The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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tr.X 1MI Uti il Hl'tV-lA. ClU 4 'Jv i . US
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. r-
V'll.'NU ffiae4 !f44llch.
ftrrmaA. alcait rl4. 0-I44,
Jnurni t.
i v 1 i.uu3T"nt im ..i.u' H4..iHii
firm tn ur rn I mk d l x
r A 7.. I Hwt ir4i, I
. . . 4. iiJ.Jii ; 1
Hon on
vinr 1 1 1 ir. 14144a miau iww v t 44 v m. I
!. Jourral. - - - -
maa. fti'
rl 1 1
rr.4 q. f . m i r njurtuva, iiic ripar
nr. rii:
V(A:Nil mil anl I aiork ( lui'4
1.4 rtora ut ( iKhool Ituura. J I4I,
U' AN t tt Coir l clr
land or
rut wood Br corU-
Call Alain ll. A-
ijQVlNii pl.-lur marhln oprtor
. arinhi fkotnion V-14 1,J ou rn a I.
EXPER1ENCFD woman would -Ilk
atnall room 1 11 a bnuM 10 rar for la
axrhanf for hoUk.k4plnK room. 401 Vk
Fairbanks ova.. orlwn Thurman and
V a 1 1 r hn; on blofk wiwt Of Hud it.
KVAfc T kit) Th rar of I child, food
home, biir yard. nr Thomp-wn achooL
Phon C.ZCIl.
W'ANTEI Position aa houakir by
Norwegian woman witn cniw. tl
Joumal offlea, Vanrouyor, Waah.
BTtNtXKAlHtB. p4rinod In law
and wholesale work, dealrea poaltlon.
Phone Tabor 1171.
rTiOKlNED woniai wanta llht
email family adults; good scwar,
Taylor. A-
CAPABLE woman wishea work by da
or hour, any kind. Mrs. Warlah. US
Kill 8lh ror. Belmont.
t.ADY wlaltcs position ss housekeeper I
for ona or mors gentlemen. Telephone
Bill wood 1114.
KELIABLE woman wlahe situation ss
housekeeper, hotel or rooming houao.
' city or country. Main 6771, room 104.
lTUATJO'N Oerin&n lady takes wauh-
tng home. roiiRh drying or houao I
work. IRI Karl st.
iv'ANTED- Waehlnr. Ironing or clean-
ins by the hour: call evenings.
iiz. ......
VANTED by competent woman clean
Ing or housework, I60 per hour. Main
im. "
EXI'KRIENCKD woman wants laundry
iVork and cleaning by day. A-1447.
LACK curtains hand laundered.
Mfifn I486.
EXPERIENCED Indy wants -day work. I
r'none xaoor ziiu. 1 ,
ILACE curtains watshed, stretched, ex-
perioneeq. wain BDB5.
POLAR coats 5, one piece dreeraes
to l, waists II to 12.60, tailored
gklrts 12.60; first class work. 698 Hood
et. Marehall 1349.
. 1 .M4 II 4 4 41
?JSl mSSSS5vSi o I
guaranteed, reasonable prices.
Madison." Main 8269.
00 j
PRACTICAL nurse. Best of references,
maternity cases preferred. ; Call East I
work iom.
nurse wants case;
Marshall 1927.
EAST walking distance, newly furnished
rooms, lurnaco, etc, reasonable. 264 1
ISth st. J
Vriim tfmpi '.ifr '44ift. r .n. 11 1
144-4 MUJI -ft-4-4 V 4 77f ' tl 1411111111 JB V4. ' U LT I
posits Hotel Portland: furnfh,ri I
rooms 83 a week up; transient. I
.NEWLT furnished Kfltn 'pntjn
4-4 " 4 4444 44- W l..I.VV Vftftft.) tlCI, 4, 1 4 UUVIIl", I
electric lights, furnace heat, hot and 1
cold water. 882.60 per week, 401 6th.
FOR RENT Front sunny room, suit
able for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1 block
from library. 86 Park, st. , Reasonable.
ist-wi-l rurnisnea rront rooms lor rent,
reasonable,, modern, walking distance.
main bids.
IIAKDEU&IEIjY turnlshed corner room, 1
6 minutes 'walk from postoffice. 168
t'WO NICELY furnished rooms, heat,
bath, private family, suitable for
t h ree girls, pa rlor, piano. 848 lUhst.
NICE, comfortable, pretty rooms also
very nice basement room; free phone,
"Bin, iigiit.3. rii:.- iPi ft fttjriOT.
XlODERX. ,nic. quiet, transient rooms. I
iioiei Anuiaii'ft, iin ona piers. I
fTlCEfurnrshed rooms, 1 upTlain 111
or Main 643S.
(TWO lar furnished rooms all con
venience. Call 30! N. 19th St.
J..-. K i. E iroorn la pnvat home, clo"ln,
$ 2 .-ur k. 4lt 4th.
ITTioMa U.ilt; auiles 34 and 86 for twe
271 H Morrison.
il tr.'iMi .., x - 4HH
t i .
f j ,4 .....i., a a.!
...1 ft 1.1.4 0 4l4 U i M"
O-H li
t f M I Lft
I 1 ft ...44 .V4.4. ! - 4 44 - -
... 4 A ft. - L 4 .1.4 4 i -
i.J t ..
' M t. --
il Am
i: Tit. i-.r.vwi x
j : lit i..
(I I J, ...
ftk' III It -
lift!. ii. i-.i-4- -w;i.
M. llh
41 4, 4...44 4V III III It
tmaftk lot t I-"-!. l U II
W 44 4t
( l
ht. U lilt. I. 444
. Ii, IM 14 .l!-
4 - 4I4M t III !! 41
H-4B ut-. 1 " i-.- T " -" rvi-Tivl
l.l. 44 4- L 4l 4,v4 I4 4
liMUvf l:44.t4, Ill 4-
UI 14
MII I 4 I 4
(W.,44.44 44l. 44l V vl. !.
Il 11(4.1 444l4
III I UK 4rf 1,
tV n i: f .jii i.4w .;iill4)' i
arft l44K ! ll 444u !
at. 1 tv. i.m 4i- fttfta lv4. 1st . -.
K K. rMW lli tl
I'l I.SZmii :
tfsft; l I, 44.Ji.4.f -i
44vJ. Ill4I4t. I n4 4ll
. III J 44 t
k.4)444 I I ! '
tut ti iVixY r...L.44J
(.! 1 iini!y it. i4i
V li MW fW W1M4I lfttl
I'l ''
rwu4 fii n '
rtwAk. K lfii.ifr. - Wia
ff f4jK HII 111 m '
V' 1 . Uih Wi' T144
i ri
t aivl !4r. (ii 4SI. 't-
Itl'f I4J Hill'"
aiihi'3 itoftfr jjic wi fi
imw, l. Ikot
i . JM T lf4 t
t jut, it. r7ii4i4.i
Isvir 4, ll i4
t4i4 4l44(4V I
ij ir.
trvftMM hftH, ru.4 rlf. bad ftlid N
lit I lu
Mi 111.
ill J4ffrx-
rt"TiwiiED noois
ron iie.vt rumha
ro; ran w-! tor llM hoi-
11. 1 .4.
I u ndor tut manafft-mcni. taoilrra. rl
. -j- .44
yKK 4 fiil.wl ttttm, aauaoi rr
1 wo laair ni ua 01 niirnro ii a
lr4. vi.tng iliUor,
rhoD Eaat
f I iVVf In tnix-'ra komt, irllnt ilb4
bnrhntMl, with or vltboul board. I'bon
r.. im. ri
i.f rrnrr ichani'l.
lOil liLNT Nlcl fumtabad front
room, eultatil for on or two young
Urftfa or rntimn. Tk r.. kin at, .
IOER"wEI alaeplni rooms and
aittlnc room, auitabta lor two senu-
men. Ill 1-: Courn ac
KOM RfcST I rootn, nwly furnlahtxi.
bath, beat, llant. ill moDtn. ill fi
lUn t Kaat 1177.
a".' VY: ATi. nil KI front room. aulUbl
for young couple. II E. Illtk aL,- b-
tween An ann r-ina.
fFF. V UtftTni kHotf" front room, pi od e rn.
prlvati ramlly. 1 1. 01 per roontb.
E. nth aL aouth.
I NtW rooms,
Ir modern.
furnlahed. etrtrt
y modern, Dutch kitchen, prlvat
Liienen, p
hom. near L and
fin II Monro.
I L.ARGB unfurnished housekeeping
rooms in mooern cotiagi, gas, pantry
ana oain. 1-011 lorenoons or oven
mica. 5 K. I'avia at.
T1IRKK unfurnlahed for rent; light.
nhone. bath: II. 1721 Berkeley. Wood.
lawn (.
ONE large and two sma.ll unfurnished
room. llahL bath and chona.
11th atreet.
CLEAN, nicely fumlshed room, prlvati
ramiiy, suitaDii ror 2, all conveniences
free, eaay walking diatanca, with or
without board. Marshall 2414. 281 14th
ROOM and board. I young men. every
convenience. S mln. walk P. 6.: call
before t or after C. 212 Park, apart
ment A. Kntran.v on -Madison. Poor
to right' Marshall J274.
ROOM and board. 3.76 and 14 per week.
in private noma, on ut. jonna canine;
overlooking river; gentlemen preferred.
Jewnup st
lit Willamette--juiva.; get orr rat
KlCELY furnished room and board, IS a
week: eleeDlna room 110 per month,
Not home from 1 to t p. m. ; ItS E.
16th at. ' -
if HE Whitehall Family Hot!. Amarlcan
alan: every 'modern convenience. . 4
I squares from P. O. 262 Itn. ' .
OR 6 gentlemen to room and board,
reasonable terms, horn -conveniences.
m m IK. h ir. 44ti
4, J-4i 44,444. 4.44 1 4 V 4
FBONT parlor with board for man and
wife employed or two gentlemen: no
otner noaraera. .. ju-vko, journal
ROOM and Voard, German cooking, 15.60,
noma privileges, , oain, lurnaoe neat.
p -"r vVrner Z,a Bt: "."- ,
J - AKUia. pieasani, lurnisnea rooms, wnn
board: modern.
furnace heat, , 840
Hassalo st. ';- "
HAVE room and board for two girls,
every hom privilege reasonable. 247
N. 18th st. ' ' - '
THE CAS A ROSA. Large, airy, fur
nished rooms, with board.' -Splendid
!t"":r T . V i-""""""- ,
vvjiiutji.iixj uviuo xvuum umsxa r
double, best of home cooking, hom
conveniences. 449 3d at, ' Main 7066.
JM.n.,, , .n - .In 14 .n in -i n
LARGE front room with alcove, suit.
able for two or three gentlemen, with
board. - 329 Hall st
4 4 mm lllll.l4l4M44044J4-14..M444ftM4441.
BOOM and board, private, steam heat.
bath; 6 and 6. 232 N. 15th.
BOARD and room for two gentlemen.
rooming togeiner. in ciay at. -
WEST SIDE '. ":. v
HOUSEKEEPINQ rooms, lowest rates
electric ugnis, pnone, water inciuaea.
801 H Water street.
496 CLAY ST., aeveral nicely fumlshed
front housekeeping rooms. Will rent
single or in suites,' mooern.- wain 8967.
VERY nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. Phone, electrlo - lights, etc.,
large yard. 33 per week np. 421 2d.
NICE clean housekeeping rooms, single
-or en suite; pnon in nouse. ig m,
FURNISHED housekeeping front rooma.
600 Jefferson st.
110 MAIN Two suites of cosy, home-
nice nousefceeping rooms, close m.-
TWO room housekeplng suite, opposite
tne railing sqriooi. 7Zl Kirat.
MITCHELL houaekeeplng rooms; jliaht,
gaa; moderate. Jth-Flandera. A-4076.
. .
U4 t4W
!' I.
l vfc, 44. t lltMl .4k IM
ti-y I & M 111, - 4i rxk
4t I.
4 111
fc" iT
fl444ldaA 4.JtAk. ft .4 414 liH
I l 1.47-4V4M - i- M4t'll 4 J
,-.HtlM.M 4. 4. .4 1 4iM4i4)
II .r 111 1 -
in? c t.
4k4,4 I l.4 44 l44
-fc'l.l-4 1 44 4JI 44,4W.t4 -.
! 4 IIUKI 44-4II
BsriirarVTf Ornn tus Transfer
4 I I X
HTH'T . ll" l-N -
Cl Ifiu'l l4)4 -a. ) foaiLtiv!
,IL m !-T ! u. .-4
4 '4U4rf i:ti "
T 'CT 1 i..X4 ' Vm i Imi "iftK
4.a I. ru44 !4i4ftj
tt.4 Mai, -. . 4it.
fl IMk 4
r.-ri i .n-rct. -i sJ-.ii-i
VJ lr 4mI4 444T'4
rwm.i t t4.i4.ui' . rra I. U, "-
t S if"! ii 144. iI mu'ii V4
V4.14 411 iMlin 4T4ftl4j4. T
4.4 4 t 4.4t4v,4, III -. III
KXGIJ. 4.;4 44 . dr 4-ljVrW tv4K4mlr rar-Ma4 I" Hal j
4144V. iiatvi ft 44riii4 -4 m (,.47 ftMitv. (,t-i,p itui.ii 4-j fa
ll 4 -4 III rr 4t(l4 III tWrk 44 I 441. t 4lft44. . liv P.O. lro
tr liTAiXf i-u.i.T.i.i-d
rri4h) 4i!i. I iwm rarawii.44
f W fs h Tl -44 E l.4i fwriKK. 4
1 41 r I 1. 4-1 M4na. wwrr i4444i
Riwia 14. 14. IMH.
llOl I'T.Nil rwma cktlij,
a. u. 4l iwaiaiiK. Ml. nu
a4 I'll.
st r irrisn u a) iis-iiroM.
Iluivrk4.,inir auliML 1(11 rr w4l
at in I "I WoM
TU6 4.44(l44lif ftiairtl itou,
kt-tplri.- ruomt, Hi raxnl'r. III,
4444, r4.4,eili- II Hall '
ftrifi. f llurnuiT) hot4.kpU
rr tn. H ill
n. rv.4r
r rurolh4 hu
k-4filriir rxm. Ill I4t
iioisEKirrnxo noois
kUtiT Ml)-
I--Vrr 4lrabla rlraa suit or
room, mil fumlh4 for lttht boo-
kiiBt; en reound floor; bliit. nar
lirri In beautiful location; walklnt Ola.
tanr; .r brooklyn rr. III rlaat Ith.
Llgt. la. ebon, bath an4 laundrr prlr-
liK- fr. phon Prli woo4 llll.
ri' l'..N llillr-L iouarkflac room from
II I III montB; aipinc room
I :i to II ft vvrk. fr batb and rhona.
CaII ( (Ik-HuiMll at., ntar tt-W. It.
S. ahop. phon C-II4T.
1. II il wk. S c)o furniah4 boutiv
liplnB room : ua of laundry, bath,
rhon. rrd. (Ian llna and beat; 461
vanrouTr ava.i u car.
THE fcT. MATlKH, 391 H fc. BumalJ sC.
houakplog rooms, 11.10 a wk up.
Also tiatly furnlleJ room II a week
tip. Pre phone, light end linen.
I LIGHT and chrful furnlahed hou
keeping room, light and water, tit.
411 Vancouver ava, 1 block WUlUma
ana Kuaaen.
FCftNIriliED houaekeeptog suites 11.10
per month, light 'fuel, laundry. It
Knott. L. car,
N1CELT- fuanlahed. single, an i
electricity, phone, gas, piano,
FL'RNilSllED and houaekeeplng roorna,
electricity, and gas. hot water, til
and 111 ner month. IIIH E." Morrison.
liOL'SEKEEPINO suites. Ona ' sleeping
room, reasonable prloea. 674 K. An
keny t.
ill filml housekeeping rooms, neatly
furnished, modern, llghta and beat
free. 63 R Main st
irVO front rooms, furnlahed for house-
keeping, aas range, sift, walking dls-
tance. 692 H R Morrison. East 6901.
THREE furnlahed houaekeeplng rooms.
81.76 ween, inciuaing gss l ignis, kit
K. Ash stret. -
SUITE of scrupulously - clean, newly
furnished housekeeping rooms.
Misaissippi av. .
BURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 17 to
110 per month; sleeping room, L26
Per week; 6 4 If Delay st.
bath, phone: will give ttreakfast. Ill
Hoiiaaay ave. - ' .
OR 8 convenient furnished house
keeping rooms. 110 E. 7th. near Mar
ket. No children.
FOR RENT Two furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 4.0 t.ast isverett.
SIX room house newly tinted, bath,
raa. cement basement, lawn, fruit.
flowers. 802 LJnion- av."iV.-. Key at tt04
622.60. wooaiawn uti. onus. --
TVVO room cottage, nicely furnished
for housekeeping, 'aa, eleotno llghta:
also one front suite, - walking distance.
666 6th st. A-6324. '.--::'
FOR RENT I room cottage,, all mod
VI , ' 444, 444, . t 4f 4.L. ... . . . .K4 11 1 4,14 444.
I room house. 601 Mill st. t D. C Burns.
468 B. 16th st
III .444 M444-44V4
Telephone Main 614
OR RENT 6 room modern cottage,
very fine yard to responsible, party.
20 par month. 1037 Cleveland.''
NEW 4 room 2 story. 1 block Alberta
car, 1010 E. 28th, 20... Nearly new
t room, 47th and Alameda, 30. -
FOR RENT Elegant 6 room cottage.
818. 881 Banay Diva., on nose . city
carllne.'. Key next door. - : ' . v ; : ' ;;
MODERN 7 room furnished house near
nchools. fine location. Drice 836. Phon
Woodlawn' 345. , .
4V4W44444T ft f Wll III I4.41H, . - T i ' . -.
i 4 4.4 1 1 ' III llaii j4fi--i 1 ' 1 I'.ouJtl Itxxlara) r.l. vrfl-Mn in"
tUbCIC';UrTl.-llai !--' H.I.I "T'.4
r.r.. t W.4 r.M 4val4L . tr- fuiaUui. If) UJ. rJ 1I4
.jTzzi.i r:ra..7ftt,.Tij.Ti can i ij i-
' t. -J'.may spout earn renu
partly furnlehed.
Inquire Owner. 109
ztn st. -
NEW, modern 6 room bouse, yard,
walking distance, near school and
carllnes. 391 E. 10th st ; ,
OR RENT Modern S room bungalow,
furnished . complete, piano; ., close to
car. K.-9B7, journal.
112 SIX room house, bath, lota ground,
worth looking into., 86th and Haw
thorne. Phone Tabor 819.-
8 ROOM modern house and 8 lots, barn
14x40. on standard gauge line.;, O
964. Journal.
1204 room modern residence.
erick and R 15th. Phone
FOR BENT An 8 room house, 221 Mor-
ris. eaat
side. Phone
NEW 6 room modern house, nice yard.
772 2d st. Apply next house, 229 Gro-
ver su -
FOR RENT 7 room dwelllng.'strict.y
mpoero, l diock rrom car on zsth and
embi uarumera.--Heliwooq 491.
MODERN 5 room bungalow for rent;
raa. electric both, hot and enld m.n
basement and large yard. 230 Glbb- aLsj
iwu very cornrortable 7 room houses
In Piedmont, near car line; one tli. one
113. Phone East 6361.
12. 6 room cottage. Bull Run water.
- good car service. 404 E. 44th St
122.60 6 ROOM cotUge, 416 E. lith,
: north. Phone Woodlawn 730.
FOR RENT t room house. 471 Pulmon
at. Call lio Union aye. N. C-21II.
M i ...
'''ft.- 5 " I .-fc 4-- 4 - '
1. 4444 ,. Ii
I I 4 44T 44tll. 4 Mil
I. . ..
. r r b! i'"'i'' "vTVim. .444 .-
4.V 4.-4 lt ' '
4 ot.4 fi t
t(l.4 llll
) v "a i. KT -f "xni"! i !
. 4A4 4V4 4 VftV 4
,.. III. 4 J-V4-4
t 4.W lilt
iiVE'i m4V 4v s t 1 I
... 44. fl-4Jl, 4Vi.4 f. 4
" a
.OB. I. 1
44r 4r H4,, is , i
t.tii .. i:t K. ft.s44atw (..
KHUH '- ,. , I. 4,
I-ra F-iv- T-i" i4 1 .
.4 4-444r
m 441 IL. 1 1 144, r4
I 44.11 44lk I 1 I I ! fc
Ur.i uh i ftni i4.
iUl .4I I 14 l!t. 4J.!I
IV..J .. 41)4 M l, IV fc. !
I 44. 1 l ' 4 1 1
j v i fc i. H J -1 - fti:t Jf.A-
r 4 ,
4W4V4.44, 4I K.
I ari4 lt
I U44L W. Tl4.4. II M 1144 .
4 4M4 444 . , -
10 H RfVT ru t4vlft T -.4k.'x
l.4444l l I , IIUM 4ftW 4,
lilt 4-l l, 4444 lf f
C K444I4444
4k . 411 (.mHHMUl H
iioi'irs ron
;44 r-?L .f': X'.SiV
r 4 , . - - - -
fCf.Niri hH f I rvtm cini.. f
i, bu4 tr rttit. r U ri
furaubivdi III w III Mi. T
1. 1 1 I I r
4J' . 4444J
rl.l.MTL hK I .iUlff HJ liti. U, .A t4,4 rr.rf.4 afilmi i4
. ITovd .k. Urm. H44, 1 Atrif n is -.(; i raw. :
LLltUANf rlfiMTtHk. UK J.i4kllrra. ar-,itif eilr. nrl
tuetloa rwrnnltt. rr 4U iap4
W444M44 14.1411 II la I
KAUK i7l-i . lioaatfi'ul'Teur r
aiMtnaicai. aw. ' ii. iw.nwi..
Half rriro. K-ll?. Journ!
tklij UKftTa, txrilr gniag l; t
room nw furtutura, flat for rwat
U. .4 44444 4444 I I'l, 44.44 A.lllf.
r4j4.....4 - r-i ': - - - - ,
fl RNlTt Ki oi 4o fumUhed kjiw
BrDiaa rooms I or 44444. 441414 44.44 44.
month. Ill K th t '
f"C ft-STTr KL of I room etia for
Ml. I0: lerma: rat 111. Ill fth.
ST- irV -T . -
IT'RNISHED fcou. flat.
.Mm-..? room rot t.
ne. Hi ke noma;
another 4 room. llJ.lai 4 room low
furnlahed fiat. Ill month; ultee. twe
furnlahed houakpin room a, 1 1. tie,
it nanth: x. Ilk. ill 14th at. North.
"W rar from depot, tth. weat on Morrl -
eon to 14th bltvk: nortlv
GOOD cbanc ready for a big or two
ordinary famine, f room noun, rur
rlahed; vary cheap rant CU Tit
K'orlhnin t
MY r'U R NlilitX) t room houea, on
l.lork from Rose City Park car. for
rent or wlU allv Frlc 11000. Ca-ll C-
1214, :
$11, a t room cottag, vrylhlng eln,
plaaaant aurroundlnga, lctrto Ikfhta,
not ana coia wair, gooa vr nriiw,
781 Brooklyn at.
(41.60 New. clean, modem T room
houe. new oak furniture, sllvar, )inn.
comolat ' f urnac. Hawthorn . av.
Tabor 2170.
Fb'RNIUHEO houe for rant. rooms.
1141 E. list at. ri4 li man in. at
berta car. ' '.
F V VIS I SHED modern thr room eot-
taae to adult only; rant lit per
month. 298 Kugeno at. '
20 Furnished houaa, piano, bath. 24th
and Alberta at.
110. furnished 7 room hous. Ieeea if
deali-ed. Woodlawn 2961. C-llll.
' 45
Corner 22d and Waahlngton. 712.
Nicely rurnisnea apanmenia. w pi
M,:sn7cliomoler, r?u,; b,,t 'rvl
Main 7iie.. t '
Nicely furnlahed apartmenta, walking
i I -1
411 B-jat Tavl'or. I
HTr. alea-antlv furnished. 1 and I
room apartmentv private telephone,
itiim heat, electflo llghu; janitor aer-
vice; prices 822,60 and up.
f . 1 and 4-room anartmenta. fur
nished tip to date, private bathe; free
phone, moderate, prices, new manage
ment, beat service.
HALSEY apartments, 800 Williams ave.
New and modern 2 and t room sultea,
hot and cold water, bath in every apart.
mem, woir-ius uiblmvi it44viiaW44, v
Objection to ennaren. r.aet iaa.
in n. ,30. oni 1 ana 4 room xur-1
nisnea ape. mouem uuiivoiueuDnn, 1 1-14-
lui.hlt All outnlda roomn Marshall
eonabie. . All .ouisiae rooma. jutrtniu i
, , - ' - . ,
.: ...
NeJ and T beautifully furniahed and
nnfurnlshed 8 room apartments; ref-
erence required.
4. 4.4,1.4, ......
rrusi TvrAnsiHAT.T. APARTMillNTR."
Beautifully furnished 8 room apart.
montn U7 I.0 and ud. all modern con-
veniencea. 624 Marahall at Main 6082.1
-3191. ". I
SAN MARc6 aP'TS.', E. tth and Couch
New brick, modern, steam heat, prl- I
yate bath and phone, 8 room apta.. 126.
Phone East 2761.
1 AND a room apartments (newly) fur
4.4 - 4 t. -!. .4 44.-: I.
nlahed, large outside rooms, 10 min
utes walk from P, Cv very reasonable.
89 E. 12th, or East 6Z70,.
NEW ANNEX to widows' home, unfur
' nished. 64 East 16th; beautiful
' ground", desirable, permanent, - couple
H9M,E .14arJL2in lJfrrintMl?
vat " " w " i'"u"-
' " ... . 1
nished and unfurnished apartments. I
also single rooms, 8 minutes from P. O, I
22 6th. Main 6582.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished.
8 room apartment, private - bath and
phone, reasonable. Main. 6435. ,605 Jef
4 ROOM suites, all modern. & room
-suites unfurnished; rent very reason
able, I6tn ana jtverett. Main 1Z46.
TWO and three room modern apart
. menta. furnished and unfurnished.
116274 Union av. N. Woodlawn 2379.
ROSE-FRIEND S. W. cor. 7th and Jef-
feraon. Modern nnfurnlshed 4 anil s
Iroom apts. All outside rooms; references.
NORDIC A apartmenta, cor. Belmont and
urana ave., l ana t room lurnisned
apts.; free light heat, bath, phone.
GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup 4
room furnish I; private phone, bath,
hot water heat; rent 136 per month.
THE LOVEJOY. 17th and Lovejoy, will
have 3 and 8 room apartment Oct
It; very reasonable. Main zi.
ULLIAN APTS. Corner 6th and Mont-
gomery. we nave i two-room ana 1
three-room apt Marshall 137.
MONT apartment. furnlehed
new1 concrete butldine-. 1144 U
Union ave. N. Woodlawn 2 P S 7.
THE BERYL apartmenta strictly flr-t
claea. larae rooms and cloaeta. 415
tvejoy at Take iW car, .
W . W - - -I J
.t t.
V ll it .
. . ...4. ..4,..-.. Hfttl4-tU .ti
4 44 4 M. 4ft. ... . 4) .J - l , - - - - .,,-, 4 -
...I..-I4.4,4I t 44 ft.. . 4u, u. ' ' .
W-.Hl .4 . . 41-4 ft ..4,4.1 I.. 4 ft.. 4 1.4
4. 44 I I V.4I M l III 11, IftlOl j-A f ,. ,M .'
"" 444 4 I II l4-l-'"
.... . t jj 1 ii ;...,
JV."'l.?i U'V .T .TI-.4. 4 .4 f j l" I,' , j,' 7 Vt.T'X.. 4
. r t j ,.4 u. . .1 4 t .4 1 . .... . ,, I .
l4f .44 4444 14 f 4 . ...4 ft.444 4-
4-1 4. 4 4, .. 1. 4.444) .4.. 44 4.44'44JI ft
I -"- , 4ft, I 4 44.. 4 t -ft ' ... 4 4 ftt 4 4..4V 4 .4
4..ai4.4 44444.44.4 i ...4 44 I t.4414 4.4-4
4 4444 4JV..44. 4 44 4 4.J 41 .
I 44 44-4 4.J44.4V. J 4 . . 441 1 4 l 41 4". 14
I ft -44- 4 4 ..41.44... t . 4 I.Uftt.l. 14
4 4.1- 44l .. , g I ...44. 4 1 1 .4 4 4) ' .
jr. 4, I 44ift V. 4.444 4 4i
'J.. - 44 ..-4 W.. llll
44 V : I 4 r .4 " w : 7 4
1 44 L M4H4 ,(.,1 I. t I
H I . . 1 .
r44V4 I...l l4l.. 4 4V. 4 IIV-l
a4'b.444r 44 l 144 44 llllft
444 llll, 44 .4m 4ft W4 4l I4 141 f4ft.
4 41 44,1 I 4 l.tllla I ... M 4 .1 .4 t I
il44X Sl, ;-m 4M4I.4.4 44.44if
r.lfciftUfti J I 4. t l4i..44m l4U.t44
III 4 II t4J44 44.44 -4. 4 44 4 4
S (1 11 ,1 4 4.44W44. fft .4V 4l tm tV
Wl ! 4 .1 1 I I
'U r 1 4' F. f E4 1-. I V i VI n
' III 111 4. 44 14. Ii 444
i 4.11 t.444f I t i I
W I l, 1.41 1 I 44 4 l
j.4. mm I f-4 I" 44.4441.4f
Ik tW l t44 -4,
t.l4) (V44l 44-4 4,VOl 4t -
Ul lit V1 441 V4r4 ,
1 l t:i 44 iv4 ! tV! !
V 41., ! 14 4il
IU,i!i I
14.114 41 I 'J 41
ro mix a r t x ipt
1 itl Ki . iiii n 1
I 4il. .-44 t-.l4 I lilt, a v4 atfU
I laalaiAt l!wt'r tim l-4 4iw4iA l
I lA.4r. A l-4 4444 Mlft4-44ftlft4, j
! I 44.444 t 4r4 U44
Hanfcrd Apartments
Ist and-Fbndcrs
)4V4f 4T4l 414)4.4 44444 I. :4I I f 44f UV4l.
laic I 1x4,4. n of 4Mri4i4, ) I k llal
l44l4f; 4,.kl4t ' T 4j
l4i la 4-l4 T44ri:t 4tV44l4 .
ri;. 4n: M )Mr. Hi
1 r 11 a ink I
Iiiii ftiwi.jd,ATriii -41
I 441. 4tt..l r44l II T. 4)1. 4ln..
I.i.i4i- 4!(kl frM : .44441
1 r aa la iif W"i f
tr. ir4 rn tlor. Ian a
Jry frti mv. itfvia iUmii. H Al
lr-4fil r n.wli kl4r444l I If
r.'f .4414444 4 '
The Dezendort . .
Tti4a rr4il fiv too anftiil
jiut, srartfiia. suai4 la ta p4nj
,f (h clf, (hio n Jaul' walk
ath4 atvartinvnia. uut4 la lb bri
1 .. 1 41 41 P4 444 144 .
I A re ! r on prral4 for 1 am latlea.
Tfio Delalr '
, lit Wllllaata av. Cor. RrL
Kewty furMhd arartmanta aad
g la room a. ihoroaghly mdrn, vry
eaavenleni lorallon. I raUa; far fur.
thr Informatloa telephona Mrs. Alu
vnii, r. mi.
PA RKJ.I.Tvilii.'til--TVrtl.nd moi
eirlualv r4illnr dlklrlr. facing In I
park: heaatiful I and 4 room apart
1 menta. fireplace, btiilt-la bufflti
last kltrhena. plenty of bot wat
ouiiiia cat.
aat kltrhena. Dleaty or not water ana
heat, elevator and everything medera
Bed Ill tiarrleon t . cor.
The kat i 1 e-niNti aptUT
141 lid L N. Newly ooad. l
ly furnlahed t and room apta. I
phonal, bath, also elngle room, d
. !! !
eat rat
. t.1 "
in rnv Marenau j m.
Kt ItNIHUt-U apartmenL four
pleant room); hot watr heat, mod-
Ti4r4ftorif Phon Kat Ilkl.
NEW. modem. I room flat, baaemant,
furnace, laundry, gas range, batr.
elegant cm na closat ana wamrooe,
French plat glass, easy walking die-
tanc. I people only; prlra 111. B. Tth
il vl-
and Couch. Telephon Eas t llll.
Walnut Parle Flats
I and 4 raoma. Itnolenm on kitchen.
bath. aas. atove. hot water attachment
atrlctly modern; V car 1061 ClevaUwd.
NEw 4 -room flat and bathroom, gaa
atova and raa water heater, good base-
moni, ft ur 114,4)43, woiftiing giiunc. iiv,
188 Roue at, near Broadway. Phone
East 4177.
FLAT of I rooms in new brick, build
lna. clectrio llatvt. gas. bath, toilet.
runt only io. jtn and a. Btark. TaL
Tabor Z74Z.
'hr-iu'i' xiAJ-r. ' ..V. AH
192 Knott; TJ or J, Car. InqvUro-iiSw
Knott st
MODERN 4 room furnlahed flat with
; water, 121 1 419" Commercial Court.
between Kusseu. itnotv Krpy ana ton
PARTLY furnished 7 room flat near
Washington, suitable for aub Jetting;
rem r. pnon :ioor .
HOLLIDAY FLATS 6 and. 4 rooms,
modern. Frederic M. Dempsey, 434
Chamber of Commerce. Msmhall 8821.
MODERN 6 room flat. Alblna ave., cor.
Stanton, 16 per month. Apply to
Mrs. Cramp, 601 Alblna ave. ;'
STRICTLY modern t room flat,
8 room flat. 414 E. ihed sewing machlnea, 2 to 116, guar
Tillamook at. , Phone I sntead perfect stitchers, machlnea
8th N. call 474
East 768. i
NICE new modern uuper 6 room flat. 1
tn ti...i,. 4. . ojii.
A"., 444444444444 U444 . 4.1.
Phone East
, 7 7 ... ..... i
. - .
nnni. i,4. ei.i I
4. A J .44 1WTT.4 44444.. ,1144.4344444 .Vftlft T 4 4 4T1 , 1
Datn, eiecirio ugnis, on canine, sio I
per montn. zia oing at. Key upstairs. I
.u i.i -iAin. 4. i I
FOR RBNT--lflve room , flats, nppar
118. 741 E.-Pine,
..""o. "w"r4.P'"' noi-y, 4J ana
ft ' 4. A A . . L '' -.Ttn ' .1". '"I 1 "
"UJJM. upper liai, no cnuoren; inquire
nxt aoor, 471 Btn.. arter 1 p. m. )
TWU modern room rials.'- Hi lata and
Ash. Phone B-2006. - .
5 ROOM flat strictly modern, fine Iocs..
i tlon. 849 Hall at.
MODERN E room flat for rent.' Inoulr I
.iftix near Rorin., -VV 4
: i 4 . -. j. l.i .p
.t"' 4U..4, 444. 4.4V4.. 44,4 ,.. ... .
Sheridan nt., corner 2d. 'i
FINE new five room flat,, strictly mod
era. 230 Alberta st.,- cor. Oantenbcln.
TWO modern 4 room, flats, swell loca
tion; -442-444 lZtn St. - . -
tXMP4CieTE4C4,X - - 4rurnlhcl 4 room lower
Vtiat. outside Bleeping house. 120. .Mod-
rn. bath, electric light, healthy, sanl- J
"rri"ffn"'l Will 44 44ir-4'll4.44 IBfpiJ yftrSB.
Portland Heights car to Madison at.
Walk ta No. A reaervolr.- Rea. X0 Jeffer.
son st., Tarr, oaner. Fresh eggs, milk.
NICELY: furnished three room .flat.
.Reasonable. 1043 Oantenbein ave..
cor. AlbeCta at.
3. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
4 waiKing qistance. tail rtait.
THREE room furnished flat very nice,
- large and modern, rent18; 680 2d st
HOTEL PORTLAND --. European plan
oniy; 13, t pay.
BELVEDERE European, 4th and All
CTiiDrs AW-r. ,4..-. 4 I
FOR RENT Two new stores 20x60
with two flat a of . rooms, bath and
large porch above, gaa and electric
light -3d and -Division sts. Inquire
857 a: Carnthera. Phone Sellwood 491.
; V ' , FOR -RENT. ;.
244-161 Front t, long lease. near I
Madiaon at trldga, j. Simon fc Bra.
STORE for rent good location, 251 E.
43d at, corcer Madison, lit per.
nonm. jaoor zyif.
FOR SALE or rent meat market ''and
grocery atore, good location. Phone
4 4vuu r mi.
lft; 1.444 4 44 . .4i l
t . I .
t -
4.4.1 '-' -'
I .4 . I I I I 4-t
iiiji-jt 4. iitijuii. tn
H:r:tJ, Ihrrris Vsrj
4 4 44.
I4ft4 4
.44 . ' -'-4
tiftl 44 llll ti
44 . ft ,4I 44, -44 -4
I ....
.4,i44 1.4 4 I f 44l.ll4ll.l.
... 4.4,1 t..4 I l.i;..)
4. .44 I I 4.444 4 4 4. I 4. l
. . . 4 , 44. 4-4'
rW lll-4ft 41 44-1 I -4 t .. . ft 4-444
III 41 I 4 44 JV44.4 4H4 -
44r.. 4..4 44l.4 4 4JT - -
4 -I 1414 444 ..4.I4"
Hj:h:rrj S!at!e5
I I -.! tftll I' ,
Jt It L
il444f 444 444 tfVfta .
4.4 ft. '4 4l r.4 -"4. .4 I -4
... ft, 4.4.4 4. 4 V I 4 '44- 4.4
I 4 4-4 4 4-44. I,l' 4. " 41 '4
Ift.i 1.4 14.4 I II 4 K.
4 44 . 44.i4 !) l '
t'lvA 441 44.4 Ml 444J-.4 I..
444..4.I. ft;4 w 111.114a W 4
4.4444- ft 14 4V 44444, 4 . '
..) 441. 4 4 I!-
ri4 m
WAtlltt!! 4.f 4) r t444, 4)411
414. .l 4i 4 44M f -tft
M4 4111 t4v4J 1 1444 44 44 (
, 444 14. 4.("4 4 4.1 .. 4-4 4
14 14-41 111 4,4 k4 4-1 4 Ull.a 4-M
I. I ik 44i v AA 1 44 Ur C44
II Vtllil. I4 lf4 aft.4 k
ri-4 1 4 i Ii" 1 44). r- ri4i
I 444!, 44l44ftJ o, i4t f, ( 44
4at44.4 r. rv in 1 4. 1 4.1 I l
I f4 4. 4. of . o.l k, 4 1 Iko 4'. tV
14 W 4- 1 1 l fr t I,
ti 1 : i 4444v
Il nr.At f l4 44 b4 M r
l4 rrwatti f'a.- r-r 44.-4 .41
4l krn... iIh I f 44 m
I I 4 l ar 444 ft... I m (r.
I; HH II-4..4.) I i lrk
0X1. af lb n
i a44M br4 :is
II la Mod rtM 4
I , ftji
wUI ft- a naa trt-t 144.1 .
rstnt-a foe III r !) la, r4k 14 av. er. Aik.
CiSi. ifr f bUv isit" ii ffto
I ;! Mi4r. 1 ffctir r aaar- ear.
I H-4 llk. I r-ir borv tut.
: itk 4 lla 4v. T
Wt. aT l-4
44.44 44
rU44 f W
rhtoir Kid br4V4v. igh flora
111 !, ail yowng a 4 aonr.4: aa-4
any trtai allowed. 14 tot, f-t
Karli!. . . " .
trTlCAn f rh lwr4 a ill - 14
at piftbli actio 441 44n4aT i s
P in. on Wfw of lltH end rianjra r
LVli-ailes loao t TH kailTiny aw
tSgy, hor sal harm fur II.
Madron . llll WoX1 Kn.
iitHib at baci, chp. 1)1 l-i
ItH aL '
uvirroac axd rocLTnrsa
FOR BAI-E Oiaap, Ihoroaghbred Part-
rldg coenia na nrwt ixinmu
h"s "4 lodiaa Runnor ducka lla
aold hom n. rnt !! poaltry. .
Uradwlck. 170 Hcott at. Tab
nHt.M., p.. ;
I'LiHfAliLt: i-ouiifT fcoM4.i, vartou
1144 44)
K'UTAULE l-ouliry fcout.1, various
lie. ur to pleaaa Williams llrorf.
Oraya rroaalDg. . Take Ml. Hcott t.
Tabor l!. '
FIN li Jeraey cow for aal chp; wlU
b rrh In November. Ill E. l;th at
N. Tabor 1171. -
WANTED- Ind hand -Petaluane" In
cubator otve puce ana paone num
ber. 47, journal.
i 4 i ..4
I BL'FK Orplngtoii. 21 femala. II melee,
very cheap
must hav room. Hell
wooq mo.
WILL. ell elaht niBk. rout and am
I dalrv outfiL Cloaa In.
LiOng leaias.
I 1aw rent. L-M6. Journal
WVHALliVyre'.h cow a. llll tld at-
I B. K
I r lmii
1614 Division.
FOR 8ALl4----l.IISCEl4lXE0C8 10
Bariealn Sale
In mixed palmar varnishes, enamels,
wall paper, etc, 19 per cent aiscouni
while they last. Oet In on the ground
floor, at 191 Eaat Clay atreet, one big.
aouth of Hawthorne, near grand ave.
NEW and aecond nana pool aad billiard
tablea bought and Bold on eaay ttrrat,
bowling alleys, refrigerator for Imme
diate oeiivery. Address in cruotwici
Tla 1lr4-ft''nll4nil4 fn ft 4 Klh
ONE gaa range, mantle folding bed,'l)
4.1.1... .4.-1 ... 4J.44 114144 14444444
aewlnr machine and gaa water heater.
' ltllUlll. 1)11114. 4,13. 4.4. . 4 4,1,
as Stove Rebuilding to, aiv vviuiaroa
HAiTESM-New and 2d hand: low prices
1 easy terms: safes opened, repaired and
painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland
Safe Co. 46 6tb st Mam so. a-4118,
iMnt.rt. reoairlna. New Home arency.
160 Momaon. neat 19 tuii as uidd.
t HAVE a good blcola Will trade for
- . , - .I,.,-. 4
a Plp f rocking chalra and a good
,..,.:, .1- .,nn.4r nr mill iraA tnr mrn
1 J ,14 niiuw.,. v " V " " " 1
rocKing cnaira, - rnun rv ooun wn un
j. '
TWO , gaaollne mangles, one . 18
. collar and cuff, one 67 Inch, for amall
r ana cuir, one c
. 44l4 K 1
iaunaryL prio inuMi,
14UHU4, 4,4 14,. T 4,.
Phone Bellwood 1142.
SECONDHAND - atovea and furniture
bought, sold and repaired. 112 17th.
Marshall 3228.
A LAROE and medium alaed safe cheap,
good condition, terma - If , desired.
R-91B, journal.
FOR SALE 1 bed, 1 spring and
res. 1 heating, atova. -. 7887. Wil-
lllama ave. ' - ,- '" , ---- ' '
- . S ) lJ .Lllll 4) . 4
FOR SALE Second hand billiard and
pool tables, i w. j. tsu
X Bincley, also for
supplies' and fepalr work.
1?XR SALE A fine solid brass bed just
as good as new, at a aacnnca. uau
1248 Hawthorne. .. ,
QOOD furniture of all kinds for sale
cheap. Phone wooqiawn I7z;
CONCORD grapes off the vine at Mad
dock's, Mann stationWoodstock.
.ii A AIVl T 44 44 V4 4 4f4 VJT 4) . T 4. 41744
and BteriU-ed, Kafka Bros.. 172 Front
Itor SALE New and 2d hand stoves.
furniture. 267 Flanders. Mar. 1370.
CONTRA bTORS, equipment, by United
Eng. Const. CO.. 909 Lewis bldg.
4. 44 44.1. -4W.H. -4 - -4. 4.1 4 14, 4i -4444. 4. , -44J44 I 4.14
WANTED People of Portland to know
. that I pay the highest cash price for
Kind hand household goods.. N. M.
Beater, 143 Russell. East 1662.
Pay the highest price for everything:
call Main. 2080, 290 First
TOOLS Highest price paid for 2d -hand
rarmero , - dicuhiuwi i"88"i iwib.
t,evin Hardware Co.. 329 Front. M-9072.
farmers, mecnanics, ioggerr ioois,
bK WISE; . get uiore for your second
tsanl fnrnftnm by eel I In r ir to Ford
Auction Co., Ill 1st Main 8951, A-1445.
6500 worm Zd band housenoia gooas in
large or imiu iota, immeaataiy. ta
aev Furnitura Co.. East 1809.
270 E. Morrison, phone E. 1021., pays
highest ch price fof furniture. - .
WANTED 2d hand furniture. EaetlH4
348 Hawthorne ava Seaeer A Martin.
,.... ...
musical lASTRuiarrs 34 t'
441W..44.444 4,4,444444V44
(0 GRAPHAPHONE for aal cheap.
Eaat 6243. ....... ',"-'-
I . " . ' -' - '.
" ' " i ft ' ' ' f f
- - i "-4 4W4- Kill I I'll ! 4 4 4 I1I44) I il
41 I ' ' '' 4j
- I .4. Ml 4 .4. .- 4-4 4. 4
1 ,.., ....
- T .4 . TV -- j
44.i I 44? ... Mo i y
..' -4 !.. t 4 4 . ..4 1 ft f
. ft ' 4 I .1.44 I I 4 . liHH'Hl I
'! 4...4 Ill 4J4t4.4.
l I I I
I. ft I V. i. ' 1 i '- ft l...4.4 t ' $
4-4.4 4 .-4V-4X 4-4.4 4. . -, I.U'll
..4 $t. 4-4 41 4444 !:! I I 4, 4-.4.1.. .. I 44 !', III, 4 .'4.4
-'1 it T 44444X1 ! !. t.
4 44 I 44.4V l-4 44-4. II?,
l4 I . 1 I 1 I - 4 I I I 4
i J M 4 1
ri.M e !
4'lift 1 Mil!.-!
i" 11 P ill! .. , 4. 4 4.4
iM l-4l It. I ) l-.4, 444U4
I I I 44 4 14.
1 4. "rt f
i 44,4,41 ll
Vy'tl Mil
tVT AMI Itit M
Li ir-Ato.! -ft4Mlr I 14414ft 1 4.4
44.44441 444L4 4 4.l.4ll 44.44 '
1441, l. 1.4-4.4 441 kt 44 4 4-4 4
li : 1 h.4i I
44 V1
4il4.4 I 44-44 , 4444. rUI I
k.ft:, l I. .14 4 !.. Ill Cl44(. 4
4ii'ii r.r4
Irf.- 44 i4 11 44W,( 4 4, t I.
M 44a. k4l.ll44. av l4-
4'4 If 1.1)4,1 III I "Up
Li 3 f-i . 4 !" k- I ii r ".
1 ftW4l 44 0 4-JI -.-'.r I till tvl
4l T.I--J 1 ; 1 1
Vi a f A I 4, 11 1444;'" till) i
-v ,ii lvk i lk N 14 4f War
i I'ki t l'tl ho4
raiiso AL
W AKTrr M4 wtva era a 4 44.444 4.t,
I 4441 44 Mt 4444V. ! 4444. 1 f 11141,
a4p 44444ft f, l4 4 44 4444. 444, I44 l
k .o kWiMtr t4tsta 4 V
.:ir 4 trr4tea wiik ii44
Sl4nOtlag 4444 44 4 i 1441 J
o I. tm a 1 .Mi r a rr r 114X4.1 1 r
ta a4 aaiM4Uoa aa 4 lb4r 4ll.
I 444. U - 44411 t r ( rn.) I irw4 r
ft- rraf4 I II your ai 1
taIkr. 4 POTT- rrUliL 141 nw
UOliUlN Wt Ml'l 444 44444 I Oft! Ml
t44l at reot liiai Or I boaatw
fatly .litaied. with kdal imtrT mr
44nj ivdinf: iirtoe I1 ttt rui4 Ve 4
iro4. arll nplftv kooidaa f4
k r. aufiv 4ftr oa rroa -
Ukie r.4 dairy rod itri a ; II tralaa
doll y ; graduate auraoe la atUatiaaca,
Aarv raifti. onr
M 4ra l4rtr1 troatm'at foe diaaia
f the fkrooioi,, sof-Ttroe dabltlty, r-lL
blood aaxl ki luiti.a w. l
l. IHMhehlld
ci. a Lira a. oairr
FHaoaaoe of wm aad rhltdraav. kag
rmvod la Lftki arla aldg. Ill
Vaklagtaai at.
ooii I rctor, mlddi ,
trictiv aebr. dlr room and boa
ta tiHvat family. . Not mora than twe
la family. Will pay 110 month. PUIS
rooking rieeee give phon puabr. A
94. Juurnal.
TAl-n.".eVlor and dullara Call,
forola oartrlch olumaa. flnoat ever
old in Portland; old plume elaaaed.
dyed. urld wlllowed by eiperta. Ill
liw.innn MH. A-Jtll.
Lit VAf-Vtfl. atn-nafiai; auickly our
dlaft,ae of men. blood and skla dla.
aaaft-SL aorea. alcera, aoolion slantla. kl.t.
pay. Maddar, and pilva. -Ill 1rt aL
Portland. '
iA N l thflO.". . CO.. Havln.and Cotton
Root pllla. aur remedy for delayed
period: l boa, or I boxes for 16, by
mall. T. J. nrco, HlVj Morrlaon.
ttXOILi klarve'oiia euro for woaknea
In men, by mall II per box: money ro
lunira 1 1 it I Mil. ft jr. . irri'4 kvci 11141 ,
Co, 141-4 Morrleon. .' -
LAIiIKS' millinery, remodi'llng, trim
ming, coloring, ete reeannabie. bring
any old material, frames for Bale. 227'
Waah.. aulta 317. '
bCtULT, nw thouabt' actentlfio and
school books bought a&d sold. Pend
for free catalogue. Book Store.
Ill Dak at . Hnry bldg.
Dlaeaae of women and aurgery. Ex
amination free, 802 Merchant Trust
bldg.. 4th and Washington. Main 44 7.
rt -4-iTT-if ft ci n f 4
ftft4. 4))4J4J1')14', 4 '. v.,4. -
lit Union ave. N., Portland, Or.
MR8. a C MORRISON, masurlng:
ateam tub hatha for rhoumatlsm and
acres of all kinds. 187 Vk Jefferson. A
4470. '
MMR HEATH'S dancing school, priv.
dally; children's claaaea Sat art;
adults Sat. eve. 'Welti and two-atep
guariumreq in I lewsons. anwKy Diag.
MRS. Sophia B. Selp. mental and spirit-
uai Jicienust. uejiy sua Allakv bldtr.
Wednesday, t p. m., special messages
to all. Main 624.
44-NYONE desiring lady's ticket to New
braska will find it to their advan
tage to communicate with K-869, jour
WE do everything In ladles tailoring.
nuns to your measure rrom hi ud.
j. m. -.nriicn io., i intara at.
WOMEN Ubb femolda when others fail.
Hold ana guaranteed by the Ausplund
Drug Co., 110 N. tth at Main 1104.
LADIES' Lorena Antlseptlo Con . ar
soothinr, aafe and aura. Il per pox.
Btlpe Taylor Drug Co., 889 Morrlaon at
id TAIPALR merchant tailor, . 813 H
waan. st., corner Bin. Kooma 84-16
DR. KETCHUM Diseases peculiar to
men. Wash. bldg.. 4th and Wash. M.84T4.
BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of
women. 682 Davis sty Main tilt.
FOREIGNERS to learn English. 6gden
Rooming House, room 18. 88 H First.
IMR8. K. W. SACRY, chlropodr and pedl-
curing. 311 Williams. 0-3081. E 2332.
LIN HING, tailor, moved from 22
Murrsiae to 81H N. tth, near Couch.
Notice Is hereby trlvn ttmf or, Mon
day. October 16. 1911 th 'board of
equalization of Multnomah county will
attend at the offloe of the county clerk
of said county and publicly examine th
assessment rolls for the Tear 1911. arrvj
correct ail errors In- valuation, deecrlpV
tioo or quautiea oi iana, iota or otner
property, and it la the duty of all ner-
aona interested to appear at the time
and place appointed, and if It shall ap
pear to such board of equalization that
there are any lands, lots or other prop
erty assessed twice or in the name of a
person or persons not th owner of same,
or assessed under or' bevond its value.
r any lands, lots or other propert)not
assessed, said board ' of " equalization
shall make the proper corrections.- V
' - - M KIGLiEH-
.. Assessor of Multnomah county. Or, :
l-ortiana, vr., ijept. ,!4, 1V1I. '
MY SON Eddie Supllck, . 18 years old,
electrician by trad left my house Oct
10th, 1911. without anv- reason what
ever. Everybody Is warned not to give
him any credit as I will not be respon
sible for any debts -contracted by o'm.
All poolroom and salon proprietors are
hereby warned not to harbor him, as to
be liable, to prosecution. Also drug
gists not to sell him any Tntoxlcatin
liquors. Albert SupHck. 12 Fsiling st
Or sellefs equity In contract of sale!
on real estate In Washington or Oregon.
H. R Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loana
Have a
contract of sale for tllbiTon
a new residence now occupied; offr
this at a liberal discount to-private
partiea.4. CUvll for Mr. inkler. 14 4U. i.
1 "