n ... J li t at t- .j .M-4 t -r r S l. a.. I.... 114 4 t. A t. --J 4 itt.it ma - I -"- 4(tf I4 COUUISSiO.1. EIECTIO.W AT ASTORIA Dt-CEMDEn 4 itvMaM a. Im mwl I 4n tj. to 4. It A m-mi 4 t4 14 t .....it 14 M I ' att.ar 14 1 i. t Mlwut ft tt ta ann . ii SCULFTOn FUTh'AM H I i' A' 77- fW,,V FEMININE w m r -a. r .' W 4 ... 4 i.Ijmi, u .. M u. M- --V ,- u... lik t- a - irti It aa ll kt Mit li.-.k tka.. tAut .4 at4 M t,tjtt. 4t4 4V J f ta-i a4 st-atwr A. M BWiik taw t ! UHltil 14k Vktm-m imj iii..ii 1. 1 ia )aa is Mt aattt. a.m.,. 4 4u IA.WS av. RClAPSCSTHDiGTM ILll UmS run 1 IimI mm. I BV tl.tet.v II t'i,.r ,t t. n.a, if.j4 i ,i ! U ii eta i it i 1 tftl Ilk wtM.tt.Mlt a Hti4 s I I 4 ii tiiivttk it 1 ,, s 1. i,,r .. ... .. k. , at . u. .j, 4a w 4t Ma mi'j tv IJ.H. M Wj . U.Vt. Mt: 4w. t..i. kM kl.. tsrit. I- " )M - t4 fcti M. Questions and A tisuva 4 1 . M I im 4 'v. w 4 ft ik tt wi tl tu4a t tw.4 iwmM t alt it ui tt a ir 4w tJl4 twitt t..M Hit lia tl fra4t4 iuit)i A 4 ta ae t. T-ia tt Mt 4k4 ( w .'I4 iiitiM t Mttt m riil a Atf4 ef It tr t44. -lV4 M' r k Mm Uit w t 4 tm M Mw Mf 14 afts4 I'mWv U Ta-Niaii. . f 44 . Um ttllnui kM 4Miw M 4I W t t I a -4 An'fi4t4A I..U . f ! MMUi4 I A t4 ' t tfc avwr ttk.ti a. it I w il 1 . fc. tac. II..IM ! ta 41 14 Hituit it --a v. - I !- l ! tUM Kww 4-m 41 tti , uk4 ttwM4 toola'a lt i4wta t 4 fa at 1 ihi mw i r-- At -. l- t Ma I "- IkfMt Mr44tttg M.ry t 4 a 1 i ( . hi kmniiav V satl wil imJi fr aitikn s H 111 4lwa. t- tU'iC k- wUmi t titti'wl I a.t i vt r .- ni i vim rti4 ia a t ti i Ma imul4 ki tr"i4 tii t ii tm k M itaM4W Mi 4 -- t4 t U ' l- lit-M 4fc.4l kM M kfalrtl't M J- tMt4 - tlW bk4 4ttf I . t )iW4 t,&s l k4 aat Wm.4i I la t i .4 r iut ta i4 llVN 4lOi ttl at lti A to wil c, Ml. ata Ir-i-Nt Mntt kM Mal-. M'- 4t MM4v tl M ! 4U S M V 4 ltt4 l se fcua Maa)ejt It.. M ', MrtM. M T !'', tl -tVt I t4 M t. (nv 4.ta.t4 i fv.4 ax c r. iMK an 4 Um ia '.. Ma 4t4wr A Casual W w. ix ., kit . wr A IM4 U- l U t. I M 44 (ltw4ttk4) ta t Ui r !, Mi Wit. Ma A l l lir4l Mi. -4 Hit 4 - AtMVMlIt, tat t t4ta It IM. t m at af .4 H 4 At. Hi a4 i W-.a l.t k-u. M- I. fct4i A kit. a ail l- i kct Uir k-'iis M 4i- t lt (. $ kN4 aMt It tf tl l f M. V. AV Tt-t im la ait imi y-a ti a r4ta 4 t 4 t Alb-.!, Mr 4 tt II L. tJ. Mt M A:w - 4 tt4 ' !.- a. tr.4., iAia avitK M'.t Uo iia. Mt t.l ku Tkw Mw 4- . I I ii nana . t.L..4 " Mi t U J, tui Mr 4 ttita htt't iv at j M' K I txai., Mr. a.4 Mi (l Hmt Mt U. Mi lta 4 m ta 4tii I, !, M -4 bit . J. vtrA. km u. nut r THi: O(Lu0?i DAILY JOUJiKAU I'OUTtAKH. V. L'.t'i V. i DAY t V E ,' I N 0. OCTOBKK ti. Hlf. M X&OClocti Tea lr l l . Muw I MA. ta Ml -4 M Wait r. 4tiftL Mr ai Mi It M 4f Mr. e4 Mi It 4 . Mr 4 Mi U. tV lr t-ts. iitt a4 Mi- isM f. I-. M. . Mi ii4 IS. tfc Mr. M Mi t-m Mr. M Mi t e4l Mr. 4 Mr i M. t)iur. Mi T. it DiMU Mr. lieuae Mr el Mi Vltiui; i. Mi 4UUte tw.ks Xr 4 Ml lte 1441 4 Mi It U lMkUf. Mr. 4 Mi tl t. iatjit it 4 M. Cr It Mr, 4 Mr r. IA t U' Mr, 4 Mi. C If, lWr. twr. M jk c Cr. Iw. 4 M li HI imu.1. Mr. 4 Mr 4.a'4 (WiMU. Mi ltd 44 iMMil, Mr. 4 Mr. Iuui Kgi ttMI. Mr. 4 Mr. lUtrr U tW Mr. 44 Mi 14.' W. ltwl. Mr W. II tVrt.lt Mr. 4 Mr. H llov. i4 Wtt, Mr. Mr. W. U. CH ilr Mr It C UWt, Mr. 4 Mr. It J. C CIM, IIIM 4 Mr. JJ t'kr. lr. 4 Mr. J r. It, Mr. 4 Mi. Mn r. X '. Mr. 4 Mr. C A. tMik, Mr. 4 Mr. W. It likl.r. Mr. 4 Mr y - KKiiMit, Mr. 4 Mr J. A. PM4WU, Mr, 4 Mr UilMrl Mr. 4 Mr. 41 L. irtt. k Hit Wittai Uulp. Xr. 4 kr. 44, l..r rrriMr, Mr. 4 Hit 4. r. KwU4t. CUI 4 Mr J. M KlIlMlt Mr. E4r4 ri l& ( 4 Mr W. IX ImkhIi r 4 Mr. J. Amtrt rwtUkMiw Mr. 4 Mr. J. Iiry rUI. Mr. 0fs r. rtoiutar. Mr. 4 Mr. Itotwrt Wit rrb, Mr. lUitwa rrnn. Mr. C K. UUMt Mr. 4 Mr. Oorc Oood. Mr. 4 Kit Ch1 014. Mr. a4 Mr W1U OUtxrt Mr. 4 Mr. O. WHr tt Mr. d4 Mr C C4r4 Qrvll, , Mr. 4 Mr. J. o. 0uI4, Mr. ad Mr. Jir Oo, Mr. a4 Mr. UlllUo. Mr. a4 Mr. OltUar. Mr. o4 Mr. It 4t Hotr4, Mr. 4 Mr. rrnk K. Itart. Mr. Mr. Kobrt ltwtt Mr. Booa lllrtcli. Mr. o4 Mr WJit V. llo)ma. Mr. 4 Mr. Dvl4 T. llora. Mr. 4 Mr. J.-U. Hony nan. Mr. Jl M. llonrma Mr. i4 Mr. Bnm Uooertnan. Mr. wtl tm ltrW Mr. W. r. lionajrMB. Mr JU1, Mr. o4 Mr. Henry lltw It Mr. n4 Mr, r. JJofUa Mr, kninbata .llunlllon. Mr. Thorn O. ft4lr. Mr. and Mr. R. R. Hoc. Mr. nj Mr La lliwlir IloffirMa. Mr. and Mr. Htlt Mr. and Mr. IL M. IUllr, Mr. an4 Mr. Morton H. Intlty. Mr. and Mr, lulph Jtnklna. Vr. a4 Mr. Wll IUa Jon. Dr. and Mr. H. . ionea, Mr. and Mr a a Joaktlm, Mr. nd Mr. , Victor Jorinaon. . Mr. and 'Mr. Klrlck Air Jcb, Mr. and Mr. John K. Kolloek, Mr. and Mr. PaUri .Krrr.'Mr.' aad Vr. saan! c Karr, Mr. 'and Mr. Tboaaaa . Karr. .. Mr, and Mr Nfcbard Kocbler. Mr. and Mr. M. U Hoibrook, Mr. and Mr. T. R. KoUock. Mr. and Mr. Alma D. Kits. I liit,a Wtiv Mia Ylifiu Mia Mil- i Ma IttaW M Mj'af Mte ln Hu. Mia M I Ita4 Mliii4U. Ml tUatotv li I HUM tnift. kM ttut. ktlH k tlWIM TilW, r. . A. A. Al Vm A4ra. IIA Arr. J- -" ftka. Mf, tx rx4k a4 I". I rt Hi Ha F- tMr4. AMr ! It Ja tajfct, l-im !-.. It k lutt. (Vuw ItaiW. I J H -iltt Mr. tkM. it" U " r If. W. A CwtM.ta. tlA4 t-. Inwtwt titrt lit It M IWMto, Jr. J. l inav aV t ra. Jr. lit. iafa t tt (xwt tt4 faarna Kk rtal. fii rvt. (-aaiaia Car, ijtnimtat t4ratv Uia! II- M. rat. rr4 rwrur, AM rraaa. r4ar4 Hun. Ja Mr rtiaxr Et!aHa P'ar. Ktra f Ilk l-rtwia4 ( la f IhalkatitaM. Jata rtrfltao. IttfituM rwi Aaiikti 1"m and ArWlrliol lcii. I-IM rUMI. Ilfi4 Oiar Ua f N Yr. a rr4 1 A. T. till Mo4m- Uli. UrakAai Mia Mr aVtyablvr. Ml IxtKfcr. It- UritatM tatval4 Ur. 7va ltr la Ura Miar iur afcfo4L I ataa. Ktia llowtywaa. fkuna jiar. Wklt I lxmAo Mr. aia. a TlclAtla llattak. tarU iielhnwk. im feril4at mt I at I'MnfttJ ! roav I r l4a. Morto lartli. tuial irM. 4JlTc4 aa dJra aa tka rlaal Itaii. T. 1 Iftwa. Mr. Uikoa r Amaru t th vvrld. I HlcaarA Joim. t Partita I. ir. jar. rinr rca war rtarttitat at l ha I !r, IX C Jtrrania. iU jaaattya.) M Mt: trill Haa Itil ta-a tr 4,k 4mm . tnir it rtkaf ( I t xt,t A al al4i kU i. U r. raa. afc4 timt IX (r tl t4Vt: 4 1 tlf thA l t tl r l taa lta B4a4 Aa tx ar(.ir a.4 ru M lVk.Is. tr Mia Mff ( 4 l.li m wl ttlt4 a iiim!! I Utt til tk t A 4 a tr I" f ir 4 itr u I ixita &t u kt Niihr A la ita4 la Ia hi I 4tr aa f mu.i ti II a4 aAa a ! akiujf fr raar far I ana. Jolt J, Mat tkaaa w4ta4 it rr I. Utia a a ttitta, ti a M tf k-Mia 4rl a4 a- m4 ir fnAa twit txti aiuitf t f ia a4a a r a In the Kitchen ctnrrtt. Mr UUrl wta la jvr l willla K. M'toa. pianiay javai Trk al aaa dar. kat ait b4 ilaialtiavtd JardA, Pre Jokaaav. Kan la r Aatario ra'a la troa uKakir. A ad raw Karr. Toi ,rr. it ratl: thm Poller alarala tkt I r. K. Klakl. la Lla. T. A. IJaiai tar aad atrtpa aa tka arm bo I of I rat. )(rr I-Abh. K4r M. Lajat. rori rorr ta world poline." Via in. L. Maciaar, w. u. Mtrkar. :aa than taft for Quak. to att4 tka I Mat Arthur, tawla A. MacArtbwr. Cm OtaadtAa Mak-Il eonraotie. fVora I A. McKaan. Celoeal C K. MeUunatil. Inar aha will t la Carap 4tia aa I C W. MtArtbur. M. Mrut Ann 4alfta frw A marl r IM Vmm llaarr Maar. Mai Mar. Wirt World fe eo4rraa la Hon. I Ulnar. Ir. Minor. C O. Murahr. Mr Mlitar. Kuaa Maratr. Kflbrt Mar a. VlMtll U.W mA Mm l.ia I arA. t K. MaAO, lltrTT ol r. Mrlndo. Mr. and Mr. A. a. M. I tomtry. Jtobort loi n c. trrtaiiijr tortlL Mr. and Mr IL L. Matharr. I Artbor nit. Vr. ratll Itocaay, Mr. 4 Mr R. r iiMit xi. ura I A. av Motbwtit iaa ItOfina. jr- i B. U. Uaar. Ur. aA Mr. A I. Mm. I rtocbaatar. Norm HUPP. Laiaa4 Mr. d Mr trrA um r. u.. I Pmltb. Plowda Stott Jltar firofir Morrlaoa. Mr. aad Mr. W T I rtaroi orrwij. Mwrgm vayiw, ir. n Mlaar. Mr. aad Mr. Doaald fUanar 1 1". Rnaaall Smith. Carl Bpuhn. cur. Munra. Mr. J. R Mant.nm.f- n.n.nl I ne It wll. Charl Bllnchfiald. Jr. ana Mr. Mario r. Ataua, Mr. and Mrluk'T,Q ""'w. r amna. ur jar J. Morrow, ur. and Mr aorUr, itonry 14. xapum " juro.n. C Miaon. Mr. and Mr. Uaoaft. Mr.CBUla - Townaand. Uaatanaiit W. and Mi, r. C. Malp. Dr. and Mr I K- Irl4n. Llautanaat W. T. Morrtaoa. Richard Nona, Or. aad Mr. M. a I Uotannl . W. Sooflald. A. J. Vantlaa. Nlcbol. Mr. aa4 Mr. W. IL KanrxlKlnf Tylar, Mr. Oawald, Mr. Bltwtrt. Mr. and Mr. OiTford Ktchola. Mr. and! WbaJltf Walaon. WU- Mr. Klobard Nixon. Mr. and Mr. F.IUAm WAitr. naroia wtiu. imi wao- W. Ow an. Mr. and Ur J. Mh.rr... I alar, a L Wamlcka. William IX Wbaal- tTOorman. Mr. and Mr. ITank a Owon. I wrlni, Lr. oort r. wiiaoa, Nurm Mr. and Mr., r. M. Pa-a, 'Mr. and Mr I Wood. C. B. Walcktr. Hanrr Waaalncar. !. H. Parkar. Mr. aad Mr. A. S-'raNlKlrk Bmlth, Bart Wbltlnf. O to ra War- tula, Mr. and Mr. I. N. Pandlatoo. I ran. Prank WIloox. William Wbaalar. Mr. and Mr. H. a. putt Dr. and Mr I rraak Phltbrtck. P. It Croalar and Parkin. Mr. aad Mr. Robert T. Piatt, Dr. and Mr.'Oaor a Palaram. lira. Darld Robartaon, Mr. and Mr. C J. Rood. Mr. and Mr. Saadtraon Rad. MK -and 'ur J.C Boblnaon. Dr. and Mr. jFRokey.Arrr. aad Mr. Thomaa Robartaon, Blahop and ' Mr. Cbarlaa Hcaddlrif. Mr. and Mr. John A. Shro- ara. Mr. Cbarlas lllndaman. I Tellow and Whit Teal and lira E. CL Bharlln. - Mr. Mr. and Mr RaIdo K. iOntabury. Mr. I Mr .P- 8hlndlr. Mr. and Mr. and Mr. J. Wealey Ladd, Mr. and Mr. W. M. Ladd. Mr. and -Mr Jarae-a LaIJ- law. Mr. and Mr P. W. Laadbetter, I Air. C H. Lawla. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Uwli, Mr. and Mr. U Allan Lawla.! Mra. 8. B. Llnthlcum. Mr. and Mr. Robert Llring-atona, Mr, and lira Da- w. B. Blbaon. Mr. and Mr. Wat tar V. Smith, Mr. and Mr. Zera Snow. Mr. and ' Mr W. U. Skrna, Air. and Mra. B. T..C Stavans, Mr. and Mr. P. H. Btronc Mr. and Mra. Robert Stronf. Mr. and Mra. C. F? Swl trt. Mr. aad Mra. Lloyd Smith.- Mrs and 'Wi Yl-t vr.. i Vr ri I Mr. Praaton W. Smith. Mr. and Mr UAbT M"r. anT m7; , T KrneVt" ,"5 8.t0"t-.MrV"d M- Laldl.w, Mr. and . Mr. Vjohn Lat- '7." V ' , .. 'V',. ' Mr ta..' Air. and Mra. John a Iwla. "d Jeal. Mi D. P. Thomp- Mw and Mr. R, W. Lew la, Mr. and """ ' "r- Mr. Norma Lan. Dr. and Mr. B. J. M'; T& W ,W"5 Labba, Mr. and Mr A. I Maxwell. Tibo, "d J?0? ' VJIr, and Mr. H. B. Mather, Mr. and "a "VT, wll M u . , u w.ll.r. VeCtmuL vir .ni Mr. I Wood. Mr. and Mra. Xraktn Wood, Mr. w a M.m. rr nn if . . .t I Arid Mra. O. K. Wantworth, Mr. and f.-wni. Mr. .nit Mra. wniinm m.p. I Mr"- M. warren, Jr., Mr. and Mr kenala. Colonel and Mra. John Mo- fnrkin. Mr Ifarrlot MpArthnr tr. and Mr H. , J. ' Mccracken. Mr. and Mr IL 6. MeCraken, Mr. and Mr. . James A. McKtnnon, Mr Flor UFFERED SHE S " v-r.' ' , FIVE YEARS Finally Cured by Lydia R Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Erie. Pa. "I suffered for five yean from female troubles and at last was "lalmosfc helpless. , I Jwent to three doc itors and' they . . did I me no gooa, so my Bister'aavised me to try Lydia E. Pink, F. M. Warren, Mr. and Mr J. F. Wat on, Mr and Mr F. O. Wheeler. Mr. and Mr W. M. Whlddon, Dr. and Mr O. & Whlteslda, Mr. and Mr. R. W. Wilbur, ' Mr. and Mr T. B. Wiloox. Mr R. B. Wtlaon, Dr. and Mr Holt C, WlUon. Mr. and Mr. MarUn Winch, Mr. and Mr It C. wortman, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wrlcht, 'Dr. and Mrs. ptls B. Wight Dr. and Mrs. Berwick Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilder, Judg-e and Mr Charles K. Wolvarton, Mr. and Mr James Mcl. Wood, Mr. and Mr John Kben Tounir, Dr. and Mr James Zan, Miss Alnsworth. Miss - Anita Burns, Miss Louise. Burne, the Misses Bueh- ner. Miss Great Buttarfield, Miss Earn Burton, Miss Ines Barrett, - Miss Kate Braael, JMlss Clrio llea. Miss Jean Brownlla Miss Mary Brownlle. Miss Alice Carer. Miss Susan Clarke, Miss Cornell Cook, Miss Cully Cook, Miss Lora Cummlnf, the Mlssos Crocker, Miss Couch, Miss Hasel . Dolph, the Misses , Dorseh, r Miss Kllot, the Misses Emmons. Mis ' Falling-. Miss Henrietta Failing-, Mies Rhoda Failing, Over on hundred women raepondtd to the Invitations of Mr Hamilton Brook to enjoy ta with bar yaaterday at Alexandra court. Tb. drawing room decoration a war carried out with yel low and white chryianthtmuma and masses of palms aad fern A grace ful arrangement of shaggy yellow chrysanthemums centered , the tab) The aam bright flowers were uaed about the room with the greens. Mrs. William Hon ty man, Mr John McClin tock, Mr , Herman Tannhauser an1 Mr Thomas Scott Brooke presided OTar the table. Floating about the rooms were Mr Darld T. Honeyman, Mrs. David C. Lewis, Mrs. James D. Hooayman and Mr Walter B. Honty-maa. Pre-NnptiAl Loncheon. Mr. Adolph A. Dekum invited guests to her handeome Portland Heights home yesterday to honor Miss Mar guerite Bosch ka with a pretty luncheon of 10 covers. Autumnal fruits and flowers graced the table and dainty bride cards marked places for 'Miss Boschke, Mr Lewis I. Thompson. Mies Cornelia Cook, Miss Els QilL Mies Ruby Crlchton. Miss Florence Reed. Miss Cully Cook, Miss Gretchen KJos- terman, Miaa Eleu Smith and Mra. De kum. Miss Marjorls Forbls will be a luncheon hostess tomorrow for Mlas OOB041K ww-. Post-Nuptlal Bridge. . Mrs. Daniel McQowan (Miss Mary Dunn) was honor guest at a bridge of six tables given yesterday afternoon by Miss Irene Daly, when the ecore psjse reii. to Mr Oliver. KJn jrrerv. Mm John F. Daly assisted the hostess. Tel lpw and whit chrysanthemums dec oratsd th rooms. Lrmcheon Invitation. - Chapters A, C, B and F of the P. E. O. rata Tavtl ruw Make I w erwt Um r ilk t s4 cttr wiik a tttito f lleur 4 a KaJf f mmumt. glle gr Iota 1 a. vy ifcl 4 fill tta A 44 I Uklaso f lb.r. email lump er Mlltf 4 a MlUa t ar brrarr4 Mrt Lay mm top erval aa4 aa raatuati a very Utile water la aAoeo. rUl ca Or ktlf tup ef butter a4 IW rttM ef powdcrtd auitr. Add balf nil of water aod 1 auta or Ma try flour whioh Ua ba sifiad iwic. uklt- 1 poo a a bakiag pwar aed awartar rup eor etarca. a uui at a lira. Add a few irops almond extrart, ttupooQ Ttonia ana wnite or sit ess w.ll a!, wta 1 a slow art a 1 hour. First CVvRd rtr;U(rr. iraltoA rM ww t Pal Alto. CU Oct. 14. HtcUtartTis t Suaford L'alverslty aa socialist. Miaa Anna P. Cvsglns is todsr the first eo-ad to uae m privilege ef wosaaa's enrrancbiaaoteat aa the eeaapus ef U uairersity. . tSttl to TW JMfL Cathlmt. Wash- OeL iu.wiik T.040.004 fat of ilogs la the sloushs aa joining 11 s ramp, the Columbia Tim bar 4t Logging company a pan ting la the Barnard limber... closed ftturdr alght Ftfty-nina men war let out of employment and tb cams la not ex pected to open ageJa until Bait spring. nioJJ arvJ rcLJ by ' RIDGWAYS LooJon Siacm 1&36 In $alJ, olr-tlfht, Juti proof pxukaft Wdflways 5 Ofaocl Tea (i wlcl in the mo$t remote corner, of the earth. People who get the habit ol druildrii? thu delidous blend iiuiit on having it wherever they go, Pol up In nlr-Ufjht, dast-proo! packages which retain all of iU original goodne, it goe. much farther than ordinary teas. 75c. per lb. 40c per lb. 20c per i lb. . May Now be Had in Town at Beit Store A Silken Lustre . To the Dullest Hair (rashlon's Mirror.) -Trr ear of hair and scale doe not mean time-consuming and ezpenaiv inps- 10 me nair-dreaser Blmpllolty is tns Keynote just an occasional brush ing of scalp and hair on which has been sprinkled a tablespoonful of dry ahajn poo mixture. This la brushed through snd out of the hair, and with It coma all dust, dandruff and excess oil. to prepare the dry shampoo, mix together either 4 ounces of orris root or corn meal and 4 ounces therox. Keep In sifter-top can and usa once or twice each week. After a few sham poos dull, 'stringy,' lifeless or brittle hair grows wonderfully soft, silky and lustrou Continued using Induces a luxuriant growth." 1 t m J Free Banish Silver WITH Brand at Last! utter Buy Danish With every two-pound square Danish Brand Butter you receive two coupons, each lettered. When you have enough letters to spell "DANISH" you are entitled to a half dozen Silver Spoons of the famous Rogers 1847 ware. ' '; Brand Sutter From your grocer and get further particulars. pons to our office. Mail or bring all cou- K lock Produce Company FIFTH AND COUCH STS., -A PORTLAND THE BLUE ENVELOPE Iawssaar! iS.sah m ihh asa i .mja.i; i fiNtaVfL. liilfi! ; -v..-ia S' Written for The Journal by Darra More. HE works, behind counter, and hers was good Job as such Jobs go, until a young male with ouffs on his trousers and a fried egg cap got to keeping her up late at ham'8 Vejretablfl night. She smiled so much under the Compound, and glre 6f the electrleg that she used up an Iter suryiut uiiiurvivu ""j behind the counter were on long drawn out frown.. She was cross, sometimes, and lackadaisical always. And. well- she got th blue envelope. But it was small matter to her. Did she not have Algernon with the cuffs On his trousers T : And with ' eentl when I had taken only two bottles I could see a war change, so . I took six bottles and I am now" stronsr and well again. I don't know how to eznress my thanks for the pood it has done me ( mental sigh she flicked her discharge ana l nope ail eutrenng women will (from her mind. That nignt, wnen aj- g'VB Lydia E. Hnkham'S Vetetabla I gernon treated her to a chocolate sun ompound a triaL It was worth it U". she told hlrn that she had. lost her Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Com- 1T ' tound, made from 'native roots and I ; Beroa, xoniains no narcono or. narm- I the disappointed- shop girt writes Till jlt.wfl .nl In .In. kjIH. IV. k I . . ..... .... . . . ' ia wuaj jwiui wo icuuiu i to me. it was airncuit to react ner let zor the largest number of actual cures Iter: so blotched with tears it was. But of female diseases we know of, and (strange to say, the only grief she feels thousands of voluntary testimonials li the loss of Algernon. can always j . w- 1 A . Jxlt . Vi I m y V. , re on nie m tne nnnnam la nora nnrv . i -mr . . rf , (u il It la Imiut ImMtialh a tnr and I was hopnTrorf fm .Wot rT nP 'rl to married: --v t"'"'"- l ma nure Alrernon was serious." -' lemais complaints, sucn as lnflamma- ; tiiiat shall you do. mti tear-stained lion. Ulceration, displacements, fibroid husband hunter? Take account of tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, that mother's words to her daughter, backache, indigestion and nervous who said. -Dariin not h in- ia ir. prostration. Every suffering woman Tnn square arouna. wnere you have owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pink- been cryinV-g to laffm-. Thate all bim's Vejretoble Compound a trial hr w ltr 7e? If "othl!15 to m It you want special ndTlc write TnWmo ZSmiZl'r Mnl'lnklmm. l.vn,. m... f.n nothing -In moping or brooding over ciue en It is frte auu ui .vi: s ttelj)f ui. veicpea. he tney rrom lover or employer. 6 mile, little lady, and go oat and get that other Job that you apeak or, ana when you do get . It, , let no man Interfere with your keeping of it It Is the girl that can keep her Job that gets the best matrimonial chances. It ; Is the girl that goes from ribbon clerk to head of th ribbon department: tt is the girl who emanates cheer, amia bility and concern for her patron's pleasure; it is the girl who gets the raise that is chosen for wife.. It la bad business policy, to play fav onies.1, ipu must nave smne and a quip for all. A good saleswoman never gets her wires crossed. If you would hunt a husband, the very first lesson you must master is to "sell your own gooa - ii js very . mucn me selling ribbons or matches--it Is personality ana successrui record that runs away with the prise. ' Ther la nothing that will frighten male so quick as a girl with a blue envelope. ' Ikfrt Avar Germs with Gold Dust . . . - ... -- 'The f modera surgeon carefully cleanses hands and Instruments , be fore and after every operation; he realise the danger both to himself and his patient of any clinging germs. ". - v " -. :,v ' , - Germs thrive and multiply wher-" ever they can find lodging place In grease and dirt, and 1 where thine are scrupulously clean they And It Jiard to live. , . ' ; The easiest and surest way to keep things clean Ilea in the use of Gold Dusk washing powder. fOoId Dual Dust goes deep after dirt and roots out every germ end hidden Impurity. it is the sanitary cleanser. I "" "' ' '' . - .m,.., I ' ' 11" 1 I s, , ...... 1 I n. i .1 -on i t 'tr mi ! i I iegaramg tne .niiaren- i ouir vunuaren r3F i . i v a im r ' r Sana ii m v m b . i jri r. km - 1 a ".ssaw m i r-aw4si, j avai m n a 1 li K - The romping, rollicking out-of-door life that your children will enjoy' if you take them to live in PARK .' ROSE will mean more to them, mentally, morally and physically, than anything else you could do. Your home there means the establishment of a practical playground, where they can enjoy play that is play, play that is work and work that is play. .When you move your family to PARKROSE you will have SOLVED other of Ufe's problems besides THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. ; We will take you out today. Go with us now, while the weather is fine. Call at our office or phone us and we will call with an awto. Main 208, A-2050 ---r - Ground Floor, Chr.mbcrcf Co in SOiil mcrco Die! Tourlh and CLirJ: Hartraan &z Thomp i -1 - - - . - ; .-.