The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Wcnfs cf Short. Dirt Mm
Mote Something Far With.
in Each Soul, in Opening;
Serrr.on at Seattle. Wash.
,.ul la TV. -nn
Ah4 ?! e-i 4'e. i ""'
f 4-i t 4 l 4-.a -f .
Te k.Mh-tU nk rnA -:
torn o4 4ti t ;
c4 . .. .e la rJ) elH'a eat
fcak.4 ,y i - 4 a.ele4)
a-alli- iMit.kM
ia.4 I .Ua 41 t eckMS,
kr bew !- m4 w e
kt.4 la !. Ik. wfceie f Ue eaalrej
ftMa le ee4Uta eel
r.i 4 Al I eeary SWelraale Ml
we, M ir a f we wn
i !- -'r At 111 n we
rrrily fiiieA 4 kaMra Welled eat
Me tern
A Oraey m ( taeh tip M 4 1 tears.
t4 aeJ IbmtmHt J BMNI
ef v a4 July, fKe tag euJlearf.
from aaa e4 I Ike Mhrt. fllaw3
kit every rreo( be bla Vlr fel ea be a soke Ik aerra4 (blags
f Ba life. Of bla !fe,
is iMimt eiskad 1 sriiesihr; wa
wlih quitl larti b mii4, Ik. rw4
leufSe4 k.irilf wtlh bint.
A4 is .' ft swsrthy wva w1tb ths
ki4Urff r .4 I ha -otc
WMrl roftk tit mMU. wilk All lh
.ttttwK. f t.ury u4 au ih !
IMOijr of fkilb, udIII kla SMdUtM
rrlarf r4 itsb4. wft b1 mll4; Ml
kKtuM Ur4 llk ISms ftnfally
4 th' Ik runitlnc ef lh
kl ribr bwM th pirlt of IM
IBM rsufht kit litwwl Bp fctmackf,
n4 tk bU rtjit .rakly mo4 a4
tkoackt .
V4 Hibn mmatn.
Tk iBMtln nor by 7 (
lalrtxtucdoa a4 Ik vMaltat
(Unx uAln(4 with bla pnpl. HI. I kaJrmlloa to mti yrfr.tit CkriatUM
rmM wu 4dr d DiiBrlMllr fa I from laUivaaaL
tka profMaln Cknallaa. at4 kle 61 I "OUnr mM mora thaa a ratm ad
ract anraltarina- man Bar prtxlaoad a I araa-a. Wbaa ppl. inf Xiiorr for
aolck rtnoDM frera tka audlane. I aW It rarolla ma. I don unl lk
Ha took th ra taxta. all fron tha tlory. Im loo moeh f a poor .tartar.
Tltt f Iair: Partakara of tka I ' Him to haa tha g lory.
iHrttia Katnra." Tartakara of Hla Sof. VaaA Oa aa Parti OaV
fartntT and "ParUkara Of Ilia Olory." "J mar Dot aaa lham on thla !1a, hut
"If yo a tody' thaao apIaUaa prayaa tka otkar aida I wIlL I will ba content
tnUr." ba aaidL "you will rind that tha to ba numbarad amon Ua aoMan mul
Naw Taatamant la far battar thlnt Utoda who thrvw thair rrowna at Ilia
that tha avarara prafeaaltiar Chiiatlaa far I. I don't want a crown; I don't
of tha twentieth oantary rwaJlaaa. Wany want to atrum on a harp: r do I
churehcoara hava too low an Idaal of waat to alna 'I want to ba an ancat'
what Ood meana ua to ba or da Tt la Ton may tall of goldaa atraat. aad
a vary llttla thine; to ba a profaaalnf )aapr walla. Olva ma my mothar my
Chrtatlaa. for tnaltltnda of paopla It rootkar and Chriat, and It will ba
roata thatn abaolataly nothlnc. Tbay haavaa. though It ba In Saattla
, rat rid of nothing whan thy go In. Tha aarth la all rlghL What rots
and they loaa nothing whan thay asm naad u to got tha davtl out.
cut," "Ood taaeh ua how to pray, and wa
Another asnarpt from his powtrful lahall knew tha rlaan Ufa that la with-
I I rv . , a
f - ' i ' ' ' ' . i ' i i
V;! :'; W
I . J- - . ... - r
I V "
tt a-4 awi a Uir.aiaj a4 aa
tJ amaaa
IWtai K an.i
! a-ia4 Mltoa r CKlaw, a
H4kalUi a I Va (VlUr ra
U a a Ma kaa (im Ciaiata j
. t m 4. 4 a ba aa t4 I aa
fMiiMl ra raa f )
f M i-4 f lii41 b.a.4
ba attVaara a4 Na
f . i wiiaiwr HM a4 IW luuiw oa-
ia tlfctatif atta ta '
tUM a w.utiat Um, tta ba4 bai4 I 1 fc naimil am at.'aata4
I IU al ta ata4a 4 t.w j IK. MiM aaaaa aWwa ajg a
ia -aaal raiy. axl 0a4
IM (MM b kaiia.a4 la tttaaa a
H ImM(4 ttel ba M4 a-aa
baa4 . ai.. aaat aotaa-a au way a
I .vaa aa aibk t fataa a aaaUav
utlaaa a4Ui(a4 tbat tka rum by atk
ba aawia4 U avaaai la-a
Mamutw a klara'
taa4ta tbta ba wiaiwaur j f m
tf a
af I a a I aa. 4at4)
taaai a r ta-rwa bar
'4 f awat t fcfc.ia aa b.
ua aatway ik o.a ai4
rat baa awauag ia a4 1 a y
taa aal ba aWtiag a-a All la
!- r - r aa
M aaaaiag artaa ta aaj-astad la ba a.a
I gta blMaMa4 a tair aaX" tta ra4
4 lb Tu.a ab tab la tka I
al la Itaaax ba bai4 Ha 4a.
ua4 Uhat aka "VMbiM aatrttag" Mi
aaa baa baa aa4taa btaa IM Aal
la Kaaafw far tfcra aaaik. kwt ta ba
aa ! a raauaar aukasninr.
-Viy U'gaiy aata4." al4 !
aat a aaaa4 laarb lolVaaaA
If ba aa ai iaa4 I tala
atftaug. our a4:
"I aar ba a aaf f naraj fat
tlaaa a4atta4T '
tbaai! ta Tka bawl)
Oastrall. Waab, trt. H'-Oty Kkfl
aar Anarwary Ua aaaaalatad lb Bra
Utataary avraaf rr tka pip Ita frata
Ua baadwalar af tba Xtwaahaai rtvar
Uia Caatirali U rr f
tka kr.iaaU frHy ayataot I b ta
UU4 la UOa city and Cbakalt. Tka
Um wtU ba IIV4 aatlaa ta UagtK a4 thai
it. at a a kv
aatlmala4 -t laatamag a v uxa
aaala. wbicb wa!4 b aara.iarf ta tb
avaat tha aiwoalMaa waa gaa lata
)UUy wltb Cbaha-U. waaloaat tl4
A aaAjartty of raeal awtara ara ta f
twr af bvalag baada for tha laat, and
a bo4 ai act waa will probably ba bald
about paoambar L ! ula raaa It la
ballavaA tb plaat wtU ba oooaplatad by
ji I oaiiaaaa taa pta.
if f Aa aatataaUa
van I ad t akot
lYom laft to rlf ht art John J. McNatnara. Atlorery Joaaph 8ott aad Jam D. McNaatra. TbU poetofrapa
waa taken in tha coaocll room of (ha twort bou at Loa Aoralaa.
aUa vaJaa baa baaa ta
ikot aff tha aapply af gaa
ahawld a light ba blowa aat, aoca-
daatAtly or tataatloaally.
iL-iiaiJU -i .jjt warsaMtawa
kllaaal aaltaa faiirwlag U
lib a PS wIUM af afrwawa.
aa aa)igaA rtaaa taai
taaayl.aala. a4 lit
tb bialasy to a JL1 kaawa
ttat It au a faa-aiiua. tk
HkfU aaV waara aaa balU, . j
cut tatwaat waa tabaa la lk. aja
arid faaua ra ftwam iba hrk r. !
aifM la iba AUaaiu la ra4 baaa ;
Ug i:ae ta tba arlag af mi baa A
ata4 Iba t aal flaa ta ttau la
aartu-tpaM la Ika balUa with Ua
Ua ftaat al Aaaltaga. I
Be Good to
and tS work will to good to yoa
Tba way U to )utp vour atombdi,
livtr, kidny boj iovtia rifht.
And youll tad fjett help la
feav A. b MJT.
Vba b-aaAW bj
a a r i-a4 -4 Iw-aaJa-l
k.a.ia. ai. a a f a.M
Hwiua I. iw aituMata af b II
La (au a ataaar aata4 I
ni.Uutiwl tka au atk-ar yV
LaA.4 aj..a aHt4
I aa ar J.afa. tkal wbaa
f am ta aaa -. iy yo
a 1.1 .vawaiaa . Ial'.a a. I
jtaaaal a --' ba. a-ai.
laHaat t a af aakaata
UaaUiy rayalaliaav
Arc You
balaa traatoA ta a aaltra4ara avaav
aa by yar nmi aat la bal
arrtltl l bla aaaaklaaaf tta b I
I w4 fa la a ra .ia taa. a- I
iit4 ay I aJa guaiaalaaT Af y"
ftaf fclra aauk4laal p1r f
mJUImI two ka aaaaloy IW
ly a-4-4aia a4 aciaallfW aatbM
ktob wut4 ba ataa4 bf tk rag
la baM loa. aa tba.
In a Remarkably
4"a . ra-a
anon iimc
lar f u r 4aail If
.aawar Lb aaa aji.aalia favarakiy 14
Irimr, im aaa ftata a aa,i;as
Hal lata na ana atw yaar aaa
ll will raal ywa atbUg.
rABtooa-w WKTwa, atabow rtt
mom, yiua. rurou. bto
Cured in 5 Days
Pa, an riaaa tbaatUa.
raaally a t
NO flkVKMki (.llHiWfl
a hed I cryi iMEATbirxj
Mfr Tiwr-BAVisa. kit"T r
tHu '4T a-r- a rri
Mrmnn follows
Wfcar WovM This Woanaa Oof
' "Suppoaa a fatlaa woman In your
city tonight wra to facl tha light and
wrra ta cry out, TkxJ help ma,' where
would aha got Would aha knock on
tha doff of your faahlonabla church,
or go to tha fine bouae of tha lady
who la ao prominent In the social
event a of th church? No. In nine
rasas aut of ten she would go ta tha
Halrstlon Army, and you know It. It
la a reflection on yon. It means that
f,bey hare iot confidence In you."
Ha moved Ms hesrers to tears with
la us."
(Continued from Page One.)
tha guilt or Innocence of the defendant
or waa based on positive knowledge
of the conditions. t The defense had
bitterly combated this point snd had
insisted thst anyone having any opin
ion whatsoever regarding the cause of :
raanrt I a parent ory abeneeg t alias
tbaie bleKe.
This deruioa l ft U lbs Jery bes the
following man eeJy. sabct ta pa rem p-
torv rhallanaa:
C a blanalnr. Itobart Bala. T. IX
Oraan, Oaorya V. Me baa.
Tba work of filling tba varest seats
waa I has begun.
All VttO aVast.
Tha real elsce Friday was atlllsad by
attorneys for both sldee la prapartag
dtatluna for Judge Bordwell la tba work
of pasaing upon tbs sllglUUty of opinion-
ated Jurors, lioth sides war still paa
simlatlo when court reconvened regard
ing the Immediate prospact of gattlsg a
luryr Tba general opinion of counsel
waa that It would be Chrtalrnae at least.
and poaslbly much longer, before It
en satisfactory to both sldaa are se
The Jury will. It now aeems certain.
have to coma from tha small ranchers
and oiange growers of the outlying por
tions of tha county. All other men en-
en bla original eiamJnaUoa
tbat ba did aot know whether ba eoald
fire the aula a fair deal aader the d
eumataaee la the pre aaa t case.
Jodg. Bordwell also Interrogated bla
at sosbs length.
bfeJatoeh eiplalned that ba had a
pee! Mr opinio about tha ease. He.
be aald be believed la labor o a Iocs aad I CoruUnt Cough WetJeened
A healthy child oaght t
gry a a bear at meal time,
neilta mesas falling health.
Tba best Ulna- you can do for a ahlld
that won't aat la to g1e teaapoonful
dosea of Vlnot This Is wonderfully,
tea KHflavfsta; SM.W. INI DNUlId
a. . wvj aaa ass aw - - w -r
Dvwwar. sajo inai aa was oppose ta ..a .. i. . niu..m that ehUdran take
vi,.ww.wt4M iu-ik matt nwq nwTwril.
M.A k. k ,W. I WI ' - .
-..'" iw muw. Vf ra. E. I tan gar or Bronx soroagn.
waa entirely elreumstanMal. I w T uttla sea. three year
Baeibb everai XUastratioas. 4 bad bronohltla for a year. Th
Bordwell thea red ted the various n. I oough dlatorbad his rest aad ba lost his
lustrations propound ad t Robinson aad I appetite.
aaked of the venireman If he would I "I fay bint Vlnot for a while aaa tt
bold to tile position under those etr-1 stopped his eooghlng and brought baek
cumstanres. I bla appetite. Ilia heath has improved
"I oertslnly would." was the reply. I wonderfully. Ha like VlnoL"
II waa eicused. I It la the tonla Iron and strengthening
Judge Bordwell then took ua the Us-1 ood liver elemaaU In Vlnol (It contains
Kee case, where the real laeue waa an I no oil), that make It .so strengthening
oajnlon touching on the cause of the I and blood enriching. It makes weak.
esploslon and which waa claimed by the pale children atrong and rosy, and we
s Wo
- r
pathetic story of young girl who. " ' , , . - "
on a sick bed. begged to "llva one th,."pio,l0n mu,t ""ily bs dls-
w IITV UUQ 1 nei.
year and work for tha Master. mr,A quejincu.
then I'll be content to die." and turned Charges Judg With Bias.
ths audience to lauahtee with k I 8o bitter waa the dlssDDolntment that
quick commentary. "Oh, it takes a big Attorney Scott of ths defenas forces ami nation of Mr. Robinson." saldjudgs
is i. I virtually charged Judge Bordwell with Bordwell. "I am aatlsfled either I or tha
. lotas and unfairness and wss rtbutM amnci aiiomey miaunaersuma nia au
Rl'It r-r-VDrlDT HflvDITAI In strong languags by the court swers or thst tha report was In error.1
Ill IlLLuI VII I IllOil IHLI "As long ss ths Juror says his oplu- Tha court called Robinson to th wit
.... . ion does not go to the guilt or in- I ness chair and read to him the answers
llrf I Alrll II nocence of the defendant." said the made both to ths court and ths district
1LvLTIIiLI II I court, "and he-says such opinion will attorney. To the court Robinson had
not bias him in his reaching his ver- said thst he was opposed to capital
counter! p.atniy nave opiniona ana are d,f,n,. ,0 th on riuJ quMUoil ,n guaraat. It to do xcUy what wa tell
r , .".1 J i LP. r! 1. inn!., i... lb ,n,,r tr,,L H ld that the hold- you If It doea not you get your money
. ZZ '." ' . , I Ing f such an opinion wss not In Itself back. Woodard, Clarke Co., Drug
bS Tall oy'.h7eonl'mc"t Qualify a. long as th.ltl.ta, Portland, Or.
of tha veniremen revealed tbat only 11
member, of the original v.nlr remain
subject to call for examination regard
ing their qualification for Jury aerrlca.
Woald Beopen btatter.
Judge Bordwell announced that ha bad
set said, his ruling disallowing tha
challenge by the state against B. C
Robinson because he wss opposed to
capital punishment, snd that the matter
would b reopened.
From reading the report of tha ex
Even then ha couldn't believe it un- dIct tn' court nM no discretion but punishment, but would return a verdict
;tD other doctor, confirmed It K ?2W th - 'r th ?i .i!"' "..
e IOUIS n Rrh.nm nf Wllami r . I
. . . . "null TV, I
. to tha McKeeeport hospital for an op-
arauon xor appenaicitis. They made
tha usual preparatory examination for
albumen, sugar and kidney disease, for
such often so vitiate the blood that
wounds do not heal and operation, are
t aafe. They found hla kldnaya all
right and told him so, snd proceeded
With the operation.
Although it was successful he want
ad to bs certain there was no Bright',
disease, so had other doctors make an
examination. They confirmed the
Statement of th hospital surgeon.
Now for tha reason he waa so anx
ious to have his recovery well estab
lished In July, ths year before, he was
In such a condition, due to Brirht's
dteease, that his family doctor told
This ruling caused consternation In
tba ranks of ths defense, find the at
torneya began to argue with tha result
that Attorney Soott was finally re
buked by tha court
"Does this court then hold," demand
ed' Scott, "that a Joror who believes
that dynamite was used is qualllfed,
while one who believes that It was gas
that caused the destruction of the
Time. i. not?"
Judge Taoss. His Calm.
For the first time since tha trial be
gan Judge Bordwell lost his calm and
seeming good nature pose. He was
plainly angered by the Implication of
unfairness and demanded
"Why do you ask me this question?
did not have to Impose the punish
ment while ha had told tha district at
torney that he could hardly condemn a
man to1 death on circumstantial avl-
explains to Juror.
Bordwell then explained to th Juror
Just what was meant by circumstantial
evidence. He cited half a dosen Inci
dents of concrete circumstantial evi
dence but to them all Robinson said
that he feared that purely circumstan
tial evidence would always leave such a
doubt in his mind that hs could hardly
convict where hs knew that the penalty
was death.
Judge Bordwell then allowed tha chal
lenge, eliminating Robinson, and then
took up the case of A. R. Mcintosh, pre-
A Straight Talk by
C k:. Holsman, 1VI D.
The Expert Specialist ,
I am an expert specialist and treat ailments of men
exclusively. I own my own office and equipment and
rubllsh my own photograph, and personally supervise the
reatment of 11 patients from the time they come to
me until I discharge them as cured. Although my time
Is fully occupied from early morn until late at night In
looking after the wants of my patients and la administer
ing my special treatment for Blood Poison, Varicose
Veins snd Hydrocele, I always take pleaaur In consult
ing with new Datianta.
In offering my aervloea to to the afflicted tha result of L
11 years' experience In ailments of man I am giving r g Hnkmaa M a
you the BXsTT that can be had anywhere. My reputation ,
for the psst 18 veers can leave no doubt as to my ability,' honesty and
Integrity and should be sufficient to oonvino the most skeptical that I
am the FOREMOST and LEADING specialist m Portland. I possess skill
and experience acquired in such a way that no other can share It and
should not ba classed with Inexperienced doctors or specialists.
A thorough Investigation should be made by evenr sJllnr man s. to th
specialist ns oonsuiis. xrory ana aestiny i sen ana those who depend
upon you demand the best medical attention. I hay th ability and can
giv you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, ao
that my services may be obtained by any man who- slncerelv desires to ha
ourex i mui no unmeaning atswuema, raia promises or unDUSIness-
llke propositions. I would like to hare you for a patient if you will coma
to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting inducements that I of
fer, wnicn are my ammy. is years- successiui experience, time saving;
treatment and curs of certain diseases. .
-JtL. i
tha varloua d lease which paopla
commonly suffer with suoourab to
ths penetrating action af tbs reme
dies compounded by m from Roots,
Hsrba, Buds and Bayka which hav
been known for their medicinal
value for many anturla. by th I
phrslciana fa ml ilea of tha China.
Not only are most af thee vag-e-
table remedies ra, bat ar gath
ered at great expanse ba remote
quarter of th glob. ,
I can refer yon to hundreds af
well-known people In tha Northwest
who have taken my treatmenta and
were aulcklv and permanently eurad.
Bo sure am I of the reliability of
my mecnoaa mat i oner
Open Evenings and Bandar.
People who live out of town and
cannot call, writ for symptom
blank and circular, laolosaaf; 4 cant.
In stamp. .
He C Gee W dtinese Medicine Ct,
X4SH rtrst Corner Mont so
Cortland, Oregon. ,
it J4T wtmu ixn wil.t, CtTV
tou to OTitrn btrrn'AJ auo
TllrtHITle tIAT THIi If Al
r.Nx and Fori I'M rvT. wiitoi
rot'ipprrt tixoiCAL crncjs on
ran oobrtoxTATTObT.
I Invite TO t com I any office.
I will extUls I y tar treataaaal
for Vartcoe Velna. Hernia. Narraa
Dabtllty. Blood luaordere, PTaa, Fla-1
tula Bladder. Kidney, (Tea ta tie aa-4 I
all Van Allmaata. and give ya
rllEC a ahyeleal examination: If aeo.
aaaary a microscopical and chemical
analysts of aaer.tloaa, to Aatarwtla
pathological aad bacteriological coa
ditlona. Kvwry parwoa should tab.
advantage f this epportaalty to
leant their tra conditio!, a par-1
maneat enr la what ye want
My effleee ar open all day fl em
t a. m. to p. sa, ana sunasys rrom
It ta i.
A- G Smith. M. D
MVi Marrtaoa -. Oeraa M. .
renuaa u rage a.
Tba Pr. Oreaa Offer.
htm It .was useless to take any more ,' more partially than I do the other?
Th above facts were sent by W. H.
Upplncott, a mining- operator or 801
Oliver building, Pittsburg, Pa. H had
heard on. the street of Schaum's recov
ery from a case of Brlghrs disease
Do you think that I want to us ons vlously challenged by th state because
to came at a time when there was noth-
supposea to be Incurable and looked
him up. Schauta crave him Tha annv
facts and stated that his recovery was In" Defor tho court and when the prop-
inrougn iruuon s Kenal ComDound. osiuon you nave Eugsesiea bub.ii arise
Part of Uppincott s interest was due 1 wlu Pass uPon ,t-"
to . his own recovery from Diabetes. D arrow Take. TJp Argiunent,
e wanted to Know If the same agent Here Attorney Darrow took up the
.iwi ibu eueciea ecnaums recovery, argument
ana rouna tnat it had. and, knowing he I "Tou will see by the record in' this
wouia do inieresiea, sent us the above case," he said, "that this Juror haS said
rae3- that he believes the Times was de-
Tbls is the second recent case in stroyed by dynamite a felonious act
which the patient could not believe he and that be also said tbat it would re
had fully recovered until after several quire strong evidence to remove that
physicians had confirmed the fact. opinion. Now, is it fair to this de-
Tb constant reiteration of the text fendant to ask him to go to trial with
books that Chronic Brlght's disease is such a Juror? He is entitled to an un-
Incurable is causing thousands of biased Jury, to one that will give him
deaths annually and Is a crime against the presumption of Innocence. That
humanity. this Juror cannot do. He has said as
Druggists Supplied by Clarke-Wood- much and kef-nlnar him on thla tiirv ia
ard , Drug ; Co, and Blumauer-Frank an Invasion of this defendant's con
Drug Co. 1 stltutlonal right.'
"But that was not all he said. Mr.
Darrow," said Judge Bordwell. "Ha
has said a great deal, and I hav taken
What do you
"Well, the district attorney has said
that such a proposition was to come
up here" began Scott.
"Nothing of this kind has been be-
fnr. th4a nrf anv 1 m a ' ' hrnlr. in I
the court -That statement you refer Manv Portland Citizen Have
nnlh. I ' I
Discovered It
Laxative Water
Spoedy .
- Gentle
Quickly Relieves
au na aaia into consiaeration in ar
riving at my conclusion. The law and
the facts at tha present time make it
necessary to disallow this challenge.'
'Well, then I suppose tbat we can do
nothing but to conserve our strength
and enter an objection," said Darrow,
sinaing into his chair.
- Aaked tf Baling- Hot UlsffaL
Judge McNutt of counsel for th de
fense, than asked the court If later de
cisions or ins tjaiirorma court did not
make this ruling Illegal.
Bordwell thea aaid he would reopen
ua matter, anoaia it Do shown thst he
was rn error, but that for tb present
the ruling weald stand.
Tbs decision greatly dashed th hopes
of ta defense, aa tfasy will now bar to
Just what to do when th kidneys sr.
affected, 1. a question that concerns
both young and old. weak kidneys
neglected In childhood lead to life-long
suffering. People of advanced years,
with leas vitality, suffer doubly. In
youth or age, languor,, backache, url
nary Irregularity, dizziness anil" ner
vousness mak Ufa a burden.
There Is ons remedy that act. direct
ly on the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pill,
owe their world-wide fam,to th fact
that they hav cured, thousands of ease.
of sick kidneys and cured them perma
nently. - Follow the example of this
Portland dtlsen.
Anton Spreitser, 40? N. Twenty-fourth
St, Portland, Oregon, says: "I have
taken Doan's Kidney Pill, at different
times and hav always received great
relief. . It was troubled severely by
baekach and also annoyed by Irregular
aad painful pasaagas of tha kidney se
cretions. ' Doan's Kidney Pills correct
ed thee difficulties and therefor. It
give m pleaaur to recoxnmnd them."
. For sals by all dealers. Prlo BO cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co Buffalo. New Tork,
sols agent, for th fjhlted Stats.
I dally demonstrate that Varices
velna can ha cured in neany ail
cases In such a satisfactory way that
the vital . Darts are preserved and
strengthened, pain eases, swelling
ubeldea. a heaithv circulation IS
raDldly reestablished. Instead of the
depressing conditions. I . guarante
you a cure to stay cured.
With these diseases you may hav
mora complications than ar present
ed Dy any oiner aiseasea organ, rty
my searching illumination of the
bladder I determine accurately the
disease and by microscopical exam
ination and urinalysis i max Dou
bly surs th condition of the kid
neys, thus laying foundations for sci
entific treatment r
Scientific treatment only should
be used In combating this loathsome
disease. I cure Blood Poison by the
new aerman Remedy which I intro
duce directly Into th blood, purify
ing it, neutralizing and expelling
? olson rrom tne system, new oiooa
hue formed supplies , and rebuilds
the tissues in such a .way that the
patient recovers nis normal s rax ox
health, strength and soundness.
That, disorder commonly known a.
weakness has for years and genera
tinna hafflal the efforta of ohvsl-
clans. yet to this very day a ma
jority of doctors, specialists not ex
cepted, .ar attempting to overcome ;
It by methods that hav. been In con
stant uas and hav always failed
for half a century. They dose th
system wun powenui stimulants
and tonics, calculated to restore
nervous fores or atrenrth that la
not and never has been lacking, with
the result that th functions ar
temporarily excited to the positive
detriment of the patient Weaknesa
Is only a symptom resulting from
many local condition, and is curable
by local-treatment only, without th
giving of a sina-le Internal ' doea.
which demonstrates the absolute ac
curacy of my understanding and
'treatment of this disorder. In years
i nave nox met witn a single laiiurs
and I have entire confidence In my
ability to cure all cases that come
to me for treatment I am .squally
certain that no treatment other than
mat wnicn I have perrectM can
oompletely and permanently rector
strength and vigor. - -
tients . have no confidence In their
doctors, because he demands pay be
fore a cure ha. been effected and
there are many who have been mis
informed about their - condition or
through unsuccessful treatment hav
become sxepticai ana minx mere is
no cure xor tnem. i want an onnor-
tunity to treat such men. It make.
no difference about th financial:
part as I accept pay for my serv
ices as benefits ar derived: whan I
am satisfied the ' patient is liable.
Health is capital at interest I will
rove my sDimy to our oeror ask
ng pay tor my aarvicea
I. what you will gat
If you treat with me.
Reeralt. ar quick and
p o m 1 1 1 v a Tou ar
'benefited at one.
Men who hav
I dragged their case.
I along for month,
i with soma other spe-
cianat era aaronmnan
at the prompt effect. JL
r4 mv e a m lib, Kl f?
tr.ttm.nt I curat
Maevon .Da eHna f
Varlcoss Veins, Piles, v
Ruiturt, Rheuma
tism, stiff and ewoUen Joints. Kidney.
Bladder,' etc
Blood Ailment, quickly and safely
nunu uy e iuiivui ana wen anown UF
man remedy.
Consultation Fre. Writ or OaQ,
Th. Old Baiuu, srpolaUst.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 128 H Second street, Portland, Or.
Office hours t a. m. to n. m Sun
day a. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
I Cure Men
51 O
Fay When Cniad.
Oeneral Debil
ity, Weak xerves,
Insomnia Ram lta
of exposure, overwork and other vio
lation, of Jfatujrs's law. Diseases of
jBiaaaer ua xaanevs. - varlooaa
vaias, qmoxiy ana psrmansntly
tract ea and chronic case, cured.
All burning, itching and Inflamma
tion sioppea in z nours. cures ef
fected In seven dava Con.nlt.Hon
free. If unable to call . WlH f SB ttT
list of queatlona. '
Office hours t X. E to I F. 11
Atundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. U, only.
4414 Washington 8t, Oor. Firs.
Vortlaad, Oregoa
I want all aillna men to feel that
Itney can come to my office rrly
for . examination and explanation of
their condition without being bound
by any obligation to take treatment,
unless they so desire. I will make a I
thorough ana scientino examination I
of your ailments free of ehtrn. nn I
examination ui.i win aiacioae your
true physical condition, without a
knawledg of whloh you ar groping I
in mi outk, xi you nava taken
treatment eisewners witnout aucnnaa.
I will show you why It failed. Every
man should take advantage of this
opportunity to learn nis trus condi
tion, as I win advise him how to
best retrain his health and itMnh
ana yi j o ui. ywwviv uaio rip Old
My offer NO MONHTORtn.
liVltimu UflllL. OATlHiriED is
your absolute protection. Consults-1
tion, examination ana aisgnosi. free.
AFFUCTSB bTElf. before traatlnv
alsswhsre. honestly lnvsstlMta mZ
proven method.. Ton will than tmdar
stand how easily and qnloklv X our
all onrabl easss of VA&IGOSB VZZBB
and HTDBOCELB without aever anrr.
leal operation: VSETERAL OKainaTrA.
, TlOWb without cutting; or burning
nriiuixiu savuo ruisoir without la
lurloua drnga (60S skillfully adminis
tered when preferred) 1TBBTO-TZTAX.
SBBZZjITT without stimulative gam,
dies; FBOSTATZO, BIUUIEa - and
orders; FIXES, ItBOTAX. complaints
aad all ailments of men.
uuaje TO ME AND GET IT. Once
unaer my . treatment, you. will quick
ly realise how simple a thing ft Is to
get well In the hands of a specialist!
wno xnows nis Dusiness. My cures
aaa not oniy years to lire, but life
to years. I put new energy , Into
wornour-bodles. '., .
Of flee hours, dally, to I; even
ings, T to 8; Sundays, 10 to L
sea Washington St, Fortland, Or.
Remember th
tab no ethar,
asms Doaa. and
I treat all AlltTMbntsa of Man and cure to Atay cured
I Offer Free Consultation and Examination
T Invito vmi to entna to mv offlra. I will explain to you mv treatment for
varicos vein, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison piles, fis
tula, bladder, kidney and all men's diseases, and give you FREE a physical
anamination. k
My office Is open all dsy from t a
m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays from 10 to II.
All correspondence treated , confi
dentially. Letter, cheerfully an
swered.- '
Dr.C.K. Holsman
22lj4 Morrison Street
Cer. First, Portland, Oregoa
- Pleas send m free your self
exsmlnatton blank, "For Men," as
I dee tra to decrlb my ea to
Fou for tha . purpose of taking
treatment if I decide you can
cure me, and your charge la low
enough to suit ma . .' -
Basts .--.-.. .-w V.M
A Wonderfol Cora
the famous '
. cnmess
Br. 8. at Chan,
226 H Morrison St, i
I'ortjana. or.
I am 83 veara
Old and have anf. Ma SL 1
jc caaa fared from weak- . Chan
ness and nervousness for three months, -from
a tumor on my face. . I first wsnt
to some oociors, out they told me that
ilt wss Imposstbl to cur, so upon tb
m . . ' X. " who aaa Dee a .
43 I cured by thea Chines doctors, I wont
1 to them. After taking two week of ;
iineir aeroa ana roots compounded and 1
I other medicines, the tumor waa oom-
fieiety curea wiinout xne uae of a knife. '
feel ao grateful toward them and 1
recommend, anybody who is ill and
wants to get well soon to go to aa or
writ to them and secure soms medi
cine, which I am eur wiu bring re
sults. J. A P"MIV. .ilbtny. psai