The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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vol. x no. m.
vbicc two crura ;;.;:!v..'".::t:
Rebellion in China Affects Three Provinces .. Taft Talks on Dollar Diplomac'
Boy Tramps Accuse Hobo of Ardenwald Murders .. Chamberlain Sees Victor)'
, i "I h I II xi - ii
I t l f m v m
HAHKni1 RIIR I sura
CORPSf 111
mm f " 9
I . . . . I
Dispatches Front" American united Slates senator Cnam- President Says Us Only Bad
Ambassador Say City Is In feertaln States Time Is Ri.nt Kama Given Excellent Rem-
Flames and That 15.000 tor Great Party Victory cdy for Revolution by Muck
Federals Have Deserted, Tall. is Hurting Self, says, raking Journals,
Revolutionists Show Determi
nation to Rebuild Empire
. Into Modern Republic
Woodrow Wilson Hailed as Savs Basis of Trouble Usu.i!h
i - t
Probaole Nominee; Avers Ues In Customs Houses; U.
He Win Win. S. Supervision Sokrtion.
Estimates Now Arc That Ma
jority for Amendment Wi3
Run From. 2300 to 2500,
Perhaps More,
fTs. rmm UmU tWI I PnrIW national , e4 I ft rmi IjhiI WWt
Vskira, 1 U. wwry VO iui-la tM Mat rHdiUI lrla I SMraaiMil, tL. 0t. llA 1rM
luiiw U iii VrKiaf.
Ma aaa fUwa M
niul Um araiy ar. un )u4
t rakaia. owai ! arttA
" )(tnio. Oet. II. Tk d4rmlMtta
t lh, rb4 tvrem la rebuild (M Cbt
mlr lnl rvpublla took
rrt form tftdar la lh alactioa af Lai
Tuaa llaar. oia4 raearal. a praatoaat.
Ll la a fooaar rotamaadar la I ha lm
prlal arm, wboaa dawrtloa ta Ilia
rank af lta rabtl movatnaat todar !
r,fardd a a Mtara alow t tha
artimnt forec. t
Ta),a af maiaara. tneandtarlam,
flrra flfhUng and barolo da rx ion to
duly oa I ha part ct forata-a ChrUUaa
tniaatonartaa ara pouring la from all
parca of I ha (our provlncaa llupao.
iluaans Kianalvu arxl Baa Chuan.
Id Nanking, capital of JCUngbu. ftara
f'rhllng. of which tha .raault la yat
unknowi, la In prograaa balwara tba
rb,la and govartimant fore a. Tha etty
ta la a panic, with man. woman anl
children, fnratgn and ntla, flying
hlj.Mily frnm p!r 10 rlaca In arrcO
.f ititiy. -Tff roortaUly. la aald 10
- vr. eun xat van. ma noiao raroioiion
lat, wha waa ax Mod for advocating ra-
publloanUm, la dlra;tlng tha upruing.
Ha waa a rnambar of tha Chlnaaa r,ro
lutlonarr party which rlattad tba L'nltad
statra in 1110. and naa aaan lor
numbar of yaara foramoat In tba ranka
f tha recalcitrant forces in tba aropira
of tha dragon.
Sun To, a brother of tha doctor, ha a
Bean a lac led praaidant or tna pronneiai
aaambly at Ilupeh. , Both man ara
highly duoated.
Maaaaeraa ara reported everywhere.
and the entire countryelde la ablase with
Incendiary flrea, the frengled rebala put
ting the torch to ail publio bulldlnga in
their path.
AH mJealonarlea In Wo Chang hare
fled except Mill K VC Kemp af the
EDiBaorrrr gbciety. who ehowa heraelf
abaolutely faarleaa In her perlloua aor-
roundlnga. The alatera or tha catnoiio
mlaalon alao heroically refuaa to daaert
their poata. Their Influence for order
vimoni ma srigiiauu duduvuiwupi
Nrho oannot leave he city la keenly felt
' Imperial troopa are reported to be an
route to Hankow from Shanghai, and
the newa la caualng grat alarm, aa tha
people fear greater bloodahed If they
engage the rebela in thle vlolnlty. . . .
laat algbL The aanaler la a anarabr
ef tha eaagrveelaael coaaaataalan that.
eoavenleg la Caloaga October la. will
laveeilgeta from thai lima aaUl tae
epeolrig af eeagreea alt feateree aoao.
ran loan treatlaa now btfore the oea
la. waa Baade bare tooay by fYaaideal
Tbo praaldeat lauded the two treallea,
blch gaaraatee the eolloruoa of the
ruiad wilt the prop need ewipleref-e I ""iei duilea af tba Sot,tA American
liability aod werklag maa'a roupwav I rapubUca. ta aatlafy loana to be node
tloa law.
Tbo fWeaoereta of the nation bare
earned, have won and will bold tha
eoafldearo of tba people,' eWlared Sen
aior coamberiala. 'la tha Democrata
and the Inetirgenu of oongreaa ilea the
oiy ap for revtaloa of tba tariff
downward, for redoetlon of tha exorbl-
lan coat of Urine and for paaaago of
tna lawn that tba people demand.
Looking oar tha field of ooaalble
petBocretlo eaadldatea for tba preal-
by Amertoaa bank ere under tbo treallea.
aa a mmi of preserving peace la Ceo
tral and Soutb America. Ha deeUrod
that with tba dabta of theae two ooan-
Ulea funded, and tbo eolleclloa of tba
euetorae la tbo handa of
tended by tba United Statee- working
under tha protection of thle eooniry.
revelation would oeaeo. He urged that
the lfonduraa and Klcaraguaa re vol o
tlona have the ouatorna boueeo aa their
abjective point and that with theeo a.
drnry. Senator Chamberlain, while paylder American protection there would be
lag bia reaporta to other national lead-
ere., unbeauatlngly affirmed Ma belief
that Oovernor Woodrow Wllaon of New
Jereey will not only reeetve the Demo
cratic nomination but will bo th next
preeldent af tba United Statee..
In the eama breath he predicted and
pledged hla aupport to the election of
Democrat aa eueceeaor to Senator
Beuroe in Orrrn
' rralae Seotoeralla Aooord.
Senator Cbamberlalb declared Ma be
lief thaJ Prealdant Taft la
a landing before tbo people.
time Senator Chamberlain bel
will be the nominee of tha Republican
party. ' .
he Pemocratle cbngreaamen made
a aplendld record In the support of
meeauree that vitally effect tha pub
lic,- aaid senator Chamberlain.
The Oemncrata In congreaa aialated
tha preaidrnt'tn aeouiing tha paaaag
of tho roclproclty meaauro and, this
a atep In tha right direction. They
aupported measures relieving tha people
from the exorbitant protective tariff.
Theeo bills were not down to tariff for
revenue only, which la tha Ideal, but
were protective In nature, although they
(Continued on Page Twenty.)
Rerolntlon In Full Swing.
i ' . ' VrmmM LaaMMl XVtre.l
r Toklo. Oct II. Simmering .r for
months, the Chinese rebellion agalnat
the Manchu dynaaty that ta today in
full awing, has. long been expected by
Japanese merchanta and men of affairs
who were In a position to keep la touch
wltn the situation.
! Merchantr in the far Inland city of
Chens Tu warned their connections in
the coast ' city of Chin Kiang monina
sgo . to cease . shipping goods to . them
exceDt foodstuffs In small lots.
- Fear Is felt here for the safety of
Japanese residents In. Cheng- Tu, as It
Is though at least two months wlll be
required to send ' troops - there. Some
idea of China's vaatneas can be hal
from comparing 'the . far inland pro
vince ' of Sn Cbuen, of which Cheng
Tu la tho capital, with ' Japan. . The
population of the province' la greater
than the entire population of Japan. In
spite of thia tha transportation: factli
ties are so poor that 4t will require two
months for the government to adequae
ly protect tho province with soldiers
from the -capital. - 1
Foreign gunboats have been sent up j
the Yangue Kiang, half -way 'to
Cheng Tu, and all the army of the
province of Hupeh has been ordered Into
Sse Chuen, but the , distanoes - are so
great that the security of the foreigners
can only tie conjectured. ; ,
Marines Patrol t)anger Zona.
rtlnlted Preu Lvased Wire '
' Toklo, ; Oct. 13. Cables received hero
say : American and European marines
patroling the danger zone at Han
ow, China, today, after making a land
ing last night.
Itts reported that all of the mis
sionaries at Wu Chang arrived at Han
kow this" morning. The foreign forces
have placed' themselves under tha com
mand of Admiral v Kawashima, - com
manding , the Japanese : third squadron,
in order to cooperate with each other
to the beat advantage for tha protec
tion of the foreign residents.
: Even the Manchu soldiers, who bare
not yet deserted, are said to be In a
state of mutiny, which is furthering
the cause of the revolutionists. Head
quartera for tho Insurrection are at
the capital Itself, where the rebels have
aalsed the banks and local treasuries
and are now, Issuing their own paper
money. ' . . . : : '
Nanking, in the province of Anhui, Is
reported -captured and the whole bf
no Incentive to revolution.
Tha loans to bo made by tba American
firms of J. P. Morgan A Co.. Kuhn.
Loeb A Co. the First National bank and
tba City National bank of New York,
are to be used to liquidate the debts ef
lionduraa and Nicaragua, and their pay
ment Is to be guaranteed out of the cus
toms receipts. .,;,.. . - . s,-w.
Ot)eeUaa U Sesato.
Tbero Is a vary decided objection la
tha senate to the sprroral of theae
Ident .The gen-
be that we ought
not to involve ourselves In- entangling
alliances with republics 1 la this hem
isphere or to engage In what seems a
mare banking arrangement for the pro
motion of a banking contract It la ob
jected that this Is 'dollar diplomacy and
a. ri- 1 treaties.- said the preel
llevi Taft ??JXL J
(Continued on Page Twenty.)
Fixing of Margin at This Time
.Generally Considered Mat
ter of Guesswork.
rrencisee. Oct il-Cavrectfeas
aa4 revised roturao front far wltytag
iletrtets of the auto today egeJa al
tered the figure ef tbo suffrage 'seta,
bleb now la variously estimated as ta
majority for the -for" ever lbs
"against- by from lies to net, Tbere
Is doubt that suffrage bag won. but
all attempts at steel figures ara mare
from a half seer ef places bora to-
flay where tabulations are belsg kept of
lb returns rams varylag estimate.
Many of th precinct ta the mountain
districts bat not reported, many of
thorn bav been reported twle and er-
ronooualy. s that It le really Impose
bl for the jubllaat suffragists t know
last where they aland.
That California, women will rote. bow.
ever. Is nst denied, and there Is strong
probability that when tbs last rot Is
oorreotly counted. "tbe cause- will be
shown wltb a nvajorittvof at lee at le.
. Exrnpt Frota Poll Tax,
ICalted Prase tseeed, Wlre.1 i
San rranolsoo, Oct II. The aewly
enfranchised women of California are
apt subject to the poll-tax, according to
aa opinion here today by A as la last AS
tornsy General C B. Power, and con-
urrd In by T7. 71. Cobb of th attor
ney generars office. The low, they
a ay, . reads -Every male between the
ages of II and 0" must pay the poll
tax, and this cnuat be amended to reed
"mal and fema."e " 'Consequently the
women will snjoy th privileges of ths
ballot without paying a poll tax until
ths law can b amended by th legisla
ture. ,r' .
Manapen of Unes In Portland
Show Deleoation of Neve
paper Men Actual Status as
Result of Strike.
... --.f - -
Company Laying In Supplies
and Housinrj Stnkebrcak
en In Stockade.
With Reconvening of Court Boys AHeco Richard Hclmfcerg
This Morning Attorneys Be- Arrested at Tho Danes, Is
gin Quibbling Over Points of Murritttf of Hill Family at
uw Covering Jurymen. Ardenwald Last June
T shew lb aofsal working eeadl-
lloea Ibal eilet today la tba sbops of
tba llemaii Usee la Porllaad Asaiataat
Oooeral afaaags Iiurkler aa4 Orskaas
toefc a asaaber ef .-. reem tbresga
Ike Alblna ekete Of Ik tX'W. K. N.
aed ibe aoutbera PsMfM abopa at Freek
lya thle anoratog.
Judg lag by tb number af anaeblao
ta oparatiaa la tk a hope. Ibe work
eg dose la tbo round bouse a ad car
repair abopa. lh railroad eompeny-
atateeneal that about one-balf th or
aaai forra la at work I correct.
According t th etatene( af tba
company ansa of the crafta affarlod
by th atrtk are at work la th Albino
abop today. The normal working fore
t lb Albina ahop la ld to be 111.
In lb Jtouibera Paclfle ehoc-a III
ar at work, the normal being 1(1.
Not only were cnen at work In tbo
roundhouse In both shops, snaking what
Is known as "running repairs" the nee.
eaary and burry-cp work that must ba
don oa locomotives that ar la constant
use, but. fair aliM crews were busy la
the general repair Nhopa. overhauling
old locomotives, 1Mng erecting work
end perforates other duties that could
well await eofne futur litre If th
railroads were oreesotf IB "an effort t
keep their rrgalar rolling atock In work
Ing condition.
it Is not contended by lb railroad
company that many of the striking
era named nave returned to work. Tbo
employee now In th ahop ar either
men wno aid not go out when th strike
wss called or aa Is evidently mora gen
erally the case men who bar been
brought la to uke the place of those oa
As fast as locomotives are brought
Lawyers Would Show He Con.JOfficcrs Believe Boys May Be
Telling Truth; Holmberg
Says He Has AlibL
siders Union Leaders to
Be "Lawless Men."
relrtt ther beard fb dying
evreeaa f lira, WUlUaa 1L Mill. who.
wltb bar buebead sad two children was
fieadiebly elaia at Arooaweld last Jus.
aad walled as 10 tbo blood stained aner
derer emerged front tbs bouse to eon
Its their Jauroer with him. tba two
Jdg Waller WordweU r rearmed aougX I boy aeuser af Richard llolmborg ia-
ICMto fVMa tiini rw l
La Aag.iea, cal. Oet II .Trtday
lb Ilia" aeoesed I gri , lh aerre
f a a caber af tb astara ta U fameua
McKeaaam trial today, wltb Lb result I
that attorneys for tb defetvs 4 pre-I
lasbed as soon as Sspertof
(Continued on Page Eleven.)
Constantinople Dispatches De
clare Invasion Into Interior
. Stopped by Turks.
(United Press teaeed Wlre.t
London, Oct II. Constantinople dis
patches received hero today ' say : that
tha Italian advance Into the Interior
of Tripoli has been checked - and that
the v . Italians . have autltained heavy
losses, nils reported khat lSOO It
alians have been killed and wounded.
D. Mannausaw. Goes to Tent
of Fred Eveland to Demand
Rent; Latter's Five Shots
All Take Effect. ' 1
Kansas Congressman ; Tells
News From Stricken Region
London, OctT II. -It Is reported In
diplomatic circles - here today that
high official of the foreign office de
clares that peace between Turkey and
Italy will bo declared within two weeks.
Constantinople, Oct. It. Whether it
will bo continued war with Italy or
a surrender probably will be decided to
morrow; when thai Turkish parliament
meets hera :;.':. iwwt'tjjri. .
Tha Toung Turks' party, whoso motto
Is '"No surrender," claims to haywm ma
jority.. Caucuses are in progress to
day. , - ,
Tripoli, Oct II. Preparations are
under way. here, today by the Italian
forces for pushing their military occu
pation into th Interior. ; . They have
12,000 troopii v It u reported that th
Turks are entrenched near her with 10
pieces of artillery.
London,- Oct. 11. So determined ar
the Toong Turks to continue the war
with Italy until they are either an
nihllated or victorious. It is believed
here , today that - they will oven depose
tho sultan if necessary for the further
prosecution or ' their projrram. Dis
patches from Constantinople today aay
that the caucus now being' held prelim
inary to tho opening of parliament to
morrow has decided to expel all It
alians from - Turkey and . to confiscate
their property. J. 1
Tho London papers today take
gloomy rlew of the situation In ths
Levant Their correspondents In Turkey
say that the Ottoman empire Is crum
bling sway under -.the problem of com
bining Islam Ism with constitutionalism.
anl their h.M.v, 4 hat th tA -if n.a
middle China is in an uprising along will be restored with Prince Tuauof. tb
the Tangtse vallar. I heir apparent on the throne.
.' (Special to Th. JToaraal.)
- The Dalles, Or., Oct-11. Dav Man
nausaw was shot and Instantly killed
at about 7 o'clock , this morning by
Fred Eveland. 's ji'i?: !: .:
c The trouble was the resifft of a quar
rel over rent Mannausaw ' was renting
a tent to Eveland in which the latter
and his family lived, Mannausaw and
his family living in a tent nearby. Ther
was some misunderstanding 'over the
collection of the rent and this morn-
ing Mannausaw went to Eveland' a tent
and began abusing him. Kveiana seizea
a revolver and beganjihootlng, all five
of the shots fired taking effect In
Mannausaw' body, causing : Instant
doath. ; r'i.::;;.s::Uv'.vy:i';w
- Arthur Sanburn, a step-son of Man
nausaw, awakened by tho shooting, ran
out and took two shots at Eveland, but
both went wild.
After the killing Eveland went to
the city hall and surrendered to the
officers, while young Sanburn was
taken in charge by the sheriff.
Both Mannausaw " and Eveland are
carpenters and during the summer Man
nausaw has been contracting, whils
Eveland has been working for him. The
men have had some misunderstanding
about -their work amd bad blood has
existed between tbero for. more than a
month. . Eveland claims ', Mannausaw
was the aggressor In the trouble this
morning and that he acted in self-defense.
An Inquest Is being held - this
afternoon. - '
Both Mannausaw and Eveland came
here from Tacoraa last winter. . Man
nausaw was formerly on ' the police
fore of that city, but - was laid off
when the administration ther changed
a year ago. -. '
Why He Became Revolu- Givea Death List as 'Great
tionist; Flays BicnJusinessi and Property Loss as Enor-
and Standpatism In Speech
Big business was swatted between the
yea, standpatism was jolted In tho ribs
and some of the high government of
ficials were Jabbed last night by Victor
Murdock, , the , Insurgent , congressman
from Kansas, in a lecture on "Insurgen
cy" delivered at th Central Christian
church, .. .,...,.,',.,;.,..:..' .
It la not for eloquence that Congress
man Murdock is noted, but his hearers
last night were given; a glimpse of his
fighting qualities as he told when snd
why .he Became an insurgent, ' and
breathed defiance against the old order
(Continued on Page Nineteen.)
,:. Japan Mar Take Hand -
(United Preea Leawd Wtre.1
Toklo, Oct II. Report received
from Peking today ara of such a grave
nature that th Japanese government
at once dispatched for China the third
division of the naval, squadron ' from
Sasebo. . ' '- -. ' -
The . revolution Is spreading rapidly.
Its advance is- irresistible. . .
Protection to all foreigners Is. guar
anteed by the Han government '
One of the leaders : of. the Insurrec
tion, Sunlshlen, is now In Shanghai- di
recting the war. . . .
(United Press Leased Wire.) :
-Erie, Pa., Oct II. Reports and de
nials of ths death of Owen .Wister, nov
elist ar mado throughout the United
State : today- but everjr-s fresh - report
only adds to the mystery of the sit
uation. 'It now appears that there were
two Owen Wlster'a, one a cousin of the
author, and that th cousin was th on
who died. ' VVi .:' : :'' '
Mrs. Owen .Wis tar, wlf of the novel
ist, wired tba officers, of the Federated
Women's clubs in convention here today
that she could not attend - the conven
tion owing to th death of her father.
Tb actio) f lb court I sormlKlsa
lb lawyer ta sneks loalrv tat tb
atal f mind f preepeetlv rr
far a II affects either labor a aloes or
ssaaufaetnag sasoelatloa bas earagod
the dletrtct aitomey. wba Inalatad ageia
today that It ope a tb door to later
aitable quibbling. Tb result was aa-
other cleab wheat the dafeae oitiaed
ft Interrogation of Z. T. Keleon, the
Initial realreanaa. whe a Wdaeady In-
dloated by oertala of bla answer that
be Is oppooad to certs is phases of aaloa-
bTalaaaj Zs SiamtaeA.
Loootnpt Davla. for th dafena. to
day began aiatniBlng Keleon regarding
bla ooasectlon with tb Long Beacb
Chamber of Commerce. It we plain
from Devle' questioning that he boped
to connect Nlsoa with participation la
a meeting of that body at which rseolu-
ttoaa favoring tba opa abop'
adopted and also wbleb Indirectly con
nected the McXameras wltb th ax-
plosion which Is alleged ta bar ds-
stroyd tbs. Times.
Tbo announcement that th grand
Jury which bss boon held la session for
nearly a year and which bss been bit
terly characterised by the attorney for
in aexanae as an -adjunct to tbs pros
ecution, was to finally adjourn today,
caused great surprise. This body still
holds Attorney Harrington of th da
fena force la conatruetlv contempt
becau he failed to tell It what b did
on his now famous trip to Ban Francis
fnrr Bon nilad.
H. O. Quackanbuab was drawn to fill
th vacant plac la th jury box, and
Attorney Davla then continued bis x
smlnatlon of Nelson.
day laid a stary that ffier tavestl-
gatlag the oa ellv wilt solve what
before eeeiaed aaolvabla.
llutmt.rg. arrosiad at The DsJIea by
Offloer James Anderson yaateruay, waa
brought t portuad st l U this morn
lag. With hlcn wer . brought Harry
Howard. IT. and Jimmy Haoklna. It,
I he two youthful hobo wba tell th
lory of horror, who ar held wit-
(Continued on Page Eighteen.)
mous; Suffering Intense.
i Cheyehno, Wyo, ' Oct II. Reports
of the death of Owen Wister, the nov
elist, are oouotea nere. At last ao-J
counts Wister was buntlngrin the Jack
son Hole country near the Idaho line.
Efforts are being made to get confirma
tion of his death from fit Anthony,
Idaho, th nearest telagrapblo point to
Jackson's Hoi. - - ""
Mohundro R-Named Examiner.
' " - (gperlei s The Joars.l i
Olympla. Wash Oct 11. J..L.: Mo
hundro has been reapDointed atata hank
,li sxamisar by Governor Hay. "
(Onlted Pnea Leased Wire.)
Nogalea, Arls., Oct 11. Belated ad
vices slowly filtering ' through wrecked
means of communication today Indicate.
that the death list - by ths greatest
storm that ever swept th west coast
of Mexico, a brief account of which
was carried by the United Press a week
ago,- and the tidal wave which followed,
will be -large, . while the - property loss
Is enormous.
Not a telegraph wire or telephone
line stands in the stricken district The
only word coming. out is that brought
by refugees , who report trails washed
away, houses demolished with the death
of occupants and a condition of chaos
Tracks Washed Away.
Twenty miles of tho Southern Paclfle
tracks were .completely9 washed away
and tho two new steel bridges recently
completed south of - Hermosillo were
swept ' from ; their anchoragea and lie,
twisted masses of metal, at the bot
tom of the stream,. k
At Em Palme, most of the town is
unaer water ana ine innaDitanta are
suffering from lack of food, All ths
business "section of Guaymas, lying in
th lowlands, was Inundated and al
though tho water is slowly receding
everything is spolled.":-.---.Kf-------:-
It is feared that disease will follow,
as no effort bas yet been mado by the
authorities to clear away tho debris,
dead animals, etc., which : choke the
streets, and wrecked buildings, x v .
. , . coasting Tassels Oo Abor. '-
Hermosillo and Ortls suffered' great
ly snd the damage there was very
heavy. Half a dozen' coasting vessels,
many small craft and a Mexican gun-
ooai, are aanore ai various points on
the coast - Non of them can b float
ed -without expensive wrecking opera
tions. ; - - .
A conservative estimate of the dam
age to the West Coast railroad Is a
million and a half dollars. The total
loss will be much greater and It will be
days before tho ' complete total of the
losses will be known. -----.
The tidal wave that ' followed the
storm . wss terrifying to the extreme.
A mountainous torrent of water v swept
all along the coast Jlne. carrying every
thing befor It Steel atructnrea co4
lapaed with its weight aa though they
wer bouses of cards. , ,
Wail Street Journeys Disclose
: No Man With $600,000
for Rescue at Irondale.
(United Press teased W're.1
, New Tork, Oct It. That' the develop
ment of valuable properties on the Pa
cific coast, Is being blocked by the steel
trust is the-statement her today of
James A. Moore, millionaire promoter' of
Seattle, Moore ana his associates-are
endeavoring to borrow $600,000 in Wall
street, offering as security ' Pacific
coast ore lands and coal fields which ex
perts say are worth many millions, but
they ar turned down wherever they go.
Moor says trtiav is because ttio u. K.
Steel corporation has tightened Its grip
upon the money bags of the street for
th purpdse of stifling in Its Infancy a
dangerous competitor and eventually
swallowing up the.- plant and Its , rich
Seattle, Wash., Oct 11. Th Western
Steel company, operated by James A.
Moots, the Seattle capitalist. Was, thrown
into bankruptcy yesterday on the petl
tlon of the Metropolitan Trust company,
which holds a claim against it for ap
proximately H0O.O00.. According to M.
M. Lyter, attorney for the Western Steel
company whlph operates the plant at
Irondale, It has assets Of 137,000,000 In
various Iron, coal and timber claima In
Washington Nevada, British Columbia
and California and h expresses surprise
at the action of the Metropolitan com
pany. Moore is in New Tors at pres
ent ' Frederick Baustnon, for the trust
company, estimates-the assets at be
tween 1200,000 and 1800.000.,
' . tCsited Preea Leased Wlre.t
San Francisco; Oct 11. Miss Gail
Laughlln, the Denver lawyer who has
been here- working for the suffrage
cause in California during the last two
months, received today a telegram from
Governor ghafroth of Colored,-) which
inform herthat rhe has peen e ; : i t I
a 'membffl of the Kjnr.i cf par-!..!,;, This
Is tho (Irst time t'--t a v . -
in this country, !.-: ; r i
lloimberg. rather abort of atatur.
wearing a blu rg ot Striped shirt
badly soiled browa ovaralla and a slouch
bat bis face bearing marks of th de
pravity b admits be baa practiced and
covered wltb a etubby growth of err.
eral day a. did not present a prepoeae.
alng appearance. II at.pped from the
train In handcuffs, which ware not re.
moved until be was placed Is Jail.
TO Test tnaiaaaeats. -
Tbs u prams- teat ef th darii.'i!.'
taUment msds by the boys will come
this sfternoon, when they will bo given
aa opportunity I verify the affldavlte
they bav mad by leading the officers
nd a chosen party over th rout they
say they followed when they went wltb
Holmberg to tb scene of the murder,
expecting to profit by robberle they
bad lacked aerv to oommlt In Portland.
Th boy say they can point out
where they bid la tb brush near th
Hill bom at Ardenwald In the late af
ternoon.of Jun I and tb following
night up ta tb time they started out
1th Holmberg, supposedly to rob . a
farmhouse. They aay they ean. point
out where they built a fire after dark
to cook supper, and wber they waited
at th rear of tb uumbl horn whli
th lives of four persona wars being
beaten out wltb an ax and th victim
outraged. , . ,
On the other band, tb test will b
applied to tb story told by Holmberg.
who denies hs was eaver at Ardnwsld,
says bs never met Harry Howard un
til flv days sgo, met Jimmy . Haw
kins at Kennewlck. Wash., about two
months sgo, and during th month of
Jun was employed either at Spragu-.
Wash., or Houser Junction, Idaho.
It will be comparatively easy to trace
out these statements. If Holmberg is .
telling the truth, bis alibi in complete.
Ths boys say "ha la lying Ilk a dog."
Jimmy aya all three of them passed
through Kennewlck about th tlm stated
by Holmberg. Both boys ssy they met
Holmberg the first tlm about May 27
at th Everett hotel In Portland, while -.
they were "bumming around" together. .
If Holmberg story proves untrue
and tho Uoys follow . up the detailed
story they bav told by pointing out
th road they took, and th place they
stopped, th officers believe they- have a
oertaln case against the suspect',,
.'V-Wot Certain of atV-'',;' f
Th boys ar somewhst hasy in their
statements as to the dates they came to
Portland and as to when they met each
other, but they have been so long "on
the road." and date meant so little to .
them that thia Is not considered very
material. Their story also falls to tell
of the ax used to commit the murder,
which was stolen from the house of a
neighbor' of the Hill family, about one
fourth mile ' awsy., ; vy ; .
It is Dosslble. say ths bovs. that
Holmberg . went- out and stole the ax
while they were getting supper, as h
was absent for- five minutes or ion t-
er, and they think he visited some other
house in the ' neighborhood while he -
was prospecting the ground. But thry
saw no ax.
; Kay Have Rod Ax. ti
When 'Holmberg went to the houso. '
they say; he carried a bundle,- but it
was not long enough to contain an
ax., One theory Is that be could have
concealed the ax under his , Coat an
other that when he stole th ax he
secreted it near the Hill homo and toolc
It from the , secret place after sending
tho'boys to the rear of the -house to
wait. for him. "
Evidence at, the scene of; th ertme
Indicated that the murderer spent soma
tlm In the bouae. Ths story of - t'i
boys agrees with this theory. They hai
no mean of telling time, but believe
they Waited half or three quartrra of
an hour for. him. The boys say thev
believe the crime ! was committed be
tween 1 and 4 o'clock In the mrr in ,
which also sgrees with : the theories
heretofore worked out.
When Holmberg came from
house, say the boy s, his clot ring
spattered with bloo.i and his f-nn :
wer rd with it. ua tui-i i-.n i
had a fight' Inside, t! -' '!. t
them tljey better t t a'
They itruck out Mor1 f
river, not knil"s; J ' " - i
were- golcg. trav i t f "
right mil tf-s i '
men, f r- ' -
H '" -