The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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. I! 14 .44 M lit 4V.v4 44 1 1 ft4 tva C4
i-mt.t t m - Bt M4
144 lM tMI U 1)4 Ui 44 ft 4 4 t A
t t44i
it 444 's.44 t. t I. l itiittft, 44 44 44i 4 4A4J4 u
" '"VZa. ' -' It M - U
4 IU(4 $tmV 4 I
:ariy la
tl :i f 14 l4 ( 4 It
I -lf .ti. 4-t 4m !.. ! Uj4 IM If ti.
w4 . W 14 ll.M'U
AkiAU. tttibu-K.
t fvf a4M4 a-y tMt
O i m-v aA 4
taiutia' aU'bliut.
14 f-4Uf. ,, U V 444 j - 44 t-4 4-4. i 4 MV
i t- i 4 m i4
U C--4 4 UnjtfWM. 44
4V .-.J ait4 4
ift f Ue a 4 i It , Mum
jstf J 11 tm tV.'-. i
I ll (' k M . .. . t aa,I.a'ftftfcA
44 IM 41' fc 4'4 IVI U4
fil4 114
J td e4U
4'4u4 AV4 4 4 a
U.I4 14 v4 knrf 14 11 WU4
tC e44 1- I I k- 44 4 J 4 ' t
tU HiH'4,1.1 tH4t 4 14 i-
4. a t'.... -
4 4 lt4 44 4 --4l
f "m
- -Vj''fc aLa' l4 dy-.4f .-4
U U 4 4.A 4aS 11
r if a 4 -
W W - 4 4 1.1 I
Sm& ( cH M
... f , 1VM V4 4-JW
,1 - a a v wmmw
4 tv I'Vi 4y vi 4
l ,. 4-.-4. 4 t4 - 4f 4V"
mi' 44 M " I uliUttM, 4inn, kiK
ac t a . , k-U-UM lUf Mil ll!
!tM4'.lHl t4 It ti tlM k
-ii4 am i4 ui t ti
M i -a, 4
4 44.
t4JMT 4 44WX4.
,Ht kvtatf-: ai (t ( iJ.i4t tan 4 tMw.
ir it .4 vta i.
4A-a, 4- 4 4 K 4M4
Wlr V'll ft f m4 t44Uft4
tiut tl IU 4tM 44 -4
tit lM bWIM ,!.
U II. Hit.
I .. ..
4J4ll 4 I v vir tipiin m nnirn II i . r
VW'4CU4M1 ViN-' 1I4 DlMLl' I I
i in . j -.4 f
- fc...a few 4... I.
L - , a- iw.. -
4 'mmt 4 M , . 4 l III .
. in i..ii. m a mmmmt
a mm mt aa.
MiW tvaa MJ
4 W 1,
,Uu I It ! J 4
... i j jr i'mM U W4 U4
kiittMr r nii
..... M It
Mi4 t
..... H t N w .
jti 4 4 4 li rt U
IJ- A44 4
4 ft 4'!t?l Vftl", ftA-4 U
tit ii i:i 4 U l:mnif JiU
Oil It 9 U
TVf 4 ft I v4 UM 1141
U M I! 4 ft. 1144 llrfj
ftwl ft..4 . L ISf
4 u to-tV.if. 44 t)4 it
Wt l4Uf 1 U k44. W-
AN txrvit Utl 4tl v
nl fu la frU4
T4r. lift I ft 44f
M :iucl. ( e tlC Bt U
rKle4 ttft ftl It ecmltf trdftj
t Ucfc ft rk4rtr or trv
It tk ttatt-fteiM Ut r-
eft(!r Vl vammtMl orrst&t
I AtUmift. Is u rrxUtrtlJo. om
If eat-Ulf Uft rolcrt cf It ti(7
r2S4 for 164 rprlj cmBUlo
roriBet ftlfi0. Tl fembr
rctur4 u It. Of, ui of Um
ft7 Till mt t4 U o:i4 r Uo-
T o4 fttBtt lb comBtwIot
chtmr vm 4141, ft4 tU eJorti
rtfBft It 1991. Ttft of for, m
1147, er ob ftboat 9tgt tr r&t
f to rot of lb cfty. Tb tty-4t
' Iobm JoIb4 to tao4 who ftrlBtUr
font bt tt cbftrtr ftftrvrtud It pr
trtt ct tkft ntJr vol.
Tb flchUat oppoaittoa eot8cH4
tb bio! ftBU-comralMloa fort a4
coBitit4 of tb pomieUn. tb pub
lic Mrrifi forporBtloBB, tad tb
pwUJ lBtrat4, politic! and otbr
wi. Tbr clnar to lb old ortr
for tb Mm roa tbat tbj dlac
to tb old ordr la Try city la
vblch cbanc baa beq attaapt4.
Tby bad tfretlr ailiwi la tb bait
body of !Um and dtatnUroatftd eiu
twaa wbo raalod at. bom and
permitted tb profeMloaal Daa!pa
Utora to rna tb city.
Tb rwult U tb final to two or
tbr4 yara of aiUUoa for tb
chant la Atlanta. Tb reform tu
bln aitatd la tbat city wba
Portland Toted on commUrloa cor
ernment at tb eloctlon of mor tbaa
two year ago.
Tb Atlanta Incident ti of t1o
.to tb rerliton commltto In Port
land, oroncbt to b. Tbr la bo
opa flfbt a-alnat commiasloii cot-j
rnment ber, bat w bT tb detd-l
ly aUy-at-bom. If w anbtnlt two
cnartert, we will baTi to far tbJ
blljht of tb Indifferent cltUen, tbo
opposition of the enemy of commit-'
aion (OTernment, and tb natural
rlTalry between tbo two charter.
If tb two comm'ttee do not get
together, the outcom In Porland
wUI yery probably be the aame aa In
Atlanta. What tb people of Pert
land are asking tor la commission
(tifctry t4 tn4 ft f l K
1 11 it 44 .at;t 44
ll t4kfUt4 lU 4 14
at-txiu iir vat,
Olt4UaM 14 taaU4i a.
rz 4 fH ta Ilk cwaairy M
U U t4l 4 I4 14 -(4Wt n
-ft4 4144 a4tirf UWf
4i;tv4. tl ttr ti4t 4
tf4t 4 l.rfy tiavtUhi. TV
U14 away ttvXtlU Ua I!
4 t aaaHry Vn w44h..
ll t4 ui tU9 il 14 Uta
Httr4 1 i44 L44
ft ft M fw-i fr ll
444tU y 4 14 ifta iti ii
tr cf c4i KfTt4ft. adl4
H4rM4iT Or Bit TTva'
Ky. a tM4ff ! io..'U
Or y l ft ll-44 Xler f
fl 1 4i T 714
U-a Ui U 4 tab mm
114 tUfto I -tti t'4 !
I letter From tht PtofU
tt m ma m- k Tw niimii m.
w t i4'-4
trrcunett 4rti. ii ;rai
J U4 f4imtt ftl 1141 4Mb
t boat 9 t4kf U
tr4at aad A 14 la. Al
ll Ms !, it arrr4. a aa at-
leraatlT trepotiiloa. la ef
III 04t!44 nWfl!i f 1144
41 k t4 til 4tJr ef ft cenrr
eprat ataatB? lt&4 fvr-
Uad aad 111.
OrtoUr I. W. a Writ, ft
Port 1 ad rltl4. tola ttb 1
Joaraal'a otttr aj la toaa. aad of
farad ft a a)ifitv ptt-mHlom
t tabarrtb for IttOI f atari to
Oor mora, Tb JearaU rmrb
tbt blp oagbt lo ply btea)
Portiaad aad Alalia. Tfcy ibl
to brtax dowa clp coal, aad tale
back food, cloiblag aad aappliaa tx
lb ALaakana
It. ta 4(111 lb patafal fart tbat
wbll Portland ktpnBt4 lo AUika
for 11 tsoatb aadlag laat Kay wr4(aeb raMra(. It ealle ol a
only I1II.I4H. PacH aoaad abJp- gratfal axkaowUdganrat for tb
meat war 1 11.1 17.41 1. ,eilt-t of acb rraureal Htii
It ta UU tbe pAiafal fact tbat! tl Woodmea of tb World.
wblle AlJk tblprntata to Portiaad btaaktad 1 forgtUal of maaklnd.
did not aggragat oca dollar, Alaska la Iba flare ttggl for z!tasc4.
blpmeau to Paget aoaad. gold as-libera ( to tbe aarfae ft eon-
oorta aicinded. mntd I I.B14.. staat alorv of m'a lDhamltv la 1 1
,4J . . . .. . '. Mgrd l m,. .hMiMmiHi
rrviioi lost locau . na noioiag i amtr Biiure aa bmsiu tni
to do with Portland' lack of bosl- j fewbaTa time or tboegbt for tbe
T fmrnitimm
t4 S
TV 4- riXtS 44 44
TWt 4-in4 aaa n-x
Mi 4 t wt
TiA 4 1 aIui. - -
t4-k l U 4 44-
Uiwnl 4 IL 4 Of
Vt 4 li'i -.
lr a-i Jrr mm4 amitei:
4 4 l
aji4i r- .4 4 45a I I i-.ui
MM 4 Si 4 . V t-Mlliit 14 4.4 1 l'4 t M 4 ii -
4- -,.,.. J ! Mv' 4 I -- - - .a tl 1(1 It Hl -.
- - 1 . 1 . t - - - x . . . I . . . . . .....
. . . .1 . 44 aa U 44 M
I Nlki4 t. 11
k--t4 44 44) 4-'
i-t 4V f4
a Cva.
i nTirmi r1 "" 4 4 4r 4 4
i' h
- 4a
9 ii a4
Ca.i-utk. tM 4444.
tiy a ltMk
rwUtt Uk.4, 14 T 14 C4!44 4
, . . . , I TV i ! awu 4 a a
. " .1 . . " I -u -"4. i rwt !-- a
" 4 "' r" ia a i ututmr. t awi4
ler. aa II M la Iti Ua4 ta ftriaaJI a M t m 4 4a
ftt. I I4s I timi ntNii 4
iui j a t ae m
Tttll U A VK 1 ItUMB I 4 ta , to vta i
4 ta m4m 4 tnf 4at44k
DtJri7VTK FAMILT oatH. I ra r-ti 4 iv a irii
tag af tl B4rau aad tlre ri t la
IU'4 U 1444 U . aew X Tfu'.
loa-a falaaa. Tl lom r h tt
ra9rt4 l arf f arvaad aad I 4aia mt 14 atir
ro(taga af foar rooava I -J I f i-ir .
a vm aiiiwMf ai 1
rrr. .!r?rf . rr .7 . . I . -1 ! a r. -r, - n
- - r -1 rwrt p r t.j. ita a v
a L f 14 44-4 ait a4
JM,a I I'm i-4 fvi.
f 4 H 4MB 4M(I
" 44 4 Htl llt H
I IffWMl 44aii M4V.
a a
f" Ort ta arrva44 kra
r - af raa aii ti
4'a i 4ain a ia tvrx
n4- p
AU af U t 11 gin af tb Wood.
as ef lie World ef ftaiaat aad
ii oopraw aaa ia a(ai iaciaa w ui ta utMiK" vara a na, aaa rmi- i aar
111! ta -i- Mlrltat a t ana. '' Aixawal av eaalatala aA I v ! la 4i at rrvaft
mil .ST.! V -ft- fv -114 14 -rtr .. ar Mar. 4.4 la
era to b'l tide tb faaaCy otwr tie -.i.. .uJ tM rva4ai at V?r"ZJ ' -
tatar. ti U ft Ufa aptaoda af tie ir ..Mi.M ta r4 ik.t TArirTT-r-t!
ktad Hat tbe aabtla rat la a boat wttb tui4f tataa 'tJ i mtA -- -Ti. .!
I Ikvlr t anaa lava a4 la rf
aa 1 f 41 lr 4w al
fitxara Utai tar f aalia t a "lloat
talfvaaa Imim aa4 v U4 a 'font
aa loa la aaola aalll faajr foual
a artici I ha I aaa raada la I4ar ava
cllr. If aoaaiMa Of coura la ftaalaf
vara al aa-a afoua4 ! Ia m4 af
! Iha ar'h tll elaaa f
lint a
4 4
in. 4 aH-44- w.i.i.m
44 aw a aUl t
-4 a M 4 aata4 r-i t
4 t4 a ' 4 aifw
al-taawrruai avl I W ta
4 a r a4 fWU4
Utt.t ta '- t 4.1 n l-4
4 un k ia t-r ' K. .
aa, 4aja a-4 Ka f
4-Mt 14 iwaaf. taaC
A 4).
Ta a- 4a iwi aae
aa ,fiU I K4 a it iva 4a
twt mm a ' aa 4-t
Ma tlt4i vt4a4 t 44 ta
4a4a I4al4
rwa,4a ti i Ta tr Ut
II I m4I "T Si.
aa a ! la -tn f 4
ka i4a a H 4a4VM4 aaa aaa HM
la i a tt-ia
trf aaa 0a4i auy t ea4 a
a rT"-"'t ia f-aa it iaaaa
KS 4vl lH4t.
aMWi. ! a4 av !. a
14 a aa4 44al -"-
, la 4 mm . ta i4
v4a 4 a4 la 14 a i '.
44 14a. attlat fr t4
HM MaWaalk a a Mva wit,,
al - l4 atiut 4 4t4a. 4m4
via fxta-w i
U wiU aumatff fa t4a
aaaai4ai4 la ? aa'r taU a4 t
4aa aa- ia J 14- aa4 "
aa4)V 44 4 II l4
imUmiw 4 iaja-) -4a
atiaa a Wtaiatita. 14 t44v4a, lv
a 4a Wa.4a4a4
14 41 f. tart aa I 441 114
a aa ayaatSaal la IMS 14a atari r4
rata vt4 a II ir- mtm
la Wak4 utaaarr 44 14 4i
lla. t 4U 44 lMK 1 44
laaa a Waal aiF aia4J . 44
la 11 a la aiM Wa 14 P af 4a
rr ta lla i iia, tt . Ta I ta Ji 4 I a aaa4 OH aal ar a
r r W- ' I cic.a aaa 1 1, s41.l-a la 14. ft r-4Jf
kui4 ia 4 im mt ue iUr. I
ir. nn it Uf aamt r r-
mimu laaa a ui a lii x
ftaira 4 Na vaaait rr4 .
r li4 ft" -t4. 4 r!!!! atfa-4 Tl 14 "-
Va tlMf lal la ut laa ! I C4vfajf t'ia mt Xv T. Wa4fw
iHf arf mmt ai-ta ta f rr ai
ar ita aia fF ia r 4i
ta mt 4 la.
a a
f4a4 Matt Tna W. J IStty
I la racwtrl f t-"! '' vlW
rl Karl af I Ha 4iaav ia-a
ixM4oa. Cal4. a4 Mrar4. ir, bf
l aoai t a bat l4.
Uat4 44 4M Ltftadoa J ttnltt
aiaiaac mt 4 4bU. r I ml 114
Vtllav f Kvv iafaar. a4 IUraa a4
OK4. a4 44 14 tU4 C4
fa al t.4 ar.
Will of Aagrta,
TSa ftt4l altl (4s CItrtalUa afre lalaa a rr4-pH f Auarudu
f wble taara to ay rarar to thl afl 4aaloa ala na ml auial
AiftMii Caaaar. vha vae Hera
la lb aoUlara onatltutlnc hla bodjr.j
two urn.
1 tat a Mlov a raf aaal.
WK a 4 rfe a tl aifH
"'f 4 aiy 4a at-, -4fM
4 44-a:
44 vry lira I 1U vT
lla r4 11 4 f
On uMia iita nHin4 ar ia t
I a4 4 V.
Ii toMi't rail at ratal tm(
Kar wal i 14 laair r444
lla imp I? r.rar law la Ut 44
a.i uata La feal
aeta pia a Ha,
aeaa, tb trade of Sn rrar!co will
Alaska for tbe period wa. In round
number. 5. 000.000.
Do any financial pillar of Port
land tblnk tbat If Portland should
try, ah con Id not do aa wall la trad
Ing with Alaska aa do San Pran
clsoo, 100 mllea farther away?
Do our gvneraltaslmoe of wealth
tblnk It would be good thing to
bar a steamer line to Alaska, or
ball we go on pursuing wealth by
grabbing unearned Increment, la
Hating rentals, computing Interest
and swapping towa lota?
Tb Journal's offer atlll stands,
Doea anybody aea any signs of life
among oar brigadiers of business?
ID ANT ONE know that we
bare It national parks, besides
28 national "monuments." In
cluding under the last bead tbe
Grand Canyon of the Colorado? If make that bargain
just these facta were known was It herself
part of the knowledge that some are Ing armies
Dot tbe SaUra aad Wood barn
Woodmen bar gtrea aa a buUful
eiampia. Tbeir generous act sag
gata tb wbk tbat ail tbe world
might b aoch Wood in n.
I l aTia-aA K. aar ll l4 I al I A 4 a b ... l l I
a a. - a , a- a ft. I -., 4T aftaa J . f4l I a -aa -a- a mmm-m, a - V a- ft 44111 I mm Vta) ak-ww
.at. IlaTTii ia rnTi - 94lla a4 ruaxnt. la th a,a out of .aea a. h.4 M j4 for 4410-4 ia r4
Mead Vrl".a IIUleTto fcatarad. '.w" iJl V T .1' Sl th' pUfW lla will A fT-rf,y par- furtlf
1 uT- iLiVal ba J.i. .i iXa ",-,k- bftr lh. which oo- for lh aoutll aotint f hi HUM, a4 VTh' aalla Ilia sooda. l lh ".
r ania tbat ra JM ntrraq ! Nola. la U.a aaraatrtsth a.nlaln.4 it la lha far I that a mmA Aliaoua hU atora la p-t4Ule t'4
a w a aw 4 ft a V4 ww I
Waala A Job.
N IMPARTIAL and tnteraatlon
blgh court of Jostle
seems, the only power
could sol re all pending
peaa quarrels without appeal to
rr er ate at 4a 14 rorty-nrac oriapaat th raat In lha aarrlo af
hie raiaa. eiata
Ainiiui via a wiaa ruiar. mi tiixihtm m...4 i ....
rortUad. or, Oct II. Te lha Fdltof I whan h 4t4 It wa ld f him that If ram th. .uMk. e 1,1. i4....m
A.I M H a I k. L . . . V. . m . a. ..I...
. -- a -M, na rata insa nvrni uik l aaa tail ttijuiia. tu a i.rt - - wm . i i
I".; V i. " . TT1. "T" I ""4 ue i!eruiy paironicao won 1 laaacr. but did aot rcil hrr
w,a iavii.ini wiaa i nw 11 anriar laflara anil I na -laniilan a mm I
wt your no naaxiaa r-aaara can aup- . - Dhraa arc lad ta u arm dlatln
I amiftW ami wiupiaji.
,n"Fr morbi.lijr and d aad tl:
What la tha raunirf comlAf la
II Mr that, fori 1 ilma a 47 aad
folk eiajr lf lla 4trat.
1. . I f 1 w ma art 1 h lha r lufnMmilAii I . . . . ... . -. . I
ta, 11 ' .... . ...- auiiora itr uif riu ana om mt uniano wa a
. I whara ta aat Inh 1 Kail mov wKn I . . ... ..... I ...
I D 1 1 , .. . . . . .. . . . - mi atpraa-a vi nia u ain, i im aaiu, i anould P4 p!4Cd I
Kara. !L?7 1 ' h".fcTa "BHAag-laa called foe a mirror and ar- Caaeara.
- I a HII -. a, ua WW 11 BTJ S aaa ..l BvSa v.Saa . . Ikaa I li lt
I . ' . . " I f aagwa c saw ft--r. m aej n n atai aeu wiwaw i m 47aiCIl
w,r- ::Vr-T. "T- r rmpwy""1 oorT' b- htm tr la had rlayad hi
aot recaJI har from I ,I,.:V J"T.
114 forbad, that bar ..h. a. V'ZEZ. J".'.! 'aTZT
wall aa th ha af hi rr-nWauhlr. I ' ad lo-"oe caah;
bavehad aa har raothar, III aalla a book with rrauear air.
a th tomb .Of lb I " UP ocraaionaiiy t war.
auung inai conn n.uons are r- rL'''v " " -J?.":: Wll Oa thatr art.wartn, in th arnrn,-
t tne mercy or a group of well . , ; Abl ii iW-,wwkbii
meaning entbustaata In tbe Turkish worn, but h.. rood bu.ina.". aeiieta l,,"."??. .c. ."?.
n.rll.m.n If .a. ----- -...k. I aHur.llnn I k... k. Wh AutUS mad M Will. 4C- U
f i m . w wuua Aiitaai - " - " hr ji. tha anafrtm a nil asamnla Afl
rt ..4 j a ..! . t l I - -
naralaf tn rafnaln Inf a want Inn 4w I ' I
. . . , . . ' I waiaa la tbe waat. that I ean hardly
Aaauatua tracrlbd tha
pari l order Ibal waa t b obaerred at hi
toUranaat, and Id another h addrvaaad
collactlon of Inrtmrtlona lo Tlberl-
to maintain both tb eplrndor aad
tranquility or th arnplra
Tb snat4 apprOTad and Indorsed tha
hla unci. JuUoa Ceoaar, h dopoaltadH wtlL and than dacraed htm eoatlv and
it tn ma aacraa lampia or varna, un-1 maa-nincent ruaaraL lila corpa.
And warn hie patron on and
that boob Uiare'U a a era.
of tbe splendid opportunity anl lara
tbe European powers, and Insist od Lm... .... .
fighting It out With Italy, tbe CUon of thU coaat country. I am a mar- d"r f w ' eleBt of th rather his lma In wax, waa laid upon
seems bODeleaa. I nd man and w bare im aom hard TT T. a .1. . ,."8r; . ' incruTl,a .wlln
. . . . .
Tfala na ..---. . - i.-ji. '""a ainc laarina- vnio ana JLniUCy.
itaiy may announce aa loudly as I ... ,.n ,. , ;A
She can tbat she will confine beraelf I stand a chance of employment, reataur
to seising Tripoli, but It take two to ant. hotel or aome firm, I will eonaldar
I Now hara'a tha dap on tb tw anan;
to nrat ie pinna up tn yao, .
And oma fine day ball quit tha
Sam and II In marbl halls.
Th other fur will ever mope
A en throuan Ufa ball blindly arop.
And ha'll answer with hla preaenr
whan tb poorbauae aoftly call.
lege course agriculture and do
mestic aclence Bound most la
congruous for correspondence
leaching. Yet the Kansas Agricult
ural college baa entered on this new
and original field. Boys and girls
unable to go to college, and teach
ere( having to Qualify themselves In
the new : requirements, have been
aeklngfhe college for teach in e by
this new method, and a regular
, course of lessons by correspondence
baa been prepared and 1 now being
- Issued,
The rudiments of either science
may of course, be learned from
books and printed questions. Tbe
danger Is that those who have ab
sorbed book knowledge In this fash-
Ion may think they know It all with
out experience In the orchard
and the field, and without the Influ
ence of the college professor or his
class. -
governed and administered by the
war department, others by tbe agri
cultural and the residue by th; In
terior department?
AU this came out at the confer-
i.t bsrgn. Turkey-will aet .'y M i S oinS """"ted' to he .ai
n position to ftgbt by mov- "J-mwin'K f. -JJ thhtUlhordTu ,h;, k'0,
lee to ber boundaries In Eu-lto try anythlna for to aet bark on olmalr brought the wlU and the at- which has 1
rope. Then Bulgaria and Oreece, my rt james a. Thomson.
and nrobablv Servla also, will mobll- DllTry. Portland.
It tbeir troops to meet them, and
Albania and Montenegro will flare
written by hlmaalf and th other under la-old and draped with a tlaaua or cur.
dictation. I pi all woven with sold. The prooea-
Wha Augustas waa dead, hta uo-alon travamcd th atreeta of Roma
Tlberlna, commanded that the with great pomp. It halted twlc. On
first day of tb meeting of tb aen-lth first oecaslon Drueus pronounced
oration ovar tha body; n
Tlberlua spoke another.
been preserved and mar be I w. .a i. ..n i.v. n
, w , I . . , i. I . v. .... I ....I j . - i I nuv aiiw- .w . n mi... wv. .
iacuuvui uiviiw! wuiuu wvia uyuiini i gvimuirra a tuouoi 01 eioouenc.
whreupon Polyblua, a fraedman, waa I Whan th prooeaalon arrived at th
ordered to read It aloud. -J Campus Uartlua the body was enclosed
The first line of the will read:! In a bier and placed on a funeral rile.
IlUand O. KUckney.
From th Spectator.
It O. Btlckney waa buried laat Bator
day. On hla coffin many flow re and
wreaths were placed, and of btm and
hla fine, gentl. lovable, manly quailU
Dr. A. A. Morrlaon apok briefly. Th
pallbearera were choaen from th many
J. J. Til II and th Tn1 XTn
To the Editor of The Journal To all I"0 ta 'n ,my J? which the centurions set fire.
UP. Then the eastern question la up tbat the Honorable Jamea Hill says rndorhtlldrn. Calus and LuolUus. the clouds of amok, and flames were
r I . ... . ' I T aJa-l Tlmaatltai aw asiiia4 aafka m nn I at . i t e a Ida aa
park to which Secretary Fisher sum- has Beared the cabinets of Eurooe for lV ...!-..; ... then nrooaeded to the diatribution of took it nitrht i if .n .V. ..T
iHE playground of Europe is, of
course, Switzerland, and above
all, tbe mountain chains of the
high Alps. Of one of tn-
Mont Blanc 15,781 feet Is king, of
auouier, wonie Kosa 15,217 But
the Matterhor-,-14J80 feet--must
.not be forgotten, with ita topmost
rocky pyramid towering, clear of
enow, 3000 feet into Ugh -air. seem
ing to challenge the climber to scale
its steepness.
Edward Whymper, who died ' ta
London three weeks ago, was; the
Burvlvor of a group of Englishmen
who, were pioneera in Alpine cUmD-
ing. . He madeXthe first ascent of
ine Matternorn la 1865, then a perl
loua feat. Blx time he tried in vain.
The aeventh time he aucceeded, but
in th descent the rope that tied tbe
party of seven together broke as one
slipped and four of them fell the
tOOO fe-i on to th rock below,
- Their bodies II aid by aide In the
village church yard of Zennatt at the
foot of the mountain, two English
men, and two of th noble body of
Swigs Alpine guides. --
KnrTIshnien may not play larder
moned tb various people Interested.
He found out also that some of these
departmental officers overlapped
othera In their duties, so that It was
a problem to whom allegiance was
due, and the only clear fact that
emerged waa that some of this na
tional property waa not administered
at all.
Secretary Fisher observed that
what eystem there Is has "Just
He Insists that the entire charge
of parks and monuments shall be
turned over to him. Then he will
organize before administering. But
he will call for such expert help as
shall see to the conservation and to
the development of the beauties of
the nation's wonderlands. i
Another point he will make Is to
have the 700,000,000 of acres In 26
states, still In the nation's name
gone over and reported on, so as to
have aet apart other tracts of scenic
beauty that ought to be included In
the nation's pleasure grounds,
Secretary Fisher called the rail
road men also into, his council, and
got promises from them of rates and
routes to make the parks accessible
to the average traveler, all of
which Is good news for states like
Oregon that have many beauties that
ought, to be opened to the wise men
who Intend to "see America first"
Lewis, Fred S. Stanley. David C Lwli,
Wirt Minor, John 1. .Wilcox and Major
At tha grav of inland Btlckney, sin
car regret waa aipreaaed and unblush
ing tears war ahed; and th atrang
thing about thla funeral waa that aor-
u. .- tv. Mkin.t. , .w" i: .7 Tw. r. ...V.:.r7.:: "u row ana teare auae wr aeman.
- u.isiro i i am reasonably well acquainted with lu"u i'"w"u " " "''"""""n ust iiaaTen, 10 in great l tt-u-ii. whan death takea on wa knew
well nigh a hundred yeara, and the Laatern and central Oregori Tor . t Tlbarlu. .nd Uvla, accUmatlon of tha ...embled people. JLT h0nr VU1 w. know th.T
a .. I ... I 447 Pi -a sa riTkl Ttmn rt 11 nir rna rni I uvMa la aearl fha f vKa. rii.a - a I
ena no man can roreieu. yara i nar riaaen over ma C4tti4 .... vrV.r: .".."-" I . " i aom a one knaw him better and ea
-w. .1 -a l. tra I Of her blllowr aurfaea. an tr I f iwu-mirua auu lua uuir gne-imni. jupuer waa carrying in emperor n. fci- k- aaana
ma luwnwiuvu vi iuo yuwaia, .,, . - . .,---" Ha reaneated that. In eaaa of tha death aoul aloft to tha boaom of tha bin. f " ...... Z""J:"
Ottrmanv. ITranr And Prlf.ln Ana. 7' " ounaamna- . -1K... T ,,. Kl. " .. " - ana HKiy waa loroa aeeper oy mm
j i - . p i ion or TDt itnn nnr " kiii th, itran,. . .'.- .. - i ... a"u
trla-Hunearv. and Russia, la th on-1 thin o mm i that nr. ttiii - should be divided, one-third to Drusus, I
ly remedy If only they can agree. thla war cry upon the hog. "On of Tlberlua, nd th4 reatto Oer- Tomorrow Will of Napoleon Bona- mnch oura was ao much to ua. ao
Of that they are so doubtful that I " S a .. Vf"1 Mobiiter" " much a part of us-that II our aym-
enrh hplft tn mnvm. anil tha 17ZZ' V .""v" "T" ....... . . painy ana aorrow are lor ouraeivea n
- ... union ana eniraj -aciiio Kan- eonaress to enact a law maklna- It a
the British parliament an act
called the -"Minimum Wage
act". waa passed, for the pro
tection of workers employed under
what Is there called the "sweating
job Hot eu utniDea 84
follows by a special committee of
toe house of lords, "unusually low
rates or wages, excessive hours of
labor and unsanitary work places."
Among the four special tradea
whose workers were thereby protect
ed is tn at of th female chain mak
ers In the Iron country near Bir
mingham. After a hearing a rate of
17 -shillings week waa settled on
the minimum wage in thla indus
try. There, aa here, such etatutea
weens go on, tending to war, in-1 roaa company a grant or land of 26,600 felony for ' a corrupt combination to
Stead of bringing peace th nearer. I ere" ror every mile of road built and rala the price of augar?
An Intarnatlnnal trlhitnal wonld th urveys of thoae roada were made aa No. Not oti word!
. 0. -.a all .-f... vrt. tt .rA ,on " thejr Pnt'cwiy eould be In or- Did h tell U14 people b4 would
have called all parties before It and, dar to Increase their number of gift earnestly urge congress to pass a law
after full bearing, issued Its decree I aorea, enough In value to almost build I making It a penitentiary offense for the
that Its decree would ne Obeyed equtp ata raa. iaes mere waa woolen or cotton manufacturer to
no one doubts, for it would have the t!TTl..i71,fthHn71ill?'!!t oombin to false th pric of products?
-..t.u t-i -a i v. tpy. a bond issue) of 153,121,688 or No. His ; entlr talk was a smooth
public opinion, and Ultimately the about IJ0.000 per mile on SO yar' attempt to turn the people's mlnda from
lorce, oi'me wona Denina it. i urn ana au xinas or intngues roiiowed suoh act aa the Controller bay grab,
The arbitration treaties first, then I t0 P'event payment And when we re- and Immunity to sugar trust magnates.
the international tribunal as their in-1?? ?!.toa w-oin!n
. . a I" " - -w "www wa-w win a aiiiuau I Il5 WM W IUOH 1UJL UU( ft II VIVSJUU 1JBJ
Avlfa nia Ban n ati o a i a . i.
hv. , 1 uuinpamc ana mi in aoverai or our 1 elde-ateppea th Oregon' plan. He la
On the senate of the United States counties they hold 10 per cent and over for peace but said nothing to indicate
rests the responsibility to be, or not ?' w1n' ?.,jr. it ls..atrange ha waa for a larger pleca of bacon for
"Men's Religious Movement." ia tha tbe loaa of one we loved so greatly,
news In regard to church union: . Hlland Btlckney had qualities that
tor Russell's sermona have been very I endeared him to men courage, patience,
to be.
that Mr, H1U should Join the crusade breakfast for the common man
against tn nog. yet we say Amen all , DEWITT CLINTON.
the same. :...' IRA WAKEFIELD. I ' .-;-v4 : ' 'x
Flrat Vnman nn flnlnllni nutrt1.
Only One Place for the Stamp. Riddle, tor- 6ct.' l6.- To the Editor
HE OREGON Agricultural col-1 Portland, Ore., Oct, 14, 1911. To the I of the JournaL Havlntr notloed the ar-
lege was one of the first, if not Baltor of th" Journal. In your IssUelUcle In the Sunday Journal commenting
.V - at afar ta1rt-a tha vi " ln tauag oi iiampi I upon mt Bspgmimeni 01 miss uan
f, .v a laKInr la aakd for. ;. Laughlte f ftonver to a nembar of
iu iuv laiiuom uw arc if your Questioner eould stand be- the stat board of pardons at Denver
unable to come to tne college. ihlnd tha clerks working In th post of-1 and that she is th first woman over
f Dnrlna tha last vear or twn trial'lc when thee would-be talking appointed to that position, I wish to
plan has been followed In various I :,I.-:i- . 8r or 1 1- u." ,V Z;T.ZZr t '.
-mi .t.t.. in ti. ,- v I -.7 " i . : -
luiuuiv mwo, oo fcu oa iu iuo uui m- iom otner place than . where they was a memoer oi ' aaia Doara ror
western states, and has come to atay. should be, he would soon learn - the number of years. H. A. WALKER,
In no other way can necessary I asKea for language and know that the! v .
knowlarlM ha hroht pIora tn an uura or any oiner paper would not xa m ue niuppincB.
, ,, - ?r t0 Publish same for fear of being Portland, Or- Oct 18. To the Editor
iufo. (denied tn use or the mails. Tt la- alan I t.. Tnf wa P-nHint T,n
wnx. . ... ai rtt i . I . . . . . - . w. -.. .w . - "
u- uiy vuruugu Duoruuoji, uu-l lurcnar nuiaanoe wnen it come to I ever governor of 1 th Philippine I
much enjoyed. He certainly 1 a moat
wonderful man to. be able to draw aih
crowda to listen to him week after
week. I think that a good clean news
paper does mora toward building up and
strengthening our country . than - in
other factor, In this our day of won
ders more than armies and navies.
fidelity, optimism and gentleness, and
of theae It Is hard to say which Is
greatest In the estimation of men.. H
feared nothing, and hoped everything;
life looked good to him always, and
death had no terrors for him. And he
bad many friends. 7"""
An Appreciative Reader.
Had Time to Wast. .
The late Sylvanus Millar, olvll ngl-
...' wrtiA vara a n aa-A mtA A la v 11 A ,.
Portland, Oct. 11. To th Editor of L I, i, il.t ...v
praeutlon of tha lectures by Mr. C. T. t.mnt.d to iv tha matter noini. tta
you are Publishing in YOUr i ..V. a natlva- "Hnw inns- Anaa If t.lra
x nave read I mi to carrr vofir arooda- to market hv
"Three days," waa the
. ... . i v. , suvu niavub
taa Americana, but they take more do not eiecuteUhemaelTea. But two
Ham, Morrow and Crook counties, ofloarrler" or on8 handling letters, as hands; If so how lohg did he aerv there
the experiment train which ia to start I " -'.T.." rir . . . I ana w, "
ter a varr lmrjortant thlna- ahu .,.! f tr. th, tint -i-ii a-nn ,m
.1 M a '1 . . J . i . . . T v ..-. 1"-
"irouiii iuu auj ui ilb yi-Bucceasoj-B. I oonaiaer mi in amount orN aalary I the Phillppln from July 4, 1901 to
in tnose counties, wnere tne . art, I -tra .wr camera araw, much de- I ITeDruary 1, 1404.1
or. better, the science, of drr farm- Pena" wn ? .ox letters tney can ' r
,' , ,v . " r.ihandi per minute.
tag is the Balvation of the amall , Ther la only on correct position for
farmpr. Tiffl nnMW (lAnonrla .n nmA I . i U-W4 i m
form of rMnn':aU Th;r--n' to 'h. , t-w!f: f Th. JournaL-Tour valuabla paper
" " V vm -rw f W4 I w 7 FVBi-li.,a Jg-IT-a -II4a. fa. V- W
stock raising proportioned to hla ow rnaba" .n "a papeV a"
acreage. The college train caiTlesj,oreiM Unda whmw olmVSSstZl9 - ovr th .iitoriaia.. ao
Pastor Russell' Sermons.
Ajhland, Or. Oct 14. To the Editor
'-aft Omisslona.
with'rrh Journal,' after glancing over
pages on and two, ror Ua happenings
or tne flay, w turn to page eight In
oatciu, ut w. i--o ut .aitor or th editor. Here w find aa opportuni
The Journal I' '.heard Mr. Taft He ty given for "the peopl" to expreaa
talked about war and peace, but aald themaelvaa. And I now tak tbtop
nothlng concerning a larger piece for portunity. '
tha laborer. - Th president said b. was Tour Mondar, avanln Innmai t-..
Side depots Will crowd into a few I "" to'waUn" bla anU-war treaty lesta me more than any Oregon paper.
hour instruction - that might' , be v. Irr,. v. . ...I VL 5nur "V bn. Particularly lnterted' In
- . -ivt -iuuj .taroni uj aaaisg t tn tnxormauoa you care given f the
not only the instructors in 'farm de-'jferent
velopment, and specimens of' oga
and poultry as live lllnstrtions, but
sufficient seed of field peas and milo
maize to give manyjt nanji start In
crops of proven value to him.
Stop of four hours at th way-
Kussen . you are
Monday evening caper.
them (and eom other of hla wrltlni ..t.
jau a , . x i mutw imuit i .. . asw ua; i tvo-b wiita
with much lnterBt. finelne In thm ! .-. i nn.
. . . - """ 1 IClJiv 4. W O lUIUtt BWU T4. 1A1I ,
aonabl. And satisfyinir exDlanfinn 1 ..ttVIu 4 ,
ja. .. . . . ' ' va I VT4L11 VUI UQU 414 UD4ftl,4V44 IVU WUH1
.r-Kf" mIlj. eemed to nw take your goods to market and be back
horn in one day." .Very good, senor,"
both unreasonable and lmDOsslhin.
The Tait Party at Grant Pass.
Fromr th pants !Pass Courier.
At the ;cl9s of(the president's
"Good night end God bless you," the
train should have started. That was
th. psychological moment for the engl
answered the native. ''But what would
we do with the other two daysT"
Trie Two Aunts
fOonfrlbnt'd' to The Jon al br Wilt Hiaon.
the famona Kanani poet. . Bl proae-po a are a
neer to Dull th throttle 'onatt. . v. reg-iar. ttawte tma cwumn ia .us. uaiiy.
7 "-- . v Aim i JDurnal 1 - '' ,,.!;.
didn't pull, and kr. Taft, Mr. Hawley : . y . -
and . the other members of the presl-1 ' A.unt Sarah is a suffrage dame, and
dential party stood la awkward silence. "n, na" T,r.l aa local rame- sue
Th. crowd also . atood ailerfUy. except "ShJ. "
for an oocaalonai "Hallo nin CI 1"""''""
g - iu i ins every iiiuiK, ana mura ina weary
audience,, until soma on called out! I welkin rlna When aha cornea neai T
?iwieyi Then another called "Haw. give a whoop and most adroitly iumT
ley," and another, until Mr. Hw 1 the coo jr for she 1b wearing oa "the
with hla face' In smllea. ahook hta h..i nerves; I can't appreciate her curv ea.
President Taft-took In th situation and she only naa one thought one dream;
spoke to the throng again, saying: . , for her there's but oneital therfle, one
"Tou hav a good conrreaaman. mnA subfect that will bit the spot and
If you. hav the good sens I think vou that's her auffrag tommyrot She may
hav. you will keep him ther.. . be great and good and wise, but When
Tom Fuson. manager of tha Vjr.-. lit comes to making pies or mixing un a
rasa -opera souse, ana who was j in the I xuo, niy gooa Aunt saran
baML . beaded, row. whoooad out! "Tt. 1 18 goose.- Aunt Jenny stays at horn
will have to! turn Insurgent If we do'" I ana make8 the finest pies, the smoothest
A this llttl sally at Mr. .Hawley's x
pense th big Jovial president pf the
American repuDuc taugnea merrily, and
began' to Joke Mr. Hawley. who waa n.
of the, fw f western .. Republican ton-
greaamen who. during tbe recent turbu
lent times, has remained a loyal sun.
porter of tbe administration.. Just at
thla moment 'the train moved, and
quickly faded down th track, bearing
Mr. Taft to San Francisco... ,, . i
cakesl She says she never understand
tha renting, shrieking sisterhood. Eh
has a pleasant gentle fac; she makes
her home a lovely place. And when ah
looks Into our eyes, and see the love
that In them Ilea? sha doesn't banker for
those right for which? the dames sit
up at nlghta. -While all tha folka at
home love me, .I've all th rfxhta I
want" says she. . . . , .
CVoyrlt. 1911. by ; A jr 1 -Geurga
Mlw. Adaoia. LjjE laa't