THL OlitOQU DAILY JO'JK.N'AU I'OttTI-AiJ!4. MtllUY HVEM.N3. OCTOBL'li If. 1511 150D VOfiKER FOLK ASHUWD FR'JITGnOV.inS VIAH UP.GE Vi'AHDiOUSE 4 v. m fct n J t-w..- e-aJ4 t4 l t w . aw... t kr- IIITI TATT i iiri Prfidrt Ocrtinles Sea! cf t Harcr at Unique Fuvticn U .,. t Iwtxtl M i I i in In M.Nv2i;icf LUNCH - Ml . -. . .... al a I $ ih rj. V a.. Im mI mt ef IM .. f n t(, n ii. !, ik U a 4 Jim-..U1 am a la itiit " k '".. l1t k.. Hum W h a aaal . In fc.44 Cur. a ll attlr Mftf rrvail ' T aidr irj tn rrtv t W to4 aard4 la If la f s4 V Wl4kl r-M a W1,f imI. WRIGHTS NEW DEVICE M -MAKES RYING EASY ' ' ' rt''taJ fa ' aw i 4tAry Ma tu v iUi m fil fir. aooortflat la OrrUI tVrltl. I ay iiioifit aaaMUMai iirtianU lla fcla alomalto contrail )vl fori tl UkFT)oita ahlIUol la avUtioa aa. aMB4Ui lo a kf mt Til f ! la 'la, a ad boUln fcla fclplaa! inara, parrarti nouonlaaa, for a vara) i tlnataa, whll vlcloua ruiU ( vla4 rri4 n ca avtry aia. . . Wriht aaid tha aw apptlaaaa aooa I etii4 M In tanaral ramftrtnc from naiora aJl pbrlcal and Brraua atrajn aJ allmtnatinc Uia aaeaaatty for tha eerobauo uaUUea whtcjj blrdman moat I aw amploy l tUne tbarnalr In I n air. Saturday B 0 a.rgaws Shop at TonlinJ's Ufcrst Cut-Rite Refill Drur Store Satur Jay. Hirralni In every ffjiion cf ihh jvpu!ir-prl:ej store. Another diy ia U;h )vu,em tuy l ine Toilet Nps it very iov prices. Ill purchases mndc on charge accounts the remainder of this month will be charged on November accountl Saturday Drug Bargains :?c TfrmUe of Hydron, f irt ....ltV 2 CSrcfrine nJ Kr Water, bott !...! fir 25c Tur Caitor 0l (Crrul Utite), bet. KJe S3c Crude artoiic Adj. bottU lHe 25c Denatured AlcoM. bottle 20e 35c Absorbent Cotton, fxHsod.... ....... ilOe :5c lt At 4 Crk, hotiiehold ueceiUtjr Ut J 5c Towdered Alum, package Of JSc Lompouod Uronee rowder, faek.,Ie IOc Sewing Machine Oil (mffy etc), can le lc Cexroanut Oil. ltle , 7c 10c Spirit Camphor, bottle 7c 10c Tincture Arnica, bottle.... 7c 10c Hay Rum. bottle Oc w lOcOalk and Wintercreen, packaf......Oc ftc Epsom Salti. package........'. 3 10c Fa raffing pound He 5c Loriota, 3 rack ape for.... lOf 10c Moth Ball, package.....' ,..5f $1XC Earthquake (Carpet Oeaner), tpecia!. 3 packages for 25f Bargains In Patent Medicines IC AHen'a Lunr Uatiam.'. 20c :5c AllcocWa Iufoua Plaitert .10c fOc BatUrd'a Snow Liniment ..33c Wc lUckmort'a Call Cart.....M.n3e 35c Brown's Celery I"bophatt... ...... !I3c Hounko't Hit Remedr .33c 25c Chambeftain'i Stomach, Lfrer Talt. 15c 5c Chlttem Bark Ttbleti ..lOf &Jc Cole't Carbolitalve 33? 25c Doan'a Kcguteta...... 15e 25c Fvana Throat raitUlei..... ICe Wc Foley KUner Tilla 20c $1.00 Harper Headache Remedy u3c S1.00 Moihcr Riend &0f $1.00 OzomuUioa tlZC $1.00 Orofrrrin UOf $1.00 I'ond a Extrmct 01 c 50c Radwar Ready Relief Il3e $1.00 Shoop'a Rettoratirt (I5e tOc SantUeptic Ixtion ...20e 25c Week.' Break Up Cold Tablet a.... 15 c Ha Huy ihcfr eaonbtc outfiti at our terr. knowing by experience they get teit value here. The extremely popular coitumes for Full and Winter are the . . Rough, Mannish, Man-Tailored and CcM We have them in many designs and fabrics, and at prices below other Portland stores. Fret Stationery and Desk Room. ExcJuahrt agents Mark "Croaa" Clorea and Leather a. Canadian Money Taken at Par. AMOR DIES WHEN HIS PLANE SOMERSAULTS $13 a-full quart of Gucken heimer Rye, bottled in bond. ..for..... ...use $1.25 Chickencoek. Bourbon.! 8 years old, "bonded . . . R9f $1.23 Carlisle Rye, bond'd 79 $1.00 Tom Martin Blend COf $1.00 Eilers Malt... 8Qc J2.00 Clan ' Mackenzie, That J Old .Scotch- . .. . .151.40 SlO S-Star Cognac, imported, .for........ .. ...,:.;31.23i SATURDAY LIQUOR SPECIALS J Rbairn.- J-ranca. Oct. ' 17-ArUtorl rtwparnat was InatanUy kill ad bcra to-1 arrr raillnr with hU macblna whDa ncaf4 in arrar aarlaj tvaU. Tha ma-1 blna. aotnoxnanltlnc from tialstit ct Tanu nunaraa reat. tnrn4 over, a aum-l r Of Una bafora landing. DcRparnet'i l(X3y:aa plckad op ( Xaat Xrom tha Biacmna. $1.00 Buehu Gin, for1 the kid- neys 7c 73c Cal. Vermouth., 49e $1.00 Duroy rort...;....C2e 73c pints California Sparkling Burgundy and White nine, 44e. for 82.50 $1.00 Velyet Manhattan and Martini CocXtails .... .70 To ret that touch of life and flayor in your cooking use our California Sherry and 3-Star Brandy. Use it in fruit cakes. plum pudding, mincemeat, etc SHERRY .s Per bottie 25c-50e5 rer ganon ....S1.OO81.50 BRANDY 100 - proof (extra grade), . per bottle.;. ......81.00 Per gallon ... 83.50 BRANDY ; 90 proof, per gallon. . ; .83.00 Use Voodlark". Pure Spices. Our standard "Quality and Integrity la synonomous of Supremacy in value. ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR DEVOTED TO THIS DEPARTMENT EI XIMC I IUXlrod Imports 8w1m VlIUc. I ' .- Uat4 Vrm V4 lt.i " London. Oct 17. KaaJ Swiaa moun- lain cllmbara and a wbola vlllaaa from tha BwUa Alpa, plouraaqua people, cot. ana am are to oa iranapiaotaa to tba Rocky mountain thle year by the I'acaflian I'aeinc railway. Tba imported famUlaa will make thai r Dormanant hotnea there and aid . American moan lain cllmbara. ' Dry alabweod. Albtna Tum Co.' IF ITS TOOTH TROUBLE SEEDR;WISE JUST ARRIVED New ahioment of FRESH REEDS and RAF FIA for BASKET WORK. Reeds are abso lutely the finest ever received by us are long, clean white fibre and of the utmost flexibility. No breaking of reeds just when yon least ex nect it. Come in all pooular sizes. PRICE, per bundle 10tf RAFFIA, natural color; 8-oz... 15 per pound -oc COLORED RAFFIA, some handsome new shades, per package.. .10 : Bargains In Rubber Goods $2.75 red guarantee'd Combination Water Bot- tie and Fountain Syringe! ....$1.87 $1.25 2-quart Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe 93 $1.00 2-quart Slate Fountain Syringe. .. .63 $1.50 2-qu ct red Fountain Syringe, guaran teed, for....... .....98c S5c Towels at;. . ...... . .... . .. .19c Slumber Sox at 15c pair or 2 pairs for.'. .25 Post Card Album at Cut Prices 15c 100-card Album at.. ..9r 25c 150-card Album at 15 35c 200-card Album at ...23c 50c 300-card Album at..l 33i 75c 300-card Album at fGc $1J2S 400-card Fancy Album at 94c Le&tibo; tlolhicr Momsoa at Fourth SEE OUR SAMPLES OF RAPHAEL TUCK'S PRIVATE GREETING CARDS Place your order now for.Xmas and New Year's and have exclusive cards. This is with out doubt the finest collection ever shown on the Pacific Coast. Out of town folks order by mail and save money. Our cut rates save more than cost of mail or express "w I wl kite I 11 .1""- n m TOTDTn Mm W00DRRD & CO. OPEN A MONTHLY ACCOUNT WITH US SEE THAT OUR NAME IS OVER THE DOOR mm ' W. A. WISH . Our Bridge Work Is the triumph of modern dentistry. - , Perfectly fitted plates with flexl- I bio auction does away with all dis comfort. ',-"' ' ! AH kinds of dental work treated in me mosc scienimo manner. . . luh riutu run nibn- GRADE WORK Oood Xnbber Plates, aaon. .....B5.00 Tha Best Bed anbbez Plates. I aaoa j.. ..$70 aa- Karat Gold or roroalab - Crown. tor 15.00 ; U-Xftrat Brldra Teeth. Onac aataed, . each- .13.50 Sold or "Enamel rilUnfa, aack fl.00 Bilrer ruilnrs, each. . . , . . ; . . . , ,S0e And an Absolnta Onarmntee Backed or a ears ia roruano. 247 STORE No. 1 Morrison Street Bet. 3rd and 2nd 4th oS, Newest, High Cut, Button Shoes at Special Price Ladies' $4 22-button Hijrh Cuts. Tans and all sizes, nowt pair Blacks,, stub toes, extension soles, (? O C A ....... .....tj7aV.Ul vise Dental Co Misses' J?3.00 Hirh-Ciit Button Shoes, blacks and - tans, extension soles, in all sizes " jy-aar-'w aaaVS f fcWtWtl. C.iVW WaaWVaJ tans, ' extension soles, in, all g i ' Offloo Hoars i - A. SC. to T. K. adaja to X. rnoaaa Kain S099, rallina- Blif, Sd an A oaa. waatasrtos. Children's 2.00 :Hi?h-Cut Button, Shoes, black and tans, all Cf 1 Of sizes, now, pair. ... .. . ...) 1 V olBliOB;; j J 0t0t ; -A w J rfll? W ; slV , : : : rZ, i i i i i ' las. w aav ia. . ;. r ,imm. i r V . I I Il l -D' .-atVVC...- t ... STORE No. 2 Street, Corner Yamhill St. VAV - ',i - ' I ' v.. J).