THE OliEGOH DAILY JOUltMAL.- K5RTLA?1. SATURDAY EVt.NIh'a. CCTOriER ft. IIJ1. llxamnkafrk 1 1 Whew Suctm as T lrM Was Dut to lUr low Fur JTJDt ROLL OPEII DMD BELTER THE NEW JOURNAL BUILDING SEVENTH AND YAMHILL STREETS 10 Elfffllll: 1 ka a r44 awa attM vlakM' t a avar II 1 Tt a4 Ejrme Street Property Own- tn Ur.8 C& Audi torium Site BBaftftftWBftBftBftaBftftaaaaaaBjaBmwaaBftM aa - 4"-dftftBmaBaftaftftCaaftma w f a a a tal ! fvaa t ta at tfta a ta Aid O-ii Utter is cf.t l t fttfva a-fc 4 and MHHwat ft nfiF iift lt. H aaa aa a4a.f j4 a- aKia.4 la al W r la va ftft'va a4a MICE Br MIS 3 I I . - ....a, ...... , rf i sr. i ?V ft.UM f laB II .m ft wt d aala 4ft a44, IU fcU - 4 . Km liM t4 4 tfci l-4 i-Ml r ra,a. ! MHIM ' VMM m tft '- Im 4, ftl -l-iad 14 , 4t ift mi r-t 4 l A - C " aj.w. uUM tu, IU i" Imwn eae. f. t . l mn ft4 w WMi lu fcad !" IUI W S - SI ju Imu m a ni ieifc IMI Ba-'B. MUJIIN H If. Aa. - C. ' M tftlte ftam4 ft BaM earth fraB Ik ffft, UM ni:ar l- . - fi m?! a w iTf-L ut r ?, iwi tal VwUMM wim a tr A " My lrai l Taaift, TklriMU ar ulU uM. IUI I TKirtMlk Kiwi ftre tftal ft ftl Mtll MU4 ))raiA la nnfe ftf TMrd KfwU aad IMMt ft IM (Ml reBlBg li.maiaa tU ft ! frikf ftp lb MfM M laraiag atB. iw awtMlM af Jjft4 trt ta MrMilr sua Im lwaai Jretc J-wrtiaad s4ft waa aaaaWafad la lb aa tftftl Ik 14 lag raaat b e4iBj4 or f. xjucirl rriil lMt. mUmr itorouk tr f 1k my. M hi aualy rvs ul b ib til I rn(r ef ik wir4 r wniy in hMrt f trf. ImI (4ll .4 fta ft Buryoft ftvakleg ihm ftrchXxt'a rvdletto com truft. imw Vrr4. Tk wtiif e nra o(4 Mftl hiMilr thai thft lrl hold b bHr Hti4 4 tbal tfeft U lKn ry elusicr lifhia cark ft bow ar uw4 n Wftft ImiM ft4 ftthvr bnt-oMat urmi -ttld tt Mrrft Burnatd. F. O. 'blr waa BBa4 cb airman ef a com nltlaft f Dm tft anaaa tfrflnll ftj raeg nn( taoklng toward Uift Inalallft tMm f I ha llatilft. Tbft vol fta Ukaa Jut aittii U ft niajortty vota of Bura ida itrwl propwrtr awatr. It a raaotvad that tba tnalon of Oak a(rt bt(Mn Vavatstii aad Tmtli ahonld ba xpadttad nuca aa poaalbi. Tfea profvarty cwiuri rcaala4 laat IM by tba alactloa of laaaa Haratl as rhalrroa C tba anaatlr.a; and K. O. Whaaler. ftTatftry. ' Tha n muling via t h14 on cfttl Of tha chair. Ta UlnW'u lt UJ ta kii w .n, aw ti ui aw.t, Mu It at .i-Mk.. l i ! t t -u li aifwi. ajk M' U al W at limmiM, lnl M4MH. HiM ta f-t4 "ft at t r Uil I. M "Vila flit liw4i U-li aaJaair kra) tMft. aftllta aiAlA. KVa'l k g"t4 a ti ft ftaavaJ lauai aft ft4 lft naly I - aSavM ftil4bJl4 Ma li ta m-4 ta ! it a4 afc'U a tt a aid I - uft a aUtaft- ft ft irwf ftfta a fttlfM I laat UJ ft faaul, TWl Ut ftl t)UM, Miaa t v aa4 ! fta aciatiaa4 U rt'al awMft, tia 14 ift aiiali ftMfty af I ft I mm ar laat day, tkaa ttft-tft a tfta wall af tfta IIHaf la ar ftklrd ft an ta rjaatia tNMttaftd 1 a awrw ar . , ,r-f i Wr. J.ta W. my. I 4 ftii a at tiat Cllf faft Witk ft4 -, l' ttaatiftiMaa a la Ifca iiii ftJd aaftM aat ia f a i iaiv a Im t ' ka a4 at- t. i&uNft i hwJtfl t jf4 l t Aft at l at - l. ai I ft - 1 1 i-4 . Mr a m r 4 ftis la lft fta I ! fta ' a. ad mtt ift iwiUU d IM-Iuft- an i: Miftll, fta t U ft aJtal iaftftiftry . Mil -f a ail tiawlm tftal tftaa aa -ta4 ft ftl Ift4 annlaag yf naaiilw a ad law t ad af ataaUiaatlMa I fta I t-xft ftMaa ftitaad tfta fMlaw tag aiit af HM4f U I Iftal Bhaa aft ft ftfti4 fta yr aautlaa I vaWf af ly atloaiM aa ift a a4 aida f Waftinaul ftaiaiar aft Mr, yxytlftfty af ftr lava fr kar ftaa Ua. tt It I a iita af V aaa I ftar. I aladl a aa ta bar kaa ftt ftft ttal I i. i,. ...a ia u. lataiad a alt. II ta aaraliaat far Iftft I ftr raauiy kai fcc. I aad ! ad aftftrfc a aiatad la naa arm iiftaa. I ft I rt a a a iftrai .. ...i. M a. a fta aaa aaai M yaara aid aafar aa I a fta tail, taa aai ML,J. . . i aa Ur aa abaa la Ift I lft4 ba aaar- ifta tmtm ta ma-i ftaifftftl ar ftar araaa 11 aaa hum-i a aa aay a a raiKf aa a dart a lb tftat Ibraa faara ll I aarfraJI laaa aftaa data aarlftiaa aia aaa aaa aef aaaa aua i vara ai ww aaaH. aa4 lata a aft b aaa aaa af bC lU-1 baad aaald awaa fta an a ad 4t lag ftlft-fcL I bad fttcarad aaar yainalia far LHiriA; yaart Iftat a a warftad ftaoai. aa ktft ftfTa f ta f.rt ft ftiiiiii ala aa lb aa Aflaf tft.aj Urtt W mt a4 a(ftla bad Waa ta APPEAL IN LAND GRANT SUIT Attorneys Object to L Ruling of Judge Wolvcrton in 0. & C. Railroad Case. SAYS CR IMINAL ACnON OULD PROVE SINC E RiTY (Caltad araat taaard Wtra.t Waahlnrton. Oct. II. "Praaldant Tift can prara that ha la acting la good faith ta tha procaadiAgs ftgainftt tb teal truat by atarung criminal action against tha rftiious man at Ita head." declared Congrrasrofta Albart 8. Burla on of Taxfta, hara today. Burlraon propoaaa tha Indictment ta At tomaya A. W. Lftffany. P. A. Laf. forty and Arthur I. Vfooltoa fllad a mo tion In tha t'nliad Btataa circuit court today for Irava to aithdrftw ttvair pra vtou aUpulation In tha Oragon and rallforata land grant autl and appaal t onea ta tha circuit court af appeal from Judga Wolvertod'a ruling that Ihry had do atftndlng la tha caa. Whll A. W. Lar forty araa In Waah Ington complaining aboat what ha aald wera unnacaaaary-dlaya ' In. tha ault. P. A. LAffcrry and Moxilton. who with A. W. lAffety rrprtaant la crfaa com platnanta In tha proraadlng. filed a tlpulftiloa for an aitrnaion of their tlma ta make ap their tnlnde whether they -wanted ta appeal or not. Tbay have no decided to go fthaad ftnd ftp peal from Judga Wolrartonft ruling. Lafforty aaya ha, haft been writing tha county clerka la count lea wbtra tba railroad hold land under tha disputed grant, adrlalng them not to ftaaeaa tb land at mora than $160 aa acre and not to accept taxes front tha railroad oa a valuation baala higher than an acre. Hla Idea In thla. ha aaya, la to prerent tha railroad from building I waa Jey aVligftiad a-v ba. eaawil af al aaial fta B)k a aakUM7 aiva ' im wrwr- arty ya daud ta ft-aia aad. tftftj amn al af ft.K U I ifteea ftfta aftal ta lft4r i4MMt aa tba tw eaaa tJw f aw a ftfl aa aftartd. ta U-a ad ibat it aoi aaaar wbika ar a aay fftvartllaaB bad aba a. Mr, lltaaa. yr tpt ntla baa ba atfarvd lb aaa af tie ft taofta fraa akkb Ifta! iwtit ri:a ar aatad aad a I aooa a ba baa aalaclad tba ftartaaai a4 whlrh b Vr la or,p aay af Ilia aadare'a-aad will b glad I wart algbta aad geadays with blaa la rtfy th lwa pl.d aa tba b'ard aaoka and Ibe aaaseat rail aa lbl ba caa acrtJa Ihal the vaJtwa la th two baea at tha a me. The reaull you daaira caa ba ebtftlad raiKh qaw-fcar la thia maaaar thaa t anjr other aay. All raaenbara af th bedtrd af qualiftatha ar anar I ha a ana. lau that the lavaatla-atloa ahould pra- rd and all! land every id la their I lwer ta that end" VflFE OF RANCHER DRAGGED TODEATH With Usso About Neck, the . Woman Is Hauled for Days by Horse. trailed TT taaait We ) Albuaverqu. N. Ort. . LVaggad ta death by a broncho, Mr. Juan Cham- I. tha wlf of a rancher near tVaa Rafael was found an the pratrla here today with ft laaao around bar her body all torn. in-woman waa in ner niMniaown. fihft had evidently been dratted from bar bed during tb night, tlud to th bora and th animal, lathed to fury. started over th prairie. It I believed her body dragged for two days behind th bora. Chamlial has been ftrraated on sua ptolon. it U rr ported hla wire had re aeatly been seen at a moving plctur tbeatra bar with another man. Jealousy I aald to ba at th bottom of tha crlrea ;f MIS! SENTENCED eft TO 30 DAKS IN JAIL Football Scores tha District af rVilnmhla af eitvart tt. Oary and Henry C Ftlok for alleged I UP claim to tha land based on amount conspiracy conducted ftt tb whit I " fia House on th memorable occasion' When thay Induced Theodora Roosevelt, then , , Trepidant, to In dor a the absorption of , th Tennessee Coal at Iron company by tba United Htatea Steel corporation. "If President Taft Is slncer In th declaration tbftt he Intends to enforce th laws Impartially,' continued Con gressman Burleson, "he can answer his critics by Invoking the whols law. I approv of this civil suit, but I think r It la Insufficient Th charge that this ault Is a campaign move, which will b allowed to laps after th election In lilt, will not b disproved until th administration acta under th criminal . provisions of tha 8herman law. No . an doubta th Illegality of th Ten aesae absorption by tb steel trust By a unanimous verdict the senate Ju United 8Utes Attorney McCourt who Is representing th government In th suit In th absence of B. D. Towneend. laid today that for the clerks or th At Syracuse 8prlngfleld. J: Brrft- cuss, . At West Point Army tO; Lehlgb 0. At Princeton Princeton-10. Holy cross o. aua ioo7 mil ior ins cierie or mi ,., Panna!ant. county court to foUow thU ftdvlc r.. would b very foolish. Ths present value of th land has nothing to do with th right of th case," said Mr. McCourt "What amount th counties may assess th land mat ters nothing to th government tn this suit It Is an action, to cancel th pat entt to a grant given th railroad with the understanding It would not sell any of the land ftt more than 2.60 an acra. For violation of this agreement between the United States and the railroad, th government is seeking to cancel the grant Taxation by tha counties has nothing to do with th matter. Th At Annapotla Kftvy 0; Western Ite- sarv o. At Cambridge Harvard, 10; Brown, ft. r- , At New Haven Tale. M; Colgate. I At Ithaca Cornell. : PitUbura. I. At Minneapolis Ailnneaot. 14; Ioaa, -At Philadelphia Pennsylvania State, CHINESE ARRESTED , AS "WHITE SLAVER" diclary committee declared It Illegal.'' J courts hav frequently decided that Mr. iun7 gKiaiiiun wrvuft, ana it in. government had relied upon It In bring ing its suit tha government would now be where Mr, Lafferty's clients are in AOS! DAM BUILDERS II Charged with transportation of whit girls between Oregon ftnd Washington in violation of the whit slave traffic t LEFT OUTBEDROCK KEY JEALOUSY CAUSES' !Li?B' PASTOR TO RESIGN - "- wa-fc, ft iiw ksb arm k IU I ; Auetln, Pa., to report On th cause of i the breaking of the dam, nas reported f : that , th 4T3edroclc key," specified in Tired of jealousy In his church and i th plans, was not Installed when the I partly on account of 111 health . due to 1;dam was built. Ian operation soma time ago. Hev. An- i U was an appalling mistake,' reads drew J. Adams, pastor of the Kern J i the report Park Christian church, East Sixty-ninth , , scores or persons met death when street and Forty-sixth avenue, south I me Austin nam broke ' th light of Judge Wolverton's decision. ? nd u,"feriover ot ,ftk nwlags nuonae, unin wan, a uninaman work ing at the county poor farm, Is a fed eral prisoner today. Chin Wah was Indicted by a federal grand Jury several months ago and the police and federal officers have been hunting for him ever since. The li cense was made, out for him and Min nie Nelson. Minnie Nelson left Chin Wah some time ago and has been liv ing In Salem. It is claimed the China man Induced Hose Warren to accom pany him from Portland to Tacoma where she was placed in a disreputable house. While In Tacoma and also In Seattle the Chinaman had a number of young men from Portland arrested, ao- HARRIMAN SYSTEM li EARNINGS INCREAS E N-)W Tork. Oct. 28. Durlnir th rrn.i, of September the net revenue of the ! uiiiun rauuo railroad was 13,958 S3t , or an Increase of I75.0S8 over the same I period a year ago. From July 1 the I revenue was I1Q.260.96J, a decrease of I i..xf jrom me same period in 1910 I v For September 1 111 the net revenue I of the Southern Pacific com nan -.. f K.63.46, an Increase of tlS2,IU over j a year ago, but from July 1 to data this J year the amount reached 111.133,617, a ucvmri vi IK1.VI I xrom a year ago. GRANDMOTHER TAKES, ; STAND AGAINST WOMAN f . (Wt.Plaa- Wlr. j Opelouaaa, La, Oct 2S The second I daye testimony lif. tha trial of Mrs. J P. McCrea, charged with tha murder of J joung Allan Garland, whom ah shot j and killed in her horn here, opened to f day with Mrs. Henry Garland. gr, grandmother of the dead man, on the aland. ' . - - . ,.,!- f Ktanmng ber teatftnony of yesterday. Mm. Garland said that the defendant lol.l ber that she kiftad GarUnd for east, has resigned from his charge and j cuslng them of following his wife, win in an probability give up tne mm-i ix is claimed whenever the noli Is try entirely within a short time. Fori would question Chin about white a-lrla a, iivr Bunangu a win im ma Duipii I uo ow wiin mm ne would Show his of the Sellwood Christian church. I marriage license and claim the a-lrl waa jMr.-'AQaraB wuuia nui no in.o aeiaiis i uio wiie. regarding- his resignation, but gave the impression that It was due largely to some slight disagreements In his con gregation. He has not made any defi nite plans for th future but has had a rjosltlon offered him with on of th department stores in the city. ' eamuei itresner, proprietor of the A new pastor ,'la being sought -by the Uncle Sam saloon, at Fifth and Couch church and a man from Cedar Rapids, streets, was indicted upon two counts Iowa, has been recommended. The sal- im, xnmi., w ,h. . , . attached to the position Is ,1000 a - g - ro wr - i oevi l, . ana me oxaer js mat or accepting earnings from . L. ft Elliot a mlnler arraatad som lira ago by Patrolmaa Ilurks at th La Port rooming boua at Fourth and Tarahlll straata, on a chars of having committed an Immoral act and with vlalting a disorderly houa. waa. this morning sentenced to 10 days In Jail oa the Immoral act charge, after Judge Taswell had addressed a scathing ra- buka to th minister. Judc Taiwall said: "In passing aan- tnc I cannot refrain from making on or two remark concerning the actions of th defendant leading up to hla ar rest Here Is a married man, on who haa ben engaged as a minister of the gospel, a teacher of ftll that Is good and pure and noble, a man whoae life and ronduet ahould b aa example and la- srdratlon to the people of th commun ity, not only groaaly violating his mar tial relations and bringing shame upon hla family, but as well, casting a stigma on th church he rrpreaents. "There are times when my heart aches for the unfortunate wretches that are brought Into this court but we cannot say this for you In this Instance" Maria Ptobalt the proprietor of the house where Elliot wss arrested was found not guilty of conducting a disor derly house. Martha Papples, one ofl th two girls involved with the min ister was turned over to Mrs. Baldwin and tha other, Viola Hardy was dis missed. R EGISTRA1N BOOKS "STUFFED," QUESTION SALOON PROPRIETOR HELD ON TWO COUNTS woman of the underworld. a Pauline CONTRACT FOR WIRING lit finilDTUnilCC I FT maices me cnarge that she was II uUUni IlUUdL bUl irorcea to give Kresner money. Jennie Friedman mad th charge vesterdav tn ine contract: zor in eiectncai wiring line municipal court mat Kresner ex of the west wing of the new court bouse j torted $50 from , her for - police protec- nas Deen let to tne facirio voast fire uun. - , - Extinguisher company. The price was N. B, Root was Indicted for forgery $18,000. , The lowest bidder was the W. P. UUn and hla wife were Indicted' Coast Electrical company, but this con- for setting fire to their home In South eern assigned lta - claim to the ' former Portland. Both are at liberty on ball of company, xne airiernc netween tneiiivuu. .. bids was $400, and th assignment waa made after the discovery of a misun derstanding relative to the plana. Xame Gone, Individuality Kept. (CaJtr Preaa Lraaed Wln.l Tacoma, Wash., Oct 2 8. Repeating a marriage ceremony which they them selves had mad up, Robert . Matcalf, Bryn Mawr, Wash grocer, and' mental science techer, aad Miss Ida I BraunJ landscap artist are man end wlf to- inauiimft ner. im witnes admitted . day, A minister formally pronounced .that I lie dfndant-toltt her that Car-1 them married afterward to aatlsfy legal lanil aohed if Mct'rra- would be homal requirements.; The bom made cere l i .l nlht saying that lf not he want- j mony, declares that the bride, loses her ri to voire over , . ; - f.f name, but not her tndlTiduaJity. BRUTAL EX-POLICEMAN GETS 3 TO 5 YEAR TERM Seattle, Oct It. Cbarlaa Pryor, the ex-policeman, convicted on on of three charges, ef having held a 1$ year old Norwegian girl, his prisoner, for three weeks, was sentenced to thre to fle yeara in th penitentiary by Judge Gay thla morning. ,.. IT TOITB. BESTX.XS8, rtlTOQI , Take Sorsford's Acid Fhosphat. Rrommended to auiet ftnd atrrnathmi tb oarra and Induo rfrshinc aiacp. County Clerk Fields Is wondering If the registration books for precinct No. were slurred tne last general elec tion. The vote at that . time was ex ceedingly heavy, while the vote for the city election was exceedingly light. The only object in "stuffing" the registra tion books, says the county clerk, would nave neen to -elect a precinct commit teeman. In going over the precinct vote and last registration, It is found that the precinct may have to be dl vldtd. The Y. M. C. A. is In the pre clnct. but the Increase In roomers at the association dormitory Is not as signed as the cause for the heavy reg istration, ao investigation is oeing made, and if the figures' Justify, the precinct will be divided, but should the count show the vote at the city election was proper, there will be no division. The county-court decided this mom ing to ask the city for permission to erect a frame structure In the short street between ' the two Lownsdal blocks, which building will be for reg istration. The' registration1 begins Jan; uary 2. and continues until . April. 9. -.. SAYS HE WAS BLUFFiB ' INTO MARRYING WOMAN "She bluffed me Into marrying," laughingly replied Benjamin VehOn. this morning In the county court where his wife had him arrested on a nonaupport charge.. 'Bhe told me I bad to marry her, and I guess I was easy. It was Just a case ot bluff," added the hus band. . '".-....?'. Mrs. rVehon testified her husband of fered to sell their five month old baby for . f 100. i He denied the charge, and said man had Jokingly offered this amount for the child. . Vehoa admitted. howevee, to agreeing with the man to take carfare to Michigan 'In, exchange for the child in order to give. It a good borne. Vehon further said his wife would not stay at homo and attend to the baby. - "A few nights ago. I waa determined she should stay at horn, ao carried ner to the room and locked her In. She did not get out either." Mrs. vehon said her husband beat her. This was denied by Vehon, but h added h pushed her against a chair. Jo 1re Cieetoir ordered him to pay $1.60 a week for her support . ! , . i . i III! I II III! ' -. - I V 111 ' ' i m r: III: . v . , . . ill III r' II in r ll t III ii 1 1 . . i iiii I B ft . . . r . . .1 B i-M-:-- .. . i in i . ,. - ... .. -. ifi Ill . , ' f ''"..-''I I II III I . ., I. j ;i , " ' ' t III III I ', : ; .' -'r-z- ' J f, -V -- : III III I ' ' . ..r v ii r t '!.' ' ii : .'.-: " ' ! I II III J . - I ,i n. ' I . . .. . . . .a I li II ..- i0 'r v- i'. .'.: - i ;l ii - ! y -1 .-. ' r--' .y 4ii III ! "' ill L , , . ' ' - - i III i yyy," , . . r .1 1 asi bbi 1 . . ....ait ft r.ii. 1 t . . 1 i.;' n i. ai i i aa a ill i ....-; ,-.ivr- 7 1 . . j , I,"... - ," ..! 1 ii g .,..., ....... - ' r. : :-"""-.A.-ti v.1 . ;j iii II ' ! .T?v '! fS;'2vc - i III hp.. ih: n n n ; yr, w zmmy-yyy w III i.-w,. , - ' 1 1 i 4 J 1 5 . 1 i.i ' ' l f ft; v ; i .; :. t ' - i II 11 1 - r' s-" rri ' 4 nil I I .at-3 Svr. -:.-T iiiJiaaaaawajBiii ,..l':.-iaa.ii - DewnaMaia--. '. I HI HI f - rir-.:-:r. -ZZZZZZl?? to-,, ) - - - ... I IIII 111 LTirr wUizrlz:W tr?J 13!rZ5i., : I III J ll : .1 " --r: ,n - -f- r ir. i.r4 1 ni;.,-vri. :M I IIA IIII . "-J-a- C ..-t--4- n 4 7 .tr'f ! -r--' TZZ ' J $ n-llJF III Liw Cmifl ' irMnk'tH , .IIL'J- ' 111 'III I 8-7 - ixszr, ... fill II Tlirr;S?f7-- --), , III III i:i vflCJJWO" A , M, 11 (III 8- htlife y :5.4'WPaiyU - pxopzjs orrxir cvajtob to TstAxa oxxt-eoobxi nrvraTMXjfrr t The Journat Building company will erect a building for The Journal to be the permanent home of the paper. "The 11 story structure will be located On the souttieast corner of Seven tn and Yamhill streets, -across the street from the Hotel Portland. The class of building will be A-l. Tha cost of the structure,' Including the ground, luvxivv, wiu Dft ftDOva snuu.vuu. in company -na not enougn money to uuiia tnis structure witnout Dorrowinf, ii i and it will hav to borrow $300,000, one half of the necessary umount. There are two ways of borrowing this I . money: On way. ia to get it from our friends, our advertisers and subscribers, by subscriptions, to a bond issue; I aecurea vy a iirst muriKMi vn uunuinn uu hiuuiiu.- Tne journal wisnes to ascertain now many vi its irienaa win auuscrrire to cnesn Donas, ana in wnat amounts. . These bonds, if issued, will draw six per cent Interest payable semi-annually, through trustee or bunk here in Portland, and wUl run ten years. v v. ,"'In other - words, this is - an opnortunity for-frienda of The Journal to invest their monev in a well eecured six per cent bond for ten years. In the event th bonds ar "called" taken up prior to th expiration of the ten ''years, a three ner cent premium on the race or tne bono "called' win be paid in addition tn the nrinctpal and ac ' cumulated interest The" other way of borrowing this money is from, a trust company, or life insurance company. or capitalist, in ung jump Bum lur m ppeuiiira ict i wi w i rii tji inicirn wiuw bijl per - - L . - ' Th Journal is simply desirous of' determining how many of Its friends are willina; to subscribe to tha bonds on the terms aa given here, tn amounts of $10o to $50,000. It prefers to pay. Interest to home people, and even a ; higher rate in preference to outsiders, and makes this frank statement In consequence, in connection with the . announcement of the construction of, the building. , , j , . ' The above announcement appeared for the first time in The Sunday Journal of October. 22. There hat been a gratifying: response, many subscriptions to the bonds coming from unexpected sources.' More than $100,000 of the bonds have already been, taken. . If readers of this paper desire to. invest in these bonds, to be issued about January lstj- 1912, through the" Security Savings & Trust Company, who will act a trustee, let them fill out the following form and mail it to C. S.. Jackson, Publisher, "The Journal." Portland. Oregon. Small subscriptions, as low as $100 especially invited, as well as larger ones, until the whole issue, of the , bonds, $300,000, is taken:-- ' ; .,-- : " " .'.-.r,. f ; " y y: $ ; ;V JOURNAL . BOND SUBSCRIPTION ? J : .. Please enter my name as a subscriber for Journal Building Bonds," according to the terms of youf printed announcement, in the sum of . . .......... . . .... . . ........... . .'. . . . r. ...... . .1 . . . :. . , . . dollars, the bonds to be delivered to tne on or aboul January 1, 1912, upon payment of their ace value. '. V' . : ' ....."...........1911. . sig.