THE 0&EGON lUIXY JOURNAL. rOJtTlJUiD. WEPNKSnA. EVEKINO. OCTOnEK tS, M), aka fc K.t4 I tat ba t-4 ta l444 i a-1 is w-f aa - ka a . in 1 tiff H .., k4 l w w sk f - I !. k - tiia-tll ikt.i ika sua . ft-. kt ISa a - Ike al a -. I can j 4 kawJaal I i a. PORTLAND BOY, PERCY h a- a ' l - t..a i;a.t t- r - ka 4 ka Ma . IU !.- I a a laaM a a a aa.k ta HI SUE BED d PUCE ltorfoi?nvPW ft - . kaa-e -- - S - r reduction of ' image or mc uous V0UF. IH JLAIU FDRGEHY BftV aa.A rk aw, lab- 14 4.a l - -iavl e4ft7 a Ik la- I I -- MtH 14 I- ka I ilk4 ak 4'kaa4a-e fa.all4 U lUUJli ika, A ' 4 U ama.ja a ) - ' a- r aa-s .-- aa ! aaMat It. -4 H--f afc a4a4 ... ! k'.d walk a4 aaawav - lk4 t4 c4 as faaaaas ai4 ka., , , C i piaJka. . .,jrjai. ef ika !' si I--! - rvr , , k at j-v.. . t J. ktlaa-a a . f Miss Mabd Ferris AsVi S25, I, kV UMI k- ) - fraav a Mi kWal S-t 4fC ! aal kl 4 a-ka- SiS 4k4 ! j- U ! 000 for Play of Indar. Lore, (Sw.-.aU a fka I aMMia wtib II eiiik, a f-iv4 Uaa w kk t lit a. ., it ! II aaakl f4 r la OHJ4 -i Itaikaall. ka -e r- - r iit M kwa4 ri - f. Klia aa Iba kwkl ta-a aaka,4 Sk.a I Ja4 kM tkat - tii4 a ik Iiu4 kail Ike i.:aa Tka sirisaia a la I kinii) w naki.a" k- - UtiM. eta. k IW If kaU aaa av M l-kaal alt VaaiS avea.14 t4ae4 !-' 4'4 ' .4l aitk k- aavl. Iia4 ta latiiif ea l.a kV -- Poitma.ter Memck Gives His ? A44t, l, t i fk t -.a rvtrt aa I a.ka aa isa - ItatkaaVkl k-a-k k kaan III. !. He a(i 1 ! n4 aaaak Um Wte keka af 4-e' m"'l rif4 I It m- I keav Aisent ta the Plan Which., ikia l tk "tj 1 ( Im Was Sugjested by Munid pai Architect Bennett ... itMiul 4a v. e - laa aj Maiif4 - e B,.a 4 ! imjm4 1 IHEKOUSEOF v kr kii fm a 1 a 14 f lk f Ik ti- ki-. f i ak-l 1 1 -e-e I ke (tkie. Iee I ! Ik a a-! lie ke Kit alta a r a4 a itk av-ai --k )ar .(ti ie iu jl Ui'II VI el f " 4-a i- W- ( . t(.-4 la ' Ik WMitM. I a 1 1 I Maa m 111m kVJ I M w - I. k t '- M I m tana a .-. tike ' " I sl al ftae'ke ie t.,, , ri 1 r . : ; FOR AUDITORIUM l-J I K awl l' . aek4 Tk tka k ! "'' No ' -" IhtlOl !- - lkk ! a Vfw el t!a TW awM4 a ,1... . to a fa-- al4 l'fs .ial U4 irri t mmJ r-4 ke -'l UuJill alia l.. . IM U aAaarael. ti t attalajl ' -. l MatftuM Ja) ta I Ik k1 far udifl MmM tiwrt iarak it tatak r w. r fii- Vt tat last a arrl la fM M 1(1 klrvat I 1 1 1 1 T t Yaiaaua, Ktawtaeal Ir-seUf. cla:i a IM air!. U fi. lit 1M mri llMlwtnt. I I II Iwl Tm I taiwaUa f It U I Hi. la eWaaiag f tka Ml'Mioi f alar riM iimt Hwu( im "rty silk.. t i aaarii .wtl I II7V:1L Aamls la aa4 IM lrt A-"lr4 ape (t t'rtraary. l ! fUliiif or ! I mi imrSy adaarML Tka OaasaMTrtal. fr. Ad. Ralary a4 trorlrf tiuatoaaa Maa cJutx r prtiva la forvardia laa rank far Ik auditorium. Tbar kra aw rrsdjr lo fttrltMr laa rampalt-n for alia ky aut-lnT loat I ha laiaraata f To4 eHiknhlp and I ha Una b Ba rn ranala ! aocr from Wxallnf ib aaitoriuM o4 atwlllott kuU4 lac kit at"Mil4' mora I ha a eompanaata lha ad to. a lea cf Ih astaikta of Mor rtaon kti. aMaaktt rTr4 Bit. WbU In IVrtlan4 alonkclixl Archi tect Hrnnatt an4 that a mlataka waa WlntT road In platuilog for th Marrtaoa tlrt ailanaioo. sarin lb atr eoald b drflct4 with fully aa nuch arofll lo prop-rtr owoara aod lravlr( lha ipoatuoa building kita a part of .tha propoaad racreailon cen trr of tht'Unatar Portland plan. Il polntad oat not onlr uprlor atrt car sarvlra from avrry quarter of lb clljr rantarlns thrra, bat called atten tion to lb proslmltjr of tha alultnomah club M aAotber unit of tl recreation canter. "I think Mr. Bennett wak right I brllev a ahould u tba old aipoal t.f-i i.k4 al. k lf aa mi tia kit faerta fai la ! Iat avaa4atkBa Hal a bra 1 La 4aava aie fi 4erteg Ike t'ealeaaual Ika al Wle4 a.a aa ka. IUI Ika a4laia aaa faa.lek4 at aaa k Ika Cealaaial tkiilaa, aJI-a( .aiert.Uf la Ika Jaa f Ike 4 lk-i t.imtt ttety.1 I la; la a ka4. Oketk) Ika 1 alaakMl la U1 1 1 .. waa fa ra 1414 aia Tk atalai Ikal la bnag ka Aataet lb Mlia4C fr (- at 4 ekcaia raamMf fM4 kSW u4 a la rraaaa isa aval Ikai ika gala rare I H a4 fall far Hlt of Ika akfaaae. l la ala faulatad al Ifcal a hi la Ibaea aa.e ia'ga tivili alleaHllag Ika Vataaalai. twa eMCllkaaa v-m14 ) ll I is fx tar. fwrwe Ika pr4 Faerl bat am fcaaa lkee raaeiaaraki llnteal la faar of pr-lurtag Ike lay '-f, klruelara oa Ika aat aid af the r1er. Tba reeitaat fur rttaUltva plaaa - la lb ooaalttx lk of li.a kiadilaenuMl Ul ba la4 tkte ariaxwa at t o'ekara. Klrb V. Callae, arrbllael. f tfkka. elerle4 la aeve OA Iba Jury of erla, arne4 I vwtlad tkie aw;ag. WUlU folk, kVaa rraarUM-a arebilan. k4 04 kuvtulxr af ih Jorr. "Ul reach trtl4 latnorraa). Tha third wml-ar of ba Jury la tenia T. toranaa. ad- viaory archlla af lha udllarlum torn- kniealaa. Mar tha a Ilk rotopetltle plank for Ih auditorium ara aald I bare he recetrad. Tbey II b atblblted far krrailay of iha Jury of krd la a room oa lha areond floor of Iba He'llrg buildtag. ruom boa ua granted free for the purpoa by Be Helling. Tba award la I announced Keeemher MeaawhU tboaa who ara antloue for lb ar!y eoairrtlon of the build ing hope to obtain action, thai will lead lo tha lore 1 1 on on Ih lt of lha old ei pool t loo building under lb con dition outlined. BATHROBE THEORY FAILS IN RICHESON MURDER MYSTERY (Continued from Page Oca) lion building alt," aald Poitmaater C B. 1 errick . yesterday. . Mr.. Merrick - la not only awcrttaxy of th Cirlo Im provement I-kag-us which am ployed Mr. Bennett, belt h served as chairman of th auditorium campaign committee. Aggreeelv action In advancing; th locating of th auditorium waa taken thla morning by th . Cast Side Bus. Ineaa Men' club In tb appointment of cooperative com mil tee of tbre of its members, namely. L. Mont Zipper, C A- Big-low and E. R. Gellniky. It , Wk announced that tha commit tee'a first - function will b to aid In finding an adequate location for th auditorium, and if a suitable plac Is not found on the west sld immediate ly, to Initiate a petition for locating th DISFIGURING n E CURED III 2 WEEKS Blisters Broke and Formed Scabs. ' '.Nose Covered with Them. Very : Itchy. Used Cuticura Remedies. Now Hasn't a Single Mark. "My nephew flrtt showed sign- of ecrem an the middle finger, and it cam out like blister. Hi mother thought he had gotten a burn in soma wy unknown to her, and she ' tre ted it m suchv He must hav rubbed his face with that band, as it then broke out on bis nose tbe same way. W hen the blisters broke, tbey shrivelled up and formed eesbk. His nose waa covered with scabs, snd It wu very Itchy. He u badly disfigured with un- slrhtly kcabe. At first, bis nose wu tore, and it gradually became worse so his mother took him to the doctor. He gav her soma preparation, and told her to rub tb scabs off every day, and anoint the affected part with the medicine be gave her. "The nun must have been Insane, as that was extreme torture to the child who was ' only two years old at the time, and that : was two years ago. Well, we decided that that treatment would have to end. I sug gested Cuticura Ointment and they bought it and put it on freely every day for two weeks. He had the ecrema for lour weeks altogether, but wu getting gradually worse until they used the Cuticura Remedies, and he was cired In two weeks. He most cer tainly would have been scarred with the other treatment, but now be hasn't a single mark. Cuticura Remedies cured him In two weeks, and now we always keep them in th bouse." (Signed) Miss Ida Slavin, 283 South Fifth Bt., Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 4, 1911. For more tban a generation the Cuticura Remedies likve afforded tbe most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp of Infants, children and adults. A cake of Cuticura Boap (26c.) and a box of Cuticura Ointment (50c.) are often sufficient. Al- . though sold throughout the world, a liberal sample of each, with 33-p. book on the skin, will b sent free, on application to Pottei : rug Cnem. Corp., Dept. ISA. Boston. BaaaaaaaawaaaMMaaaHaMaaMM - . W -aT ' ST -W : dampen Natural Laxative Water '. ' Quickly Relieves? Biliousness. , Sick Headache, .' Stomach Disorders, CO NGTI PATIO H H lalnlngajha cyanide after he bad taken th drug. If It warts by thla means that aha met death. They admit that this link In their chain of evldenc agalnat lha young clergyman Is weak and are now advancing th theory that tha girl took cyanide in a gelatin capsule In powdered form. They say thkl thli aceounta for the longth of time It re quired for' tha poison to kill her, ad cynld usually causes Instant death. Medtcat Examiner Lary and HI strict Attorney Pellatler declared positively that th first autopsy showed unques tionably that Miss LJnnell wss killed by cyanide. Casket Ope aed a Xldaig-hs. ' Th opening of tb casket at mid night was dons' to prevent th defense from seeking a restraining Injunction, Rlcheeon'a attorneys having nought tha order from Judge Murray, who agreed Ao decide th question at I o'clock this tnornlng. District . Attorney Pellstler entrased four medical experts to assist Examin er Lry at ths second autopsy, at which Philip Dunbar, attorney for Blcheson. demanded that h b permitted to have witnesses. Immediately after the autopsy the casket will be reseated and returned to Hyannls. Rlcheeron . again asserted his Inno cence today, expressing his belief in the certainty with which It will be proven. He told his father: I am absolutely Innocent. There will be no difficulty in provlnar it, even to the enemy, after I tell my story." TANK ORDINANCE REPEALED AFTER FIERY DISCUSSION (Continued from Page OneJ mm UNESATABERDEEH Eastern Capitalists Announce Plans for Development of Grays Harbor. C-. 4iH dinance and throw us out of the district n which we have located in accordance with the law, that you hold a final hearing- and determine whether or not oil tanks as we propose to construct them are dangerous. If you don't want us to stay in South Portland tell ua where we can go before you kick us out I think what we ask Is nothing more than fair." Another Outburst Attorney Logan created another wild outburst of enthusiasm by jumping to his feet after Attorney Cake sat down and delivering a fiery addendum to his opening speech. The oil companies brousrht exnerts here seven years ago to show that oil tanks were not dansrerous." said Mr. Logan. "They proved that tanks were safe and that oil would not burn, and 1 hey can do It again; but all the world hiiows mat. on tanics are dangerous, ex pert testimony to the contrary. And I want to say that If this council repeals xnis ordinance the action will bo UDheld by the courts and backed by the sober judgment of the people. If the tanks are banished- from the city altogether. Councilman Baker explained his vote briefly. He said he ibad acted for what he believed to be the best Interests of the city In selecting several -oil dis tricts inside the city, but that he has now been convinced the oil tanks should go outside. "Seem Unfair," x Say. "I never dreamed they would locate in South Portland," said Mr. Baker. "But the oil company has located there, and has spent lots of money. It does seem unfair now to force them to go else where, such a short time having- elapsed since, they - had' to' move from Kast Water street However, councilmen are only creatures of th - people, and the sentiment of the people of South Port land Is unmistakably adverse to lb location of tanks in their section. . I therefor rote to repeat Before voting to repeal th ordle nance. Councilman Joy called attention to the fact that th council has, by passing the oil tank measure and other add repealing the ordinances of a few weeks later, made of Itself a Joke. He said this should be a lesson not to do anything hastily In future. Capital will not Invest, ba aald.. If such tactics ar continued. -' . ( v.wuaiuinan aionas voiea against re-1 peal, saj lug he thought th wboleaal I I t Tba )raall Aberdeen, Waan.. Oct : nrvys for elarlrte line hat baaa mad both 10 tb Hound and lo Wlltap harbor by tha Urays Harbor Railway A Ugh I company which la planning I build line I connect Or ays jiarbor and theae point a. Tb tin to Wlllapa Itarbor will ba built first Th company I olso plan ning an extension on Waal Sixth atraet beyond th gulch, as wall aa exten sion In liouutaxn. On reeult af th Una i 'Wlllap harbor will ba th building of a fre bridge aero) tb H Chrhalis river. These plans war announced at a dinner given by K. C Millar loCK. Dur bla of New Tors, general upr1ntadant of th Federal Light at Traction com pany, owners of tba Grays Harbor Rail way 4t Light company and to H. B. Zim merman and II. K. Ruaa, th new man ager and treasurer reapac Lively of th local company. It waa also aanounoed that the company contemplates th erec tion if in office oolldlng her. shop should b ax city if th oil tanks and retail paint eluded from th must go- Th council referred to the commit tee on health and police sn ordinance limiting the quantity of oil that 'may be stored In on plac In th city to 6000 gallons. COUNCIL. SUSTAINS RUSHLIGHT'S VETO Mayor Rushlight's veto of th ordU nance requiring public service corpora tions to pay interest on cash deposits exacted from patrons was sustained 'by th council this morning. Th veto message stated that the ordinance was so loosely drawn that It would defeat its own purpose. Councilman. Clyde made an unsuc cessful fight to prevent th passage of a time and manner ordinance for the Improvement of Raleigh 'street from Fifteenth street to Twenty-eighth street The ordinance calls far the Improvement of tbe street with as phalt Mr. Clyde wished tb street paved under the competitive paving amendment The councilman also voted against the improvement of a number of other streets for which proceedings were Initiated under the old law. LOMBARD WOULD QUIT CHARTER COMMITTEE Gay Lombard today tendered tils res ignation from the charter revision com mission appointed by former Mayor- Si mon, in a letter to Mayor Rushlight he says he has decided to spend the win ter in San Francisco, and that he will be unable to serve on the commission. Mr. Lombard mcde commission form of government a campaign ' Issue last spring when be was seeking the Re publican nomination for mayor. Mayor Rushlight was surprised to receive the former councilman'" resignation. In view of the ardent enthusiasm Mr. Lombard had expressed for a revised charter and the assurances he had given that be would do his -best to obtain charter re vision at the earliest possible date. WIDOW, 69 YEARS, HAS FAMILY OF 66 WITH HER "'"mil""" " '1 . r (United Press Leased "Wire.! Shanghai, Oct. 26. Consular reports on the census at Wei Hal Wei show that the Chinese greatly favor large families Uving together so as to avoid the dividing up of the family property. The largest of these undivided famlls is that of a widow living In the village or Mang xae, witn a lamlly 01 66. u She is 69 years old. There are nine ons in her family, the remainder of the family being grandchildren aod great grandchildren. The family has a ser vant v . Sembrich May ReturiL , (United Press teased Wire.) New 'York, Oct 26. Madam Marcella Sembrich's Inevitable return to the operatic stag Is declared today to be Imminent as a result of a stock market speculation which cost her about f 2,000, 000 during the past two years. , Torprxlo Boat Destroyers Missing. (United Press IVeaaed Wire.)' Norfolk, Va, Oct 26.-Tha torpedo boat destroyer Reed and tha tug Poto mac are searching today for the de stroyers Barney, Craven, , McDonbugh and tY'Ukea, which have net been, beard from since they left Charleston, S.' C.i bousd foe Norfolk, several day ago. 1 I P aa. O I f All work made on premise in our new sanitary workrooms, which . are open for impection of patrons. Work done quickly. Take Elevator and Save $ IS - - Open SatnrrJay -and Monday rights Man -Tailored Skinner Satin-Lined 1 Ladies' Suits TO ORDER "THANEC YOU" You came a "little thick,M ladies; we want to apologixe for not belnir able to wait on you better. We also wish to thank those Who could not be waited on for coming back Uter. Now we are ready with a larger sales force and new shipments of patterns, and you can atfll get the greatest values ever offered on the Coast, MADE TO YOUR OWN MEAS URE. for less than a CHEAP READY-MADE "MISFIT." The finest line of Foreign Woolens to choose, from; THE BEST DESIGNERS AND FITTERS IN THE WORLD to give that INDIVIDUiLlTY that makes a uUored suit so different from the rest and the pri i-WE ARE ASHAMED to talk about that ENOUGH 3AID when we say we are not going to expect to make profits until we have shown that we can and do turn out aa fashionable gar menu as any firm, anywhere," AT' ANY PRICE.' We show over 2000 styles of Woolens. - .- .: ; -. .. a "The House of 6 air If jo f1 an tedttt' tatter or hand-mfdowm houi in. rOrflunu kvIO nuj ns as nttmmmr aa ay. wwmmm glo you a prist and wo don't blamo thorn. Salesroom and Workshops Third Floor Northwest Building, Sixth and Washington Streets. Take Elevator on Washington Street Side Big Piano Firm Will Move to; 7th and Morrison Sts. Dec. 1 Now Is The Time Buy That Piano Present Address 304 Oak Street Bet. Fifth and Sixth Never Better Chance to Get a Player Piano We have leased the corner store at Seventh and Morrison Sts.,-Tull CS Gibbs Bldg., with wareroom , space on second floor and basement, and will move to our, new quarters Dec. 1 In order to reduce the expense of moving our immense stock of Pianos and Player Pianos, we have priced every instrument in our store at a figure Which we believe wiU force even .the most skeptical prospective purchasers to grasp this opportu nity of securing a fine instrument from a reliable and , conservative firm for an exceptionally smaU amount of money. . This . clearance offers every possible uV ducement' to economical piano-buyers, and in order to remove every obstacle from your owning an instrument now, we offer especially easy terms : of payment PRESENT ADDRESS : 304 Oak Street Ve7 aW VW' X'aV? A7 t f)1 : rsVilxaa i4.lli ate -f Bet Fifth and Sixth Plate vvurii The Best Procurable' 9 Bridge Work Unexcelled WiseDentalCo i . Offle Soars i . " 8 A. SC. t J. K. Bandars) lis 1. whose Mala S029. A Mas. - ruling Bldg, Sd and WMbinanonT sertHAt somni Notice that these teeth are interchangeable without re moving from the mouth, f LOW PRICES FOR HIGH- GRADE WORK ' Good Bnbba mates, ach.V...S.cRM Th Bast Bed Bubber FUkss. I ....17 AO IX 32-staret Oold or Poroalata Crown, tot .S50 ga-xarat BrMr Tta, Ohiar ntaed, each ....13.80 OolA or Enamel riUiagt, mob Sixo SUvr rilling. Men. . .. .... ; . . . go, And an Absolut Oaarantaa Baokad B7 Tear In rortUnO. , f i I as