I tin: t)i;t.wO!i DAILY OL'I.iAU I'OhTLAJiH. TftiOAV LVi-WNQ. OCTGiiEK It 1911, It M 1LB tf I t t- j ft : a . . . , li '- - ' 1 t- -, . t u . J I . 4 .- I i 4 ... 4 K if im tt ,.-l 1 i'a . ir if I a' a . 4.. r Ml t A . k i 1 II ) t -..4 - air a-a t) a .... ; a . 1 t' t' 4 i, .w.4 V-f- 1. t i'l taA t ... f . si ti 1 i I I .. . I M 4 --4 1 .4 l "4 4 a-. ....t4 I 4.m 4 li4 tr . ' t .,,., B4 tl t .i V. , . tIMi .. . limit V....i t.iimiii l-i f a.. .t' . I tMa. t ,- a t .. aa-4 V ' I i i t, 1 1 1 lUhi tt t.-i a r.a- f a i Vt ... .4 t at t uAii 1 tii t t t - kMM i-4 14 a 1 .-a 4.4 I ! tl .4..44 t44 flBM 4 4 U4. 44 41 1 i .iii.flnfi- 144 ) I If. .J.lf , I It I .-4i a -.- 4 4m i u i.iiSm . .1 . T . . , . . f' f 4 -.. I , . ik lu-. i .. ..m ii, a.s va'. a i4 ..,.,. i ,. 14 Im.4, fci . . i tftnS -4 14,4 t 4 t'.M A I.U. ul 4 4, It, l UK .it t (, i. k t f'M.. II t' tt tut, 4 I . lUll 4 tt aa. I llilHi I 1 hm lit taiu li .. t( aiwaa 4:14 2f Acres tt 1 a ?".. I. a44 i tjM.it 11. i 4 aik. j, m a a ' iwa tia i 1 !' f UfH f 1. 4.'.. t - 4441, 444 J t . 4 O.'M. B.iier -1 . , v . i IX ll4x . 1 lit (Mt tt . ! 4 . at. ' l tfca 44W. i W4 a U it . i. . . v ' u i-i-1 .V 1 8 'I) tt H U J..-4'..t at 91 t ! 4 6 til -K'll lit UltJClLtf if , f, "t "' 4 - a r - ' " lt I r f- - 1 ij.-i.TKV'.a -.-. -mm I . -i..u, at-. l.;.j!il..i:. . Ji'Wi lis ITVITA Ei I i , ' ' - :i ,.-. ? P 4, a.-.,. 4 r... 4M, nui, I a ' l'r,J Li'!! ' mr'r Im P. ' - i- it-. I t I i r t I l.y U t o' I lit i , at, I " " e4 Ma 4 11 hy Th!s fi;w fiir't , I V . k I , ?;ir.tcn Co. ,. - It ut v I' iit ... - tikr n.kt mm , l?l l.mlr tit- "BeautlfuOesidence I larv. ! rota km kkUt mt Ik ttf tn.rui cbilnM (- la Kla t wfMf ittr fuH wa. ImH tr. ha irt, n4 h iMawllCul rwixirr Imaciitaki, WtU I ft crti ai4 am rosft. IJ t.l ir f i r fl ! a i im a. It U IH V Irv fasten Heme a. a mi t i C V I i Kir . t m imMf I ..? jrA ti fir lv la Ji Tla .1 . l a w Ult ff H !a va r tva kia -rt. Wt- tiai ..:, . .Iluntcf luMity Co. Li it pct i rxt (afcn tilt. tV'llt!. fttva swf -. ti"a 11 Wi AHi tti tM f t y i 1 1 p Lolsl Lcisl Lctsl TI 4TII. t.f t at. W I la 4mit. $ J HMIv 1 K I, Mailt" 4 lt fii ink ti La a IMI I I a t-.a Vj, fill- . r . I'l . Ml iv. Mm III tt - tvia at It , ma. -, iX IKV-I tt alr till III a U' M II awttV 4 Maaf . hni to t i4. al a 1 W.Mi i ! ! tlttf, fM ! 4 . -j4 tt-t( aUI -i I Ua. I . . a a a.t-..i t-t t. tVt !, lire . i av tMi M at tt .. aata4J ia tM'a t.4 - Htit r4l ttsall a4 ' 4. ha. f i4 M 144 t:tl Itnu It aJL lauut li a I ' I iv.i-w, a t M K. I.4M, til t WVaM IMf ACIUUUU' t Atchlscn & Allen til CWrMafa hJ, 14 444 A44 414. Beautiful Resldcrxo Snap. A Snap I rm fcAa. t moan 6vtatr. r rHl fcall. in riwni. airr. tmm tialalra ftilH r lot ha clvtala. tll au;j lol.ct. toi IttlAO, yrad4 aiirri nn rwiwni mil rrun irma. cftfl t4iamaul. rta :4vv; lletl t& lim t Ualtnca, IH IXiXfet Irotn Jni.nt car ii orr ai jaaaun. lrii !. Kalf bl(Ktl Dorllu It ttttr, III IfurraK tl. "Owner Must Sacrifice !ir ltt4 In tny t room bunriTr S m '.M ! n. am a",na- cur-, mual ll t nc. Tt.la I 4 bargain n4 you niuit 4rt flmrkiy. WolTn, l blH-ii from er an.t vary rrfta. I rtlaaa roti mra LuaXnaaa (Jon t hut,r ma. . W, R i HILLirB, Ml R 0th N. or 101 HoaH of TrA. v. Buy This' Now linr-.tr low, flva rnom 1H . liHkt from oar, lot (2i!0d, pn try a no bathroom, hnui naw 4n4 , rhp at 41240. tarm to utt. Seo The Spanton Co. t Oak BL urn Ho 5 roam , ruo-Vrn . tMintntow, rU H tlntisl anil full liafenu-nt Thla I lo. ratad.l biork of fcoth and Ilawtbnrn vc; nrlc on))' IStigO; tJOO down,. bU tncf IIS jmt nioriii. or will takt 4 lot or ninmond aa iut piyioenL Journal.- at Mr. It touaa. Ml!!t f 1M I Ml kaltal aWaintla iUaa I a. k, av4 inaiwr a- ), In aaa nf tr4l ta-4"' 4Uhtt ar f ta m i4tf tm ttvr f'4-l ' ti nrt lr ttii. trttk 4 tt ta a4iifbl at ruttvaf litvatiaMtL. in tr U Ira4 l ra!4 mast tu- a4 13 4u at Ut iW 4n f lUta, 44 rtt tarm. WTX UAH Kit, I let Y4xt kMf It 4 II 4k. fw Mt Uial. f at ttrft Wiacfe tn 4vt. m raa-ka. a4 a4ar tbllalli astaaia) at fratai rllf llnUva 44 Mlrts mar, fuaa ! vfalMtka. Ai4a tni lr-ia f ltmfa Uo-4 1 II jr rt at is at I . fKulr f vr. tM-tlt 44 tuwi WHi- fatlinf 444, 14 tat, esur. wf ill mi Mmtmm - 02S0S-'- S250 Down Balance ds Rent Ntw dimblr cftftttrtirtwl buaaalow. t bUt In coavtatanoaai. lata lot. an4 lartrla lltturaa, llti bvuaa. Tftiwr 4o West Hoyt Street 8 Koom House ' S7000 Cash In at'pHiranc: nala-bburhool. nd Inoum thin la atroDltonallr axxxl. If namlatl. li&0 loan at 7 oar east e4ul4 b vbuitiad to ftii handla. 41 T Corbatt bldy. 40 acres, 12 miles out, with ArrM?rt a net cash h advanco rental Homes Tfiat Produce Revenue of S2000; half cash. Come in i a . i. t-... t. ii. Mil., 1 .4 ... 4.l ..... 1. ... I fa tua'J .ttvitlW;r i ii yuu auuui lit UlaaJ nar rida from tin a4 Waahlrr loo ttrwti. th luiuial unAar fouaril I Crmmt mill mat II ) tninota from 14th 44 Waatiln1 a(rl and Tu HP4 (l ACro In laYua.iriln ailr II rati) from PortUnJ. cloaa to alectrla tin and ttrm cara: mil botiom land and pmttly rlrl; eoal 116 par arr ran now bat -r4 at II44 to t aarh nth i: i no raait, itoc ainaii HMIMr rrtnnia 1IIR HIAW.ITAR rOMTANT. !! It. I: ttn au A-IIII. The Only Acre Tract Wlthtn tb Dill rtrcl you ran buy for IIT4. ontUa OB alao trio Itn. all undar rultttailon; At-ft rtcft autl; n of u Jlood. Tarm 10 br root caab, I r rant month Lon t t rhla up. !nva(!Ba, Only a faw I ft Call Main HIS. Warl A Vouottr, Butt 111 Yon tf. Hurry, .it must be sold bv NOV, ISt. WELLS & LABER 406-8 Swttland BIdg, Main 3988 (..aat,. I a R4 4.4 ttlMl, I'l.. I . ' i " II 4 f ! .MT. 4 . f.. If (iittt H '. !- ti II i I 14 tr4 rw"-4 ti. 4 4.1 ! ! Ill III t t 4U !.iA, 4xtl4. f 1.4, ta.tatf mat ' UM t .4 .' 'w.li4 I" f aaiw i It 4 ' at. n4Mrwnr.a rtt iij cMtllTTf utt a As-rrt Natis f Wt 'a.. a , 4 la. I.- t tt la 4ar 4Wa. fltj I WIAll lit i;.Jiv. tti. 4 a4 W4 W IK Tit i 4 l a i ii t vM aay a . t. 4J. J. tls4 ! fn iMaiik. j.4 ft! J 4-a Uvv 14 4aiak li. -4 aut flrtt ,tft t at ifcH 4 i4 i -' ' . a; a. titt. -4 aia4 4)ati4i lt 4 j)A. ri ran jTra-r t WMMWMMIMIIIMII III mm, T. i.'liJBW 3? I"litl At fiSbf bll.UAlN. r4 4Ua al. tt t.tUf lltrt llc tl 4 ar ilaajl, I (ttv! W.,. 4a t. .i !. I (4 a Wii t t'a li4X : t 4 at t.a a4 faaWarti. lt,xiiM t-J Ktv lit a 4.. ci ta mp4 4 iHt. I tna ftaa t'ta- tt ! ir lt, t mm .ll raif k. I.4 la4 I awiimtj ftvta 4 la t Jt r ra t J V'li IIA AV ttt T4 tl I a l.tt. ttmt . !it lloi-a I a 4 :Mik. til I IJ. VwJT t I Vail T Ti-i . i4 ( 4-it:4 a awi.. Hul B t.l j -'. ;'AKtriwXij Ut t It.iMi itriaitr. tat Hit . by 14 r4a. .t 4ttli IMI t.l J . 1M ' m (S i a ! "ai ua I tlrt. l4tV II a-r tm taliril I rajjaa Aaa. tf at.4 ttlnr a4 tff. m4 at 4 tH f flliH. 1 bt ni li An ' catklf tail, I i !. t't, Itil .N A IIAIItaltOBKTL lit r m-r of i'ar bita ., r.t in An Ftrn lirstvi Rhv .... v Ifcii,a. u,. It i ixiiiw. r "f J tf itftHl M"i4 liftwi a.tator 111 tlUa !. v.. I ita 4tl. 44i4ii ai .t lv i :, -(4al li kla Ika aa a4 I H'f4 ft.4 I IK. ' A 1 lwtl4 tata tl Itf II 4.il lUXlMIMJ llUtktai nH R-IJC M i ajra al w r Atl4 ... -u.n -l -i. n... . l.i-i-L -i. . !. !. - - I y t' lt tK.ttr.aas fr,. r R. H. Goodkind Co. lUVii: tr.t?, it 1 1 itum ik inn uuxa i i wisf a I A it r . t il J" w ta a II fcvUt vttit tar athioa twl 4iv4 lr mat, la f tr U.laal t4 14 Ik tl pf trB. I. i lft4lll r4jlr. 44 I kaa a lra raii mi li'4or a44 aw r.a. Anxious to Sell II rawu fi it a4Ua far-1 ar txt r ru-i 4tA4 44tU4 f,tc4 a4 la a:l ftl tUa la4 t!4 t aaan lim at. ai Cash Business rinrxM itAvrii tl az-raa tr -4 taitra4 tt I IVlttaatati 4iy. It nw; rrt rt- laaA. Uult 4-ak a 4au4r ! ! .vrrNard a4 cblrtan iH -rtc lilt 4 tr a 'A tanna only IIIAtt aaaA, baianna af I MytttafllA ) rt Kl-HOU. iRrr. I A 4 1 t'orbatt lluilding. aaaAajaii4ia4atBBMiMM4 Farm Lands o clar ti) ftna land for truA aardaa or oniona or liupa! flora not ovar Acreage iuw. tvmwr 14 .a" hj una in imi pari or in vny; pnea i.boti u a ar on batarMb, or would" Uk land proparty a ttrt Davnvtit. Hlnclalr, EativadA On pa i. Ui $90 Level, Cleared Land $90 Per Acre nnaat land lo th data for fruit, prrrlaa, cardan and rhtckana; naar a ta ttoo; cloa to bt raarkal en th eoaat: tap, black andy loam, doaa not orar, t.ir-Ar. yon lii fr rhaas latidal w can ! ra rrom itfrfl to 4a4 arr for I ha tr!i of eaa arr Hear nruaad, I"l 44 anl por ar ana do. i.truman nn laayinc I about in ftrai of aartt month. Call or riila I'artrio I oat (..ilaalial Ion Co., 114 ,unitarmna b!df. S raati ru.4. Ill tr t tar proff anr rili 4 lit flow 4rl4 lih aa ttor, iam kt. Ua Uaf 4aa t oa a rat imi boa. You Can't Beat I his II toom a lib near Waahinfl. bl Int. trtnttml bou In tb rtlr. ail an rootuai. a rona rat4 U tr IWJaaoa rn4 try fra 44 t : farntlur oo4 aot hauaa rlaaa a a fln; ry iai jjt i.y pir4; aiiy rui Ilia. W ran 4iirr It for 1 1 41 on larma. H4 IM 4t one ct r4 tU tula a oo4 bur. 35 Room Apartment House jrani!y rurnthd, on traahlagion at ft.il of lha bal clata of rOomar: it tral trjla for proprtjr worth too: I room; utal itx-anon; long laa; (ixvj 1 1.. rr n i la wu i fta loeaitoa. rha rant, r!ar t "k. If a want 4 real Parfa'.a 44 (, A S'tCIIOIJI t.W. CO, AA 4.M. .1.. kt I. . 'Fit ,r.va44w. .. . . . a'abl I " n nsint: hifu ron- t rrlir" I"T?. KK ah rCivf, two iiirri pjmii, in. lU'l.MiH: OM.T lt(I :i. N town. Jtl.AnoNA Ml.lt l AI MKNT POW.V. RALANi K UKU -HT A II NX rHOI-OolTION: It oiar if. rr. PRVVKUTON, CltlYlftif, oi-Mriuntiiy nir oilriii fun. fvctlonery and cigar ator. T-lttnr Forty Acres $3000 pay only Fln mi If from foriland: ooyarad wth fir and oalt. Cor.1g-vt profit "ri S A ptrjNAP! ROS:'; CITY t'ARJC S100 Down K lis pet month, buy 4 4 room cottar and lot, 4o; two lot. 41150; thre lot I If. u. Thlt property la 1 block from t ar ui . J,rni. I.ENTH HE Ati ESTATJO CO, , ; 4-rntw. Or. t'hou Tabor 151. A ritKTTr BUNOAIXIW. , IIS30 tOxino and now modern bun-I ealow. can, electricity, much kitchen. batn, mil titimm.nt, una location, over- inoKtntT city, between Hawthorn and Ulvialon, at., only 800 cash required. KREO. C. KINO, It 1 4 wpmrtlne; Mflir., lid ftnd Wah. . A Fine Home For salo .by owtitr, room houae, lot I 10x200. Xlnaot of fruit Irtts, had 0rr lo ooxea peacnea inia year; ttoin on farm; bent residence district: only 1100, nair ettmn or xnu on ror an oaao.' Ad 4100 CASH 7 rooms, built In buffet and hook, cara, flraplaca. rut-h kitchen. furnc. solid oak floors and mirror, floor. NATION AX. HBALTT A TKU8T CO. iz cbambar or commtret bid. Mftln II 29. "IWEbMUNT IfoljKE HUiW COST. J -Will ll my atilendld 7 room bousa. lot 40x100 for ISOOO; cannot ba dupll oated for 13600; hot water, heat and try convenient); alao a. fine oornat 00x110, Qheap; Ihla la bona fide and a bartain. owner Woodlawa 4167 or V-4K4. Journal. t'lVK and 'I room comes, fir liar Aarotui tk Wlllairtatt from fit. John and only tH muaa back from river, soil rich, land 114 wall, food macaAam road an in way. enougtt timber on ftrt. 1 sotn or tb tracta lo f rorgwooa rrw trrr ai t VVHV7II4. iiiwiavh r iwnJwuvq on pan l OUt, PO PrutO tO ClAr UP US' I .:ai u u''," ?,r 10 "- that pya its way. We bay only with ITS eh payment, baiaoc monik. a faw of tW. I U. 4 and 14 acre tracta, lY, I mnA f hatw at rs, mrr.fr, a f,a.4) - . a t . i A I 1 4t AJ A II w A A7V LUB AA 11 I . I Ban VnnsA nm Tl HA WJ 4 a 1 1 m,m jm . aa- I Main 5. 101 4th St A-JR00.lr.hoto and Set Uluarratad ffl.trr Th... tracta ar anown any day. V. ar own. era, Thla la a anas. prr acr. term. Mix & Marsh 114 Teon Md. I AM rriilii"iid will aaliliTyi7i"4 farm at a aac-lflco. vttm of th m cnmpiot farm In tha state, only II ay for land In mow, and beat of all. ou an tUant your mil from l"ortUnd. and muat ba an Pt John, ax- crop th day you buy; tta ainnVM totu i 4pprcltad. Inqulr W. W. Church, lwoia..0.1 ut. o bmab to clear up. Thla la th !!'T,v'"r " ........ . . ,- rtaars 1 1 : 4 a moiuh. 1140 a month with good 14. Apartment Houses W av yrl rry fla buys ta thla Una. Mom w ran put you In and taaa ytnir property aa first payraani, aoma w bare r )ulr llltl eaah aa first payment Money 16 Loan If you bat not enough eaah to 4tiy th bona you wont. A W wtil loan It to ou. Stop! Figurel II room, good leaao, rat 1 104, el In, clears t.iu toonthly; owner must laar this wrkand 1.300 take thla buklnaas tin t look artar It aad will lll at 19 cents oa dollar. Wt:i tnyole III04. Tour for !.. Er tai-ma. Ulod.Urd. 101 Teon bl.lr. iBliTcTierSFop" Pntatnp . . Two iron. A f or our Und; orchard AMERICAN HOMB ISTrENT CO.. irdwood floors, 1 f urnacea, with all grown at the aamo time; two more years I means inJopendonce. This Is rn LAU-1 KKLWOUI) ACKKH.. Cloaa to PorUonA good transportation, delightful eo mm un ity; onty a row cnoio ft and 19 acre tracta i-rt , easy terma. . Call np At ala I sot; A-uhz or inquire or RUFF & KLKINHOROK. 414 Board of Trade Bldg. Beavertoh Snap If taken 4t one will sell 10 aerea at I 1275 an acre, acreage all round for miles I 114 Owners. Cham bar of Cemmare. to aore. all tillable; aere; this 1 4 snap. Sa It aulck: terma.. MIX MA It Hit. 1104 Teon bid. 5iT"HT'll my farm at oncll Call 41 1 Hamilton blilir. Owner will remain In city to close Oral. 144 will band good paying; market for on man: most soil at one. Apply to owner, 104.1 Corbett at. Taka V car. . Saloon for Sale ' " flrat claaa down town tranaltnt stand; long ieaae; will Mil or trad. For particulars caU t tilH Morrlaon at., room 14. . - . . MoV 1-Vii-IMCl U HiC "l l'i K A t Ktta. " Bltaa wanted; w want vacant urea. . , a ..k i..i..- ka,... I '"7 or imi rooma. auitabia ror taov. ' m, ' " " ln rlctur theaUeA .Call or write. N. -O. A N.CTtOta 1NV. CO- 3LJ.nnl li?chn .Wsi-htngrtott, a i iii -i"t. U""4 aU-wlll S19I. A. NICTIOia 1NV, CO, 40 Hwetlan.1 blflg. isTRSiiMa comer, brick bulldlna- long ?u,n1,f tor used a abort tlm; wall I ir r' 5W5 d. Rent III. Including; beat; iff J On rood lea, furnll newly tinted. it steady roomers: ijuwv. ttuo caan. lrma. li Teon tiig. 43 47 Room Bargain RfcHTAUHANT on Waahlnxtoo St.: lung oounier ana pnvata table) Oojnr A r 01CK1 forced sale; .'Ichola Co 11 A Taoa Gen'l Mdse., No Competition Htock runs shout 44000: rood country loan; have a talk with Albert Welch aS built In modern convenience, near car line, all street Improvements paid, monthly payment plan, provident In vestment A Trustee CO.. 101. Z02. SOU Hoard or iTaa bldg. .vnon Marshall j seiiine; at i.oo to lifto. This is a rerx a n. A-iuti. i nine oirrain linn nair casn taass It. 1 1 43E0 DOWN. "Balanca aa runt. My 1 2 6" 00 bonne: t r rare old. In South Mi TabOBdlstrlct; iv to aell. am luvln eltv! no rua. onabie offer refused. Hartman 41 Thompson, oomer tn ana Htarn. Ec Mr. Harrog. room H. rra miles out W-987, JournaL FOfV 8AtE -LOTS dress 420 8. Jersey at, Bt Johns. it uv 2 UQW1M, li MUNTUlX. ,.v V 4V -1 a.W 4UV.1lil4yA. I room cottuaoi full lot. near Mt. Hood ,' Electric, Monuvllia; good ttov and Kitcnan - caumet thrown n. t'noto at office. Fred W, German, 821 Burnsld. Main Or A-2776. 41000. 2 UOO.MS. MONTA VILLA. Lot 48x100, liousn neat and. well built, cloaa. to; tar, or will trade aa first pay- v men i on email Tarm auoui tu acres. Fred W. Germart, 829 Uurnslde, Main or A-2776. ... ' WANTED I or 6 .passenger car. seoond hand, medium also, as first payment on a B room modern house; balance easy terras. 96S Minnesota. B-S84, Journal. - ' ' w 1 TtOOM COTTAOH IftfiO. Plastered, electric lights, patent toilet. Beveled mate giara door, close to car, beautiful trees; 1400. canh, Fred W. ; Otrman, 429 Bumslde. Main or A-2T78. MODKKN C room bunsralow, 50x100. Price 13600, or .100x100 . at 4800. Frttlt- trees and rose bushes. , Cash ' liooo. mono Main 76 is. 1 41200 8 r)orn house and full lot, Fran ,. els ave. and -33d. st; $260 cash, bal ance to suit is. T. TaeTgart, 41 Cham hr of Commerce. ' " t ROOAt bungaiow, IC. Taylor st, large attic, run tot, rruit trees, A. Bargain . Schuyler st. near B. 4sd.' a we!l sit uated 60x100 lot. Owner must sell at once and will let ko for 1800. on a-half cash. - ' V Mix & Marsh 1208 Teon bid g. Marshall 1828. ' .BUILD $5 TOT? It LOT $10 Complete Plana, Details And Bpecifica- - i i. ' tlons. FINELY ILLUSTRATED. BOOK FRETS PORTLAND BUILDING AlSOCIATION 822 MOHAWK BLDQ. $10 Down, $10. Per. Month Fine view, lot, matured fruit trees; restricted diBtrlot. nnnr . nar. nntnant walks,. Bull Run water, fruit eared for! rree or cnarge. -i!0K jttoard of Trade mag. Mnrsnau t ivv A-102I. v: Rose City Park Lot $550 Best But Cheapest 5 and 10 acre tracts, 125 to 885 aa I i am o, ., lci lll-i uvrji lou-ajiui noii;i JfJ I wen waierm; iuchi ior iruit, vegetaoiea, unujiuK. aui, , , ni'iii uuyara al ready living on property; fnoome pro ducing all iwhtor;, school, on ground; on county road; close to My town on.R. R. and river, near Portland. Neuhaussn ft Co., owners, 703 Lewis bldf, 4th and Oak ats. ' i i ;UCKKN ana fruit ranches near port- land, walking distanc to good town, running ' water, . best soil, free wood, attlendld fruit district, view of Colnm. bla river and snow peaks, 2 acres 1254: 6 acres 440010 acres 1700: 10 tter nnl cash, easy payments, other tracts near railway station 425 to 440 per acr .FRANK M'FARLANl) RKALTT CO, 409 Yon bldp.. Portland. -, 20 Miles From Portland Land will be worth what 20 miles fmm CMoago fa now. I can sell you 5 to 20 acres 30 per cent cash, balance per cent month; all modern country onnven- isooea,, oeai ui transportation and land uk is iana, xtio per acre- up. . a A. NICHOLS. Ownr, 504 Swetland bldg. - K ACRES IN TOWN. lJASr TERMS.' WE WANT 1 TTONEST MTClf, OF DETERMINED MlNIXt, MEN NOT AFRAID OF WORIC MEN THAT REALLY 1x5 TH1NCML If yon at snch a man ooma to Our offles and we will start you on 4 small farm in tha best part of-tb Willamette yalley. Don't expect to pay 4 high pricA. We will sell you ts good land .44 you oan buy for only 85 per acre; l . per acre down, . 41 pr acre monthly. Tou readily realise we could not rnake auch liberal terms . unlesa w sell to tha kind of men that really do things. Dont taka up Urn unless you really ar ready to .buy. Our liberal terma make it possible for you to keep Vour money and lm- Srore your land rAsk for Mr. organ. . CHAPIN A HERLOW, Member of Portland, Realty Board. 482-83 Chamber or Comm4roa t year leaaa. chcaDest rent In city. IT PATS TO RAIHB CRANBERRIES. I alwaya full, legitimate trad, clearing Clatsop cranberry bogs near Peaalda I 4104 very month. Vou can t oai una, ......a, . ...4 W.4U A Port. 70S Board of Trade. TAftfNEiTWA ideal Investment: III Vlu 7 bog on lower Columbia produo over too narreia nar acre: inrtiit particulars at 'Northern Trnat Civ, 279 Ft ark at. orchards. To tak half Interest In well estab. llthed machine manuaoturlna bnalnaaa only I tracts left; so don't faU to see it. Inqulr landlord, j 4nd hay full chnrg of offlc and fl- 241 H 2d St. TOROOKIS 10 BUV " jfniprov4d mttokr a fr 11 trtl ' BiJak ta kHavvaw . t '4" "Wt g , viiai j I avsaaaaawio, v a. jr a aaMiavu av a aw tracts, on hour from Portland, fully i for all 4460. To tea la to buy. Peter, coat lean. I Near Washington St.. all brand new Nwbrg . orchard I furniture, elegantly furnished. Prloe planted and maintained by ua for 4 IS N. 6th st years; nothing belter In Oregon; only TwkKVll room rooming house, two kitchenette, two nrepiaces, xurtiac 44(9 per acre. Co.. 27o Ktartt. terma Northern Truat HOMESTEADS 47 Homesteads a. . a. ....... t ...... v. a ... . M..C. ....1 Ileal, UWIUVIIUI vul III., iivwo a, I V. w . Income 1164.00 month, rent 165.00; pot a vacant room, filled with nice ceoplo; nimlture practically now. iveea casn; will sell cheap. By owner, B-989, Jour nal. I aanoJal end. Address Z-tll, JournaL Saloon for Sale Prominent corner.. 4 year lea a Rent very reaaonable, Inqulr 144 Yamhill st. ' ' . CONFECTIONERY and oigar . stor with , living room, cheap rent, long lease, . 8tabUshed bualneaa Will . in voice 4J ft 00. Your. for. tS00: tanna. j Hurry. Qoddard. t0S teon bldg. Cigar Store. A fin lOLwlth all atraat lmrnl 4 e"u V. cumvatum and K- menta, splendid view,, good locality .614 "S. Z n Yl -iHr Cwnber,of .Commerc bldg. J3.fiP-1JSAt Main 6068. tho electno Una. Wiry not Mt out 5 (teres to fruit and . strawberries thla ran r mca xzoo tier aora 410 ner ... , TIT 11 OTMAEfe...... .. ,. ' hirt T.K4 rr K:t' Ani.'.iir t...4l --.4. front View of mountains and valley. I , P. B. WEST. auip.uinu.a. 1 Hiwuuuu. uniiOl, A"! 19. U XV Y. UIQIT. Mnln tftt Use Common. Sense . oement J HALF- acre tracts, olosa In. on . wei basement; niceiy Tinisnea ana the prloe 1- side; water piped to each tract, fine I Buy acreage,. 6, 10,-15 or 20-nor a in nnu nv ... jjii r t. ju. yv to, y igvr.. wucmwh, tiu hi vbv, 29 CSIILI ireoiH, KUUU IBVP1 IHllu, Tine S01JL Z BllleS WILL build and finance your house of 1 J?,1"0? fl per month- ' M. B. Lee, siijfrom electric station; 476 to JJ26 per store or your lot or mine. Write in. mug. ... inure, i pur twi uown ana a. per cent 'full ' particulars - in first letter; . als your phone. FOR L-976, Journal. A SALE New 4 , room . houaa with furniture, and barn with 5 stalls, all fop 41600; terms. , R. M. Dunn, 928 N. Willis boulevard. St- Johns. -A" SNAP Leaving tho city, must sell nt onco. .5, -room bungalow near Haw thorns ave. Call and -see if you want a yood buy, ills V. Market st ; flftti : juh ft room Duiigaiow, modern, lot .60x100. fine rorotlon: 6500 'cash. stance cany terms., . raost wooaiawn S2D9 or Cr2429. BUBINESS cornir on Alberta st..' 11000; P Vt 'w rtoT-crW a positive bargain. Another at I960. ,PARK1?JLI a.v. yiatu.i.aj See owner, lGS.iJi'lon ave., ask for Mr, uooner. SEE Lo Noir Co., for west side : property exclusive dealers t in west side realty, -Ground floor. Chamber ef commerce. ' BARGAIN In Alblna. a fraction of a lot. ov it. on jrreuooi.1 st. racing K.trwy, for $600: 10 downtand lo per month. i'none v;-iou, ROBSMERE 60x100, between , TlUa- . v monk and ilancocK, .on DBth st; no Indebtedness, 4900. C, . IX McCahahy, Reed 8 ROOM houee. nicely finished, plumb- . In, MHila. art, a unuill. . aa nt a m lot 80-ft.. front; 41000, part cash. On EQUITY in hoinesit i Pwnoott and Klrby sts. Phone O-1880. ; lege, 1-S discount, jN'E.W8 room house, modern, 150 cash. -". balance terms to suit.- By owner. B- -journal star RmhI nol . .v,v. . -' J ... m , , 111... 4ell. 613 Henry bldg. Main 9040. LOT, 60x100, east front. 2 block "WILL sell R room house paying 10 per 'oeni on tijwu ror tizuu; uu cash. i none TiDtr .car, Monlavllla line, on . L from 8th ti, STEEL bridge buy, good t room hnuoo, ..fOrnishcd or unfurnished, a snap at 44260. 480 WorceBtef bldg. M. 1940. A . BARGAIN New. - inodurii. . 1 room close to carllne. . Prion i v. 6tn is. Terms. bu turn low Tabor 1618. " ATTRACTIVE new 4 room home, com t . , plete, Vnoderh, lawn, rosps, native . trees- r;one owner, Sellwood 69. "hi Ol i V, H NT fl(T room hntia, all M..r,..aa. ; lerices. good trirroundings, corner lot 1 12 per. month buy choice lSo lot at po a gun is. , I'tJiii owner. Tabor 1142.1 - Flrlanu; plion labor liSZ. Inonlre 83. net door, FORSALE Fin apartment houso'aite. Easy terms, W walking dlstanoe. 71. Journal. 1 ONE of the choicest lots In Rosatnere. . - Easy terms. Owner, 416 Railway K change. LOT 60x100 on Sellwood car, Milwaukee ave. near Yukon at: bargain. Journal. " . . E-976, 15 CASH secures 100x100 on Sellwood line, price I mou,-cost IllOO.yeaAt ten. uwn'r, vj Bwetianu umir TEN acr tracts, 28 mli:s from Port tand; price 4300; only 110 down. 48 per month. Will give deed to land In case of death;-no puyments during sick ness; excellent fruit, berry and garden jano, oniy e tracts remain unsold. tirn-jr a Aiauuiuiir, a i. sin. - I'none A 20 Acres, All in High State of Cultivation . I H acres In commercial orchard, 8 acres bay timothy and -clover, 9H acres Oats. This is fine home, well improved. a room coupe, Darn tuxts, uisurance on building i I1O00, fine neighborhood. R. F. D. and telephone. 4 mile R. R. sta tion, 16, mitf-a 2d and Washington- sts Portland. . This, la snan: 14000. ISrtOd casn, Daianoe 6 years per cent J. B. ATKINf5oN: 401 Wash, v st. 11 Vancouver. Wash. ' Phone 618.168. i Opposite P, Q. T" . .1500" PER ACRE. . II aores, nearly all .cleared, eholoe garden and berry land near Mllwaukla, terma - ' - FRED CL KINO, 814 Bpaldlng bldg.. 8d and WteHTy A choice rellnnulshment. TITlamook county, 80 aoroa tillable, soil first rata, 1360. xv n jntrWHOM Phone Woodlawn 8026. 1792 rTaven at 1 N- 6th st. HOAfESTEADrt, located near Portland. Most desirable In Oregon: afmd soil. timber. . water, wheat, fruit ami aw.lr 1flr.fl. nrttl tnnVa arnnA hnMAa. ..... school, It. R. and river. Oovey, ill Oak, Room 21. HOMESTEAD relinquishment bargain, Tillamook, for sain or trad. R.tss Journal. 9 ROOMS 9. Nob mil district good furniture and a money maker, 1150 will handle. Patera, I Am Forced to Sell .. n i Ipts 11 rooms on one floor In business building; receipts from rooms 180. rent 436. Lease 3 'A years. This is worth 650; this weelc for 1876. CaU Main 4663. On best tranBient street in - city, ' rant 122.50. Good stocks doing $30, dally. Price 176. Peters, 15 N. Ith st LlJNCH counter and cigar v stand for i sal, near Ankeny car barn. $350, If taken at one. Phon H. 1911, ( East .intn lirui. - : ... . CIGAR store and pool halt tables and nice stock, cheap rant, leasA Price 11200. Will trad for rooming house. (26). J. E. Nlohola Co.. 615 Yeon bldg. Abe Martin ACREAGE HOMES . In glee three or .mom acre tracts with running water, close to car . line, only 1176. per acre, easy terms, which Is tho oneapest ciose in acreage on tne mar ket. Investigate end you will b eon vlnced. Vanduyn & Wait oh, 615 Cham br Cominerr-e. ' 62 PER ACRE NEAR PORtI.S.T).""" No oclta or gravel, Tina soli, good springs, county road, will tell 20 in-,. at this price and giv4 very raasonabl terms. . P. e. west. 404 Railway Exchange -Hdg. :, E ACRE OARDKN TRACT 17 miles from Portland, good trana- portatlon, rich Uack loamy, eoll, very productive; 4300 per acre, terma .Ymt ther parUculara at 407 Merchants Trust bldg. ' . ' . ' THREE acres cleared land at Gresham. best in county, xijt.&u down, balar.ee easy. v-Northern Trust Co,' 270 Ktnrk Thai acres can be aMwiiYidpd and sold in lots; can also arrange to build for purciiaaaa lfift ACRTO Tarm fnr'Mnr farm nt v.. 90 acres in, cultivation,, orchard, good buildings, plenty of water and pasture. Implements and stock for sale. Lo-1 cated near Eagle Creek, on O. W. P. Ry. ApplJy to E. E. , Elliott, owner, , Eagl i t YEARH' lease, close in,' on Waahing- ton at, 10 rooms, rent $46, clean, new, clears big money, respectable, $750; easy terms. Hurry, this is right. Qod dard, 606 Yeon - bldg. 10-tR00MS 10 In the heart of . west side. rnt 430. good furniture; rooms all full. ' Clears 876 monthly. $300 will handle. Peters, 16 IN. 6tn St. Half Interest In established dye -works; rood opening ii iiifiiv jii iyr oo nunnmi ri. WANTED FARMS 88 WANTED Good dairy land, partially cleared, tendering aa first payment 1600 equity in naw modern 6 room houae, clone in; give looation and par tioularA O-960. Journal. 14 Rooms, West Side7$750 ,Rent $87, 2 years' ' lea: will khow you it clears $8S month; only $800 cash, BROADSTREET'S EXCHANGE; 'in 4th st. Rooming. House Owners I hav 60 trades and part cajsh. with EXC1IAXGE REAL KSTATE SM for Aroall. Call Main 4377 or A-77S0. 46 ItOOMfif, brick. team heat, hot. and ooio water m every room, many pri Ton can alius tall, a food-feNnothln farmer by th pile Y ol bufrgy wheels back 9' his corn crib. It ; hain't ben very long since a Teller used f- gay, "Why I'd no rjrore, think o' doln that than I'd think, o' rjia'." -. Exchange Hat Factory To exchange Hat -far.tnrv In anhnn. ban town In Oregon to nxcbiina'a . for residence in Portland, ' d6lng fine bus Inesm .manufacture all their hata; sell at wholesale and retail: can show good firofits; will take property up- to $3600. 'ORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE,' uo Miimg. mug. . main text. Evenings, '.Main 8002. vat baths, clears .1400 month: hleinxit snap aver offered, $5500. half cash. God dard, 605 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE By owner, conreatloneryi cigar and, grocery store; excellent loca. tlon; thrd uving rooms: only 4700. Good reason for selling. .8-976. Journal. FOR SALE Bakery, grocery , and eon fectionery, ice cream and soda room, for restaurant Address , Walter Smith. RESTAURANT If you have Wftti! . $200 and $300 and mean business, can Show You a good proposition; investl. gate, 211 W. 6th Bt Vancouver, Wash. $3000 BTOCK of merchanills to lral for lota or anything of valua.or good seourtty. (25) J. E. Nlohola Co.. 615 Yeon bldg. - ' FOR SALE Plumbing and tin shop and electrical supplies in good town; only shop: will Invoice stock. Address Q. R. Jacobs, Estacada. Or, WTLI, Invest few hundred dollars wltVi service, as partner in good legl timet bfimness Z-985, Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADEl Two 160 aero farms, A-l wheat and corn jancl, 1 partly improved, 30 . miles from state capital In South Dakota, in trade. What have you as a . business proposition;, owners only. Address H. C FREDRICKSEN. Care box 278. Hood Rlvur. Or. WILL soil or trade ray $850, equity In oottfige. iota inoxiuu. irfna ground. naar Monta villa, for srrrall rooming nouse or cigar ana conrectionary. - c-871. joumni. house and st N ex- PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. 411 Henry bldg. Marshall 664. Hotels, apartment houses, rooming houses Dougnt, aom ana exchanged. FURNITURE 5 room modern flat for , sale, at a bargain if sold in. 5 days; two rooms rented. 808 8d st. Mrs. Weller. EXCHANGE Rooming boarding bonsa on 7th ahanae for vacant lot- ' . Wanted to buy Columbia River Orch ards bond ' PORTLAND BUSINESS . KXCHAXOB 306 Selling bldg. Main 6816. Sundays and Evenings, Main 8002, Real estate exchangesT AHA .4ft MARSH," Members Portland Realty Board 1208 Teon bldg. ; Marshall 3338 IF' tOU WANT TO SELL, BUY - OR TRADE. V BEE " SHOEMAKER - IN VESTMENT CO ; 624 iHENHI BLDO. M AIN .4465. - ROOMING house, barber shop and soma lota to-exchange for San Diea-o. Cai. froperty. 'hat have you T Main 46. Sfc-E us for fxl -estate trade any wtiar; - ! noara ot l rtae Diag. 1 WILL buy, -n r trade anything. AA m. Ae. !! ASoard or xrad blUaV 20 room rooming house, . housekeeping. Good . location. .Prloe $1400. Terms. Everything first-class condition. . A 4282. 608 Alder. ' - WILL buy livery . business or saloon in any town between Holton and As toria. Or. B-987 Journal. SALOON- lease. ' Price $6500 Independent license: 10 vr lease. Will clear you $1000 a mo'iilh. 810 Henry bldg. SMALL retttaurant for sale, long'leRn. good paying , buslnesa Prlca $50Q. 13 ROOMS furniture, extra good, close in. on Morrison; long lease; . price $18001 $300 cash. (6) J., E. Nichols Co., 615 Yeon bldg. 18 ROOMS, all full, good furniture. splendid location, ciearsrjjuj per month above expenses. Price. $14J0; tertns.,231 hi. etn st. FOR SALE 13 room rooming houa. In a fine location: a money maker: al ways full; will sacrifice within three weeks.- 389.3d. No agents. . BEST" furnished and paying 16 room ...house- in Portland. Call owner ar range to -see house. Marshall 8292. EXCHANGE tice . little iiorne fXr small grocery or confectionery.. A 973, Jotirrial. A COMPLETELY furnished suit of two . uuivw iuuiiih tur . eaiv - cit jour own priuar reny low. v-t)a, journal. BARGAIN 14 rooms all rented, cloee In Trlca 1700: terms. . Or will tak cheap low Johnson ft Johnson, 168 10th. WANTED Rooming house. 10 rooms. Must be a bargain. Main 8767. bet. 18 and 2 p. m.- house, , 8 to 20 Phon rooms. van. Arret; b:S9 FOR SALE Roomin) rant $35; pne xbb t. tn. 4 86 Aiuer . 11 ROOMS, $660, beautifully furnishod. Half calh. modern, worth mtich mora. Goddard, 605 Yeon blrtg. 4 ." j v-j t. Main nut. ItTTto Goddar .f inoil(-rn, new, , 665 leon bidg. Letter Heads. Envelopes, Cards Acorn Press, 612 Buchanan bldg. M. 6614 WITH j, $300 you -can own restaurant, lease, customers and soma mor e. See me at once. 853 Yamhill, near Park, WANTED Good all .round pritiier to take half interest, in newspaper near- ry. .ivi -tz, j ournai. WANTED Parlnor for transfer biiHi- , nea; will take, man with 1 or 2 teams, Phorm-'Marnhall 1416. THE ALBIiVA Pinning mill at.Vsncoi ver ave. and Rusncll st. will b toil by the eherlff October 27, Bt S p. in. CLEANING and prttMing si.fr iriu-at 1 " sokt at oneo; $5" wiu r-in-ln It 10-4 Hawthorn1? av. Tabor n .a i i MEAT mi'tet for t... abot -440 Lilly. - ' , Wanted Htkiry in cn,i.y t, 11. Journ.il FOH SAL .u-l 4. i VANYi. u- A(4fflA 4'f . .":lf":i"' i niNfi'-1 t" ;-s tvP I.: ' .. i . -