The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 10, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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uui W f 1 .! ft 4
1Mb III fill 1U
f4 tliutlM 1-4 '
.ft I-U. aJU4 ft-4 a,--
tla 1m4M4 JUI k Wtf UU
'4 t ft 1 1 ;ttf l Ml
WKt CilifarBJA Vote
ilMi4 ft In ix ) v.
i k Jllt Am, t. L Jt, Aaw-aSk
I 11111
..i.4.4 n -'. 4-a
f4'e fti.4 tu l.'tl, l-li i
' ft HMI V-a-w I IM
iwe4 ft tk ?II.M1
ft HU1. t4NuK.
- .i"vrw.t'L.T ii it a i 44iw.i !!
.4 r,i4Mi .- '" , fk. W i4 4 we.4i
ft4tA TV Jift4l ft l Is y-
t M U iliM- .4,M1 Ik
a. ,. - 4VJ.t'l. 14 IM
"lU4; 4. 44 t444 y U
w. i )- ! r,t-ft.4.w it
ft -4 ty ftni. ftt DiM 'wfcV J,
U.Jm U lt4 ft . Um
fttCl ft'.aftlft
A tvU .. Ml .. '' ft-V
i.a M ? tat: 14 I li ftVaih Iff t
tt-ft VftMU Ift ft lUtlll t
t uttr. ftr it llT 7?
f -,.. iMMIltlM t4
...... UM4 iMU f fk4t I ftf
'Vt.1" IUtf Ift IM,'
rtiiKI-A ill ti 441.
ffft r ftlM ft -4 ! 11 - I ft fvti ( fA -
r'-l anMla) M
f 9 1
ft, .' ft
I ft.
jllf.Otft, I 4llV-l ft4
K ft . avUl f
a4 4 al4 l 4M. ! 4MM
" a a - wfck
rt...a iwu
ia4. r. aft
Mil It li prjtff lUl M
Th r:fw ft' iUj
LttrrFrom tt Pop!f
ki4 4iir
W ft - ( iTTtUlUt, fM4 t
li. Ml al-a a ft" I ft Ln.tftaft UiUallw iiinwl
' ) ft Mft UWmIIi am 1, f
I f r U4Mka al a
4J (ft ., tata wa af
a kl.f k 1 k . ai't a iui.
.. 4 UKm
a. - 4 ii ... m
W rM la fWf. M K atAft l
ftCT4 M f
"tt urtlluft ( n4LJift XaJft. I
H bft) 0m U ftHraaf
, rwt Ua.4. tvt. 1 T Ua C4j
v lulaMl Ift JrwJ I La I !
M.aa4aKa aa It-a l!t
I - . ft. ft. I
iHK 0fcUft lttla lb lal
)r er o ftftovt ir&ft f
iiWrrtaft ft4 ftWftf. It
ftfta loaf Ihft fplrnuftj lorr tK
t itarr4 It ft ftb! Ift vulmj rUl
toriJoM. fort tfctt fomftilr
BJft It laflaMtU! ftipoftst el
KWftl Htht jrt&c!iJ.
list itfl error of U Orafti
lur, U ft t.U.,4 l U A f ! 1-4 4 ft.r-4 m
pm4 ! HwtftMl4J t. ftft4 l AlUftl i f ft4t wiiia tv
to 4tl4 ft tt&ftl tftUlc 'ft44 ftft Ut UUft4 ft It k!4 VkH ft ftiiii4 i
(arit VMfc e lift Cftltft k
rrc4 f 9UU !-. 4 tVft ! tll'4 elH,4
4tn4 Ift tt ! leiM ftf tftftli
p.Uie ftk4 tiW.i tw i tU.IMifnMft i ftft
ii. kii
14 ftJBfftft
CftftftJ. duft ef nft ftAl I ti u f ! ftift i tft f
m Ulf ftulU. Crrft Urtftf ftf ift m r4
Uia aaa Liti i.iui f ' 4 i lft !
. . .... ' Tf rfc3Wf i Ift Hk.r.
Iffll. Oft Aftftt l, lltl. tftcftl.. . auiiar ! iWl faal iftft
UC00.V UI fcft U:rt4 l tftIrft 411.1 It jr4$ jrt tft 4oek I tx t i im
ft la C4liffmU i-4.y. A Tftft U '. to wSTSTS
? y IM iiM pprirfti or if 11 run J' pr I ,ua ifti fti axttn ft
! ftftotb (oUbi eft ttU I Cuacrcl wort I t&ft ft irlwuiMMr
Mi. t CftUft U em II rr ct ee. I ui Mr M u -put
.,1 1 V R.aM. Liu. rV.M .K..I .f. I I ft. iftf ft-U M
- """ 1 r rr : iur. ur tMimMtr uft u iui
All ftr oft(ltttloai tmofijuraift. iraiift ytra 71 io piftrvo. i I . I i tiv iotiia uwn. ibai
tbmitld br tbft UcUUtar. TlcrlU fk ftftftr tbft AUaftlJC eo
m fjial ut M d U
t-M af l! 1 1 ). I Hal m
Iwl w lit Iftaa at
cat 4
Tf 4 WiW la 0.,. U a ft lafcTVr,. !'... f!
a4r i(muvi ri. I IV
a-.l f la, 4 a-4-J aj al i
- 1
Taa ftVIa ftai.l la aaata t4.
I kal mwmm
Ta r!.W aiu af Ctumh ftar
iImII a-a a f a .a. ! vvll a
ka t-aa aftliaad la lit kv If A
U lW4 t-a) 4iav4t
Mr Ta ft im r a at ft aa Mal ral
4.a tf li 'a fvtit llwa ftol lit
fatal fiaiartaa . (i lna trwil
o a44aa4 ftwfal ltllt
If ft ftrai4aIU laraa varft f al
rfa r '.!
k .
i M aA rf k r Va
1 Uua 14 . a
aoa aikiii aa I kal i M t
U 14 Ift t-ata-4 UW f
Marina V4 N' ftW lk.aff
ftrJ ae.vkafci.a kaa UU.f
l J Taaftfta iauft Ifc latail.a.
It Otalar. ft Vaftl I ftUfl-ai II
' ftafalluav tMH vaara a a-wr aik, raraallf aa4
aiaaaa :4 t -mrw fivaa ba I Via rJ aalata ftl): ia lar f '" f"
II U all Ift pawfti. N4kr 14 Ift
rvfartr aftajlliaft Ift iri r ar
a. aifft lor nor funnf loaq
rr kfurev la tft rolorlfta of It J I ii. . rllfnnl. I ih.m i Iftnjll alat ata- ataalki
ftw, tftft 4!fortI ef lift t-portft f tb eit.l4ift Orto ftrn ttftltbor will U ale4. CU af tfcft raiX-T ciTrJaVV!-1
ioraj urpvBtara, m u (ftrnki ttttftttftVMift ft4aa. torft raro-itno to4ruBf 1 rat4 iuta r aia. TM nri
tola on Willi anfair n4o&a Oil rriLtrt U ta.1a fur a rftriJojIrlaBl at Ika fteHlwftV ft! Galas data I ft rWUa ftiftarr. II la lh Irr1.
'M r"Pi r ftaaftlafi ttf tftft l4g1ftlfttr, fOBMiatftg ftfft ftboftt ta U ft4wlft4 for, tftft
Tftft Ornotslta Bw reqotr It a krt prtlJmtoary tala lor fttpirat ia farftba pow tot
m0ttn to git ft troft. fair ftrcouat tatrodartioa of WI1. !ib a 10 4arft oprUa (fttr. tiIim acd mm il
of tftr bo a ihlaf eoatrarr to otIo4 br U rctftr -tb loeba. tb rnIL'cf of tba pt:i-
t: Ttawft. Jt raaaot report u wr. vtih l!bt for' lb ft
crroarot fftlrtr. ' It nt rtport
ftmft, n4
Tbft adoption of tbt fatUatlrft and I Itjbt as 4 power ftjocf tb aUr
f aal 6le h
Cif rtt lf Ift pttfcU . f.Vtr
faaall ftrHi Iratallaa lba la I
Hiiiailaa aa4 aiarrlaa f Ma attar f
Ik ablla riftftl. vttlcfe t4aa4 la m'trj
Mftar ln4ltdaaTa almltar riftftt ftaU
114 Ift r4li rlaftL
la4 f iia ia a rtftt Maa iftal
It la
aaa-iaaama Mm II ftll 1 Mri ft aal4 la. 44I,
I " a a
Te I maaf a loft. If I ft4 Ift n naoaaaW I Ift l f Vaiafc
ftar4, foe Mr I aui4 raikar tUa.ril4 ! M aa aiaesaa I !
ad t4 law rtl lav. lot. (ami ' I rt I rKarlaf, afuiat for ifca nih
ai (ha ll-al ftf lha ftalrrna. Ttlna af Ika ika f Ual JalkaJil
cvunirf ia rif momiaa ar nw I flvaa ftlasa&Hatft C Wf,
H 1 f an r..f 4 Mr, pui
40a I ra al ! la mlU I kia
far ba In al Oa
Lay, Of cold r kal.
4a r H4 bl4 ) aar
44 4rr r !. aar
Ihrawgh, lha mi.k anual com a, a4
roa) Iwt: lha Aalrymaa a Jk la lo da.
l a f.llla laala la Iba 4t f atahl.
II aar mHH lha raa tll4 fat ftafk.
la oUall I4 l4 laklar UahL and
14 lews aitiiia dtoni ina lark.
rr ra7r I" ta arfl ar.
la aaiiaa4 lha ftuiaia ii
Thalrh. rwrillr. riaiaiair
all ara btonill aader rktr4 iij4I
lt4 ftttirf4c 4f aaaaaJlla,
a 4
Itadfar Hall-TrrtxiRa! Chrim QtU
I14 -aolUltx ha ftal04 l4 l4 tar fttf fi.ft
Dm from lit OWft tlaJL It ftTta C V I a nm 11. larladla Iranat Tha Cataa dan. lock aa4lf Ifta aftulllnc ffvparit a wear
.. m..m ..Mut 1 . ... .ivm. I. . ... . I ... ... . ... j I adaa la Lka link Tka a but lor ftka
an f . X . ra .V,ara , t V I,. w Jlf tUIUftftJ, tPIXIWft. O Oft. O Iftft WOOa.rft if rIhl.. VM ft.. Vlal4 J
ant, ftivtra exrtrtlnf to It v otBf nMjarria ar9 todod4d ta Uft of tbft world. ntt of 4ocaa t tb irat and ina
vlrwpotat wbat tar tnftf tar or ao. mL . Tb work oa tb docks t bota At r la ifta roiad wt4 u4 pubiwl
amlotly trylof to trorbea and Tha aklWlaa: la CaJlforala'a f. laatle and Parina ftairaoeaa U wall r4i 44i 444.4 to .111, aad.
juaUtf it cwa ftttltpdft towftd eer- fort to ftm .ntrt0Ch Uaorc4aer ad-tocod. If tbft Clabra t bft- U.-. f Ta. Vbn. Tft? i-i rtftftu
uiiai 4uva4t aBUU ir mm
baa." again la H aflvmooa. ba Oicaucbl la ta ri't llh fir.
ftow ha d Ilka I 4roaA but lha amply I ftrvh4 anotkar rwi4 ahaai Is a- lanfta
ran a null ft rUl riahl auoa br an:Ela IIhu r or itiiw immoi aaiasva
IriKf lha mat trft al your door arlup-o ft No. bu-b-hair fir. '
nil 4 ram, ftafar rar ftay bama;leaao rS ft rar a fcaova ihi. ia 14
baviog a I rrrd ark aaJOMft to ft 4bt wim ft
arhlla ftxl war anorinf or
draam. buallad lha datrrma.
la tbft poftltlon woa ftt tbo tftat U0bftTftft well ftftd work procrw4ft atjara idura. tha e4 rl aa bla
fair aft wet Hajari.
Ko Bewftpr caa ipr to retala Uoa ma t0 rjj tbft tUt forarar of prent rata, or Utter. tbU ift- d th oih.r wi
It fttreBfta and eoun$ tbat Uaft rallroaA doailaatlaa. For Taara. tbft tla obatarl will bar dlatDftrd la 1 lh.A b l 19
UM jt 1 I ... I . . . . . I poaaaaaion pr ina airaai MHinfPu ina
try wty rrota fftlr dafti, iorrnroftd poUUclft&a controlled Wift-1 food Urn for tbft tn tended opeo!nf.lrM lo ,ticb la via4 id tt worn
lia armM U bft wboaa caua U on- utare, mada law. icted jadre. Tbft mora tb whole project U eipaiitf l trwi 10 fwim ih popia
. ft a...ft I w I . I k I . aWW ftaa 4 a k.
flied eoBTootlonft. nmftd eonfraa- itndled wltb IU enormooa demand : ",,",,,:"""
...... M . , . ... . . prevailing tnia. air. uraat ta the con
men and United State aenfttora. - on niinr1nf aklll. oa tb eoncea notwiihiiandina. It abaorba ail
lected railroad eommlaalon, ebo tratlon and baadllng of arrelea of ih abotiora rifht of uaa, aa h cannot
forernon and practically ruled tbft men. tba derlalnc mftaatactnrlDg nd rrr on hi prirata buainaaa o tb
Utft. Tbey war. Buur. 1. and rnled piftrlBf of maeUnarr nd .qnlpoeat .VnT .
a arroKftnUy nd corroptly aaaaltftd oa aa nnbeard of aeala, tbft ordinary wood won it. ir tba citr forbid a blm.
their purpoar, roan staad wonderlof at tbft ftadfto It oaaary (Uioucb at thla point, hla
EffecUr roalstaaeft to tbft old Ity of th fort of complftUoa br T.U" A'!" m. lll. . '
. .... v. mM .k.. a.- I ,h "r m,r aa ftaatror aia aoaa to
Ih atraat. and hla only raconra would
ba a damaa ault, Tba city caa fto fur
Ih4rxftad aa4 4(rat Improvamrata
aialntt him 4Tn to th4 full valua ef bla
Tr!lE Tlalon of Canadian reclprocl"
I ty 1 paaalntr fact from ilew.
I Except aa Prealdeat Tftft cast
( on It moamfal backward look
.lAMa .u. K .Vl.k V .
"m.; "V- f.rr,a , naar-r hi. mmtmZ dr PPred for tbft flrat tlmft when any glrea day.
rown la 'error the nearer bla awing 1 . .... w.i.. ... .v. ' .
A V. .11. V.-.-.v Vl . K. "I' lirvnuiit.u "
Canadian border, reciprocity ' 1 a
dead Issue o far oar paper and
our peopla are concerned. .Or. tb
north of th border It la largely utod
by tb triumphant eonfterratlTe aa
HD Engllab and BcotU.b, aieal- K.'n .tt'tftM
maker' aaaoclaUon represent tb. publlce rUht la a atraat, veaiad
tbft leading ateej manufacturer I In tba cliy la Ilka that of amlnent do
In tbft BrlUii Ulftnd. Tbft to- 'i'0!
ftfiw ywvuv we auaviaw a a ew vuuutium
torcaJled to Sacramento. , It wa
a part of tb war In Republican In
aurgency tbat swept orer tba coun
try laat year, And, If It accomplished
of a danger scaped, to tho British mOTement , . can and European ftteel rnftanffto-j And yet Mr. Ort aaya -the oubi
.This expected preferenco tke tha
agreeable form of' aa abundant In
flow of British cold. Not only Is
f K AtAtnAiia ovnon1(r aaaV. An ftaailf.
wuu vuvi uiuuo vftuvyui t ui vu a a a a- i , . a
: a v.,.. ... lis now .itlamo In California.
-roaa uuumuf prwTjuou iwr ini f!. 1... mannfactnrara to acL
iuo wjiv a a v LAiiAUVft ft v rwiv aw i
rule as a substitute for old tlmft pol- The London Financial Times an-
ltlclans' rule. It Is resisted by the Bounce that the Scottish 8toeiinak
Ifartia Lather.
a (!
ft- ttv.i4a44 I La I l'4fta latUwafta
t 41,1 1. a nana a4 4 ifta ftaa aa
a ftar ti al 4.a4 ftaMav
fa.aa mM if l., ft
ft. Troika. ta4 rk'alMa. mt i i
raiaUva 44 li fiaiaMft ef ir -!
aa.4 fValr 4oft4ft I Ift .
1 laitiauia ft4 tfa4ax im
i 44 ft4 4 alllM Ift 14 4I4. 44-
II aaa aat u ti. 4ihw k4 ft
l.tiklllat I. ll lawf ia. 4f ft Ik 14 1
11441 aajMtN ftaaaaS ftf iallf
r ft fr.4 t4 a!,
ft Ta rwtL Oa II tr al r4iift
t ftlala, 4 H Mf ra la clUa. a
af ral f ar Hariri affVae 4r
i ftolMiia4 I k 4a4
ia -: f artastaal r4
to la.twl raa aata4 iiimi
llaa af aallf taa t444ia4 l
. Ik 4a-rt ftH ft af 4iU lfta
tiala4 4 fta Ua4 ta f44
4rrus4 af ju.
ia iMiaUlar I ,
law rival I 44 4aJarrlaa liability
ftr f all atjrf la aataawaala 44a
fr re aay lJry la . 4
ft44r4at. trraanrUa 44 fasti ftf 4144
artf2 aulkartaa. t44ta4 tpf 4(U
aaaaia i la4aatral at! h-aard.
II. Uaarfta a-'! ftnaaiaf aula 4
lac! ami 4rvu Ua 4r taaaral
4aUlutl4 prYUa ftllaft rai f
4fn4 at fr i44r.
It !Ut Ada aatftanir f lataUlar
14 ftoafae ftawara 44 railroad nnnli-
aloa. MMrlallf amr I. MnUl. mmrm.
tea a wall aa raiaa. 44 (ft aaUra
!)rta4ictka U tntiada bar fuUla aarv-
14 corpora l u a.
14. Oira tiiy ctart4ra ratar calra4
4f aaiirw luda. board f adur(lo4
Amona tha lltrrary man af Ifc4 ra- or chaarfulnaaa aad good humor, uklnf
llaioua world. Mania l,uthr waa aa Inflnlt flaaaur la bla wlfa and family,
doubt lha moat Indrfatlcable vorkar. and chaaiinf thir baarta with nuili;
tla waa a is a a of aitr ordinary powar. for ba rlr4 botb tbo (altar and tba
anarrr and paraararanr. Ilia Ufa may nut, "ftfuaio." b 414. la tbat art of
b ald to amhody tho bUtory of tha tba propbata; It la tba only art which.
Reformation In Europe. !lwa at one baj.a thaolory. eaa oalta th aait-
Itnrulat. loaiclan, proachar and poll- tlona of tho oul aad put tba drrll to
i4.m A tl ih. wat MAV.miBtl Of hla nt.KI Ilttl fk,la mmmm ra MkAnvkf .
ttma c4Btrd In him. IU tranalatad I occupied aom of hla a par Urn u1rptallre lacr Juriadlclloa U In-
ft4 ftthar snualclp! rf1e4ra. 41a. h
44 nr la ralidataj racwat 4nvdaanU to
ftaa yraaclae rharttr.
I i. Etlaade povar f BaaaletpalltU
Tr publt atUliW.
14- Maftaft 4ipllclt U4 pruaat prahlM.
How ef rraquant chaia4 ftf text boofta.
It. Incraaaa mmbrshlp of railroad
aommlaaloa from thra t na aad term
from four te ale years; make, main bar.
first tba Kaw Taatamant. and then tha turnlnf and elacbmaklac. Hi could
Old. H flooded th4 pr4. then In tha nrr be Idle. "When I am aaeeiled with
Infancy of Ha power, with tract. Ire- baary UlbuUtlona," ba aald. 1 rush
Oaa,and diaaertatlon ta 0fn of out amona my pi. rather than remain
tba liberty of laqulry and aiamlnatlon by myealf."
Iba first rreet ii(bt, b4 bald, af tb LuiherB robuet hnnser ef work waa
by British capital, but Industrial en
terp rises of erery nature, especially
Ii the newly opened prorlnces of the
west, are being financed by British
Investors. As the new towns spring
like, magic '. from the open prairies
crossed by the transcontinental
roads, industries are Installed whose
future dependa, absolutely on an In
creased rate of immigration and set
tlement far in excess even of the
rapid progress of the last few year.
So boom after boom In real estate
opens, and investment, or . rather
speculation In town lots, is invited
at price based absolutely on future
progress. V 7 , ... . v
Z So fortunes are being made by
real estate companies, most of them
of British parentage.. But this year
is one ' of disaster to the Canadian
wneat growing farmer. His Is a
With power once In the modI' turer ba gone so far tbat proto-l th man and woman who awn the
V 7 . . . I Ha atana Vita tiMtn taken I property "a nr owaj am nmw avui
uauue. me kuiuou w twu ii I LJ , 7 o I t!nr on their property. They may at
example. In It popular Kovornment I There being In Great Britain not)mM I)ka th iriahmaa who bad tha
thla stat llchted a slirnal fire that tariff dulle to protect aomesuo man dowa wita ma own noea nrmiy
I. Riannr.KlnM. If la lift In th BtAU I HU veiwaeo ui. wmw; I ibtjiu
Al I I nr.. n. frAm anth nmnp)
V m9 v" . wwwm
Tb publlo Hsbts In tha atrret ara
mor valid, mora aubatantlal and may
politician, and by prt-llere aa peo- er' asaociation ba aent out a circa- r. X? .V17.
ple government Is always resisted. Jar to ship builder., bridge builders
nent than those of tho abutting owner
and the fight Is bitter.. land other consumer or steel tnat al are absolutely permanent at thapieaa-
Oregon will watch, the outcome rebate of ii.iz a ton win be anowea "..'r". aon" Bl. alrt
. . . . . .1 .1. . . v..v . .... t..i i I that pieaaur4 ana can only t4 aereat-
th extreme Interest, for Oregon led on all eteel bought after July 1, d by th4 treach4ry of th4 esacutiv
- ... . ...Iat4l4j -ft. - " 1L . AM, AM A. A. A, I At. it A. Jt 1. " . ... . . .
the way that In all human probabll
Ity. California will follow.
1911, at any of the associated body In which th pubM's power la
maker' werk nd controlled by thft vested. Tna executive noay nas cesn
m.mhaH f th a.nnrl.tlnn empowarad to vacate ft atraet, by da-
. ' " " . " . ' ' I clarlna that tha public Interest demands
vlded that the, consumer have C0n-llt Xnelr fajthfuinaaa or traachery de
fined their purchases and use of steel ponded upon the truth or falsity of thla
FTP .mimVAI, ilnoa not n.( th.i d.rn.' nni'h tha naanrlararl I declaration. The Zelglar amendment
v-,... i vuv -i I .1 l .. ,K
. . I . I I f W.V ,M ..V. J .IV.V ... WWW
eieaiuor. 10 urgm pijing do- masers. ,l0 nt)tiH ar imp6raUra from lta of-
iween fortiana ana Alaska to- The movement nas Deen approvea Ificlals and reserves to itself the right
morrow. Nor th nei dir. Nnr hi tha trinrllah mannfantnrnra and a to aay whether or not It need these
In a month. Nor by any audden and conference is being held in London pubI1 easement. J. B. zeiqler. ;
ill advised movement to make the announcement general. Don't Overlook South Bend.
' What it hopes for, is that this The rebate will be computed for per- Portland, Oct 7. To tha Editor of
great city of Portland may come to iods of IS months and be payable, Tha Journal I am glad to note that
the wide awaka peopla of Portland ara
turning their attention to tha trade pos
sibilities of southwestern Washington.
Portland merchants have here an exten
sive field a field that la geographically
speaking their own. The recent trade
excursion to Aberdeen -will no doubt ba
Oregon City writes the Kan
sas City Star "that She "would productive of good reaulta. But Aber
not give the poorest county I Aetn ,' Dut on ot the nlRnr thriving city to make a trip down into that sec-
la realization of what Alaska means, six months afterwards,
'one crop prosperity whea bis wheat an ?rfPare 'eizft ,n tlme
fn ... tn vIpM in f. nf position, its power and It
cold wind storms, rains, and early reso-irces justly entitle it. Seattle Is
snowstorm which - have swept the b,lt A,a8,ka djvWends. San Fran
prairie . lands, he ban no resources C,8C0- 600 n1 her away, is do
left. He has not even cattle to whleij n a b,S business in the north It
hla tonsalablo wheat crop can be fed. is absurd that Portland should be
He has traded on his future and Is without single vessel in the i trade.
left The British gold Shower will .oul cn-ngeft are w iaice piace in
.1. a .v. Alaska. It Is almost certain that the
exacted 'too tta-Sa. of oln congress wll, grapple with with several hundred others. I came J gt
miles of new railroads' will not be M-uu U-T" luo i pUiuB io ," ",''v"" " V ' to Incraaaa the trade with that town;
in vMnM riron w in h territory. The visits of so many pub-1 find It the land of going-to-be. It I south. Band Ilea on Wlliaoa harbor.
dar of aDnarent Drrjanuritr' Canada Hc men to the north foreshadow the i a volcanic country with arable lit ia juat about aa far from the bar aa
in nia'Mn...! m.n.'t cominif struggle. It is extremely land In streaks and spots. , Central I Aatoria. la,
' ibvA ktaiv J Tkft"k4 rS 14 WAA l V ft. AAA mm JUL J va ftV I I
servers Is "riding for a fall " I probable that the outcome will be and eastern Oregon Is mostly sage
human undemanding.
But bla capacity for labor waa not
suddenly born, for Induatry bal bea
tba habit of bla lire, speaking er nim-
41 f at Wittenberg while atlll a monk,
bo 414: "I bad n44 I have two
aecretarlee to keep up my oorraapond-
nee; I am conventual eonctonator. table
aztraordlnry. In thra years ba wrote
and publtabad 444 work, prefixed to
many of which war wood ngrTtaga
after bla own deatgne; and luring tba
a me time he waa In correapondenoe
with many ef the leadlag mlnda la Eu
rope. Luther stamped ths impraaa of
bla mind udob hla race and tuition. 11a
preacher, director of atudlea; I am Vicar devoted hlmaatf to tha cauae of nonnlar
or In other worda 11 prlora tn one, con- education! aad what Oar many baa ba-
eervator of tho ponds at . UUkan, soma must in ft a mall dec re be at-
pleader and aeaeseor at Tolgau, Pauline uibuted to bla prescient forethought
reader and collector of peal me, and add and bla IndJviluai lafluanca.
to all these the aeaaulta of tha world, For bla contributions to hymnody
tba fleah, and tha devlU" Work en- Martin Luther deserve and raeelvea
4rgy and determination were th habit- th thanka of tba ChiiaUan world. Hla
ual eondlUona of bla life. Nothing activity In thla direction Included not
could hold blm back when ha eaw the only the writing of bymna but tha
road of duty clar before him. hi compilation of hymnals, of which nlnaltion.
would go to worms aimougn xner are on record, lasued between 1114 and XI. Exempts from taxation 11000 of
ware aa many devlla there aa tllea upon i.4j, fJr of tneM beUlt .,0, of property of votarana of any war, or
the houaetope. hla "OelaUicha Llebar." Tbeea bymnala their dependent relative
...KH-tli mTiV 57!i. 'th.1 i?I !- f!wy" ntlne1 Proportion of . Bavarftea Freeno rata case; r4-
publiahad little; but after that n wa hla own rnmnoaitlnna- tha an.i.iiK. ' .... .
w,r Ih. onnlnn. hnl Ih. rt Ir.-jlj, " . ,.V7" ' Z.T. H"a kriuiaaiva mnmiHlvn Deiors
popular wrtte7 In oZ Hli nVmUZ; "SSrt h. cmZU '"J""" rld, e. long and
iZuuti ... nhat.ri.Miii .n. r t-w"!n " comP0"1 short haul mis name aa interstate 00m-
v . . ; .7 ,: , . uwu uymoa ware not aui new, soma
Utled -Reaolutlona" expreaaive of the 0f them beina- tranala.tion. r. th.
enorgetlo determination of tha man Latin, aom revisions by pre-reforma-
whosa Ufa waa really one long encoun- Uon German hymna while other, ware
tar with difficult e and perils. By yeraiona of Paalma or paraphrases of
tba energy of his etyle, and th fir and thr nnrfinn. r Rint.... .
vehemence of hla convlctlona, he carried in ail si hv.'.
verything befor him. Hi language oplebrsted of which la bla battle hymn
..l.rtt.A Ia .vn vaIm .njl ...... w I -. '
" - j 1 cm xeaia BUT ihi unaer IJntt" Vnnwn
cluda aerrioe and facllltlea.
IT. Makaacortata tha eowatl rut tonality
of tha "majority vote- provlelooe ef the
charters or fla Fi4nclc. Brk1y, tVo
Aagela. and say cilia which may adopt
each charter.
It. Prorldaa for aubatltatlag for Joe
tic ooarta aom ether form ef Inferior
court; ftbollehaa fee aystetn. It la
planned If amendment pas eaa, t tntro-
duoft bltl providing for ouaty Juatlca
court, of trained )udf4, 4tttlag aueoe
alvely la varloua towoshlpa,
II. Prorldaa railroads may give
paaeea la offioer and employaa of rail
Toad eommlaalon and to paaoo affleera.
- so. fttakea offlo ftf clerk ef eupreme
court appointive. The flrat maaagra ta
aborten tha California atata ballot.
tl. Makea Judgea of district ooarta ef
appeal eubject to Impeachment aame aa
other judgea. remedying accidental omis
sion ia extatlng provision of eonstltn-
1 vwu uiuwi war uoi ui new. soma t . .. .....
,... 1.. .... . . . . .i.w w a 1 " win 11U..1U11 auinnni
over excursion tickets, refunds, etc
John L.' Strong rolntft.
From tba Louisville Courier-Journal.
It may ba that when accounts ara
cast In heaven John L. Sullivan will
ha round to hiu a.rvM hi. .Aiinrv
kay-ometlmea brief, tern -and aharp baat to thoaa who wbrahlp in Kug-1 bettrthan aom of tho Indifferent rep-
aa steel, at othera with a mighty stream
of word.
At tba time Luther continued full
nan in the version of R4V. F. H.
Hedge, A Mighty Fortreas la Our
Ood," though tha translation by Tbom-
aa uanyia, a Bare Stronghold Our Ood
la a generoue booat In tba way of dl-1",." J8y celebrated on ao-
verslfled farming. , The fact ia they 1L sirengm ana riaeuty to the
need in many Instances to be told by oriV ".. . .
outaidera just what kind of opportu- i:?!h.n,Ut?tb!r wrk. ', X?th4r
nltlea ara lying dormant at their doors. StT"??. ","v"'ln"1tuon or
Dairying I.'one of tha moat promising Sl"?-.j
Industries there. With an abundance oiV whiirbiV..! 7.Vii
of rain and. Toll fitted for th. produc- EVg
nun w. a "-o- uu . nartlM or I Jlln.ln anil T.lfv.n V...
1... hi, t V, or. . n. Mtmn whv .tnnlr I , ,. ...
- " I uiuci. )u umea aimoac aa critical.
raining, vu.n nui 1 uv iiiauv ig V-j .uu a.
much larger scale than at present
I would advlaa the merchants of this
Tomorrow Alexander Dumaa.
.u u7 w "v.. For instance there la South Bend, , Pa
ror tne wnoie 01 uregon,
Her article says:
clflo county, Washington. , Thla town la
In company I doing a large amount of business for Its
Tha harbor . la one of th
finest on tba ooast It la a notable fact
legislation that will open Alaska as brush and rattlesnakes. The Wll- JL hX.i'
a. free field and on fair terms for all. lamette valley Is the best part of the st,u many .hips, especially lumber car-
Portland's inertness is responsible state. Wages are low and living is riers, make that port right along. South
N New South Wales all railroads for the humiliating: fact that she is high. It rams aDout six montna aena posseaaea many resources. Among
1 and tramroads are owned and op- a mere cipher In. the north. The every year. t drizzles continually, .tn.a aim
erated by the. government. The hold of big interests, with Puget Our meat comes from Nebraska and Th4 town has a good pay roll,
report of the chief commissioner sound Is their Alaskan headquarters, Kansas. Corn will not grow here, Everyone eeems to have money, and
for the 12 months ending June 80, Is constantly being tightened. The and the wheat is poor quality." ' v everyone appears to ba happy. , Tha city
1811, Is Just Issued. . terminal facilities are being swiftly But. there Is not a Kansas or Ne- Is provided with good schools, and. many
' Tti tnllAica mM- ,,. .u. rM,. 1 I ito- n .ti lomer moaorn conveniences 01 a meiro-
June 30 was 3800. The number of terior are in a single interest. The There is not a lightning rod in the
poll tan character are found here. A
Portland firm has recently secured a
big contract for atreet work at this
place. -.
But many people do not. aeem to know
that South Bend IS on the map.' They
do not know how good tha country
really la. ' Agricultural . and . hortlcul
passengers carried during the year steamship service is managed so as state, except on houses built by af-
was 60, 919, COO and no train acci- to further strengthen the grip of frighted persons who come from
dent resulting in loss of life oc- those who are playing the game for Kansas. The grand army of Kansas
, curred. , ' Puget sound and Seattle. Those Port- grasshoppers never goes' on dres pa-
- Redactions on rates on both pas- landers who are doing their petty rade. .in Oregon. While hundred
. eengerg and goods were effected .dur- trade with ; Alaska through Seattle were perishing from the hot wave in turai Industries of that section are atill
ing the year amounting to $650,000. shipments and Seattle branch houses the vicinity of Kansas and Nebraska la their infancy. Lumbering has been
The volume of traffic has continued are playing the game of the sound last summer, Oregon was cool : and "0,n on for many; years, and there are
to expand for eight years past. and and directly against Portland. delightful.. WIle it sometime dri. & tictottinftnte'
last year, was the record breaker. Portland should make a beginning xles in ' Oregon, the storms never are ringing Y great amount of money
iuo iinen am reponea as an in good Derore it 1 too late. The country-is blow house from tneir foundations, into WlUapa harbor. -Logged off lands
order and Improved. All structures insurgicg against -a ; Oiiggenheimed nor toss the people about in the air. are in abundance, and these if properly
have been kept up. . Many additions Alaska. Jt 1 perfectly believable ' Mrs. Hewitt continues: ''One can cleared r win produce suatenanca for
to station euiiamga, bridges, signal that ; there will be legislation for buy Calltornla..fruit in Kansaa City Kheia'can b' roind i believe aome of th.
and Interlocking ftpplianceft, to tele- opening the coal fields, and that J cheaper that In , Portland. We eat J bast appift land in the country. Lying
Kiyu nuc. uiurr equipments, juasKa wui no rescued irom monop- Kansas meat, use Kansas soap, wear back just far enough from tho ocean th
tare been made, and 31 locomotives, oly and. opened- on fair terms for a St Louis and KansaaIhoes; in fact, ciimatio conditioua seem to b right for
138 passenger coache, , and 1072 free people, and possibly within a Kansas and Nebraska feed and clothe production, of an excellent variety
frc.!gbt car. bare beea added during year.i When such a day comes. Port- Oregon. Don't come to the Pacific ' ZrT ad'caV aa, ?hlt
the year. , ' f - ..,-. land wUIbe-In position to enter Alasl coast to make your'livlng." they are exceptionally good. Moat of
J On a total capltalipendlturw of ka on fair term and jinder equal op- Kansas and Nebraska are splen- the orchard, are amaii. tha ownora be-
124 S.C54.T5 1 interest wa paid in porta nity with all comers. . ' f did states, and do . supply Oregon ln" content with raising Just enough
111 I of f.$92.e4S and a urplu of Then. It will be within our easy with lots of hog meat But Oregon f" f,.T, thSlJ T". con"umPtl0. Jv-
ff urpltt for UlO-11. over PorUand and Alaska. They should to HO. and If it had Kansai and What the people In this aecUon need
tlon of tha country and see for them
selves. The, chamber of commerce and
tha Commercial club would find it to I
their advantage to take ln South Bend,
juat aa iney aia Aoeraeen. 1 xormeriy
lived ln Paolfio county, and am conse
quently In a position to know aomethlng
of tha possibilities of that part of tbej
northwest South Bend is tha county
seat It may be reached by either rail
or water. A glance at tba map will
show that WiHapa harbor ilea about 2S
miles north of the mouth of the Colum
bia river, and la readily accessible for
both boat and train.
4S Ankeny Street,
My brother Ed's a. brilliant cuss; al-
Salaries of Government Officials. though ha la. not vain, he's rather proud
Ashland, Or.! Oct 6, To tha Editor I f bia exploits with his new aeroplane.
of The Journal Will you please tell r Hia airship one he mada himself was
ma what are the salaries of tha chief fbullt to aweep ' the sky, anr . fto j my
Juatlce and the associate Justices of brother got a Job as Janitor on high,
tha aupreme court of the United StatesT Bach morning Ed would sail big craft
Also of th vice president and of tha "P Jn a fleecy cloud. Tpu sea poor Ed
members of the cabinet? vZ. F, M.v. 1" deaf and dumb;, he cannot, speak
The salary of the chief Justice l. aloud.) And with a basket full of lunch
114,000; of associate Justice 112,600; of he'd quickly reach hla work, for Ed
the vice president . 112,000; of cabinet I ward la lndustrloua nor never triea to
snir. tiea ausikine ciouaa ana sweep
the sky and skim . the Milky Way: he'd
use the dipper -made of stars to put
the cream away.
reeentatlvea wa aent to congress.
He has alwrva bean honest and com
plete honesty, In prlie rtnga or else
where. ' la a somewhat rare and aver
beaetlful human virtue, that wins a
universal tribute.
Aa a living, breathing, blustering
proof that ln the and atrong drink
"stlngeth like an adder" ba had been of
soihft uaa aa a warning.
As a country aquira of a phlloaophlo
turn of mind, who can always dwell, at
column length, upon honesty aa a shin
ing ornament and a working principle.
and upon alcohol aa a anare, Mr. Sulli
van is not. wholly a failure ln middle
life, despite his vanished fame and tha
frailty he claims to have conquered
after It cruahed him.
Ia congress ba would feed tha hungry
petis of tha humorist of tha press gal
lery for the nine days allotted to minor
sensations. Than the .deliberations of
congress . would core tha gladiator and
he would return to tha farm to view
the waxing adipose tlsaua of his hogs
and ruminate upon his former glory la
the ring. . .
Better life upon the farm thasi annul
tn tha houae of representative. .
, Nevertheless there have been wlaer
congressmen who ware far worsa repre
sentatives than John Morrlsey.
t ' ' v , A-UsnaL
From tha Boston Transcript'
She married him to reform him." ' ' v
"And what was the result?"
"Sho wishes now that she bad re
versed the process."
officers 112,000.
Allen to English Language. .
' From the London Chronicle.
(Contrltmfed to TB Journal by Wlt kfison.
tb famoo Kan poet HI proM-poems r a "
ragular teatur of .tbla eolama la Tb Daily
Journal.) , . - -'. .. . .; ,
Beneath the fl tree's bougha he sat
and dreamed of some fair place, Where i.
never heartless plutocrat -can grind the
fww' jii.i. - w riBiun placed be-
Had fly ; up 40 ; thft clouds of lack J f ore his eyes a region fair , and good,-
- When doea alang cease to ba alangt J when Hofefe prayed for rain and turn nd while his spirit roamed the skies,
rhia Ift not a conundrum, but tha Inquiry the fauceta one by one while ln hlal,lIa wife was splitting, wood. ' The
correspondent wno seeks to know 1 aeroplane. Arid than to aid the cirj nreamer get some fine bouquets from
what length of life a word muat have, cuaea and help to awell thacrowda : Poe . ana tneir Kind, who picture him .
how lohg must It be used and generally r0'hr Jth , b, """beame ; .'J.JM
Wn it n... would batter in tha clouds, and flood I nd- Burwhen it comes, to old brass
understood before It Passes from being, .u. nn ..ith .t,in. - f taeka. I like that nlla-rlm h..i -k
as It were, an undealrable alien In tha lcountrv'a 4hor and that m, Vh.. sheda his coat and Ukea tha axe en,t
realm Of our worda and becoroee natur-1 Edward tella. Included U ' hla chorea elves hla wife'a reet. I Ilka tha man
allzed? Every Schoolboy knowi that I And then when all tha work waa I'who'a wide wake until be goes to bed.
4 4&ya he'd taka spin and Vw9 nusuea in me mart to make tha
done, he
"the herring pond" meana the sea. Most
popl4 would probably term It an Arner I frollo
Icanlsm referring to tha Atlantic ocean i hla extra.
Tha only dictionary handy duly, admits eventide, ba aald he'd take a run away j nour away, and basks on downy beds of
tha hyphenated word, describes It as I out ln tha west to aea the eettlng of while othera bale their hay; and
siang, ana uiagirem 11 wnn 10 De
wth the star awhile and pendprlc ot Prunea and bread. That man ia
:tra Un. And Juat for fun ,,, hardly worth his cheese who loafs the -.
aent acrons tha herring pond; to
transported." Th word waa need as
long ago as 17SS, whan an English am-baaaador-wrote
from Calafa to a secre
tary of atata that ha had "traversed the
the fun.. He aald tha reaaon that he'd 11 he lew ine nauairau sweat ln soap
see the eun aet. by tha way.' waa luat'na . Proceeda
herring pond after
to sea Juat how It aat to hatch another to Plrouettaln -cloudland.' on a dream,
da7 - v , he U ao punk that aoma one near ahould
ThV may aound queer to other folk, ?v? tha k"'ii.Unf,,: toi mm lik
but atlll lt a what ha. aald but then : tn .Bre 'Bty er B kopeck th
, . . I . . . . . - hunnh
noout iw noura 1 someiimas 1 rear that truth-a
known to brother Ed.
""'JjCofrriabt 1911, by
fir( ftUtU' Adaoia,