TtIK OKECO.W DAILY, JOUKKAU lOKTLAKD. &ATUKDAY UVCNIKa. OCTOUOJ tk 1811. Programme For Sunday Sermons andtjiecord of Church Events in and A round Portland ' " " 4 MT1 Pa'Zj Girl From Wales Crosses wn, r wt, i. CU M-4 Sea to Convert American Cousinw-xr 14 kf fi4.Jw It Mll. IMIIW " ttl . ... tv itii 1 4a f. a.: iu 4 i4. '- of M nn in i (., IKai .a. vt. )(( ik j i(h4 Iki . wnk a at..M.. ' . M .U4 vi GREAT HIM of raw ISMLY DESCRIBED IIZEEEj 'ttlioilt MM SPEAKER WX BE , mm m I V tWlHM It '. ,, J IM k 4 - i t4 4.t . M I i,t . .f;V4 M M . tM Mm M aVti 1 I imi Ik,. hJ M IKMHM. tM u.liwt Ika Alu. lu ",-'s irwt.M,a. k.. w I. Mi 4 k...w i I -a Htk Tia 1.. ,w u. . . . Hmri I MhCf 4 k Rev. James Corby, Re! ..rM., DcJecite, TfHs of Mettwg r at Sorincfie'd Ilrusiratf a . .-- t-..-. r . . . M I.! H1H V, Lecture on urtcon rc a lure. 1 V. v f ?. Jnr D. Corby. MM IM - lb . m III. rm l MM IM ) t W IVk. -4 M4tM I III aIV. I4 AuutlM riM rnKM mi iui iw jr- im aM r t4ua. 1 1 . -! IM rw I M in. I Mtut -4 ii -. I M iiM m r-V k riw L4 ! IV tk. o 1 tfl j Prominent Women Honored.! I rwiu4 all rr The Mi AM'tt Mr I'kMtel Hum MlMUMkkfy rWlr. M Krt KllMftA It. cfir ml IM mom. TKjp lofwj tm lMIUa r laMar Ml lk If Mir tram ik I iwN 1IbmmmI Cortr. llr f r..c i B h'i nttNnn s( tM Omrrh f Goo4 TUia. if4y WhM Ttrk la lb trMiti a ba. 4 Cat Tnt.foartii lr. b a a la Mir Immmt a hlrk r(urM4 rra th t'iUfraJwl f fl r"n ffat I CMralloa at 0pr1ana)4. Maav Mr ''' ,h Ta.Bj.4a. Om j f r J,r 41- ! tttr. 1M rwiuu om.i kfoedar ariMoon far drln roooi If ooro(K wlta IM uprt por- m.iur war (1va ta hjr nMr. al peaa af arlsflay tha Mit coavMiloe lha Mm of Mr, rtaak m, Poarabar. ta rortUAd. IU4 It at bm for Iba ar and Ura. Crrua A. tMH Ttwa ava. cMlif f hal4teg Ut ronvtslloa la ,a M dold la aa laaptraUotial tba WUa iraat Ur wl4 hr wan l, ' th lt T"!' aulljr, but aa tt wai thay raallawi ib I J " j Men's Club In Church. i la fi. ...-.-.... . Inportaaoa of Iba aanilmaat Chlcacw ao4 dropped iba rwcw f tbat diy. Tba eoaraalloa It, howar.r, war unanlmou to ring rortlaad for tba Ifla conraalloa. I x Maa'a rlab haj baaa or rkJile4 at la apaakioa af hia trip aa4 Uta oaJ tha Grac Matbodlat ehurrh for tba pur Taauoo. mt. voroj- awia; . i poa or Doiainf ro(ina far tba dlaoua- raaa Oemramttaw. or ua(lona wring all aa4 forward for Chn.t And I?.' rA J..1' wtb!. 4 t4 fr aa Daar and wltl fcU ehurch tn tba HUtonr of tha dnom- "",,'" "".I': Mneluda many af tba principal cl ty tba dalacat ami tba ova araUad Itaalf ot tba flna Chrlatlaa ' ' i x k tl .-.k !-J. . i " 'M aJ !. Laryt-i uins acciciy. ,,, i lw . "f t mi r of a int. ! mmmmm i .. , , .-.. . , t Itoa .4 rlla a-4 Ik ! '. T Cil tVr.l T tl lim. I v i. M l.a k 4 Pto.4 aWinr i iwwh Mi4 n frwa a t Ay .' ktul M.iia la K. r im i . aa Hi aiuia Ik fr T I 'r ua Mtuif k w4r t)4 f im t-t I ivwk.t .va la k iw i M . a4 tawflaia4 U m tw.flMa la IM I li- ar IV I iwty. I II a4 I " Mma IM tf k.kt WIIMJ lauw.Vl. v4 II III TM mm ft mt j im .4ir la im ivWMt af i-rtl TMi. a t 4rtakaia, Mil a m lkaa ei4 IMll (44 rt.t.4 rival Church Notes Dr. Henry Collin Minton Way Yet Be Induced to lnc!u-4e TW$ City in fits Parif.o Coast Itinerary. t af IM ' v , . rwwH .r (ta4 ba-wa rr a, at Mi rt. ",l, .i.4l Ha wwum rt kf , .,,a i la. '' t'n4 ia frwa Ual i tvira t.r.fc, rt toiuaia m4 ! t ! M UHr a.,t 4 J.,p i.ia TMfw laiMSM l aiaiiM4 la mmxmg tr, Mtrf will m'D a !ral If 4 M Tb al.r U 1mM II.IIk; tlw r4l It M mw rtrl4 la All uairW a .4 I H.w t-m i fyu u ,-vj. , IM at4l a4 !' anlr far fi't -4) kl..r U-4 lb Mi)aa TJ. la im wwfiav i im N. yrk . nrir.iw rMi. i. 1 4 a w. . a ' " ------ - mrw- " rw . wora rarjr la H..J. ak4 IM miimiumi ipiscopal Church Conference I ai Mlra 4rv trmtm all Mr la ml IM riljr. Ir lrlairrf waa fMtr pa, lor af IM 1111 r M ;c abar A mutual w:t b air. at IM Im of Wra . kliafcl Cwrli. 14 Mr-il M-rala. Oct ri-Tli fla df a' I iri. ft'il U-aMlr ua f-r Ik. I ina MBuai miunan or af tit H i f A. ir IM Tbar. IM alablb aafktnnarr rlmi-l iMdav mmmii i k . im rnrfiai iiarti abttrcfc la IM I bald at lb ril M K. cbarcb aoalb. i nna ! wm ?-4 ai i iJi.p 1 1 u tmfl aa HkllMatk iirwu. bro tbaira laat Tburadap aicht by I tl aa4 I. Mr a. Carir baa im -ini n-r inow t Mria I arur4 Mm 4 talaait I ati bar aVaddinc IX P, blro of tba dlur I and a varied nrr ram will b ta ar trroM. T- ibrair waa oacMd I t-ol(iea r Tori Htu d iti i anai cr oai an pana or tba I iiioa. Ink and local lpipllana. I Tba aubwt la Ma br Biahew aVa4l A rrpUoa l t. J. If. Cwdllaw and Idlnr waa, "Tba Churrb la Amartc. Hals aanoral rally nil M bald at Uraoa irir roatabitahinoBt la Viri inia and Ita I MaiboUiat churcb tbla arawla. tm MiaaioMry worn rreia Jamc-iown ta I affair wiu ba Infarmal. Iba I'arine Ooaaa." Hlahop Br-ddlna I a a loM la a irHnl war af tba wrocraaal TM rlwlr mt T-t,lt .k4f of Ih mlaaionarr worb. tourhifif arpa. I baa Mwa oraaalad aa a woman's Ammhl I ilIlMnahlp weraraaat aad rwfortW wilt lolallr oa IM aood raalla aomDllahod I auartai ar iba fliNriiMi r im tatrM4 ta Ih trip of pr. ftawry lamot.a.lha Indiana of tha Iakolaa. I lur'a wlfa. Mr. ou-la T. felM I Collla atlntoa. pral4t of tba National IHrRi tha rour of.hla talk ba pra. I a a I Rofonw aaaoclattoa. ta tba rdfl aoaat. aeotad plcturwa of tba blahop of thai Tba eonplatloa af Trtnltr Matbedlat I Dr' no, to t Aa4 varioua aui.a ar.4 1 a-rh aa w.r prrnt j paraa at III Umloek air!, will i"4 f" rrajirUco. Mrln bla horaa U -lviiiii-i in vnvf fftnarii ma ineir I 4MaliKr-4b lrl If a awala v. I a w v-. w w t wti. a vwwr w plrturaa wara thrown oa tha aera,a aoelal. a "OhoaUr HdUo-.- clvan I P ' P' le-4a "f W w W- VM1 BJ1 IBIir I DV Ml Elt.irll IMMA I . -r. M a . f. vv- diocaa- I . . . .1 tl tbat a narMnaat will ba atartad Dr. 1 1 orr OoQta Vlatoft. Tboaa lnlrld ta ba Oirlattaa Catholic Church Laws. Uhn Mtrgbrat Bcv&a, who like to prch old fajhtoned ripwt. - Tha Oradad Sunday I maata Jrridar aftarnaona I at tba Flrat ConrraraUorial cburcb. na at 1 'alack I Owla to tha fae that tba WorliTa iManai fhk I ChrtatUa CltlMtiahlp confrarx- la ta Mlaa Margarat Baraa. II yrara aid. tba (1rt praarbar of WaJaa, la touring cltla. bar ."Hr? .? HZ .VI. ordmarV IVrtincT and tZcTX I I I. rhorxba. """"r'ltba "-ration br tba mambara will fi-of U daoomlnaUoaa la Kaglaad. Scot. founeay wiucn p- vtm V". ."." I low. I land and Walaa. I am atill going to tlonat, Matbodlat. Baptlat and Unitar ian churcb.a at tba aarrlca af tba coa Tontlog officUJa Ttom tha atart tba Oragon dlra- ' tloa war conaplcuoua and , found fa vor among tha J804 dalrgataa Tba Roaa a Thirty Churches Report acbool la WaJa, aad I bop to ba or moat In tbla dlr Jan it to Jalr . ill. ror tha p-rpoaa af com pi alia g an u,t b,r Jf h "Tf l HiTff unuiubl vibuii lt.inw ms iiuaiwai. dainad la a yrar or two and ba ant aa Ps' compl.tlon of tha now eoda I lnt.rMta la tha nan aad rallglon for-1 1 -i- .v! ."T m'.T a mlaaionarr to India. I think ao much lot Uwa by which tha Cat hoi to church or.mnt with tha Olpay mUi Vsirh a. u. tb kllZ of Am.rlcana. An Amrrlcaa who la a throughout tha world la to b goramad I orra during tba arangaliaUo omm-1 v k Lri i. -.11 -J!...rTI i - ... . a a. -a- 1 l Kk -- - a ib .-. . I M.I-T1- h tha -Tft AVSII I tat MffV man of that faith, for tha Amtrlcan baa U-mod Canonlata. bMldra a eom- " of .tha aaacaUra commltta of i1"10" 0 m V itJi ao many mora Umptatlona. mlaalon of cardlnala. hara ban working ,h " -- rallglon forward mar. m. .ffl T Juat In Cbrlatlanlty of tba IhU eoJoaaal taak for tha laat algbt ra"nt WU wim tha aaacuUra oom- 'mlm,n "u ?' th" 01a kind, brtbar and all tbaL I am yr. Tny nar airaaay occupiad thraa -ampaign " ",7K poor, but 1 Ilk tha rich, I think thif mn bayond tha tiro originally allot- at tb ota of tba latur. Tha ," ? . . """"rft wUn ,0 n" haVa aucha cbanca to do good with lA . tmt owing to tha atlmulu oict of tba m-.ra.nt la ta gat man of fort toMeara Mm. tor a !ctur, inair Thay ChrlatU do not aand dollara haa baan pladgad already. Tba aiocuttr eom ml Ma or tha Men and Rallglon Forward Mora in ant la City ploa wltk -Portland lll. prorldal Raturna bara "baan racalrtd from It M?,1"! out bullatlna to all tba chnrchM br tha court of tba Commercial club . ih. ..k..nt. '.hi-w .M.iki.i imI outlining tha work rack oommltta of wrara In artdenca averywber and th Men and Religion Forward Mor-mant ch Qb-rch la apactad to do. Ot takaa bara baan worn from caat- announcing tba appointment of tha flra " . . ara Mataa to Texan, while Canada aad committor which' ar ta aaary oa tb More Athollc Vine, Japan bara thwm aa aouvanlra A gen- work In each ctt-rch. Orar a bundred Tb rrraUoa of the new diocaaa of croua aupply of tha auperb booklet remain to ba beard from. Theae com- Daa Molaea. Iowa, la tb preliminary to of Portland and Oregon 1aud by our mttteea cover aoclal art-vice, boyg work, that of a vera 1 other In th United chamber of commerce waa taken along Bible atudy, avangalUm nd rala-lon BUtea, aapaclally In tha waat - After and old New England waa thrilled and work. Italy tha United Statea baa now tha charmed by their beauty and tha r- The commltta of 100 held Ita ft rat Urgent Catholic hierarchy in tba world, source of which they told. Orrgon'a meeting laat Wednesday night and naar- but tha Holy Be la anxJoua to have a delegates, Mr. and Mra. E. J. Jaegir ly every evangelical church waa repre- UU further unlrer In tba number of and Rev. Dr, Jamea D. Corby, were tented. Plan wer formulated for tha American blahoprlea In consequence of fairly bealeged. for thaaa bookleta and raising of tha 16000 neceenary to carry tha good raaulta that hava already fol- tba Springfield board of trad aaked on th campaign proposed. On thou- lowed th multiplication of diocese. mean a. And many or them do. I now given oy nui j wno looaa upon I " " "" -- ...! r- - - - J. 2 aleo.hav a great chance to b thl aa tha grat work of bla ponUfl-1 rollgloa and than keep their lntart oalphla Nawa Brrvlca and PUbltrlty na and I am aorry mora of tbam cat, tha ooda will b at laat ready for Vnng tba Olpay smith campaign manw n oria a vnnwiian iti- tak advantage of IL" (production during tha course of thel" movement worxora wm ao personal snoiy wm-nn, na prorniM to ao i-.zt-.i-- .- m th flrat tlm In th I wor among tn auaiencea aner tbl T"rr'""s m pvw.r gri mm Church's First Concert. hi-i- r h rr.- tk 1 1 MLmul-TB tha workers of aacb ebuivh In I to make tbl trip. "9 1 codification haa been attempted. Thetoa movement will coaUnu thl per-1 Xr. Mlnton I on of th gratet aonai wvra ana aeep up in uiereai n in mi lomn aiaira iwir . -j! ins nrai ooncert in the newly oedl etd Atkinson Memorial church, Eaat tfth and Everett atraeta, waa bald laat WedneadAy crenlnr. Th entertainment waa given under tha auaplcea of Mlaa Btubba' class of the Bible acbool, and tha large audience thoroughly wnjoyed every number. The artlata of tha even tag were: Soprano eololst, Mra Sal mon; contralto soloist. Miss Qamml: reader, Mra Henderson, and a double quartet. Meesra. Calvin Walsh, R. P. Hicks, IL A. Hennemsn, Iinsey A, Dud ley, H. J. Hefty, Rodney Durst, J. P.I result will ba to eliminate aa Immense number of local or obaolvent la we and to establish new legislation appllabl evorywher and aulted to modern tlms. On of tha Important faaturea of th new codification, which concern th united Statea aa well as other cbuntrlea, la Die abolition of aema of tha Impedi menta which at present make marriage invalid between Cathollca - Thua, ac cording to tha new law, marriage be tween third coualna will be allowed. and no obstacle to marriage will be created by aponaorahlp at baptlam. Th American blahopa will also ba granted extended powers- of Jurisdiction In mat ter which they ara at present obliged to refer to Roma of tba convert Tba Toung Ladle Sodality of St Stephen'a pariah will give a Halloween party Monday avenlng, October 10, In th pariah ball. III! Bast Taylor street Tha General Ministerial association will meet at the Y. M. C, A. at 19:10 a m. Monday, to plan .for Oipy Smith meeting .. gr Rev. Alexander Beers, : president of Seattle . aemlnaiy and collage, will preach In tha Flrat Fre Methodist church. Eaat Ninth and Mill atraeta, both Sunday morning and night and la well known on tha coast About ten years ago he waa moderator of tha Oeneral Prcebyterlan assembly. Hi haa a number of friends In Portlsnd. among thrru William MoMurray, gen eral freight and pasaenger agent' of tbo 0.-W. R. at N. company, and VMUni M. Ladd, of Ladd A Tllton bank. T Rev, Oeorge I Csrr. field secretary of iba "Out to Win" movement for pr-- ruDiuon in wregon. win apeak twice tomorrow on irrvperance. In th norn-i ing na win orcup,.. miinit nt th Lenta Frlenda cliurrl rul in tha evening- ha will preach. U'tha Lenta Math. odlat church. ,' CHURCH SERVICES j Baptlat. Flrat White Temple, Rev. Walter Benwell Hinson. B. a, 9.-4S; 11 and . . a ., . k. aw. .... m. 4 "Addition by SnbtraoUon," "When God rorgot" Arleta--Rev. Duncan M. McPhall. Sunday school, 10; B. T. P. V.. 6:16: servlees, 11 and 7:80. Topics. "Aa He . waa Bent a l-aitnrui word." Eaat Bida Rev. Albert EhTKOtt Sor vlcea 11 and 7:45. Sunday school, 10; V. P., 4:80. Topics, "How to Get Rich,'1 1 "Just Owing Up," Highland Rev C. B. Elliott. B. T. P. v.. 7; Sunday school, 9:45. Bervlcea at 11 ana a. - Sellwood Rev. F. WV Hayes, 11 and T:80; 8. S., 10; T, P. V.. 4:30. Calvary Rev. J. N. Monroe, 11 and 7:10; 8. a. 10; a T. P. V.. 5:30. Immanuel Rev. H. B. Black. Preach ing at 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 12; Finding Out club, 6:15. University Park Rev. A. C. Saxton, pastor; U nd 7:80; a a, 10; B. Y. . 1 Sunnyside (German) S. a, 9:45. Con rad Wyes, superintendent. St Johns (German) Rev. Karl Feld Wieth; 8. S., 9:46; 11 and 7:30; Y. P. M., 1; St Johns Rev. H. T. Cheney, acting pastor. 11:30 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; B. Y. P. U.. 4:80. Grac Montavllla. Rev. Albert E. Pnto.h. 11 and 1-'A('. V V R.9n- 9:46. Topics, "Christ and Childhood' 1 l.J. T .... ,. jxn xiiaeritiuice lucurrupuoie, ' . .. Chines Mission 353 Burnslde street D. .. 7; i. u. fliaione, superintendent First German Rev. J. Kratt 11 and t:su; a. ., Second? Grman Morris and Rodney. rvov. . j-Teaerics Duerrman, n ana 7:30 8. S 9:46: Y. P. U.. 6:45. Eaat Forty-fifth Street Corner East Main. Rev. A. B. Walt. 11 and 7 so Topics, "Walla Tumbling Down," "The ureamer. - Lents Rav. J. M. Nelson; 8. S., 10; 11 ana ?:u; a. x. f. u e:au. Mount Olivet Rav. R. H. Thomaa. 11 and 7:30. Tabernacle Rev. Robert Gray, pastor, S. S , 9:45. Sermon. 11 and 7:46. Topica. "Emotionallam in ReliKion.1 on Payday, or. Wasters of Weal tn. Third Rev. W J. Beaven. 11 and . 7:30; B. Y. P. U.. 6:80: 8. 8.. 10. Topica. v-i ny um,' jjarxenny jewa7 Swedish Hoyt ana fifteenth. Rev, Frederick Linden. 10.-45 and 7:46. B. H., is; a. x-tr. u- a:o. , ' '" ' Methodist. ' Trtnitvi Rev. Charles T ThfcPhemnn 11 and J:S; E. L.. 6:30; 8. S it; claaa nreung, iz:ia. , . . - Taylor fitraev Her. Benlamin Tonnr. TK IX. 19:10. & 8.. 11 15: EL L . Morning claaa, :30. Topica "Love as aa Interpreter." "An Appeal to Men." Grac Rev. J. IL Cuallpp, D. I min ister. i:34 and 7:45; a fi. 12:16: Kp crth leairua. Spt-etnl music Topica. vuoperauca wa troa. acrea concert In evening. - . . Flrat Norwern-ranIr) Rar.'H.P. Neion. 11 and S; 8. 8, 10; Y. P. M.. 7. St John Rav. F. N. Sandefur; 11 r4 r li U. t: , S. 1. - - nr rv.lde Rev Wilitam IL Fry t. n , ) ! an I ; K U. IS. Ra'lv da " loioa, 'Hw ta Grow Etrong,"i "Tha Religion of a Church Choir." . Epworth Rev. Frank Jamea. Serv- Icea 11 a. rrv and 7:30 p. m. ; 8. 8.. 9:45 E. L., 6:30. Topica "Individuality In Keliglon," "The Letective Power of Bin. Chinese Mission Chan BIni Kat 11 ana t :sv. Laurel wood Rav, Asa Sleeth. 11 .... , . . , 1 svamuv, , u, hi. Central Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 11 and 7:bo; a t., :&; ta. u.. :so. Norwegian-uanisn Vancouver ava crjurcn. .Rev. u. J. rarien. 11 and 7:45. 8. 8- 9:45 am. Japanese Mission Rev. Eileen Rl bara. :so and 8:30: 8. B.. 8:30. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev, J. N. Burden pastor, 11 and 8; S. S., 10 E. L.. 7. First German G. A. Waasa. Ml and 7:80. Second German Rev. E. E. Hertaler, 11 ana ; a. a., v:o:m. i, 0:40 p. m. Centenary Rev. Delmer T. Trlmblej. D. D., pastor, speaks at 11 a m. and 7:46 p. m.; 8. 8., 9:46 a ra.; E. I, 6:45. TodIcs. "One Thlna Lackin." "Tb Man ior Men, Mia Mean. Woodlawn William J. Dourlaaa: 11 ana -r.iv; a. o iy; hi u., e:a. - UrAntavlll. Ta tT.vnM rhU-. and 8; 8. &.. 10; claaa meeting, u; 1 : 1 o. Bellwood Rev. James K. Hawkins. 11 ana :su j. is.; is. i, :so. The Clinton Kelly Memorial Rev. W. H. Hampton. 8. S.. 9:46; 11 and 7:10; . im, -sv. University Park Rev. W., B. Hot llnjrshead. 11 and 7:30. African Zlon Rev. W. Matt ha wa; 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 1: C, E., 7. a Patton R. E.-!Meyersj ilvaril; sa Lents Rev. w. Boyd Moor? 11 and I; S. 8.. 10; E. L., 7. Woodstock J. fe. Voa; 11 and 7:30; e. h., io;- is. x. :30. Mount ; Tabor Rev. C C. Rarick. Morning sermon at 11! B. L 4:80: 8. 8., 9:45. Evening service at 7:45. Topica: "The Magnified Christ" "Halloween Su perstitions." Oak Grove Rev. James ,T. Moor, 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10. Wesleyan Rev, O. C. Wicker, 11 and 8; S. 8., 10jY. P. M., 7. Patton Rev. R, 8. Meyers, 11 and 7:80; a a. 10; E. L.. 6:80. , Presbyterian. First Presbyterian church Rav. John Boyd, minister. Morning worship, 10:30; evening worship, 7:46. Topics ."The Modern Christ in the World of Today," "Do Ohiiat'a Words Apply, to -he Life xnat isow is, or. to the Experiences After Death?'' - Calvary Rev. Thorn ft Holmes Walk. er. iv:ju ann 7:4o: Hible achnnl. nmn Topica. "In Earnest of th Pledge," "The MiZDah Division street and V.mmt Nineteenth. Services every Sunday. 8. O., 14. .Fourth Rev. Dnnald Valrn1a nu :;-. a., u; v. ja., :io. Marshall Street Rev. C W. Hava 11 and 7:30. Forpee Rev. Henry H. Pratt; 11 and v Piedmont? Rev J. E. Snyder. 10:89 and 7:30: 8 8.. 12. - Third Rev. William Trmnn. - 14-10 and 7:45; a a. 12. .Topics, "Obedience to tbe Heavenly Vision.'" "Th Im ri in..i.n.. ,1- I nail arp. Hawthorne Park Rev. E. Nrlmh JLi: lea at 10:1; 7:30; S 12: Y. P S. C . 4 34. Topic", "The Life Ptnrr f Gipsy Smith." "Awake. - Waatmlnater Rev, Henry Marcotta, iv. to ana 7:; a ., 11; x. f. a. u. hi., :u. Mount Tabor Rev. William Graham J-oor; 11 and 7:80; S. S., 10. Spokane. Avenue Rev. D. A. Thomp son, 11 ana 7:10; n. B.. 1; u. k :io. Hope, Montavllla Rev. Henry L. Nave, S. 8.. 10: 11 and 7:80. Kenllworth Rev. M. C Martin, paa- ior. morning, iv:sv; n. 11:40. Millard Avenue Rev. Charles T. ttoosa Hervicea. 7:45; BA B 10. Vernon Rev. L. Myron Booaer, 10:80 and 7:80; S. 8., 12; C. E. 7. Anabel Robert N. McLean. Ber vlcea 11 and 7:46: 8. 8.. 9:46: C. E. at 6:46. Topics, "The Secret Service Force.- rri water or Lire." Rose CItv Park Services 11 and 7:48: Rev. Boudlnot Beely. . uregory Heights H. c Marshall, pas tor: o. a., 111 a.m., sermon 11 a. m, ana 'Chlneae 145 Flrat 7:46; S. S.. 6:48. Arbor Lodae -Rav. John A. Townaand. 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 10. - . Trinity Rev. Wm. J. Rnire. eervlcee 11 mo d. iu; x. f. a. u. ta., 6:80. " Ob rlatian. Central 11 and 8: Bible achool rally. 9:45. . Dr. J. F. Ohormley win apeak at 11 a, m. and 7:46; Senior Endeavor, 6:80 p. m. Topics, "Peter's Confession, the Impregnable Rock." "Human Re sponsibility in Soul Winning." Rodney Avenue Bernard .W,- Bass. pastor. 9.-46 a m. Sunday 'school. 11 and 7:30; Y. P. 8. C. E., 6:80. Topica -.ransnguration." "eir control." Flrat 11 and 7:45. 8. S.. 10: C. E. 6:46. W. F. Reagor, minister. Themes: "Oetting Ready ror tne ypsy Evange list." "Blbla Btora Houses." Woodlawn Rev.' Edward 'Wrlht 11 ana 7:aw; a. ., 10; u, to.. ue:o. Gladstone Rev. A. H. Mulkey. 8er vices, 11 and 7:30, Bible school, 10.. 8t Johns J. R Johnson, pastor: S. B, 10: preaching at 11 ana 7:80; C E., 6:30, Montavllla I. O. ' O. F. S. S.. 10. Preaching, 1 land 8. , Rev. G. K. Berry. Sellwood B. Jonas, B.' 8. and church service, 10:30 to 18; J. C. E.,- 4:80; 8. a a. :so; voing service, 7:30. 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 8:80. St Stephen's Rev. W. A. Waltt Law maaa, 8:80. High maaa and aermon. 10:19. Holy Roaary Very Rev. A. & Iw ler. Low maaa, 6. 7 and 8:80. High maaa and aermon, 10:80. Vesper and benediction, 7:80, Sacred Heart Mllwaukle Rev. Gre gory Rome, O. B. B. Low mass, s. High mass and aermon, 10:30. Vesper and peneaiotion, 7:s. Holy Cross, University' Park Rer. 3. P. Thlllman, C. 8. C. Low mass, 8:10. High mass and aermon. 10:80. Vespers ana neneaiction. 4. Holy Redeemer Rev.: Ed. K. Gant- well. C. BS. . Low mass, 8. High masa ana sermon, 10:30. ueneaiction, 4. Bt Andrewa Rev. Thomas KInrnan. Low mass, 8. HI eh mass and aermon. i. vespers, instruction ana neneaie- uon, 7:so. st 1 Ignatius Rer. r. union, b. j. Low mass. 8 and 9:80. Masa. aermon and benediction, 10:80. Bt Btanisiaua (Polish) Rev. -Charles Seroakl. Low mass. 3; high maaa and sermon, v. . zpiaoopaL Trinity Church Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services at 8 and 11 a nt. and 7:80; S. 8., 9:45. St Matthewe Rev. William A. M. Break. Holy. communion, 7:30; 8. S.. 10: service and sermon at 11; evening serv ice at t Meiens. Pro-Cathedral of St Stenhan th Martyr Rev. H. M. Ramsay. Holy . Catbolla. . ; St Mary's Pro-Cathedral Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass. 6, 8 and 9. High maaa and aermon. 11. Vesner Instruction and benediction. 7:46. "Mor al Principles in Political Life," by Fath er O'tiira. evening. .St - Joseph'B (German) Rt. Rev. James Rauw. V. G. Low maaa 8. High masa and aermon, 10:80. Vep era, bene diction, 3:30.. 8t Francis Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass, 6, 8;S0 and 9:30. - High maaa and aermon, 10:80. Vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:80. St Lawrence' Rev. J. C. Hughea- uow maaa a, ' ana,s:u. Hign mass and Sermon, 10:80. Veanera and bena- aiction. t:o. . , Bt . Michael's (Italian) Jesuit Fa- thera Low masa 8. High maaa and sermon, 10:30. Veapere and benediction, f :S0. Immaculate Heart of Marv Rav. W A. ualv. Low maaa (. a and I. Pitch maaa and aermon, 10:30. . Vesper and benediction, 7:30. . Aaoenslon. Montavllla Rav. J. , p. Fltzpatrlck. Mass at 8." ' Hiirn mass with sermon. 19 30. rjanday ecliool at Benediction at 8:30. , t Fatrlck'--Rev. E P. Mni-nhv Low -masa, 8. Uiab mac and atrmon. Church Of Our Bavlor -Woodstock- VesDera. 4. Holv communion and aer. Jmon on the fourth Sunday ol eaoh IIIUIlLil CL t AM. O." 111. St David's Rev. Henry Russell Tal bott 7:80, celebration of the Holy Eu cbarlat St Andrewa Portsmouth Holy eucnansi ana aermon, 11: prayer and sermon. 7:30; 8. S., 10 a m. - All Saints' Rev. Rov Edtrar Remlna-, ton, aervlces at 11 and 8; S. S 9:45. St Mark's Rev. J. E. H. Simpson. Holy eucharist 7:80. ' S. S, 9:46; holy ucharlst and sermon. 11- Evenaon- and aermon, 7:80. St John'a Church Rev. T. F. Rnvm R 8., 2. Evening prayer and aermon, S. Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:30, 8. 8., 9:45. Ascension., Chanel Portland Hel-btm. a 8., 9:80-. Grace Memorial Rev. George B. Van Watera and Rev. Oswald W. Tavlor. ree. tor. Prayer and sermon, 11 and 8. Holy communion at 8. 8. 8.. 10. Bt Paul's. Wood mere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, a B., f . Bervlcea. 4. Bishon Morris Memorial rhnt Good Samaritan Hospital Rev. William K. wi, cnapiairt, . Holy communion. 7 am, Ward services. 3. : Pravae n1 sermon, r:i.. : St .John'a Mlrwauklfl Rev. T. F. Bowen. a S,3. , Evening pra yet and sermon. 3. ' St Michael and All Anre s Rv. Gerald C Potts, curat 7:3 and IL Holy communion. , ' : . ' , Ooagregstkmas. ' ;'.:!' Flirst fRev. Luther R Dyott D. D.. 1 and 7:45. Tories. "What Does God Think of l'T' "Do Portland Pexple Lov Their City r Bt Johna Rev. O. W. Nelson; 11 aad SS-19" ' Laurelwood Rev. .WUllam U. Meyer, & S.. 10 fend I: C E.. 7:1k Sunnyalde Rev. J. J. Staub: 11 and 7:45; 8. B., 10: C E., 6:46 Rally day ex erclsea by Sunday school. Topics "Christ'o -reacriDtlon of Heaven.'' Highland Rev. E. B. Bollinger. W. H. Barber, aunt. II and 7:45, worship: Y, f. o. c to.. :4d; b. b., 10 a. m.; inter, mediate - Endeavor. 6 n. m. Tonics "Th Highest Motive In Deoialon,'' rne Fail or jaooo faradisa Bon." Hassalo Street J. M. Lowden. Morn ing service 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; 8. a 1 ,i . v t a r tt- .n 'Ptni.. , n Open Door," "Improving ' Upon 'Con science. First German Rev. John H. Honn: u:su ana cow; b. b., :io; j. to., e:o. university ."arit--nev. w. . Karrtner, v. u.. pastor; a. a.. 111 a m. Harmons. 11 and 7:80. Atkinson Memorial Rev. Herbert G. Crocker; S. S.. 10; worship. 11: evening worship, 7:45. ' . Waverlv Heights L.- 8. Winn v. caa. tor; worship, 11 and 7:80; S. S., 10. fiigrim treacning at 11 and 8; a. a, 9:45; C. E., 7. Seventh Say Adventlst ' " ' Central Church O. W. Pettit naator Servlcear Sabbath school, 10 a. m: preaching. 11 a. m.: Sunday night preaching, 8 p. m subject, stereoptloon wiure uy vi, Ainea onyroca (on x,oma undo. ' MOntavilla Church A. M Dart. -1 tor. Services: Sabbath school. 10 m.; preaching 11 a. m.; prayer meeting, weaneaaay nigni, :ou, Kerby and Fargo Rev' Carl Haaaold, 10:10 and 7:30; a. a.. :au. -Ellra Chapel Rav. B. J. Thoman, 11 a r.. 10. Immanuel German (Sellwood) , H. C Ebellng, 10:30: 8. B.. 1:80. . T.iitheran Fre. church Rev. B. A, Berrevlk: aervlces at 11, 8:80 and 7:30. St Johna (Evangelical synod), er man. E. G. Heeas. Bervlcea, 11; S, C 10. German acbool, Saturday at L TTnlted Hrtnrti la Ohrlat. Radical Rav. Mcar A. Martin. 11 Mid 7:80; 8. Sj 10; C, E-, 6:30. First Russell a Showers, pastor. n and H. a B.. 10:1. P. B. U. tt.. 7 Topics, "True and Falae Repentance," "The Book of Remembrance." ' Alberta Rev - John W. Hnrecher. 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10: C. E.. 7. Topic: ,"Th uospei 01 juiniatry." Tremont Rev. Morrta Goodrich. 11 and 8: 8. 10; C B., 7. Topica, "Tha urui-pui ui -uiiiiniry. p-rt a. m n(. - -'. waa w- .. ard. 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; T P. 8. C. E., 1 m m rr- 1 nn . . c.J H f 1.. I V. Ill, UIVa, . IU ETI, A . uospei in the Old worid. Guv Wood worth Memorial Rav. R. G. Summerlln. Bervlcea, 11 and 8; a S., 10; Y. P. 8. C E-, 7. , wuiivnuaj nig W V i mmnnini. i-h i3.. . i .Mourn xaDor unurcn cnaoei Port, 11 and 7:30.. Sun.ay school, 10. Ts-r6."UarVlm. ti, JtiK Pa"f' , . Buasvwai ft 111.. preacning, p. m. ; prayer meeting, Wed nesday night, 7:80. , AlDlna Church H. Hfteff t. ... nmtnr Doriue. ooDain acnooi, ii a m. j preaching. 12 a m.j prayer meeting, Wednesday night 7:20. Scandinavian Church, Arleta Adolph tfuuimuu, imiuonco, Arieia. naDDatn scnooi, .a a, m.: preaching, 12 a m.; nraver meetlnor ;Wn.iiav nl.i, v.oa Lents Church C. F. Folkenberg. pas- Wl. jyillWKUKie. KJT. . HBrVICnM . Hnrthflth . u.j LvifNxuniiia - a. m. prayer meetins-. WndnoaHav nis-ht v.o Seventh Day Adventlat Church Eaat i , ,,M J-verett streets. Bong aer T.,-ea ..a y. m.i preacning, a p. m. atharaa, .. St Jamea' En.llsh v. -Allan T Por; services at 11 and 8; 8. 8. 10; . i. lupics, neiormation jsarvice," -' Aittuoii Duituer was oavaa. Swedish Immanuel Rev. J. Richard inun, 11 ana a; B. f :45. ..United Norwegian Detmar , Larsen; ii nu i.ou; a. a :; :j. , Our Saviour t N' am Bervlcea 11; S. a, 13. Rev. L. C. Fosa, Zlon'a German (Mission Synod) H. H. Kopptmann, 10:16; 7:45; S. 8., 9:16. Bt Paul'a German 8unday school at .v k cnnieHion a i iu a, m. ; morn ing aervloa and communion, 10:30 a. m. and 7:80. Trlnttv tirmmn Iflaamirl (niii r ll6 U8mS ?! ?e3o!r00dS J' BAmbmcb' Swedish AuVuatana Rev. W TC Rn. Btedt 10:45 and 7:46- a a. 9:30. Betanlo Danish Rev. J. Scott Sr vlcea U and 8 ToHca "When Jesus Their Father"; The New Adminis tration." . - j Swedish Mission Rev. -ft. j. Tfaorea: ll snd 3; 8. B . 10: Y. P.. 1:30. Orac English (Missouri Synod) i Vaaarena ' First Chnrch - of the Nasarane Rev. C. Howard Davis. S. 8.. 9:46:' morning service If, ra..: T. P, H. L., 6:80; even lryr service. 8 p. nv; praver meeting Wed nesday, 8 p. m.; street meeting. Union avenue ana Burnside street, 7:80 p. m. Sellwood Church of ' the Nararene Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:46. Rev, Fillmore Tainer. 8. S 10; preaching aervlces 11 and 8. Brentwood Church of the Nasarene Rev. .Aaron Wells, a 8.. 10: oreach Ing services. 11 and 7:20: rj raver meet in weanesaay, :so. Bcanninavirtn Church Rev. C Erlek. sen. Services In Wnodmrfn halL 1:30 uiu a. . 8. 8., 10; services, 11 and 7:80: revlva servlcea this week at ,7:45. ' .,' . United ZtvangalleaL Flrat Rv. 8. B. Mumey; 11 a ra. and 7:30 p. an.; S. fi.. 10; Keyatona League. Christian Endeavor, 1:30. Ockley Green Rev. J. Bowersoz, n and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10; K. L. C E.. -.ia p. m. Topics, "Jesua tha Supreme Kama.- "The Sheltering Meroy Seat" St. Johna Ivanho and John. Rev. C. P. Yatea; S. 8., 10. . ' Advent, ' " Advent Chester P. L. Smith n,.h. Ing, 40:86 and 7:30; Sunday achool, 13; P. 8, L., 6:80. Topica. "Missionary Ser mon," "What the Bible States of Nation al -onaiuona at tne ,na 01 Time. ' .i ' ' XT-ltaHan. - Church 'Of Our Father Rev W n Eliot, Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot D. D min ister meritus. Services at 11 and 7:46. Topics, "Prisons and Our Piiaon Syatem." "Temntatinn nt v, Blood or the Controlling of Deep Seated lllll(UBCa, . rrland' Church. Sunnyside Lindley A, Wells. 11 :80; Bible school. 10: C. B., 6:80. Topics Busy Here and There." "iriah-. i Men." - .. - ' " Lenta Center street, Myra B. Smith: II and 7:80; Bible school. 10. ' ' Weat Piedmont Friends Rv ' T t Caburn, .Preaching 11 and 7:80; S. a. trnltod PreBbyteriaa, Third Rav. J. I Aoheson. 11! 8. S. 10. First -"rank D Witt Findlev. 10:80 ana 7 so: H. h iz- c:. , cio d. m. Topics. , "Square Up With God," "Th oreatest Game of Them All." ; The Church of , the ' fitranrers ev. a. Karl DnRots: 0:xo r and7:0 Christian Endeavor. -7:30 n. m. Kenton J. 8. Co e. S. a 10:80: preach ing 11 ana 7:30. Topics, "Everyday Re- llo-lnn " "Wim.. xrie rl i," ITrangalfoal Association. First English F. b. Culver. 11 and 8 p. m.; S. a, 10; Y. P. A., 7; sermons by Memorial Carvin B. v Bergstresser. pastor, parsonage 689 Eaat Eighteenth sireei. i va, m..- sunaay ecnoot; 11 a. morn In ir worship; 7 d. m x.. P. A. devotional servic; a . p. m.. evening worship. i - North Portland, f German! L Stock- er; a B., at 10; aermon at ll na s; x. P. M., 7:15. Klrst German m. scnuanecni: iv.a and 7:30; a S- 9:19. , Trmt vsthodtsi. v ' , Flrat " ciiurch Rev. W. 3. Johnson. Pastor. Sunday Bervlcea 11 a- m, s p. -m. and 7:80 p. ra. Second Churrh Rev. v Hour m. wr- fMi 11 and 7:80; a S 10; .masa meet ing. 6:30. fc jonna ll ana Cenual church Rev, W. IL Boddy; M. E. Church South, ReL -T. H. Bennett tnnatnr It -nil S. S 9:46; 11 a m., preaching; Epworth league. 7:30 p. m. TodIcs. "Mli-n the Holy Spirit," "Evangelism." - Church of the - Kur.An.i morning, bv Mrs. F. C Metcalf. i : , ; , BMfonned. First German G. Hafner. pastor! ar vlcea 10:46 a, m.; S.. 8 8:30 a m. Srvios for th Deaf, United Presbyterian Rev. a Earl DuBoia. 10:80 and I; C. R, 7. ' tt- cnu-lBtlan Science. .. r First Church of Christ 11. Xi nr,wf of lesson aermon, "Everlasting PuniJ5 ment." - . . . ; Second, ; Woodmen's Hall Sumi- service. 11 a. m.; aubject -., of lesson. 'Everlasting Punishment." vy. - TTalversallat. - , -- Church Of the Good Tldln-sRev ' . D. Corby, 10:45; 8. 8.. 12. - Topics: Sermon by Dr. T. R. .Elliot nn -ti,- Christian' Rosary." . . . ' . . . MlaoaUaneeaa ' ' L . i Church Of the Brethren Tiinkrrii Rev. George C. Car 11 and 7:J0: 8. 8 IV, V. ., V..V. , j . ' Swedish Corns Salvation Irmv ,- Burnslde. 11, 4:30 and 8. i Volunteeralof America IRK Riiri.i. street 3:80 and 8:30 ... New Church Socletv 1 SmilMihni..i Eleventh and Alder. Knights of Pyth- r. iw hiiu sermon, l i. - The Church of Oml mi F-.m-- . . . - -Rev. J. T Neal, pastor. Sunday ser vlcea at 16 (German), 3:30. 7:45; 8 B. i:iu; Testimony and praiae meeting at 7. ' - X' A- Sixth and Taylof -atreeta R. R, Perklna ntlirinu. . Ing for men. . , T." - - ; Lents Church Center street Myra B-. It; C, E. :4S. iwgan Allision Full gospel Sunday t.