The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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I'll! A'.D VuTC AS!!.'
iu. Itu -t i llUi. I M A'l III... I
AnliSIIH AT C Ei'OT - . . w
-j M t till
Mtft MaMMuo-M I nf V la
I 4., - it ... MM 4 4, i 14 -. '
4M MM Vi-4 -. UUI H
4 44 44 i4. 4x
av4 t
. ' :HFa E ! a n I c u r I n iijni dlI fair Dress Inn Parlors on Second FloorUct Iloom, Emcrj cncyjlos p j I :alf M o . I hers r ancuNT
ri?Amu!! Hoonn Grndtiate Nurse tn dmrnc-Publlc Phones,- Hctlrlnn Rooina on 2d IX-Opllcal Dept, Afnln FL VCilfnV'y
: " rTIie Perfect Dnyllut find Freti Air Btort"
Crnwlord Icactictci
rii uox, 75c
lit fivofltf .fc fjr.r.!r.f. Grown
! f l iril v1 u 4T II. If
il the
Only Hetall Store West ol Oilccao Occopylng An Entire Otr Block
iJiMU; Flour Applca
Ttio liov.Dl.CO
Arvothff lot cf tho cJkilr (Idle
Hower ArrV rvrry tx)x fuiran
letS. fhone our orjff. Q r A
Pto the box it only O lOU
FirMsiy IScEdDiniCDinm SaissSm-M PspaiFttinnieimlls
4 fjayior untifsuril cconomico.cnacrlylookcdforwurdto by all olircwdnncl economical pcoplc-Evcry department
ol miei Din ntoro will put forward Its best of f crtnna-Hundrcda of hnrpnins not advertised win be shown to shoppers
lVoraenfs S2 Gowns S1.4D
04.50 Eyglos'es
Special lor G3.25
Wtt rvilrne b lh wOftJ yocr tyn n4 tht ti4
gUttK Tt "itniaeJ clfort yoa rukt to rt or do do
wk rc)ti rxtrs uerrt as 4 muKtt loctt, an4 the ra!t i
ri is tht a4 hrtd. OfiiuJi ocr eyeiicfct ipedili!
fft, ! irjffet Mvt roar rji. Tworrow n jr
rHft LM 4-nJ4 filJrd riraUJi Qaie at on!.... P JilD
C8.50 Oalr Switch S5.98 j
07.50 Hair Switch S4.98
! A tir lr, toe4 fkwf, a ! alVfrU,
ni SHtckM ! llV 7 5Jty Mtrl vwy,
2Xt2Utht ef. ia kia4 rrrUr at PC C)Q
13X0 aa4 I3LSO. Eeoooray pHc lowofrw, tck Vi
KtAL HAIR tWITCHE bi 3 tlutira i4 tk ti
uht. ik kind tt4 iw i-i a kj c 4 no
Free Hair Dress Wltn Every Switch
S2.25 NIghl Gowns at
f4acB7 mU d Womi KtfM Cm, ult ! Na
te&lity r!lis i&Mo 4 lottlcKti) M;W4 Hta lf
cka, nun or V ki. ce twl tirr
alipvvtr viih trt44U 44vlty
W4f7 lx4ief 4 rtbboiv IrUr i CI ?Q
Economy Sale Slnndnrdptip
Zcecomy itU ol tht wry Utrtt lro proved "TwofvOne"
Rotary Sburtlt. It makra tht rwo-thrrad "Lock Stitch" nr
tht tingU thrra4 "0lo Stitch." A eoraplrtt act ol tht Utt
tmpfovtJ attachmmta rota with each machine. The Drop
Head tfyte machiet with aotomatic Uh. goldtn oak or raUikm
woodwork. Tbia machiet hai a donblt fuarantet and U th
Utt oo tht market lor aatWaetery reiuJta. The lady operator
In charrt wU a how you adi ita merit a. Sold a frQQ flfl
tht IM week dnb plan., 4)J0UU
Our New Arrivals in Women's Suits
PFlccd, Special, att Only 25.00
Hero'i wtlcom newt to women, who Ear not fuDy mppUei tKeir Suit neeU for
fall aiui winter. Mott women rtquir two or more, . Our l&u Bernard uat aent,
tltett on from New York and abe writea ua tKat tber are extrtordinary raluea. We rK
knew it tKe xaioute we aak&em. Sixea principally tor miaaea and little women. All i
the moat tip-to-date materiala are employed in their makeup and the arylea are right
vo to ine minoie. we win oe tiaa to anow mem wneuicr yuu , wwa w . i
4o buy or not. Tha Great Eamomy price of theao iuita will be only tifJaUU
40111000110 lor ! High Grade Furs
Heatherbloom and Halcyon MeaaaJine Fetficoita B We" art Portland'a headaoartera lor hljrh
in tan, rrty, ry, blaea and black, ityled with I Fun and Fur Garments of every
Ecttoiiiy Salcof Press (Eoois
ign rrado
kind lor
-fitted top , and drawttrintj. accordion plaited
Fun and Fur Garments of
women, miisea . and children.
showing of eqats. 95S.50 and op. Mink,
floancei or trimmed in tacks and (ftl Of I ahowing of cqats. DS.Di ana op. win:,
band. -Special, each................ dfeatW B nx, ermine and fox aeta, 35 and op.." x' &itr
20 O O" IPpsiKId Gloves
1.50: Valnies-95c
Avrreat sale ol 2000 pairs ol women's hirh grade
Kid Gloves in the two-clasp overs earn styles, suit
able lor general wear. . Colors are tan, .gray,, mode,
black and white, fitted with the usual guarantee by
expert litters., Our regular $1.50 values arc Af
offered tomorrow at the special priet of only DC
SLambsIdti Gloves nt S1.15
ij Ladies' Pigue Lambskin Gloves in the one-clasp
f styles, typical street gloves, in all the desirable
shades for fail, incmcung blade and white. 4t 1 f
Our regular stoclc, values to $10 for.. Alu
S4.00 Gloves for Only $2.65
Women's 16-hutton length Gloves in the chamois,
suede and cape stoclc A lull line ol sizes o r
choose from; values to $4, special at
G2 Suitings S1.39
Portland'a largtit and beat Drew Goods Store offers
lor tomorrow's Economy new worsted suitings, 50 and
It Inches wide, the beat the American mills can pro
duce. They come in the favored shades of gray,
brown, blue, green, dark red, etc Materials suitable
lor Tailored Suits, one-piece Dresses, Long Coats,
etc Every woman who. studies the faih-f nr
ions will appreciate these $2 values at only tfDlta)"
Baby Teddy Suits at $3.48
xsnrajrrr aroBJ--caoosn aoeoa. .
The popular little knitted wool Teddy Suits ol cap,
sweater and leggins to match. Hand knit, atyled with
"V necka'or sailor collars or high collars. Q "J Q
The complete outfit is offered special at &oHtO
G3 Suitings G2.12
Economy sale ol lint Imported French Novelties, In
all the leading colors in the rough cheviot effects,
French boucle and stripe effects in black and white,
brown and white, gray and white, etc. These splen
did suitings will meet every requirement lor Dresses,
Suits, Coats, etc They are the season's best impor
tations, marked to aell at 3. Specialized so in
lor tomorrow's sale at, the yard, only.. 4. la
Rubber Goods at Vi Price
save troxBBY xsnv-urr soooa.
A great Economy Sale ol Rubber Syringes, Hot Water
Dags and Combinations, with lull guarantee Many
different grades and styles to choose U n.tnp
from. Special lor two days at just..
35c Ribbons for 19c
85c Ribbons for 33c
eit BOTcitie tn JJredeni, puids,
Itripei, xhedcl, tc,&l widUia to
SS inchei; erery imi finable color
eombination. - Extra httrr Silk
Ribbons; 35c grtdtt, at 19c; ttarn
lar 50c grade, at 25c, and QQ
85c fradaa, lor tomorrow at
$3 nandbags $1.98
$10 Handbags $698
Remarkable Friday values in
Handbags, with gilt, gunmetal or
liver fra,mV, leather lined with
coin pome :inilde. leather" atr6
handle, long. or' abort,4 ainglt or
donWel.sJ.OO grades for 11.98! rea-
ularf Sb.50 . arradea for rC
$3.98; regular 10 grades V0.i7O
$3ycRs.No iv. $1.98
SO Boten 3eaurifurShetlmvi Vil.
with' large mesh, extra firm, all this
season's best: shades In -fi lno
''finvSNtckwsi ,.'.J.?St
$1.00 Fancy. Neckwear ,,.;.;4Tf
Best $3 Kalian
SIHi Hose 51.95
In ttb big hosiery store,
main floor, ' sale J of Cay
ser's Italian; Silk Hose with
han4 embroidered inatep, in
a, fin" assortment of colors!
, oar reffulat values P"1 :: OCT
ta'pfiO, (Special at V i-.7tJ; J
$3.50 Gloves Now $2.85
Women's 16-button length white im-
pprtea JamosKin uioves, tor street or
for evening' wear. Our reg- H OP
ular $3.50 values lor only., &LiOu
$2.00 Gloves Now $1.45
Real French Kid Gloves in 2-claspv
overseam styles. The celebrated Alex
andre 'make, in a good as-1i At?
sortment ol colors ; $2 Gloves 3) 1 g a)
010.00 Hats Only 05.00
A great sale ol wome's Semi-Dress and Dress Hats, pur-.
" chased especially lor this Economy Sale. Beautiful hand
made velvet draped Hats, pressed velvet shapes, neatly '
trimmed, aoft velvet or plush Hats in the popular stitched
effects. French felt or velours, artistically and aimply
trimmed, lor any and all occasions. Every one is a prize, j
Blacks, navies, browns, etc.: the seasons most popular
styles. See Morrison street window. $6.00 Ajj fA
.to $10.00 values. Special lor tomorrow at.. 3)D.Ul
Sale dfiKnoxHafls
Sale extraordinary ol the popular Knox Hats. Every
hat shown is a lesson in economy. The Knox trade
mark on every one is positive prool that you are
getting the real Knox ' '. , ,
$16.50 Knox Hats $12.33
$17.50 Knox Hats $13.13
$20.00 Knox Hata $15.00
$27.50 Knox Hats $20.63
$30.00 Knox Hats $22.50
$35.00 Knox Hats $26.25
$40.00 Knox Hats $30.00
$50.00 Knox Hats $37.fi0
' '
th. Si
Toilet Artlclca
25c Box Soap 10c
Many different odors, put up
cakes in a box; sell rega- 1 f)f
lmrlv at 25c soedal at only XUU
high grada toilet soap; rega Qn
Urly 10c a ealte. apecial at Oi
25c FACE CREAM 10c
"VeJ-Vo." a splendid skia food
; Try it . . -
"Acrae" softens and beautifies tht
' flesh. . ,.
zSe TALCUMS Sc . ,
Many different odors. - Odd lines'
to be closed out Worth up. to 25c
Special, box B4
White Domestic Castile, 2-lb. bars.
The reliable 20-Mule Team Mb.
packages. ;" -.'
i Willows" Spearmint Best yet
Solid back, full bristle, nice sizes.
The best Strictly Sanitary Mb.
j rolls. '
H lb. at 8t botyi lb. at 114 bot
Our Pure SUIc
Hose $1.00 Pair
Economy salt "of Women's
Pure, Silk Hose,' with lisle
tops and. lisle soles,' high
spliced heels, in black, white,
pink, sky, gray and tan col
ors. Extra fine CI fill
Our 91.00 Lisle
Hose, Pair, $1.00
.Here's a lucky opportunity
Quality, special, pr,
iSpleMeri's'sdf Sweaters
OZiSO Valueb' C1.45 ' -
.Economy" Sale of men's Sweaters in the "V- neck coat styles
I". lor general .iise-'v Made in the heavy' Cardigan stitch, with two
side pockets.-Colors -are, maroon, oxford and brown. . Also
Oxford trimmed 'contrasting colors. "Our regular IC
'$2.60 values specialized lor tomorrow at only. ....... 9 1 frD
I fROUGH NECKS,7: the very popular sweater lor men Cardigan
stitched, with iiigh,roii collars, two side pockets, large pearl but
tons. down the front.; Colors are cardinal, oxford and drf AO
gtay Sizes 36 to 44. Special lor tomorrow at only &DliO
JcraeyCoato at 02.00 Eacti
Xurtlc Wecko Q4.00
Jersey Coat Sweaters ior office
men, lignt weignt "worsteds m
turtle neck styles; maroon,
'navy and . Oxford ; sizes 34 to
44. For tomorrow t O - A A
if It la Friday. Women's
Black Lisle or Cotton Hosa
with hand-embroidered : In
steps, in new floral designs
and a broad variety
patterns; 85c to $1,
Best Infants' 25c
25c Hose 12 eAc
Mothers who, come for hose
for themselves can also, sup
ply baby. Here's infants'
Cashmere Hose with silk
heels and toes, In pink and
blue; regular 25c 101n
values, priced at XArfaL
$50.00 Parisian Pattern Hats $37.50
Q125.QO Imported Models for Q93.7S
A most extraordinary sale of high grade Foreign Patterns in original models and copies of the
most exclusive Parisian Novelties, Picture Hats, Evening Hats, Dress Hats, Street Hats and sets
,ot Hat,. Bag ana Muff or Hat and Muff to match, all at a saving of one-fourth. .
Any $50.00 Hat for
Any $60.00 Hat for
Any $65.00 Hat for
$37.50 II Any $75.00 Hat for $56.25
$45.00 Any $80.00 Hat for $60.00
$48.75 II Any $85.00 Hat for $63.75
Any $90.00 Hat for $67.50
Any $100.00 Hat for $75.00
Any $125.00 Hat for $93.75
$150 Seta-of Hat and Muff to Match, $112.50. $175 Seta Hat and Muff, $131.25.
Salle Mbomm fizeKflff$j
Axmlnsters, Body Brussels, Velvets, Etc.
$22.50 Rurfs at $17.25
All Wool Velvet Rues in
the room size, in a good as
sortment of pleasing pat
terns. ' Our regular $22.60
values are ol-iy an
leed now at . 0 1 f & d
Velvet Ruga, size 27x54
inches, all good patterns and
ready , . sellers at (! sr
$1.50. - bpecial at 1 1 J
$28.00 Rugs at $23.50
Regular $28.00 Body Brussels
Rug tomorrow only $23.50
Regular $25.00 . Body Brussels
Rug, tomorrow only SI 9. 50
Regular $16.60 Body Brussels
Rug, tomorrow only $13.50
$2.75 double laced Smyrna
Rug, tomorrow at only S2.25
$3.75 . double laced' Smyrna
Rug, tomorrow at only 32.95
$3.75 Rugs for $2.75
Axminsters, beautifql pat'ns.
27x54 $2.25 Axmirister Rugs
for . tomorrow, only $1.69
36x72 $3.75 Axminster Rugs
for tomorrow, only $2.75
Room size Axminster Rugs.
Regular $22.50 values are
special tomorrow' $17.50
Regular $25.00 values are
Priced tomorrow. . f $21.00
they go 1 on sale, a.
Men's Turtle Neck Sweaters,
made of pure, worsted in the
heavy weight, Jersey stitch;
Colors are t oxford," gtay, seal
brown; navy and car-rd A flfl
dinal, all sizes. SplOfLUU
Ol'.SO Flannel Shlrtb at01.1
Just 300 Shirts ih this lot, and 300 men will profit greasy' by
the sale. Evtry shirt is made of "Cherry Valley , navy blue
flannel, with turndown ; collars, side, pockets and faced sleeves.
The ''Cherry; Valley"- trademark in the neckband of i r
eveiy shirt; sizes 14 to ly2 ; actual $1.50 values atJllJ
A IBaFosiani (CSircle Sale
EmIbFo2dlepaes Vz IPpfice
A most extraordinary sale of high grade Embroideries, all selected from
our regular stock. , Bright, .clean, new merchandise..- Broken Sets to be
closed out Widths from the dainty : narrow; edges and - insertions ,to the ;
great wide flounces in" Swiss ; Cambric, Nainsook, etc
$2.00 Grades at $1.00
$L50 Grades onlv 75e
$1.00 Grades only 50c
j 50c Grades at only ,25c
25c Grades only 12c
- - - , jj
Children's $10.50 Coats at 57 AS
Child's $6.50 Coats Now at 84.9q
Little girls black caracul Coats,
tan covert coats and black and
white checks, sizes 2 to 6 years.
The season's " best styles and
our best $7.50 val-j- q
ues.. Special price Dy VO
well lined and very
In the Infants' Store, second
floor, a sale of Girls' Coats in
tan and gray mixtures, . plain
blue and black caraculs, etc
Ages 6 to 14 yearsnr AQ
Regular $10 values aj) I flO
Corduroys in brown and navy
leasing styles, sizes 2 to 6 years. - Values to $6.50 at
ath Slippers Free with Babies Bath Robes of eider-Oo 1T
down or Terry cloth, sizes 1 to 6 years. Prices $1.85 to O
In Grocery Specific;
SugarS6.50 IPcr Saclc
Here's a fchance to buy Sugar at less than the wholesale price.
The best cane stock in 100-oound bacrs is offered soe- rA
cial for tomorrow at the low price -take advantage D D i 1
Guaranteed fresh cand sweet.
2-lb. square, guaranteed fresh.
On sale in 4th floor Grocery.
On sale in the basement, de
livered only with other i?Q
goods. Special, 2-lb. roll DtjC
Kettle rendered, pure Lard.
The best Eastern SugarCurc 1.
Choice Hotel JM ii s h r o o n s,
stems and pieces. Rc.T.'r 1 ;
can offered special at 174.
Dinner Biscuits, two J :
pound"packagcs at cr '
Hunt'ey 'and ra!nr
Breakfast :;".:.' :. iv
r1 r