The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 28, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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r- im r. i
Sporting S5"Q iVfcms DgCjj From Paul !g51 Sections
tu a-4 in ma wai ao -i
-4 tM t4 ! i4 ft lira al
w Ite K Mua ia wt
4 (. k,t a I m I
C v
) I-
Dashes SUty-five Yards (or
, Only Tcuchdcmn of the
Puliun Game.
. fvl'.-Ak-. l t :M-'M IM
rati I l H4 mi lb
. - .Jt.4i a-aa-a IM M
l4i . iiuia b it Vaia. IM Mlk.
. MM htKVM. r- . t 4 im MM
t. lt-4 kwlU ii a-a-a il
, f I k twf -- M a t I t
. t V rata. Mat
fia f I. fcl.U'V tlM 4
artar l . rt 1M a It
J- MuittoMa t f-l m4 bt. aa4
Ik r.Uve Mlilr a- ktaaiad IM Ml)
at. rial Or MmU Ik rl. lilUi f
i.jw. 14 iki mm mr i ik i
ii fi -f nii iUimi
fr a .1 iv Ml . l-ki la
M mumI I -! ea
UM Vlr BMUeaal
lklWa k4 eeefia- I !..-
etraaaib ie relit Mini i fc I at mi.
lag V kla r awl4 M kM
MM uli-4 IM gaaae Mt
Ml fv TW n44 we rac aaa IN ar
UmV. N IM (! for oa War.
Ml air faUte, llllt l II
V kf la M ia M4 saade
Him IM forward Main ga II
. w auiai ta M aa imi Krr
a l.rktkg la la. a.W 4-t-.rlr 4
Vol fld (iMitU .t,U c44
mmm Ha tMt 14 lf'6l
IMM I da I fig! )t Ml eloag
XIM aid MUMltM ltM. Ka
' aiay we diacerded la Hwr ( 4
run fr IM mm! r-1 1-
ti at lwlti.
WaatUajiMi aula Ml Ua N
f IK rvttiw fM. ksitT laa Mil
U IM rio urniorr c fTif
Mrt f IM fmr iwwxik TM iUya
ra aJvajra rlM an4 vrim MM
la MaaliAla, Ik Mm tw4 M4
a tkuM M cor. vM im MU wa
mtti4 r aMrt McM ana aad rM
M Ora a na r-4 tto. Ilara Oro
Ma4 aod Cowchl Mck Uka Uf ara, M14-
Im far dawaa.
Karlr U IM (a la OrtAta M
iu Ihalr fora4 paMlns. but kpl
aaoal of tMir rUra M4r oor
hum amnJ ( th L'niraraity of
WwbluiM NMkM a4 t4r ra
a im atdatiM aaairK4 IMtr a(U f
raw ymJtta tpaa4.
TM BOarlMydr Mlh lda claa
aa4 altbr wsa peaaitaad nuca. rrotn
a IndlTldukl ataadpotat tha work of
-Mp" Latauralta atood eat aMra all
tba athr. Ma la tha BMt Hppary
propoIUon avar n on tta Pullmaa
fooiMil flla aad Lb ra ki Mn mama
CM4 quarlarMcaa la Ihia Mclloa ef
IM aountrjr la tba paaL Mata'a rraat
run maUa aim th on If atbar faatura
plyr f th caina. Tba atata ooll
bad no atara la tM fray, but tha local
vara aaoly MUac4 and thalr taaia
work vaa aicaUaat
A Aaoca m held la honor of tha
vlaltora l-t nlht and M nobody raa
lajur4l tn tba acrlitima tba affair waa
tboroujhly anjoyadu N
AaalyaU of Oaaaa.
A biif aaalyala ahowa that Orevoa
mad ! yarda during- tha ram, whfl
W. 8. C aeaaxad 1(1 yarda. Ltour
atta for Ortcoa puntad II lime for
640 yarda. OTrahadowln tha kicking of
Coulter, wbo booted for an argrccata
of IK yarda la II triea. Oregon loat
1 yarda on two panaltiaa, whlla Wuh
Ington atata loat It yarda on alx la
fllctlona. Orecon failed on nine for
ward paaaea and waa aucceaaful on two
for II yarda, while tha Btatara made
two puui for SO yarda and failed on
Tha Unaup:
O. U. roaltlon. W. 8.
Fen ton L K Tyrer
Jlall Li T.(Cap.M Flalibuck
Oeatli cf Coach Dlmlck Causes
, Disbanding of Football
TM rUa.toe ' 4alf lMJ1
ivtta. wkkt aaa wi'4wl M
IM irw l la alMUa4 airMk
i I a m U ua a4i
1 kia iu m rMM4 i4i
tlm , tm al a fa!! aattaa mm
fciti wa lk-a Ma a
IMI IM flir IMak II
.14 w Mie M UI IM aM tw
IM im f ikia -. hi al r
la IM . r af imi Min4 ftw4
4 , rvia
ttaiua 4ia a4 M M"
eaJ MtU4a UMMtatuM reHMH
cifvtM aa4 im i4ia aa4 a4a'a ef
im airiir Miur ar p im
IxtiM af IM f4wtf M UMa4l4
IM laaa.
TM CaJeakkla laa M rai
lair Ikia n-a br IM ItiU aad im
Jrra, aleveaa. axtt Mfi af IMtf.
aiar plrr war Ml f IM gaaae a4
lh bo4 la Me IMaa M Ma
iMy p lr4 14 l ca4 ie
TM rtM ef IM raawlty la !!
lira fe4Mi ox vcH aaaa IMI C
larakia wui rvl u imt apna xaer
will M rfreai4 la MhiMll aa4
IM aeer Wf ut wll at roan iMjna.
All other im la IM Uaftte
Ia44 iMIr ayaapaihy la tba aalearaiiy
la It Mreaveat.
Drum Hc-P Vofverincs Win
Second Came In tha
Exhibition Series.
Nolan LU .J. Horter
KelloKK , , -.... O. tlarter
Karesa RO 8uver
Bailey R T Laird
Mradahaw ......kis fynn
Walker L1I KlenholU
Main (Cap.) Hil Coulter
J one KB Clark
Iatouretta 4 a.... Heintiiernan
Uubctltutea Walah. for Klenhola;
uaaaia. ror rynn: unanaier lor uraa
haw. Touchdown Captain Main of
Oreaon. Goal after touchdown Main
Penaltlea W. S. C, 10 yarda; Oregon, 61
rarda Time, of quarter IS, 16, 16,
6. Referee Varnill. Umpire Raw
est! Field Judge Bentley. Bead llnea-
nwa curuaa.
AM, K. r.o.
CTbadboorae 4 .4
Kodgera 6 1 .107
appa 1 .111
Syaa a I .111
acrnega , 9 a .aaa
Bbaahaa 8 a .850
YekiapanaTB 8 1 .128
acohn 8 4 , .600
Beaton 3 0 MOO
azarknaaa ... 4 1 JI50
70 17 J 43
AB. K. P.O.
8 3 .373
3 i 1 .333
7 1 .143
7 1 .143
5 1 .800
Wohrerton 4 1 .850
Outahaw 8 3 75
. warea ...................... T o - oo
Xtfltae 8 O XM
parnoll - .....3 '0 .000
mater ..................... 1 0 .000
. Ablea , .............. . , . .
, Coy
: '
'tert. I TM Jaara.l t
Vaneouvar, Waalv, tct II. Lad by
tba echoot ba4 Washington high achool
rooUra Mrpeatlaad tha aireeta of Vaa
coutt Laa I night eelebraUag their ar
victor over Vancouver blab at foot
ball yeatarday afternoon on th high
achool ground. Tba tight, but gritty.
Vancouver team wm outweighed and
outclassed from tha klckoff. and oalf
by fighting atubbornly alt th time waa
It able to bold tba vlaltor to tba ecore
of II to . Few forward pMaea were
tried by elttur team. WMblagton mak
ing Ita yarJaga by Una amaabea and
and run: Quarterback Knapp, of Van
ouver, waa Injured during tba laet few
minute of play and waa carried from
th field.
Th I tare of tha game were Nelaon,
full, and F-dwarda, quarter, of Washing
ton, and Millar, half; Bartow, full, and
Knapp, quarter of Vancouver. Tha gam
wa fre from penaltlea and marked by
clean playing. . Th lineup of th team a
at tba beginning of th gam wm:
Washington. Vancouver.
Hedgea C McMullen
Tegart ROL,. ....... . Veasey
Moore LORn u. Chapel
Beckett, capt RTL. Ooddard
Normandln LTR Mannin
Wieat RRL. McClun
Morrow LKR Colllnca
Kdward ......... O.. Knapp, R. Miller
Nelaon ru uartow
Kellog RHlj capt.. Miller
Sax LHR Stanley. Han
Official referee, Rlnehart; umpire.
Benaon; field Judge, Rev. Mr. Temple
IWa rtaataa. twt. II TV (WkUal
! a M tM4 MM f IM -
a mK tM rwti4
im a fit- tbieaiai.
Vf af 4:i4 V. I;:l
Mit IM fUf ! ,
bel4 IM fjaaa.
Taaf aal Meto r-ra41
IM aoo-jstaar ii i1r aat Mib
4ir ' Mf bit na tiagt
were aaaM err IM tamer 4
aa4 a. eff fwa.ll.
Two rM wr t(Mr4 1tb IM a4
af ait la IM f.fl laalag IkMM
Misfe waa owrod m tbrM ereae aa4
elegit e4 IM flflb 4 aKtb talliM
wre gaada m kite aoeaMa-4 atlb ar.
K Jha aad Ok Mora watla le
etlfb wet 4 Cuixa 44 fMd w
fee lb tJak.
TM erti
AM. R.
(MJwirH rt
HMIfWI la, .........
hf t, lb,
htaa. t.
k , If. .........
aaMa. Ih. ........
i-vxaiaaaaga. M. .....
kuka, , ...........
Meioa, a,
n m a.e
it h : I
: t ?
i I lit I
Total It f II II
A a R.H. POL A. n
ffeffaaan, tt t I t
Cor tt Ill
Tledeaaaaa. la, i 1 I I I
raMr rf Stilt
It. lima. b 4 t I t t t
CulaMw, lb. 4 I t 4 t
Warea. M. !!!!'
Ultae. . I I I
ill tltltil t
kland ttliltlf-l
Two Ma hit Kuhn. crlflr hit
Cor. Sielea Me. ChadMume lloff.
man. Warea. Flret Me on called Mil
Off Heaton. 4; Off fvmoll. I. an ruck
out By Beaton, Time 1:11, I'm
plr MeOreovy.
Drivcf Rice Ctps Hour Off the
Seatt'e-Portland ftact)
Media, w,. tai, lix4IW I-
lag it aitoue 4f IM J
teMTd l4e MUe aaA ret4k4,
rk, M, r Pk, eniavt kJauf M
IM if la 8iU M e4iM IM
4i4aa M ai ywd I eaaeilr I
M tt ao.ta. kJ ka t aa Mor
ihi M 4t huj tM g;ee
I'rtiMiuu f v IM naMr aaJ
ltv IM UM aurviag fi
im ka iMr a4 few. e rt"M
ri.4 ewiiiag. l ew ki i.a wit
a oMia a U ni art iuf erwe at.
I r4r la wn-lt kl-a im wtaar
tie toff f xtuaj la kt. r a.
aal4 by kt.Mg-r b !' ar im
( ! . al 111 4. h isr.
eai arft4 al (ittav and Lra
be.HI. M i II ft a
ti a aa aw l aat im Mat
raa I bia ei maw alg IM
tia. and M N4i b riaarl wOl ,
iaa4 aat-rM for wa Uava It e I
Ike aaaeo Mf, aa4 T. la kl M Ma
aaiicti-ki4 la IM lotlta bill tiaa
lag iM 4br oi bwa
Baseball Notes
The 1911 aoccer football aeason will
opett tomorrow afternoon, when th; Na-
; tionals. champions or, isiu, meet me
Cricketer team on the Columbus club
jfrounda at 2:80 o'clock.
T The two .team a held their final prac
y tic fast evening and both are reported
etrontrer than they wera laat j season.
The Nationals have made , but few
i-hanges In their team, while the Crick
eters will have nearly a new lina-up.
r; . BEACH, 150 TO 102
C." J. Draper -defeated ."Long" Beach,
one of the best of the local players, list
evening at MpCredlca billiard parlora,
by the ecore of 1 60 to 102. The gam
was for a flOO side bet and waa wit
nessed by a large crowd, over 100 en
, ttiuslasta crowding In. th parlors and
watching the gam. .
,, Draper will likely play a return tnatcn
.with Beach next week. .
With only three horn to every 100
pereona, Swltxerland hag the amallcet
equina population of any country..
Amby McConnell played the game o
hla Ufa during, tha Cub-White Sox aa
lie In Chicago,
Wintering in Chicago did not agree
with Johnny Ever, and th star sec
ond sacker will return to hla K borne In
uroy, . x.
Manager Joe McGinnity thinks he haa
found a tar In Tony Walah. th first
baseman turned over to Newark by tha
By deserting the Giant "Bugs" Ray
mond lost a lovely bunch of regular
money. Hi salary and share of th
world's series money would have bean
ome bundle.
Chicago and Pittsburg wera th only
team in th National league and De
trolt and Washington the only .teams
in the American league to play th full
schedule" of 164 games.
Nick Cornish of Savannah, Oa.,' has
been elected president of the South At
lantio league and Augusta and Charles'
ton have been dropped from th organ'
isatlon, reducing the circuit to six
Clubs. . . . .. v .
: . ...... e. e , .
At a recent meeting of the Cotton
States league the salary limit was re
duced to 11260 for 12 players, including
the manager. A. Lewis of Jackson,
Miss., was elected president of the or
. .
Changes in the. big leagues now be
ing talked of are: Manager Oeorge Stov-
Balem. Or, Oct II. Willamette uni
versity in an exciting football gam
here yeaterdar. defeated tba Klrat . In
fantry team of Vancouver barracks by
a cor f 11 to t.
Th gam started with everything In
favor of th vanity and tba first half
ended 11 to 0. During the last half
all tba luck wm aga'nat tha locale and
McCrea. tha big star fullback, waa
taken out of the game with a broken
noa. wadley. left tackle, received a
broken collar bona and Lowe and Bellln
ger were side lined with minor injuries
This broke up Willamette s team work,
and substitutes bad to be played. Tha
last half waa hotly contested and the
icorr anwa un 4 in iaa vassny a la
vor when th game ended. Mill and
Lewis played the star game for the
soldiers, while Cummins. Francis and
Bolt did stellar work for Willamette,
The lineup:
Vancouver. Position. University,
Cothev C Blackwlthe
Green R Q. Vandvert
Devoe u Bellinger-nay
Davis R T Bolt
Pasdserskl u T wesuey-Mccain
Eaean R E Francis
Mills L B. . Lowe-Mclntlr
GUlnaway, Capt..Q Booth
Hoffman L H Cummins
Paul R H Rowland-Homan
Lewis F B. McCrea-Francla
Referee Bishop
Umpire Turner.
iCJlW Mm ! WW I
Yero-vr. b. iKL H A vpertal
t.'ait4 rrvoa cable. frt Irlatf A
trait Ml' Mas McVey. IM 4r4
bvyvntbt. 4tantrat4 hi
ii maei.ry er Hill l-aeg lt aisbc
ktuxklrg im It faro out la a rowad
and a half. TM tt roaad right btwea
U I a cu(l ef month ago
th Unit, theugb MjY.y aMwed lb
atrang.r Ibrougnoal tM bout. laai
alght a flaaeo all doubt m I
lb rltl. merit ef IM Iw aa
Lang dtl'M wa poor a ad tertc
la 1b efond round be waa flrd M
ram rrk after all aororda the flrei
Im and then look the onaol f elgbt.
Ha finally aurcuinMd to right upper-
cut to IM jaw. Ucvy waa ravonu
la tba betting at five I two.
HoiUad Get DrrUloa.
O mlt- hMt fw.l .
Ban Franciaco. OcL JtFrlta Holland
of Kpoken. today Ma a decleioa ar
Kid George of gacramrnt la tba feat
ure bout of the weakly Dreamland a (vow.
Eddl Cam pi put It 08 bta old rival.
Jimmy Fox. afier It -rounds of ft
txalng. In tha other Mat Ruf Turner
aUlled for four rounds witb AM Lak.1,
aad IM unlntereattog mill wm called a
i I
rfUlcni BttiCan af The Jfloraal.
Salem, Or., Oct. 28. Over 11000" was
raised at noon luncheon yesterday for
construction of . boulevard from the
business section of .Salem to tha state
institutions. Governor West announced
to the business men present that ha bad
tha mules and machinery on hand and
would furnish the convict labor. . Th
business men of Salem did th rest An
expert road bulldrr will be engaged from
among Sam Hill's outfits In Washington
and the work -will start Immediately.
The meeting adjourned amid cheer
for Governor West who ha Initiated th
movement for good roads to th state In
stitutions here as the business men have
all of Cleveland to manage th Wash- for some time feit th responsibility of
team; oann wagner or tnefthe city to we state to see mat mese
Boston Red Sox to manage the Clncln
natl Reds, and George McBrlde of Wash
ington to Join the Boston Red Sox..
The officials of last year's Harvard
Tale game have bean selected for this
year's game without, dissension,
The University of Pennsylvania, team
has a new quarterback in Barr, who
looks strong enough to make good.
Michigan seldom runs up big scores
against th little fellows, but as
rule plays a great : gam against th
heavy boys. . -
Th tallest man on th Carlisle Indian
squad, is Long Roach, a tackle, who
stands-6 faet 4H inchea," and the short
est player la Jackson, a halfback, who
is only I feet 1 inch high.
Owing to th. fact that practically
the whole fleet .will b. off New York
on November 15, the date of the Army
Navy game at Philadelphia, the demand
for aeata for the conteat 1 greater than
avar before, iV - ,
Owen Moran and Jim DrtacoU will
meet at Birmingham. England. Decem
ber I.
' ,. a .
The clerrymen of Austraria have be
gun a crusade to atop tha boxing game
n inn country,
Ad Wotgaat la traJnlrg at Ferndale
Park, a few mllea outside of Fhlladel
f. Ma, for hia con.lng bout with Matt
Well. . , . i
roads are In passable condition when vis
itor come to visit the institution, but
no one. had been able to bead the prop
osition until th. governor took hold of
CIg Eleiens Mivt $hon Uttlo
Class In Eaxty Season
. Games,
iw fata. fW, TM Uff f
mo airey r faariraia
4 ltwvjt a a(4 !
IM gM Ma IMaa la ilwwi kg
tH.ia M4tf im rir t ' iJI awa
im im w
w 1 1 ik twMMll iimi a r till. t
Mlf M ba Mil ii M
M (UM lal N Ikut ra4
erfgia. Ml m far aa 4 IM ag
ti.i. M aMa Mftkj4 bk aig
aa ikMUll fMa
tl t4a lri a
!if j4. W4 raa aad Trtatis M
IM pttmi kU44 IMI M 4 4
m4 agaia.
r4 t-waal. m afai4 Tale aa a
kMaor f4 Ut Miwr. Ma m Mr4
jai4 a mi laialik
fva(rw a Haa BAaaa,
La Aagela. Ort II 1-wCUy
Da wo.
Even If
You Live
T take aay Ka aad Hvt
rea4:a aad with every ee
auraac IMI ya will M Maaril
4, I Mv arfci4 a ayaieat
wbereby la evading as 4 ata
la lmp I. er lag af
aranptoa blaah aad lltrtue fa
ran drr1M four rrapiaa
tnlnelelr iMt 1 aaa 4io year
caa accurately. Tbaa hMwtag
four trouble J eaa provtM tM
right traatmeftl. a I Mva aad la
a aaaay almllar Mta I yra,
Ih record f whlob 1 will ahew
tou. HemeenMr, my eaaaultalloa
i fre. If ya llv la lb etly
aad eaa vtall me aeraoaally. mm
much tha Miter.
saota Aider. Oorae TklrC
Ballr Oevaar. 884 !&
tk. ... - - - AHUaMBBBB
1HU11I lor Ml-N
I m a r law 4
Ua4M Ua.i mUM I. rfM
a-a. atgk far-4ia d
-a.l..a t ,
MiH ki -M -wtt
a f i . I a a. Mtr-4 4
xwit (rW 1 m. ltl
&4 ait all t-tut al ail
m t,W.l mmI'im' M..
kin mA I Im I mmm " 1 mW ... mw
our im IM laa-l f
Mr ji I mtW1a I m M
L-iMk tru mm4 mtm a4 .
cat -akar. 1-H.
lk MV 4ki
.g4 aiiim.ilI J i term
W a.. iuimmI at -tr ar
mmi ! I l l ad la.
l'mu m la wtniMM aad tot
a. aw r IM l-fl -j.
aii.g 4 rrilr - ml y t
wi aavta-M itBal Tax ara
k.w m aallaalkM I lab Irval
m ttltM mt Mraa. imm ad
maitaMil at nrly atifa.
I H la)r-ta aaMtrtaa
fta Mmiim (cm wfu
TM gaUewtag aitM aailin
ruy . v v, a r
- -'- ar--, mi aa4 Btka 1U.
mi lif a4 aiM rmlua
gt4 ru 8tia Hnimiy
ajwgliaaa Was,
CdTiii.riTiBs rasa
wm i c i f r cimm crt
a a. a bail vi aaai. I at L
J. J.Heefea PiaeO, RLD.
3UV4 wiamrwoTow grr, camxrsm
BTXTkV. roiTbiiB, nsk.
...ii -V-
'". i
V V '1 x I
Aaa ya 4rr4el f
li lfk...klMtll
L. MAavr.i-.Mv4
rirM rU wru4 ill i
W aa kg tailaiw Dvaa Ckw W
ram (a. mi LMtvOa- o.,-
y wt irvirt rjf !
24 nouns
sale tmjfmij
ALL PtrOOlaT :
aV aV vatrrtx, '
tM 1 a lag ne.
I aa a r-'.d 4 t-ai rt
M a. .'' f
a la ii-Mi j I
M. a t i-t
v-M.vit. .- I ik.a I altar rmt-
m4 r-..iiM -MHM-a
I a, ear . M tMl
r-e km - M pit f
aul ).-. a. f..'.
a .. a.g -.- a-
l-a !- I frv-aa a eg aa
kaiity ar rriatta. ,
Are You
Mfaa tr4 la aalMfarterf aaaa.
I 9 1 m k.
wrwi.a mi ki. Bir nM
-4 v I -'
14 k I kl grk A "-"
klg kl- -xv-ll. frtwm "
-4.Jat law M ml1 rai
iy -it aa k-iir a.fci
taaarar Me jtta lav1'
wiaair ru-n m - v -
-1 .. i a -ai.b v. .vmI nar eaM
It will r4 ya abiaa-
rAatooaa Tax, atoot TOt-
mom, riui, gkSTmaa. im
Cured in 5 Days
0 eaW rrwaa OeoeyaU.
if NT
R V r R at
y a r f Way INrWTl T
f.r Ttwr Avivri. Wr Wat-
aal. kt.xrr lirr A HAmCAl-
. w . - . . . w w -I w a I
.1IVK MT aiMl ASr Wll.l. CTTI
rAKD T 7i-He ht txrriti.
roi'ifPTi MtPiCAL. ornti. w.-
rilK COA8T.
I lavll M I oma I any tTtca
I will vapMin J otv .--.".
for Varlc Vlina, Hernia, Nrvt
. . I 4 . - - - - . nlM a-la.
L VI II1'. ..iwvv . . - -
tula Hladdev Kidney, rroatatM aad
til aa, nm.ivj, nM y
rar.a....iMi ...Min.fln. Ir a...
aary a microscopical aad chemical
aaalyala af earrallona. la d.lerruln
ratMloglcl and Melartologlcal eoa
II liana ICverv Mraoa ahould tak
advaauga of tola opportualty U
laara their fro condition, a pr
mmiI ar I what yea want
- amaa Alt ii.. r.aiAi
ajt .hh. A w K a." " '
I a. ta, to I p. m, aad 8uaday fro ra
it toL
A. G. Smith, M. D.
B94Uj Mrrtaa It Oorma Sd,
wwrUaaa, Oragaa.
Cured Without Drugs!
Stanfield, Or Home Is Burned.
aneclal to Tba JoarnaL.
Stanfield, Or., Oct 28. The farm
residence of John Feebler, southwest of
Stanfield, burned Thursday. The entire
contents were destroyed with the ex
eeptlon of a small quantity of canned
fruit and some bedding. The fire start
ed high In the chimney and when dis
covered had the roof . abiase. Mrs.
Peebler and her sister were the only
adult present Th loss on the fur
niture amount to 11500 with 11000 In
surance. : Th house was worth about
11000 but no Insurance was carried. The
houM belonged to Mr. Moor, of Pendle
ton, :-t.. s - t - ,- . :
A. Krle Die at Albany.
(Sparta! t The JouraaL)
.Albany. Or.. Oct 18. A T Kyle died
at his home here yeatarday at the age
of ' 14 yearn, He was born in Canada
In 114? and haa Uved In Corvallla and
Albany during th put 26 years. The
funeral will be held Sunday at the
Presbyterian church under th auspice
of th Mason. He leave a widow and
th following children: Mr. F. ' A.
Swingle, of Portland; Mrs. A, F. Hall,
of Hood River; Ernest A. - Kyle, , of
Salem: Mrs. C H. Sanders and Martin
and Gertrude Kyi of Albany.
There a no use trying to cure I
rheumatism with .. drugs and dopa I
You can't remove the cause of the I
trouble that way. Electricity is the I
only thing that soaks right in and I
forces the poisonous una acid out I
of your system. Electra-Vlta, the I
dry-cell body battery, applied while I
you sleep, will, saturate your nerves I
with a , glowing stream of electric I
fire and quickly banish th pain. It I
has cured some of the worst cmssI
after all other methods of "treat
ment had failed.
Don't vMti your money on I
worthless drugs. Get Electra-Vlta I
and- get well. -
We don't ask you to pay fori
Electra-Vlta until It cures you. If I
U fails to do th work, It won't!
cost you a cent
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Name . . . . . . .7.17, . . V. . . .
Street or Box..,................
Town .....
arm Terr at riTTT tatticnth HAT. Th orirtnaL with hundred
I a AihA-a a-, en. n nup afflc No namea or addreaaes revealed, a
manv vinar jar... ii . r.u " . ----- . -
peculiar to their aex after other apoclallst bad failed to vn give relief,
READ and b convinced, .... '
RememMr. w hare been her for year, are permanently located, In
corporated and llcenaed under the lawa of Oregon to conduct and oper
ate a Merlcal Inetitute, Sanitarium and Hospital for the treatment of
Men' Ailment. You tak no rlak when you treat with ue. Our staff
of phyalclane ara graduatee from the leading collegee In Europe and the
United Btatea, and have been in active practice from 16 to tt year,
and ar duly qualified and llcenaed to practice medicine and aurgery in
this nd several statea. Investigate our records and standing and com
pare them with the other so-called specialist who have only bn In
our city a few weak or months.
Or. Medical lastltut. Portland
Gentlemen: It I aome tlm alnc I
clned t your offlca At that tlm. you
mid I waa cured, which I am. I owe
you 111 and wou.d like to aettl with
you, bur can't now, but will in a week.
You did a nic plec of work when you
made me a healthy man again, and I will
gladly recommend you to all weak and
Buffering men. (Signed) S. S.
Heppner. Or., July 12. ltll. Or.
Medical Xastttnte Gnt: I have fin
ished the last treatment I have Im
proved greatly thia month and think
another month wilt cure me, although I
was in a terrlbl oondltion at first
, ED. R. C.
it..t.,1l. TTTa, aV riH. TtAaf-.l! T am
- l,nuaii.i AD... -- " - ;--
cured up now. I don't have any trouble
at night and my bladder Is all right
not tired in th morning and the dark
Circle unaer my eye. sy"'9L
nunsmuir. Cal.. May ft. 1111. -Dear
Doctor.: I am feeling better than I
hav for a year. I can discover n
trouble whatever now. I have nothing
but praise for your InsUtutloff.
w a. n- - -- A. aaa
TTl11a,VAea r.V A ntHI 17 1 011. OaTSs.
Xadloal Institute Thank to your skil-
rull treatment nuuiw nunv;. j "-
a -. T Ar.n rtv npra
thanks to you all and shall always re
gard you as my greatest benefactors.
; ... a
Salem, Or. Or- dlewd Xntltn,---
l..M wrraiae laf - T em AntlrtalV
it aaa1 war. tYtAra. ! T la.Ba t fT ATI I . I
, WC1I T1UI Iircu iiv -r - -
thank you very much for what you hare
rlnriaa TOr Hit and the way. that you
cured me. r K. J. M.
i4i.nit rtr Dear Doctor: Tour let
ter5 received. Doctor. I think I am
-. n.t.A aw.nK!. . nka -tnnnw! com
pletely and thank you Tor your kind
ness. I will call and pay you as soon
as possible. CP.'
Nehalem, Or. Or. Medical Znatltut,
' . i J T Am a-nv that T hav.
troubled you so much, but I am entirely
cured and will not need any more treat
ment Thanking- you very much for
what you bav don for ma I remain.
a ver.f.-:.'.:.; ,v -: ' w. r. a.
. Tbes ar a"vry few tastlmonlals wa
bav received from oared aad grateful
V.M Vaaa aaaa mviA Hitwal
aXaffj. wa.v , -
to perfaot haltli by car gpeolaliata f-
HT inra mv aauuva. waa ww ,w
don for other w eaa do for yon. Aad '
Joa eaa pay a Ilk to there have
o-a, .rta von ae HCUX,KI." CAJT
a nonr.v rtftWirtTT.! TJ fMXIAT. ' If won Mnnet caJl.
write for fre book and ailf-examlnaUon blank. Many caaea cured at
home. Houra 9 a. m. to I p. m. Sunday 10 to I. .
niH Koxiaoi it, but. mtj-itc aht rrrrrr, rc-.TTJ.r:?, c
1 not a disease. It Is a symp
tom of disorder. ' To stimulat .
activity by th ti Of power
ful tonics Ig,an easy matter,'"
but such results ar merely
temporary drug effect. Moat
doctor treat weakness In this
manner because they do not
know how to. cure th real
cause of the derangement. We :
employ scientific and success
ful methods.. We uaa no ton
ic at all. Our treatment ta
a local one entirely and cor
rects every abnormal condi
tion of that vital center. Our
cures are real cure and ar
permanent .
are usually found on left side.
Symptoms Aching or pain In
groin or back,-nervousness, .
weakness, loss of vitality,
lack of ambition.
I cur varicose enlargement
by on- treatment in one visit
without a severe surgical op
eration or suffering, or keep
ing you away from ' business.
.suits. ar Asrx bivaooes
I Cure Men
ray Tin C.
Oeaeral Debil
ity, Wak Berree,
AAAaAniflaa)AaB aa.w m A ....
of exposure, overwork and other vio
lation a of MatuM'e laws, Dla.aaea of
Bladde aad Jt-daaya Tarlooa
Vain, ealckly aad permaaanUj
eard at am all eaaaaaa.
rZCXAX. AXLMI Tal Nwly con
tracted and ehronio cases curea
All burning. Itching and Inflemma
tlon atopped tn 14 houra Curea af
fected in Mvea daya Conauitatlon
frea If unable to call, write for
U,OffIoflnoul52Ip A. K. to S P. M.
urdaya 10 A. M. to I P. M. only.
raozriO coast srsoioAZa co
4m Waahingtoa -. Co. Tlrst.
1-ortlaad. Oregoa
- i a.
1 what you win get
If you treat with me. '
Reaulta ara quick and
DOiltlva Tou ar
b e n a f 1 1 ed at onca
Man who hay a
dragged their caaea
along for month
with aome other spe
cialist are astonished
at the prompt effeets a I
of my remarkable
treatment. cur i
Nervous Decline,
varicose veins, jrnea,
tlsm. stiff and swollen lolntav. Kidney,
Bladder, etc , v (,,,.. .;.
Blood Ailmenta ouicklv and safely
cured by a famous and well known Ger- ;
man remedy.- ::i
Conauitatlon Tre. Writ or Call. ,
- Th Old Bailable aTpaolallat.
Corner Alder and Second atreeta En
trance izsft eecona -reet, r-rtiuu, ur.
Office houra a m. to 8 p. nx Sun
days. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. . , ,
A Wonicrfiil Can
.the famoua
Chinese .
B. X. Cham,
Obstruction. ' Straining.- Pain
In . Back. ' Enlarged Gland.
Nervousness, Swelling, Urlo
Acid..: r-s- h'
I can stop thes symptom
right away and they won't
come back, because the causa
of them Is done away with by
a cure being effected. I don't
use strong, painful,-. Injurious,
injections that do great harm.
My method cure without
pain, give immediate bene
fit and a lMtlng ur. t
Specific Blocd Poison
Cured la One Tiea lineal by
th earmaa acethod, -oem Xa
jectloa. OrMtl PUoovery of
the Age. Ton ad aot sow
take Ixjuxioua Bdiola for
year. ; t ' - -
'M-- CUBSJV .-
i A IltH Mdrriaon St,
O N Portlaad. Or. V '
x.'S -'l ' am SI. vaara - t-
. eld and bav uf- SCra, . SC.
.Cbaa farad from weak. Obaa
neaa aaa nervouaneas ror uire "l,,l,i
from a tumor on my faca I first went
t unt doctor, but thev told me that
it wu Imnoaalbla to cur, ao UDon tha
advloe of my - relative who had been
cured by the Chinee doctor. I wnt
to them. After taking two week of
their herbs and roots compounded and
other, medioinea. th tumor waa com- -pletely
cured without the uae of a knife.
I feel o grateful toward, them and t
r .command anybody who la . ill and
want to get well aooa to go to ae or
writ to thm and secure aom medl
cina which I am sure win bring re
snlts. J. A. ZIMMERMAN. Albany. Or.
iBamoved to 933 Wa.. eonir 9d Et
t titi-J wnuitu
Chin Poctor.
Hla Chine h.rta an4
root mdlcla cur
blood trouble and ail
' M dieaa of to heait,
' ' J lung. liver, aton n.
kldncya When otn. ,a
' - .- K hav given you op, con.
suit or writ t liiri,
-v . J Zhang.
f ,) - 4
I i t w-a
t a. -
i - i
Journal want.ada bring reeulta
. . t