The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 10, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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pilar weris
Ml af i ..&. i f
Congress Wot Favorable
Men Who Would Male
f km km. m I il IA Aw-
14 M4 .
f a 4 4i.4 .fa a -
.... I 4 ! -)-. 4X-
I- IL a4f -- .
t a. . a-. la
llf A 4 a sv Aa- " ,
tMM g 4 l 4 A I.e., ,! IM4 -
MM I IMM a4 -a A-'A
la .! iai W a
fllff fS OF
aaii la
Pro 5 res I Mada cn WaGonla.a.
1 1 . ... It. .!- I '"" tl
Ncrtn. of ML Hood,
A is aa nu)!f
la - 4ta IIM f - . k. 4
. al t..J 4 MK'.ur .4. A
I .!.. 4aa4a f Mltl I IAa
."-A al af alr la.ia
r"al IAi I 4) Aa 4ie .(
WI 4M4. a A -a IULmI
'" t'r4i:A la l.. AMI
l flit --, a IAa af4, j
ta Iaa4t fa. C4Mtl!l4
M Auag. aa tM -alf MvtM,
-"4 a4 i4 U -A 1 ta
a Aa ta IA MMlil aa
Aa Al M eaa 4 la fwa
f I t f- .
Suke Inen uci Away, nci -.. - .mm- -
la IM tti !
mt, M4iiur
r kala tlUaMMa1 UltaWk, U
.lMll l ariUi.1 f IU Aioaa
ta4lu.i ik a&oil ( llv
oava af t ciitaa iaa4 rail fa
rwfc. rti. a4 II M
4 twi a
1W a rf f)r aaaa lal
ail aa Wt-aMa !!. a
laakia M omI UaU a4
aM iMM f !. at.r ( af
Aa. ' la M U44
Wa lu4i A. iimm la la la
l.a tar a aa M a VWav M
itval r ( a laaia !
la mU
at A far ti
44a4 MA IM
AA Aa f
I Aa laaataia
AA taa taa.
IIl1 fl. AvltaA
Af iaa4ap all fal M ami. aA Aaa
.Aa AA 11 af irwt anrA
4k4 MU Imi ikw
aA A4 iwaMirti la A la la fal
imi aaiy litM a raUt4 If
cwaTta f 11 4w(4 1 M
a.A. 4VA U Af Ilia aa aa4 AA
lAa laA aaaaa lAa -taaa ulUul
latoH aA laa a w aa aa kaa ik
a4Vtit4 f I L mhI aica. T
a a aaai! Aa (aa44a4 a4l aa
la li i f4 wi4iA iMt4 ull
WaAlaaV. (V. Wt l-CVajia Cat
lr aaa IA aa fiaas 1 14 a 4va-4 r
aaA A Ma al! lui Aflilaf f
A a rag M4vAIia 4MfaC ,4
7iap air Aa4 AaaA iaTI A4 IA
AalA At Ai A4aal HA A AAAIf
AA4Kia4 aai 4 aA Aia
aaaA IA astAaat. CAUaf Aaalati
m ara-xala la k a Aa
f JI U Aaalaa4 Aia laa 4ir
I ! IAa aa4 Af IAA A(r4 U
Aaaar HMillwk
'Aa I AAMaa4 IAa AMi:a. IAa
aUUrn Af II AvaAaa II A -! i Tm
IAa Aaaaia l aa tm iVMk Aaaa
At A(IM4 Aa la Acakas AAI AVa-
. . . . a .... ... at -a-
tNAaT AlllaaAAw awa mf ia awaa - w
rAAKala Ulamta. CAaa arra4 ta UAa. W Aa AJaf Aa-4) IVal A4H-
KaalMiC. a-AKA wA Aa.4 AHaaaa ra4 aHlA4raa avaA4w Ay aal
I f ka aaII aaa ruia UA aa a attUoaa fiaaa lAatr a-aalka 01 TT
ika af laa law a. aaa mm attaniia-1 m iwk 1 ai vw
iM dwcttaaiaa AlaaAaA) Maaaa vaAlUa arAlaaHAIA AAA
VlMkAA MaAaa tflllfc.
f Taa rlra af IAa MnUif IAa
aaarra a 1 m r. naton mm
AAnaia A ((. Ia. itM af I aa4 H U laa Ara Af IAa tr-m
an affutat a4 a4 raAa aalAaal
aaA IA aa ?" kali aa af M.H
A Aaaxiad aa IAa raavA
AAtaaA IA A AAllA Af I faaL
1H u A aair a4 aaaaarilag fVart
wiia IAa tlaaA ua ail.f. aa4
Aaa u IAlla4 Altl AAA A Aaf
rar ii a4aaa rnta4 aaA laa
aaairy ! af IAa aaaaalAlaa.- A
ruin 11 la Aataiiary la aAls
A4la mm4 I
HooaW rWrnaaV Ra Aettmmm,
Nfcina. a, Ort II TAa.a4l
f ttaaaitr faraaa lllaa Ia4ar IA AA
A44raA r Vlra flal4al Aaraaa) I
IAa HaaAcltla t'acA faallf ai. 1 Km it I
Aat4aal Afirvat4A Ufl fa irgMV
.... 1 ...... .... a-LA4ll
wood Bwmms-
lrerjiv, Wa4 aa aUattAf SarAiti- A Aaa Uua4kf t. Ai 1 aa
AAAa A.AfJ A Ail LAtATv Ar!ljA H AW trttX Avf I. I'lUa I A 4wl As
MafAA. tU MJ IM Al WNK4 IA tin vtMI, U-4 II a i i-ft , -n tvUA.
4vUr IIJI Owtfil Cwaaia .,!. lRtu'-Af UJ Q-vf-i C.tiiit M M
OiiUfA l 11 M, Uil. im MtO aa.4 HO-Z.,y A.!f:t Sot ?r tat4 U-
ff llTtf mmtf . WJ If Wl A, Ai AA CWA AA.4 I ( tiUf tVAlaA.
I'abiIa. Ta Raiaa. tVUTttf rAraaa. Ca4 Caaaa, Waaia t)aUea, 4, v f aMtl. Alt.
Tuesday and Wednesday Special of
. - . . " .A
fliS. aa! IM?, ! ..........IM
Me. aaI ... 4i IIJS, . .,.-
34 ..,,S3 Jar, M.t , ............
a a
4J. All
Jk, ' ..
SLmpla Remedy f ot
Alaai)llaa Aava IA t'a
aat AT UaJA fraam TA
Uallaa; la laa wAoia II U asDaa aa
'4a U araaiar IKaa 4 par eaat at4 IAa
. mmmm atMaylaiaA will MHf AA
iVAsarlAAA BAAiU Karlw )
Uaaaru! ALaorrartaa Aa
fA raastv AA aa af tA a
rAlAa4 Af IA aaa U aa Uaxpaaaiva haea
rwmvar Aaava aulalaoaw wAU U
viad. la raia tnaAa Ap laaa C
,l raaai'. tA akkk In faraaar facratar
ava A A.ala4 rl-tkA laaaa AA
'rrilK.a Aa4 fuaiJUia af IAa -aat MA.
j afrie aaf aalullaA far Atiailag
ratwIUtaaa flof bal dKUiaU far ttax
aoAUIa aaloinn. af raaourraa, Aal
aakl Ibta nl A Aoaa AAoar aafa-
uar iaI travaat paACpaltAUaA
by iorrat flaaacial fAUraala.
Aodrvaaaa ir.r giraa bf JuJl X A.
TAr. Jttd C- Al. Tarr, Xf. Atatlb
a4 IX J, rVMIarfal. AA Ubalf Af IAa
aanpl of AU.U K.talr latoAallar
puAa taMuar. wanilBA IAa Aaopl af
IAa aacaaallf af raarale ataiart
r. u la U4 aoplia m JiacAoI tn (UA
kdoraaa (aid:
-11 u a vary pac'ullar pUaatira la aal
this alh4r1ac CAimy Acaua 1 ua
Kaa tkat a Tr lara omyorur Af Iaa
ma la thla raoa dtaatra Airarllr vltk
' what Ibap aurf f bait an4 4alrA.
Aparaeiataa AVaaar Iaaj.
"Irt yi feoU.mao ha com hara.
tufn by your eomior that row
llav that IHrnalor l"olndetr, Jeba
Laihrop aa4 1 ara hara la oo4 falih,
rarocnlalng that hav a right la our
plntona. Uur good InianlloAA ara racog
i4 tr you. Jui azactty Aa yovir
good InUntlona ara reognlA4 by
u. Too g1r ua A uar 4 aal
by thla meatlag. and i appra-lt tt
' iratlraa. 1 bava barn c bar gad oltA
a. good aiany thing la Aa coura of mr
llfr, but 1 want la aay aa ta Iba gnrai
-harg that I am raaponalbla for ra-
lardlng tha dAvatopmaat of A laaaa, that
I baltva I caa prova abaotataly that
that la not trua. an4 that I bava prorad
that It la aotftru. I bava g1a my
raaaona la print, and yt only a part
of ttnv At any rata, whrln.r you frai
that I w raaponalbla or vat, I can
a.iure- you tbrra wa no Inttntlna what
t-r 1 trz z v;;
aa la raal aaa. w .tmAwk. Tk. .,. fm. -.a. I ra t.ltar. rlaiTVArai
-niat af alt. IAa a4raal lapra.
ataa la I fetava rraia4 Alaaa
bara la I Aal A lata
paafl caa aa4 aiil caa la raal iti. tmt mtmAm. Taa l faat roaa. I Uttar, nag-warat aa4 atallar aav
bra Aaraaflar a Aaka lAalf pKAA mmjr I(M4, arlitvlA It mil af IA
aaal Aar. jaBt af IAa paaa.
11 la ciaarlf t Ikal tr la Tb 4 roliaa riaar fr b af lb
atarb af IAa IHU1M Abaal Ataaka g, u,Ur ,M B&rv 4 ,
aaaaaa Atratrllv frvat IAA aaaa aba aat (K. . JL . .
1 ana a utair aw aaa
" f7 ' . , AAgr for Jala tha Ktalr. Al IAA Aua
ay, Try nor B ar 11 oamaa aaii-... ta. rar.
rrota tbatr avIrI of tr aa4 far I bat
baavftt aaty. la at Judgtaaal, -A A
CiuattoA la ttly vraec .
AUakA 9 Ora-W.
AUakA A AXH . A TTAb-b4. IA AA
aipu4 by lb ra bA aranl la go
Uavbara la oy m-Aat"tay gat from
IC Ala.ka ragbl la A. aa4 la taa ra-
(ara will bwara a. H paraAaat Ama
af many thooaaad af paapl. Caagraaa
I llklr U laA lltlt Inlaraat la lb
4fjira and tamn4 of lb tna artoa
loyalty t AUakA la it. a II that I Aay
propoa t laat It aa aoon aa I hay
bava vol trn It Alt thay eaa.
"Tb dalr aa4 4refd af tb man
rha propoaa la aaplott AlaabA vttboul
nvtnr htra at all daaanr ao laoa
leoaatdaratloa. lucb Af lha bar4 faat
nar. hicA 11 foliaa-a la tha poiat
bar H roaaarta arltfe taa road from
Lai lak. TA road al both aoda aaad
rapairtaaj an4 rotmUdinc. aa4 rforu Ar
baiaa; mad la faeir tha eooparatloa f
tA cojmj roaa AAopi aa4 iaa aouaiio
ta A4c Ibry Ara al laa 14.
With Iba ramplatloa af lb la raa4 and
Iba rialag af tba road laavdlnc ta It
farUaad and llood Kivar will ba ttaa4
by aaa af iba flnaat ela raada la lb
try. Tb foraet aarrlc tn.n aay
I hat Itva la f tb mountain and
of tba Columbia rtr baala Ara not to
ba aurpaaaad. And p radio! that tt will
bocom ana af tba moat popular thor
ough faraa for tourttt and aalotoobtla
ta tha wort f wbaa It la eotnplatad and
broma known. It will ba paaaabta for
baa dlallagnlahad) tba 4ia- " momtWa of tba yaar. aa
Aoylngi Atlmoaia af tb Akin.
-Tb Almplletty Af thla Iraatmanl
pUe It atlbla ay roacli. A 4 th
kAAwlA: tba IroalcAaal aa4 not mvttt
AAy laa gar from -Aa tort ara
pAAytdf aril I nary Mia 41 aaa aaa. Tb
flrt appllralJoa cla ralkaf fraca
llcbtac. aad la a fw 4Uya A woadarfsl
tmproaiat ta aotad.
A boaptul nuaaa aay a to proparA, ot
aa orliAAj parkaga af a.ulntona and alia
AOtvw a a half-pint of fcot waior. thaa
apply tba ooluitaa i affjictad part
Iwlca day, moreiaa" aad or an In g. .
a "a rs. A." "
Bargain Table
Oa lV!t (u:4 wftt. a a lAorttAiAl tt mort'.iy TU IUcIa, IfiN
r IM4t. SJtiWAf 1'44, UtUk S(- tic. Oaf Mf- "1
Uf ZU. ?UJ 4l
Another ub! cl tart .Iaa, aac 4 Book RacIa, I
TOWtl KACha, -TOOlBAtck JIoliffA. ri!l OOa
Ht, rtgxdmt 41c, ioc1aJ t OOL
' Warta rip Haikttt, rtfxiJir 70c, pUJ l ,.4S
BftitJ Bodrdt, r4rUr Jic, tpUI Sl
14-lnch cirtJir rant!, rrgttUr 40c, 9pHti tt ..!!
liAnth cirrviar rincU, rc!r 60c. ipril at ..8f
, . . ' ', ITS SACXS
Regular 75c, ipect! al ........ ..
Rrrulir 60c. ,teeUl at 41 4t
. RnUr J5c. iptcU! at Sl
. , .... y
l?tUll, rtruUr 4k, ........ ,..,. tt
aaIO, ftrilar Jir, m!i , JMlf
Oibrr liiri too eamrreai to mmrioa. ."'
It SO $kin t v
1100 5ia .....
Gaa-OTaa 0lfit Hf your woo by AttAthlfif t
tor fat Jtt Anybotf cat am tha C4rta mhh
m itw aninvtti trill. Dstira ftid to vrk
rriaUf J5c 5fi! ; ,...,.tf
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Account WlthUs
Tailored by
Kraner & Co.
Have Warmth at
' WeUas5tyle
tng wbtrb
ansaloA of AlaakaA affair eomea
atraigbt from promotora In cUattlA Now
Tor and tawbar. who alngt !
trat In tha larrllory ro what tbay
Cn got oat of It.
I ara Infarwiad tbAt tIaTAma wr
rold from-Saatilo rrlo tA tba
arrival of 8nator rolndaator aad aiy
aalf, arcing that wa abonld not ba por
milted -to land en thla particular por
tion of A marl raj. aolt. Tba trmpar and
motlraa of tba man who ant the
telegram aprak for tbamealToa. Thrr
waa nrr. of coura. tha laaat dargar
that tha ettlcAna of CordovA would ba
trick by thooo tle-rm. -
Tara WlU Tom44. '
It muit ba obiloaa to any bmmrr'
ant trrlr, . wfto haa ' n avn
much of AlaakA aa I har. that Urgo
part of what 'baa ba aaJd of tha 4aav
gar of monopoly la thla territory ta
well founded. It la not good for aay
community to b too much ndr tb
control of a alngl concern. Coram.r
rlal domination, aa thing now atand
In America, ta loo apt to bring with
It tha domination of public opinion and
of politic aa wall.
"TV hen wa dlacuaa monopollatlo con
trol of any region by any corporation,
th taaua ahould not ba confuad by
argumenta aa to whether or not each
control haa been oxerclaed well or tlL
Highhanded ercle of auch power In
the pa at, or moderat ua of It today,
neither of them touch the heart of
the matter. Tha main queatlon la not,
how auch control la exerclaed, but
whether It xlta at all. Tha eaaentlal
thing ta not to aecure tba moderate uaa
of unjuat power, but to prevent It x
latenc altogether. Monopollatlo con
trol and political freedom can not .ex
lat together tn the long run.
lCucb aClareprbaantarQoa.
'Since J hare been In Alaaka I have
tbe'wlatar moatha Are too aevare and
tha enow too deep to parmlt tratraL
Wee to a. Or., . Oct la. A aoant balf
mil rvmalaa to ba completed of tba
thro mil macadamised road between
We to, and Athena. Aa work wa ra
aumed after harvest thla gap will aoon
ba closed. D. F. Lavender haa eharg
of th building of thla road, which I
1 1 " a
Z Lungs Declared Sound-
Life Insurance Granted
If you knw a remedy that really bad
cured tubroulol; that had eared from
death quite a Dumber of peopt. would
you try to get conaumptlT Interested
In It and Induce them to take It; or,
would you aa. nothing about It, for fear
of giving offense
ft. know the medicine. Wa know th
people - cured om of them. We bava
tA atorlea of eure of many--and affida
vit from aome. Wa advertlaa iJckman'a
Alteratlv to tell thoa wbo hava luna
dlaeaaa what baa been dona by It uaa.
Inveatlgate the following:
"Gentlemen: On the evening of May
It. 1907. I had five hemorrhages) from
the right lung. My hemorrhage kept
up for on weak I had II In all. Bep
tlo pneumonia developed. My doctor
told me 1 had better go to another ell
mate, aa my left lung had also become
"About that time I met Howard Klota.
io j nusquenanna avA, rnliadelDbla.
every line.
JOf comfortable
Weight. theV hSVeineard much complaint of th mlarepre-
nAttriAi,nViitr It, U 1 entauona , about tha men and reaourcea
lnaiViaUallty 111 their f thla territory, which are aald to
Appear In toe eastern press. If Is true
that there have been mistakes. Bo far
art 1 t: - 1' 1 " iney nave occurrea iney ara muca
M l nCV ar.C, IiniSnea to be regretted. But I-call your at
with ' n r a t-hotl lcnllon 10 1110 ' inai aucn nuarepra-
. " w " 0 gentationa are not confined to period).
nfMK nTf rfinn c" published outside. Any man who
rT ..i . . 1a familiar with th situation, knows
-DU1II SDeCiailV - tO that Alaska and tha Alaskans have auf.
rAcict fhP i1rriAntc xerwl mucn' Jia muITer,M unduly, from
Hie ClcmeniS the failure to promote the development
anfl lief fnr :pannc lor territory. But the situation
. .-w. vv.w. wU, not be neaj ln aeKTem by ml.
a-rri 1 i 4 rcjjic-jeuianuriH or oy accusations or un
J rriCeS lUSI a trine worthy motives. The small bitterness
hio-har hon thA or "na pelly "nonac"y. wun wnicn great
nigncr man inC Or- and vital Issues have been overalld
diliarV tailor - made n(1 ob"cue(, merely a hindrance to
, , , ; ciiu wo an aeeire me development
and read V-made ar- of th,s wonderful territory without!
monopoly, witnout special privilege,
witnout unaue waste, and at nm
Trip Successful.
"The trip to Controller bay and tha
Bering river coal fields waa a most
successful one. While I must hold
strictly to my Intention not to express
"y Style, COmfOrt od 8 ot 6Ung the coal flelda, I
and distinction. whit T B.7 imYmmoir pres.ea
I "TflA laor wnwvl T A mi. a-
j I ne marked differ- n,ght t0 urffe you t0 keep tha d
mrta 41,-4. r , p-uoaiuu ot mo AiasKA question on a
enCe tnat teatlireS Plan worthy of the attention of th
oest men in congress. One of th
questions seems to be whether you here
in Cordova will' rise to the level of
your own opportunity, and deal with th
problem of Alaskam development In a
way large enough to be effective ln
Washington." .
Judge Frailer In hla addraaa
almost exclusively unon the najit vi..
lnff pnmnl.fntii V. .1.. .
nCS awaitS rOUr in Uva Proposals for the solution of ex-
yrumeiua. in repiy inereto. Mr.
Plnchot aald;
'Judge Fraaiera Ulk la a model of
me iino or thing that prevents develnn.
ment In It. there was no mrrHiinn
to what oueht to ba rinnn t. o
simply an argument that thlnga that
are actually being don cannot ba done.
Wa do not get anywhere at AU merely
by making the eagle scream, and de
claring thaf fhlnri .
a11 wrong.' The world tnovea on. ant
"w mmu can prevent its progress
arguing that It la standing aUlL" '
who had hemorrhaarea aevaral vaara aaa
and wbo waa cured. by Eckmaa'a Altar-
I started to take Eckman'a about tha
latter part of August 107. Mv anna.
tit Improved at once and In about two
1 atarted to gain weight.
weeks I started to vain welcht I Im.
Droved steadily. Bine mv raeovarv
some time ago, I waa accepted for Ufa
Insurance, after two examination by a
company that had previoualy rejected
"I bava advised aeveral people to take
Eckman's and those who took It faith
fully had the same results aa myself."
i. (Signed affidavit.) CHA3. MORGAN.
(Fuller detalla of this caaa on re
quest) i
Eckman's Alterative la effective tn
Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat
ana L.ung irouDiea, ana in uprtulldlng
the system. Does not contain poisons.
opiates or habit-forming drugs. For
sale by The Owl Drug Co., and other
ieaaing aruggisis. ask ror booklet of
cured cases and writ to Eckman Labor
atory, rmmaeipnia, fm., tor additional
1$ They are cheaper, if
you consider the
wearing qual-
' all Kraner-made crar-i
ments shows in our
- Overcoats.
j A most seasonable
. line of. imported fab-
easy to tifthc cravat irr-e-u-y to
notch on and has oval button
holes, which makes buttonins; uai
unButtonine easy.
Claett. reabody C.. Makers. Tray. N.T.
' ' - . ,ii i i 1
'-.'" ,
iKfN-V a ' ' SEE Pavkrostlo.ciur iufoi.
iljmnjfVk " 4 ' y Call rpbon for ppolntmeat
d l IkV J)TVVa '. . . No bllcttloo on your part.
I "?)r N " . Will tike jrou raornln; iiter-
VSm. B mfy A ""B. -A-i- 1 'VIIV. A. u. VURa WB1 Ba BSBlll
a ojiiaT?v .iyf ACircr'
' . . " aa-jivv-a 4 .UyA i (fm.-fSm J
W. P. Kraner & Co.
' Importers and Tailors : ;
Scconil Floor Couch Buildins
! 109 FOURTH
. Near Waihington
Flaher Haa Recovered.
' (United trrm Ia.a 7b.
Chicago, Oct. 10. Secretary of tha In
terior Walter ,msher haa recovered
from A minor operation Jor throat
trouble, according to announcement!
made here today, and leavea Chicagif
todAy for, thA national capital. ' , '
Geary Street, above Union Squax
European Plan S1.60 day up .
- American Flan $3.00 a day up
New steal aaa Wick aA-aatut. Erary Mo4aral rata.
Caataaaf theatre aa Oa
ig all avar ctty.
i treiaa aaa i
Important Points
- PRICES -Parkrose prices j are posi
tively lower than adjoining property.
Acre tracts $1100 and $1200, half acres
$600 and $700. ; . :
- - .
TERMS Pay Mo per cent down
and 2 per cent monthly. Five percent
discount for cash in full., Title guaran
teed perfect. .t ' ' ; ,
all- city advantages electric '. lights,
water telephones, unexcelled streetcar
.facilities. . - "
OPPORTlJiVITY-rThere never has
been , such an opportunity --offered to
large and small investors before. : Park-"
rose stands unequaled unapproached
supreme. : - , , :.
Price Wai Posi-
Per Acre Oct 11th
You must act auicklv if vou exoect. to seen r-. an arr- tt
haff-acre tract in. Parkrose. at; the openinp;.prces.,, ; ' v -
irviw i ck ' : rrices win posiuveiy aayance 50 Dericre and " 25 'nrt
M, ?y half acre afe rnore days. -' -
" ' Don't 'wait. J Don't d
tivM ; nfinne : Main nr A.9nn nahf -nrtnfir. !-i.I-l
'.".JV :,v "w "" yw. vi:f vyv iijm .nun iw auuuiillllicill IU
see Parkrose in,; one ot our autos, without expense or ob
ligation.. s 1 ' , ' ' ' "'-'
just a few Reasons why
i ' Jj BECAUSE Parkrose lies just beyond Rose City Park.'.5 . "
" BECAUSE it Is in ? thedirect path".' of the 'city's -greatest
BECAUSE it only means 10 minutes more in the morning
and evening.', -'." '
BECAUSE it will have the mostdesirable improvementsri
BECAUSE'tlie Rose Ofy Park carline will be extended to'
. -the center of the tract. . . --. . , .
! il V n " "f lf,i t " $ 1 ti i-
' ' . nVCAi TQP if ic 41-IA Vlact lnartmaHt i...!i..
v. ' Hyi wwoi aiVLlllltui upVl lUIUlJ CVCl OI- tJ
rerea in tnis city. .... . . .
. ;. K- BECAUSE-you will enjoy a happier, t healthier and more
1 .profitable life. t' ' , .' : " . - , . -
i-K BECAUSE you can cut your living expenses squarely in
- two. . , , - - ' a; '
, Remember, prices positively -advance-after October '.'ii'J
Now's the time. ' :; - .
y : ! Ground Floor," Cliamber of Commerce '. . ' " '
. Fourth anH Stark Su.r- - Phones-Main 202L A'-SCCD