The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 28, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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te4a Um4 ea.4 Ue 41 litrfjlt IM UiUil iu mt!rUn4 4 aa at terauaf f
a.eeWJc ef It- km 11UU4 a4 M-'r" tr Yl oa ea Met a weaH a ti4,
SrnJ4rJ OH t OU
Trulj -
S lr .! Stetraa
! It MSl 4 IM!1W4
U ei-'u fr t a-aia 4.,a4 aat. liU4ai fv a .a a 4
raiaa'e tiww(i fc.a
laeej ee -ta- - a f " TV w ta It
a4 Ua wur aU4 aal lla a'r i
A tacaew...
mix (Hoit,
m aa aaiW4 Ua rU, la I . aa4 Ik-a ia-MiiaJ" aa
t t,
k.mU a iww sMa.ay
Mfcai a hi
tv Ubf 4 IV Km 4 -.a ! jii. ! ba at I
al 4iw - ,ici.. Iwa j . atMtU.
I war
iaa iir . tMa4. 11
ivai. i a k iwr ra t
laa aaa i4nt.
a a
tftaaafwt fcieYt
- 'I Ya) h.4I Imtwa t4aj
fcw4ii, 44, n4!-r, ti m
r,we la ewa ftll lettU,a
a4 to?U
Tfce rt fo a.-JrUia
(1it ikiiiuiim ta Marat lea, la
Letter From tk Proplf
r.. .. r -
IU L4e ..4l U aal """ aa im ataa t
- UW t U lfa4 U4kta4
iTTVn"t 1 4' la. tea U IJ
w m I 1 t-if . aai ! a a
a. ia i aair,
mut a-a u av,
rx nvt.i m am a aa i ' " -i
1-a.v j 'ii- a HI
a t. Wa. ir a. ! ..... . . . a a it-.l.. a
vw a a at ta :aa aa.4
Mr nMMt: at eiai ieiaiiei ane. ia tnnm
ttMJ aie Ilk feej'l"l Utettfcal. eOfraaa"
, 4 v-iatta lei a !), tea e
a x a kMaa
aaa a.w, I a aaaWiataV -
, Mti anat.
pmm . .... mm 1 a.
Iw W aa r m a aa a
v M 4f aa a'f aauiiaa la lU 6tft-
'awal mt at aaa aaaana aa
I a litftl Mr Hoali aa rlri'
a4 fUai ( laa Ualia4 8um ta
(!. aa4 iVa aaUf tli" arm.
ta4 aa lrl l la 1.1aJ"
Wr Tafl aa ttIra(4 aaai
4al of a CatM HUtaa m Marra
4. !. at akWa Itaaa laa "aata.
a itiU'r aa It lar Iter aw
ruiilt laak lra. Hat II
4 a
4 UaJ tUaT f.
KtUa, (. l-f IK CJaf !
r Jfl 4 aa ia M aaaa aa
ntMtM la 444 af aa xa.'aJ
4a.taaaal laaialf U laa la-l 4, f fc4 M
AT Utir
T aval II rl(H m(aa tar
AMI ariMf laa, facta,
AHaf tern fa arTta IV 9aae.
taa Ut la ftl hMfw, it attar
att Ut aafarra 4tolallo at Iia
!a tthat.
la ! ttfiatJaUI. laa goraraaaal
tUrc 4lfrl oaaactW Ua
iKa atel rarratlo aaj at laa
Urr railroad. UBu&!p Haaa. laa
grU Waal, taa 0!a4a4 Oil raaa
raaf, laa ra.ta rieaafa ita a
Hirrar tf laAaa Catae tJral
aaa aea al la laa l'al(4 lialaa
aa4 l Karofaa toair1a far Ihalf
Maraltoa laa ItUlnry of Ita flral
of laeaa aia4U laa
ataxw of a tntjorftr of Ita oca
laal la laa aaataatar
Tea tJalai f laftaaara a hi!
fallf- raata4 atl (rv a. !-"r,Jr rP t4al ralra4 !
itwr aaura uaa. aaa vara ataorivaa
la laa four aua4ra4 miMtoaa af laalr
roaaeaUtu It aa tadtratkHi f a
a4 akk'aaa Ulaa root la a far
llta aat prvrtoaaljr aabrokaa aotL
No forra that a 4aeratl4 ao4 aaar-
ai4 goaniiaat al Iakla( taa at-
art tll Ua abla lo aittrpaia It
Tsua thara ta fall raaaoo fur eoa-
fldaara thai I ha Calaaaa aaaaatbtf.
laa ora of laa aaa?. Ufa, arlil ao
follow iba fala of Roaalaa dutoaJ.
taf aa M2WP aaalaaat 1a ra
alralat of la4a Dartaf all IBal
na4. aa4 fr aaara Uaa a 4Mea
)aaa arWr laarala, laa 0aaraa
aalMrad law aaa a aialala of l&a
l'atl4 ftataa aa4 aa4 aa aavatal
tlaiaa rtiN4 a)l4 aa4 eoaatl
lauoeu if la federal aprtjaa.
fuart. To laa araraga crtliaa taa
arf la. wttli a) laa fart tafora It
(areata laa a a rat a of corpora U 00
al Waftkiaafoa. aa4 arlth tha araaa
aa4 baopla of laa milrf ortXaaUag M"1 drtt f poarer lo a
agataat (aa -aalawfal'' 1ilflta " aarTirai a r 01 pop.
aa4 -aalaafaJ otaralloaa of tba ,' wrammaai.
laailoaal llanrratar roiaw aa4 I tnt fcov bAJ bapp8w! tbM ; t
tfc UiPfa Inioa TrJrfrfa to. M prtMKnlton WM kro,7hl aal r),l-T fOH ClCOKXHtam
Irwtt fait im MimrtMihi 1 .
llUrc Ikal latarlarllag dtra. l.V "".V. A A ll K XTX. T lb Innotnra of
a aa - w aa a wm MH
lftiaa. t bUb I ha 4rtpn of
res ceff tiof ara 4trlAr ta
t h !, gia ate) roatrtj otar trad
aa4 romotarr.
II chargf laat Iba ata (ratr
arj!ioa of Iba Tro n fa Coal A
la to
Wbf aa a irotl wbiea lb goa-i - ba tbraaa aaalnat (ba Ouar,
ammaal liaair o flaciaraa tu fertm ta tha groat UUJ (hat
-ror that ta a taaaaeo to th cotiB u to foagbt rr AUaka at tba
iry aaa ought 10 t aaairoroa.- Kt I rowing -aaaaloa of congraaa. la aa
pnntit4 to ramala a maaac fora4draa at Chlfaro laat atrhL fr.
. ' " ..v"r 7 "llati raara. dartnr vfclrh oarlod thl.i.. ..1 a .v J
i roo company ia lineal, aaa raargat " " i ,w 7 "" i-ivi ivr u (of
tb( rrk and Uary rfct-lttd Pra-P- .. -v-- .romaoi owner nip or.eoaj ralnr.
nfrlaaai axff t k a riM aw Aa 9 I . . . .
Idrai itKiaTHt ahea ba jKTm!ttd V , V , , I oaciaraa ror ma leaaiog iyaiem, aaa
vimv, "-lopciartxi ror goraromant operailoa
ooerovao, law uoar aajiy aaa con
uat Tlolatlon?
rinally, tb Shartnan law ta
nimiaal atatat. It prorlda prlaoa
and othr aaataacao for thoao who
rtolat Ita pttTtalon. How doaa It
of oa or mora ml dm.
Tha publicly oparalod mlna la for
aacurlng tool for aaral parpoaaa. and
to aarro tha farther purpoaa of pro-
renting prlratelf operated mine
from exacting axtortlonata profit.
fcappm that Mr. Morgaa. Mr. 'Per-1 U 1. ftlo to aerr aa a model mine
tin. Mr. Carnegie, Mr. rnrK. Mr. by which prtrately conducted enter
Cary. and the other gTat bostnaaa prj mm brought to the hlgb
flgaraa who hat been violating thla et atandard of efficiency and totho
law for ten year ar not prowecuted brat conditions for the aafatr and
tha aUaantion by tba Mortaa ileal
trait, of tha Taat) conpaay.
II cbarina that la acqolrlag Ta
if Coal, th drtr of th Mor
gan twl co rob to not lo Miop a
PbIc,m bat lo dcalroy a competitor.
It chars that by Ita combination,
tha tcel trttat unlaa fully acquired
a power that la a Binao to ah coun
try, and ahoald b deairoyed.'.
Th ateel trut a not different
oa Ortobr.:. 111. from what It
waa when organised In 1901. Th
Rhcrman law under whtrh tha gov
emment aow brloga ault waa In
ltcne In 1101. Jnt aa It 1 la ex
latcaco la 1911. Vr year, th bu
reaa of corporation haa had acceaa
to all Information connected with th
ateel trnrt. but uhttl 111 no effort
to dlaaolr th ateel tmit'or to In
icrrer wnn iu ."unuwjuJ opera
tions waa mad until two day ago.
If th "unlawfully acquired pow
er of th steel trust Is "a menace to
the country and ought to bo de
stroyed." as th gorernaent says In
111 I mm ft m on pa ff ttia nAtin.
v..Tv a. a f criminally, ha admits that Mr. Mor-h Mirtain tn nrowt thm iaa , so why not chooae a man the Uborin
!.,, " " ' 1 ran and his assoclatea ar bigger I Mn,r... -uh rJ, I know " hva oonfidanc
tw.y. vr . .v, r iu muT oiorr rh,n th. . , , ,. I " ' . . -"- jin. wno win oo tba work and ba a trt
criminally and sent to jail? Is ther
on law for brigadiers of Big Dual
nea, and another Uw for th aver
ago man? ""v .
comfort of workmen. IfMr. Flaher
Is correctly quoted, and If subse
quent developments confirm his re
marks as to th admtnlstratloa'a pol-
-A nation cannot wist, half slave cr jj iad for legialaUon by
and half free." said Lincoln. Can congreea for the intelligent, speedy
It prosper with on law for big na equitable opening of Aiasks, It
erlminala and another law for torn- t( a dUtlnet repudlaUon of tha
mon criminals? ,,,,,... . , acham under which tha Guggenheim
TntA Mr. Taft. proaecntoa Mr. crowd-and its hirelings, henchmen
Morgan ana nis sieei iron asaoa- and hangera-on expected to grab
a-nii l aliiuaa, a 'i4
tia IUiafi a4 ' a
ia taa kxM ea-
alc a4 IM mtn f
ar a tAft mt 4
hM r aHaiir aa 11 la a e4
ri T4r I l4 la al ia aa
im iia a la af4 oa,
4 ata aa4 aakaar at, al a
Ua 1 aaw It mm niUa al ! U
tlaa aa4 aaUM4 wtib aa aVa al
mtmp aa a, I at(4 laal aar
k4 iair aUia ritta4 tm,r ar fte
!!, Wkka prmmt ll lbr
(a ttt II aaa aarrta al a aaaa.
al4lir a UW.a a a. aU4 ailaa
it 1 a lutla ar aaaoi na tar a4
aa. aa aaU. waa aia It aaU
Ihai lb lint rU. a ar v a aaa,
aa4 aa UM ba a4 It mm a ibal
r44 rvi4 a aaJ fee It b
aa. Tbaa ba a '4 b ub4 b b4 a
alia aa4 a balf a b 14 ta
Ttwisraar. aai4 tba laaa. wa rac4v4
far biia a paaiaCu era fw a aauat
aa4 a balr fraa bU aatMr aba. ta
a. a4 (bare II la, bUiS It a
froataffUa err.
II apoaara tbat Ibla wark aaa aaaa
carr14 a far eararal waaaa. Ibaa ta
chart aaatriaailnc part ar lb r4 aa4
baatiag iba raaiaiadof rraea aaalai
1 IUr la a el4i4 appartaaliy
for paol mar larteaaie la a flaaaciaj
wajr la 4a a let ef x4 al tnruaa eeal
tr Iba eoatrtbaltoa ef too auppliaa. A
portloa ef tb vaUMa aod frull
hlrh. It la rraonaa. catamtaaio) aaaa
drairoy rr 4r. raul4 ba 4 baca ta
adiraaiaca. Mora lhaa ! raa era fax;
quflly f4 at a time al tbl cburta.
Many of Ihoaa I aaw taoay ware ef at
tractive paraofial arPaaca aa4 1daal-
ly aat ef tb hobo rlaaa.
", a iHt4 a a4 aa4
f a J . r-.
im a a 14 a k la a4
fNwtaf lata a4aw4 aaa.a iba
"'! a m4 aw .
"nM iai aa aU t-.l taal U
it a-..- f i iui a I aM
ba rH ra. baa bwra aaaa lia
J. "- - ww M aa a ti
a a
iwHtrtMt rbaatta. a lu.
0 f - - a;i f 1
W-a-a lur: SV l-ai, a4 V'flt I a, a- l.;a
taa a a ai bi "" '. a aa aill bi
a..a vm a 4 a.a-a Ju Maawa l bta b-a.
a IM4 mt laaa attta iMkiii Mia. a 1. Cia
-v tt.w a a N t al l 4 if'
- ka W-a. a-t ' " . , .
a4 aa k-a um j A as ail laii4 ta f!.
a i ' al ' 1
laa ttea.
i a-a
rv4 Oaava Waaa lua-ai M f
tijvi kaa aaa Ibal v
la li:ia f.aa f)fl
-a !, VV la rr r
laia4al l tmmfMf aii a la-
aiM al e"rwia IV abaiMi
a a
II aaaf lata aaiarb af!
a tat ta a-aaa ait H
rM(. lai' KaiMS Iariia4 aiMMaU(r
. I Ta ia at r aa) Ka
K - KalafMtaa M " "a .r :aJ I val ILa Slaaaia ( .l aaa.
a4 at l ii ai a4 . '- 1 .... ..
ai.ia aiaa latta. t ia r -, l". : " . . . , -
Tba bfbtlaU'.a Talaabaa tUalaiar
ba ( aaa baaiia. 1. a a. 4 ,
t tu,ijha) MtuUi a.4 ba'kd ao.
Li J. Q. fciiaaa aa i
Mr faa ba aal al4 Ibal ba aw.l
aa j a irrava4avaa aa -
aar aaUNaii
Kill IV..U b. rv.u!. WrtabiL.tiM,1! u? rrSaffHi IS ttTbttrtU
! UI ! M "iU Mall U f-- IM
- r,T"--i iMav
itM, a4 la 4 Iba Miaaa-
If rraaiaaat Tafl aab al Wlaaaa
aat Uia .it. ba aklL lata vai
ia Ibal aka Wai4 Ml
P1 ba 4:cra4: McWaaaara
f laa laa b ar4 by Tfctaka.
r'ta. a4 iiiuf
a a
A aaatar aaw a a for ta lb
aay r a (, bwi waaia ba r
ta talve ta aataaaat Ml bta b4U
la aat riaia4.
a a
rrrb wtit afraa Ibat tba
Wna-hla ara aviallaa mluMi but
aalcaiat lba ai aaa at bar aaaa ta
ail far I blr 4crar
a a
Tba t'nlta ftalaa aata atbar A marl
mi raoubllra aata araal aat ia aa.
ataala; ll baa aa ravoluttani aa facvjltaa
avr a aaiuaai alactioav
a a
A fct ef Mailraa rabal bla waa.
aa4 ! ip a arraraal. ara ba
l"C alllia4 Vy rabala. Tlara aaaaa
la ba taara rb a (haa aaylblag a laa
la thai ratinlrr.
wla Dval ii4
Hurai Khii Wa aalral far rrr-
t lit aaall aaaa AaAfaa 4 IUr
fumam baa bai lal I A- U CrfT,
llaifiaku. taal raw 1 a aa baa tlb-
al twkar aaraWa aJ laat wlalar.
a t
Sbariaaa Sai B. E. aiarfa. uai
ar waa ai biai a btM- pwa
ra ?l I baa faa4 fiaaa aUbaV aaa-
aai aaa la Iba aaaaa taa a
"14 a I raa ara la eU aaa at aa
w aa ear aaa aiaa aaj4a4 Ma.
''tii aa taa wiwaal af iaa aaal
atall ffa a aua4r4 tXl Maaaaaala-
Ta, aa4 taa) ar t'tUag IM lawa
rtav aat tba rlaa.
Mr. Kai saia aaaaaaj e4 Aalaa.
Tbaa tba aia4i Ot aaaa aawl ll waa
a taiaiaa aa4 tkaar(lr wtvt bit a .
bc laa lb aaua aai4.
'll will ba a aaa af H far ar
ai waawa la ata fur Ibu.- aalA Mi..
bailee a k aLaaar4 aaaC
Tbaane Mr. Kaltog bvl hi all .
af Iba rr Urataara caaar. roaai
lima i iua ntuaataaa eat raaar4
wi t,t law. ba4 la a email 4aa af jta Mr. KUo c IKal ualaa be bab
waaal tbia aar tbat raa4 aaaa
aa aa ara- Tlaaaita aa Ika aua
la rra raf 4 reaa Wll ba4
lacbaa la aib. . . ,
a a
lafeaeae) Kiaraaat r-la tbauaaad
eaxaa at waa4 tor IKa Lmnam rpf
raiHr bat a baae rtaataa aa-
lfa rta la Iba (nkin af Mia, aaa
III ba baaxiabl rrarn Ibaaa br Uaia,
luimi aaa war aaJaat aa iaa
ana. . , .
a a
MarabHalS near4: wrbae yaw eat
poaaiaaa Ibal f aaura alkt larbaa
a4 waiab arrr iwa aaual apiaja
ara rutlaf riabl Hp una maatr Tbat
la Iba klnaVlbajl Oama Wardaai Naab I
rafn4 ia b raJaing aa oa bla raaa
aa Caoa nar. Mr. haab baa aa
acraa mt eaa4e Ibat arra lit vuabala
ia iba act.
Needed A Cocf rraauuia.
Ta tba Kdllar af Tba Jauraal 1 bare-
witb aarloaa my Journal "ballot." whlth I
ahowa tny abolca for tba praaldaaey.
Tbla ballot veu ara taking; will craaia
om tnloreet. but I doubt If tha paopll Admiral Ird Ifowa bolda
of Orasaa ara aa muca laiaraaiad la who I for aaJlant dradaea tht aaa that
nan oa taa aeit praaiaani aa a-ortiaaa prae favorablf Wllb that af ear n
ia ia wno anaii rap r arm uia einnct, ia 1 Han naval cammaadar. Durtea tba Rav-
eoncraaa. tluUonary war ha waa buck reenacted
Portland la BOW aa tha naa aa Xarl br tba naxla af Ibla Mualn aa a vara
aa rawing twaii cum mrm ivncarnn. f anatWI ODOeneat.
rortlaod a arowth la aomalhlnc wondar-1 r. 1. rmlMiA mt AamiraJ Ibwa tba
mi wnan wa eonaiaar aoma ar naiuratibe aavar kaaw faer aa4 oavar ral
haadloapa. Wa need daapar water from laad what tha mrorA aaaaar m.a.t WhM
rortlaad to tba ocaaa. aa tbat tha laxa-aat . eaptaia ba waa aoea Baetllv awak
vaaaela afloat mar reach ear docka. W; 4 m tha middle ef tba eight by tba
w ir ur laowwa. awn uaotaaaat wba Infortnad htm. with graat
or vur paapiaj xor wim cnaapar ooai roriaall&llAB. that tha ahln oa i
uuniMUB Biyum aui iMwrui paopia I naar tha bumiIm -It ikal ik.
Ul hava mora monay wlUj whieBt to Lu ..m 1.. n.i.. i.i.. a.
PUi,f..0JhllS' a v oh. V haU aooa hAf
, L,I,,00.:000 f0f rlVr further report af Ua.mattar- Tba la
bor Improvemonta. ao aa to croDarlr I n. t.w . 71 . ....
flMMB All r Hvap. I - - .
1 aaa uimmi iniiinii
Admiral Iort! Howe.
criminally., h acknowledg. AIft,k.t Md foreTer hol1 lta coaJ d. xtai. u-i t irj; tbai J0!.. Lf-
mar aw niia w n aa a wwiaava wn n air rva w r na 1 a a . a i. .
' ' gTUBllaV lU ITJODUpUIJa 19 V U-Wa M 41 bwiii. uiavu iv waHrva4i WHB will lloltlmM CADUtLn llOVaV hjkf a4a TM
Uw. 3Sr. Morgan and hU aasocUtaa meana of exacting extortionate price fhfruU4UV?.vThl bVon.0L.0, b' W waa afraid
ar abov tb law. . . from Pacific coast consumers. ml S to MfO-and looking th. Uaat.n-
. UnUl Mr. Taft proaeeute. them Tn. mamlnI.tratlon'. attitTda will ia'faortaa V "L ?A "JTi
"i now uoea man xaai wna n ia arraiar
year since Its organization la 1801.
The charges that th government
. is now making against th steel
trust .wtr made by Mr. Bryan ten
yerra ago. . They were made by La
Follett ten . year ago. They are
charges that for a whole decade have
been voiced by DoUlver, by Cummins,
by Victor Murdock, by. Drittow, by
. Clapp, and by all other Insurgent
Republicans ' and progressive Demo-
'.' crats. .,..,., . - :
They ara charges that,' for a whole
decade, have been Iterated and re
iterated In the progressive newspa
pers and the muckraking magazines.
They are charges, that were Jiun-de-
1 from platforms by Democratic
' campaign speakers In the presiden
tial campaign of 1908. and Jn the
presidential caupalgn of 1901.
, All these former charges against
the steel trust, are now, after ten
years, voiced-by the government It
self. The steel trust In .1901, "un
lawfully" organised with a capital Of
' 1700,000,000 which, according to the
report of the commissioner of cor
' poratlons, was capitalized at $1,500,
000,000. 'Tor aiding in organizing
It, J. Plerpont Morgan received a fee
of 5,000,000, , '
, The steel trust and the harvester
trnst according to testimony before
the Stanley investigating committee,
were the same as 'one. Several di-i
rectors of the one were directors of
' the other. . The steel trust rebated
ihe harvester trust S3 per ton on
ateel used in operations at the lat
. ter's plants, 1 , ' ' , V' fSi
' The steel trust took advantage of
the panic to squeeze Tennessee Coal
out of existence, and la the opera
tion acquired property worth $200.- '
000,000 for" 429,00 0,0 00 and did not
pay out one dollar of cash in the
transaction. It paid stockholders of
Tennessee Coal In five per cent bonds
of the steel corporation. '
By the transaction it "unlawfully"
destroyed , a competitor which could
supply pig iron 5 $4 a ton cheaper
than could the steel trust, and $3 ft
ton cheaper than It could be pro
duced anywhere else In the world.
In Its charges, the government says
this transaction was in violation of
the Sherman law and therefore Il
legal, a charge that Bryan made, that
than th state.-
N.thls psge, the La Grande Ob
server an ardent Taft newspa
per, gives' lta explanation of
the presidential silence ' as to
the Oregon system.
; It says Mr. . Taft la too well
"poised" to lndors. the Oregon sys- Uon doeg ,t cred,t
tem. 11 inaaaa uoa inai ine presi
dent did not commend a system that
is 1' tearing, down" and keeping back
a great state by wild and insane
After its explanation, all that re
mains to be determined Is, does the
ocrata and Insurgent Republicans In j rprntativa.
practical control will be In excellent! 1 laarnad of auch a man a fw aays
mood to' proceed with constructive nwhiJr1fn 1 n w.a iBU
, 1 ,,, I John a Tha car waa loadad with labor-
lna paopla on their war homa from thalr
--unc more, ine country is aeepiyiwora, ana tneir convarvation took th
I nad not aak von bow ba looka."
Lord How fouaht no onk-aa-amaat
of any Importance while In oommand
in American watora. but bla cumu-
vera In evading tba Franeb float under
D'EaUlng, which waa la eupertor foroa,
donf pralaa, . After his return home
he wa on shore for thro yaara whara-
na waa appointed ta a aaa
I 1?M ba font tit tba chief alloa ar
bla caraar aaatnat freer b flaac af
aoual forca aff L'thaaL aaJalo a ceav
plele vK-tory aad eaptartaa; els ahlpt u P9Wm Improbable that th total ra
ti aaaa rd all. bla Waiatlaa wa al ba.
I m4aiaiBa Mr. ktallat g aol IL
Uvaaad. ai It cia par aaJlaa, ar I
teaia far ftva sallaaa. - -
Waeeailr tbat ara'4 ta Faadiaf
mil aa ait waa wbicb ofrnaa oil-
lb rale af ft saliva for
Ma KaJlaaf aat tbia prlra,
paraailr Iba tlorry area aver.
waa. a ar a a ta ad at oil wax a with
taw taa baaaa hauae ta houaa raa-
aa In raadlag IlDia, mtttrlng all la
aaa fatlaa raaa far lihl caala, ar Iwa
aaaa fr II caala with iba caa ihraaa
la. aa long aa Iba putrhaaer ramalnad a'
patran af Ika atandard Oil aowipen.
Tba raaa ara a patent devlee and aaa
b raniled oalf br a machine. Tbia
prerrnia cuclofoara f rem prorurina a
free caa af tba wtaadard Oil compear
and afterward patronuin earn- olker
Wbea Kelloct'a dallvery wtgone left
tba atara taaralaf ther ware folieared
br a at a with a note book. Tha price
at whJrti tba Slandard Oil compear la la rwedta- mila I laa
tbaa tha actual eaat ta the Independent
la sailen lata. Mahlna a fair aliowaaca.
arblcb were taken tale 0plth4 and
thare viewed by Xing Genre III. wba
praaeatad llawe wllb a diamond bill
ad award and waa made a knight at
iaa order or tb Oartar. Oa tba mora
In; af tha engmrament with tha Wrench
neat a Bailor aald, looking at Admiral
Howe: J think wall hava a flgfcl
looar. -xiiaaa. oicr .ia tmilinc."
Articular credit for thiey graat vlo-
iott over in rrenca Bouat b given
ealpia of tha auadard Oil campaign In
reeding unit equal tht coal of dellverv
atone. - -
Ia tw weeks tha general atorrkeapar
who baa th temarltr ta aell Indrpend
ant oil baa lott practically vry cua-loroer.
Tha Standard haa not been In direct
communication with Mr. Kallogr sine
tba gallon can campaign wa Inaugu
rated, bat an latlmatloa haa been eon- '
to Howe wbea hte m, la aooald-rad. for TJ " ""T.V:.?.
at tha alma af thia Katti a. J71 alrT a will acknowledge bla
at tba time of thla battle be waa IT
Tear Old. Bavlnc been born la 1T1T.
Twanty yaara prerloa to tht Ravolu-
iioa Admiral Howe bad aarvad tinder
Bli Edward Hawk, and bla ship, tha
"Kagnanlme" bat tared tba fort on tha
au until it aurrandarad. After tbia ho
wa appointed commodore of a eqoad
ron with which bt took the towa of
Ia 1711 Howe waa made an En r Hah
ana appointed to tne com
"error" and return to tht atandard fold
tba tPtck-ead-epan oil wagon with tha .
cute little gallon caaa for eight cents
each or two for fifteen centa, with tha '
can thrown In, will vamooaa.
X ant making aa much In tba oil bust-
aaaa la reading Hill aa my old friend.
tha Standard Oil company, ara," ha aald
to tha World eorrctpondent
Qeorge r. Bail, proprietor ef the gen
eral store In O ran by, rejected tha
mand of tba fleet aent to tha relief of Standard OH'a ultimatum to buy this oil
Ol bra. tar, which object ba aocom- Ult oorporatlon or expect eomroer
pllahed. Tha natt-vur ka w.a Ibl ajctlnction. For weeks Ball did not
flret lord of tha admiralty, and la 1711 " S1100 oU- Thn h capltuUtad
ba waa created aa Engliah earl. land at onoe tba gallon can wagon ceased
Tba laat service randararf hta inrA. I vUlt to Oranby. and oonsumara
ahlp to bla country, waa In reducing thth,rV D0W W varaJi eaat per gallon
iuue aauMs to tneir duty by kind- I "
at Partamaath la irif. - ita aii I - -- - - '- - " -. -- 11
uguat g. 1711. iTbe PreaUentlal Silenoe Exidained.
.V.Iiiira aa a tna mrr..M.. .-.. I uPon ne waa appointed to a aaa com
mueuieu vu uutura riuuuot, 10 um 1 . .. " f'""" "'"u mand and for IS rears dlatlnaufahad
T.a TPnllAti tn tha tnnrVraVura and I" W QUoaUona for Such poeiUon. I
hlmaalf hv m1tAAn. m..Im kAth mm
- . - oomi rinurtM aimnat at tha i l - w i .1.1. iu riiaiucm 11 Dunns junauieu, j
progressive newspapers for beating that St. johaa had a man thev would cmmn,Ier " war ftnd aB mlnla- . .- rrom the La Oranda Observer. - f
. r, .. 1,. -i.a m MM . - 1 mior in neaca. imii raitiara mn..m ..n.. i . n . ... ..r
ico uoKKBuaeim game in mt nonn. a v im iw 11 ne aver ran Tor I - '" ., . 1 xvriiana oawapatper mrowi iisaic
The attitude of the Taft admlnlatra- Pf,c; 1 ,ta bis name, and was aur- j - r" - Into d apaam, because President Taft
- " wrre taiaing aDoutiany nonr ana aaa roe maaa or aotoa, out tnouid even this ba an azcuaa fori m """ auiogiaa nm -vrmgon system.
an attorney who resides there by the motorcycles, horsee, cattle, ate. Soma parading tbat which borders on lm. Why should, tba praaldant eulogise
name w u xewis, lau of Oklahoma, I automobiles, ilka tba mule, "balk" I morality in a place where wholeaom T,.u,a tb haa brought criminal ax-
- mvtuw laumrr. idbt man a in. i ih,M kw !.- m v. v A. . ,k i amuaamant mnmjt . - -.1. 1 trmvuinci 10 a aominonwMiiii iwimi,
atatemant. In which thay ail oonourred. Iwhala trmvaiina- nuhiia. flnch waa tha Take "Knooh Ardan"; that aa . in hut a handful of people? ' cJt,
tnat wnan they are COlnr hnma tlra1 I . . . ...... I mrJ.n r.,.-.i L... . I Wh ihnuM ha hvTwWirltlivallv tvat na.
povanul with .H. . Z. ,. .w , T' I aaaa una umy wn we. flaunnumaa ana ' r"umi mt 11 we nave I . . , , 7 . r---. ' -- ,
waVjr?ita ?n tlS?.?1??1 'l Clarka county, Waahlngton. have enough H"1 o tha and of good things from Utlcal trickster on th back when he .
whlaheaLdi-Hnn,"",1:. "Mn)ialn buslnaaa men who would r wua tne praaent day ."Zl l"-""-"'
N an article that will appear
Sunday'a Journal there
Drougnt togemer in laoioia rorm I ""'". siana. ciinK, to tb ,trmp. , 7"-"-- ."" a" I fooliahncas. fra. fronT miT" moral obligation lo the public 7
for easy assimilation what IS be- t1" w"h them and takes I K,,." v." I thaji contort and defile th. thouahta t Why ahould ha iap hit hand with
Tji nnnia titnAr.inmb with inthnr. I.. I. .ui.. . "" "w ra tneir Welfare, ertvea tha miit.ri . Tm,fc,
, , . iut uuuo iu umvtmwi uu uu rrai thtm nM ulntw . T . I Dinca J. Hill Inlt raiiroaa Dndlt I wwaa.
Il.t ' Am Ha ' nttaMna. '. n.I.I I I VI- a ..... .. I 'Z- T . - wwa lawn gooo . I. ' ! .
Have they been rubber stamped as I Are von Interested in tha -itV hardest
by allowing- them theira la not the cr0M th Colurtbla, and In doing ao put I ,,..;, . ' ' '. l. '
it lot in life. , noVt7 Vancouver on tb map, they mora than LUbUltJr ewspaoer Snbtcrlbers.
beautiful? Then see at the clone of loOK nsweraBi interest In what n.T one aise snpuia ooosi tnia enter-
ai. .. . oaaa peopia sai a about Mr, Lawi. ba- pne, a Driagc,tnat would allow
Ariel, Waah- Oot 10. To tha Editor
of Th Journal. What la the law re
garding newspapers and magaslne.
O. K., by Ralph WilllamsT
Being against the Oregon system, the . article' what Paris. London, cause ? Z ,.w.i"' A0: X . tn?.X.Z :J,l. -T,ir JZL.Z
the Observer Is thankful that It, like Frankfort,: Dresden, Berlin, Munich, leading citizen in Oklahoma, ire is room for teams ar.d automobiles, would wher 0ne ha ubaoribed and paid
ivi tm-mm," .it 11..1..J a I ... . . . Ifnllnwlnir ,v.. . I .... . . ....... . ' 1 for ' nna- UI- anl tUm , .
iuw vimiutmi, io iv won . iiuuou. i Vienna ana uopennagen nave aone. . : i rt. wu nere at ne l auuoie me population , or uiarxa county,
Its memory goes back to the time London. Paris. Hamburg. Bremen. wn,viJ?2r. WJ". .h? fr,n,, 'ot th waahlngton. and also tha city of van-
when Mr.-Taft opposed the .Okia- Antwerp and Stockholm have all He 7. a K imlnaYTwler'Taa
homa constitution, copied from the beautified their river and harbor f' Dn; ,n civil affair and is uea of quick iiansportat on and low
Oregon system, and It Is filled with frontages. Find out what they hava 1.? V?i"cu5-l public , in- rata of fare. - !
Joy, courage and affectionate recol- done. ;V . . ; , at jrhn. 7Sr 7....:: .' . lt the countloa of Clarke and Mult-
lectlons of assemblylsm. The care of the Berlin poor is de- and is newT whV nVenerouV
n'or ttm inrrenia! on tn nrn. lArikaii itii tha nnAt- .....i.. i ur arowinr siatar hii .,m -ti r,o.Mw. ...u vuuat uu.
eon system, the La Grande naoer de-lnnAd ' fhsHtr
. ... - - I ... - miu wuu wnnin Man 1 d.i.j
Burvf iii ; pwi tnauia 01 me anty. ? . I A , v )7 n the map In the hall of conareas and lan, r- and Vancouver, Waw It
Honorable Ralph Williams, head Read also what Police Comml. who would strive to ret ua tha JZ should ba Portland-Vancouver, "tha
manager, secret adviser and special I eloner McAdoo has to say about the Sfd. Shit. ? referrd to and pro- Twl ties. of the Pacifio Northwest.1
ior one- year, ana Jhe time ex.
plred ai)d the paper continues to come
to your add ret.. Can the same be col
lected by law 7 SUBSCRIBER.
ITbe liability of the subscriber ceases
witn tna expiration of hla subscription
unions ne continues to Uka the news
paper or magazine from tha pottoffloo.
' Overhott
representaUve of Mr. Taft In OTe- nolle of London, and eaneMan nf ;ha"..i 1 ?,..?lc to ?nPOrt fra
. , I r. . . . . . . . ' " . ."i-.'-- to our aooka.
gon.i its masterly repudiation or the their behavior and treatment in the
scurrilous suggestion that Mr. Taft courta,,
might feel kindly toward the Oregon Municipal wthiift. in Berlin and
system, idught to be worth a. near-by Amsterdam goes farc in sewage farms
land office. fn the first, and utilizing citv e-arh-
age in the second.
THE CHINESE ASSEMBLY Frankfort has in operation the
plan adopted in the new. charter of
Ta y. Riding to U the demands of New York by whlca oess lands over
D" ' vv snch as are actually needed for 4m-
Chinese assembly the Manchus praTemeilt Bubject to condem-
, accepted - the inevftable, and natIon an their resale goes far to
bowed to the wiir of the representa- par for ' the Improvement.
t,v,?8. ?' J? 7neH-PrJ"y; so ,.And B0 oa down the , ,l8L None
. , a v Z . should be overlooked, for Instruction
mined is whether a constitution.1 nn-Lj fflm,n0tratiisn ,, v,.J
uer lue uumiuai ueaubiiip ui me in-
Give to SL John. t hla C "-v"aainam.
u. U Ufli. , ,
An Improper Exhibition.
Portland, Oct. 15 To tha Editor of
Tne Journal djTom news Items of lata
ti seems wa ara endeavoring' to stop tht
commercialism of vice. This ia all very I
proper, oui irom a recent moving pio-
iuro ezniouion in tnjis city it la very
apparent mat some people have no con-
fant emperor and his guardians, will
stay the ' tide I of; Insurrection or
whether the Idea of a' Chinese re
public will prevail! .7 ' -M-v
7 The practical or. opportunist: side
of Chinese politicians makes It cer-l
N September 1, 1911, the Glas
gow Herald tells us, was the
eightieth r anniversary of - the
birth of the .description "tee-
One Way to Bring Down Prices.
TO the Editor Of Tha .Tn.,nnl t
bya "ews dlPtchee that another
red blooded ftiavor haa h.w .
Thla time It is the chief official of Dee I Ptim of the beginning and end of
awucugwi, wno nna rolled un hla 1 "ucn pracuce. wo certainly should have
aieeves and tackled tha retail price of CIean wholesome amusement, but when
f " "' oimwia with a club,
tumbling It from 13.40 a buehel to 60
cent bytha simple expedient of buy
ing of tha adjacent farmers at their
eelling- price and tacking- on merely the
cost of handling-. ; The. result ia that
tha farmers aforesaid are now selling
to the consumer and the dealers hava
- r-t JUST Va. .
V' -
tain that every effort made total." Of course the term Is ob-
got off their hlirh perch and are also
selling at a prlco which allows them a
decent profit at a trifle more than the
price asked by the farmers. . ..
Here la an object lesson which ought
not to be lost. There ahould b a Ura-.
uuuiuw vl mayors.
spirited, cttlsens who
axampie recently set In this rerard. In
It cornea to the exploitation of Tenny
son "uoaiva," tna mark of such amuse
ment s very far overshot.
To read tbia poem, and it la doubtful
if 100 or the audience aver did, unless
waa aiter witneaaing v the produe- if 1 wer spouting- for the cause tof antl
Mon, one cannot fail to feel the nurltv - drinkina- riir
of thought of these country gentry, and! There's one grea: class; of lobsterettes
the hardship of Godlva In paradins her I 7 '" 1 think I'd like to soak;
cnastlty. True there waa an exception. Thejr le,J of ?reat exploits of theirs; of
. . - a ' I ; - ot t ha.r aa u aal Sa
nut wnac Deieu mm.- .:. . . 1 . ""r .
- Hava wa not - th. v Wi ,1 7 u JS.y yrmiwim say
Coventry In tha person of tha promoter?
But where were the villagers? Not be-lit makes me tired to think that men
hind locked doora ui) hurrut in I v must "take a drink or two."
or other public I but in tha audience, aatisfying. without I Er thly can make a brilliant play or
av - -a rr awnui WUU AVI
"I had a
glee at a arstam that la raoldlv alevat
lng unpatrtotlo demagoguea to office T
No, President Taft did not command .
Oregon'a ayatem that has tent a Bourne
to tha senate, . a Lafferty to tha house.
elevated a Chamberlain to junior senator 7
and put a West In tha governor's chair.
Anp thank uod he did not. . Tou can
aay what you will about Taft-
It la decidedly to hta credit that he ia .
sufficiently poised to remain silent on
the "Oregon system," and did not tell '
soma of hla audience, auch as tht bead'
of Tha Journal, juat how much Is being '
dona to tear down and keep back a great '
state by wild and insane laws. . 7
v.'.-.'' ' 1 .11 ji 1 iai 1 .11 .1
' 7 ' V i- Wise" Ma.-s.4l ?7i7S&;ii ;
.p"'":' rrom'' tha Philadelphia" Raoord.
"Ma, why don't you keep out of tha
parlor 7 , , Things are running . smoothly
now.". . : ' ": v ' ' -, "1 ':
Tou ain't tngagad ywL daaahter. and '
your ma knows that a younc man who
find things . running too ntoothly li
apt to get bored and quit" ;
77;'7'7ml ' -
' Trim Fligende Blatter. !
1 think I, have aeon you before.
somewhere tr other." '
I daresay. I've been there several . .
times. . . .
TLc Bill CoUcctor
(Oontribnted ta Tha Journal li ir... ;
th famona Kaoia nort. Hla .
regular feature of tbia column la Tne Dally
Journal.) ' , ' - v, .
When the bHU collector calls on you
your marme nana,- tell .her thttt.
La Follette made, that Dolllver madef'to stop the fighting in the Yang-Tse solete now. and its meaning ab-! wSbhiasii JV! mtplea'
Inaf vtiak v viverMlia(nA aananMa ; .. a. I ... - 9 I VviU in? rCaffUlt. CP alt 11 aTh trlt vnM
com tumbling down ltk a cob house, f th 8i"" wn clothed In form fitting
that th progressive newspapers j valley by conceding all that the rev-l sorbed by the- prohibitionists ut i
r-iade, that the muckraking maga-
ifiie made and that thousands of
ethers made at the time and con
stantly since the "unlawful" deal was
rr, sura mated.- A fact throwing
! sltbr the attitude oMhe govern
wi tTard the steel and other
ts: H I! for'jt-ars the depart
r Kt Jtk and. the bureau of
-;' " ft ltd Information.. as to
: . -rt '77ae.'.e Mtwn the haV-
olutlonary. leaders demand -In ap- it has a good ;hfstory.
pearance, at any rate and by buy- On September!, 1831, seven mem
ing, in one form or another, their berg of the Preston, England, tem
prominent men. The boards of the perance society, allowed one Joseph
government, and of the Manchn roy- Uvesey to sign - their names to a
al family and- Its connections will, pledge of total abstinence. " These
probatbly, be poured Into the devas- forgotten worthies "are known In
Miea region, ia auay popular reeling, 1 temperance records as 'The seven
snd to build a bridge of gold .over! men. of Preston. Their names -are
" " v-
'' 7 - Bridge, the Coin m bla.
Portland. Oct 2J. To tha VJiUnr e
The Journal Allow me apac In your
which the revolutionists may retreat, forgotten .now. i But a stuttering 7;. Veraii . the 'Smbi'J " rTr' .1
Now comes the severest test of countryman, one Richard Turner, de-1 Vancouver, Travel across that ferry at
-. 7-..-, 7,.... -.. ,...i7... ....... -. : , r -
While It IS true the Storr is no mora I Before thav nullnrf ntt umMhin, w,K
reault that' high prices would I legend, and wfalle a Is true thatlv "a drink beneath the belt," ' ; ,
ibllnr down lllra v 1 I tha fis-iira waa. rlntha In rm rtm - , . . ." '
Thla town afforda a ' aplendld battle- garments; and while It Is true the posl- J And. eY?Tt me' " seem to ma, what-
. . .... . I .. . ... fl . .. a v AP in.v Tna nn - -
n tki. .7 "" Hon .m imi, .(ti.. m.... i.....l aver they may do.
; . , warrara. or l 7-- " X' V"" ; 7: " . lHeJ While they have "taken on a few"
. .ui 1110 rruiii grocery has
baen asking for Winter Banana ap
plea when the wholesale price Is only
M5 a box. -.. . JOHN THOMAS. '
jorra; mini 11 is aiso true tnat the lnde-i - moat ...,. w
cent thought will rlaa tx mind even j That it were better left undone, accord'
granting aU the above, and it la the de
velopment of that pernicious thoog-bt
mat is ao instrumental In the propaga
tion of vice. - L .
It certainly took a master mind tn
strike on this -short obsenre poem out
of the several hundred pases of Tenny
son's works, but Its finding should not
arouse surprise, as no doubt box-office
receipts were Oppermoat In the mind.
fna to their tales.
For sometimes "Just a drink or two."
help fill the city Jails. , .
Now thla Is not a sermon: Tve not been
ordained to preach, .
But I el.ip st things at. times
tL'hon f hfv In mw t-b. r.
AndT want to wflti the pilgrim who'd
tell jria Ma Honrs new 1
That he'd better rut the rreface7"Weli,
1 nan a aripx or two.
you're glad ,to see her, : that you liklu
to pay your blfts: hand her , out thaV. 1 I
shining- scads Ilka a crlnca ne Mni.i ' Vl
lada, and you'll fill her genUe bosom ' '
with the eweetest kind of thrills. Vm. :
may bt a man of welaht. mn ma k. 1 4
of.' high esUte, you may hava a thou- "
sand virtues of the most engaging -
sort, out you ii win an . ugly fame if
you play the. grouch'a 'game, if you
greet the bill collector with an angry i- '
V. 'I,0rJ- kedness my bosom ;
filla. but I always pay my bill, and - i
the girl collectors boost me 4111 I have ,.
a fair renown; I am mean as all re- '
out, but the blessed damaela shout ! .
hit praiaca witn snch vigor that -
they echo through tha town. If' you i
wsnt topJJa up fame, tf you want to i
win a name aa the most angelic creat-,
ure Known outside tha Jaaper walls. '
just dig up a danllng smile and dis- I
burae your little pile with a brave and ' '
buoyant 'manner whert the bill collee-' ' I
tor calls- "..,.. 7 ., !
Corrrtht. 1101 1, Iit ' fS I
wrje M.fthew idiM. ltk Ua , I,