The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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u our MAri Himu
a M-M twM awaa aaa
Maa a4 ain ai4 a-- a
taM If M-M -ai a--l
M t a i La m ar.a
aM m-4 Maa u . a na
T 4 aM tuaaM
atl taa aiaw
I anna ata
liM aa 4.ja
MM aMlaa Maas
Ita Cak4a M mw M a4
Ve m im
JM 4 ra4 . a aw 4vaa
tmai .14 4 i a tM
iimwai eMl fee 4-a
la IM Maaka a m4
fwriMi amwi ViXtaM fAe L
Captain cf D::ne fir?:rts the j
trxaJ CapftaJ UreJ ta Cct.a NEW UHHOO TRIED OUT
r i mm a e awjikaaa h"a
e im e-4 I -v4 e uiit
t.m t . he Ilka, ka a4 M
ueain cr m firmer ci
Il l aVS M m. a,:A 1 " V
ev w a m sfW k A a M k,...
'Ru-ii Ir.ia Hurricane;- To
laaar 4 eiae a4 im
tiapcf tflc.r.eer cr eiy L4m4 a u.
" . . . ' ' I iitil a&iava. a Ml laaaal a
-M Im VM 4aae4 he
Tako Out Wheat
Mk i nwM
-O Jiff COail CiTltl IJL1SY. 3m ,.e im
IsaaaaOTa a ewcia M wW. a
1 ! aa bae eMa,
Cat w. a!. ei M it
(M44t ! I -, ji l
It MIM i. 4m a U4 '4t .!
IM IM lkAe S3
Mif l-r e l-ak A-e e.4
I k .. te 4 h. 4ta ha
Ik . e ei-4
r-e im MakM . r u
kn a hiem. k.e h4 t4 m Ike
te ai.
t fc I. - tmi) W
'. M f Ml
KmHM I 4 41 '-lt
akett4 l j y I a wvevl
kwa mi ftwt. Halt.
I ! IM M I S (Ml life
tl4M I hi . flt ee
Mil 4 t sri. wtl4
bi i im ai mt
iik-a M M4 bl eMaitM t
le IM Mif. He . a Hi I
I l U4 bm 4m!
Th (Ml ImU HU W4 Mast.
4r. ha f e II 4a Ire
bL ills 4t4 W kl- IU eke
M f4 4 IM HtUtl
Ml Sf1m tA, l:kw U4 Mo I f
-weO4 fit ele Wee all 44 IM
h! tr IM hi4Wa m l Ntl
Tmii HM e4 Sl fee 4 we
IM 0lf ef CaOif ie. uit eh Irif
m in rMtm i n e
wa miim Main af Cam la Law
the tM IM Lm
M IM H 4 Ml f U
MMK Ml M rMl talllUM'll
U1iW III . M MiM I
IM MukM M MS r Mf IM
I'M 7M rtf Vk M Ml
4ar M Mr aay U lU) Mtt l a4
aaa ar MaL
Oa Ik folkavlaa 4tv. Mr CaMal
KAfla4l, to teUta&a II aana. IM LHaM
ru lata krruM la wbicfc aM
pllcM4 Ml rolJ, vllft Mf IkU taatf
wlar Mlf IM II ma. far atihl Mara.
vkaa III alaraa 4ta4 tfava. Na 4a as fa
aa 4an la IM ail Mr IM oar-
la I a.
Afia im aMa mi diMfcarta4 Mr Ml
Uat al Liaaisa ahf ui M Iawa4 np !
aoa ar I ha local a'ala 4oka Mra aM
will Im4 cafo of baa I far IM fal
lal Kingdom. 6ba la aa4ar rhartar la
tltexX. tKripa Co, but it u aail Ual A.
Hart wlU ruraiaa IM earga.
m i
I iMaaJI
r Mctx
Captain Dunbar Regrcft That
Failed In Suicida Attempt.
Aaiarta, Or, Oct. It. -1 wlah I
mala a battar lob of IL Carta I a O. II
Imabtr af tha I'nllod liataa dradf a Oil-
rook la allagal to bara loll
la tha boapltal Ihla aflarnooiv, follow
ln hie atimpt4 aulclda an tha ante
Monday moraine. Thla la tha flret tha
captain haa lalkad barond aaawarlng I aaaiaaar aa the ataamar Batlar Oataart
In monoeyUablaa lha quaatloaa pal to I about throe yaara ago. Ifa wm for maor
him br pnralclana ana aurtu. reare aa anclMor on dlffaraat Wlllam
raar that ha will make further at- ette river boala. Mr. Smith haa a family
tampta to kill hlmaalf haa eauaad the I contlitlne of a wife, four daubtare aal
rnyiiciao to trap waicn day and Bight. I four aona.
captain Dunbar aeama to raallaa hla
boaltlon keenly, rrom hla atatemeat It
la juled that If be recover be will
donTwuh 'hTm ha", not bM dlriili " f Lumber Company aad
Teaterday afternoon a woman arrived Sttamahip Owner, Succumb.
from Portland and apaat the dey with I Newa baa been reeelved bare to the ef-
the captain. They are known to have I feet that E. J. Dodra. prealdent of Uie
Oraphle photerrapk takaM at the moment of the eiploaloa of one of the eub-
marina mloM la New Tork harbor aiplodad by valtad Itataa army of
Dclala aa aa aiparlmant M to the eafaguardlng of New Tork harbor
from lavaaloa of f oralga war eraft Th raa rafta ware uaad to mark the
lmaaTtMry vaaatl aal who a tug hauling theca al the end of 1100 feet
of baweer at art ad elowly to pell the rafta ovar the hidden mlnaa, the
aolliere to the forte oa ahore Ml the elaetrle flaah. exploding; the mlnaa
directly enler the floating; objerte. A column of watar naarly Tl feat
to balght waa throw tote the air anl mala a apactacular algbC
been food frlenda
to newapaper men.
he refueed to talk
E. J. Dodge ft Co. Adds Another
Steamer and Mar Take on More.
After having; enraged to aome extent
In the ahlpment of mercnandlae cargoae
northbound for the paat few reare, the
ehtpplna firm of E. J. Dodge dt Co., San
FTanclaco and Portland, haa decided to
enter the field to a greater extent ac
cording to Information received thla
morning, and to that effect they bave
dded another ateamer to their line to
run In connection with the ateamer
Northland. They have chartered the
ateamer Coaater and It la aaJd that they
are figuring on taking more ateamera
In the near future In order to branch
out In the general merchandlM field be
tween San Francisco and Portland. The
Coaater la scheduled to.aall from the
former port for thla harbor on October
II with a cargo of 700 tona of marchan-
dlee, 150 tone of which la lead.
' Dismaated Schooner, Believed to Be
Oliver J. Olaon, Off Cape Falao.
DiVmaated and floating at the rooroy
of the wavea, a dlamaated echooner sup
posed to be the wrek of the Oliver J.
Olson waa sighted by the ateamer San
Jobs a quarter of a mile weet of Cape
FsJso on October 7, according to a re
port made by Captain Follett, master of
the ateamer, to John McNulty, nautical
expert of the local" hydrpgraphle office.
The schooner, he said, was dlamaated,
with her anchors down and a part of
her deck load aboard. She was painted,
green, on the same day, reports Cap
tain Follett, he sighted a derelict
. schooner with the stumps of four masts
, standing 10 feet out of the water, nln
and a half miles northwest of Cape
Fa lso. xne derelict waa half a mile
from the beach.
Reuben Smith Suffering From Cancer
of Stomach.
It was learned ,this morning that
Reuben Smith, of 1183 Fifty-fifth street,
Montavllla, said to be the oldeet marine
engineer In thla part of the country, la
near death's door from cancer of the
stomach. vHe Is expected to live but a
iw days longer. Mr. Smith, who Is
jfcbout ' 76. years of age, waa for many
f. yerrs rorman engineer for the Oregon
Rarlway & Navigation company, and hla
most recent position wm that of chief
E. J. Dodge Lumber company of San
Francleoo, died at hla home In that city
Uat Binday, following a stroke of pa
alyala. He was 7 yeere of age and
waa one of the beet knowa lumbermen
steamship owner on the eoaat. Hla aon,
K. 1L Dodge, manager of the branch
here and one of the Port of Portland
eommlsslon. waa in San Francisco at
the time, having baen called there over
week ago by his father's nines.
TM Oattfeeale eiitae e tekUg Ibie
Ilia mU air. ritka, ! I
laiag Iklaga a ! (a apa4ia
.eee eM m mv Uilar aa ixkaaa I
I If . rtaaJlM M1a eMI
IMee I Mva Hm tMr4 eUaa f4
m latratMMau a u
aa rveactac barMr whicaj a ea
"If tha elllM af CellforwU fie! I Ml
fla epaallag IM sua ef IIC.eH.iee M
yaklle larka IMI prlala elKlp I
a are to laagea wllb IM lraaaeaiU-
aaUI rellroele I kaa relM a kra4
aoraiai. iaa rllk will I aha Mllare
lata tbalr awn baala aM will bwlld
rrHgbl ahlee m tbalr aietlrlMJ
The flrat elae la Ihle Ha aai
take br tha rlly of Ui Aaaalaa. ebleb
Inelndal la lie charter a prevision fwr
the building ef eiMmehlpe astl UMal
anl.ethar rail road a If enala snrary.
Theae beela. If avee built, would M I
BAUnicipei property.
"The raa all ef eaenlclpal owmrehtp
would be the! eoaet cltlaa would be able
to lay goola Iowa at a figure sot to
eaeaal f I a Ion from Attoatle nl"le.
Including probable canal rata. Thae
merchants would be able to reahta foods
Mf to the nocky mountains la eoniB-a-titloa
with merchants of Cfclceg aJkl
BL Paul.
Bseetepeaeeit en
Thla lone) not mean bajkmpiey te
the rail road a, ait bar, bat M the eentrary
Incraaaad buslnaae aa a recoil f l-
eraaeed eattleroent and developtnrBt ef
tha an t Ira Patlflo Mlul. Bona Itr thai
oryaoca, wnere twa pietee en iia aiar- ruroad maxnatfa wUI aM the economy
board side are balng replaced. ' of hauling frelgtt on the level lnitMd
To have new flukes put on both ofi, ,.-., Ki-h n.i.i. K..n,. ,.n
ZX"X??:Z -tock and at the Mm. time
im,!?J,.vd..OI,i.-P0rS SL flm Plc. undue burden, upon th limit ad
a ii u u i j uuvs, inm muiHiHi. oiiej w in
" w w-wm "" -r-la mm 1I1H aiKlullo aa IM
11.14 m ive imm ee i lie Aal m te
m ea a ty limit IM faave I . M4iiMa I e.a im aa Mt..k
im m4 aWi e MetaMU I a-a-1 a laweime e im I
aaia a4 n Mia ke oarM al I I ha im IM M4
IM Ntaaa wl luatt oa-e Uwle I rkeeias el ean Me
riM e'K ! br IM amaaail HI Ma ut MpMM hKMH IUI l
ef f-wt)a4 44 IM tatMi' I eaaaM al weuarf ' IM Mw
MrailM tA4 IM I- aavi Iefak UI mi h It M M M Ml
I t ea I im 4a I hh Wat eeaa.e4 IM M4
. M:f e)a 4aaa ea a aa aa tt 1 1'
h aal a4 ail I etnal i U I
for IM l"Jaka 4 WUiaaMlie . I DeaTT Baal!
ij M rwllMI kM II lie ( UltM AnaM laitfll fWxM ftml
f IM IrT. HWW. IkMI kklHIlu Iltv iika bw i
a4 laaMl wu 4 M b-atll V M (,l,f MlUta Mta ea4 el IM Oaw
raiKMAa Th-ry aaaal M bm 4 e-wvwl ! et m . 4
by IM Maata IWHaU May lltt IM MIiwmi e
TTe faewlaa1 eiiwal wm RaA be Ma4 au im eat ll ha UiwtW im
T. n Mfe Nitaan ef Ik I Mf wttl M eali4 by Jmmv
ikUfa! uf a4 tia'Wc lata al 1 1 ruteaiM tM mm M miiimI
m rraaataaav wm he tjrt el IM tar im IwlrwIM la M gta la Aatry
og b4a4 for a fw ar m rt lalua latta im tr .Mat afn
IIU atr. rtr eaaae l fart hl I . wnl baia laaaMllalaJy aflaa IM
fraaa (iraala f-a a ka b elltaeeel I batMher. aa4 rva4 Kev aaf IM
aaatlag la im ha I arewte af U lee M'Mt m4 M r4y fe
I fraiekl rel Maeie I -T by IMI HeM
I Oiy
Otihae m-ntm aef,
4 im aue Ki I e-
Astoria, Oct II. Arrived down at
7:t0 and aailed at 1:10 a, m., ateajner
Tatooah Island, Oct 18. Paaed out
at I a. m British steamer Buverte, from
Seattle, for Portland.
Seattle, Oot II. Sailed at 7:10 p. m
British ateamer Suvrlc for Portland.
San Francisco, Oct 17. Sailed at I
m., British bark Arracan In tow ef
tug Hercules, for Portland.
Aberdeen, Oct 17. Arrived, ateamer
Temple E. Dorr, from Portland.
San Pedro, Oct 17. Sailed, ateamer
Geo. w. Elder, for San Diego.
Coronal. Oct 17. Arrived, British
steamer Colllngham, from Portland, for
St. Vincent
San Francisco, Oot IS. Arrived at 1
a. m., steamer Falcon: at I a. m. steam
er Nehalem; at 7 a. ra, ateamer Wash
ington, from Portland. Sailed. at 9 a.
m., ateamer Catania, for Portland.
Coos Bay, Oct 18. Arrived, ateamer
Alliance, from Portland.
Astoria, Oot IS. Condition at- the
mouth of the river at 8 a m., smooth;
wind northeast I miles; weather, clear.
Tide at Astoria Thursday. High
water: 11:U a. m., 8.1 feet; 11:15 p. m.,
t feet Low water: t:b a. m, 0.8
feet; 4:81 p. m., 1.4 feet
Cut This Out
Kecipe that Break s Cold, la Say
aad pores Aay Cnrabl Conga.
"Mix half ounce of Concentrated Ptna
. compound and two ouncee of glycerine
, with half a pint of good whiskey: shake
weir and use In dose of on to two
teaepoonruia arter each meaj and at
bed time." Smaller doeea to children
. according to gev Any on can mix
.this. But be sure to get .only the
genuine (Globe) Concentrated , Pine.
Each half ounce bete cornea in a sealed
I tin screw-top case. If the druggist does
: not nave 11 di win ouicaiy get if.
mixtures are or large quantity and
t rhaaper. but it -la risky to experiment
This formula comes - from - m reliable
-. docUc and la certain,
be cleaned and painted end beck to her
station by this evening.
Little of a new nature was developed
In the trial thla morning of Captain
Joaeph Turner, pilot on the steamer
Itose City, who haa been charged with
negligence and eareleaaneaa In handling
the steamer when ah wm in collision
with the steamer Maria on September
80, while bound up the river from San
Francisco. United 8tatea Inspectors Ed
wards, and Fuller - expect to terminate
th cm this afternoon.'
producer of th Pacific eoaet 1
The time will coma, vary oeatftrJ
the completion of the Panama peal,
t y ,. they do to eTf7c.
If roej eat Im feet, 60 not maetkat)
prop 'I, r uii fouj that doe
ot aire with yo, diftetiv de-
renfcmraU are aJenoel lure to cocn(
uui tnJtretkaTi grnenUf edl
to very eertoua phrakal tromUc.
rrlleve aoJ cure lodigtitioo. TUf
bave a eulck and tool rUon on
the itoc&ach and IU ncrvre, aad so
they gtv direct aid to dlfeatJoo,
They carry away also the IndU
jeeUbl matter. With their DM
drtpepsU, hWwofhj, bd UsU,
anpleaaant breath and flatulence)
dlMppcar. Yoa ahoald bo careful
and remember Beechaxa'l PUli
Will Right
The Wrong 1
In a Remarkably
Short Time
TttH tltt.MJhti IXATCn
Tm vaHawe 4' i ie whufe I e
aMeir afte w ilk Hal la
M I i4rtt. hum af IM raa.
M.aa wmil aM (a H la.
IimU aa aal fcWaa akkl Me
I k Ma a fw Ik Mr e 4rtj him
r saaay MliitM br Ka Mia.
keaer faaaltiaa af ia ilteiee H4
ai r e iMa aikt
'mm line rata, Ml a' (aik4 at
'mi HHM to naaiia ajMrta !
he gWM.
I m tfv rae I halrMe af
.ll ktMirwa aii'Ja I IM 1kal
wm hae lahM aay IraalakMi a4
. . M.aa, ibaa.t If rw4.
Mr a a I al la raUMlUly af
t mum imi i arrar
rasa oo-b-9xtattobt.
Or E Malaga 4 V4r
-a' f iw al aa
a4 aatl write far ey lan btaa
i MKkMias e eaata la
Is what y will g
If ye trt with as.
HmuIis are eairkMl
p el 1 1 v a. Te are
besefllel at ,
Uii w b bave
raffed tMIr mm
along far ca a I b
wllb om ether id
rtallat ar MtaalaM
I the prompt erfacl Jt
t my remarkable
baaaa lOa.aM ISa,
Wireless &Laaage.
S, B. Herron, at Sea, 4' p. m. Oct 17.
VU North Head. In latitude 44 degrees
IS minutes north, longitude 114 degrees
41 minutes west; barometer 80.11,
steady, temperature IS, rising; wind
northwest moderate breeM; weather
clear; strong northerly swella J. B.
S. S. Mexico Maru, at Sea, Is. n. Oot
17, VI North Head. In latitude 4t de
grees north, longitude US degree weet;
barometer, 10.17, falling; temperature
61; wind, northwest gentle breese;
weather clear, aea moderate. Mexico
Maru. '
S. S. Chancellor, at Sea, 10 p. m. Oct
17, Via North Head. In latitude 48 de
grees 8 minutes north, longitude 124 de
grees 48 minutes west; strong north
west wind, rough sea, weather clear;
barometer, S0.18;
temperature 88.
an Expert Specialist
I am an expert specialist a nd treat aliments of men
exclusively. I own my own of flee and equipment and pub
lish my own photograph, and personally supervise th
treatment of all patlenta lrom the time they come to
me untu I discharge mem M curta. Aiinougn my iim
at nigi
I real meat I eur I
Narvese Deellna,! ,
Vaiicoaa Velna. Ptlae, aj
R Blare. Ihmnu.
nam. etirr aM miiM jotaia, BU4aey,
bladder, etc.
Jllood Atlmente alrhrv enl eafalv
cured by famous and well Imi 0r-
ma ramaay.
Oeasareattoa rrae, Wrthe e can.
TM 014 aVallaato rjtslallrt
Corner Alder and Send streata Est-
trance J II H Bacond etrMt Pertlud. Or.
Office houre a. m. te S p. m, lua-
oayn. iv a. m. 10 i p.
TM aae tug Imm4
S M '""
i i , tjut er
i Him. M M linilwi 4 elk.
hue aa 90 kaai i ka
MwUMkMM UM 4 rtaee INaV
kk4 ei aiimH aatinl
i m tva aajf aw-4 I pval
14 M ii i a h.a !- Mva aa-4
t 1 1 ka a a e mmm ai
Mat 4 !! Bkf ptMt pJmrm,
m4 -m a4
' mm I I w IM4M
'll.4 tmrmtmf
la mmt .
fmmmx ' AU SMM) lln'l .
im i la iMe wMii a
-mu4 eftty ! iMuh
Mr ha annul Ihatr -
III hl4 Ifc4 4 t-aai
MkMii I a Mv m
a M y mm la mm bm (r-wa-klir
aw i: h a a la-
tMltfM aaf awawnaal M-4 M-
e-4lC I (v mmmr I f
immt 4 eMM kaa4lf a4 faewi-
Arc You
Mta Imi4 ta kiirf4r m
ae hr eww Mwaaal f la he
!rrt ig mi hva wim t IU h
! imi la r ttm a
n4 wji M fete fwnektMl Af f-
Ml !. hla eaVll prm
MW4M Im M aa4v kMV
im asvM-4aia aM Miiri iMiMt.
a kk k wi4 M are-ewvMj ay im ra
aia fJWi mmm V f If IN
iuiw IMM wa(kM fkl I ha
iMrir r ii aM la e tin
11 ! Wllk CM MMt
II will eanel N Mtblaa
rAatooers , sjivoow 10-
tmm. ruJtev. rurvu. srro.
Cured in 5 Days
Family M sTaaa.
mo a k v i: a at on-anTKivi
t kip ii tiwn TrkATairxr
K1U f"'rT nrr. A
A H l ft H M A K EKT
ifv to OTura Mrri"AL AU-
pAftr.o to tTyiK hr tTrrHi-ES-
and roriPMrNT. winrn
Cfcia I 11 A V K TH BEfT
.4ii al orrics) oif
ran oosrTrx,TATxoBt.
I tneiiw m I rm I .any affU".
will eaeUI I v sar irielaaal
fee VirtfoM Velna, Hernia, Narue
labllliv. IHeol rxaorlar. Pile, Fla
il la nialdar. Kidney, preetaiM ana
II Man's Allmanta, enl give yoa
REK s phyal-al axamlnattoa: ir aa.
taarv rnlcreecoplcal anl ebank-al
aaalyala f aacratlen. la dM ermine
Iholagval an Metanoingim en
lloaa Every parse should take
ran tare ef thla opnavtualty te
ear tbalr In eenlllte. A
UMal war la what vo want
My frtcM are pa u oay rrof
a. sa, t I p. Bk aad auadays from
BMH svevriM av, come aa,
VvtUl, Oragoa.
nT NaT-
Is fully occupied from early mors until late
Ight In
looking after the wants of tnr patients, and In admln-
consulting with new patlenta.
Uterine my aneclal treatment for Blood Poison, Varl
cose Veins and Hydrocel
I alware take pleasure
in offering my services to the afflicted the result of
II years' experience In ailments of men I am giving
you the BBST that can be had anywhere. My reputation
for th past 18 yeara can leave no II attention. I hai
Dally River Readings.
doubt aa to my ability, honesty md
Intearltv and ahould ba sufficient to
convince the moet skeptical that I
specialist In Portland. I postesa
skill and experience acquired In such
a way that no other can share it and
should not be classed with Inexperi
enced doctors or specialists.
A thorougn investigation anouia
be made bv every ailing man a to
the specialist he consults. Duty md
destiny to self and those who depend
upon you demand the best medltal
C L Boismaa, M. I.
are the ability and ean
give you this service. I have alwaya
charged a very reasonaoie Tee, so
that my services mey be obtained by
any man who alneerely deelred to be
cured. I make no misleading state
ments, false premises or unbusiness
like propositions. I would like to
have you for a patient If you will
come to me on a strictly profession
al basis,, accepting Inducements thnt
1 orrer, wnicn are my aDimy, in
years' successful experience, time
saving treatment and cure of certain
a aa a -
Ailment 5pedus
Men are daily ex
chenglng money for
gueaewora end mis.
takaa with tnoe In
experienced la the
treatment of tbalr
ailment Ton have
tried the raet now
Ret th beet upon
i unoaral laled
propoeiiion or
nroT A dottab innxt wm paid
nwnj, UVMMB."
Tha following d I aea aea ar success
fully treated: Varicose Vein and
Obatructlons, Nerv, Blood and 8kin
Ailments. Kidney and Bladder
Troubles, Nervous Debility, Eruption,
Pllea and Fistula.
Consultation and Examination Free.
to S, 7 to Sally Buaday, 10 te L
J. J. KEEFE, Ph.G. M D.
ronuao, ur.
Harrlsburg .......
Albany ... .,
Balem ............
523 etc pQ M
SS 5?S ag- g-a
: r S g
:, : " -t
. . 1 mm
24 I 2.710.21 6
80 8.40,2 0
26 1.9 eo.i o
15 2.20 0
14 0.1 0 0
20 1.6 0.1 0
20 0.80.2 0
87 2-6 0.4 0
Rising. ( ) Falling.
Controlling' apparatus of a new ur-
plane Is so arranged that It can be op- I
erated by either of two persons, seated
side by side.
Laden with passengers and general
freight the ateamer Golden Gate, Cap
tain Erlckson, Is scheduled to sail this
afternoon for Tillamook.
At the St Johns mills the British
schooner David Evans commenced tak
ing on her cargo ol lumber for Japan
this forenoon. The cargo ta being fur
nished by Balfour, Guthrie A Ca
The British steamship Anerley, un
der charter to J. J, Moore & Co., for a
cargo of lumber, to Melbourne, complet
ed her loading 'at Prescott last night
C-1 . L. - . - V. . 4l1t
oiiv ivun rt v. ucr wiv mm am - , .
forni ports. if or over tDxee aecaaes a ravonto
When she Wiled last night for Coo. houiehold medicine forCOUGHS.
Tiuoon Tzzirs
I dally demonstrate that Varlcoee
Vft ui rum rti rn in neariT Kit
casee In such a aatisfactory way that
the vital parte are preeervea na
strengthened, pain eases, swelling
nhMi a healthy circulation Is
ranldlv reestablished. Instead of the
depressing conditions. I guarantee
you a cure to eiay curg.
wrth these diseases you may hive
more complications than are present
ed by any other diseased organ. By
my searching illumination of the
bladder 1 determine accurately tne
disease and by microscopical exam
ination and urinalysis I make dou
hiv aura tha condition of the kid
neys, thus laying foundations for sci
entific treatment
sraoxrxo B&OOB POXSOW
Rctentifia treatment only should
be used In combating this loathsome
disease. I cure Blood Poison by tne
new German Remedy which I Intro
duce directly into in oiooa, purur
in it It neutralising? and exoelllnr.
poison from the eystem. New blood JJ
thus formed supplies and rebuilds!!
the tissues in sucn a way m u
patient recovers nis nonnai aiaie vi
health, strengtn ana soundness.
Bay the steamer Breakwater, Captain
Macgenn, had 90 passengers and S00 tons
of general freight - : . s
The steamer Nome City, Captain Han
son, cleared yeeterday . afternoon at the
rriT no J rcnup WHnnpmfS
rTlTk 1 J n..:U -t- 1 cepted. are attempting
custom house for San Francisco with 'fit first SHttl of a Cold. Ouick. Saf 9
and reliable. The Bee Hive on the
carton is the mark of the genuine.
Refuse sushtutes.
Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th St Eas-!
ton. Pa., states: "Several members of j
my family have been cared of bad
coughs and colds by the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, and I am
never without a bottle in the house.
It tooth es and relieves the irritation
in the throat and loosens op the cold.
I have alwaya found it a reliable
cough cure."
Skidmore Druar Co. two stores.
Main store, 1S1 3d St Branch store,
Morrison and West Park Sta,
- . ' -: .. -
That disorder commonly known U
weakness has for years and generi
ttona baffled the efforts of physi
cians, yet to this very day a ml-
eciaiisis not
to overcome
it by methods that have been th con
stant use and have '-always failed
for half a century. They dose the
system wttn powerrul stimulants
and tonics, calculated to restore
nervous force or strength that Is
not and never haa been lacking, with
the result that the functions are
temporarily excited to the positive
detriment of the patient Weakness
is only a symptom resulting from
many local conditions and Is curable
by local treatment only, without the
giving of a single internal dose,
which demonstrates the absolute ac
curacy of my understanding and
treatment of thla disorder. In years
I have not met with a single failure
and I have entire confidence In my
ability to' cure all cases that come
to me for treatment I am equally
certain that no treatment other than
that which I bave perfected can
completely and permanently restore
atrength and vigor.
tlenta have no confidence In their
doctors, because he demands pay be
fore a cure has been effected and
there are many who have been mis
Informed about their condition or
through unsuccessful treatment have
become skeptical and think there is
no cure for them, I .want an oppor
tunity to treat such men. It makes
no difference about the ' financial
Jart. as I accept pay for my serv
ces as benefit are derived; when I j
am ' satisfied - tne patient is liable.
Health la capital at Interest. I will
prove my aouny to cure oeiore mk-
ing pay ror my services.
I Cure Men
$ 1 o
Pay When Oaied.
Oeneral Debil
ity, Weak Verves,
Insomnia Reau l ts
of exposure, overwork and other vio
lations of nature's laws, Dlseasee of
Bladder aad aidneys, Varicose
Veins, quickly anl pennaaeatly
oured at small expense. ,
tracted and chronlo ceses cured.
All burnlngi Itching and Inflamma
tion stopped In 24 hours. Cures ef
fected In seven daya Consultation
free. If unable to call, writ for
list of question.
Office hours 9 A. H. to I P. M.
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
4241 Washington St, Cos; Mrsv
Portland. Ore go
Ten do aot car
raad long winded
boMtful advertl
m n t s . WHAT
One u a d r my
treatment you will
quickly realise how
elmple a thing It Is
to get wen in me
handa of a apeclal-
kit who know his
buslneas. My cures aaa not oniy
years to life, but life to year. I put
new energy Into wornouf bodlea.
ear aalakly aad prnaaatly U
arabi mm ef VAmiCOsva vms
and BCT9BOCXM without severe snr-
leal ape rational -vasTBSA vm
TaTOTIOsrs without cutting ot Sara.
out lnrarlouB drags I 480 skilfully ad
ministered tf prefenwd) I VO-TlTAXi
BBaiXITT without sthnolatlv rerae
dlesi PBOSTATIO, BlADDia and XXD
NBT troubles I OOlTTavaCTBD liaordarsl
TCZJBB and all BXOTAJb aUmats ox
Bamoved to 832 V& Wash., ooraer a St.
. Chines Doctor.
His Chinese herbs and
root medietas cure
blood trouDies ana all
dlaaaaea of , the heart
lungs, liver, stomach,
kidneys. When others
bave gn
suit or
lave given you id, eon-
write m mag
400,000 feet of lumber and S40 tons ef
H. I Beck, lighthouse Inspector for
the .Seventeenth district returned last
night after ' making r an Inspection of
the aids on th river and at North Head
and Cape Disappointment
Th lighthouse tender Mansaalta.wss
scheduled to sail this morning for Ta
taosh island, stopping on the way at
light vessel No. 47, to put off th Quar
terly provisions.
In tow of th steamer Monarch the
British bark Iverna was shifted from
Montgomery dock No. 2 this morning to
th Oceania dock.
One of the, steel bargv belonging to
th Columbia Contract company, which
waa .sunk recently - by striking - some
rocks down the river. Is en the Oregon
I trsmt all Ailments of Man and cure to stay cured
I Oiler Free Consultation ana Advice
invite you to come to .my office, I wUI explain to you my treatment for
vertcoM veins, hydrocele, hernia, airvous deouity. oiooa poison. pue p.
tula, bladder, kidney and all men' diseases, and give you FREE a physics'
A v offlra la onen all day from 9 a
nv to 8 p. m.; Sundays from II to It.
All correspendeno treated confi
dentially. . Letters eheerfully an-
awered, ,
Dr.CK. Holsman
221 Morrison Street
Cor. First, Portland, Oregoi
sioir rarrs oottpobt fob tak.
vabli urroaiCATXoa raaa.
Please eend me free your eelf
exkml nation blank. "For Men," as
I da Ira to deaorlb my case to
(ou for the purpose of taking
reatment If your charge la low
nough to suit ma
Glvee PreaipraBd ESateaal RaUef
vitiaoal Incanrenieaea, 1 tfca
Ko ether ueaunaal reqaifad.
FIED Is your absolute protection.
Consultation, examination and diag
nosis frea Office hour dally 9 to
S, evenings 7 to 8, Sundays 10 to 1.
Washington Bt, portlMd,
A Wonderful Cnre
By 1 the f amoua
. Chineae ..:;.,
Dts. B. X, Ohaa,
221 Morrison St,
Portland, or.
I am 81 veara
old and have auf- lSr. B.1
B.X.Chaa fered from weak- Oban
ness and nervousness for .three months,
from a tumor on my face. I flrat went
to some doctors, but they told me that
it waa Imnosslbla to cure, bo UDon the
advice of my relatives who had bean
cured by these Chinee doctors. I went
to them. After taking two weeks of
their herbs and roots compounded and
other medicines, the tumor wm com-
recommend anybody who is lu and
letelv cured without the uae of a knife.
feel so grateful toward them and I
wants to get well soon to go to see or
wrlta to them and secure' some medi
cine, ; which 1 am sure will bring re
sults. J. A. ZIMMERMAN, Albany, Or.
Iadleel Ak ymr Bracirbtt.
OhMbae-tar'B 1MM4 Mrad
I'll la la Km) J a!4 airamA
bmmmm, titd Ml Bl Klbboo.
?rfc a aikF. nv ar rr .
Iragrl. HI-I lrt...TrWl
iiuawjia DKinv r 1 1.1., 10. a .
Dl C 4iaaJl leak haaaaiha. h4V
Ihl SmM . Mtwwi a. IMM.
ft 1 l 1 o u a f.Lr-m frr.w?
rTf TIP m-m4 tut ?aa kaw M k
far iklny ymm wHk ar. a D i-a ri . j.
TnMikiiwfnllMaMHBAauiM, c-
atll Far a om. Ka a mi .1 mun'mm m IF . -4
' t--f viae ta. SuaakAa vw !,.... , i,
J. Or,