The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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U MM mn aa4 a.;U U Itl!; tiV.4 U U IAA IU (t U A t-'4?
41 f IV 414 At! tl (ItftA, I U tl 44 u wiin.
I tt aa4r4.
14 11(1 11 r.4 tl lrrtvf Awartb . TA.I IuiImi aaaa k. ti.m l huta 4 .- ii ik.i I. it .
TIjcm D4y of Of ppr
tunity lj I iw g-- aa(ti f. aui rM Aa I 1 ffiA4 ui Um fa'l evUt4
' ll H S U .! rf.aM:Ul...t ( sA4; A-trfa IwUM Ul 4tt till V
mitx HAua.
0UUJK klULlJuUtt,
4.aa4 awa aa- mnM ,'' '
y, l-4l4 14 IfaJiaj - .. U tW ( IW .r.4a) 4llU m4 4 t! 44 1 U A tr'y
mUmkm. t It I f--f 14 yJt -A 1 4.144 HU. ft Ur a. 4 ss'U IU 4w ara
.-..a. j -- ..-a- a i w. a
(W 4 WVh
Ti My fktkkvw l h-4.k l Vtw I.. i-4 4.kf'
hk ii k m.4 I -J vk. kUf 4 k j. a t u 4 I V
U.4 ti' ..! .i it. 4., .j. l M k.
M tJ",',M U m4 nHUkKf to tt4 tw
- 4 Xk.. 4
f U w ui ti t. taiiiU 4r mm l lWfut to ta vawtiag 4- u turn
B4i 44 Wk. 41 UH
' a! at f eu.t U gi t fa:u- uUttrMrr hUi U
t. tu i m rata.
.. k...-- .,..) 44 "" t
a a. A
IiIiiupIII ka. t I
a aa ik m- k mt
l4 ka aaa-aaal a 44 A
-..... A. Aaa- ka- - ' 4-.
k -A I t aa tak. kt-k " I
44 14444 IM 444 IMHtf 41 4 f IWI4 44lf ..!. M 4&Vt l4n4UJ 41 4f Ulf 4lm44
T 4 J 4 - L.
M fw. ....... 41 w I iW ....- J4
rw dm 1 v lit -I
Mil 44 ItlMI.
rit a tut 1 4i y
k w4i4
l f 4tfctf (
f Ki 4 lt4 Wf44
P44144M U II N 44 1 If44t4 IU K4i ff. 44r V44
' rt! 444 444T 4-9444, ; IV4 14 4 444, rwU
4 fw'M lit tW4 4JI4.
rl'.IVlt 44 ItlfUfl 4 '4 I
44. 7V4 !m4U gt4l 4f IU4
K4'( ttf 1 44 i-4 4444.
A4 rtt4 ttrt U IH I
tWtVU. t44 f 44 114 f
Clf)4 4T4 11.4 V.f l!f4 Mtil 44-
444 144 Cll 144 ff4t
r4nr4 4 4 aft 4 C44444 It 44 ft
tni i4mt444. t:i r u 444
rut? wiuaurrra
!rC 444 44 tt4 44
roctU4 lU4 U4 40 i4ljr
4lf1 44 40V 14 44 4f;-
t4l o4 t4 4f k fHr7.
U 14414 nt.
Kett vwk tl4 frU444 Commf
BtJl-VAftLT L44 T4h4 (UI44
4ft4r 44 intt'n n
444 4Ui4 444 4UpUl t!
144 WlU44i( lckt fr)dL
44 It4 rVU 4444tA44 ft.
I Iff. It! 14 4tU4l TV4 44t4 444
4tU4 If Mtirw. CtTMX 444 44.
rfrUl4 I RU4f r IK4
4rfrtmt4 4f J44tit 444 f 41
V44Et4fU 44 4Urt4 4tr4
lt;l(r f 144 4441(1044) III4J94 r-
Tftr 4t44 t4 t 4
t4t44 Cf 4!f e4f tlt Cl V4J.
Dt of 4 eeafnrCef merl4. tt U
IU44 14 ffl 4Ur 444 U
4U UllK4 4t14tt4f 4 t4f
ttm 14 0tmi 144 44 f 44!4tttf.
UgW 44 4MUr)t4 V4( f44
Tt 44 (3 tT 4T4 d 44
ti4) tttan-4 t4 44 4r44i4.
I 4 i"l"PBi
IT T- V f I
,1 jitter Trota t b rtovU I
1 1 : 1
Br 4 La a 4
T4 4M - - - - - -
44)4k4 f
II U Mtvrtf U4
4 44 UM k- t4,
w m
TIIK jrlo tt g4Ut4g cr44
ILkt tv(mtklJua 44ni44t
I for ftrtl44 U r4t l 4 44-1 tf t!etmil
U4t4v tU AiTlrtir r!cL 144
!a 144 lcior4i4 It 4ir44f -1 wllf4444 44 IU Ortom coao44tmlt to 4Um4 nat!.
birr la lu ro4t144e4. ifl""ot r 10 ;o:4 wn cu-
ir . ii,fMi nM 11 M. i iujM Mm9. Wirnu 444 Cll
. urk tk t. rl.l. Mmll.lop444t A 404fcf4r4 f I WO
14. TT.4 uncotrromUtnc 4IUI.44M1" A 444Jtr4tlo.
0f tU 14441 r441044ff 444 lt4 ft f4 4ftV!!i 444 44-
rAtA.I HfAM Minkifi l Mttatns I nniiim cvu4 ripon win l
i iot, nor am a pHir iittvioti.
pealtrr, 4T4)4t f of a f 4 rl4at, con44f
ntloa of 44oUtar 4b4 otr acrtrol-
tartl farta erobUraa vttl 44 41a
14 ot demAD4 for 4 meUoBarl 'aiiiBwraiiiM
a 401444 for "r!.M? ,.Bl ,4,f
tt4 ptJie to )o4 botk eoan44e
4A4 patlvar.
TB4 JtB444 Of 14 lH0l4 (4 f Of I
comntaaloa gtrr4B4t. 444 It la 4 1
tlemaoi ttt 444 b 4tapt4Utv. It I
ItMT 44m4A44 444I4 tO fc4 14444 fOf
4 rtikt of war tl4 4at aid of
ti r1rf. lUarf 4B4444 aqa to
to K&444 for rlial o( nr 04 ttvo
M Hi 4l40, 4Mplt4 tho f4Tt that
t gorram4t lockt cn tka aot
ai4o o14 Baai th prlrt! er44
tocka 04 144 at 4444 vorUU4.
Too fsoat 4ou-oi87 feAturt fa
t&o praot autaa la that tt ftov
iwmi to tvo U4 oailBAora vo 4ro
oa tiiaJ. Tb4 t4tt4 ftato au4 tlo
tt4t4 of Orffoa fear y!4o4 4npl4
tnoaoy 4t tbclr 4lapo4L At Uat
ratcaJna la for tbo Diinra to go
444 404 eompMo too work.
Tfeo ofto44rlB( problra eaght
not to b 44 4imclt 44 44 th4
prob!m of g(Uog tb4 moBy. T&4
rlr feu two b4&ka, 4&4 It abotild
Mm 4jf to oecuro ligfet of way oa
004 or tko othar wltboot oxroaatr
11 lMff Or.
4(Uwkiv. or. OK laT4 CM X4V
tM TV JrX TV 4t4 lJf I Ur wi f itr
AU4r. u ! u-'iom, u rM
i nl 44 Ja
9 "U" U
T mTf 1144 I 4 U t iinil
4ri44. 4.flf 4m-4
avkt M
.. n4,- U 4 4.
t atii la (K 1
4 mrT m Ur 44144 t4 Mty
4U4' 44Mki4U,4iH
4ft 141 U 4(4 la 4r tulf
U 4IW H'il WTkrOaAl
I U4ry , WsttM4 l (44
f t .kit k- HUM ;-4 k4 4
k HtkkU 4r Ut4 V uwt.
m f f . i x. v lit .' ku
kiWw4 tit J)1 I'
M 4-4 U ll.J k4l t"V Im
k 4 )44 i4. . m
T 4rU w4m4I M'kllUkkl 4
441 Tit f' -!
ik Bka la !-.
kii ii I 4 M4
4 rufkiir
comal4atoa eb4rt4r lo4444 4ow Blrt,ofc B,'M
with iw!bUoo4T7 444 itrlcll ff1" tbo 444 tkt
prtm44tJ ebABg. It U a 44044 lh !! M4 th4 Ua4t4M
for 4 4lmp44 4ppUc4tloa of tfeo com- BM artl togatb. Tb4
mJatoa prtnclpl la gowramont, Vr " to nor nomp for
4trtpp4 cf aaooeoawy eoapUiltla ' VL """T lor 0,
444pron4iocgorrBmtta4 4ob4r, brU EopJr
4lmDl4 4Bd M&albU form. wo lt cn-
Tfcla ta whkl la wanLavl It la all I It U r4l 4t4t4 bolldlog. It If tl4 Boat. It U lkff! 4 probata Of 44-
tb4t la wABtad. tt U 4bout all tho ,BBfnr108 of P,r,t Port- tUUoo. aubtracUon an4 4l4ott7
paopU of rortlwd. la tfeelr pr4at " rnaeTBr ? onr4io 4
nwwwf . r Ilka) tA Antnt Th ara u"r wrwawn. II. I to r-t 44tIrerai.oo from . 04tmcUT offort for th tl.t. ton
nam.r.H. t,Bt th. rfn 4trOCUT4 OffOft for Portlan4 40d
not waat to jump out of It Into 40- Ifonttnctif offort for tho bock eoaa
other U40444ii4 coT4ram4nL Tberl"7
wonl4 ratber eodaro tb4 in tbar It U onn4taral tb4t 044tra Orv
fe4T4 than fly to otbera tb4t tbeyn ahonld bo 40 aporoejr popoll4.
know not of. lit la ono of tho thlnga about which
f Mni 4 kvfHj B Uiall.
Usa 4w kt4 444 4!i f
ra int. 4 4Manr 4 fclk4 la 44-
r4 U 4 4U4Utr Uil T4 tAtwry
ra. kl la Aiu4i Ik Uw
mmr ru f 14 art'W cWr4
l 14 rtam. Mr. iraai aan Mr.
tlr r4 4t bU41c 14 ni
" is tvi r MMnwiir. TV n4
4at 4 4 fa 4r rr 14
T rV4 14 4 4 t4
UrM rr TV wiy 44il4
4 IV lai 4 414 44 k gl44.
4 awattar WAI frw f r1 ll la
HIT TV aflpU ri4 jk4 44l4 4y
14 444 t Mr. Rrr 4 If 4
4 pr4rtv. k4 4t II 4
'" 4ivrtlr wr4 f 14 4r--".
TV ttrM iM et 4
A144r. itk&. UfM.
IV tnMJMlUkl aJc . smJ la k
I Tan ll4 ur a 14 rrtmaila
' 'lia 14 -Wf aaaHJlklk'
" 4a Um f 14 Bk.4- ajk
""t -iaf fa rl0 f
aa,4r4 ya4. Cartowa; (K t a
lrtl ra -r aaakrulaaLc' &4
44 kfk4a4k
4lM tha ka-r(tta r v
ii. i ikaiur Baatr l"rl Ian A Itm ra
Vm4 a-i u ally 4mf ta ihnIh 4
lcnlir kUiiaga I rtoa aMa tt 14
It 4aa f1 ft (lr4 lhal
rtmrtr Iambi a ad lnairuaaila
rriena . lB ,,a(.M. La ari.
Th mnnaa iplaniVoa la, ur(aav
Ua." tlul 14 kunkar t tack fUaula
lh ! must 4a amalL ll
wl IW.. rr4tJi,. Kk la aU U t"rCi 71, a, ill-. "
4irt4l rl. I 414 ra4dM ' 4 H r lr r 1.
HE moat lmport44t BUUmOnt by
Mr. Tart on hta tour waa that
la which h4 444r1d th4t th
ranama canal wol4 bo con-
pteU I la tbo nldnnmir of HIS
It la MraraJ monthj okrller
rr v. ti.. ti i lujuiiDK mea nar marreia. wiib k. " uwk uyumuuo.
4bont tho work of gattiag togothV rarcow that th. etloa " "J? ?M Vht f
en 4 bjil of tlrktBr .trafrht t a " "JHW increoiOl ID41 'ul a-
.fia. ..4 , " " .either 4r4 wholo countloo la which I m'nlatraUon of th CAnaJ. Tho tjneo-
4loa gerament, 4 , ooallUoa of thero la hot on. paroa to two .q04r " tollo thoold bo oottlod with-
forca can b aecored 4nd bnt oflal"1"'" 01 M"TlM,r'' r"'
eh4rt4r b anbmfttd. Tbr t no ' " U 4Jmot lncrxlIblo that la awch I " roquire a ion cm to orrania
tronbl in rrin if all th r.4 ooantTT thero ahonld b oountloa la Bw tr4fflo routo, Ehlpa h4r to
Tlaera confJno themaelT4 atrlctly to wbIcl ! " ncto4l deer 444 of built Berthing 4iTntraenU
commlBaloa goTernment If on com- PopuJ4Uon. , It la progreM turned T or Try pon 01
mltteo lnalaU oa rotalnfna? a lot of b4ckw4rd and la contrary to All rule -Agenci U4to to bo provided.
tho preaent men4grl form 4nd th of drlllt4Uon. Fuel Bupplle and 4ooommod4Uon4
other continue ta onmh tha aarth It U auch 4 condition that haa aet to bo Amored for. A whol
for new thing to Incorporate la th force to morlng In Portland. Thl4 oulUtud of qneaUona of Urg eon-
rlan. there will be 110 agreement. 17 " now m th path bf 4 con-1 aequenc nave 10 do tiiea oy neaa
thero will b two rharter ta ot on. 4tructlT leaderahlp that ontht to ot tranaporUtlon lines tht contem-
and th whol thing; will bo boaten. I M4 excellent reaalU for Oregon. It Pl4t 4 wrrlc through th cn4l.
What th neonl want la rommta. b4ck country th4t la PorU4nd'4 Nothing can be done until th
alon government. That la 4ll they mo,t P,eD0',l 4aaet. 4nd Portland quoatlon of . toll Is settled. Great
want If th plan falls, th respon- ,nonM De n "t In helping build steamship lines c4nnot b eratd
Blblllty will bo on those radicals on lu" TOUQir7- na put mio aervico 41 4 cost or many
millions, on uncertainties
41 pportJljr. Ha Lat I Oftra a tm ia'i M .wi ta 4a
4f rr 4 OHMrtaallr. 1T4 UUki oaaa at Olracla la u la.
ai-fi iar 4iu ibal Var. . . in n -aoo ana imr m
& C Wul4 44 4 41 In 14 mukl aa. I P1?4 . VH'' CbU
a, tor that tmuuh la 1 'rr-P"e.W. 4 4 44 Ml
lt. tAr aalahllaika. Yiuan. la I .
-w-mkaj i a (ri r4iro4 r-1 0 M. r I4r wa sraJ. 4 -ln-
i4, 14 aMac f a rich eountrr 4 I hadow r eouBt; o lhr found
th AlU1bU44T point far 4 lT lr-1 hU" 4uUfr f tnurdar I th aaoon4 da.
fliorr. With th no i .araa MI.L Tb Mtnlabmant mar ot "fH lh
liana, la.l.. a. . .J cranrwit lj punLarunanl ooalil; y
wZltt k... I ' ,rwi wi-ry 414 lu ducr otvc4lloiialy. 44
rHwMMtvna4 a v w lo. rvn I aVUDI.
144. Wl(4 BOO Of th airoaaa4- f
Ka Ha ti4i A fM 4l4 f
ttw iW. aa UiMit Aaa
I alla a4a I k
lwt luaa4at. a 11 14 k taa la
I f 114 4 14 AWV
Blaaflaia 4laAa4' 4" n mtU a r
tala,lla( f kklUt "t valaa llal.
iaa MkM a flilat la V Ikaaa uui
wKa4 la4a4 mt . il 1
full 144 araaj 4 (vitla( 4 (a,
14 14 Cm art. TAe rt In-trim
IK ttifa) f 4im a iva-a
la komik i taUcu'rl tiaa4
lib ii f-i ubi i r rrw4aai Vr i
.mj iimUi avrrvwaAtk I a
m4 Af rv..'i w) mmiU0 !
ali.a aat muan t (I
U.a IL a 4 a4' 4
'akil y k aa4 f4kl
U n.lan
it ,.
T1 Ul I, til U It- katl 4
ikk4lfa kbaa U4 t4a,
laily. . U- 4 laatua 4a.a 4a
k-laaa4 (kimk ka a kja..
WaAttaa a a44 a 4a a
a4 IWlj a4 f rl.;aa4 taal mm
4 (A 4 tlaa faaa 44 f
tMM.14, k.4 w 144 14
f-4 4A4. . ato
a 4arl 4lt a
t4li4 ttouai Kla 14. Ifa4
'" tfmmm (Nt-'lt kkoklflat aa kU
' a I M laaaaa at
Sa4 44 4r !, u.4iia ami
ra4aka4 kk.:a-4ka mt af
' 442 f4 Ira 4.S IU.
4 MI Ul IJ- Utaavica mt IA 4a
lAa4 actajiUaia a4 fakaablt IA
IA 4y HAa aii,4. far!.
T4a 14 I 141 aitvkc 4aa
44 4U4 4v Waa 4r.ltfi mt
fl rl4t mt mmm-f aa-! kal .
44 4 4art f Ua.(kt. T
4-M4 - Kw tiMt ! 4rl?VU" 4ia lAl 4l4
aaa a. I1IW IU fit llftl fm 10
14 4t asltaa4 ( 44a
Ul. t4 la 4 fa mj 4ibaa
lU t4 al 4f Uta I rttry 4
A rta I I Ac a! a aaxat. ctv
I f all (4 Aai lkl 4 N
far44 4f tfcaa la4 U IK 4414 f
4ail 41.
lkf at
. r a 44tu
t- .
-l4 A-uill 44 rapidly 4 4aaikt la
4a4Wa 41 4tUI I kar af lb k
a I rtai kooiM tar lb wtalar. SKar
a i 4fia Cat 4 , aa
inoa w4 ri na !. ri
I?ntrpfia ytayArrt O.If1klat If y
K 'irr.aa taommf I lavat. 4( II
lei VUa rouctr ir4ta If
r want t lbrw II 4y c tra
171 414 ou f tioca la in II
aoadlaao rompan r a X)-loeru4
r ta rtraaiiBc.
A I Hail r; A Air. tntan a4
lil famfly r bar from Tia. wit 4
rlw I loraua;. It raponaj aat
44 raUl wb war nlan4lBa I rm
I Or I h. tVllar f rt
tbar 4 ti fracoaney w oaualafl
t4 ! ef 4lta(Xvirk(maTiL
T. at Bhamwav tt llolaart. OAl vka I wrll flnA tbat Lba arl
Aa rr1 al Iiahar. wut lmr 4 1 1 kif W(y wl .UD)I. ,K.
Hll . t-.l 44 f (A
ira.i a. wft4 u HU4 14 arti-IU
WAI 14 IA TU 9mrrm t tA
yje 4Vk4 aaaAlBf aeaaaaj,,,, M
bUr r 44 A U 441 I B-ar
44 I tA ap4taBtlla raaal4.
im m aimair. ay ttr 4 -
rymuo. 4f ui a4 bpfictui
rr it. won, cmaa I j
r ma a
41 A4, X
i hint aacrt
famllta. Th Mrl4 QU Air. 4 bam.
war rlng I hat tb aalanarr a4-
rtiaina- or ih rotn mat-rial iu4i I m a
tbrouiioit Oatro ha 4prr iairM4- I I mndleiaat
4 Ih ivaooj Ta OklaJvomaT and an II gOOi;
r prwiD I I (jr4B,
By AiO
vrAl tx coadltlana. uutrlp Ar la
U tin ef t4aatrll 4rlopoiaL la
ny tJnlon. aot n bulldlo waa put
up la T4oetir thtwush th lnfluanea
f tAlr lax tratta. Air. tTRaa aa fha
4l t( tjt CaJSDhlat at.
ttapUa I bow U tbir Lhrla vara
pi4 lbA 4 Itrrt dTlpmnl In
Aulldlar wvwltl at eoo rla oB th
ut iuua(rail In this book. On ef
th traot waa ta Und Aero th rlw I 44 a m4vr wAa,
at Orro City. Tbl tract waa aot oa orr tbt w to t
Etoptkoa Docaktmv.
Staph X)tr. th Blid Of th I "latr-Dld" aetara
rty Ajnarle 47, ntra4 tb r-1 parl U b only 4 dUt boat 444 Lil
le whao tA 44T41 spirit wh at It I tl tlntloa waa 14 t bar. liar erw
lwt Ab. XI waa without tralatna-1 wr Atddm babina bar raiia aauM..
n, t la. b 414 th I with lhair ansa la thalr itaada. r4r
onna aim rm u. 1 ror aapnu aot ion. Th UtU tmI
th hrto ft .
I . W m . k... . a. . . I m.
1 " " -'"'- wyiim iorol jur imtiur wu 4 O tta fWIO I 4inriol Br tha -Ph1Ia4aln.l aaa it..
than l!1 " to markat. Bbortly artar th I honTd by proUUoa of 4 sword byarw watched with tatrt what Lhr
ia.u i ui book waioa juntpao oa th eonara, II h waa 4 cap tain la I anppo4 waa 4 II tU ktcb 4rtftinw t.
I DV4Pa 4n4 444141 lba la,Al aauIJ W - I r.., . 41 . 4 aXa.. W. a aan a a I S a
hd It oould and would at ono bring toll on." Ru 4ds of vaior mak a Br-1 TblUdalphU' 4nd warnad t kra eft
net t. I0 horn to th pro party, tb rati Uk 4 daahlnr romaoo. IIU I UJa plkot. an ItaJlan. waa lnatruot4 to
land wa aot a th iarkC Mot 4 fluaiiu war tbo tb earal officer rply that tAy 44 Ut thlr tntlmr
tha Mnmitiaa .Ka iit I J I minions, on uncertainties. A btii.
i.vwa " " -" w I a aTBItn w n.n-n aoa.v I . . .
tie commission government or too " ou,w" ttwui neas of such msgnltud cannot be
much commission rovernment . tnunnxi . suited on a whim or congress. Th
A toll of one dollar a ton for all
other vessels and fro passage for
American ships In the trad between
m0."?nt."trlkeewVel0.p,nfknt Wf comP4nles on sir seas are wait-
-,wTl ' " ,u lu' lng to know what they can or cannot
A AT or. - " waa an- . tW ::. '7T;. dointhw4yof using thcanl. Big
Anouncea si Vancouver, British " " T -Issues hang on th sction of con-
Columbia, that tho Hudson's ""J" teaher. bu regular- and tnere VTeBtUig need tnat
HtT I Vimnanv wa ahnnt v'""""' u ioiuj Kaium iua ur- tk. v in.lil.i.i. 1.
.' a'.7"rr' : der and dlarlnlln. of ,1 m- kmiJ""' wu., l.
uiuv rauicai coanges in organization . , , . ,7 "
and W develop its properties by mod- vu -ip- ncKeis,
era mAthnit. . l' . wer posiea, mass meet-
, . 1 a n ririnaTi Hnirita in in rrnna n4rw4i4AT
Thn TTnann'a T4 nnmn.a. ,.- inBB wr neia, banners were Dro- . . .. .
bn T t r",,rr3::'r vlded, and a street procession or- ".u r."""".''1.
":T.7 r. J," r wnlred. Th nolle wer tnnn .,1. ea 7 inenos 01 me canai overywner
' uu ot fw America 10 me r.4 ? as tho scientific arranirement. Tt 1
Other for 200 veara . Tha mA rrnm were, protjeniea 10 tn scnool "......: " "
which It sprang wu . 5aT HoTt Id-lLn.
Just'a few fur traders in Quebec
:h their French.neigb-
QO rrienas Wim frince . . Z . . . will not h an aannt of tha nllmi1
RuDert. the I. E ' B. Stewart of th "na y-"8 "oa lower z: T7 r.,7: " . 'Tl' """"
- ' . I h Ja aualfa - a . . 1 UI1L Lilts. I 111 41.1 H LH II 1 II In tl. K 1 11 AT; V n4B
canal serve tho people of the United
ouarreled with their Frenclwnelah-r"n,BieJL 01 ."aacauon. were in pros- V 7"l
bora, and made frlanrl witfi PHn PMt- Th leaders wer tetween IS i TT a. -
Rnnflrt. tha i. t! n stawar and I5 rers of age, 4nd the lowo'i
English Civil war' So prince Rupert frad P"511' wer tneIr nt fol
I I ft ur ak 441
Tb MotioiOfutat
Wall I w-r soli 14 hav war
ballad from th I w1u TP prtty oon. Tap, Hob-
mom iu io looinacn
Soppo tb llttl brow a ma ahould
...k..iooiu avar nan uu aiK ina Munirv!
ben h4 bn built bou rjondl. I tftdAr oa arnalat wllb Drwfll ta hlmaalf I nd wlabaf ta ma a li.. . .v.. a3T?. I aod raaaaek lt and ntnaaek It. and
tlon 4 not warrant It Frio ar aot I ad bl 0ttntry. and 4vry patriot r. I for th &lbt. I Uckaack It aad funny ek It. What
hlfh. but thr la 11 tU ar no damand I Brd with AAtUfaotlan. Tbar ara faw I Thl . rannaat aa aa .-a I would wa 4 ttolnw. mv fallaw elMaanaf
Tb m ondlUa ebtaloa ta port-1 urn oa th botoU of faao with I eatur'a roa U.aa far workd wlL Tha I Would w b la Jd eaekaT W would
ana. tb taao with vacant Dronac-tr nntr iutr tbaa hla. I craw b ta null tha k..i. ... . .v.. I not. W would b form In aack
wiU build IS ttm out ef St if b ea I m childhood 8tpha lovd tha I fiicat. but tby cam naarar tht I "t- W woold b aalllna; 'ara m In lor
a wwm T iimim rwiura i or ni monr. I w any am aa u I mn on in fblMlpbi4 w th tru I wc" tewnaii ana pp aigiii.
A fw will boa Should w punlah ll I atody of ahlpbulldln, 4ad at II tlpd I charactr of tha ktob 4ad riad thlud dam alt. W would 40 down to
popl4 to cat at on hrdad alnnar? I eonatruet tb Unltd 8tata frlaaU I ararm. It waa to lata, far ruh, ... I tb dock and tak 'am Into oar eon-
Th small prepertr boldar want ta ra. "Unltad Btat." which A wa an day I near taarh to laad hi man 1. . I fldrao. And Whan thtr la ft Lhal 1 all
tnat win lam ioo,sot mort-1 a wr wiui rrano 1 up vn aia or tb TTulAdalphl" and I wwaia hit y woui iraa am
a vi ui a vol or. in Dig xacton. ( m urn 1111 opportunity. 1 rr amr ouiwarn. ivuk unr waraoip ua 107 wua
tb 4krorapr. th rolilna- ataek of I H wa 4 pratty W4 and Daeatar was IU I Th TrlooUtan had n tim. ta 4.r..4 I hv to SO bom In brrla. for wa
tb rallroada, th aaiooa lion and I tnoat Picturaaqu 44 flsur. I thmlva And ther war out down nr I wouId bar thalr cloth. And If thr
al.. ll' aaa aa . w . . .1 17.aM la 1IA1 .TV tk. . I t . . v m w, . . - V... t. W. WM a. 1. .
ll f.vvv.vvv III Li a naiui or vara. aa a-va, a wi UTr v&ucuk I ariru VTinwkra until nnt aaa Mm.ln m.A I v.wa a aw iiwiiiw aa lairaa v-w ikir Ulflkmiia.
land ar axtropttd from taxation aom I a1z ablp waa dlbndd and Tl par cant I on dck. In frr mlnttt Daeatur waa I w "70uM pickla 'm and tby would
on oaa it l par ana that aom on I vuaor iuuiihm, iaciur wa in unaisputM eonunnd of Lb Mn I "a o s noni in Darraia anyway.
I th owner of a bom or baalnaa lt I P a to rvlo, and ha found I Combuatloa had ban brought atui aa I A year aaro w ud to raad a boat
But 1 this what th atn rla tax ara I XLM ror tb B4V41 kor b had 4oqulrd. I th boat oould not b novd ah waa I u J-P taklnr ktohaa of our fort
at after, a rrpreaanted by tb Orweon I ror ntnrle tb Bmrbmr Btat bad I aet on fir la varlou plao. Thl"Akla' th,m on PPr. And than th
bunch? By no mean. Thl la only a I rPPOTto tbmlv by piracy. Hoatl flame wer pourlna from bar hatch I wppra would flsht a bloody war
a tartar. Thy ultlmaUly Intend to tax I nuaiD our own, paia mem i wnen uecatur and bis men left her deck I u mua "m n PT! Kuiar
all ratnrna out of land and mak tt a nmmnu "lout to win proUotlon from I and ahoved off In th ltrpld" without I pp"r war- Jspa tak our forte on
aute monopoly. . . " pirat amp. In May, noL th I the lo of 4 man. ...... PPr; aitor lick m on paper. Wall,
JOHN Af nfTHOKkT. f0 ol xnpou ociarM war on th I Aa tb auna of tha -Pblladalnhla- rwy.. mat prov tnat tb pen la
. united States, and bea-aa to aelao Amer-1 wer all loaded, a they became hot tbar I Bot onIr nurhtler than tha a word, but
A Settler rrotesta. I w "!,.v" wr eru,"4T 'a th wer dlachargd and tblr hoU took 11 po fn- a"o"A on th 1 inch run
Cherryrlll. Or. Oct ll-To th Ed- 1 1." .'T.Tl. 1 . . . J". ' 9 ' I lBr.w wwn. Tb conflarraUon I "w, "'r--v-'t "
itor of Tb Journal -I
a- a rw queatlon rpotlna
Bouinsrn raoirio or Oreron
railroad land araat What
mak that rraat fort Waa
ettlar out of ItT Now. bfor that
axilil Kb. a. I ... r. - w in uu vania. tuoaau I
"" wim inarn aa rirat ifantanant nnri (... . .k. ." . I cnmina iidimm k uiaonr tha
.. . --- . . .a i --. vii. uii miwiu ana on i . . w
uu thl war tb United filtataa min-of-wir tha ahlnnln. la k. v.i ,. Z ' I Oar ana th DOUC ar a tin n In
aV California "Phii.dainhi.- - ' V . '. v. C '. " V. ."T .."T """" cr"w" air. . . - s
aii I . . " .a a "o. I au w nuun DT U laaallBaii l
uu cwnaraaa i in Trlnnll biriuw mrA ,. .-a...a w I .k. -. i- . " . . . i I win iim tall lv m4 a
. . A it I - -"u wa vw l v wia atwua tank not kk IDOI BU kakn I " "
hi awa ui. i vna k.aana ,...n. ..n .a . . . . .
I " w vaakar IVIUllieirBU ID a D I UiWl IU
Spklna of bombs, 4 plain, ordinary
atav ft . ataea ana aoetxea or tb dletlnrulahad
Sew k I .kt 4-4a 4 V. a. V V. a. .a Jb. I .Va. . . ' ' I 4TaAVVV4 4t Klla4 At a.a A .M V j a.
rraat waa mad, thl land balon-ed t I Ji.,. J',"."Z ""luur UMtru' I 1.,u J"" than Admiral r.V 7k. l.ZZ .rTrr.,""?'rn '
the people and they had th rlabt tol u. ",7 . I l.V .f 8a " n oB I attr.. mh "7 'T-.TTl".
aettl on any of It and B th . . . r - . TT -"o I m (ai , I
mnt ll.JI an aor for It Wbm on- " "a .t . .M4LT"po""n" '.a . rved with dlstlnotloa dur-
r . i
named It - tb trepld." With 70
rrtu mtdi thl. n.a it aii 7"a "fr""? .
tha nrir nr tha i.l aV I . Picked man aa his crew, aad accom-
and did not kMn ..tHa,: " JT. I P"180-6 notbar amall vaaael.
lng- th war of.1813, and whan that war I
waa oyer ne waa ono more aent axainet
took a load of furs to Lonicn. to
back his plea, and received from his
couEln, King Charles II, th famous
charter of May 2, 1670.
The Hudson's Bay Company had a
capital of ten thousand, five hun
dred nnnnrlfl In 94 efiaraa fni tha
acrlbers, and one modest tra share e"Mtl- flnltWr brought order
nrPrinMRmart..r,nn.t.. it I out of chaos." The "simDlo meth-
three per cent for the J. P. Morgan 8 be,,ng ap.plif,d to the yonsters.
' of that day and no watered stork. the rank and ,Ie of th Insurgent
At. this Juncture th mothers In
tervened. They appeared en masse
on th scene. . "In most cases," say
the London paper, "those simple
methods that suggest themselves to
tho maternal sense of 'justice were
But the steel trust takes an Insig
nificant place beside the empire In
land and monopolies bestowed on
Its ancient prototype.
Exclusive rights to trad in that
vast region and to shut Out by force
army disappeared, and the unsup
ported leaders' were left to receive
the punishment of their sins.
Great part of the blame may at
tach to the school, and more to the
home,- but hero was an unexpected
of arms all trespassers to mako its afre,Pmnt th "unrest" In Brit-
own settlements and fortify them BO nuca is oemg neard
to send out ships of war and nri- ,ust now'.
vateers to declare and carry on
war, and to make terms of peace
wjtn an , non-Christian people be
tween the Atlantic and th Pacific
these and many another Drlvilesre
snow mat rrince Rupert had the
real spirit of the promoter,
It took till 1748 for the Infant
company to acquire fdur ships, to
employ iz men, and, from furs and
trading to declare a dividend of 40
per cent on its then capital.
-Its great rival, the Northwestern
Company, started -in 1784 In Mon
treau - The two companies waged
continuous war, until they merged
In 1821. But th northern territory
waa dotted over with their posts.
Their traders followed every river.
oven to tho Arctic ocean and th Pa-
4!flc. Their hunters and fur trap-T-rs
wer found In every valley of
the mountain chains. . -
In 1SS4 the company waa ta th
' leriay of Its powr. It favo ofdera
T the recent meetlnar of tbA
British association Bishop
Welldon, now th dean of
Manchester, delivered an ad
dress, enUUed "An Old Schoolmas
ter's Memories." As th head mas
ter of the great middle class school
at Dulwlch in South London, and
then as head master of the- ancient
Harrow school for many years, and
until he was pensioned Into a Bish
opric In th Anglican church, Bishop
Welldon had earned. the authority to
speak. -- -.
His text was that education should i
bo treated by the thoughtful teacher
aa th means to one great end. Th
heads of ; his address were thes.
First Every child should ba rlren
th chanc to develoo his own God-
given powers. Second That jrich
and poor ought to fare alike In this
Pt Thirds That th Bucremo
HE task on which th British
cabinet Is at work, with the
aid of various eminent home
rulers, of setting Ireland up In
business for herself, and seeing that
her finances will be sound, is only
paralleled by the work of the Stand
ard Oil and tobacco trust advisers
and Is not less complicated. The
saving clause in the casa of Ireland
is that th law which will ? be th
outcome of these deliberations can
be framed to fit the caso after the
guiding principles hav been adopted.
It Is admitted on all sides that
after being set going as a self gov
erning entity Ireland shall hav con
trol of her purely domestic affairs,
But the questions that ar plaguing
those In council are more of a busi
ness than of a political nature. - The
first and most ' serious problem Is
how shall th government b car
ried onf
It Is stated without contradiction
that the present government system
is -lavish, extravagant,-and neds
jimuiug iu uu uirecuons. ; xn. civil
service must be taken In band. . It Is
averred that Its cost Is fully double
what It 'should be, more than double
what It was In Ireland 16 years ago.
Poor law expenditure can be materi
ally reduced, especially as th $11-
620,000 spent on Irish old ago pen
sions Iwill relieve it much. There
will be 120 half empty poor houses
to abolished. The cost of th
three boards agriculture, technical
instruction and Congested districts.
Is 12,047,728. Economy is possible
Victor Mardock.
Worn th Nrnhurr ftranhla
and did not kep aatUar. from '.."7. ?Loul"r . u' r5"?1' lttD7 or Algl'r. who had again bean In tb colles auditorium on Wdne-
onto th Und. but did Trrthlna- ti -T.VZTa 7L 9aooT inwepia-i moieaun our merohant ships. H soon day vnlng Honorabl Victor Murdock.
enoouras aettl era to take-un thia iani iiia w" m rT. . compeiiea ui Algerian to. au for th Kansas oongreaaman and leader of
and mak home on It Th govwnment I r?ha riaii t3T. I lna peace,, ana b then bumbled hi ,old th Insurgent force In th house, gave
ha never withdrawn that lnvUaOon to 1aZS? ZJa ZD"?T ?rlp.0" a,1 lmllar r0- th BUnbr tbo lyceum
, -- zZTTa ...7iV.Vaa. iT . . "AV, a-'r atampea out u i" n inaa 400a oeror in large aud-
rk!y..?,1 " tnoAttha, and borrlbl ouatom of piracy In th Bar- leno waa fully atteated by th hearty
th batteries around tho harbor, the fcary State. . . cheerinr he received.
whol mounting U gun. The hero of Algler was knied,ln a Mr. Murdook'a talk give you mort
,.!? 7 tL T,!ltfn, blPB-of-war duel by Ctommodor Barron, ono.March than ntertJnment It telUyou th
laatW,?-5L ,r hI1f1Phia- and th 22. 1820. and tb whol country mourned new and Information. It goia to th
ahora, ail ruUy manned and ready for on of th arate.t aaa flhters the heart of tha really bl harJnenln ?
ttlera, but now come th Southern
Paolflo dAmandlng that w muit lea
this land from It or el get off of It
Now, It look. to m aa if tb tonm.
mnt haa incurred an obligation to th
aoiuer 11 is in auty bound to fulfil,
and that when w et tiers have tendered
th pay for thla land to th government
that tb government la obliged to giro
ua uuea.
1N0W tbl I BO Child' nlay. It eamtm
money and time te make settlement nn
piece or lana, eapecially wher It mat a
from f 50 to $100 per acre to clear the
lana, oesiaes tb coat of building,
fence and well. I want to know if
ther 1 not aom way br which w n
roait in government aeoure to ua thl
land which wo hav been induced t
iu on. , It f. MvjffiRn
Oil Tank a Gravo Menace.
Portland. Or, Oct 11. To th Kdlttw
of Th Journal. Permit me to call your
attention to th , over hadowlnV arl-
puaneas of th proposed location of th
oil Unka. Anyone not living in th
Immediate vicinity of these tank
not realls their great danger and men
ace, in people are all wrought up
uui una maiier ana it l an outrage
that women and children must spend
aleeplea night on account of th gTd
of the oil company. Th location is
surrounded by! frara dwelllnn and la
only a abort dlatanc from tha Failing
chooLwlth It hundred of school chil
dren and a short dlatanc . from tha
county hospital : with it hundred of
pauenia. The winds and high water of
in winter wiu carry th boiling oil la
th event of a catastrophe into the
heart of the city or westward toward
dwelling and publlo Institution Thara
Is nothing with which to fight an oil
fire. It must burn Itself out along with
th Uvea and property of the citizens.
Chairman Citizens Indignation Meeting.
vfendeinns tbo Mayor's Plan.
To th Editor of Th Journal How-
aver enthuslaatle th mayor may b
about having Rosa island aa a plao for
a -ctvia center. It seem a though th
mayor ought to use mor Judgment and
b better informed about that Island b.
for going ahead and asking Uie-peopla
10 Tot 10 oar th Island purchased ,
for.. that purpo, - .- . ...
Th fact that Kosa island ha ben
aa attack, -
Tha hour agreed on for Decatur at
tack waa 10 o'clock at night .- A the
American navy has aver had.
Tomorrow Horatio Nelson,
feat la th spring freshet during 4
numoer 01 season, in tne past few years
Is well known to the average citizen of
thl city. A few years ago I rowed all
over th Island In a boat, la and out
among th tree.
To mak tha island fit for a civic
canter, mean that the Island would
hav to b built up, by artificial means
many feet and that even then It la a
question .if th spring freshet would
not cause immense trouble each year.
it require no engineering kiu to ettl
mat thl coat Even then what have
w got? w would then hav a -civlo
center at least two miles from th cen
tor of th city, : causing aa additional
cost of thousand of dollars annually
to transport materials jto that place, m
all modern cities, every building that la
to be used ror municipal purposes
ahonld b placd a near to th center
--a k-T -k.t4 ft jwavav 4raa , . -,.. ..j.V
Such a mort on th part of th mayor
or tnia city is rooiish in the extrema
No taxpayer want uoh a costly civic
cntr a Mayor Raahllght propose to
asK tn peopl to vot on. -
I not tht th mayor speak of vslng
to garoag or th city to build up the
laiana. . uureiy sucb talk la mere child'
lsh play. Without retaining waUa, auch
garbage would b swept away during
in nrat riooa mat th river baa.
" The location of th new building and
tn civic center or Portland has been
planned by . specialists architect and
engineer and It I entirely out of place
ror tn mayor, who knows nothing of
uch work, to lay such 4 plan befor th
paopla TAXPAYER.
lngl tax will ponfiacata. Now If
Mr. HI ganbotham cannot hold a tra-t
or lot of land under th single tax who
current history and drive homa biim
of burning truth that every lire man
I and- woman in the universe outfit tn
know. Murdock la a man of atrong oon
vlotlons. and with a keen sens nr ria-v,
and Justice. Whatever he saya h be
lieve to be true. No man can alt with
I going to confiscate llt and how la , na or TOlo,J. 'oo Into his
th conflscator - going to "old u It vveria ?" ubt hi. hon-
. . .. D 15 v uum Ik I aarv of mirnnia . rViAt.... a.i. .
single tax confiscates T
Told by the Type.' -The
tragedies, the trajre.tles.
xii iiauiiue ever teiii
Assessments and Single T4x.
. Portland, jOr, Oct 21. To th Editor
of Th Journal. Th tax roll shows
all street railway la Multnomah county
are assessed at $4.1S1,210. Mr.
Joaaalvn recently stated his omrany
had 160,000,000 Invested In Partiand
t0T,r wlt Tur 4pth of 4Tral WDtrt to. it f, A Mr, Hlganbotaa 4ay,
esty of purpose. Whatever hi
hi word painting vie In brllllanoy with
th most vivid production of th artist's ;
brush, and his scathing denunciation of
th wrongs that ar visited upon tho
people through selfish greed Is ilk 4
stream 0f lava, consuming aad Irreeistl-
W&f&PS,LW&! nd M ln"its force.
J-os Angela Sxpre4. faltodv-bear Murdock you
xne traeaie. th trag-edies, . - . vua k ui treats or tb season.
yr roaa on very sidel
L,if?".Trie1 i Break a Record" and
. "Mistaken for a Guide."
Milwaukee SentlneL
The tragedies, the tragedies, .
A lack Of aensa dflnntnt
Like "Ventured in Deeo Water."
. Worse atill, "He Rocked th Boat"
STorln afield TTnlnn
xn iragaie. tn tragedies, ;
Whatadamakr wa lnfr-r . -
Lika "Tried to Cros Befor th TVarn-
And, too, "He Married Her."
- Boston TranaaHn. '
Th tragedle. th tragedlea, -That
Try day are sen ; .
"Th Runner Died at Second." " m
Ana "ucis topped on th Bean."
i - ' St Xioula Tlrnaa.
The tragedle. th tragedies..
inrougmrai mt page Dieaklk
U. "Th. tri-, A .1 t - tt. i
Talking Too Mack I
4JCtontrtbatd t Tie 'Journal br Walt Mason,
tb famous ffina mit. ,nii aw. .ztL.
This truth la sounds aa vtnrtn .
al t It down as such J Th man who
talks forevermor la bound to talk too
much. Th silent man has . many
friends, who think -him ; aroooth as
"" .na ik in season ne unbends, 4tJ
w mtmui piece, they listen
nla ivarv wanl a. v. nn . ...
' a TJ; uu - were a
; :n 1 4 looloo-bird.
th. WAVlAM n . Ikl. . ... .
vk mia sr-- Tim : . v.
Like "The King Admires Pair Danaer" I smith has no friends' at all: fniva ..
And "Wed on Twelve aWeefc" to--bim cbme they aay to hiro: -Oo
JrAdle:th-trV9di.,r . flumbf- ,TT , '"'
jx. iwwDMj aaxes allvel I ,, L w iui men
Bt,pp?r.B-war1 From Coring i ";y; r' - 1..1 thay
And "Toadstool poison Flvr
Detroit Fr Prav
Th tragedies, th tragedle.
Theycause us many a lghl
ZAk Extrat Main Has Votd wt
And -i-tR . Main Iaf Dry." - - -v
Th Oklahootaa.
w Somewhat UnosnaL ' ;
From the Kansas City Journal. '
"Peculiar, chap, very.' Hi wife ta
boss In his house."
"What" peculiar about thatf"
, .af . . . ,
ji, awiiriit iv . j
TIi7 ; el Jaw ana then talked
''" ' away. x V Known SOm
dames. In other day, who talked their
hubnd bltod. until they sought more
PlfAfant ; ways, and Jumped th beastly
gnnd. I know a churchyard wher th
ton. jthatdot th. wind-wept heath '
ar piled abov th crumbling bone at
feUow talked to death. If all tho tim
w waat In talirwr used In cutting lcii
no homeles. men th street would
walk ail men would hav th prioal
OopyHrht IWt, br
tMsrg AUttbaw Adi