The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 27, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Tlin TAT1DMAI .'4 i u
ei W W 'A ...ess,,. - ui . e ta I , ml 4 14 l-4i
' .4 4 m uinmmi ii., .4,-4.r
i ' y ptev4:y -,;;- 44 4W eaJ UlViM UWtU-
I utitwi! ii .
it HtMi-MilUltltMmrt' II U I liM fi.a TV A lib 'U a!..! em t
. r a i
v4 t;. i ,11,1 il5 tt te a tm.i (La l. 4i t4 U li-4
iU:i.-t t.a -4 evear W it m U44B lirf t a' tar 4. u lul l4t Beauty rf k.44. 1-44
4 W M . 4 I . ia l-wiwaa ffvaa
r -a !, M I l-a tt wl.. IUt U an .aw a. dwaua. as itaaJa.! as iaJnay
I 4t
I kin I -.
e7. 4Wi)e iL ar sswa-j -l eU el Ut
erf bed.
T UN ar 1 1 m kftAlAi
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at 1 1
. .,.. a - 14 I v4. t ')
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a (a. 4-
rv.4if aM4M CJ-I4 4 tViMfH'MaoM A4 itMM H Htt
at, 1.4 tt (lit j4 . . Miin i
j f tii 44j ai a -a
r,a ra i- 4 m ' " - U4 a.
4 i-.fM. . . . t ' f 41t4k it tail! M t
4 r t u i "i. m a a m mi j
. f l'. S'B lib!
" W 1. k V
CN rx'.Al Aa1 akt a.
m4 4 -.J
. i I .Wt 41IMk. unK lit " " vmmwwmmww
lu . 4 ftu aa ta4 i -. -a a-
4 ifU
fB U fM VIM MM fcU4
f i u e, fU
T rMti .
ri. a nt iu
rtM t,
niai rr iM r i if4 rti. a fi iin iu tkf m4 if
llntvM ! itfr t Ik ififir f n.m ttori If .Jf-.. 4 lMt im
'4 )rf rom u4 ! W la ll rtiik 4 Ul' 4 4wu lr 4
4ki4 1 r MtiM i f w 4 m
iu uuim ! ia
f ! UM
4 M
r Ta - va Mrf
atjff t ua a4,
- ..i
wkj Mti aa ta4 If tha
a Ut ati Wl
v m a miu Mtut ua ia
Ta Mtfci ma (tl af ia
" wmt-mm tm mrmmt flit a
iawiAia: .
L Vtrf Amm 1 ta f ia
Mwir taa w ta jfca.
4 kna 4o4 .iJ
a a
aa 4 .-t .
L rw i, il. l. lMM.a
1 mii
I aa M '4 a utotL
T v . of I4 V.l.i.
ta ia 4lf, u . I
Tt a. aa
l. t Or faitta aatUkcaal al clanf llaa la tuiaal fyjit '
j iaa tarf trata af. U Ua riaiMia fare f 4rtw.j lf
fea af aifalac NUf aam,ftt. i U 444 il Ua oa ttimn mr .i
4-icrrtwiirn i. n Jcri f
far la U eta of 1 rri- la rfarr4t(a fsKfJIoet ff ikaf I .! Ual It UI la ar ara M aa ' n m. f
1 U4 mirllttara af ! avrha law. ra a U aoitiaaa lit Ut.fw aaotlvar allatl alii bm asa4a aa i-m tt u ta
a ata r Hvmi Haa;aa4r Irraai? af fariara aa4 fat
' ti IVft!aa4 aa Alalia. (farr?
aa ail-rBUta .ror-n!a. Tlaj Or, ara tt a4rata4 fcf lit
Joaraal, tm Ua aatna 4r, errr-J gt axtatla af aiira aa4 t a trtla
to tva aea of rarti aa4 fuaarrlb ! Ilia 4tar1rt allcnay la lb U:
ara ef fStol aarh U Ua af(k of Ual la Iaa Ua rlfki lo arfr or aot
wajM ta cfvarau a aiaakvar llaa
KKat rortlaaj aa4 Ataaia.
Tla frr atirj auaiia.
If ron)ia4 a to htr ateamata' la
U Alaaka ira4 tvail yaar. it It
lima to bad a arrmaftac praStmlatr
k aov. AlaJka ba;ara noil ka
NrforaUaJ Ul lhr ba abl,
vbaa Ua waaoa oneaa, ta at traaa
rorlaUoa from Portiaad diract
tjpniana mrrctaaia as a ntara I
apply Ua lav, aa4 Ual It ta aot a
trraanr cf forart. bat a trraaaj la
Ua dlttrtft attoratri ffJfa, aaiar
Ufa v ara IMagf
Tbrr aafkl to ba pre apt proaaca
Uoa aa4 aln jaBUhmBt for aay
mi b lni aotbara earn to
aarutaf. Tbra oagbt to b prompt
preateatloa and a baary pntftj tor
any maa bo coramtH U rtry f rtr
offaaaa ef afialaf aaotbar'a aaoa to
u Ii ta M ajaa tu U
c"1 : j lit raMia4 MiiM a4 of rt
Tba raaaM aboatl ba ef tatae lal ' a t t . if uva
rortlaal. Utaal4 b aaru!lr ln-
wtuit. t tim k affra.a ia aay
a. akl rai a( ta
m a ku.
ut a a i t44i
!. itu 4 twitr x4ia ui
4i a4w ta uaa 4 Ca
a a
? 0rt' Tim fta ta rrll
s4a tn m ii-ki ii hum
44 Jit-. a,.. ta ft.
a a
"W'aWwMttaa I ( aiai a
t 44I V in. I i
kaat ta4 a tvrtaaMt. I
i-l J
a a IfwT
A aiMi4nJ ita vti tui iii Mfw i4 aa at4,a
f- 7 Jl ta tiihixiM ! It. 4mu a tw,k4 mt I (.
tia utu. it aa 44 i4-m ti ar Vrai Um
Ua tMMtat cr44a la. llti fa aa
. . taw4 ta 4n UtUa,
1H BWtJ ltM a -
i itaa ta aa ta m PWi rVfW4 Trttvat Ta ata Vl
u UtioruM; la - f, ,HBti mit la atir.
aai., I t ata catxi 4 t-t atra'tia ta la l'arr
. I i.4i4'ti w ai airaiUa aj4
tar Itvae
a I :
aralot Ual Ua tame erpoalilo. to otat a .a at u a, at4 f ITfiZi TnlttJ l, ,L.YV. it. 1
tU Ua Utt tua Uaa maalfMia4 a uaaiiaa iW 4a J V.r 'l. 14. ua. .r.rt r
at lUlaat aa4 la all Mbar tUraa H fata ar ataita laif tail u4 trr. aa!t I (. a a
the rI baa W. ropo-44, -ITt " ,V - H4t.'.tiil at. .a I ayrWa ta t2vaiaa a-t U aa.
nay ba iptie4 la PortUad. Ii ta IT! i. tti iTTZl J ltiJl b J.r . I aa taa 4Mt Ca ri:aUt
ik.n.r.i T....--. " . . . li.l f a if i aail a i a a aiaa aal .ft kaaur
iaa atlorai raalataae ef paopla ba aatur taat iMf ay uta ttvaHraaaarr. aiatSa iMia fnum k p ia aati ua
fn aaJ.rtilmail 1 1 I ..I Itiitjii a. a awa aUiwMai af IK aaavil I aa ta tltataa ! 1 aitt !: 1 1.4 l kam l-atf.t lf1rli.l aatt II
nuaioa ria aa4 ao rally at alaa. TV .T T 1 u-1 1 1 1
f ia l..4.. a nanit
j44al ail4f tM tat4 t
T 4. iu.t' aa ka iH4 44
a 444) aaaaa a '! Iifitwt.iim
tt uu 44.k4 ta iaa 4 j Mt
4 rt444.t4llvak 44
ui 4i4t ia aratf - 'tt4
4 4 .a af i.aaUl.1 I a.4.i
via -i .4k ia u !
I 44IWV44 a4.i:4la 4m.U
"-J 41 tMtat a 4.4 144 M 44a.
iitu-a 44444 i4a .ia ra44 Ja
aiaiaat l aiiiti ra''H4iia
f ' i ! a 4vM
4ta4 tt 14 at. ..a fe44f fWa
aria ItJM li.a -a4M44, ai au
r:a4 ar atta.44n f X if a-.
a-S4j 4 iMiiu Ult44tia atua
Ifmw ta Want a auaijr tuitfa-
af a 'a aaaiMiua tj.lf a4
ar4aa atauaaU af atU. It
-4 aa aaiat:i4ava4 traitta Ir fa4
4 fraaik. a (k af 1:414 t4
aktaaai far a iifoaau.
twa aaaaa ta r44 11 aa aiuaxaar ri
araaaa, taa aaa-ata kaiui 11.1.
iMWlaa 44 44 vltvt fvuraa 4.1 4
atairvfttr af ika aaila..! a.4.4.
Mfj prHi4r rrauti44. 14
ratMiJt ta ua aaamaat af waJ-aMoiU
aaaaaaaia af tmu.ja
kua i4 .:.,.,. i.....k,
' -i4i4 af iaa atry, !
Im' U f"taa. lata ita iuu
a ' " a Ika l4
I Mlaaaaa. U U aa4 ft aar Ir.a4
tarara taaat know baforthaaft that If 111 taftladra or refer-4 om rltjon.
tbay ak baitaa (a Ua Alaaka Tboae patJUona ara a "Tart of tb
IJalJ, tby eaa gH tram porta (ion 4J. rUra of foTarament Thay ara a
rect. Tb vorld at tana UI vaat vtP ta tba proreaa of obUlnlBf da
te kaov bforbaad Uat Portland la from U aJactorata. Tbey
tsot oa tha 4ead-towa lUt. bet la to rrar and ItaporUat aooeara.
ba aa actfr eompHitor for AJaaka They on tat not ta'ba tba pJay
iraae. a a wiut a&ip a&a caaaaa to tniac or rorsara.. Tcay oagat not 1 tnaaci uat tba ta totnmttlea
do if battbeaa. to ba tha. toy of erooka. Tbay eatht 4hoal4 rat tocatbar tad unit apoa
' An " nnaertronod iai.tJn.ent 'la dd by tba law, tho eoarta a alnd chartor of h aimpieat,
working la Portland ta faror of ata- n(1 tha officer of tha eourta. faanaat aad tnoat ffctlT form. It
lioaa to dafaat tba commlaaioa ;
la aplta ef tba aataagetie gorera
meat aadar tb ereeeat rttata la
Portlaad. It UI be found Uat Uer
la a allaat oppoaiiioa bar to aay
chance. Nobody know bow atroag
Ula oppoelUoa la. bat It will be la
eYldanc at Ua apodal aleetioo. It
tag a abara of tha Alaaka trade, I n,oa wLoc I ta diatrlet attoraay.
Tb trade of Alaaka for alerea otatrlct attorn yi offte a
won tha ending Uat May vaa !t dtwtrlct attorntya office, or la It tha
461,074, and there la a growing Bo-
tloa that Uta town ahonld have a
ehara. It waa nor than double the
vmtnt of all U wheat produced la
urrgoa laat year.
It waa more than Urea and one
half time the tilae of all the frnlU.
aad aeven timet tha ralue of all the
t!B emeTtmry claaie ta attaentd
to aa ordinance ia which tha
city council prohibits imoktng
00 atreetcar ta Portland. Tha
lmirrin Vaa afaA .4
it waa-more than Urae time tb 1 imum. na... n,.
ralo of all tha dairy crodacU. and :. "7" 17,1 '
mora than fourteen Umea tba talua vnt k- vi 1.4. '
of all the hopa trod need la Oion I ZZ?.ZS'"U!
a. u yuarrci. nut 11 not
wl rar. MarlalattMi fna a. a....a. .4 la
Alaaka trad for eleren montha l-V V Ih.L: -V 'l-" -"
waa mnM Ifca -aia .11 .va w .l .ui.nmt;
" v uv Ul tut IU I fjlgrjgf
wheat, all tha wool, a!) the tone aad , featafaat. 11 ejhja. a-avlarlaa fan YMa amA a. a. at
K'pr!:e.Bowor;; r Ay sss:
city to mi,. . ,h.rT . . 1" i'"""D .BA"
For aleren montha ending laat 11" Z ":?.. . ..V, . ' !.
May.Png-f -onnd'a trade with i.:," ."V.TIV w !.PB
Alaska, gold ahipmenta not included, lln0e - .
"f'; .MS-"1. a ' Dy"th n.e of the Veto, tha mayor
d?&lZE5VtJX V!, of Port,n ontht to put. a atop to
r.Dw --"- in promiscuoua use by tha conncll
of tb emergency clause. He ought
neaoa that tt thla la not done, both
charter ar likely to be defeated,
and delfrerance front the preaent ri
bald government be long poetponed.
It a defeat cornea, the reaponftbllr
tty will reat on tha revlaloa commit
la teaf4 la avjaaaaartnc rawr taaaa
I will avet aeaHaa tau ! I ar ta fener
4liila. tut will. If ye plaaaa, aavU ear
alaata Ua frtaaMla 14 a afrtrta lasatrvra.
taaat I14 a ex4a 4aHaa tba BUaae
rauna, lbliy
Mtruar Wllh
4haU aay ta U
Ctamascajor laava Hall.
. ., , . I ti waa ta patamaeor
ar44aiarr. Ilattj a aa4 1 a-,,-. ...
aaeaattaa, I fca-a fU .f ?
It waa la (Vatmaeora laaaa Hull.
that Iba fir I Uril
the aaaa 4aiiaf
Uamaat rrara ararlLraJ 4a4a4a. aad L war ef 1111. Waa Iba fliaa
mr autaaaaau wiu aa wa4a witbeat I Oaarrta-a." .aotaai 444 by Cas-iata
fau ti lacMaiM 44tiftJiaii4m. Ta ba I Paarae. waaaaiatara4 r Iba Trtaa
bruf aur elt- ixxiail arnraartal pnaBaUtaUoa," aTtar a elaaa aatte af
II ta ba it! ad ta tba aoeatrutv I aalautaa.
Ilea ef tba eerbase aaatroyaa. Thai CaUla ft bad aaea ree4arttie eaJa.
baad ot baallb. waa anaewaraal ta aaw. bl earrtM to bU aawajtry from tba
(ran far and auaarlataaa tta aa&alnaa. I 4 aa aaaamaadar af tha tolllu
lion. Thla boar I boat I ball-re ta bal"0" ea4la4awi af Cbaaapt.
baaorabla tnaa) waa Imma4utaty ruaaa- T H Ut 1Kb Oa iba a fur.
aadad br aa ineoniraiaat ail analtMae. Aetruat II. Jill, whlla lartna
aaatatad by aa Inapaytanaa4 eaparla
laedant. wbe Br4ra4 plaaa aad epeetfl
eatlona far It aa blah taaoera ware ra-j
ealvad and eoatra lai.
It u ta tbeee plea I wlah te eail year
attantioD. 44 th4r la wbare tha Uipay
re oat thair enoaay. Toa cava not aon-
elatantly blauna tha aoairaater for bulla-
lav n i,-iJ,a.a o . w.a- PM to r"1 mergencle. Puhllo pol
:.AJ"k:" '0P tt el,rn - tb referendum demand that
" t. a . , the emergency clause be not attached
. JiTiai" " a . to every peanut meaaure,
,7:V",4".a ' 1 ved fifty- year. with.
a..; Lj; " "w out the antI-moklng ordinance.
" yJTT , ' Though the measure la1 a rood thing,
imrraTfi! thk innMm- Portland could endure a few weeks
off tha aoaat af aiaaaacbaaatia, a eblp
waa aieeTer4 fraaa tba saaatbaed af
tha "CoiiHaUoa." Captain Hall U
ataatly mad a all aal I In oh 4a aa4 aoea
falaad an bar. IU eieaorarad bee ta
ba tha Brttteh frtaaia Tlom arm.- cap
tain Jatnaa A. Daoraa. Tble Ttiaal bad
botatea at bar aaaathaa4 a fief with bar
mihmI am. aha Waav4avk la lara
...a - '- piani mm awr, mm I aharaalara. mmA ntt aaalhar oara In.
ana of than, will umlab tba city with .ertb-4 tba werda. -Net tba Little Bait"
Max ican oainaaa aog u ma apuioJ-1 tha Uttar balna a Brltlah alanD-af
Hone and plana call for one, and tha elty , tbmt ba4 baaa bandied badly ta aa
l i wtlllo to pay for It Of that 111., maa-mant with tha United BUtaa
vwa axpanaao intra ia 41 laaai i.pv
lo uatlaaa para4lianalla that la worth
n mora to the tltr than Junk and 00 n-
ahlp "PraaldtnL"
Whaa tha iCXmatltuUoa" bore la alM
Iba Hrltlah lommiadir aaaamblail hi
aaquantly a dead leea. Nona of It V'lcrew and aaaured them ef an eaay via.
torr, which waa answered by three
haartr oheers. Cater for battle and
1m. 1. V A. 1 X m . . .
r v 1; 1 1 i ; f , f. wiiuum 11. UUTing BUCtt m
NDER the heading Educate per,oa' Pfovwence permitting, build-
I I the immigflnt.'-in the Outlook nW ouli still tand on their foun
I I ' of the 14th la a short hut aerv datlon, the Willamette still flow
' aurttestlve article. ldnR the water front, and city off!
r It tells- the experiences' of a c,a,s Bafe'y f eir salaries, even
APLAMB with Interest, people la
Morrow, Gilliam and Sherman
eoantiee ar preparing to bold
treat farming rerlral at Ar
lington next week. Telerrama Doet-
a on tt bulletin board at the Port
laad Commercial dob tell the atory
or blf delegation! that are to attend
from every section of the region.
On tha occasion, a trl-ounty fair
Is to be scheduled for next year. A
demonstration train is to enllvan th
program. An organisation for an-
ail-year-round campaign for beety.
farming la to be perfected. A lont
list ot rin prises for best farm pro
ductions la to be made public. "Th
plan for & farm expert to go Urouch-
out the season among the farmers
and spread the, gospel ot better
farming, la to be revealed.
It is a program that may well in
terest the people of the three coun
ties. It Is a scheme that Is replet travaL with power to eomoel bear. I ftinf aad astutaoaes la put Into aatlon
with Virility, encouragement and pro-nc of any regulation which, in the I to make a clean geUwajr." Tb major
gress. It, is the best oleoe of comlnl,n1 of tha 0Ct0T' in the interest I tty of those In here with whom X hare
munity, county and state building ".V,
tnat nai even been seen in Oregon, leal despotism, with governmantal ahod" over their Judgments, and while
Portland Is leader in this move- Power to enforce Its deoraea. There la I under the Influence of Intoxloanta their
ment, and It is a leadership that t a 01 aouol er.taia proposiuon. .-h ft have alipped and they have fallen
Antynnnnr alt- TI ayrauB ma aaparuneni aaoreaa I lfitO tma place. Tnoa IUM youns
" " I tnat au peraon soma to certain nolnti man umtar almllar drcumatancea. but
4 v wait 4 me moss enecuve. aa " aib anouta oa vaooinatea aaaaOat aurronnded by dlf ferant environments.
many Portlanders aa nossibla ahould ""po- Thaorder, waa aolng to out would never have yielded to the temp-
a-o to tha Aflln-tnn tnaofin. rpva " " vounai iravai to in norm. Tne tatlon. But belna of an adventuroue
T. """"0' I tamboat oomoanlaa had anouah lnfln. I thaw k.a nrtttA awav tmm tnma
bains uad In the oparatlon of a crema
tory at tha present time, ar aver will be.
benoe my autematt that ine way your hooeful of Tlctorr. Hull rd-r-4 the
monay la dlsburaed la tba fundamental I lijht aal la to be takaa In. the eoureee lo
quaatioa or taxation. . I ba hauled no and tha Ship to be oleared
C Ia. DACKJB7TT. I for action.
On tha 'Xonetttutlon" eomlna within
A Medical Daepoilam. launabot, tha "Ouarrlare". ftrad a broad
To tha Editor of The Journal There side, expecting a reply from her adver-
la naninar n tha a.nata a Mil tnr ha eary. In thla ana was oiaappotntao ana
lirva anvufri ai.u JW a.iwmci , a. i i. ir
calved no reply. Duiina thla tlroa, the
craatlon of a medical department la the
government. The bill provldea that "It
shall be tha duty and province of such
department Of public health to super
vise all mattere within control of -the
federal government relating to tba pub
llo health," eta,, which, of oouree, eovars
naturally all seagoing and IntarataU
"Constitution," aot having .replied, the
impatience of her effloera and men to
engage waa ao axeeaelva that nothing
but tha moat rigid discipline could re
atraln them.
Hull, baaaver, waa preparlne wltb Iba
etnteat aal taaaa a aad ewibareUee. la Se-
elda the ra4fa acavdUg to a tnetbad
ef bis awa. biabteg sail ae a te aeiag
Iaa -CaasUiatlaa" airaady bp wltb bee
aaiagaalst. aad batng alaagalda wllhla
baJfaiatal abot. KuU evaarad arua
nrlag U ba ewmaieeeed fTam all Iba
"CaatUiatiaa e" guaa, wbleb were dea-
Me ahaiiee wttb raad aad arape abet:
aad aa well 4ireeta4 and ae warmly
kpt up waa tba Amertoaa lire that ta
II aalaatee the Mluai maat ef the
niuarr lava- wat by the board, aad bar
majayard to bar allaga. Tba fire was
hept up la Ua eama aiUil4 aaaaavar far
II ml a a ua laager by Iba "Constitu
tion." Bhe bad now Ukea a paeiuoa far
ratuag aa the bows af Ua "Oeerrlere,"
while tba Utter aould only bring bar
bow guaa ta bear an bar aaUgoalat.
Tba grape shot and Ua small arms ef
tba 'Constitution eompletely swept
tba decke of tba Brltlah frigate, aad I
ana waa aa utter wrack.
Thirty mlnuUa after the eommenee
aat ef tbe eontaat by tha "Constitu
tion" tha X)U4rTlre" was ae crippled
that Captain Hull ordered tha filing to
C444. capuia Xacrea then struck hie
color a At T la the evening aha etool
under the lea Of tha trite, and aent
boat oa board, which returned la a abort
time with tha British oapuin. It waa
learned that tba British veeae! waa
eotnpleto wrack, and aa aeon, therefore,
aa all aa board war removed, aba waa
abandoned and her shattered bull est
fir to and blown CD.
The generosity of Cactala Hull and
his arew extorted praise, even from the
vanquished. Captain Decree. In ma o
noiai tatter, oonreaaad their conduct
nave oeen "tnat of a brave enemy
tna greeteet oa re being Ukea to pre
vent our men from loaing th allahteat
article ana tho greatest attention be
ing paid to the wounded."
la .
baee aad aat Uaca ap tt lawk 1
f44a B44 144 aaaalllaia 4aaa..!i..X
r wary uaa tt baalaaaa fat Ua
a-vwiaal praartiy ef u a(rT.
P-4a ha UtMB la a.eaial . ihaa.
eaalvaa UttanaUly wttb aa I la. I art.i
" ""r iaa praaiaan f aavtra.
eaaal Iadivt4u4iy. Bat raiI bar.
ba-aj dolag tbaaa tbtasa far aavaral
ye4ua paat. Mora aad mere Ua aaa
pta are Ua ruing la ulak awl paikiaa
ef severamaai far n.ut... ...
abaadeatag the praatlaa af tetUag Ua
poll i Ic 1444 taiaa for (baa. Momt
afUeea bare Uva aal la, that (hry a,r.
baaw 4eoeire4 aad betraya4 boa aaeb
If tba habitual eubjugeaea af the m.
Btaei laiaraat te eertala apaclal latareata.
aatvatar Cullom rinda hie aula lam
la toe eld ta abanra. Tha a,.
elemcat la ble eute rafuaaa ba earraa
4er lu pruetplee for Ua aaka af a par
ty aseawaw that will maaa ladaflalu
aoBUnuaaae of Ua ilia af .ki .J..
eomputn. . '
It Will ba auuu. battaa a ...
Ctiilan if ha can aal autant ii-..i.
H -"f4 "dJ"-. nd agraa thai
tha people aa a maaa are entitled ta
repreeaautloa In tba o. J.L. ...
U raaptctrul oedianca at Ua baada of
their reoreaantaiivaa. ta .... .
let aoraa mora adapuble aaitator of u,a
populw choice flu tha plaoe that ba baa
held eo long and nil ad aa ahji..k.
eooordlng lo bis tight .
Tomorrow Admiral Lord Howe.
. in... Va (,.. . , Hiiiia iwu auougn niiu- Dant tnoy nave anrtea away rrom noma
country likes to be visited by peopl eno department to have the and home lnfluencea, become dlsaipated,
in the metropolis. Those on the land order modified.". Thla order only shows gotten into trouble and without friends,
contemplate the City as embodied hfhat,w111 b don n larxe acale when money or Influence have been railroad'
tin-Mr i.riMh U doctor get tha power. .'Smallpox, led to tha penitentiary.
. 4 . . .. i - m --aj.. yeuiiw i nvHr. ainninpnu. ru DairauiaaJii at i rrtv v-aa baaa ka iM.Ma a.aav 4i4
-aA meif, fleai as a .a fmi WUIl tftfl ODerfttlOll Of tlia nfiifT.AniA Tfyff i rna.An TK m Iaaw at- k.iVi. 1 . ' Ti " .;..a."T 7 .' 1H wvi hwi wm tua.tio n.n jua
VUM6 e--aa, .not, am Cb DIUUCUV Hit VV ajl" , M. , v. au a vuowu. 4u UU1 U yUU tUtV I MU uumy pttxaj UO, till Will CUi IOr TaCOlIlO
llama COlleee. and then as ar.tarv ePorrwy postponed.
ot the "North AmftHrftTi mere should be no
" - va a w Muut) UU
. va. A4jut aaudiai auto
; The motive of the college men'
, work. was to give foreign born Im
; migrants the chance to learn Eng
Hsh' and then to know something of
me insuiutlona of the country where
they had come to live. The first
scholars were French . and Italian.
Tfie'college students found the
way to reach them. The writer went
to the president ot the Lafayette
club, who spoke English. "Wouldn't
tne memDers or your club like to
learn English.?" he asked. "Yee,
out who will teach them, and what
will it cost?" "It will not cost you
onei-penny. The students of Wll
llama college will teach you, will fur
nish you the text books and any
thing else necessary." "Why are you
young men doing this?" waa the next
auestion. ; And-; thla was not an
swered.; But the answer came when
It; was. found that many young men,
while not at all disposed to proclaim
themselves Christians,' were in es-
aence such, and the. thought of rlv-
i.i. a. ta.Il ."a. a a . a . I
clause when there la no emergency.
The council ahould ao understand It.
The mayor should so understand It,
ana use his veto accordingly.
17 It. Is the law and the city at
torney says It is the plan for the
council to exercise pardoning
power in the case of city crimi
nals is bad law, It is a matter ot
doubt If such a policy is provided for
in the city charter of Portland.
In one instance, the council has
already attempted to exercise the
pardoning authority. It is a new
thing in government for the author
ity that makes the law to be the final
authority in delivering offenders
from amenability to the law. .
Our system of government contem
plates three departments, executive,
legislative and Judicial. It Is so In
the federal, the stato and In Port
land municipal organization, and in
each the lunations of the three de-
ttia asma aa ttia tinva nn rnaata fin tha
city uweuer aa renresentinsr raannr. wimo a um ox neana wiu oe rt-1 miM. with, n.rhana tha d rraranna
ce by Which problems may be ?ul7d of evfV man going out to aea, that they never had a ohance. Because
worked on. ouirLlr.t,fa Z , 1 tro "a tottar.wWrt oovarn fact end
-a' Z.ZT T a 7. , wi44 am so . aaia oy a extends toward them that helping hand.
moved and communities be started medical examiner. All this la In the . hia wtt. .n davnM n .,
.1 11.. . . ... f g.n.l. Aa...' ...... IT - 7 ' r ..
wD( iub wi oi growiB ana WMltO, k, "", RMinf ox love lor numanity, so ut-
ItS back country la one of Pnrt. . . . . terly aalflsh that ; you begrudge that
- ' . - i ra mr I or man wnn ma ira tn.i, muh.. i . . . . t . ,..a .
ti., i . . . I , . . . - - - ."v, ikudi wnen you aea n mviunua in
A-uiwauu cau on oi jiuman ins anouia De given oowar I annth.v fh. .nnint h nA tri..
I . . . . a," . " " I atHwuaa a , a saw wwaa v aww aaa-vaa uw a,. ,v,iuw
whom hay exceeded Governor Waat In
ualng the. paroling power. Their poa
Itlona In tha world of affair - today
ahow tha confidence and esteem la
whloh they are held by their oonatlt
uenta. .
In the words of Eugene Brooklna,
prealdent of tha Progressive olub of
rortiana, ir uovernor west doea no
mora than to finish tha work ba has
e tar tad here at tha penitentiary, ha will
have written hla name In big. . bold
letter on tha pagea of the hletory of
thla etate," and I oan truthfully add
that hla critics will have been forgot
ten, j - "ONE ON THE INSIDE."
By IfUaa
land's great assets.
help herself almost Infinitely by f compel patronage, it, la a well-
neiping the back country grow and
prosper. '
Every added Portlander at Arling
ton next Tuesday ill be added stim
ulus to the trt-county farm revival.
heducino death totals
known fact that whenever and wherever
the medical fraternity has had the
power, it has had compulsory lawa an.
acted, and has asen to it that tha dootor
got tha patronage and the fee.
May all the gods of heaven and aarth
De petitionee against this bill.
From "One on the Inside."
Penitentiary, Salem. OrTo tha
Editor of The . Journal.! have read
he-la a moral outcast ne is a para
site without manhood, honor or self
respect If we ara to believe the opinion
of a thoughtless publlo. Hath not a
convict eyes? Hath not a convict
hands-, organs', dimensions, senses, af
fections, passions T Fed with the same
food, hunt with the same weapons, sub
ject to the same diseases, healed by the
same means,, warmed and cooled by tba
same winter and summer aa other peo
ple are?' If you prick him, doea he not
bleed t If you tlekl him, doea he not
nirlmantl aa mm ... . . aaa .af..!....
ui a helping hand to tho. whn r t. a .. . . .
',iniat,!."d J"ed lr general heme to behold in,Port-
auy.aieu.iw lueir oesi nature, j land, the legislative branch exercis
ing, the pardoning power, which la
usually the especial function ot the
T is reported that at Miami, Plor-
iaa, a aivision of 15.000 men in
camp In 1898, at the time of the many crlticlama upon Governor West's u?h T41' you polBonL.,hlm' e,.he not
Spanish war. had more than 1000 Pson policy since ha started to give " wir V. 1 ' ! ?1
a a. t .. . , .... .. tha i,r,Aar rlntf a a .,t 1.1. I """"yj M,ni,
lunea vi ijjiioju, resulting 10 251 ' u. ilIB
deaths. The division mobilUed this Urh"i?" brLMA fortEd-
var on tha Maia t,n.-. Sherlock Holmes Of eaatarn Oregon, to
. " wwi uvi , . luu- I nuDiisn in tna I irpannmn nr tna nth
slsting of as many men, waa immuil- instant, one of tha moat rldiouloua, ab-
lzed against typhoid by Inoculation. I "ura ana misinrormea criticiama that I
!ff .rjf"" ftnd J0.m2re' nly 22'
mV iu8 nun ouuubu to Beep ine f grind ia -certainly aa myeterioua aa his
patient in Dea. Similar results are i published Interview la erroneous.
reported from other centers, and the i ,?6 "ay,: 'J1 Uw breakers here con
hallar amnnn. a4t- ii.., av.lWr Urea thlnga First, after com.
Boon there was no scarcity of
teachers, but Instead "a waiting list
By the end of the second college
year there were 08 foreigners: being
taupht by ti student teachers. ; -
The .pupila wer abundantly ' ap
preciative.' Man,of them word, mid
dle aged eons of toil, who were never
too weary, after a hard day work,
to UV advantage, of the , evening
clavs. . .
.Nor is it thla feature that consti
tutes the chief objection.' A city
council la the last place in the world
In which to expect a fit exercise of
4.S a
tne pardoning power. .
It Is a place where men whisper
In the ears of members, it is a
tlace "deetltnta rf Intlw11ita1 aann..
T'lr beat meeting place' were' the J si bClty. If a scandalous pardon Is
ai ., ; .
belief amounts to conviction that the
disease can now be forestalled and
suppressed. The men of the fieven-
ty-first regiment of the New Tork
National guard are all to be tnocu-
iatea oerore going into maneuver
camp the coming year. - Three Injeo
tiona af intervals - of ten days are
used, the last of which la acarcelr
noucea. ' , i ..
In the war on tubercnloata Ana.
trails leads the world, according 40
the figures given .at the meeting of
the ' Imperial Medical institute in
London a few week, ago. The death
rate from this d!seasyj)as been re-
mlttlng a crime they have a chance to
make a getaway (and 'escape the Den-
auy;;-aecona,. may nave a cracK at the
oourta and may ba able to beat it out
there and gain their freedom; third. If
mey ara caugnt ana convicted they can
go to tne governor and aeek a oardoa
or paroie, with a good chance of gain
ing exeeutlva clemency." .
Thla man an off lcerl Elected by tba
peopie or tfaxer county to uphold and
au-iaua tn dignity er.tfle law I
Theaa aama conditions, 1 first, aeeond
and third, exist in every atate ef theaa
United States. A yeaj-'s experience
with tha convicts inside, of tha prison
walls positively disproves any auch da.
ductiona. Th criminal never figurea
on getting caoght when deliberately
committing a crime. All of hla cun-
rest, he will remember you In thav
The villainy you teach the- convict ha
will execute, and it shall go hard but
he .win better the instruction.
But on the Other band. If you will
show -him that "Abandon all hope ye
who enter here" haa been abolished and
subatltuted in its place, "Hope, ba 1
man and you will get a man's treat
ment" A wave " of reform will have
been set In motion on this Paclfio coast
that will widen and broaden until It
encloaea the entire globe, bringing Joy
and ; gladness, . hope and resurrection,
paace ana iove into tne Hearts or thou
sands that are now breeding: hate, de-
pvnuoocy una revenge. ,
Our wise man from the east saya:
'I do not know of another state where
so many "criminals have been . turned
loose aa in Oregon Sine Governor West
began la policy of prison reform." Is
It possible for anyone to seriously orit-
lcise the actions ot another, when by
hla own admission he pleada 1morance
to. the aeu . of governora. Hay.; of
Washington; George Chamberlain, of
Oregon; Bob Taylor and Ham Patter
son, of Tenneasea. Hoka Smith,' of
Oeofgie; Jim Hogg and Charlie Cul
beraon. of Texas; Jeff Davie, Ark
ansas; Shafroth, of Colorado, all of
Canal Tolls and the Trusts.
Portland, Oot SI. -To- tha Editor of
Tha Journal Having read The Journal
for aome time, and taking much Interest
in the "letter column," I would like
very-touch If Soma One would explain
through The Journal how a free canal
will advance the American . merchant
marina "Vessels carrying a foreign
flag cannot engage In the . coaatwiaa
trade," so foreign- vessels cannot com
pete In tha trade between the coaat
ports. And as for our deep water mer
chant marine, that is a Joke. We have
no merchant marine -worth sneakinar of.
and 'wbyf If those that advooate the
building Un of the merchant marine
would look to our marina laws, they
would ba doing something. .worth while;
for, aa they now are. they ara a dis
grace to any country and would not be
tolerated In' any other country hut ' in
the United States, ' Those laws are laws
of the seventeenth century, from whloh
the slave lawa were a cotiv. - Vow tha
days of slavery on land are past, but we
aiiow it at sea. Anyone sailing under
tha American flag is a slave aa lnnar aa
he haa eigned up for. Ia it any wonder
that th Americana" have ceased going
' Of cure,-r understand the corpora
tions engaged In transport trade atrong-
lT auuuui a irea canai Tor American
vessels. Mit Is money In their pockets to
dO SO 1 bUt, aa T O. ISla aal' frka
Sunday Journal, the peopla need not
look for any great reduction in '
rates by allowing Amerlmn vaaaata tha
free use of the canaL for tha ttMmahin
oorporauona and tha railroad oorpora- i
tlona are two bodies with ana ha. I
Tha canal coat tha neonU hnnitM. .
millions of dollara. It la not business
like to saddle th peopl with th oost
or tha canal and allow a f-w iiaa
corporations to reap tha profits from .
s i- . . .. t . - . . READER. .
4 am writing tnia in tha wall Thla
may aouna runny to those Who ara nn
varaonaiiv aoauaintaii with n.-
i. x. w wilt.
nennetta, or even ta those . who , ha
"tr oaen in r own inta -a arall ta a..
eon. but to ma It la a melancholy mo
mentnot to aay an hour and a half
Henrietta ia perturbed. I uaa ,V.
word "perturbed," not so muoh because
It Is What I mean, nor that it ...i.i
Henrietta, etate of mind,- but It la
new .word that I am vL."
fairand I want to a-Tow '1 T'work.
hitched double.
My wife Is narvoua. , Thla avenlnsr I
returned to tha wife of my bosom with
the lovellght in my eye But whin $
reached the front door, HenrletU met
me and turned r down tha n-vr:
looked kind of ahady to mo somehow.
Still, it may ba that aha la disgrun
tled somewhat becauaa 1 in. I u."
the folding bed before aha .r.L"V."
mornlnrf, or it might , be beoaua, 2
sneaked out iof bed last night 7i
Choked her parrot to death. I waa ,
f,n,a0rK a?. le" PlV'ul mood at th2
Moe.but.U appaara.that aha ce?toka'
Zl 1 m writing thla In the well, tt
we have a long open fall I mav hi -.ff
to rest opmfortably; otherwisebut wh
borrow troubla. It mtrht k. "!wn?
might even be compelled to stay in ibi
house withf Henrietta for l4 nour.
;.,-,;- '- ABB HENSTEP."
f His Business Needs.
Prom London Opinion.
t),h-tnJ?oyYu" .,a(,y- only'
thing WOt'll do u Mimh mvi l t'"
orrlbla muM.. "vw
. . . ... VIIV. a week.
nis k
j . Th, Ult Rid,
... (Oontributtd to Th Journal ba t...
tot famoaa Kaoaaa putt. , Bit pro-Do.,J T.
rs:i.)tMtun ?f "aVaaai;
,Th Idle rich are trifling folk whoB
only and. and s.1m la juat to makT - thiS
bora themselves the long thronSw
with pleasures atala and 7...v?"?S,
when there's nothing els, to- do th
seek for a dtvorca. ; I can't idmi
sporty guya who laugh at love and law
mryA m 1. .km, iv.. . "M 'aw.
retters made of atfaw. To iwao thJ
wives they, go to court and kee? the ll
lawyara hoaraei there's aometbmg VrdhI
with Java whoae sport is hbstllng tar
divorca.. The idle rich who nvf arned
a dollar of their pile aren't worth tha
gasoline they've .burned la, acordfln,
half a mlla, Soma fresh a..tina .....
OnarflAM wa . . .
i rruunnaauon, . ithar aeek. at rlnar nr m.i..
tor of The Journals-Would innnwina
your kindness in giving me tha correct
pronunciations of tha words E! and.
chauffeur. Ia the first pronounced Ell
or Else? Also chauffeur aa aho-fur.
(Tha Mat letter in th name Ely haa
the sound ofehort 1, aa la the word hit
Chauffeur is pronounced sho-fur . -j
; : ; " '' ;
waalr ta
tn. a A I f u.. .
- ' u irimii working man
valueaa the glided buma In thla with
rotten larid. .The man who haa hia work
to do remalne.e moral forte, and ouent
Otort Matlhaw Adaioa,