tun atznau paily jovnuAU mzrhw. uqkvuv gyr?mn, ociossh ti Ml! J (. k-nif "-. lit SBVO? PIPE TRUST LI BE BACK OF U'JUUAJU CWTHMS AS VHX APPEARS H C0UA7 AT L0$ k4. ft! H k bt W - -a i -- - kea- . 4 .t4, y i.g v a . t l ITU ? -' e m aw aw, r N r mmm U Le U ( ktiw set4 V; w.i im V kj kW 9e k k k Id lwea t aw ad HUt IM f . k4 e 4 .. H -M ,4.4 -' M I 4 IH .- W 14 it. I . - 4.-"tve a fie U . M lla M . f 4 M t a!--! HW t.a-l I N ,411 tk Ik 4 Mti' Sh44 kr kOha 4 k a-t .1 m a u e4 ia m(iwum m r i4. a to wg ky 4 f lal lkMf ! 4tft Tft i4 l-4f fk- TV uktai 4 U l(Mt k v. T Miitu rr t 4 kwl III fa4 lt f M IM U M4 fw4f IM V M.W lit 94 ! iMMi:l IM f4. ! i im i a mu(t la ti. t Im awil kf kiiU lur iut Uftfcrt ( ti4 -It Ut-vtll l lk ftHk A l IM li k kfk M tU i k4 Hut lU;M. la iai-L vua r t. lit imiM ih-u4 lr a.ia ir la l l 1 ax(ftra f pr( fuUl. Oiy .(lutxr Hk m al him Mum, Ti-k fr M avr4 4 fnM l (KarMak am afciric' Vtr iiiifcurt ni !( la fir la Ita ctly aaftar Ub4ttf 4 rir acrtIkinf i rncUar M l rtuablaf a it t4 c4aa olai 14 k.UDil 4(iia4 r(ktt a Uk aacoif rvuaciL la vlaw l ta cploiona aprtk4 fey MW Rh!lh a4 Ota a(laaf llurtourt a til Biorata la Iba uaiity of Ikt liiila fftii rr rlpav Iba ra-J-oM mt hr lnpclor Wllbla am curloua ao4 la airoctijr at rUor rttt Ua orloloo jlo Ma uartor. Taa It lr rtit4 by Wiia.im la a folWwt: "To ha konorabU maror f o4 ally rouccil f Vanrouvar; Afltr aa tk a.uiltitla of ttaa pi pa atUr4 la (hit 0V . iasiu, m,J ij, , hi jf tela I aa raatlaca lbt It a plpa f aeen4 quality and nol ua Iba f Ira Hop k of iba city of Vocoukr.M aaJaf iiiaa. M bk I taw iMa rapofl K . T Jobnaua f it a cooirarilpj firm ikb la laying Iba Vancouver war, "I lela thao4 to lrFkoiot Wlihalw that I waeu4 lo fta blm la my Port la n4 of floo at lllli acoo4 auat. Mr rar nar aa4 any ton a art praatqt arhao ilr. Mllhklm ftmi In and I aka4 htra why ha had bullt4 la' ova at Vancouver, lla rplle4 ibal hp had rro orfarad t'l lo loaoact iha tavar and isaka rtport. but ba deniad hl 1)0 bad condemned lb pipe." v inkpecior w iincim atao denied tbat he rcal)'t4 III whtp calUd upoa by Ity Englneor Uyrlturt lo explain yby bad a-ono pvar lo Vancouver. Tba city engineer admtnlatered m fepiimand to H lib elm. taillnr Mm at be earnf time trie I be hag plenty of wora u so iq rorntna wiuieui aeeciog employment outalde of IMa cjty. Varoy piukhligbt atated yeaterdey thet hg would aak tba aewar eoinmlftr of tbe f i ecutive board to mvaetigatg wilhalm'a conduct gnd pigkg a report. , , UWYER THUNDERS x! A JURY OF , NELSONS1.: -WPUU MEAN FARCE (Continued from rage ppo.) flb lifra thgt I cgii be pf so tglug to my cent pnlee I can pea that bo get A bora la a cbanctcr atudy of J; J. McNamart (qq tia lift) and kli ; brpher i. 13. McNt,ma;, ftcqused . of thp Timet dliagtgr. . BeTaw J. B. McNgmgra and counaal In court, readiqc from l?fr tp rgtt: ANQEL CITY GIVES . CORDIAL WELCOME TO PRESIDENT TAFT (Continued t'roin Page One.) epUanee o tba audltprUim wag beld. In (he pulomobUo with freeldat raft were Kiecutlva Secretary C. XX JJlUea. who will manage the Tart campaign) for reelection, ehould ba ba renomlaated; 1 Major Archie Butt. Mayor Oeorge Alex ander and Jam Blauaop, cbafrmao of tbe 'local reception committee. Btkptendent In Ibelr beat bib gad tucker. 10.000 echool children, ealacted from the blfher g rgdee of tba Log An galea publlo achoola, delighted the heart of Prealdrnt Tgft. Thelf reception to I Ulf chief executive wag aaally tba big! feature or the .Tail two day vtalt to thla vicinity. The freeh young facaa of the aehool children, who were maaaed at tba bae pal) ground proved an Inaplratlon to ng pragident' gnd na -warmly oompu-1 rneoled thoee wha had arrknged tbJa feature Aa the prealdant'i automo-l pile paaaed glowly through tbe lineal every child In Una waved a amall flag, Vctfamtr, Clarenpa. Dgrrow, Jos- fu fiuUering colore in th bHgbt gua eph ficot, L Comptfi pay!. Tbe I light gtarUng a trava of patrlotio an- aingle picture u tnat pi u. j. wei on, tba flrat tglesmaa pjamlned. ko an appellate court or review- , lUte pueera at oonteavpa. tbf olpif of lbs dig trJcf attprpfey'i Ibualgaca which eleotrlfled prealdeutl Between 11:10 god l:ll o'olook Prea- Idant Vitt officiated at exercJeea at the) uacy aireei onage. wnere pa naauiy broke a bottle or osrana river water. ' At 1 o'clock Mr. Taft' waa at Ocd- dental college aid from thla point ar-l f wuM, , v ay rrfrr'T 'j-ir "T2r. , 7 JIT ranemantg -will ba in the bands of tag go my ha?f to hn;r omcon.' fe,I- Po Witt'CTW ?Madan pommlttefpf arrangaraenta. nM before J am through pere. but I i,Vorc, Ani :trJIPttl-AZ " Ooyerpor JTobngori and party arrived would be falee to myaelf and false 9 XXVi fMJJf I F0 famento In a pilyata cat In 5, duty. M did n6, Proteat Xt Et Q a-r-ti0J?aL. A P?i -iMw .w..- -w -w . - w - r t a r. w a awai.ii iuvsrnur r niuax or . m m w.rtn mntm Young pipr? and pldpr men who we young in spirit pprepiate the ceyr erness of ''Character Clothes.' They hold a pUce in the hearU of all ood dressers men who appreciate correct style, high quality and a popu? ar price. thlg attempt pn the part of the prose cution to rob my client pf hl popgti- paaall (ipsgf s to ftynoblnir.f "I pannot congent to gny gtteiapf at Upl lynching, and feel that we pgrt -ely pn thlg court to gee thai we have a fair ana impartial jury not One made up of men satisfied that the Tlihf wa deetrpyed by 'dynamite which 'wag placed there py toil accus I la not the trial of a chicken thief but the trial of a man tor big Itfe.'l Aaaigtant matrict Attorney Ford then closed the argument for the a tate-'re- UeraU the vt! entitled -not to a cafe Jury) but to an lmpartlon . one.' Nelson, he said, had agreed that he could give McNamara a I filr ' deal' and that certainly Qualified him to eerve under th code, fie and Norton then cited numerous court de cisions, they said, upheld , their con tention. '-;:: . :".': - ' r'7 D arrow Closes' Dafeaff. luenclng publlo eentiment" "Our caae nag been copstructea wtinr out regard to Mrs. McManlga)," said one bt the attorney, "and hef divorce ao tion cannot aid either aide. She baa ad mitted that she' knew little of berTauk fcand'a movementf gnd ha wllf pot jfi jire "in the trial.' " " " Tan little progress wag expected to- dav waa shown by the fact tbat soon iacea jnere py toi fecuaea man. i nik I after court openea jup,ge oraweii. the cQnsept pf both sides, excuse Veciremep not ui day at 10 c?'ilocir under guard, until Tues Hi with Governor - Bloat : of Artxona governor Oddle of Nevada. ; - ' Talks at AndUorlnm. At the Auditorium, where' the Prest fleh made his prlpqjpal speech of the hm. asked, Jh egjdenj wpen ha turiif to ghjnjtton. !o.seg'fbai pgy fewons ars npi jpo Pao,jy gqueezfia." With this as a text the urealdent dls , With cussed th artff,' aranlnf .for rylflon I TK'l 7Ur evHtywi tKt nUtire tixt tl i r.rW to t fuH'lIil city let Ypu can vn I ho!k) pert n ptrkroti jmca ol a food (Ity tot. Three cents a Square foot for Parkroao Acres on ts TUl ll Iha lit of U ti come part3 With g PtrVrot Reason It Out This Way Tha city U t"vrinf growing nvl&f n nrlovs 'dirtflonu The rraatest growth, howaTer, Is and Km for tht past three yeara been Rose City Park wy In Tut, 60 per cent of all residences built fn the lait (wo year hare peen In thp Rose City. Park jiitHct Isn't, it reasonable to figura that the greatest growth will still continue In this same dirtctlont It cn'l help 1 , U'e ONE natural arenue in which o rpend. Then stop ft momept an3 reiHxe thai ps'rlcrose Uea lust beyonH Rose City Park In the jlirect pth ot this ijTOwth. Realite thai the Rose Dtr Park cariine will be extended to the center of the tract Iromedistely. It al meant Ihfl Pfrkrqfe will wyjtnew the trreal"! J upoiiUfiag ana qeTeiopineni him wtb Tvr , in uum iya But that's not alL While the InVestment futures of Parkrose are most promising you cap fn addition raise your own vegetables, fruits, etc-, ed actually cut your living expenses Squarely in half, . . In PauHkrose youH hpre unexcelled streetcar facflitles you'U haya ' water you'll have telephones you'll have electric light all the . ; comforts and conTenience that mike life worth while, You owe it to yourself and to your family to sit least investigate parkrose a pnce parkrose isn't M! ordinary opportunity, It' art i extraordinary one-r-having the strongest investment featurea---Xe traordinary advantages for a home and the opportunity to reduce . Uying fxtr-tiJUL ifi one, Agaiif we urge on ypu the necessity for quickett fctiort. . Eyery ffy witnesses record lifter record beine bfokeru Drop in or phone us at once and make en eppointment tQ tee Pwkrose in one of pur ' autoa without expense on, ypur part. " V Crpynd Floor - Chamber of Commerce, Fourth - and Stark Streets phpnes Main 203 or A-2050 le also excused liar-1 Thru iLuini the argument for the state." re-1 tin Raker: one of ' the ' venlrerneh. who ..fj.lZS 7 ZtT ZZT.7..2- na thif was the contention of qid him tHt m ' angh when haU dlacHgnr iVp: P9fW l.e Be: . polptm.nt .ofth, Jarlff -gaSS Scott, for" the oetense. men pegap I pretty hard to tell what Is a Democrat Fe: Und what u a Kepubllcari In these days; ut I did the ett I pqplX gsnatpr thf lna aramenl, takfPig UpTenlFS: In Hon by nnt Aenla ' to rive 'thla defendant at E" orgs aaked roe have lenipns Inves- .'iT'VI , square deal men'f he gcott cbefgeij that the prlpclpal argn- 9 UX AVOIRIBUL 4-ri?LlWfc proye at .tiisP v$e .-Wp . Darrpw then cloged the defgpee's side. Le '0Vto6 on Trldaf Und P'IBa, taking un Assistant PtstrlcS MS &as n6t based pn the record- TP SvaaSo? and'th mftlfSOJRr S-fi' i m" te vvw"! nEtf m connactioa rlth' iplf cage,- p prbyg V , g, TWJW uviwus vvjj iy'"u t?.cila9l may pfoyg o alibi and therefore fel W.fiSnSTffi Md'g may in g pplnjop wntfllrectl)i to Whicjb eclipse by fJf ihB average suit t h1'? price. Will you look at them? 166170 3(J Bt WtnKWfjBwggwgBpaj ommitt7.na tbtu ltx "ch td safeguard don't i waa need I Photoaraohy lo congldertd so much tfow what will the state say f pr " art lnKurope than it Is la the corpus . delecti' hare It ahown that a crime waa c we have a perfect . right none wag. ' Wf may sbpF th a gas explosion ana then w any aUbL 'Now wi when we reach a talesman who ba. Uevet that the Times building was blown, up by a fas expIosdoqT I don't think they will argue to permit that venireman to qualify, lefa b fir her. This man demapdg an unpreju diced jury and we ask thg court to rltf pirn .on , J3lye hint bis constitutional fighta and well be aaUafled." ; V Judge Bordwell then annoupoed that jhe" '-wgild' reservS' decision until.' 1 p'clock, when he will atk Nelson some his decision. - Cures all blood humors, al When court xeaumed baXor. aunoHrtpl - y7T V .l r ' Judge Walter Bordwell. Joeeoh Scott. CrUPUOnS, CIMIS Xttt COmDieX- of counsel, for .the defense, comolatcd 1 inn ra4(ae in unnariU ntAr the preseutabon of the araAim.nt. lobe- !.uWHri'ri ' tVV"1 fT" Vf aeienaa, ucn pi nis taigl UIKCbllUll, '4:11E VC IJUl UJCU at ine puwex was legally technical aad I i '-.o 'Jj fJLi- Pfsignea to complete the case Pf the I -tuii, it-o viu 4114 oetepsf tor tb purpose of record, should I . Get it today in usual liquid form orl is ever necessary I carry 4the pas chocolated rAblftg fgUed. argataia, 'Eondks " Sarsaparills Select your Christmas kodak how. W will piii , it away for you until E 3 BLUfilAUER PHOJO SUpPLYjCO; Jllixth St, Bet Wash, , jnjton and Sjark IvnEiTJ KeepthePotBoiling a mar ' bl. - sxt. ' wa au. aw sis -: an ar. aa 4 - aa 1 1 mmyi,m Make it ifsQlutpy ; vpneepmry for ypu 9 worry abpuj jnonev. 4 spall amount payable weekly, or mpptbiy pable you o b?7y your -Teeth cared fori AT DNClt."when attention is inost needed. T 'a. ' ' If your tectti arc aching-prdeefyfdV f flrbfi jp At PNPP, TriU fMfninf tbf m free f charge, O ' , ' ' - ."7" A FULL SEJ : M?1 '' I A'IWRRt, A Fifteen-Year - -rV - r-S4. " . Absolutely the ONLY DENTISTS in Portland who TJSE TE YALE SYSTEM. All work guaranteed painless. We are "the ongiv natoi-g of the" Yale Painless Preparation snd the Ygle System of Crpyn and Bridge Work. You "cannot get a YAL5 PATENT Alft GHAM- , BER tri your set pf RIFjptAL TEETH unlesi yoti jet thehj here And, besides ALL THIS, we are a till giving awayacertain amount,, of DENTAL WQR FgEy? J' 'r7 -k. ' , '' 22-k. Gold of White 'Crowns .....;.......;....(Q Hfl 4X& Bridge Teeth; garantee 9003 t of yeeth oa Rubber fbti .;...r..M... SS.OO YALE PAIIIUSS DEIiTISTS gNTIRiC CDBNER PhPjif Slain' 6085 NORTIEAT CORNER QF SECOND AND "MORRISON STS. jbjitranca pn oto fetxeeta.. i.uua uk lritt jHtu XAih siufl: pplivered at your addresg n Portland, fvithjii the "pnVrtitine i cif f at -thi? price. pr vthjn the two-pjil circle at im P?F tef. oMpVESI9 MJRPpjSES ONLY: If you wi,h to nly IWO llJc itAfcf eus- ; TOMER. This means our best erade rurn'p coal.Vnojhing rhqre'and rjothing ess. We do not make any mo'ney'pn thifl cqal at thjs. price- anot arc aim--. iy doing ibis to advertise the DIA- MfiUir tfeT pp al ; -r -' .'- WE WANT 4S0 CUSTOMERS IN 1-HlS ci We Jcnow that when you have once used this coaj,- you . HIl. continue fp $p so. ' Do hot be disappointed if you do not" iret some of this coal, for the first come will . be first served.; ' ' . We will not reserve any of this coal for anyone, excepting aucb orders as ire accompani'ed by the cash or check. We "are placins QOCTtons only on the frurket at this price. - ' . PJ:nipnj Crest Cc Conpnj 325 Railway EsTchange building Portland, OrT !