The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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&ti Attcrr.ey Object to find.
That IM Ccrcpny
May Oca? Streets,
OtldMiM l 4art4. J 4
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! r( 4atk at I ' -ad
i t 4 a
Creates or Acquires -Everything
Worth .
. Wliilc in
The No. 10 tirvd Nx 1 1 Tillie
RcnuniTton Modeli rr prtrnt
iho turn totaj of II iprwrircr
elite vr men rprt nd pre
cr.r. They not ony tuny,
bat they tnticiptte every
peed cf every uer of the
writing machine. . "
new con-
They "lupply
Writin? txnacr t
dirioru .-iihout wcrifice
of ttrtfifth, dunbUhy or '
efficiency. These 1sibb'
Reminctoni have the
drop-forced type btnv the. . . .
w pivoi peAnoiTx, ana every otner aisnncnve ierure on
which Reminsroa tuprenuoy is bajed.
They ,hve other fehire . new to the Rezrmirton nd
new to the wririn.? miciiine.' The , Column .Selector, i
the isiau-in l aoutator, the J adulator &et Key nd the
' 'Adding Cnd Subtracting' Typewriter re the very Uretf
; contribuhooj to typewrii'er procreei. . t
' Rcniteon .ipeTlftf Company
'. l4rf4ft4) ' 1 . .
.245 Stark St i Main 3, 4-1573.
a" ,,
....CI ' V:
wro mot cilice Measures n ma
Many a young couple, perhaps you, ;; are longing for. home V scenes ' like
" iiustnuiKing apparent reasons m tne way wny xney cannoi db yours.
. If you'll but grant it the opportunity, will eliminate all your obstacles.
Won't you let it? .
:.SpeciaL Sale of Libmr Tables
JWe wish to refce-biir large stock of Librairy Tables and in order to jdd
so offer the following -bargains for Friday and Saturday:
it or
Tbe Doctor's Answers On f
Uealtb and Deauty QnesUons ;
ir 9v uint Miza.' '
Th quatlon 4B4wr4l blow r4 rnr4l In chr
tr; tb aymptdm or Jia4 4ra hb and tta4 aa
war wJU 4pply. to 4iy 444 of almLUr utir.
Th04t wUhlnf furthar adTlco,- frae. mr 4d(lr44rr.
Iwl4 BaMr.- Collaf 4 Bld'f .. CoUe(r4-EIlwool .814.. Vat
ton. Ohio,- encloalnv 4lf-adlrad, at am pad 4nTlop
for reply. Full nimi and addreaa mu4t ba flreo, but tur
Initials or fletltlous H4rp4 win .bo U44d in my aniwara.
Th4 proscription can bo filled at any wll-alockl dru
4tor4. Any drutglat cm ord4r of whoUaaUr. .
Urea, tomi
. ' " :
Solid Oak 24x32; foot
shelf and large drawer
Special - QSoSO
Solid quartered fumed oak;- Ban
ders ' Style, 28x42 f, tf 1 O 7
re. price 27.50 now ,v 1 O I U
Size j 32x54, " regular
price' $37.50, now.;
Size 26x50, regular'
'price ,524.00, ' now, .-
, i Carpet Specials -
, ? i STAIR RUNNERS, 08J. , "
' A number of odd Stair Carpets In two
, tone brown and brown 'and green color-
Jng-3. Serviceable fabrica at a very low-
price. Regular $1.25 and $1.35. q q ' -
They go, laid and lined, for. . . I ',' 70C
CARJPETS 69. . .
Excellent' bedroom patterns In. small all- -over
designs., in wood cplors and the old
fashioned : red and black, and red and -
green, coloring, v bold regularly for nt
P0C .Special, sewed, laid and lined D7C
"; ' ', $4.50 AXMINSTER RUGS $3.25.
Good looking serviceable ? Rugs, in rich
" Oriental designs and colorings, with . a,
few florals, for the bedroom ; 36x72 in size.
'Regularly sold, at $4.50.1 Spe- 25
. Krvota:I
clv4 many. Uttr
from ootn men
and women . who
1 eiM4 themelvea
a a '.'nor you
wr40ka.'.' 8 4 mo
attrlbuto their
condition to dloaU
to aocltr ana Ita
unotlona. aoma to lndlaoretion of youth
ana otnera nav4 no. expianauon. , . .
Thla condition besets much misery,
melancholia, 4nd la accompanied with
aueh 4ymptoms as timidity, tfowneaat
ayes, lack of confidence, lost memory
and viaor. cold extrnmltlaa. -dlsctneaa.
Heart palpitation, . tramDuna iimoa,
4hortn44 of breath,, dia
content, trritaDinty ana, a aenprai in
ability to act naturally at all times;
Scientifically, concentrated druf4, free
from opium, coca Inn and tho like will
overcome such oondttions. Obtain theaa
lnrredlenta 44parateiy, avoid any en
barrassment, and mix at' homo 'as fo
Iowa: Get three ounoos compound syru
aarsanarUla in a six ounce bottle. Get
one ounce each or comnouna fluid balm
wort, compouna esaence caraioi ana
tincture cedomen compound. Add
balmwort to aaraapnrUls, ihake and. let
fund twa hours, v Then add other two
ingredients, ehak well and take a tea
epoonful after each mal and ona when
retlrlnr. DnnK siowiy, at laast a pint
of water between each meal, and soon
new Ufa and nervous force win he felt
coursing- through th4 system and all
distressing symptom will be at an end,
Fiorance.' Tour auestlons and sVmD-
toms hav been answered and explained
several times heretofore in these col
umns, but as they may have ''escaped
an- or l-rraln Hypo-pruciana taoieu
and tak4 on Nifer eatlna and one
af tar. Do not eat between maa la. prink
nothing but milk at mealtime, and drink
it very slowly. ... . .
O.'U" 1C si-Kidney and bladder la44
afflict a larger number than generally
supposed, and anyone who haa such
aymptom aa lama back, headacho, fey-
4ri4hness, puff under Uie eyee, . in
flamed ayellda, awelllng of tho. ankle
burning.' scanty
profusa urination.' eepeclaliy at nil
and feet, frequent.
at night.
pain in tho Diadaer region, may.
reet assured that the following pre
scription will prove vastly beneficial
and all aueh symptoms will dlsai
with Its US4. Have your druggist mil
or obtain ingredients separately
ml at ham: Comnound fluid b
wort one ounce, - fluid extract buchu V
ona. ounce and syrup sarsapanua com;
ound four ounoes. Tana a- taaapoonrui
efora or- after meals ana ono wnn
retlrlnr,' drinkinf , plenty of wat4r b4-
IW04Q pnesja,, . ' 1
John Henry JCr Chronic 'constipation
If another of mankind' afflictions, ,
wbloh ha always, proven' troubleeoma
anuy- and
our largs,
to remedy until th4 following preecrlp
tion was originated in ono or
This not only re
nromntlv. but it
tho most chronic case ever brought to
my attention! t compouna , essenoe oar
not only relieves plea-1
romptiy, but It reaiiy cures
vnu attention I will repeat my adv
a I have for many others. Tou have an
extremely enronio ana aangeroua case
nt naaal catarrh. ' and this I responsi
ble for your headache, foul breath and
indigestion. The muou drips into your
throat and thence to th stomach while
sleeping. Obtain two ounces" vilane
powder; tak a level teaapoonful. and
mix It thoroughly with ono ounea of
i white vaseline. Thi maks an . ex-
cellent healing balm when applied to
th nostril dally. Us the remainder
of the powder as a nostril wash, a half
teaspoonrui xo a pmi 01 warm -wawr.
Snuff the water from th hollow of
the hand well up into th nostrils until
I -. J Jl .. tkl A I
411 mUCUS IS feuiUTBU, : w luta . i.waw
dttlly and In a weeh or two all traoe of
I catarrh wlU. vanish. Keep up the treat
ment a a preventauve.
: MargafetTour pimple and black
heads, with either dry-or oily skin.-can
be readily removed by massaging th
faea-and neck with; mlnyol. Ask any
-oa. jar ox
Compouna -fluid Mimwon l ox. aro
matio eascara 1 oa. and syrup trifolium
compound 4 oss. Mix and take a tea
spoonful after each meal and ona when
I retiring. :( .''! - v - "
Frank: If yoa are uiin ana ciooaiee
and suffer with eeuto lndlrestloi
-uanrts. sleeplessness an
... ... . ...
. $25,000 1VE SAVE ANNUULY( IN
diol one ounoa, aromatic eascara . on
ounoo ana syrup v ruuu.iu vauu
Mix and tak fromiH to 1' teaapoonful
after each meal ana ono wneq retiring.
Children less according" .to ago. If given
to children It prevent much sioknes
s Retail : For sore, swollen, urod. aon-
lng. calloused f set. I can recommend
nothing better than the following: Ob-.,
tain two ounces or -viian powaori J-p m
f allon or steaming not water aia a
easpoonful of the powder and Immerse
the feet, oKing tnem jrom . into
'v Jl Hll j
' every ;!'; nlghii-'
racsanu pvh win luwv 4. .
prominent druggist for a 4-oa. Jar
Slain yellow mlnyol, -Complete dlr
on accompany It, Have thl fill
vtousness, sieepieeeo.aa bjju whiuhii i pmiu.
I would advise that wou obtain a pack-the abnormally thin.
ner- I pac
rir.wa out the nolaona r'and soreneas.
remove corn, bunion, callouses, etc.,
and enablaa anyon to bo on their feet
many hour daily... ? i:-- ;
hair 1 MBT4ay " oily
and dead In lustr4. you can oulokly r
tor it lustre and alimlnats tha oily
appearance ana at tns same time cur
the worat case of dandruff and ltohlng
acalD. Obtain a four-ounce Jar of plain
yellow mlnyol and us as per directions
accompanying; same- Beautiful,. lu4-,;
trous, fluffy Tiatr will b youy arty ra-)
Ward.-ry K
XTI.o Tfrnnnlar n'ho.a naoola who ax :
too vthin, wbo are weak and puny la I
body, with scrawny arm. nouia4rrll
and oust, can reaauy increase inwr
eight, improve tne Quality or tneir
blood , bv taking regularly for several
month th following: Tiactur cado
mene compound on ounco and com p.
pnites xiv ounces. iix
and take from ty to ne teaapoonful
before meal and .th aamo after meala. ,
Alao take t-graln hypo-nuclane tablets
a per direction accompanying 4ail
kage. A mucn - a two to ix
unda a week should form 1st flesh on
-Grand Avenue and East Stark Streets v
- ' . ' - 1 fc . . f i
.. . ' ... .. .-.
Tts JcaJiid Special Pcrtixit Cczzzi
Oct. It ..
tjp fy , 44w afwataaua ujikVM i viunu vvkji
Thee Ooapona, praeeatad at Th Joaraal Portrait XrpartniEt la ao
oordano wlti th tarma of Th 4oaraal'a free portrait off 4r, will ratlU
the holder to v. .t . ,
A Life-Size Bust Black tmd Wtite Oiled Portrait
Cat than t 44oa day aatU yoa have tb required aaiabeg.
cot'rey srzrxara jroTxzrsra 1, xtiu- ,
4 t-