THE OHEGOJI DAILY JOUENAU rOKTLA.VP. CATUKDAY KVEJilNO. OCTOBER li. HI!. 13 III UUffl 0!) iva aaa a aa-faw VvVa I frava, jtl at lu CmI -u.4 4W f w4 ri jum) ft Cw Maa.iMa.ti4, Town Topics OUOTH THE PESSIUIST i vvf v- w r-Maii a4 a.! a r - tt -ri ram H . tv. vH.i-r; ltj:'. .?zzr v "ltt' 3 " -wm-, . nwr. ii 13E i.4 aw. 4t4 1 4 I 1 1 " J r tva -.! a ia.n a - iriM v i,mvI i iva kf u frttiafra,,. T V aVMivv. a4 va it4lli 4m a fiui.a il I t. (r : 3 & Iw M MMli. ka hi MiaaUa . 1 14 4 I lit :u. -4 IEI HARD LUCK nti V mi aiv"bil IUI4M 4 avia Ai at i liMn a'atl tf amrlr Maa.Vr k..Jk I I la tva 1. lm.t IV Mb- 4 Trtiji4 1 ' 1 Tva btni iwa ai talltbf) IV ( aui . a. a a t r s lnut i t lur..-.. 4.X v M, 4 rV44 44 tituif: tt ki.t fJ J tb HwiMf n . itii, i.4 ikr 4 W uUlU. f 1 t.l(4t '- e4 w4 14 '. INI Wt. li.t. !) I 4 -' 4 . W wt,. ixiia, .4 Utl, ttkUf fl 1 e4 ru Frr4 tub l- .:- m w if 4-ei Wm r.l4 Ran, . F f a V !. tm4tt nnir f ltt, ktr v v u4 leiw ua I I MMJt 4 ! ! IU wi: r f4i M tfa TV. u r4 14 0f O'r a4 lv4. e4w ( e4 e A.a kerned tl 44 IWf BJ 4 ru4 a- 4 ( 1 1 u tuii ii iw i Kr I IA e4 lA-t Mr. V 4i4rw slaw l4 B fce frwe i enerrr ut imm. we I milm t riU4. ItalM Mas Char Jtflttl IB I - U rs04li4 w4 r.lrwd I m Me lrm u tae ti MtM far erjll rbr 4 a!! him ! 4 eri4 7hu4r WK.ra.ieg ei I,o A fur tft4(iA. ea4 I e4r :irir aii(r 14 it mum fkU rniim II U k U h fn4 vrl cbcJL. TV iw I m n wMihl IL aAAMta JM M ft4 MM4 HMI4 t IV t'4 f waM I f i n II IV .lll Ji -4 rvi4 i u m. Uu f U-ft4 IVi fetfi4 AU(U k4 f iatia ixwi f ! k4 f IV .but l III l ll ri tv i r ! v :l4 tu ! t fr iv JW It kilMi AMV Craft Runs cn D)ie and Oc cvpar.ts Are Rcjcud in the Hick cf Time; Sterner Ot Uwa to Aid. , AlftMiti MmmAAf iriMli l lh r of A(Bm Mull 4mlsliutlar cf lh il of II l. Wlnura, lut It PurOr. U mi ld l4 I vluhl fropfijr an ()ra4 bo. will t tud Motlr hfor Ju4 MrOlna af lh flrrull court Tordf faiu for. ward with I ha 4a4 two moot aflr tha 4ath of V.f. Wlotara and rlaJm4 II waa acr4 lb d4 hul4 b burt4 and not rurrri4 until lb dalb of Mr. Wlatrr. Th allat-k on h dod U mad ob lb (round that It ill fargad and thai tha alftiatur of Mr. Vtntr waa ln without hBowIng what It for. rita u ivx(mi i.t iv m-i V aw4 v-l F V af ao.4 IwVr a iM4U a la a af I iv ua. i a Vm4 tvr a ay la vi ivf Utul a aa - iva m4 f t :) H ( 4 a i iv v4 iva a4 lty la Vatia iv . tNUii mm aia a4 ak Um ay Vrv4 ia Ua V4 ll4 iM4 Va it ', - - - I 1i ai4 ivai IVa l a4 7rwaaia uIm .1 I aawM U.,T t! V Tlll 1? IVIa. Ha4tII a4 V: Mni ' a a Ia4 la Vw4 la 4 a a,4 Vm lV laiu ww r ii i II w mm IVal IV CW4i Va4 rva I IV 4r m bar war IVa rtvwr 4 wwa ba y a ival aba brr baJ mil m iba arwarw wb'.t aba a M1U4 till brVoal rw4 rlU ba UrwatMV at aar lainal I Ha bar r. II wa t It artacb V 4 t rwaaia af IV Uoveb w auea awoaH af lb (xiawa ta !! al e44 Ivwrw4 a Caia!a C !!, wb afirwara t a Ua abaf4 tba kaaarb aa4 4rff4 bar aff Iba 4ra. TV fwrtr frant IVa lat 44 Car. lata Ca?ka tbal IKr b4 Iba Mw4 amctaa af aalaaJ lalwa M ralb ara v4 aibora tairwai4 ta lb wfira mt flUV wiii V Mt4 bl Iba t'aiiartaa cbra. , ib av4 T ab:t airwata. MaaAar a... ai f II mmimU. far iba mimm af 4taa(44 Mwblaav t 11 brgUaa aa4 af faavla riaaa la a arll f atMl will laba t V aval. lara aej. alr tavwaiitailwa, ffa a eial art la a far aa nlHt Tba la wiU ba 4Iimm4 br Mr U'.iHi TrwtvbiUI, Miaa Micbaar of iba (mU4 Carbmaaa, aa4 tr. Ftar' M k Tn 4'acMnai will V ia kr M'w. C4warw a lUiat. nt T.,ir a iai- iKr mvr. inabr l aa4 . iv w " ... tbaatrw wtU a tha fuada tabaa la af 4 4 M a .a. . Wivm jrii.4 aa.4 Lia V tvaaf IVa Hmo MwMwra ua aw V i wt uuttfMir mor I' si'-.i. v ava aJi ivu tnmMi r a-a r. . ava i a4 tv a .' . ' -'- m. Vara&a !mi 4 a u v 4 4wa4 tviatalar t'ar.iaMlMaai i twAl 4kaa A a . a - a. a. a r vaoni ikj i - iu. . I ,AUa ,4 HiIUmii I I. HU l 4W 1 1 n Vaa inaan..! I It M4VlVra !. I -i b4 4 laaWaw fw l WMUutoa IV l aval U Vva I 1- -. u.tu!. ..a-. - - V 4a . ' rwn aua i iv ru Lv. rawa arr r.i tw ai r P-avw . a awi-a aj wa lHi, " 1111 aa mh it l iva 1mm m aa4 wui awrfw -vr a 114v1aa.1riab.Mii iv a. vvu.r at iv Un 1mi A tallar wa w4 r4ar I .;;. V r Mr fra tVwwf a H 4t?4v I -..--y witb iva rwaaai af aal . vi aa 4 rM4 f.vw. rvr ajl ywara al 4:f fl IumImi la rv IVU 4-irWI bat aava4 ival -. if M! 11 1 4 1 I! i! i ti ' 4 4 j 4 4 4 4vii wavl 4 av4 fwaw-la Ua. , awrwa baa rwiaan v Cww IV 1 aaa ba iV.'u.4 ra-atka baa fi aili by ... -lrl Vr ....! It It Vv M ba v if V!Mv r.a I air feicaaaaU. 1 fcf'..V.V ui it air rMt 1. iki li tiaviavta V )U4 IV a4 V ' bw mr aa tirm . . W " rs t 1 ... " K Mk ai. vaiti ft.aa 11 ir fl tirw Tuia. (tl ii air (.-. W t i. ka t-.. . 1V4. II .r. ir. a, 1-wJrw . . u. it H .. Ubti )a. 14 4a V aWawV tir ftaar. b IVn CWI It iTunrrnm ron mi roirr rywvrh fUtia ! Srvaw 4a Urim (arff 0aarJ 4Wrhaa1taa. T tba fir l aav ta var kt a ! baa b lnar4 la artaa a air, iK.4a oi n.l air Aiuv baraaa atr it kiM. n.l ir hr wur. b f air naaaea. Baa r4m rl cart ta tbia wort. 4Tb la tbalbir. ha ( 1 r a a t-dr rrab vh)a La rrwuV ww al IJ-ar. f.'. tir. b 4u nr. u bawr frwaa i la 4 la Iba art moon la lb Chll4 W!fa CiriML Mialwri f iba Ctoer af MHbara. a wl 44 albr latri4 la Iba at biblt. ara rgw4 ta br ihta ta l4. II rm 4rt4a4 at tba taal n af tha f aaarvl awaiaAllta la bar lh a. bra evil upon iba rpraalllra bul aaaa anaa af iba eilr for eoalrtbaliofWL rtagabla; Oostrao tV Tha contract for tli 1 lumblng and bratlng of tha weal wins of lh rtw courtbuuaa waa Jt by tha county court to tl.a iI-Cukor ronian'. Th bll for tha pluniHn; waa I1J.T17. Tha bid for t.o hatln waa I T0.T2T. Th nail low. rt bid for tt.a plumblna; waa 121,111 by tha Cnait Ktiflm rrluc company. Tha M:liat bid waa Uy 1. r. Hhra. which taraaa VvralaaT bwia1a la a llr la rt4al U. a Jaawalra af tha Portland Hallway. IJ4M I'ow.r comraer. John T. MtTn. formtr prI dnt of th Mill Una la ioa. writ that h la now aojoumlrvf at Iba Hot fprlnfv Vlrrlnla, nuralnc a allfht touch of rbauoiatlam and playlnaT va orraalcnal iimi of (olf. Mr. Htarcna. arromiaalad by Mr. Htrna and tbalr yount aon. rcntly returned from a tjur cf Curopa. laapawt VorUaad bVaaJty II. A. Vaa Owan. praatdvnt af th lUlolt "tata bank, lialolt. Wla, la tn Portland for a faw daya looklnf avar tha city, and It la ballarad polbly with th tw of mak ing; laveatmanta. Thla nomlnf Mr. Van nar rMala Cf. a aid tKat Iba tida waa ual 4h4 awl and bad II rwnvalaad aa ir drba iwarb l"r lb taaafh wwtiid rrwl? Kaaa ba llppad off aa4 lh oreupartia 4un4 Into th rtrar aboal 14 fl from Iba ahara U blta tha work af raacua waa golrg aa. a Captain Cap), tha 1mr llarvaat gaa, Caplala Work, ram down tha rtvar fall pd. and f ar te ( thai tha awalla from tha ilttmtr would awamp tha launch, ha blw twe 4B4r whiatlaa. but tha Quan did not atop antlraty t"ha tha launch had fc-n pullad oft tha pnar war rvlumad to It. aa It waa uninjured, and thay atartad back up tba rtvar. although thay had a lunch with tham and had ldntly latandad to mak quit a trip down th r!vr. Th nam of tba ifc-cupaota. a giran to thoaa On tha Ottawa, wra: IaiIu Johaaon. Iola Blmmora. Oanrgtna n f r, Mra. C A. Ithaw, Wvlfnrd Canndr. Craig r llakar. Ralph Shaw, John B Clark. Robart Cook. Waldo Hlrachbarf -r If. K. In. captain of tha launch; ft. Q Call and Mana Itnggv now at Uvwr. M aad aaa baa baaa Hl4 by IVa If our. titkrva 4 Cw. I 4 a eargw of gwawra) .rrVaai' for rrl la ad. It ta atalad that aba wtU t u(b cargw al Usv"l fr urralag aad tha bl ar will b te44 al Nawatl Tyaa will b 44 I arrtr bar bail Mar or uaa Aaatbar c Vanr thai baa ba aa bouaed I lb tintlab bark fiaiUa Ab bay. 1414 loA a. whlrb baa bwaa takaa by Cora a. MacbaJI m Ob an art rata larma far a cargo of lumbar fro th Columbia rtvar or Pugal aoo.4 I NawcaaUa. A ua I rail. , -CV ,VV (ii. , it .IKl .rwi. Ivt l 'rl rl 4 t f I 4 tJ! tt T 14VM4-1 Wrtmt mmm HEILIG 11 l-Ar Tlktii TvMjmT OnMTMUUIt U I t M A IN IN iwrtrnivL nia! num (1 i ! a a rf bm) rW aWvb a)aaia4T ai4 tawliaaa Eaitt Uwr fWa. If. Ila. rrl I aaaa 111. ul 4 ill f.!Mwag t twwa. It. Ual fwww. i ga..T Hiiwit, t a, aAam, la. .7,1 ' " 'IS'.'A ' ' ' ' ' ' -.. ' -4 I . ' '. 1 air All. tt4a Hfl. cri ...... ir U. tlJr 4a ri Karic. tt , 4 Tal Sarwata. Admiiai UwitMn, Sir air .. . ."ika Aloha. A al ae-A Viuihh I)r1.ih lrit, fir th ..baa r : ( aivanra, ,oi. barb liw. Am. ch )-t.lllj Dii. Am acb .. Mut-rl t!lr. fr. air. eat .w tao.txa HF TT 1C tmiiatwii ' a 1 JLillU TVb a4 rru Fliaaa lata V. A-1 144. bnoarrm. aWtaavaar rotoajvar larial Prtr Mallva Tw4ay. :i' Mr 11 riag tTTa '.Naaraaliai 1 farwril Lm4iaa l,4. liAKKl HUM KK Anl aa: f Ww m all a mraihbatnt Mr ' " ' ' ' r.. 1 ' k Mnaical Ca4y uarle. I.r air lloe.4oa i "Tata rUkTm VaUSCSatr Orala Taa4a aVaata. I Ktaolega laar flar. II 4. II fvi Anna. ilr trk Callaa rT, nrai row. II. a- it 4 rwaa. TV M UIIXK sort A rr n. lr Vara . , larmbk. iir trk. Iirrlaana IY Ull . Hurfun. aaa ritnii.. 1 . . . .4L Haa phKIJa , IX (ia iry. r aa4 Ua ta! Tnaa Mai lowar flwor. A .ImI. ftf I A PVJ Al Y A9kA aft up at tit a m -flimar !oma ci?'2ir,AZL.' - "i NV' . . , . lltta ijouf'Vil. rr bark Iondoq I nty. rrom pan rrannaoa ama ai ,-uL V.a Vl.r.ull. Kr trk. a. bv alaamar Ornaral Hubbard, from li ropodtl. lir batk Calla aa rranclaco. Ouiaida at a. nv I I'lona. Ur a-lp... BT K-.i Btvrrr J. A. Chanalor. from Monlry. I v-uganla autrl. l. bark Calla InlHl al 11 a m-Miir IIIUxm I llallopotl. Kr atr baa rrar.claoo !! II r lac pacta Ii: oajc-a. r. rl tov IK la raar .ll.i 4 rov lac, gl)ry. raa it, adav. c BAKER from ICuraka and Coa liar. Lft up at I a. m Strainer Unrl Hubbard; at noon 0rman hark llarmbak. Ban rranclaco. Oct 11 flallad at 1 Invarco. lit bak Invarlog!. fir bark. vrrna, llr. bark Joint-ill. Tr bark. p. m. Alaamara Hoaa City and Roanoka. I Julaa uommca r. ahlp. 8i.rrso?f ms sr. IJC.500. Th nct loweat bid for vwn Inapectad tha proprty purchvaad boating wan by th V. U. McPhrraon company, and waa 177,111. Tha hlgheat bid for thla work waa l4,4"d. Why Tart Xraorad Tham Tha Mlnla trll aaaociatlon will hold a aparlal mrctlng Monday afternoon at 1 10. at the Y. M.. C. A., for tha purpoaa of hrar. Ing th raport of the commlttc which had been appointed to arrange for a flv mlnutra' talk with Prmtdcnt Taft, but who were unable to lo ao, whm Taft waa In thla city. Wednreday even ing. "The Power of an Attorney aa Re lated to the Saloon." will be tha sub ject of en addreaa, which Councilman McOuIre will deliver before the member. by the Barltn Machinery worha of Be- Dorkhouvo CruaJird. nailing Brokra: IIMVl i in 1 ! mi . Baattl. Waali, Crt. 14. With bar larg branch factory of tha Paclfle BorthwaaL WUoox Call MMtlir Theodora R. Wilcox, chairman of th public audi torium oommlaalon. ha leaued a cavil for a meeting of the commlaalon at 4 p. m. nest Tueaday, aerK houe and railing dajnagad aa tha rrault of heavy aeva encountered on the Gulf of Alaaka while bound from Tukatan to Juneau, tha ateamahlp .... w,., u. inn company, la making her way to Seattle. for Portland, at 4 p. m. ataamer Aural!, for Columbia river. Arrird at I p, m. bteamer Phoahona, from Colom bia river. . Aaiorta, Oct II. Arrived at noon Steamer Manning, from Alaaka. Arrived at t and left up at 4:11 p. m. Steamer Caaco, from nan FVanclaco. Cooe Day, Oct II. Ballad at 4 p. nv Staamar Alliance, for Portland. Atrorla, Oct. 14 Condition at mouth of tha rtvr at I a. rough; wind aoutjtweit IB mlUa; weath er, cloudy. 0 Tide at Aatorla Sunday nigh wa terTill a. nv. 1.1 feet; 1:41 p. m. T.4 feat. Low water 4:41 a. 0.1 feet; 1:47 p. m., 4 4 feet Klrciidbrlahtahlre. Mr ehlp. Hanch. Kr bark Ijil.k. ilr. ahlp I.) drat, Hr. bark Mini .ill 10, trai. minkr 1 llrr Antonlne. Tr. bark . . . . Sawnaetla Kne. FY. bark Newraatle Halnt ilogatlen. Tr. bark Kahulul Hchurhek. Cir. bark SL Koaalla Hlerra, Nor. ihlp Callao nolway, II r. bark Junla Kirlnbck Oar ahln Ht. Knulla Thlera, ITT. ahlp Hal feat m Mava aad - O. L. bake. BV-V. tVAaTT tm rOaTiaST The Tuneful Mueirel lomedy rn rvownm or ru bvajicx 11 r Jo Howard Callao 'With Jea llarrla. IWtty Caldwell aad Hi. Itoaal: grvat real and ehoruv Beautiful aoag ... Hriatul numbere K'ch la laughter. ITvaalag . . . , nrtiviu II n c. Itr l r, fl .Newcaei. Veat Week -Or alar Tmerrww liavr TD TaVATBUa.0 ftAXXakLAJf ni iioaalia Hi. Itoealia Talcahuana -Notice vw aw at g ar.w a i git t u waa ! avi iriM iba Very Beit Dentiitry AB iuiaaUal fw 14 laaea, C arrwa tw ae awr a4t-4 Ow Price Neier Cluofe It b 14 Ovwee. lba . . ... aVAw ba bVika) II a U14 4iUimi aa m iva . . Hat ba a4Aw It a t.4 av4 t-v!! t nt a v. w IVa a) K 4W Ka b ii4 4 4b- a:lr .ai ... tv4 aw !- 411 tar A.'lr nv r b v $tm U ' .-4 fatal Vairw. Ck!i4fa i Taeib! . !!! f-lai. w4iag I ckc4!ll f . V, ar r- I vaa VVM be II 444 0!4 T. la I". ta 4lr f. 14. ml ILJk fpwial Vwr alel. ealra .y aoild. Ik .l ivel rue wh all am.. fail I1AA4) Pittenger & Pittenger BIO lalT tXOB BUTUTI IrrUvMt Ceraea btairuaa aad Sum Avwaaa. u TM . Z c"mm,",on m The Bampaon war caught In tha earn i. "--" "ii Mvra luur DI . thai . .'a. I IV,. Q.. the publlo auditorium cltlea of tha coun try. Hie conclualona. aa a reaalt of tha tour, ara axpected to ba of decided In ter eat Mtlefled ftvlton metalnad N'nt the dlatrlct attorney's office .woilld handle In a aatlaf&ctor manner tha Butt brought by th county against County Clerk Fields over the naturall- cntlon fees, th county court has re tained Attorney C. W. Fulton to pro Kent the matter. Attorney Fulton waa also retained to proseouta Judge Ol- aon and Bell of the Justtca court for retaining marriage fees, but before the cane came to trial, ho asked to be let out of the matter. 90O0 TJsJUla Blooms for President Taft were fumlnhed by Gill Bros. Seed that! Co., or decorative work at tha Com mercial club. We grow 400 varlctlen. the largest collection tn tha northwest. Our visitors say, "Tha grandest sight we ever saw." Tske MontavlllA. car to Eaat 80th, get transfer to East JOth, go two blocks east and five north. Phone Tabor 2681. Writ Xafusefl Parker An alternative t-rlt of mandamus was refused Harry Parker, former patrolman, yesterday by Presiding Judge Gatens of tha circuit court. Tarker asked for the writ on the grounda that be had been dis charged from the department, and not given a hearing before the police board within the 30 day limit. Chief of Po lice Blover asked Parker for his star on aniMinnt ff n.i rri ft m a Jk hv turn 1tla vui jlvuuu uvimai amar win cure TJr. r. E. Toakrun soeaka tonlarht at any cougn or Droncniai irouDie inai win 7:S0 o'clock at church, East Seventh and respond to medical treatment Give It East Ankeny streets; Sunday morning1 rriai wnen oinors iaii. uniy ooo a riora rarls Xowaxd, author and lee turer. Just returned from abroad, will speak at tha Divine Truth Center, Sell- lng-Hlrsch hall Sunday at 11 a. m.. and 8 p. m. Subjects: "The Stona That tha Builders Rejected." "Keeping Back Part of the Price." Oontenarr Mathodirl Dr. Trimble speaks 11 a. m., "Our Purpose and Pro gram." 7:48 begins series "The Man for Men." "His Will." 10-23 "Con science." 10-29 "Heart." 11-6 "Brain.' Hear the series. Orchestra tnuslo. at hall over public market, First and Washington streets, and In the after noon at church, East Seventh and Bast Ankeny streets, will speak to women missionaries and preachers, and a gen eral service In the evening at 7:30 to which ell are welcome. County Baoords Broken Business in the office of County Clerk Fields was the bijirpest yesterday that It has ever been. The receipts totaled 1791.25. The recording of Instruments amounted to 136, and there were 198 Instruments filed. The probate court department tooK In' 1100, while circuit court de partment took in 1318. ' Informal I'allc Portland hotel par lors, Sunday afternoon, October 16, at 8, by an adept of the School of the Prophet. Subject, "The Psychological Interpretation of the' Allegory of Dante as Applied to the Bible and Ourselves." All interested will be cordially welcome. bottle at Albert Bernl, the druggist, 229 Washington, near Second. Weed a Trunk or Bag? Save money by buying trunk now, as I have on sale tha stock of tha Peerless Trunk com pany, formerly of 42H4 Washington street J. B. Wilson, "The Trunk Man." 251 Washington street. ' Wolf a Bnooaeds XoPheraon, Adolphe Wolfa has been chosen to succeed George L McPherson, resigned, on the board of directors of tha Lumbermen National Bank. Mr. Wolfe has accepted the position. tor of the l'aclflo Coast meamshlp company, toaaej tha big Waterhouse llnir Suverlc Ilka a chip for over 24 hours and buffeted the cannery ship A. J. Fuller, hound for Seattle from Uyak. Kodlak (aland. The damage to the Sampson Is not serious. If all goes well on the rest of her voyage the vessel will put Into port soma tlma tomorrow mornlDg. Advices from Juneau. where tha Sampaon put In after her rough expe rience, state that during tha height of ALOXO THE WATERFROJfT Laden with a. cargo of asphalt tha ateamer Caaco arrived at Montgomery dock No. 1 laat night from San Fran cisco. She Is now back again on her schedule after having It dlarupted about two months ago bee us of an accident. At Columbia dock No. 1 the Finnish bark Israel Browne completed her cargo of wheat this morning. The Japanese steamer Shlntsu Maru also finished dis charging ber cargo of oak logs at Ban- field s dock. She will go to Puget Yeaaela la Port. Iran. Am. ech Ouarnsey, Nor. aa Hellopolla. llr. aa. Anerly. llr. aa Boston, V. 8 8 Hrrlln. Atn. bK Bear. Am aa HyfJa. Nor. as Genrglna, Am. bktn. . . . luabol Browne, Fin. bk. Aatorla .North Paelflo Montgomery 2 .Tongue Point . .Jaffereon Kt Gobi Alr.aworth On way down Knappton Irving uaaai4 Yeawu Will, OCT. fewabaatiaa Btsrrtn ft I Co. OaKTtUnv DarVoa, rJ.TM4 iBgwr. A-Ba s wVr aUbaaa. Drla Oraad Owera ma. Delaae ft VebV. anaa. 0rvre4a MeOUl ft Oo. raaiaarwa. oop. bfatla 4Uy. Oarvaia sm, iiao aaa saw. I1T W.A1 I 14-44-44) tft VaTaV 1 J VT Ba TaV K IIBI Ta am m THKATR Wlrtle4 9frsavr-4. miTi K it-XS-SO-TSt wtik vat M. WLUa, "Tba Barpy I VMS. m Tramp,- a.a HKoaa aia a row a roioere. avaaa xall ".' "v V ' . ' v 'A . V, ' r'-i'i Ruptured? Why suffer or take chancaa on atrang. . S. S. Rose City. 4 p. m.. Oct If Via m North Head. Waah Off Point Reyes; I calm snd cloudy weather; sea smooth; westerly swell; barometer 10.21; temper ature, 65. S. S. Chanslor. 12 midnight, Oct. 11 14 Latitude 44:04 north, longitude Ma use Bvary pay. Maey ft Co. r4araa Brother. ue ulatlon when I can alva too abaolut i DniiariinB ana a Doeaim mrr Th WILSON WAT IS GUARAN TEED TO RELIEVE AND RETAIN TOUR HERNIA. rgardlea of occupa tion. or 444. No aprlng. No elae--tla Indorsed by all phyalclana who have uad It Don't wait; delays are alwaya unwla snd frequently fatal. Try tha Wilson Way: 10 days lra. ill W. WlXiBOa, HKKNIA SPKCIALI8T. nnress m .nta a Baflaad TaadavUM stavaa- a4 A 4wa aft wrni , clear, iiKin 'jiuncnj winu - mrOTmmiTw armmA mv "na T r-1wxK OCTOBEB t Baa-Brosoba 09. cier iu.ui .emperaiure, 0(. bfillar, Eag-l ft Millar. Oharlaa Bar. M trtb. St. HtvMi Oak aad Fin tta, S. S. Alliance. 4 a. m. Oct. 14. Flf- tholnmnr. vnM ran, kalurt r.1. I nuuin nh Mnn.. sound to load a cargo of lumber for teen miles south of Cape Meara; south- rora. Blblo ft BUay. Prices 15 aad SAo. I Aak or write for booklet. "A Sensible north China. southeast wind; passing rain squalls; i . us I Talk on Rupture and Its Cure" If free. Bringing a cargo of 150 tons of aa-1 big westerly swell; barometer. 80:06, phalt and 1600 tons of cement, tha rising. steamer Olson & Mahony, Captain! 8. B. Rosa City. 4 a. tn.. Oct 14. Emma Eames AN" Emilio de Gogorza Plana for Gymnasium Filed. Plans for the new gymnasium to ba erected YOUMG JrTill Preach Morning and Evening at layiur aircei Methodist Church Corner Third and Taylor MORNING SUBJECT The Seen and the Unseen" ; V EVENING TOPIC ! '. 1 Two Great Imperatives w Splendid Music by Great Chorus Choir ' Robert F. f4onrTJifector Br. Dyott's themes in the First Con gregational church tomorrow: 11 a. m.. unused rower;" 7:45 p. m., "Portland's Men, Women and Children. Jim ii nun i m M y j l T hi i wjtimmnMi. 4 1, n i mi an mu . . if. : ft " v W. A . . ' . 1 - I AT Heilig Theatre Wednesday E v en ing October 18 mwui ii ii ,.n i j mvvymMzrmfwwwipvir " y r y. vv t"f y v 1 , i ':'y rY I NOTICE Suffering FromComs? See our window demonstration all next week of "ZONA," the guaranteed 3-minute corn re move! no failure, no soreness; it does the work or we do it for yon. Over 20,000 bottles sold at our store. WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. 3 B teams r Jess BarUns for Cainaa, wasnougai ana way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. 1 ff W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. - - ..a .... Join the merry crowd at Crest Rink. - Attention!!! " : After using coal that's he&tless. ash less as well as. bootless, try "Welling ton;" It's faultless. EDLEPEN FUEL CO., MINB3 AGENTS Samples at Meier & Frank's." - Phone Eaat 801 or C-2303 for some hardwood Or fir at $4.50 to 16.80 and Anthracite, range size, $10. DO IT NOW. An Important Decision On. the question of food and where to dine. The only-' answer Te Oregon Grill. Why? . Because everything la there to satisfy both the fastidious and tbe connoisseur, and to xrfake It more pleasant our celebrated orchestra and singers, under tha personal direction of Pletro Mareno. ; -. Afternoon roller akating popular at Oaks Rink. - - "i " jr Mme. Eames has 4 pure, fresh voice, flexible and expressive, re markably good Intonation, art- at tractive personality, and an un bounded enthusiasm for her work these were the qualities which con tributed to her rapid advancement DIRECTION STEERS-C0MAN Emillo de Gogwrna Is one of the best known baritones In America. -His well trained voice and artistic interpretations are quite familiar to- concert goers and he sings a re markable variety of music with ad mirable skill and unimpeachable good taste. These two great artists sing exclusively for the Vietor, making lasting records of their wonderful voices in great arias and duets from famous operas. You are cordially invited to visit our Victor Department .and listen to the records made by these artists. The world-famous Orange Grove Ave nue, Pasadena, CaL, two miles long, is being laid with Bitu lithic, selected by unanimous vote of abutting taxpayers after consideration of all kinds of pavement. At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "HORLICK'S" Tht Original and Genuine MALTED MILK Tba Food-drink for AH Ages. At restaurants, hotelv anrl Cmmtama. ' Delicious, inviaofahno- anrl Keep it on your sideboard! at home. 4 Don't travel without k. '. 1 ' A Oniclc laiic& nrrnarrrl In mnmii ' Take 00 imitation. Jost ay "HORUOTS." Not In Any RWk Trust Pure Beautiful Jade Jewelry ' Gold Bracelets and Sig jr net Rings- of all de- STORE OPEN TONTGHT SIXTH AT-MORRISONr lay & Co scrlptlons made- to or der. American names engraved witlu th three cardinal CTilnese characters, vl Glory, Prosperity and Long evity. Charges rea sonable and orders) of ' any design promptly executed and sent 1 prepaid to any part of the TJ. 8. The 1 Skilled Chinese Jewelers. FOOX 4U.BO 1 ft BOB", Jay Tu Chong MgT, 846 Pin at. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Conartraeta Aaphalt and w4ir Bttwm. Inoua pavmnta. ' (Ua 401 Eleetri B'dg- Portland. Or. Oakar Hub. Unag44 v - HOTEL 8TETOBT ShH FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day op American Plan $3.00 a day op Nw steel aad brick atniatuia. Evwry anaara eoavalac. MadaraM rat. Cntr af thsatr aael retail diatriat. Oa aar Una traaafarrina all vr citr- El trie Baibaa aaaata traiaa aad at amata. Piano Studio LOUIS H. BOLL. : Teacher of piano. Rooms 800-1-3 Tilford Bid?.; Tenth & Morrison. ortland Printmi House Co. Book. Catalog- aad Conun4tolal , FrIntIrio ftook BtBdisa aad Blaak Boek Brakte( 3SS Tiylor St: Phones: A228I.M 20! PARKEITS HAIR BALSAM CT ' n4 amtir. i aata F'ii. iim a human rrawta. 2r rail to fetor Orwy Ku tA lu Tsnthul IVilrt.. Foa t cr -5c Kl I co cr High Grada Commercial and X3ectr1t Baat Tta aad rs nr r . rkaaM Baa lilli 1 a. Dry slabwood. AJblna Fuel Co. Journal V: r - .... .i. WELCOMF Cain v atr