The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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    AN OKU G O N i' A KM
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Tie aa-a'.l f-FVf I I'i-!; T.'a.
day !-.; : t '. li a.,.', wj
COAST li.v.i'i :;vu .
r v ' . r '.. r. -1 'ill Vv , i -)
VOL. x. no, nr.
raicc two cents ;,v.: V..VW.-:
President Is Due at 5 oTIocI
Buildings Decorated in His Honor
Guest of City Until Late Tonight
Brief Stay In City to Be Slg- Ofympla, Central, Chehafis,
naHzcd by Great Welcome; and Kelso Are Visited and
.People Eager to See and
Hear President. ,
Presidential Train Wears
Vancouver for Short . Stop.
Centre Ha. kuil. oci. n.-hMiiui
Tefl errlvaj c.atralta fraea Ulym.
a la at I srlora thla eflaraoaa a as r
eaeleed fo a WW period it II Bala.
ramaae from
A commit-artoiatd
end beet ed Wnerurbea eere fc er Ua it.pak-
broaihl oavarrrcl iuaM af roorvr .. -- wa ,
IUjIK IUn wKa Bill Mik 1 wtw Bint IN
IMaopl f rorUn4 la raallaf tfca m. Ib fm Tb
lion a rhl.f aiacuUra. Maor m. rajaaol U bodr a4 lha
UtlM bouaM. factors a ad lb. M0' f-P"' Iba alal. mlilll aa-
ahwJa arlll alaaai In tlm for all la a I aia la ma cvranetiia iiuaorao at
rvry rnlaa4 fU flta fra w4
fcJja tU7. TM waidn af laa fall.
4 auiaa tU rrl U Ua at I
Bw ta.
Tkt IKa MaaldMl wtu
4uriB tba ar4a
taa KMUrit arna ura4. Train
aa4 al -lh. irT I 'T,V',f tftT,U
unM 1 1 kualnaaa) aaaa
vialiaa-v causa lata tt titf from tba
.. .i.i .......i. I urroBlB teM t aera a iUbdm
I ha pr.ald.nta racapitoa aal4 Ula mara-l' J Br. . . , .
In a that Bona af tha aarafullr aaaAa I praaligaa rram aara la
plaiia would ta cbaacad. Tba 12 ia. CahUa, wh.ra aaoihaiap of It mla
L.r. af th. aMrl.l rvnlln. MnmlllM I Ka4a. Tba Cilia. club af
will fttaar at tba Loloa a.pot at 1 1. i. .
p. bi Im tbair eara raadr ta Urt tba Tart a aomln. aod ar.n a Uffr erawd
.r.. .1... tK. nM.i(..t iikx btalaa a-mmaraa uiara man in cantraiia.
j.laea. Prwldant Tart will arrtra aar ,M f,,.,e15 ,B
ii. v,ts.,- .1 .w.n balls, tha biatorla McKlnl.r atuwa ba-
w urnma mm m i wiivrn. l Bia rativ la
b'ahl prtaa4 by tba raafdaoi af Cba-,
halla. aa It waa flrat uaad by Praald.nt
McKJnl.r oa bla Initial wtaiara trip.
and aftararard br Tbaodora
Vlea PraaKlaat fair bank a and tbaa Baa-
rary at War Tart.
Tha praaldaat procaadaa to Kalaa from
o clork. an4 tha first la rraat blm will
ba Mayor Ruahllabt and Fraaldanl Back.
with of tha Commercial club aad Praal
dant llallar of tba ohanbar of com
en area. - . '
" Ooraraot Oaaat.
Governor Wast will attaad tha ban-
quat. but will ba unabl to atund tha I cr,,i,alU
ArmoiT BM.UDI. aa na niaai vaca
to Baltra this svanlnf In ordar to da
ilvrr an ad(Jrra .of aetcoms at t
o'clock tomorrow morfilni , whan ' ttii
prastdrnt arrtras at tha capital.
I - Tba parada la rortlaod thla aft. moon
will ootnnionea a faw mlnutts aftar I
" O'clock and will follow thaaa traats:
Prom tha . Union depot, oo Irrlna" to I
Fifth, on Fifth to Hoyi. on Hoyt to
(racial ta Tba JearaaLt
' Baattla, Wash- Oct 11. Charlea Taft I
ni,. airth to Mnrriaon an UnrrU I Snowdon. not as yat Tarr tall In atatura
, woo to Tenth, on Tantt to Waahlnfton. 'wanwag umwa sn,. !.
on Waahlnrton back . to Savsntii. aa ?fa fragment of humanity, was I
, a...nih n r.b mA a n n.k n tha Pm. I tha really important mure la an avant
marclal club at nfth and Oak. where Probablj -without parallel la tha annals
tha orealdant will reet ontll tha ban-l prwiutnuu wnan mwi
uui TTii4iaia mi. jiii waiKtKl upvn mm
In attendance for to mlnntaa yaaterday
mornna;, aa godfather at his chrlateo-
Hr..., '. ii::.-. : . - ' . .;.
.' Otitslde a crowd of thousands ' was
ratherlof, hunrry for tha aiht of the
axacutlTa. . Down 1n the reception foyer
tha silk battad committee paced to and
fro. Drama - ware beard In ' muffled
fain tness from tha distance and tha
tramplnr of troops where the parada
waa forming-. .
But, Inside all waa. quiet and poaca
Parades and speeches wera far away.
intrusive committees were temporarily
discarded, for kins; baby was holding
court, the center of an admiring circle
who had gathered for tha aola purpose
of 'assisting , at a momentous occasion
in hia life. , -, --,;'.
The event was tha administration of
- . (Continued oa Page Ttto.)
r , ,
" N
' I k 'aw Aw- I
fr- -u r ( M
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Indictment Upon Vitilch Trial Inlliative, Referendum. Hccal
Beqins Is for Killing of Fort- Wanted by Citiicns, t ;t
man of Machinists In Times
Women Suffrage Believed b
Have Been Lost
Small Chaitta to Get Jurors Recall Wins by Nearly Four ta
From Initial Venire; Broth
era ChccrfuL
One; San Francisco Hits
Women Suffrage,
atttfttttttfttftl tVwUmt r-aaa ta.fl raf
I fa traartacav Od 11 -t it. Ml-
TM niMMI- J i S l .l. arMaJ1.aa ..1 rn ..!.
lww m . v . . k r i . a I
'- ' -w MMua ti. aaaatitattaaj waa r
iNir47iiTaa.rtfHiMii. a ,r a.rwa-liaa Miuua. Taa u.t
.. - " -t-iarea are svaiiaMa Shaw irva r
TbO AllJ crle i-Maa. Iiaa aa.JrMl mvtdiaa foe lha list!
lag draaaiiia aadar tbe aid ball4 eeura aad rtttttmaum ta ba: yaa lt.1:
a lag af la La Aagaiaa Tiaaaa, I aa. 17.14 1. Oa IKa ttort 1.
a canataf fira wfetsb coat tba Uea t for the rat all. iaa4tag l4g;
af It aaak )ir .; aa.
si laoitatKMia petal ia tha d.rt rr
addd4ddddda)de)d) warne af fraga by a email anargta, al-
wsn nwi tm auu oouat.
Iiit af Ru4. 1. Aualaa. Or. I rarttal raturna freta aaoat af the
I L tVa ariii irv iiaai B. UcNiaara I larwar ettlca tt the state a ho aad.
first aad U aak that the court erd.r I rapt for Ioa AsgaUa. aaaHtua agalf.t
J oh a J. aleNamara. tabaai bark la lalL-late J or womaa. rraaa tha rural die.
eaid ri.irict iiiMu rYdarlrka af. 1 1 net a. awrb raturaa aa atragflM lit
l.r raaaulttaa alia bla a .aorta I m la I wa .waoi. rv ine aaopuo or lha
la Tlmaa dyaamiuar trial thla asora-1 lmwil. It la not probable that ne
lag. vm in pan rasa ijiaenona wiii
-Thai ea ba doaa Ular " aiU thai o.naiiaiy gaawa oarora attht. ml
eourt aad lha work af getUag a Jary I "lr. tt lha reault Is vary doe, at
waa at oaoa begoa. I ,wr ware.
lly agrsamaai of aouaael the la dirt I rriasa aUayt Tatea Tt Waaasa.
meat poa wblrb todays UUI bKaal Itatarna from fit rraarlaca. altH
waa for ibe killing of Charlea J. IUg-aear1y all prarlacia b.ard from, ctve
tarty, roratnaa or marhiaiata la Ibe la rata of SUIJI tor auffraga. aad H.-
iitnas ouiiding. tie aa auiaa aar tnelkil aaaioet. This aola. to lit leal tor-
spat wbera tha stats allegta tba tfraa I rasters aald, waa an Indication that the
tone waa eipiooeO. . I amendment was beaten and that Ban
la announcing that mr considered I rraoclaco had dona IL
hlmaalf qualified to try the caae Judge I It la baUaved that all af (he Othrr
uordwau aald that tba daft nee had I amendment a to tha conalliutloa have
failed to proao Ita conteatlon. lie bad eartiad. Tba amendment to inorease the
incorporated tba record aa affldav I powers af the state railroad eommta.
It In Which fcO personally disclaimed lalao. ta make tt. na mamhara annolnt.
any aiaa or prajuoica una inouwr cyi by tha governor, and to make It
t-raaiuing juage ueorge ii. jiu.wo or practically a state public utilities board.
uw .iiimm wun, wow .' ie i won by a large majority. . .
procaaura or.ttia superior eourt had i prominent amoar tba nasurs ji-
Negotiations Carried on In Ber-
111 fftP Pflt . SPVPPI naVQ I ,ne sacrament of . holy baptism to one
.... ,. -.- , ..f 1 Charles
.Result in . Call to.
Hostilities. . ;.
(ConMnued on Page Two.)
j ' (United Praas Leased Wire. ,"
Barlln, Oot.. 11 An armlatloe has
! been declared between Italy aad Tur
kay, aeoordlna; to a statement front a
high official aonroa hare today. Aooord
. InaT to thla statement psaoa has been
- arranged mainly throngli tha efforts of
Oermanyt and While it will not ba of
ficially proclaimed, yat loo farther hos
tilities will taka place.
Postmaster Charlea' B. Merrick would
Taft Snowdon, and for that pur-1 like to find a mall carrier's uniform
built for tha super-man. Only yester
day ha received - a highly Important
telegram from tha poatofflce depart
ment at Washington telling him that ha
must deliver president Tart's mall in
person to tha president himself.
That'a fine." said the postmaster.
"I'll have a uniform and a whistle and
look tha part of. special delivery boy.'
But Mr. Merrlek la not - bujjt ' like
ordinary carriers. Ha Is about as big
ss . two of them together. , His search
for a uniform waa doomed to disappoint
ment for he could find none with the
Constantinople, Oct.
.Washington, -Oct. 11. Officers who waist Una axtenslva enough for a Port-
. . m . - a., a l. m I I ni Ttnatf-mai araF , . wlthmiv aa nnifAam
4 i iniai 'inrn memoniDifj inn iruuaa lkdi i . a.vM Ba
. ' -:" - i. . n .w.lthah Wri-ajt1sb WAllIrl mMtl lirtrhlnaT in Ma
11. Official an- orn '?' oawiaowp. wregon on tn. '-"7-:""--T
I w . . . . - .
id 7l mT.: occasion of Its cn-lso to fiaht Cervera's ernc wul nve ma seeming oniy or
w v. w"f ,,,, th- a-fi, an ordinary citizen when he delivers
forces by no means consider themselves eet .urin. tha Spanish war are en- t Br.:M-nr hi h.iniia of iMr-
worated In Tripoli was made hero to- deavonng toaay to nava ner comman- -. ----- -
day when the ministry . gave out to tha der. Bear Admlra' Charlea E. Clark, Th DrfaWnfavmaiiHa .iv. ...t
: proa, : to tha affect j that now. retired, restored to actlva servlca trf Wam"otoe? St
Tripoli has not surrendered, and that with the rank of vice admiral to com advanca ao that It will be ready for
i tha Turks have Inflicted losses on the mand the ship again when It leads tha nim at the varioua cities which he vis-
'Itlin-IJr'1'.,rti'it!i''1'"''; -''V"-''' 'iw '1 DttoB'- neet through the nama oa- ita. Unela Sam's mail delivery service
Z rtenjen further declarea that nal. organises all the postmasters of these
the 'Tripoli forts disabled two Italian . Admiral Clark has signified his will- cities into a apeerar delivery corps that
T . .u V T, T , v llngne w resume ciiv lervic igiiniiafa delivery of important oommuni-
" iS i5 ' or.uu euvrencneo i tor that voyage. . cations may ba insured.
- with' a heavy, loss.,. .
. - It adds that tha Italians attempted
to effect a landing at Derna and ware I
repulsed by the Turkish garrison,
A-'.' telbgram nt rto jProstdeiJt Taf t
Monday extended, an Invitation to the
honored -visitor ( to take aride in . tha
fastest 'boat in the world .' during Wa
visit to Portlands Tha message waa
signed by, Attorney Oeorga 8. Shepherd
In behalf of the owners and tha boat
so designated Is the Oregon wolf, , the
product or jonn wours worn.
Officially the Oregon Wolf has not
excelled tha' record or tha Dixie, an
eastern' boat, which was made last aum:
mer. of" 40.4 miles an hour as tha of
ficial, record of the Oregon Wolf la 39.5
mllea. In a trial about two weeks ago,
however, tha Oregon Wolf waa let out
and made the course at an average of
41 miles an hour. So elated are the
owners with her success - they have
asked for official Judges and tha, boat
will probably be given a trial of 10D
miles next month. '.'.-'-.:
Owing to tha limited time of Presi
dent Taffa visit hero there will ba little
possibility ,: that the Invitation can. be
accepted. No , word has been ' received
la regard to tha Invitation from Presi
dent Taft ii yet The fact that tba
president likes that kind of amusement
leads the motor boat enthusiasts to be
lieve he would accept the invitation for
a ride against time If It were possible.
baaaj violated Jo assigning the Me.Ns
rnara 'caae to Judge Uordw.ll a court
for trial.
A brief receaa was taken while eoua
aal for tha defense conferred and dis
cussed tha two affidavits
"Defease Qraated "gxoaptloa.
' ' Judge Bordwell then formally denied
tha motion, Inaofar aa It referred to
tba Haggerty caae. and granted tha de
fense an exception-
Attorney Lecompts Davis then moved
that certain parta of Judge Hstton's
affidavit, in which ha declared that be
bad. as presiding Judge, personally as-
algned . the McNamara . case to Judgs
Bordwell for trial, ba stricken out This
wss also overruled and exception noted.
Tha court also considered the excuses
of a number of tha veniremen who hd
presented excuses . on Monday, action
on ' which had been deferred. There
wera only a dosen bf them, but consld
srtng their cases was a tedious task
which consumed tha better part of tha
first hour. ,. Most of tha applications
wera finally refused by Judge Bordwell.
i . . f, xmg right for Jury,
JLass than 40 names remained In the
original venire when the trial waa re
sumed this arternoon with jamea B.
McNamara, accused directly of having,
by. exploding a charge ; of dynamite
(Continued on Page Fifteen)
f i . i .
'A. ..... . ,. . . . . . . .. UJ V. . I . V UT 111.1111 M
. A.Httla iJlan 'Of tha,Commarclal club Lauaad tho-death of Charles J. Hag.
io oring lorwara squao in . China
pheaaant'a feathers at tha : banauet
given thla evening In honor of Prealdent
Taft, has been abandoned. ' Mingled
with tha toothsome 'dalntlea that Ore
gon.' produces 4 tha president will 1 eat
squab as squab and not as pheasant
The lrst plan waa $o , aerva Cblna
pheasants to all of tha banquettora who
bava paid 110 a plate for tha privilege
or. taxing dinner, this evening with the
president Tha game warden was will
ing , to make aa exception In tha en
forcement of the law to permit tha ar
rangement but soma of tha people were
milted ta lha voters waa one prorldm-r
for the compulsory compenaatton of
employee It baa aurely carried.
Tha total vote In the state on amend-
ments Is estimated at approximately
110.000. or about 10 per eent of the rr
latratlon. The total vote for suffrage
is estimated at 10.000 for and BO.ooO
against Tha official figures for San
Vtanclaco are given as 15,010 agalnat
and 11.007 for. This gave a majority
(Continued on Page Sixteen.)
Amendments Just Adopted In
Many Respects Similar to
Oregon's; Recall More Com
prehensive.: 1
"'fTTnll'Ml Piwaa Wb-a.t
Meridian. Miss., Oct 11. That he
not i The protest that aavedtha llveslwlll support Woodrow Wilson, governor
or tb domesticated nheasanta waa f ol-1 of New jersey, ror tna jJemocratic
lowed by a suggestion that if the pres.- j nomination for president of the United
aent-were served with. China Pheasant I states, is , tne statement maae nere to-
and If half a dosen on either side of Iday by Senator John Sharp Williams of
him at the banquet board were also j Mississippi, one Of the most prominent
served with China pheasant no one I figures in national Democratic , poli
would ever know tha difference and tha I tics. -'.--'.' .'
president would still think that Oregon's I ."After giving tha ' subject careful
beet game bird had been made chief i thought," aald Williams, "I have con-
item of the feast No , explanation has I eluded that Wilson la tha best man to
accompanied the decision not to serve I nominate. I think ha would ba able to
China pheasants at all, but It will be I carry the west and would atand better
certain, that the banquet: to President I in tha north than any other available
Taft i tonight will not. have aven the I Democrat Ha would ba strong In the
seeming or law violation. i I south.
l London, Oct 11. Dispatches received
hero today Indicate " that a force of
Turks and Arabs is momentarily f ex
pected to attack Tripoli. Tha Italian
i: fleet : baa landed field guns to assist
i In tha defense. .v'-:..v ,:. ? s:
Tha censorship at -Tripoli continues
severe andTt is generally agreed that
the first serious battle of the . War has
been already fought 'V-- ' v .
Advisee which have reached Berlin
say tb Mohammedans who have flocked
to W the Turkish troops number 20,
OOO.rVienna advices say lO.OOfl: Proo-
Sjpectii of peace are apparently gloomy
and t Is understood Kiere will be no
negotiation to that end until after the
occupation of Tripoli has boon com
pleted. . ; .. .
i- ' "' (Vnltri Ptmm Ltnul' W1r -
New Tork, Oct 11. Edward M. Grout
former comptroller of the city of New
Tork ana prealdent or tba now defunct
Union bank, waa Indicted todayby the
K!ng-a county grand Jury. James Ash
' . h.,n-. - ..uv,. .: ' ' . ' i.Z" oi a it ai --if'Pi-" " ' --- nriij X'lfmnatiiSSgh
" jjL ' 1 i5 !p " " " ' '
, I I I - .... Tv- ',--.":. .. - nri .. ,-- - v KVlkXK; "V.V r I - - . I J I s ill ' I
I.1.''. ' '-..r?r i I aa ii wnniwwwu. j ,y .
,. . .,w.,n.nfa : ..... . ., ... ... . ...... ? ..,.. . ,1 K . .
I I ". "- " . - .' .-v . . ....,..' ..... ' . r-rr
California's adoption of tha Initiative,
the referendum and the recall records
another follower for c tha pathfinder,
Oregon. The amendments striking at
the power of the boaaea and. reserving
to tba people tha right to legislate for
themselves are in many respects strik
ingly similar to tha , Oregon amend
ments, while. In others an attempt hna
been made to improve upon tha methdda
used In this atate. 1
A comparison and analysis of theso
changes makea interesting reading for
Oregon, It is clear that tha Callfor-
nlans have : appreciated,, some of tha
complications in method that have re
sulted la Oregon, and have workeU out
a mora comprehensive plan, particularly
as to the recall, "-f . :-, '
Ona of tha striking feature of tha
California plan, as regards tha Initia
tive, is a dual system, whereby the cir
culators of an initiative petition may
submit it directly to the people or ad
dress it to t ho legislature. If framed
for submission, directly, to tha popl,
the procedure does not differ. materially
from tha Oregon plan. Eight per cent
of the total vote is required, 1 on
tha vote for governor at the laat el po
tion, instead of being upon the- vote tot
supreme Judge, as In Oregon. There is
some advantage in thla, since only ona
governor is - elected, and the division
of the voto when there are several can
didates for t ho supreme court has In
volved complicated mathematics ana
possible legal strife in this state.
May Fropoae Substitute.
In tha case of an Initiative meaaura
submitted to the legislature In Cali
fornia, however, only 6 per-cent of tha
vote for governor is 'required, V lthni
40 1 daya after the legislature m.-a
it must act on the measure, wlMioii 5
changing or amending It if the 1 ,.'.
lature rejects, or falls to act within 4
days the length of the seailon In try I
state being 60 daya tha nifnnur. m , .
be placed on the ballot for tha pi .
verdict at the next election.
However, the legislature la f
right to propose a aubatltut. m -on
the same quesllon. to t. u"f "
to the people at th. ari t ' :
tiative measure ia submltif.l. T. '
combination of the, I 1
lative systems, .the' '
idea claiming that It ..:
ijf.niisnlia of f ir y i
Thi''(i the! -t r.
ley, cashier of tha Union bank was
- ' ' . - c .' . - . . . . 4 . . . ; ..- T"-sw.- ' .. ' wn.n. iAr i j j j i
1. or in l 1 f ' - '
also Indicted. t
. . - --, i .