continued om Pge , Eight.)
(Continued on Page, Eight)
Family When It; Goes to Law
Cinrle Cnn'e Mfa o Ulorrl
- i iiiuo xjvii a. i ii a i mi u,
- ; Hard Figfiter.
f s (SneHal in Th' Journal ' "
Oregdn City, Oct. 28. Another 'stir-
ring- nibvc '".In the Allsky divorce : pro
ceedings came this afternoon, when
Cleta Pearl , Allsky, who, a' short 'time
ago filed suit against . Charles , w.
Allsky. for a .divorce and 1250 a month
alimony, 15000 suit money and. 11000
attorney's ' fees,. . commenced a suit
against her husband's parents, Charles
A. , and Caroline , Allsky, for 1150,000
damages. ' Mrs. Allsky .declares she is
entitled . to . this amount , because, her
husband's parents . ara , responsible for
their estrangement.
In her complaint, filed this "after
noon, she declares she lived happily
with Charles W Alisky for nearly a
year after their marriage, t or ' until
they went to visit : his : parents The
parents,1 she avers, took a dislike to
her from" the first, and did everything
in their power 'to cause ah estrang-
ment. They succeeded so far that he
spent more time with - them, than he
did witlb her, so-sha-. and her husband
then, agreed " that- she- ahotild ' attend
th ! University ot tha Paclfio at San
Jose. CaU Hd. from this time on they
alwaya met secretly.. She. declares that
h wrotej her many affectionate letters,
put that about a" year after she had
entered- th' . university , be sought to
cause a . separation through the Influ
ence of - hi parents,- and did finally
desert her during the present year and
(Continued on Page Five )
Ck-ta Iarl .15!
. C 1 1 1 ' 1 1 r' " 1 1 ':)''"' ;y-; ; r ,