I . . 4 v; ..-. '... I I I J iff. t . M . v . -4 . ' fc . ....... : .. 4 fifflHII GIVES it .e4 t t -at I el Vt hMt l NATICVS CHlZF IS CIVEJ4 WARM VLCCl!C t. i s 4- A r-. f I .. ... A ... .w .4' i .. t,, . . f r 1 . t 1 1 ...... . ., r. 1 ...ti.( . !$iov.rsscFjounY SALEM 8 HOURS, r . - : 4 a t - 1 GETSOV TAFIS MRVES; lovgs ret cAiiroRUA a yw'a 4 . a-- f . .. .. . . t . w. i. at 44. a ' ..-. 311,1.11) II ML t1Lay 4 tiwf lt. .4a. . 44 4 "-- 4rt 4. i f .4 1. 4 m.m4 a - j . . s "- tl4.-W a. M I AMtH-f, 44. U" It I ..a iwn f- I 4-. .-.A M t aa. 4tB r .M 1 t.. . .j m 1 . - a- Jl C I !l4 4 .U14 t. 4 " a i. i rt tj " . (M u,ti -4 r.?22.rtnfs Pjis at Creak fist .. .,1... ,4 a4 a .m -.- a . ti , 4 t. t I 4'tl a-.4 jrt,4 ".at C j . i.a i.k. I a-e ik.iiM t- mim a a 4 I 4 '. '- av. t .. w i.a Duff f:r ViVit . a km . . a .a ..... k. """ aai--.. r.aawe erne aaa-.a SICK PEOPLE m GET 4 CM. JV' late a a a-" ; .f ku.i, r I . . I W a dtut 4.aAa. 4, t aa. erMa I t-aak a il.4 4 a at . t 44 - a A EXPERT DIAGNOSIS eii. I TK2 0SEC3M DAILY jnt'I.'h'Al, 1 O.. H-ASH. THL'iiDAV ' s 1 1 I II II it 11 f 1 1 I I II f' - II I , j ! " w rw . V . t-V 4l - 4 4TJ4 ;.,. f jwa a . la Ifca tJI ai4U " 14. .a I 4 4 1' J.- 4i- ' 4. i.44 4 a '-. 4aja .,. 44ir 41 .a a-a4 aaa c- af a4 aMk, t44.4f ... a 44.4 tea faHM.4 I 44-Va aavl-i 4 It 4 4 4 - 4u !-, a 4-aa4kaa4 t .kAil-ae. At l cweta-l I4a a eUI t -a, IU 4 4-ll.e .( 4a 4 a an.ai 11 a l 444 n aa-a v: in I w 1 mil n ii , , M 4 -'H lie 44 )i .va 4l r.4M-j 4M4a -PRESIDENT AVEHS OREGO.VTO LEAD HVQZ PROCESSION r.- r4 (wi atl UK aa 4l4a4 a: a4Mlae af ' le!44, wtta u M :m4 4 at, !. Tr -r mi ef 4 it ea.1 a4 4a.4 tr ewut.iM al f.4 U IV Krl W4, wW UA . Mar 1mm .LMfcarv. KuhMiw, a a mmivm r- i v""r ww TaTt rWaaaUy t rKi f i wrf. rf rrtf II a at. Ma aU tavaaaatiM fcira tva va rfra4 Darn . -ktjt I ndarataaJ bw M rcha4 OmU 4. 44a4. tar nor a1 al o Ua pfa4ira Ufl l (ra).faat la aj-tif of Oro. TH J !aa4 ! vtatf vara al fral4 U Irr r y" of roraniaj,l hWa ereota! I tM brnafirlaL Aflar alftil ogr apl ! lhra f M-h rr afllr.lf r"t U aulonrftlI rid tint. 44rMlic ebtldr. ataklna; from tha rourtbma alapa M I II 4 111 III Oam.l Mi. . - l a 4m4 Tail 4 I . 1 v afla .! tt-4j44 4-a .4--W. 4.4a i a- '- M . ; w u.w 4KM4 t Wa -a t. .. t -- w4 i4-4 iwawta-a Htk 14 4 4J4 44K44 Wa 4 Ata t tva 4HJ4 f wfu4l a I -wSf a.i M.iM La4 4 a, 4M. 44 a m 1.14 4 am a a a44 I M l'vl M4.4., o.r m4 aaM M a a-'1-- I ala M aM Ita a 4aa.a4 a nf4 "Via 4iHiiiai4i a r Jl 4 a 4va m.4 af a-iwtwl 4oUa a-4 Ula 4 ' li.4 a44Mal 4 4 4 H t.uf IM 41 aj af (V Wa- K . a. .! it - - - - 4aaafcaii 1 " " " w vj44iaffa 4ja 4a4 a: rua fra ,k 1.4 a rai rr Ta4W f ir ra'4ta.l Tafl a tlaaa ia4 ti iiva) a4ai Wa af l.ulaaai raa ata 114 ar4a aw-4 a-4 aa.444-ara.Ta4 t(k M 4kavrii44a4 atf 114 imm Im lit K axtawa) aMttllrVI JaMrmftomai o.ia tmat4 l.a fc4 -a --t4 faf l aa4r-a (4MU U 4va 4wa4H Mw'll Ur llama aaU cta4 alaaa. ma aa awamr ta uta -jaa4ra aa-1 ""7 I vmra iM rwa a-M af tva .4. i'j-ii -i4 14 i.4 Irit 'l aa'a v T'Va ra.ja f 1 44- ! to aiu4 iva u4 al 4.a t-- . 4 a-4 a-w k- .4 14 a a4 I aM tVia tax a i-. 4.4 r((4lt aMaia tuLMl a l4 T arvailaal i4 -ft4 aa4 f aa MrtajaMar. Itka rlr4 t a tlaf aar4 laa ttvaaa4 kail aa4 a44a4 al !a U4- aw- aaa la a ranaa at allaauaa. a44aalf ha alia luaia 4W1 4u a4 froaa l tva wjaf iiavaaaai rrtta a atiaaxtl4 A tUM. aiara an4 atnivaav, anava af 44aaraaia (ha lata f Uta raotrn. Ta air aa aMl4taa - ith tha tha aiala trbe-aa I HaJaa tf tha Tliar T(aaflU4 Haaaar." aa aaa tha aaaa eauchi uta Import r tha atottiaiia afrt l Ita ehaartM Irawaa) ait ih maaia, -traiaa C9aa 4a4v44. Tea araaUaal da la ra4 that tit a baa ana ba4 aTarwhaJmad felm: thai l( vaa taa reoai vorvaotM at.4 baaaUfttl ha ba4 tvowinv 10 fwopla aloe tha aida linaay arar baaa lamdaraj on any trln. Ila hara 43 Protnlaa that tha Oratoa ahaU . 4 Ua nrt ihrotifB lha eariaj. If tha linn I Wpnp w"pia kn b tu. ViAl I II praaittaal. a4 hi coendaaoa that ha rri f I n praawa oar tha pjinf of tha O irilb!3,J ooy4 la hla Utar aaaar iiun m4i 4v now numaa to pa rraa IrlaeA ta aat IKa omii aw. Tea rU-4UKi)4 Wliy To Kixmla MM rutM aipoatUoa bafor tha canal ta eompiaiaa. u addad that H waa larca- ly tha famooa trip f tha Oraoo around 1 tna Jforn that had mad tha of lha COLUMBUS DAY IS . CELEBRATED WITH 'POMP, CEREMONY 1 1 . (Cattaaa4 faa t4 fa Coaia ara im4 aaa a4 MO aaat!ft)r 4 14 aiaai t:a M aaraavara of aaaa. Ivor a a 4-ra 4 4 ta rap4a tar avaltva aakalaaaa aa4 tna aiyi af ua n u. I ttx aaW4aia4. aVaavtt C4444ri Taa.14. At 4 II rc.arh Uxiva4t af 41 -f laformal Kararia- aui 4-a fiaaai IW IMr MHUra. tVUabb. 4Xa tvat af Ka aaart aa4 Iba faaail af haataf al Ik tta4a Ho ara. :rr T aa ai4 Ua Uaa t3 1 rnartrl mt jLaJ'-aJa aaal at laa Ar aar fraca T.I aaitt I II lk:a iitU aa4 Ihia fli ta flla4 ty tha f'av4 aaiL mhth rtoa-a lha faallviiiaav Tha ra4 anarch U r Va 14 ty tbtif raaaLla la lhair roe-M a4 V.l da at I I! p. ra. T.a Araaary 4aa fcaao WaaaltfaUy 4taaaral1 for tha oocaLaltHa. Tha part a of VWdl&aM aa4 laaaataa ra takaa. hy ria'.p PltsaxU a4 Flor in da rarralU. aa4 that of Cknaiophar Oitamhoa hy AaiaJa Oraaa. Uaeaialo fUaaio ta atlaedaat to Klaff rardlnaoj and matro BarrardataaJU to Ctmbio. Tha rofaaladar of Lha roraj rT U mail a of U41ao la araiilaf an4 Tha robaa a4 dacoratlona ara a mane th flaaat that hava or tvaaa aaaa. la lha dry aad no aipanao ha fcaaa aparad by tha Italian who hara prondad tor tha who la oaiabratlon. Oaaa-ta of Xotaat. Tha cnaato of honor today ara: lor Baa aUlnti. rapraaaatlnr Ooraraor VTaat. who u rjnabla to attand a arte a I n J, at a 1 . ... 1 . .u fk4.at-i 4 V 44 tu o-r I a-t. (W-,fh n . " 4 -a .! 1.4 a t T 4aa ar a4 4a 4 4! a 4-4.4 -. 4l ... ia. aa ria-aa .. . : va. . .a ' at ( A t 4 Miflff . I a A . a-H ai' ui. ay Ma. 4 '- 4 4 I u l-4 la ( . , 4-4 aa-4 a it.. -.it4 aa la 4-a 444 aw - v t .aa 4a a, . ..! aa.a ! . ' a aaM.. Irialaal - -.4 a Jw4 4r iivria - .a Mt'Wt, 4-a 4 f 4VlaV4 4 .4 I taftf .... -a ra-a a.aaaxta a la a . i ft . a 44 44 a. u a-ar rmt 4a! a tl l- 4r la-al ..- a ra a, . . al a a... .4 at-.., r akia i .a a4 arrva r asraJai bay. I a -u.. aa.4 II La iuj. ' - r ya44 it, 4 aatiMto-a tuaiu.44 4a r44i4 i 4. n-,a r--( r ra it laaua aa 4 la a 4-rt l. aIa 4v- a-lr f pi 4 4 (-. hi -aaiataa 1 4. 4 a.:f.i:y faaatltta W.a 4ta.4 1 4 i -la a 4aaJr fc 4,a4 r.-.i i.JA I a- 4-4llami 44144. --M rkil.a. -Me.. I4 affa4la Iaxtf4al I 4 lr.t.-ax t aa-4 ta taaa bMava u 144 i . 44. aa-4 C-t la l.- a a- 4 T rar-Mf I4a aaf ) . t-aa 4l'44 a tMllalaA. h-ai 4ar a'4f jr. f 4 -. l - aaa al l f-l4ra IM - N44II4 T ta faatalaat la yaaaia4i la aira 4aal.ia aaiiafaa. -r aa4f rafaa44 aftira.! f iv4i4a!i aa af4(tl la taw iil )-4r 4rfiMt feava t-taaa or via ai4. fat it for r-aftj. f , a44 t ih -ia tN4 "V im Ia4 llaat la faiiy rant C'ax CtIai4llM4 by I-aa-t-na L-rua iara. lartaA. Thinnetii Ejuily Orcr come. (Tmm Va-Uta. aal ty PrJdent Winiata IL Ttft and rtoepUoo prtr. Below, left to lifht. Is hows Governor Witt, D. 8. Josselra aad Brigadier General Martoa . Mui, Vancoorer Barracks. . . ' , 65 Years Young ? Does a Her DTV Work K iT'hy for My ArJico, I Send It On Trial C4UMU acuta. la lntrodaclna; tha praai-l oant at tna Panquat. Mr. Bacawlta took rtitMam la duo to lack of vndaratand Inc. bocauao tha altuatlon baa not baoa fairly praaantad to the paopia. lia addad that hla chalianra to erltle bad a. a. a ak. o 4 aa-. 1 1 aa aa. a t aa. m -. a. aa - a4 a-a a. b . A 4. a. a. aB a -. a. I arVUIIV IUH QUMUUIti i VII Bl M MaT- tl rinl, J i, T1 U that actuatad you la ppotDtln word, acta and pollclae of Tart aa praa- ,am.ttM th. msnn. court - Tha Want of the Valtod Btat Jprldent arnd that th braaklnaT P vr u. iwi iniu ari oraaota ox 0f moaopoUeo, eompaUIng the Bawly tha crowd ad Armory the poopl roaa made fracn.et.ta to be In eompetlUon to.tbatr faot makin th are, a tempeel with theaieelva and ttrtot fatura rt of oonnd aad a white aaa of fluttorlnf oUUoa would prarant farther danger baadkarehlofe ae the proeldatit entered, from tmata. . Concerning- the tarirf he He etood emtUng upon the people for eeJd: , t a full mlaate while the applauae eon ' Tarirf Ooa4mlaeloa BUX. . Unued. Hie flrat worda were of eoqiplN "A tarirf eornmlaaton bill paaaed both meat to the beauty of the city and the houeea with the aaoent of both partlaa progreeaire (iber or 1U people. I and waa dafealed by a email fUlbueter JUnftla41ll, Wg Baalavaae. I In the lower bouee Juat before oonTaa tk r.fsa.M.-.f. .4.. t adjournadj that la. before the laet oon- relate prtaotpelly to the relation be. araoe aojournao. a ti a " t..-. ,. J7-J, . '-a iTT the money which oongreea furnlahal "'T""""" ma. eraatad a tariff board to dleoharae The abor la C. U. Brooke of WtmnrnXX, UZ:?. 7 11- .1.."!-1 that function and on Deoember I thay a7- I ryeJIed and Tar a manA rnf ( i.f tK ohedulaa, whloh will enable one to It la abaolutely the only Appll- JfAi4 2f7L9tlSl!.t7. ? ear what la the general difference In anoe of the kind oa the market "7 " " """ "" the eoet of produoUon between thle oountry , and abroavd and what effect amendment to the tariff would hare upon tbaae lnduatiiea. . ."Now It waa beoauee I didn't have that Information that Z vetoe! the tariff Mile that were preeented - to- me at the Uet oongreea, but when thoee re port exmse ta to me en Daeernber t, t propoee to take thtmi tip and make nob raeommandaUona aa thoee reporta aug gaat and than aubmit to eongreae the queetlon for action. Bat all I laalet on la that we ahould know where we are going with referenoe to the baataeea of thla oountry that la ae dependant en ezletlng tariff before we take the tap." ' .'V.--.- Worktag ataa &44Tiaoe Itepldly edrocatlng laaae light ta th darelopmant or natural national re eoaraea, a kind of worktngmen'a lnjror anoe that will protect llree on rail road a. tha prealdent awung ruu into the aab- Jeot nppermoet In hi . mind,' world neaoa. aaylnr: - - "War la hell; we onght to nee erery honorable mean to abouan it through oat the world. Europe 1 an armel eamp today be oauee International oontroraralaa are eueh that any nation 1 afraid that Ita neighbor may coma In upon It and di vide It and dee troy It government. Theae armament are lnoreaalng from year to year nntll bankruptcy etere many of tbam In the f aoe. 1 "Now my Ideal le and my hope la that we ebell aome day hare an arbitral court, made ao by agreement of all na tlona, In whloh any nation aggrieved may call In the aggrieving nation and aay, 'Answer to my complaint The preeiaent aid that with aneh a Hum Ever .After Stomach Trouble VamiahedL ' Baad thla interesting lettart 1 auffered for many yeara with tadJ- geedon aad rheuncaUem aad tried many home remedies, patent medJdnae aad doctor's praacrlpUona. bat would only get rellet I have friend who were eared of stomach trouble by WI-O-lfA labiate and i thla Induced m to try them. X boaght a box at the Hoag Drag Store, and after a few day. I aotloed a big tm provement la my condition! my food would not eour on my stomach or bloat m: th stirraass seemed to leave my Joints, and made m nnoonscioaaly step lively. My frierd ail apoke or bow well I wa looking. I bought three more boxes of MI-O NA. tableU and look them ezeetly aa directed, and X can truly aay that they have made a robust young man of me. am (I year old. aad caa now do a harder day'a work than In my younger lava X hop yon will pablira tnis letter, ao othere who surfer aa. I have oan also be benefited," W. 0. Bneed, lilt N. Mis souri Bt Indlanaroll. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are gnar- aateed for Indigestion and all stomach 111a . Large box 10 cent at druggist everywhere. Mall order filled, charge prepaid, by' Booth' ' Ml-o-ns, Buffalo, N. TV fertbar evIdaAew le batne ereaealed atmoat dalle thai a 44al cumftoun at tiaw cnamiraj aiameaia 47nmtlo4 la laMat with b riwphai.il laa 4e la raaJlty prevlDg a bleeeiag to tha ab Dormally thla an a a and v om for II caa be desnonel-atad br4 doubt thai racular ruree of three or four intl.a' t ra I m ant brtnaa ae laereaae walsht of froan 14 to 14 pounda, wilh dacltlad ImDrorvniant ef haallh and color too. rur elt admlnlatratlue the orm la le be found ta r-9aualane taMala. eb- talnable In aoAlad parkavaa from the beat apothecary ehopa. with fall dtree- trra. To rallava hcaJarha anit harmlaaalT. taka lilarkhura'a Awey.fula.At dre.-atoraa t n .... . '. ' ,. ... . Pa. ea Act! poijoaoui teaJtH 4a-4 aa Waeea? eat a-rw ia it. MIa ef l t-a-M af- . la 4- Ui. lataaa 44A faU 4a I 44 444l I Va -J.4 f -4 44a4aa le e4l 41 'e-- (4.a a a ae la ' ara I .a lae ta ralf4 l- Km: la a4 4- t 1444 wva.4arl Cat. 4aaa 4a.4:a 'l4 4I4 114 l4( af 4l4n4 a4 Ua aU.al i f. We kaMllkl km444a4a af r(n'l atae 4va4 tat a.i bf-e f ai:g ikatr fs4 waagte eat aifoa. la nilaf fee ee-rt blaah l-waae 4 eaale ta eiaaape. V o Chin e Fi Te di cal Co. aei4 Alaar. Qavaae TVrd. SalLra Oaraaa-. aaaaai gUaea neuralgia ala Knre Hen $10 IS MY FEE ray Oaeed. fty. Weak Bee-ree. taaeaaala kaawtlla af 4pwaura artraert aad etbay vie. Utlaa ef Baltaae'e lawa, Dtaaaaae af HU4es aad JUdaeye. Taj-laaaa Veiaa, a Icily aad gsransiatly Sra aa aaaa n trvvia. arxczAX A-IZEaT hfawly eon tractad aad rhronle caeae (.Xrad. All buralaa llchtag aad. InflajBaaa tloa aurp4 la 14 heura. Oirae af. ferled lo aarea daya Coneultatine free. If unable to caJL wrlla fur llal af qoaailooa. orrwe noura a. k. ta r. It tarda t a. II A. M. 14 I Ml only. raozrio co4it jmxsicai. oo- i4H Waahlaa-I" 04-. Ooa. fOrvV TerUaaa. Orage ' How the Quacks Work 4 5 6 m 8 9 10 Pound of S olid 4 l an amlMvdlawl t ha I SaiQ nrinolDlaa that Inventors have! "The Interstate eommerce law , Bought after for yeara. . paaeed In KIT. That law was Intended The Appliance for retaining the to abolish undue discrimination, nnrea- " rupture cannot be thrown out of aoaable rate and the rebatea furnished position. y to aome bat denied to others. With Bring en air cushion of aoft rob- Judge jCooley at the head of the com ber it ellnge closely to the body, mt,slon the railroad gave some atten 'Z&rn BUU7 or CUM lrrl" tlon to the proceeding of that oommla iTiil?1 tha 4rinr' -av-aaalad !, but after a time It became clear Padsed'ln othe?tru..l. th.r did not regard th. oommla. not cumbersome or ungainly. aloa aa having sufficient power to re It I small, soft and pliable and quire them to pay much attention to It f oeltlvely cannot be detected Th proceedings to remedy Injustice In hrough the clothing, - . the fixing of rates were ' o cumber- ..The .soft pliable band holding aome, ao slow, that It .seamed aa If the the Appliance do not give one gtatute offered very little reform." ihal-4-.u-eSL-"WI Tn President then told of the 10 ZZ.V?f. ft I- Mt i1"" t0' regulation and the final f?ran5 whOTteSmi, M W taking th. matter It can be washed without Injur- n their own hand, adopting; amend ing it In the least menta that put teeth In the law, and There are no metal spring la the added: . .j , Appliance to torture one by out- . , jullroad Beflaaoa Bisappeara. very best- that money can buy, j that law ha disappeared. . Rebates have SAM0SE, ft Concentrated Flesh Forming Food, the Only Remedy Known for Thinness Builds inmauua Jk uurnu.a wiu ao Ay- I i4aiBo.jr uu wa vwnmuiauvu, ,. ... a aa 1 TaS T3-.1. .t. TV 'D1..V. TT 11. -Tl-ll m.... ' n. , . ' . up tne imn ana vvus, x?i.ug; jjch.. mc xvusy jjiubu xxcaiui it rtuc vaccics, xtounas KJUX i the Srawny Form and Gives the Beauty Lines of Plumpness. iTai i aa at i ilaii 1 1' t imi Flesh Daily! Pa. A. Ca gJaUTlf, The I-ea (llrta; eol44lleJ ta my flgkt egaiMt ererttng aeedleal oaaoka, X find that aaa ef i Ove woret featarwa M th. aeacke is the employing of a ' "ease-taker.' Th hired "oaae tsker need aet be lloecisad te praatloe medio ln nor even be a physician, but If the attack knows a "oaoo-tskor who ha suave and pertruaalve way to gat year money, he makes hi patient first oonsult .with the "case-taker," aad the earn bold good with aom ad vertising "apeclallata." - Mow, a doctor or medical "oom- psiay" doe not employ a "eaee- tavker on aooonat ef hie enparlor aklU to give treatment or ability to vara, bat t get more of your money. Let yoar common aenee tall you to pica op your hat aad rua oat ef a doctor office if he expect you to do business with a "oaee-taker." It ur, John ijoe annoonoea In the pa per that he la qualified aa a speoiel lat and hae made a reputation there for, INSIST upon meeting. him man to man and face to face. Cut out tne advertiaement ef the doctor you Money Positively Refunded If Th is Scientific Treatment Fails to Do All That Is Claimed For It. pllance to If there be any, of which of course there My reputation for honesty and I may be some, 1 . where It la entirely lairaeanna; is ao morougniy i possible, with the machinery now avall W& 5i.i. rtd ot Tha remedy years Of dealing With the PUb I 4..af. rilT'nfaha ' inA 4ria ' lAfTAafaal over 30 llo an' my prices are ao reasonable, my - term so lair, mat tnere certainly should be no hesitancy In sending free coupon today. ; , , . .. ;' ,; what I eav Is true. Tou are to be tha Judse. Fill out free coupon .below and mall today. ; ,. s : , ;;;V:;- .:;;.;;..;, rBEB ZirrOBUATIOB OOB70W C. E. Brooke, 746 Brooks bldg., V' Marshall. Mich, , . Pleaae aend-ma by tnall, la plain wrap pw, yoar lllvttratad book and full Informa tion about yoar Appliance for tha core ef Buptur..,.' ;.s-,,: .V.; ...'.-'j;', Kaine '' ...... ..4 ..'.., ,.... Street ...................... ntr...... State ; haa been furnished and ' the railroad. quiescent and obedient, .are under clone supervision." " J. . v", ' At thl ; point Taft urged 4 kindly treatment of the railroad, saying they should . not ' be .taxed simply because they are railroads, but should be treat ed as part of the community. ' . He named the Standard Oil and Amer ican Tobacco company declslohs of th supreme court a "epoch making," ad ding: -,' ;"vi , ''rir Jk :; "The aupreme court of ,th United States has investigated the history .and th. operation and the purpose of the organization and maintenance of these two companies ana u ft as pronounoea a aecree 01 dissolution againat both and It haa laid down a rule of construction of the anti-trust law that , has - required theae decrees to be em tend. To Pale, Thin People Offer to ray for Bamos xf .it Boa not Xake Thin Tolk Bat ' 4 a VI 1 ' T 4 ' .. . iini ..-1. - Antt-Tmst laaw . "The rule Is that a" combination tn restraint of trade that haa for its pur pose the control of prloes, the exclud ing of competition or ,the partial or tne complete monopoly is a violation I of the antl-trust law and may be and ought to be enjoined and those who maintain it may be indicted under the same '-statute.'. .-- ?y ', - ' '-.j' " "Now I say that all business men of any Intelligence and of any desire to follow the law will 'have no difficulty In Understanding that law and squaring their future business to meet Its re quirements. " ' r -.j President Taft said be had Invited critics of the decision to frame a case that combined the clement of llleral restraint of trade that the aunreraa court, decisions would not apply to and -rissijva u declared that much of the Pale, thin people are simply auf fer ine- from want Of nourishment - They may eat enough, but their food 1 not . - a a 'a. ; a.' a. nronerir - aiKesieu ana uvea uictu : uu aood. Samose, the remarkable fletih-formlng food, should b use! by all who are pale, weak and thin. Ir mingles with the food and aid ass'milatlun, mn that when taken for 4 abort time nature will soon assert her normal powers and tne food, that 1 eaten will give strength and good flesh. -i ' ,' ' Samose Is a sclrntlfld flesh-forming food that restore the thin and scrawny to their proper weight and till the weak and debilitated with . vigor and vitaUty. :-:. ... :- The Woman who long for rosy cheeks and the plumpness of beauty should use Samose. The man who wants to be strong and well and gain health and good flesh will find hla desire accom plished by Samose. - Such . remarkable ' results have fol lowed the use of Samose that Wood- ard-Clarke 4 Oev are willing to pay for th. treatment If !taoe not give the de sired . result. They, make thla - Offer generally and want all who are thla. weak or opt of health to get a box of Samose oa those term a Zice (S eamtai The Fatness of Health office. DON'T CONSULT OK TEK1T WITH AN UNKNOWN. When I beeaa mv oamnala-n of nereonal advert lalna. I azneotad ta Kva VP to my announcements fairly and aquarely and I have carried Out thla pian to tne letter. I have no oonneotion with any "medical oompany," or "Institute," and I aosums the entire responsibility of . treating and ourlng my patlente, as weU as all financial mattera I have more money Invested in my iiauunnmcnL man an omer rvniaiui aavariiainar aoeiora "rvim. panies," ate, combined and I will give 1600 to any charity 14 thla ia not so. Watoh for my next ' announcement exposing . how . the extra-charge-fois medicine "graft" ta worked by th. quack. I am la this war againat medloai humbus to the finish and will not be throurh aa lone- aa there la a alne-la quack left among tha advertising dootora. I believe a physician haa Juat a much rltrht to advertise hla specialty aa a bank baa ta nubllah Ita financial standing or a minleter to announoe th. subjeot of hi Sunday sermon; and x aiso oeiieve mat to gex mo ooniiaence 01 tne people be snouia be the first to fight against quackery and humbug m medloai advertising. TAJIOTm OEBXAJr BBICBST BOX I uae the well known ' Oarmaa dun. tor's woto d erf ul discovery In case of I Bpecino aiooa Poison, it oures and la the greatest marvel of medloai science. This new remedy haa been successfully used In thouaaads of oasea : t-t ma explain it to you. Cured in 5 Days I our Varioose Vein. Piles. Blood roison. etc, in live aaya. ir an other doctor tells you this can't be done, It means only that he does not know my methods.- Let me prove It to you. ' t , Bamos Bills Out th Our and Makes .. Thln'Beople Bat. If you are thin, your health Is not what it ahould ba If you are losing weight ' steadily, : there 1 . something wrong- that should be attended to at onca , You cannot be healthy aad strong IX you are thin. Thla make tha '- thin and scrawny plump and robust; It mixes with the food - so -that all of the elements that make solid bone, firm muscle and good flesh are thoroughly assimilated and re tained In the system. .,"?. Samose 1 not a drug or a stimulant; it 1 a ecientlflo flesh-forming food that restores thin people to a normal condl tlon of good healthy flesh. - There are thousands of unhappy, ner vous, thin people who would look; and feet entirely different If they were only fat and plump. Let them use Samose and they will soon notice remarkable reeulta These statements are confirmed by Woodard -Clarke . 4k ' Co who Offer to refund the money to anyone buying and using Samose who does not gain In weLht aa promised. . The risk Is all their a The thin and scrawny caa buy Samose, . at Woodard -Clarke A Co.' with the knowledge that If It Je not suc cessful It will cost absolutely nothing. . A Liberal Offer Any On Can Try Bamos, th Bemarx- able Blesh-pormiiig rood. When on of the -leading druggists in Portland tells you that ha ha a proper. ation on which he will refund vour money if it- does not do all that is claimed for it. It shows that th arti cle must have unusual merit. It Is In thla way that , Woodard-Clarke & Co. tell Samose, the remarkable flesh form. ing food. " X " 't;..'',:'7!"'1:;:' y::'"; f xni great discovery ia , desUned to work a great revolution In treating the thin, the weak and the sick. There can ba no doubt that It . helps people who are weak and. elckly, who are tired and who have . poor - digestion, restoring them quickly to health and strength, and in creasing the weight sx that life le a pleasure and a joy. Samose mixes" With tha er"lnn tnnA. and aids dlgeejlon;i It extracts from the food that . you eat the fleeh forming and strength giving" elements, building op the tissues and the general health, ' Any one can get a 60 cent box of this remarkable flesh-form log food, knowing that their money will he refunded If It doe not inreaae weight and restore th system to health. ' TABZCOSB vxxav impair vitality. I daily demonstrate that varicose veins oan be oured In nearly nil Trniias l 11 tiiiii treatment, in euch a satiefacToTystay that the vital parts ere preserved and strengthened, pain - ceases, swelling eubsidee, a healthy circulation 1 rapidly reestablished, instead, of the depresalng conditlona 1 . guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. BXMnnr abb n&kjmxM - ATT.hl.llJ'X'B With these ailments you may have more complications than are pre sented by any other ailing organs. By my searching illumination of the bladder I determine ; accurately the, ailment, and by microacopical exam ination and urinal vsl a I" make dou - bly euro the condition of the kid neys, thus laying foundation for. aoientlflo treatment. .WZAXBXSS " X have long been a close student of tn. oonauion known aa weakness In men. Sufferers from this trouble are nearly always told by their fam ily physician that there la no help: that it means wornout nature, S4id that some powerful stimulant for temporary effect la th only help, , I go deeper into the cause of the trou ble and usually find a deranged or damaged local condition responsible.. As long aa af man lives he should be aa strong in every vital f unotlon ae be 1 physically constituted. I have a ecientlflo, powerful and permanent treatment ror weaitness, wuon is aa natural ana direct as it is efficient Why ft r a t with Irresponsible whan ' you can ear., the expert ervloe ef a responsible specialist T Bee me if you ha v any of the fol lowing ailments: Varioose Vela , JTerve, Blood and 8 k 1 a Ailment a. Bladder Trouble, Blood Folsona, Xaraptlona, TJloera, ril or Tlatula. - - . ' , OOBB V JaTATIOlT ABB ADVICB " OtTlee Boure a a. m, 8 p. m. BunAaya 10 a. ta. to X p. DR. A. G. SMITH 234 Vt f.tcrriscn, Ccrr.cr of Secc:d, Pciilsnd;. Oregon - . t