The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1911, Page 24, Image 24

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    THE OBECO.'.' DAILY jOL'l 'A!.. ! OUTLANO. THl'i -DAY i: Vt'Sl HQ. CCTOUEIi IS. Mil.
iLv Duttcrlck PattcrnStDcIincators and Frco Fashion Sheets
Ilov Hero-WintcrDuttcrickFashIonDookf25c;FrcoPattcrn
Fourth Floor She'll Teach You How to r.lako Cream Puffs
MCTrnr ars (ArHr --
- -
Events Continued Tomorrow-
Safe of Men' 520 and 525 civ Fall Suits for $15
Huge Basement Sale English Porcelain Dlnnervtare
Sale Linen Cloths, Damask, Spreads and Toweling
t v
1 32m
... n
fTSi?" :Cvr :
c j?- n nr. . rxi AiJ
For tin Cmt ' II32J Friday SuipriM Stl
$1.50-$2.00 Waists, 88c
oun st via
LACK and white Uwn and Batiste Waists In i
half dozen pretty models, three pictured above.
Tailored with plain cuffs and collars, others with
stiff Duster Drown collars. Also with smart side
frilL H!h neck, long sleeves also (f fft
kimono sleeves. Waists worth $1.50 X )XC FS
and $2.00, in the H32d Friday Sur- OOL
i - - f . t . t . k it.. ? -1 mmr- ir
priic oiic, lumorruw ai mc price 01
0 m
For the Great 1132J Friday Surprise Sale
Q-.SI.50 to $2 House
Dresses, Friday 98c
nuvr. soosn noei
Girls' $14.00
Peter Thompson
Dresses at 09.45
Garment' Surprise
Women's New $25
Fall Suits, $15.95
IDEAL Dresses for the school gH
Regulation; peter Thompson
style, made of all wool blue or
Hack serge in two-piece style. Full
pleated skirts, laced at back; braid
trimmed collars and cuffs; chev
rons on arms and stars on collars.
Ages 13 40 18. Splendid $
Dresses for the 1132dTriday Sur
prise ,
THE House Dresses we always sell
hundreds of every time they're ad
vertised! :
i jj Made up with square or "V" Neck,
W- trimmed with contrasting or self border,
" lnn a. 1 rt..... n-.ll.. .1 1- - -i
wir ui 74 reeves, ricny cnccjts, 5inpcs
and firures in li?ht or medium colors-
House dresses you can't buy regularly for J
less man or
$2.00, in the H32d
Great Surprise Sale,
be sold at only, each
riJ Af
7 mm
ITS really phenomenal to find
this istonlshinjc savlnr on smart
new tailored Fall Suits, rif ht at the
a i t
1 1 r:i seison s rejpnninjr.1 .
; iij Storm Serges, Cheviots, Tweeds
f 1 1' and Mannish mixtures, strictly
J tailored with plain notched collar.
umers nave rouna conars ana
large revers of velvet, satin and
plain broadcloth. Splendid tailor
ing and lining. You'll find them
measure up to the $2S standard In
every .way. For the H32d Friday
For tho Crtat U2Z1 Fruity Surprise Sale
To $7.50 Hats, at $3.?5
mum m ruilUOIs TL&Cm c:
CUCH pretty, becoming Trimmed
Hats as have
been selling right through the season for $70
food idfl cf
ci el vt!ft.
inrv frithtri
anq wing, spjendid Mtt I of
treet wir. For tomorrow in the v 1 3'
FriJif Surprise Sale, we AS A
choice at only XJ
' The three rictured atore wil pite j-oa a c
their ttrle. Medium and broad trimmed hare
trimmed with fetching aatin and elnt bows. In
oiler you
your, choice at only
ry Sale
n i cuy rcguiany ror,
For the' Great 1132d
Friday Surprise
53 Rose GityBolIs $1.39
The Great Underwear and Hosie
All Prices in Force Nov Items for Tomorrow!
Entire Main Aiale from 5th to 6th Street. Order by MaiL ,
NO let-up tomorrow to this monster Underwear, and Hosiery Sale for men, women, chil
dren, which has brought crowds to the Dig Store all this weekl Remember, every item
in Underwear and Hosiery Is reduced. - - . ' , : . ' . .
Extri specials, for Friday Surprise, in addition to tne nunarcas or nems aijcaay quoica.
For the Great, 1132d Friday Surpriae
S4 Cut Glass Bowls
Tomorrow at $2.69
WE'VE exacUy 132 pieces of
these rich, sparkling Ameri
can Cut Glass Dowls for the H32d
Friday Surprise at $2,691
Full 8-Inch size, as illustrated,
with deep,, brilliant cutting In the
Hob star
S cut Glaaa. Fern D;sies As lllus-f
trated: S-inch'slze,' In footed pattern?
with silver-plated inner dish.po fn
Cut Class Nsppies As lllus- )
trated; bandied in assorted Jf AO i.
pattems. tor. rnday onIypX!lO
LESS., than half what we would
Dressed Dolls, if our buyer had -not
secured them direct from the little
German, factory on his last European
tripv- .. -.
I The. Rose . City doll,, as pictured,
made; of papier-mache, standing i 9
Inches high, fully jointed, with fine
bisque head, sewed wig and eyes that
go . to sleep. . Try to duplicate them
anywnere in tne country at $3.
rut mc orcai 1 1 ja rriaay our-
prise oaie ; we orrer tnem
VVdmeh's 50c Vests
and Pants at 34c
A crowd-bringing special
Friday on women's splendid
ribbed cotton Vests and Pants
of excellent 50c quality. . Me
dium weight in all A
sizes white only, V if.
Special Friday, ea.
Children'a 25c Underwaists
of ribbed cotton, with taped-on
buttons. Same style- as the
Nazareth. All sizes. f
Special for Friday at.,. . 10C
Children's 35c Underwear :
Vests and Pants in white, gray,
and cream. Al sizes. Ot
Special for Friday only ilC
An. extra special from this Ho
siery event just for ' nday's sur
prise. Two thousand pairs of wom
en's fine imported lisle ; Hose in
black and coWs. . Plain and silk
lisle, lace and embroid-. iT
ered boot. Regular COc JJQC
and 65c grades, per pair
Chiidren't 25c Hose,M0c
Basem't Bargain Square
.' A hie cleanup for. Friday on the
remainder of an immense purchase
of sample Hosiery,, from . Lord &
Taylor. Fine and heavy ribbed Hose
for boys and girls. AH colors and
a limited : numoer,. oi 1 , ti g
black. Re'gular-25c N ilC
grades special, at pair, J
1 '.U
Men's 51.50 Vool
Under7carf $1.19
Men's warm natural wool
and lambs' .wool Shirts and
Drawers in soft finish.-' Just
the weight for present and
winter wear. ' Reg-Tf , lV
ular $1.50 garment Jl I I Tar
in all sizes, each. . Y -
Men's' $2 Underwear Fine
quality mercerized Egyptian
cotton Shirts and Drawers in
blue, pink and lav-l?t OO
ender. Special pow O LOU
Men's $1.50 SHk Socks-Fin
est pufe cocoon silk, with heavy
double lisle soles, heels
and toes. . Colors only U t) C
For the Great, 1132J
Friday Surprise Sale
To $1 Sample Necliv7ear,4?c
in m
- IK
Remnant Siirpisejat One-
ANOTHER huge lot of remnants j gathered up for this 11 32d Friday Surpri
at half price. i "
rise .to sell
For the . Great U32d Friday Surpriae Sale-
Women's Felt Slippers, 98c
OUR first sale of the
, .season on these
warm, comfortable Felt
Slippers,' which will be
in . big demand from
now on until . the holl-
daysl. . .
Juliet Slippers" of
good ' . quality : felt,' in
two styles just as illustrated. , either plain or ., fur
trimmed. Low heels and soft, flexi
ble soles: All sizes ; 2000 pairs just for
the 1132d Great ; Friday ; Surprise
Sale, will ; be sold ' at only, the pair
v- . ,v.. '
'For'the'n'Gwat-liaZd'Trictoyt; Surprise Sale
$1.75 Outing Gowns, $1.29
piain or.viur
rsuuncajrzxsx ruoa
V2" Price
The great lots include practically everything 'in Wash Goods Ginghams, Madrases,
Prints, Wool Flannels, Flannelettes, terpentine crepes, wash
Silks, etc. Usable lengths of 2 to 10 yards. Remnants ; of 10c,
12c. 1 5c. 20c. 25c up to 50c fabrics. Friday? Surprise Sale at;
5000 Yards Ribbon Remnants 20c to 50c Grades 12c
Every imaginable color or fancy design in Ribbons that sell off the bolt from 20c to
3UC yard! wiains rrom xo o mencs -anu: iruin unc 10 iwo yarus. in iciigui. 'j,
For the Great Friday Surprise Sale placed i on the counter at the low price ;of,ytfvI LL
qpHOUSANDS of pieces of beautiful Fall Neckwear
to choose from in this extraordinary Friday Sur
prise sale at 47c! J y
Silk- and Satin Noveltie??.
bets. Also large assortment of Quny Rabats and
niijc Lace i .anp t a ire inH : c
.uic.piccn iuu5iraiea aoove. a manu
facturer's sample line of 75c. 8
$ 1.00. Neckwear, for the H32d Great
Friday , Surprise Sale at 1 onhr each
ia oiocks. see
The Grocery Surprise
Grizzly Bluff Butter at 62c
TWO thousand rolls- of the delicious' Grizzly
Bluff Butter received by express for the Friday
Surprise Sale. Made of pure Pasteurized Cjeam by the
most modern and, scientific process. ' 11 CO
Soecial for this sale 1 tomorrow at; & Vb
Butternut Butter' special sale tomorrow, .2 lbs. for 64
Royal Banquet Butter, special for tomorrow, 2 lbs. at 72
M. & F. Special Coffee, for this sale, 5 lbs $1.15 lb. 24e
Early Dawn Coffee, steel cut, for Friday's sale, pound.31V
Royal Banquet Coffee, Mocha and Java, the, pound, at 47$
Ruby Sardines, special for , Friday's sale at, the can 8 i
For the Great 1132d
Friday Surprise
$3.25 Fumed Oak Stools $1.69
n! rmAmra-vAVBTx nooi
' ' -A
T HE hundred we . haveMon hand will
purely not last the day out Friday
at this astonishing price ' '
: Famous ;Lifetirrle', Fumed Oak Stools, as
pictured on the left, "covered in red, bro'wn or
STeen genuine leather. Priced" in our rerular
stock at $3.25. , For : the y f
H32d Friday Surprise Sale I flM
they are offered at only. . V w.
Women's $3-$3.50
Long Kid Gloves 51.98
vans a numrs-iit itir.
A STIRRING Friday Surprise . Clean-up
on incomplete lines of Women's $3
anil $30 loner Kid Gloves. ....;
$30 longr
- Of fine glace kid in 16-button mousquetaire"
style.- Assorted colors and a few pairs in white.
All sizes in the lot to begin the
saie. Keguiar $j.uu and $3.
long Kid Gloves for . Friday
begin the fl Vt A A -SCallopf
A SPECIAL that's bound to bring, women 'by; the
JT2L rumdreds to this ? 1 1 32d ; Friday Sumrise ?alft ' f n.
morrow, r . v j , v - - . . n,
Women's snug' Outing, Flannel Gowns, as pictured
above, in plain white with fancy n . ,
pink or blue stripe; neatly I n iwi
braid trimmed. Regular $1.75 I)J Jl AYf OJ
gra'des," for Friday only at '
Women's -$3.50 to $5 Chemise of fine nainsook:
hand - madev and 'Madeira, hand-erflbroidered.' . Double
scalloped edge, yoke embroidered in eyelet JJ n r
designs j French sean back.' Friday , only ) . 0
l III. W, i pMM (
If Yoi Can't Coma in Person, Orcer ty Mail or by Telepnoae
For i the Great 1132d Friday Surpriae j Sale
$2.50 Garpet Sepers at $135
rAx' xmnuj nooa
prise on the famous National
Carpet Sweepers." . " -
, The "Perpetual," a popular model,
as mustratea. itroneiy maae ana
f u I l,y guaranteed. r
Regularly $2.50. J )
Special .for Friday
1 ey