The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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M l MI
llfn CTflllAIII
mo mm
Prcctfdirgs Eccji to Prtvent
KfSrcrt Frtn. Ceing Re '
turned cn Hc!.c?cl.$,
a r tn st-
! la -4 tl'iJ
)'. M I " t
t tM4i I IM i M !-.,
4 IM ..-- lUk . t..
..4 . i Wa nti I IM I l-4
it ! tlWMN f iltl
L VV tl IM
le. sf e I Ita ee V.
U- .- at i
inu 4 1W4 IWf i-l -l
1 Mt rli
A T..t J Ml lAF Ul
M ttf '. e I I
):umiU U l IUa ft
IM liJ k-. I -4 im wir xu
i. IM fMlM f IV Will
lt IM M faU mill
! IM ltl
hx m !
M . UJ M ll IM
tltl Slte4e l WUIIM1 ! M
IMI IM Mil M MU U !"' M4
, r u raiiie. -
Ttrr IM efface of twl.r f
IM 'ol4 Vista atlniri m
lMf Will IL eU t4 I ets
mmm ti r-iin r im Mr
late nli. Ter r imUw
Lav a er of Mrtf nmr f m
a t4llk, (Htl Aller-Mf rmll
wt:i IMI i-r M a.44
rti aa iMt IM t'n met iiew
IM P mt IM -t!IU IIMm r
tr. wn bkli IM Mr
trffc eKartlf.
n ra. M era re MdU4
Wat Ie4ia MfTMa. a trr
fclr irrTMl ftw IM AaWB rk.
iU ahe4 IM lUllofieU) wlik a IMr4
Mf M ts sa fxMliac at L TtM
a. a4 wf iawvaM4 alll (My
it !) ao tkalr arua4 IM
Horn. 'Hi lb arrlral af Is ahja ai
Ma rrarir oft of I ha Mr. Alf4
CoJfrar. via. Tt aibar ! ran
vaf wKa lh I(alloolla ret4 lru
laad. rfmanlar UhM al fft !
r4 b tha ImmlcraUoa tnarta-clora. ta
Baa rraarlarA all lr bort Mrt4
ul of IM l'aMr4 Vialr a alHrn llabla
U Mf public chart.
Craal Ttataaat AOaTV
Tha anion of Ihla boar 4 ta M I
M finaJ by Immigration Inaparlor Bar
tMMr vf Portlaad, bol Wr. iLartwur an4
Aaalxant t'nn4 Dtatea; AHorMf WaJ
lar Krana, with lb 4 of ral(4 ttala
Jo1f Dn ar fldorlnr la find
ioim way wberabf lh bori eaa b ani
btna vrUr4.
Thajr claim thai Captain A. W. Mar
tin f tha Ileliopolia klrk4 axv4 nl
trrat4 Uaa hV.t thrr war abor4
Ma ship, that thcra amonr lh of
fltara and craw arara crual t I ham, and
I 1 L -. ...1 .
k 11 .
Co.emsr West Ser.di Utte
Statir.a Weed cf Im'citlo.i
In Eastern Ortson.
ClrtatlaA jMS-if.
M4k b lc HlMxi a4 b al
Mfe M IM naa
TW U -l aar 4aM bl Ual
bib b arU M lanal aaaaa al IM
flraH JfJk AMtKMMrt IM
U arta. a btr. VvajaaV If
IUf M14 ttaiaa4 I My pm)
M ra4 a4 I 'l m
TUir cam M) a Hlir'J ak a4 Uaw
IMU M 'hi af u Ikwa
bwi Iwii br ay r h Ic ai IM
Hum lb af IM Mat
MIU. .
CaraU rta4 Sb
'CarUla Man: MM m
f M) ltllorU a iaanlM4
Ir4r F fall blala C
Caa) a af aJl7Uf
U a( fr Ibalf aklp. TM iiUar
tU M Uka bafar J4t
for ravlaw. tlaalala Martala a fUa4
111 ta rraarta (or Uvta IM
Mr la a?. WbU a aniaaaa al
rinlara fafaii Oaatala bi ar
il a oi4 ba ul abvaaal ail Mr Uv.
IWrtrka. lb largar Mf. ta aal4 bs
amrrartnc f rata t-aculiar rsfkl
Moohi 4iaM Ibal loaka bla raory
taaiMMtalbta. II M UUfmal tattrla.
whim b ckttma tr lb rratt f klcka
br i"fai Mania IMI balfktaa) bla
pbrkc4 4ll
UnHke aa'Abslract of Title:
(Continual from Taa toa.)
The loss of which you
might suffer in your next"
real estate deal, if you
-are without the protec
tion guaranteed by our
certificate we take the
risk. ' , . . Kr:-:
pi aaaura of bar vialt with bar fli
Aftar dlnaar btia Llnoall want to bar
room, whara brf frtaoila haau4 peculiar
aeunda at 11 eclHk Thar aolarad and
found br, clad In klmooe, al4 la
a 'chair, liar frt wara In a tub Of
water, and on tha' labia baald bar lay a
parka of rjrabld. h dlad an hour
lalar wilbotot rcovrtnj eonotouanaa.
Klaiatr U XaAlftarttf.
. Cbrt of AI4 blooded Indifference
orar th death ei th unfortonte le
Urn on th part ' of Rlcheaon ar
made Jbjr Mrs. Linn en, mother.
j XuclUe taltUr, on of ra daacfaUfa
frlepda. , called jp blr. Blcheaon and
told him ttat Ava Had juit died Of pot.
eon." declared Mr.. Llnnell today. . f'Sh
told m that b reviled without amotion:
Welt why do yon call mer -
Rlcheaon pranhed a naual Sunday
mornlngY apparently lit) affected by
th . traced with which he wan ao
nearly concerned. After th r1c he
went Immediately to th Edmanda
homo, what be remained In aeolualon
until arreated. ' ' .
Within a abort tlma after hie arrest I
Rlcheaon waa arraltned for preliminary 1 D CD CI C RFnAPTIIRP
eaJia Wi ari liuw al t M 'ti
M Hrr Mt ae a ie pXp Mh
Uv eaMBta4 U e4ga ( aree
Kaalad iU al4ay.
1 ! ra I l!e.U and
emruie al IM feair I caaad ba
It rei4 14 M wmU) M 4ie4
air fUlt wwetd a-al bla, ft
i4 be Md Mm rirw-4 by leiefMa
ef tk (tit ib. I aM4 hi IT ba
Md bM Hh M a baijf. 4 M
nald M Md
TKl aib M aUda4 la Ike ut
Wlb al IM (brb a-fcra. lie
laJac f IM eaM f ab
rfare4 I im rt imi a frwd f
bke, a vary Maailfal girt M4 bJ
fUMaad by A alb."
T-a ewly tiiM au4a e far
IM aeojaid sua a wMej M la
Mad la im au4rr e coll al lb y
Mrtaa, ikfuar alalia.
TJo4 msi ae laa-ixal.'" M d
rUred. trmlklaf will tM l all
ntL TM ptiMi will aaMMi M able I
Juda- la my far, I will far lb
rd4 a brely as I ci
Viola Kdmaada, who weddlaer U
wtib Rlrhe war a abruptly broke
ff by bee mot bar wbaai- IM ml a lata
wa arraeaed. laberlia a fori ana from
lh eeial of bar traadfalber. Overt
tMsMAde, who dld In 1. Ial
profwrty worth IH.. Wh Mla
Viola ather die thre quarter of
lb iat will M divided Miweea 'lola
and br itr. rtaaa, lb remainder
laa I IM wife. -
Th body of blla Mnnell wa intarred
today at llyaaala. the weddlna; treat
which ahe Md prepared for bar sup
posedly approarhinf nuptial with Rev.
Ricbeon serviasT a ber funeral abroad.
Tw roMtbU HmrH,
Th police aseriM two motives for th
alleged murder. The first Is that fear
In that Mies Llnnell would Interfere
with hi approaching marriage with
Mia EJmanda, Rkebeeon alew ber. Th
other 1 that ba purchasod th drug In
order to furnish her with th means of
eulclde when aba learned that h wa
lo wed another. '
It U ebarged by the officer that th
minister gave Miee Avis th drug at th
aoulh BUUon Frldajt aljtht, tailing her
that It was harmless headache powder.
' When th polio went to th Edmanda
horn Rlcheaon came to th door and
asked what wa wanted.
"We want you to answer questions re
garding th source from which Mis
Unnsll secured th poison." u th
"Ail right.- replied Rlebeson. "Ill go
with you." U nsMrted hi Innocence at
th time.
kWaaa. Cm. Cm. I 1-m
lmt fHal MHfcr M X I
fan v4-ia4 r M t-tM
.1 IM llan kwt M IM i4 eia
af IM l'MU4 rHtel P9H l
Ik. ism la-a 4aaMl e4kAM I
fla im eeM4 ka mn j ani;
If IM veNKid eni I Mam .
HS44 It
Tf - I bi bHIer e.'i IU
. Maaui aa r
I.llfil la M KMlflM mm U)W
gw k t IM I IM U aalr4
imi itiaia e4 I M ax'a af kM
I r im -iee) ef im ar im
leMiui mw al iw ea. TM
ka:Aia.aiMa awraUa Ma bwi-y u
MMU4 IM akM4 SA.4 I Mi4
I M atli I eek la lacaiiat
allik 4bUl Md M in
'-! av)
Ike aNNk w'
atgbui aUX'a' be MM e4Ud. 4
H ' imi a erit
all iM4 resnisa i pel im w mi
ay. Ckrhar Waal tie oIImUm I
talU I lreM la) IMI I He elal
ainevtad nan m im ria-a
UM feed I ftfwe-ertkM I Ma My Hka
lal. aad IM r4 lea.
ftKS I'll GIVE A
DUES 10 111EII
Cc.laboratlo.i cf Faff Sei Re
Cjirtd to MiU Con. en
Von Success Kcedwt
lrug a are i al Kynsb. la m
Ual pftflkM fe IM - amaaaM'
t f IM JtMtn iy wbUh '
I M bald Kaer It
evtale ltw ar of IM sua raalralle
la arfa'vaUy reeilM, M eaa inaitaaii
t eaavte IMI Jlapa prp I Urt
Mffmetl for Me ara a4 ready
far lret t CkIM I grd ib
MM lalafMI IMM, b!d CMdlU
sl tatrvallat
rr m irred Ma I deirfere
laday ar r-eehtag l rkla r4y I
MMtciMle la art nemaala l th
Yeas' lee KUag rvgleat. sMald II M
lama baary fer lb foreign ra
bast mw ta IMI river I inah a land
lag t quell a I rod I la againet Kr
aa aad jaiM a a ream It of tke
f! (hi lag MtwaM rebel and lmpruiut
troop nr abw.
KewTork. Oct tl. Th rat most go,
to says Countee C Vlllele me-Bom trial,
ber today from larl.
"Zs he la," she said to tb rportrs.
"Ah. tbey will M veree ehlo. vere
small, and tba colffur wtU b imalL
Ta rat II a no mar.
-jn.. Ji I
How I Made
My. Hair Grow
: ChereScratched It Made Sores. Ter
rible ltchingand Burning Kept Her
froni Sleeping. Cuticura Remedies
. Coiripletely Cured Her. No Return.
. "Three years ago . this .winter I had a
"breaking out that covered my whole body.
U itched so it teemed as if I should go crazy.
it nrtt came out in little
pimples on my back and
spread till it covered my
.whole body and limbs
down' to my knees, also
my arms down to my el
hews. Where I scratched,
it made seres, and th
terrible itching and burn
ing kept me f rom sleep
ing. I tried several rem-.,
'.dick ail to no purpose.
Then I concluded to try
' IM Cutlcur Remedies. I used the Cuticura
. Soap and Cuticura Ointment, also the Resol
vent, for about, four months, and they
i completely cured me of eczema., t have bad
no return of the disease since, I never had
' a good night's rest after the skin eruption
. first broke out- till I commenced using the
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, . I had only
taed them a few days before I could as
they were beginning to heal, and the terrible
Itching was gone. : . . ,
"Thorn that lived in the house at the tun
. know how I suffered, and how the Cuticura
- Soap and Ointment cured me. I never take
a bath without using the Cuticura Soap, and
I do not believe there are better remedies
for any skin disease than tb Cuticura Soap
end Ointment." (SignedlMiss8arah Caikins,
auket-M 111.. Iter. , 1911. .
Cuticura Soap and Ointment af for sal
throughout the world, but- U those who
hare aufTyvd much. Imt hope and are who
o it fard jn sny treatment, a liberal sample
f jrarh together wfta 32-p. booklet ofl th
rare and treatment of the.aim and scalp wuT
mU-d fr. oe apr-ticatkm. Addreaa Pot
Wl'-j'l A Chetn. Corp Kept. Si, BosUm
hearing. 11 pleaded not guilty
Trial get for Wadding Say.
Rlcheaon's trial was set to begin
October tl, tha day on which he had
planned to marry Viol Edmanda, the
heiress for whoa sake th state says
ha slew Avla Llnnell.
Th warrant ' charging first degree
murder was Issued at 11:25 o'clock by
Judge Duff in th criminal court hero,
following the poeltlv identification of
Rlcheaon by William Mahanthe. New
ton druggist, as tha man who bought
cyanide from hlra last Saturday.
"I have irrefutable ' evidence that
Rlchson- bought cyanide' in Newton,"
said Chief Inspector Pugan. "I also
have a witness who aweara he saw Miss
Llnnell and Rlcheson together at th
South station on Friday evening."
Th witness referred to by-Dugan la
George Baker of Hyannis, another sub
urb, who is -a brakeman on the New
Haven road. Baker said that the couple
greeted each other oordlally and left
th station togethor.
Wanted Poison for Dog.
I The druggist, Habn, declares that he
has known Rlcheaon for years. He said
that Rlcheson cam to his drug store
and Bald that he had a dog which was
creating a disturbance and wished to
kill tt. Harm expressed aurprlno, say
ing that he did not know that Rlcheson
had a dog, but the preacher replied that
he had.
. Hahn said that he then told Rlche
aon, "We?l, I'll trtve you chloroform.?'
Rlcheson protested, declaring; that -he
did pot .want anything . which would
make the house smell badly. He also
wanted , n poison which would act
quickly. Hahn then suggested cyanide,
and the mlnlatur immediately acquiesced.
Hahn said: "This is mighty danger
ous. I'll put it in an open viai. e
careful what you do with It, and be
sure not to loao the bottle."
The druggist aays he then gave Rlche
son enough to kill a dozen dogs, hut
Rlcheaon demanded mora.
, "Corn to My Wedding." .
Upon leaving Rloheson called out:
Don't forget to come to my wedding.
Tou have an invitation."
Hahn. says that the pastor then add
ed: "It must seem mysterious to you,
my buying this stuff,' but you can keep
It a secret. " Then he left the -store
with th Ipoison. '
Frank : H. Carter, a member, of the
Immanuel church, stoutly defends
Rlcheson. He Introduced a new ele
ment of conjecture into the case today.
charging an unknown party with Miss
Linnell 'a death, when he soldi
Suspects Another Xam. '
"Th man who is responsible for the
death - ofAvia Xlnnell is walking th
street now free of suspicion. I can
prove that I will not divulge his name
now, but when the net which is at
present closing In tightly about him is
perfected. I will act. and that man will
t brought to Justice." , .
Mr. Frank Riley, one Of Jtev7"Rrch
son'O parishioners at tb Immanuel
church, buted that after delivering his
sermon on Sunday morning; th pastor
cam ttf her home for dinner. Eh aald:
H went to -the parlor, where I found
him. -very pale, lying on a eouen. In
respons to expression of concern for
hla health, he stated that be. had re
reived th new oX tb death of a very
dear friend. He asked for camphor, and
a a had none, I gar him smelling
(Continued from- Pag One.)
at Blaokan, 10. miles north of Hankow,
and hav cut off their retreat from
Hankow. The railroad has been cut off
also, and the tunnel at Tang Chow, 100
mile north of Hankow, Is In their pos
session. By this they hav practically
mad It impossible for Imperial troop
to get to Hankow from that direction.
Threats i of mutiny ar heard In th
rank of both the modern troops and
local regiments. Tbey refuse to march
against th rebel at Szo Chuen, and
the viceroy la aald to have taken their
ammunition and to hav begun prep
arations to protect himself. .
Foreigners are preparing to flee from
Yun Nan, couriers having brought
warnings of imminent trouble.
Mohammedans are reported rebelling
again in Kan t)u. .
Japan Concentrate Force.
Toklo, Oct 20. Backing up Its offer
to th powers to send 70,000 men to re
volt ridden China if necessary, the
Japanese government today la coneen-
Happy, Happy,
A Marvel for Sore Feet. Acts Right
Woman With Marvaloasly aawtlfal
Jiaur Olvae Sunpl Ion rvaeerlp
ttoa Which M Used with Moat BVa
aaarkabl aVesnlts. -1
waa greatly troubled with dandruff
a'hd falling hair. I tried many advar-
tlsed hair preparktlons and various pre
scriptions, but they all signally failed:
many of them mad my balr greasy so
It was Impossible to corno it or ao it up
froperiy. 1 think that many of th
hlng I tried war positively Injurious
and from my own experience I cannot
too strongly caution you against usln.
nraMratlons contalnfn wood elcoho
and other nolsonous substsnces. I be
lieve, tha Inluro tha roots of tha hair.
After my long Hat of failure. I finally
found a simple prescription wnicn i can
unhesitatingly state is beyond doubt
th most wonderful thing for the hslr I
hav ever seeiw Many of my friends
hav also used It, and obtained won
derful effects therefrom. It not only
la a powerful stimulant to the growth
of th hair and for restoring gray hair
to It natural color, but It ta equally
rood for removing dandruff, giving th
hair life and brilliancy, etc., and for th
purpose of keeping th scalp In first
class condition.. It also make tb hair
easier to comb and arrange in nice
form. I have a friend who used it two
months and during that time it has not
only stopped the fallliTe- of his hair and
wonderfully increased Its growth, but It
f Tactically restored all of his hslr to
ta natural color. Tou can obtain the
Ingredients for making- this wonderful
preparation from almost any druggist
The prescription is as roiiows:
Bay Rum, os.: Menthol Crystals, H
drachm: Lavona de Composes. I os. It
you' like it perfumed add a few drops
of To-Kalon Perfume, which mixes per
fectly with the other ingredients. Thla,
however, is not necessary.
Apply night and morning; rub thor-
niis-hlv Into the scaln.
do to your druggist and ask for an
eight ounce bottle containing six ounces
of Bay Rum; also one-half draohm of
Menthol Crystals, and a two-ounce bot
tle of Lavona de Compose. Mix the
ingredients yourself at your own home.
Add the Menthol Crystals to the Bay
Rum and then pour in the Lavona de
Compose and add the To-Kalon Per
fume. Let Is stand one-half hour and
It la ready for use.
ft? Ike vM f KtaUtl laujie!
IM i MM M r
tuts jhd eita aor I
g la im IM-4 MHl
I I M an - I
. rt aad e.Jt I M
fit a. i'M eev,ttk avaarami
a-a-l liaivm -f IM ra I M M
I r IM . lU-diaJJ IM ltll
I vOM M I fli) l
TM 4U IM fair M
ana 4a f IM fan IMI Mdk
M t.ll I UiJl II IM
ma ua la Mis itAM tiavr
hM ar M4a m4 m m mi
rttaA wf wmm Mmi-I f( Ml
Hm4 4 ka4 I rWrtaaa alli M
MittAav la IM a f Waia WUI M
iuiH m m with aoW aad M
im Ha.s us, ra a4 pir gt.taV
lkarry MAtui M Mr
IUium raw a herd f II e-'k frwas r
aa,lag. 1 1 p4r, a4 M Md rfd
IMI .akr alIHW head It will
lake IM BMltsr up wit IM (lal (MM
frtrtai M uff Wast
TM ! la.!. eaaaailieill il l
sjaarrew aturwav al I r(th I 4IM
. as la M 4un.'H a-a ..a
M4 M IM .-tia a
a'4 - -4 ".
IM4 j. m U a..rt. im III in
a -4 i ... is . I '- -4
railM a- Md a.. i.
m 4 .. 14 1 "t iwaa.iaM
M fltt a-4 M a" IM Mhl4fl
A ki la tweattwd t'm
f O kaavsg .:ra4 llh
aaak aM li 4 U - W M
a Mi im4 a, im
watt a-U bUM 4 (II
i avL.e f IM e- wl
lie ' im
tWilla a Aa.-l to
tM SM4ki ef It s.a.4 tr
a. aia Is ivi I a-' l-k a m4 af
tewMr a tl fj ! 1 1 m. 4
t aaUMrtat (Ma 4.IU l a af -4
l aja t SMvawt.! Mr m.UM
a,a .u i
ttl IMMlIlM i Ava4
Ul aJltlS Stuiu t i btaaaatal Ml
e .. aw X r. IIMy !
V t:-"as AitaM, C. ratal r Ml tt.
W. hart. asill M a-lJl
gtM 4 at f fa.. -'' ttM av
kC klfckU. U f Moa-. 14 a4. -
aa.4 K ft. alawlr. t a.m.
m IM Mmm4 t Ik ' 4 e4'
Mart .'ia4 K, K. t, t
fct !. C C SF. T. I. fwMM
s4 hr H. . bf '-: t t'aami
IM W il TM Iwta M4te e
kta, '! r, lieary Itarvey up rye.
i r rtaiey. J. at atecy v4 A, .
Vla CbtlUo u rw.
traasM rN taa I
HasaMig. 64. l-tM kiuh
4 eaa 4 A4ta I s4rsvaa4
tkwi Mr IM asMiik ef im KIM m
II f a, ealliaiM Iber dsitag
r. Mr
,4 4-a -a
Stops Hawkins
ArvJ Snu!inf-laIJki Cv
Unit B-au it KilU ,
CaUttIi C?rci.
MtatM II I l art. 1 M tt -
a a. a- 11 wm -4 '' 4
t tt W.aa.M M da II lla
ta a. Mitt --. eta ft
HYOMEr vru r.
until I. tl
ul f .
A "
iM-4 a I
twiuiu Mia
a a. : II mm.
!! MM) II
Mai 4 .,
ke ef i
4 '
t-fa M 4
5 topi Tii kQcrj
i Ar
a. ara wiM
ar l iwa-) IM rt
A wsi4 ItTwMrf eaairtl WW tta
Jle Milt af ItTwUtl a.d Mil
MMI IsiMlMlltM bMlaf ! 1 1
If rrtka laiaval ta m aa.ary.
arai b-xtta f MfOMHi a- l is
i !, S:aki lMtrrtMM) t w M
aaaa, aavkag. v4 kr rt'l wery
WM aa-4 iaa'iM4 law aMrtft.
rrv aaihsM. at. CmiuvIm M aMik
! ikr haxt rawwatsg ra.
tMlk- KrMl O. haffal. PL T.
iiil i .1 a'p-JWWaasaaas
im i nn n nFn ir o mt east Morrison
W. il. VlMiyCLL a W. COR. UNION AVE,
Our East Side Location Enables Us to Offer Bigger and Better Values N
Thin re buinable In tht ttortt that r forced by eitrtrnely hlih Wett Side ftnt totllher
rtduce tht quality or rat tht price. Coma tomorrow and hu in "tan pecuu wrucn ittn
Siturdiy morninfj.
$10-$12i0 Tail-Q735
ored Dress Skirts s?
Our fmrit Titlor-Maot Drrn
Skirt, msdi of port wool icrgci,
pknamst, diairnnali, etc, to tell at
from $10 to $12.30 tich. AQ mtde
in the moit popular new models,
Som ar taitily trimmed with but.
ton I. Colon are gray, tan, nary,
brown and black.
$3.25 Bed CO 69
Comforts N?
Extra Urge Com fori i. covered
with high grade figured lateen and
filled with fine white aoft cotton.
Made either quilted or band tied
with yarn.
Sale 67 Best $1.50 AL & B. Corsets $1.18
Our iperiaj 1 1.50 Coreti,,madi
of lint imported while coutil, and
art ruitproof. Cood. mlioni
length. iia hooki. either in the high
or medium bo it, la this Jin tl
also included tht noil popular aril
reducing model, eaptciaUy liked br
thou inclined lo iloutneia. Ail
modeli bavt six heavy appportcri
Women's Winter CAa
Union Suits JUt
A real Underwear Bargain.
Fleece lined ribbed onion luita in
ecru color. Perfect fitting, with
fitted waiit, taped neck and long
Elegant Long Plush Coats
for Women $25.00
' The, real itylish, rich black Plurfn
Coats, with wide collars, are here at
modest prices.
Stylish Tailored Suits for
Women $15.00 to $35.00
Juit the suit to auit. at just the
I.. . . vr wi i-.
Ulg, lU
f style
price you want to pay. No
high-rent prices here, but lots o;
Our Regular $1.25 Flannelette Gowns for Q ff
Women Now on Sale at Very Low Price.of, v'v
Good, heavy Outing, flannel
Gowns, cut very wide and long,
neatly trimmed and finished in a
most particular manner. A nice as
sortment of our $1.25 gowns in
plain white or in colored stripes.
Men's Overcoats, Rairi
Coats, Special Sale at
Coats that never sell for less than $15.00, and in many splacei up to $18.00.
This season's most approved styles, including the "Kenreifcrn" Raincoats, in
black and fancy mixtures. Also the popular raglan style Overcoats in tan and
brown mixtures. All are tailored in most ; approved manner and have the
convertible collars can be worn either roll or military style. f '
A Special Sale of Men's Sweater Coats
$1.50 Wool Sweater
Coats at .......
A good heavy Wool Ribbed
Sweater Coat, made with two pock
ets, all sizes and most all colors,
$2.50 fine wonted
Sweater Coats : .
--Our best - $2.50fine Worsted
Ribbed Coat Sweaters, moit wanted '
colors and combination.
Misses' Pat Leather Jockey Boots $2
Sizes 11 yi to 2. Patent leather,' high top, button
Boots, with extension soles, full round toes, and pat
ent leather cuff tops.
ct"717C mz Tn.H AT . . ::i ftl.TS
SIZES S TO 8, AT I . ..fl.SO
Men's "Interlock" 75c Underwear 57c
j. The ; celebratav "Interlock? woven Underwear for
men is a very fine cotton wear of medium weight that
looks and feels like silk. Beautifully fmished and per.
feet in fit. Compare this with any $1.00 cotton garment
shown; - You will prefer this to most kinds.;' ..r-;.
Sore Feot? Never After Using TlZr-
. Go6d-bye sore feet, actaingr feet, swol
len xeet, sweaty reel, em&mng ieei,
tired feet -
Good-bye corns, callouses and bunion
and raw spots.
You've never tried snything like TIZ
before for vour feet It is different
Irom anytnina ever oerore aoia.
It acta at one and makes tb feet
feel remarkably - fresh and sore-proof.
TIZ is not a nowder. Powders and
other foot remedies clog; up the pores.
TIZ draws out all poisonous exudations
which bring- on soreness of th feet.
sna- l tne on ir remedy tnat aoes. TIZ
cleana out every pore and scorifies the
leei your reel. '
You 11 never limp again or draw up
your face in pain, and you'll for ret
about your corns, bunions and callouses.
You'll feel like a new person.
If you don't find all this true after!
trying a box ' of TIZ yOu can tret our
money rigjnt dsck.
TIZ.. Is for rale at all drurrlsts- at
2S and t cents per box or will be sent
you direct If yu si-lf'hrom Walter Lu-
tner JJodre 4L Co, Cbicaeo..iIl.
J Bj
Ctefleg unit SMe
Nice stock of strictly high ' grade Pianos and Player
Pianos at factory cost One hundred and fifty to two
'hundred .dollars saved by buying now. You can buy'
on very easy terms. ai tne casn price, lryou neea.a
piano, this is your great opportunity. T9 see Is-to
buy. Phonograph- Record, at half . price." Supply,
your needs while they are cheap. . "' .' -
li.". .- "; . .;.: ' . 1 1". : -h,,;.,-- ' r i 1 s- .. h v -' ' ' - , " 1 " -
, ' i j i : i "..':,"' 1 i- - i. ' ,. ' . ' i-. , V . ... , ' '!;( ; n,,i': ! . f . '.' i '. " ' m" '-' 1 '
v. -. i' - ; '-, -. V,.;;- ,:: -. . " '-.:,. . ', '
!;'!.'' a: :v-"v-;;y ?
Come up Saturday " or- Sunday. - See the Prize-
winning - displays.-. This district won: grand Drlzes at '
jwa a .a. al -
bpoone and ijeattie.
' This is the best ;tim"e to see Lyle. Without doubt
Lyle-is the most, beautiful -townsife in the ; Northwest
located on the Columbia River. It Is the gateway to
ihe Inland Empire. - Rail .and water transportation.
t Cement sidewalks; graded streets, mountain water. V-
- Splendid' business opportunities and superb home-
sites on easy: terms. ,
Go up -Saturday or 'Sunday. Take 9:55 train.
North Bank RoaU 1- .
; Illustrated circulars on request. ; ,
Kcascy, Humason & Jeff cry
Second Floor, Chamber of CorrirneixeBoacUna .-