13 THE OEECOJf PAILY JO UK .WAX, J-ORTLAJiD. TJlfl DAY I'Vt'NJSO. OCTOUt:!? It Jill. VESSELS REPORT nnnnn nn n i itn I wm m. miu. 1,111 HE LOST Utile Wind by Going Hard Falcon Ddns$ Dig Care 5 Km Master lor Vaii!noton Othcr'KcteL innnn mn i inninii 1 1 nrnn I fnl II II in IT unpawn cauofabiiteii pitr it nimniuprn nniiiu nnMMinrr oiiciorunonHooJ . nuMHWiiiiiiniLX tlaaay a ma ar p.. ara4 .. a ft sa i,..- jaa iiir fw m ''. l.a.. M a tUlll ka Ikaa f nu' '. tt. .-4a. f A MM4k ll Ota t.t, aa. tiki Imm4 r r at a am UH '. ai4 lal out. lka wv a ikh r-aaaJaf t alta (W l Ilk Oaa Ikal .ata tt, Tl lag k kao taoaa ( kaatkg I okll e(a4l ii i u Mm urm, 7 aa of IM " was a. ta4 r t r da!! m it f UM fr!.fct ta okif k Una Uw kia: ITI a as f 4rta4 I'T. It karr: kaia. tf oa mamM war. Ill mil f oaaa4 iii a4 tt karrai f aarraai. wtafoo, ar. n iti ak krrlvad yaat &? ftaoi "a rtrur wtift paavaasaaw 4 gaoaral f i4M Ik ilMwr l hMuii 4 rcV naaaiar t I fi-ar.k -itafa. f.aaa!y ckiaf offtcar f Ik aataf Jint tiaiicr. ar4 I tip'Mr I c tav f IK .Uaf'taa till 4"ai- lata 0 WltU I rf kmu f IU. . m of Ike n'uiniiH r (M tki lfc-y K4 a rsh irtp fr ji4t rial. kataa f Ik kMif rrua - K rannlBf h'lrjtM tf r4 nfha4!l and UI lo4 earr f luaitr fur a rraci. Among Ik clriia at Id e(ot o ylrdr artvmeo) wr lb Nor- rt iimiik Kri J. Cpl Uft. U-h ai:4 Ibl momlatf oa a IV fof un4 at t 'c)t- Ch ha4 rl ef lumbr, viu4 ! !!: flour II. tl brrl. aJa4 Ii.tl: th loial tIu Nat Itllttt. tua cleared for llaiknfig an4 Mojr. Th BrtiUa ( rr 0watry, Walt. Ur. rlar4 and Uft dowa Hh I,, tlt.llt tt f lumbar. vlu4 at lit. lit for rhaathai an4 Raakau. Kb la ua4r chart I lha lfctaa Import A El f-or Iumtr com pan r. Bh1ppr hra rTrt that !h PrltUtl h!p Irfcr. IK toaa, aor at Kan Fran ric, baa rfu4 II 14 for wbaat from br aa4 that aba la akiac II. Th Conwy Ctla, thry r. la ak1nt 11 44. Thr la no proapact. thr my, of tham tMlne tra bra at tboaa tig ora. , t " , . ... Captala C J. An4rroiv. en Of th Co in ro Ma rlrr ptloia haa baas mad m tr of tb Port of Portland ataamar Oca Ubatta In plc f Captaia IX. Band trom whoa llcana haa baaa aupndd fjr day. nar Mctioa J9 of lha t'nlted State rvlad latuta, by UnlU 4 Fiat Inlpctor Edward and Fuller for being undr lb Joflmno of liquor whJJ oa duty. i Xadea with U.999 barral of oil th Aaoc1atd OH ta.nktr catanlo. Captain Cantr reached PorUmouth at 10 o'clock last ttlfbt ' Th' Biitlah ateamer HcllopollK, Cap- tiln Martin, win ahlftd from th Norm Hank dock to Alontxomer aoctc tio. Tha fraa achooner'.'. vll beaaM of th fo did not arrlv from Bandon and war porta at daylight tbla mornlna waa axpocUd. 8ha will b workod todar. howvr, and wll gxt away at mldnlglrt tonight, V . Mul-'cnalrt Tlmbcrmin, i. W EJodscttPa)iS400.000rcr Site; Lumbennens National Oar.k May Cuill Astoria CtntctfJaJ Offclah Car.nct en Dperl ture ef Surp!iis Fund; Coil It Victim cf AtUck MARLNK NOTES Astoria, Oct. It Called at 7 i n, cteamar Johan Poulaen. for Baa Fran- f claca. Arrived at 7 and left up at t Na 1 - VVVVUIIVI AMMWyanB IVHI - FraaclBCO. Arrlrad at 11 a. m., Brtt Hh ateamer Etrathnalrn, from San Fran Cisco. San . FrancUco, Oct 1 J. -Arrived, steamer Roa City, from San Pedro.. Kurekav Oct, 1L Arrived, ateamer All lance; ..from Portland. AatorfiC Oct 11. Balled at 1 p. m.t lirHi0tf ateamer Strathsper, for Sydney, flailed at 1:16 p. m.. barg-e Tacoma, for l'vtttt Sound. Arrived at S and left up ai 4:30 p. m., gasoline schooner Anvil, from Bandon and tray porta. Sailed a( 3 p. m., barkentlne Hawaii, for . Val paraiso. , .'. -' v , ' 8an Francisco, Oct- 11-r Sailed at . y- steamer Northland, for San I'edro. Arrived at 6 p. m., steamer Hoqulam, from Portland. Sailed, at 5 p. m., steamer General Hubbard, for ; Portland. ''i' '' r'-i-SvX San Pedro, Oct. 11. Sailed, ateamer jioanoke, for Portland. j Astoria . Oct 12.7M?ondltion at tha ! mouthv ef th river at I a. m., smooth; wind,.; east,,, 1$ miles; weather, clear. . Tides at Astoria Friday: . Hifcrh wa ter, 3;57 a, m., 7.1 feet;- S:27 p. m., 8.9 foot. Low -water, 9:27-a. m., 3.2 feet; 10:30 p. m., O.t foot v ' '. I I J r . . ! ,L AI kM4'l4f la d!rw avf ii tM4 t-itaruy . MM UM i air f ja w. iitii. a iumii iiim f 0-4 fcia w. k, i kMir f - lr it t-ni4 t.fip ii ar4- ai I- iiv it mm4 m4 a 4l . I aval 4i l a im -rt r Tta. Ci. Tar--lar M lk.aci a a J f a mw ti- rr. Tm a4 iU M I two ltl.4 r- & i.a. la Ik i f Brf f f ry, i A. sMUaJa B4 taaMi ika4 tvaaa. an 4 Ik fMwr, Vt IM I of l. It Uk'wr mnUiK I I rala naal i f IM pM llww Mi: Ug f l ar. of ik ll a ary I MUt a4 -is kw tikrary Mali! a. IM Lav 44 la a. , yv k kv of la Hirif. IM Mrry as naik aavya lt. or I f t k oal t TM rl fr IM two year. ta4M with Ik oti of ik iiav will nkrVrnr Mrw tb aaai r44 for IM Mif M-k oo. siark ! Mi- sMtik a4 Mulk, t.Ufc rotttraal IM Ira, tclUaa lo kravllcaily a lirUti Of Ik si kalf klac silo for a (lr kirk lrai4 awH fr btacM f sr IMr fro ih awatar f IM rtiy. Bio. I SaUA, llr. fitodstlL wfc la Mrt)y lir. (4 la Or, owalag Ursa lrba of iiaiMr land a w4 a Ml om of lb fc !( lorkMJtr la IM LiSkMr a Kattl fUak. baa Ma aailsai la lavt la ponlaod riiy rroprrir f ln Mr as Biri4 la IM Mas,' aaid View Prl4al KUaff of IM LJ barman KkUoaal luak. while dtacuaslag lb big 4al Ikl avoralac "Whti I la I w Mr. Bldgt ta lb ot oomo saatM s ha atbrt4 no lo look p for Mm m good; invt snaot la riUB4 rrl iaia, and afiar ruf artr I n eiiuauoa vary loomus ly and lavosllgailag a larg ausabor f plc, I roeonuand4 tb purehaM of IM WI block eceuplod by lb library building. Ur. Bludgtt cam oo to Port land bout a wk ago, aad afivr mak ing soma lndpondat lnvrallgadoa oa bis oat account md a formal offer of 1 40. lo for tbo property. "JJr. Blodgtlt la o of tb bigg! and bralnaat man ta th country aad tb fact that b haa boeom lntrtd ta Portland ral aetata la ef groat value lo this city." conttnuod Mr. Xtlng. "Me la a builder and a dvlopr 1a tb broad! sent. II lo th first eastern bualn man of national reputation to in vt In Portland's moat valuable oa- tral property. " Tb suggtton waa mad today that the library property was really par- chased as a site for a magnificent new home for tb Lumberman National bank. Whn kd today about that feature of th transaction. Mr. Keat ing aaid that the bank's business would probably outgrow its preaent Quarters within the next two or throe years and that It was not, Improbable that Its next mov would be to tb corner of Seventh and Stark -streets. '-! , Th board of directors of the library association recognised -tha demands of tbo public.. said W. JJ..Ayr.-president of the association, this morning. Tor mor commodious quarters than - would b obtained Jo. any building that could ho erected, on the present library site. "Two problems confronted us. On of th things two had to do was to gt enough moay for tb half block owned to buy a full block In another lo cality that would b , aa aultabl for library purposes. - I think - ws succeed ed eminently well. 'While it may be Id that Mr. ' Blodgett mad a good "buy, ther la no on who will not say that wo made Just as' good a bargain In seourlnr th block w did. -w ae quired It for less money than It could have been obtained for any other . pur pose. ' . . ' -.. ' The second requirement was that w hould be permitted . by the purchaser of the library site to remain ther un til we: could provide new quarters. A number of local people Indicated a de sire to purchase the property but none was willing to meet' the condition that we should remain in possession for two years.';. , v.,. v '-v.i..'. ..' .' '" rtw-kal ka TV Wal I c. . iaataklaj ffwa) aa-4 t&iw) r 4 tn. t a . im ui-' f May ttM-e u4 r IM cwkly mm4 fwt ka a4al n.-4' TM m.JiU k 4 a Ou4 Jsl 4 Ikaa I uif l MdiiAi win M r 4 tw im ivwa of iu4 aV C TM r4 i 4 im .4rUa 4 oo f4o Of IM f r4 k tn( a anni I Jk ' Akar. IM fOwaSaT of IM . a-4 awr faala MUy rakiag u Wa4 IM sua ail. A a OMaatag f tk luUJ SKtlla Mi4 Ual WaM H M 4ta k MU Ik BvMataL afW a 4 tMaaaavaa. okV k. r(M eaa r. wm o4 4 Mr iMoat 4 rtga If I 4 emrtf. Tkut WM MfMag osnt ) a4 IM '" oaiy m im y M iug I Ml oala tk kmnoati wa r44 i wnalilx oexaialkg IM ( trrteitt i4 M kk of IM AMkiaS Slab. Ji at C. 4 was ta4 to fM ) IM avMtaMaL ii la al!4 y nar im Hlti M la iiaf4 U M hiji a oroaf I oovrt f4rkik IM aW 49 IM (ta- mill led ial IM oooalf (arJ faM. II la cMrg4 h t kt Mliaa I aWfl IM BMauaaaatl rxlo. As a inii of kt an too im oi aiai cotoaiiiia) la (Mart, 1 1 a aMrt M will Mr to MMr 4) a IM sao 4WI of IM arrbtrf oorkns I aaak op oaouik i roc im witwiitl. or rigki im wvaiur owt ta rrt Ootal4k1 --w j im, w nc i ayparMiiir . IM ooaaaaltlo M4 abowl 1144 ln out of th i.e daai4 by Co4 Ml Jaaa jo Aster. It Is itat4 IMt It wtU roaulro at Uat IlL raio any hl4 of a aauBaci It Is oeid (bat VM lo4s irtal withla his lagal rirbla, aad o tba advlro of Dial net Atlorory E. B. Ttana InU. seat ta th caa lo growlag rapidly, aad a fcrafh Ma already M poo4 M twa th two fartloaa Ikii will tabs COfflHEE IKS ISlfiIKE Mil EDI1. HIS AHesfd Ce:tfc?of.h.Di!ef cf tenmer SJuth furA. C-k (ra. t A .4 Mkf ka C4wd li Hm. 4-4 ci k aa,if f tM UM at 4 f. M-4 IM ntaj ka ai:4ti j aa ant. tkk iiaul M.f a Mwf la F. I oa tM ka I k k ka-U44M Sat k 4f of Ltaoal i ..'a4 I tka4 Oiala ir wuiaaa t-v-a-, i 1 M1-' io4 kko ki.!ag kW IM oaa-kkl aMMI lkMoi a o,4 iaMuo aa 4 i fin i 4 IM oya vrr rfl Mk4 M iaj kt aaaouiy, TM Ok laratef far IM ttloltag laialllat tl kl aa kvi IUI ttitat rA. 4 WM lW4w4'4 4 a'ag im Mif s Mr M' laiala4 (II) M a akHia wka.t a , TM nl " Hum m TM kao ItfktMa a was fwa- Claia ow aolallro SMfaw4 Una at roll. S3 4 OA4 I Ml O w AJWar of Ark a frlM f LMt, aakal tktaa M ookoarl IM Q k go Mok Skar4 k4Wl4 IMI M Sgaoaad k LN Uaor aa tllka IMI kattkat foaaj Sr RUkaiik lwf k.1 oa. la. (Mail rorolao IM 1 a I a naaaatar ta ku taoa Tbay wool lo om totM ai im C KltMi k4Mt ta Sr4lant4. S4 t'1ar MlH IMt M4lM SMS MwU M ryu4. (kt4 a i4 im I aa o4 far tart' ar. Ml IM4 M ar4t4 k ktMf, M LaTlaMT offttrd kUr ssa Kali Mr imo4 ry Mr4 ta LrUrr waa irfMilal as oiakair al Aarora, gWr4 IM s4suild Iftal Bl L (?(ii0 Browk. fortkar ascrit4 ta tke Iitt4 vt'suiora, w oa twf. oa IrUl cMrt4 wtib Mytag twmxraile voio for LrUr ta It LiDuta, Ml 44J IMt k wool I Mr I got part of IM fasaow "Jarfcpef II said IMt be won t at Lwi lo slip auj aa aad My oqaipovaal far bis aw loooaU. a4 IMt M anal IK lagiaiaior iirSH!IOSIILW8 liB'f,li ai IM 4.. itw -... r c... i b..a i a tt t-a-r i ,- ,4. a v 4 ki4 ,(..-.-a r..;4 ti -a a-rk k t -a !, ui , an wa4 Iwukr a'vw- MM a t. 4 t a-.,. ,! M4 k Ika . (t4 a a'....w at a .4 k a-a-'aa at .4 m(.44 H m lt i . 4..a a.a ,.t..i-. t-,t ka tia i t4 ' tt a--i -.... t w i v.k it Men Sent Out by t.p!a)mer.t Acer.cy traced ta Seek Wert Oicv.her; Pickets Ready for Dtcnded FI5M iy. , . . "if tkar was asy Mr of a rackpol for gao an body r fwt It" said f bp ard. tint la aoaX Mambor of IM , fkettoa ar MHetaaiy easie rtsg alrvulaltaa otitsos far Jodr 4s44s roralt aad maay prootinaat it aaaa have proni4 to alga Ibeam. T- ! Mttfftol arM tTna k iily ai a liatuj taar, ik IM laa 4 Ik aiiaiaal ft k laM rni imi ti k M4 Ma ;4 f IM aMr itkl Ik Ua It Mk TV l4t ! r kl a.4 : 1 KM a -l l U k-a 004 IMI Ukka ekkal k wiul TM tat, faft 4 IM sink tlo Ikaa 1 a ti, w at H . k W gfa Oal Ikl kaoraia by MO f IM aaia kktAa, wM kU IMI IM k4J OaaakaO Wlkklo IM . fajotrag M gkavrc a4 wka, III Oho. a4 f IMS a.wkai M M Mm kki4 4 fr oaakaaa Ua I lak IM t-ia tuS f IM OKlkar. Aailkir kakk 4 wM war Ml by o of t M tril ... tna im fx m 4 t,.. ,41 t a .,1 k4w lt4 k. i aua.M. J a tl Ma Mtl aiN M l 4 ,a- it( .. , w.. t M 4 a l a v. ii ..., . . ,4 tv . ,i4 at at l al at ka k towa r kv.ca. kia4 a4 I Uia I a awrl IM ta ktaikaA CflYMVlllOBEY VACCIflOJI ORDER Al a Bkornag of lit ma t TVaa-Aar iM IM '' aooaajtk MLtiSaa; 0w t T Strwa. (Mm kt-aka Oa.1 fka4ta kMwa. waa ak-MialaJ BaaaakM al a bnmMIm M tMMito ka al MtM r li:i f IM lrt -a . Hatar JjjK faf tia. k4 aa,i va ' a I a m tayo llii4 k o'4 t im iamO U4 k Ik a4lf kaa.lk i k- -a t -t4t,l k . .-. tsj.. at aa w ara k,M4 t-kan-aaaaj k IM tM a w a.4 a "I lil kf a u ita J ka i t.a t- -!.. . ( waa .' aa m. It f a,,M.i. kaail 4 II I tM t- 4 i a .k.a a tta fU; ria-a. la I al 4. t . .a .. I aaa a t tva4.4 k M ttiiaia o . k Ik ImII ta an t t aa ok4 f tkawt Ka f u kiaaaVaa 4 Va a. Itaa 4rtAs IM al.ir a4 Ik l kaa..k aiait- aa.ar ataa, Utk lit aa-aa ta ka Mwtaat4 a IS iwi4 tta4 Ikaa kf ktakt la tal4 I va k-t.. !. if IMf ka IM a'; axika, Mf :,a-4 I 4 l kwga. T'r k ti,a4 t M -a'aM Ut laav ktUkt f . Oaakk kltaaA OaM tVIM U tare to oiaawkar far eaapkaysaaot. Km wM a al M wars ot IM f4gk sMla kUk IM r4Sr4 I rr to U4 oa M Oaalara Ot4 f II yJ r iwra4 by tM sksMta. CUoiaUla ag , Maay of tM roaUaat ta IM tklaiir of IM Mao Ma caaakiataad I IM patko of IM aasoraaaary wits kk laka ac wnki IM axh algkt Laat aua-kl Vkn- gaaakl of 414 Iwatk- WU Ot'aal astialt4 I Pklroi, Mania IMI M wa aaabi to il oa aoootkal of IM prl4 wbuillng 11 tM 4volag. TM waloa klaaalo oa Iak4 IMI Iki wkUUiag lo a Mat la ikir fare, far it Mw ibat IM sutko bAr laakd tM a&op sr t orgka- laad la leek aXt lb work M It Maw 14 M eoaa. TMy oay that tM wkiaiia ar tl! t gat lk saa lotMr, aad proloagod oigMl Btea tMi tkra U a owt of irwitbio ta tM roua4boM which Bortotimoa Sara raj shlU4 wrh- at oao. nil ar for TLaaxg ngkt Tb ptckala Ma tti4 down aad ar now prepared fer a loag flgbt Each saorwJag ry at wb soma I o picket work haa to rtfUUr la of lb aamorou books wmra are oa nsaa. Tbs.lroubl which trek out bwa Ibo trUbrkrs aad tM union pickets IM LB, BIKilESS, HEIDAGHE. GOATEO TO MB SDH Tm aad b tilia aa1 a4 airs rtikl k Maa aa kl- la a at lit lo aa, faaJ I taaa, kanaal 4 a4- M4Ma4 With oua. aaaaf. 4taaa4a44 4avaaa r ItM Makaak aai faaa ail wara ak A faa aaa4axg laJk laaU wllk Otatial-or avaaaly t af r law a; a wna ooila iktvn u or oaatar oil! i aarama laaMiaiiir ataaaaa an raaanif a aftta. vaaav i-i oaar Iiaaa4 aad l'aaiig f4 aa4 lal geea. tat ka aaraaa k'a ft ik liaar aa4 carry f f lb 4ipooytat4 wl ati aA satawj fraa Ika. Ita- 4jsaV4 veny4kaV. A taacaral Uetlgkt wtU tra!(la ya al by saarlsw I atal M tfl kaap i'a aar altr fatauly fa4lag gaa for a I foafal IM kK4a Ikalr. luU i aar oailtr fatauly 4a4, aaU kMkallf. la. JT k V "a. 1 i ; ;" ' y : .Not by .the ' ! .. : .' ' " , . , - 'v. k. X ' Our Lease and Fixtures . For Sale "-7-; t Northeast Cor. 3d is J Davis rJalie Wo Mslalie Be Sere ft Cit thr Klfihl tlttt1 f Look for the Dig Red Signs THic I. K. Ii.: CldttMeg SttOFC Northwest Corner Third and Davis : Rheumatism y-yf: ;: Curo A Homo Care Win Be Given FREE , By One Who Had It. in tna spring or lnea i was attacked by MuHeularajid Inflammatorr Bbeumatlsm. I kulioaeq at only Mioi),who hare It know, for over three years. I If led remedy after rem xlr. aiid doctor after doctor, but such relief at i recerrea was oniy temporary, finally. I found a remedy that cured me completely, and II hat never returned-. I have given It to a oumoer wne were lernoiy amioteo, ana even bed riddna wltn Bheumatlsm, and II effected a cure to every case. - 1 will aeod a free trial of this precious remedy by mall, postpaid to any sufferer who writes for it. Just fill out the coupon below sod mall it to me today. . ...... Mark H. Jackson, Nov 794 James street Syracuse. N. T. kir. Jaeaaoo Is rewontloi. Abor state- neiittrusi JPub. , - . . !".,, . ... i.:. - - . IN SODS, fi .... M MM " . - :!:..: . .., ' '. Address a 1L ANTICIPATES DEATH OF 2 AT ONCE rooster St Kllcscr Ilij;b Grade Commercial "and Electric GIGMS- . r t Ttk and East fcvarrtl f La. . : obaa a.aat JUlj V-t..k. The Joint will of Alvah C. Edmunds, who died at the O. A. R. encampment at Rochester, N. TH in August' and his wife, Sarah A. Edmunds, who, survives him, was admitted to probate yesterday by County Judge Cleeton. This is the first instrument of its kind over spread upon the records in this county, and the circumstances surrounding , the drawing of the same are somewhat unusual. The will was drawn by Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds a few days before they de parted for the O. A. R. encampment and It is so drawn - that both persons anticipated death at the aame time, Mr. Edmunds' was a well known tiguro In th military affairs, and was the col or bearer. . He was : overcome while carrying the flag- in the parade and died within a few moments, . ..-,v;,v ry, Attorney Arthur Langgutfa, represent ing the widow and four pther heirs, filed th will a few days ago,, and it came before Judge cieeton ror admis sion to the records. Throughout the will, reference Is made to both Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds,- and both sign It Lucy L. Edmunds is named executrix of the estate, but the estate is left Intact for the widow until her death. ; This con flict in-th-lnetruraent will be one of the legal points to be settled. . S. & S. CO.'S PACKING PLANT PLAN APPROVED Plans for the $800,000 pack! ng plant of Sulzberger dfc Sons company, known as S. fc 8., at North- Portland,, have been completed and have been - con firmed by th board of directors. " Work on the plant will start at North . Portland within .... a very short time. The construction work has been delayed owing to the desire of Suls berger A Sons to complete th Okla homa City plant without delay. The structure was- formally opened Monday and 1s said to be th moat modern in I the T'nlted States. The plant at North Portland will bo very similar In apprarane to th Bouiktrn structurs and will be equally After 18 years of successful retailing, the I..X. LStore, one of the leading North Thrid Street clothing stores, decides to. quit In order to get out in the shortest possible .time, we are givingthe public the 'full benefit by giving them values in Qothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hat, Shoes,' Suitcases and Blankets at prices never heard of before. Just think' of it all new, clean, , up-to-date merchandise, of the. late fall ana winter siyiesi ; , v... . . , ...: - : ' ;( , . , v At i2 fo V3 and Even Less of the Regular Prices This means : dollars to you come early and get your share of .the bargains, NeverTagain will such price slashing occur in Portland.- .-,' r:v.v v y r'?s:'J:. xJ vV: A't KAV'k-v'-r V FREE The First Ten Customers Friday Morning Will Receive a $1.50 Dress Shirt-FREE V Below we quote ju$t a few of the Many Bargains that may be had at thit Great Closing Sale, f ? $6.75 LOT 4150 Men. Suits, U the late 1911 designs with style and character; worth $20.00 and $2250., ' :. tlQ QK SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S CLOTHING Men's Overcoats in gray and black mel tons, all sizes; the regular $10 t CO OK grades. Our sale price vOfJtl; r " n.f.aiai ii Men'a ('vcrcoat ana Kamcoats in in inc vur vuiv . . . , www M , tni e -win ur - c..:- .v.- r ..!. ... v, ------ -r iVVit W .W 4VACI4 9 VJUlia, VI Ul tllC stock, every known shade and fabric. These suits are turned out by America s foremost wholesale tailors; $25.00 and even $35.00 values.1 Our sale ; , tjfl O CC t PJLdVO MEN'S FURNISHINGS LOT 1 Men's Black and" Fancy Color I Suits, ajl sues, good .styles;, the regular $10.00 values. Our sale . , CO QCT price ... . . . , . , .... ..... . . . . 4wJe7fJ LOT 2 Men's All-"Vyool Suits, swell, up-to-date patterns; regular $12.50 and $15.00 values. Our sale , (IJyl OC nce .. vaw OT 3 Men's Suits in the .late shades of browns and grays, actually worth $18. Our sale price.,..';. Men's Working Shirts, the 50c and QQA 75c grades . .....v. ... . ... . .... . . OkC ; Men's Dress ' Shirts, with collars AQgi and without; $1.00 grades Men's Dress Shirts styles and pat- fJQgi terns to please all; $1.25 grade I v Men's Fine Dress Shirts,- $1.50 and QK'o $2.00 values .. VOl : Men's r Blue Flannel t Shirts, 'single and double-breasted; $1.50 and $2.00 val- QQa ; ties, at-; i; . . . . . J. ... r. ......... i v . Oit Men's Jersey Ribbed ; Underwear, ACkg sweater necks; 75c values .......... LxJ t Men's All-Wool Underwear; values r7Q up to $1.50 JVC " Men's Wool Sox, dark and gray ; " " X', values up to 25c J-XC to t . Men's Fancy Sox, values up the pair . . . ...... . , . Men's Black and Brown Sox, the reg- fjg ular 15c grade I v Work Sox, heavy 10c grade ............ .4e 50c President and Coin Suspenders, ,,,234 $1.50 and $2 Blue Flannel Shirts ...... 89 25c and 35c Silk Neckwear ... i . i ..... 15d White Handkerchiefs, 15c values . ,i , . , . 7e White and Red 10c Handkerchiefs .....34 Men's 14-ih.. High-Top ; Shoe black and tan; $5 and $6 grade ' $1.00 grade Sweater, Coats ''i..45 10c White Handke rchief s .VaVia i'. .';,. 8d 25c- Garters . . . . . . ..,"v. .i.Sdt 10c Heavy Canvas Gloves L... -;....:, v.. 4d .95 Wool Sox, 20c and 25c grade ......... Il4 t6 $15.00. Our sale ; QC QK price VWtUU Men's Overcoats and Raincoats, hand tailored, reversible "collars; values up to $22.50. ' Our sale price . . (J gg HATS HATS HATS $1.50 values" : ,s. 804 $2.00 and $2.50, all styles ,........,.1.45 $3 and $4 all cfclors and styles .....f 1.95 PANTS PANTS PANTS $1.50 VALUES '..I... . $2.50 VALUES . f 1.65 $3.50 VALUES V ..2.35 $5.00 VALUES . .k t . f 2.85 SHOES SHOES SHOES Values up to $2.50 ......w.f 1.445. Values up to $3.00 f 2.35 Values up to $4.00 ...r ;.f2.85 Values up to $5.00 ....... .........:.f 3.15, W.' L7 Douglas . Shoes, $3.50 to QO C K $4.00 grades ,..... P&00 Look for the Big Red Signs . mm O JL WO Iho r rin o -' WMM WprSliwesS Corner pS-TEiird.aEcI EDavIi BBJBJol . i', , , 1 V ,, , .( i .. ! i'i , ; gaaaJ J. a-,' ' f m it i ir iarir sun 'u i . 1 ' c s ar f ' firf ' Extra Sales- llfh f meniyanfed ' SkT. . Apply Early. ,S J - UlWk aa ' v!;0penj: Evenings' ' .. t , HIOI tMllll , iii. f i V Wv