The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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aaa ta A a avarnaA a tt aat.
iuj A airuaaua aaa aa t ta
ttitia iaa 4 4 lv 1 a
aa. It ' a 4 !' H aa
a av am a ttMaoa a
IM a aa aaa
4 va aau t ahiuaa auaij
aa'ai I jaa
nit aa ar li f
. a aa M- aa af 04 a4
IM a 4 )! Jt la v 4 ka.
lata fwa4ta tut a, ,
"! at aavii 1
lull ta a fK k-
im aiMiin tiw4M tt .
aa aa r ' a aa a
a--a f a a .i
I M kaxMa ak-4 fMtii la . 4 . '
Vr (aaat, Tl b
tt mil m I Mm a (IMI
t it4, I a M.a4 '
M aaakaiy ywrkJ M U t
WaaMaaaf aa-'Vk TM Maa.a 1
A . el a a eeavaaeJ Wtaaaa
4 , M 1
t fx--. a
4 AM-i. a IU e-w " .i
a IU a' A a'
1 aifi It fe- V 4 1
fi4 --
aMJe' I '
1I.1IM4 f
e taave - .
I la t nr i Mk uM "
tl a i ul I Aea
f t. fci m !' tii." t
It. ea-a la I!
14 41 im Laite't lUt4
AMkM ' -w It i
( ale Mr '- ti n-ut. kti U
.. I. AM A- ,
v a- t e .., t a At,
t4.. AO. J Aef,v u.
4 lav. M M- HU4H
AJ, o . ?'V-4. ' A. 4.
ik. t U U " e - M
h-i wit KL C at. M'
k. - a;-.. Mi. reij cxnr. !J4rM iui. c.
IIMV 1' 11.41 Hl I. A. CtUI ilekeU-. ia.
liuva. A' A"tea. Mr Oaee ( MWM Uleee eJl.
W. taiUae, Mr Halt W. jr, Ae I UnI
WlUI t, '.
'It '. J.H. . Mi. W "7 '
I. (, Mi Vk . Mr Mf Am AteitUw r-t!
W WMiM. Mr )iiMl fcv! idNtMi, iitrAr,
rT4n Air J M. U4 IM Hxilt. fm? Mr. UM M
Viu. Mr X- 4. Kurt. Mr U U Mm Mry Pj.
!om. Mr L It Mr 4
Wtr I. Mr nWl tca. Mr "ToU tor ffMtc."
Vr TlMMa trlr. Mr. tUUy O ! J U ib dri
)irrs. mi An lm. mim u- i oiiA im a t fMf
(lutt, Ik Mla J Mm U ! -Tll. llr f T
CmU WUr. M llucA. MlM Cmmt I IMl- CrrU, kU
rr44ti wuu tl. Tfl
Uiru I 4 iUy to V
M4tA .
1 ! U m f Ik Mtrf
M M IM fU 4 tikltnft4 rtjkl
r t mi u
('' 4 t V - k 1
rf4 My t in
irrt. m f4 f IM r
I ii 1 fttmrtplm lirsr.
i f At KW-4
It. ' r(r A kw I
t t Mu II vAa
UklUl AUfM la Uik. 4 vi
U MilU kS-M 114 Attf
4 H 4l Mm li tmif U
llMM IU4 k4 I, UlUM U
i M fc. A f4tiwB
i t nti 4 i f i
i i iri4 ivmUiimi
tt eiit M) l
-r Um 4ika ia rtki f.
rr WM A Mm vAai 4
mi4 tl ! IU Ik I ti wui
MMvi a 4 lkttliU4
r.fr4 ! II. It II l t
Wl wffrj f la Al
I la ?. IKa
I I M I laar la Jai
f laa roiUaa arcia4 kr laal
aan at la iaMl AaalraM a a,
iillral tMallla!. Ala llm la laa
rartaar ial la rtjat I
.a iasi r ttiaa ar
ta a a af rlaaily 4
fv l aa a wi te
a Uraa, U Jy f laaiiai
tU a a atvaiaa Ua la
i a I aa4 I W aiUrta) wm
aat VU aaaalVn af tUa Wt4 t
. Htm 4fty lit UI
at a a kaa. l
11: F a ta laaAaaaf , Aaaa
"" nw ul a aa ra4 aa
iaa f II U1 araa4 4 iraia
la. 4aaa IMI waaaa aa a aar l
iarrr. a4 lAal. aa laM aa iar mu
I ri aiafla aa4 M
t ttta. laay Aa ftjal I ,
la lAia a I MiHra a U Aa
Aaar ln aat far Aa-
M aaalAar. A a. l aa aa iaa
Immut la IVa haaaa. IM I laiflaaal
laTiaa ( U ) ta a ra
f raalar la II a la 1 Aa aay
aarUa , I f, ar
aanaaia laal ry Aaaa la alA IM
aa la IM al tan la IM Aa
aa4 IM aa aaya
AM aa taa vfc aa M Uata la
at tr 4rl. MAa II at M IM
Ter 4U a a im aaliucal
Aaia I IM aalaata, aa4 I wtU ih
aaaa M la t al(ta a f
Ufa all IMI A AU (at 4 U
tactl aa f a la faaalaa aaaa
laaiiu r frtiy a4 4
"SclcnUfto Selection of Mates"
Suosestcd as Ccmfi In
Publifl Schoa'j.
QU 4 Miaa AUUaMlA 'M
A alaiaia Aaata ! aali
a at TaUy AraiaaUnl ' AIIM Mlcaal
laaaa) a aHlr part I ctrt
rtalr aa aa i af ayrnlt
aavaaaaaiA a4 apaka Afr im Oaa
U4 tk a W4ir anraa, liar
ta4 lata raeraina- vaa I ha I af Miaaliaal "Wfc IVtaaa HMI4 Ilav
llala MUUr. af Haalo, a Oaaf Ulth UaJial." A lalaraalla llaaa ta lAU
Ca. (1rl a f lr. 4 Mr. Ilaary aaaaacUo aaa fr) laa aaat arAat
X Ca. at IM ral4a af IM arlaa taaasMr af IM tAaalo afrrlt ar-
Tai'a aafaal. Ttr-ftft aai faalaatia Mra AacJar4 I favr af a
LTr. he. Uikw lrit rftnit aw aaarrUfa a-vvra. aa Araar a br
ar I tka taaa ar la I Alio Itaaa lilaakvalL laaAlaar ioaaal
af tka faally lr. TM I f vaaa far ta laal at(r. Tba
410 a aa IM atiUalaactoa) f r I - la aa foUowa:
anaaa ta. wba Mr. Vf aa aul - tak I baa u M Vf 4a4 ha-
taaataa' llarrar. Mr. aa air, ua win aj, I bar an I bold. t, ta aVck-
aaAa lAtr bam I un14. Or. wMr u Aaalih. I tor Anar, a a
bia Oa waa fanaadf aaajra aAartaA. lilt 4lb aa part.
4 "I f rota laa la aid aod aaalat B9f Ana
iIm Ainiaa haa4 (ar wtfa) la ry -r aad la tfip
bn (r bM. .u Bphold bt tar bar)
Mra. Oaerr J. lartaJaa4 MJitteal rlava. ana I ar to Mill
vliA In a nral of a aanaa ar anaaa ut difrlrttlll ut f aurf.
Tburadaf afiamoo Aa ruia . .
55...2S. S? AIbbi Ha.
la pink roaaa. rore wrra raa at Oraroa Cotlcctal Arvkan bald Ita
acb UbJ bf Mra. Ollvvr Kln Jffry, flrat fall mtln Balurdar at lb boaa
Mra William Iattllr (Mlaa Jun af Mr. Barnard JaAaraf with Mr.
Blarllng) and Mra. 1C facknai Th Jakvar 4 Mr. N. B. myth, lb
larllad fuaaia war Mr. Ltayd T. Waa praajdaet. a boaUaaaa. Tba maatlef
ar. Mr. Wllllaia Caauamao, air. HOD-1 iook isa larra oi aociai artarBooo
looufn im Mtntnaaaf eommuio waa
Mar bikl UUilUa! a4 irt
alia. .
a niai a aarrraar waa laaf
al it. aad aaHAtaf a aartk wlU ara
vaal laaaa fraaa cailla It Wka tka
raaJ aat It Bat, ai4 fraaa tit aa
li Vlla a war, tM Uueai Ufla-
ar laa waaaaa af Ihta aaaalrr ta
aaaalktaA IraaaaaAaa. aUaaal lacalavl.
afcla Wa kaaw Ibal woraaa. by lAalr
laflaa a taatr baabaaoa, Aaiacrata
Mw raaar af laa ala ara caal avary
alartio Aay. A ad lAar Aa aa way of
aaflatlatr aallaaUa IM tragi aadaaa
lafiaaoaa af tM wotnaa wM Ira laa bar
Ma I tak baaJlbf VVaw f pollO
ct aaaUta 4 IA atadr il tM laaua
tK a ay aataa la Uflaa tM
wawaly. atata aauaw.
"II ta n aaid IMI w laaaa wwrkara
r aadarpaid aad taal. tka ra for. Uay
A Ml Av fair ab-w. Tbla, I ba
lA ta aeaaawMt traa tday. bat It ta
a tka man. Tak tM a af tb
wataaa wlva ar acMot taacMr. TMra
la a fclfkar prof aaala Lhaa tMt af
taa oh lea. if a ma ar woraaa flad
btotaalf or braLf a pact ail adastad ta
ii. a ar aa aaoui ar la lu It
la lb prafaaaloa tMt oalla for poaalbly
IM groalaat aalf rlfla. aad tl ta lb
work wbtcA ta tba rraataat Uatromaot
for (ba vpllfUar of yovtA. Ia tbla way
it ta tka ally of tAo work IkaX ta Aao
by woman la I ha bant. Aad I Mllar
imih r wm i
!. at u. tki I laa
ta m aa 4 I IM aa imi
IM M M Wuu4 Aa
k aaa a aa a4aa tua
af at, a IMI iur i.l
ua ta IM aJt af
IM aarra 4 Alt r I ai l
rwn ay no. um a a a"
d li aUy.
Tala af A; A a4 baaw Aw
aa. aa4 Mr, faikar.
raa IM aaa af IM ait4
! Al aia Kalaa M
v4y. TM Uaaa M H a i a
aa. TMI la aa In ! I aUaaurv
If ta axlid a-rwa A Uakl
Mw la aaiatl IM a. IM i4M
Ut M a A aataoaA
ta i4 AraaA Ik Mi
A aaa M irata Ua4
wa AltaraaA Mar aa
11 alrtaay wflkaot
awwtaf wbaiAaf IMf a aA Mlar
ar aat.
TM trbht VtIA ail IM awaata d
aa f 4la ta. ftr4 Ikal aa
nA ta Ucla4 m a Ik laa la M UlkaA
af aad l41a4 Mill IM lra4y af
aUrwr ppar. Ta (lain Alt arc a4
aa la aaaa wa IM iwit
Ik ! art af .at aa
I '" ant aaa' alaaal mm aa at
M a taail f a- a. at
a tt 1 1 iii a fa tM fc
af IM all ! U I iarAi a4 IMa4a
la t.aia a af laa rf
a ' 1 a MW t bra
taa I IM af A waaaa
A liairr aara ka IM aaraa
imi im (tavia wm rtdl. a Ma
Ma M rtkl by Mafa4 a a
M IU aav
1r4a l ara mi'J
aratM IM Marl, faat M I a I I toy
MMitMt IM Mly, l aanial avaay
nwti r rtakt TM IM Ira
Ml al M ct4 laraaal
IM t'at-ai laaaa af kaaw wad M
aarA lwl aaaat lnwi ara
Mi an w Mr wuraiy
I IM aaa OtrtaiaM MaUJ af
! aarrta Iwni a.
A fraa aaa al If IM ftr W,
aatr atanuia la a M laa.
UA WraiaA lata aad ara If
II la la a araaaalad fr aAtaa I
TM akark ailar aa.raly
aarM IM ( fra IM anakary fiada
tal IM walaaratly. Aaarinc. al4
a aaa, aallaara. ikaaa ar aJI aru af
IM ikia a4 IAaa 1m wr
1 away af im tar taa a arw
tl fauar aad a taa Atawre, TMa
ar ail arta of ta Ml w maa la I
aa IM a hi if attt wm aaaa ly tr
tea Oaaaaa At aWft. U at I. '
Aa-Miay, M aaa at' I tM )
waadara "IM friaia
A Homt Bxxlp foe
WriftUeJ. Sf tT Skin
(! AWaiy 4 U)tA
TM faaaaM aaa4:ia kail) tlk la
rwaaaaiali Ay Maaly ttalJab f -r
ai a 1 wftaai aa f
afk aaa M aaada at
Ma y ArvAa4 fa aatatlta
la d4 fra. I aa, aad Va A't
wtuai Mt fiaal IM a" I
WlUk I 11 M MtM IM far.
a4 MMa la IM aaav Kalia at a
raaaaraaMa. 4 aataalMaa t
akt tlaklaaaV a4 Iki Mlaraily
aaa IM wttakla aa watl aa rcaaa
ar faia a Mat im . rMak ar
TM llaw d aa! ataatu
IM afcta ! b a aaa aa Aramar aad atan
Oat faata aaci tafraaAaA Wl -
b tiara tad nr aatag Ikla Iralf caktw
fat araaraila. I ia atadaatl aa fa
aaly a aaart lhaa will raak M !.
na ar la raar ywwaja.
aarawaaaaw-u. a 1 111 inuu- I
rl MM9 WFflfiimaiiiii &'EOnhfflj-h
rt rarrall. Mr Irrlng K. Blaama, Mr.
Ollrer O. Walk.r. Mra. ft A. Laliar, Mra.
Jaffary. Mra Dtwiur. Mra. Mackaaala,
Mlaa Outhrta. Mlaa Cacll Wllay anJ
Mlaa Clara Howalt '
w w
' Entrrtaiaa at lWracka.
Vra. Brady Orn RuttaaeulUr of
Vanoourar llarracka f ara a brlda party
at har quart ara Thuraday bIbTjI. rriaaa
wr eapturad by Mra, 8twrt, ktra.
riubuyh Jona and Uautanant Phllltp
ooo. Th houa wa IxMUfulIy deco
rated with autumn Iravca. Four table
' wr plaoad tor th player who were
Mra. Jam Roeera. Mra. Oeorga LWInt
ton Baker of New York. Aire. FlUhuc h
Jonea. Mr. Off lay. Mra. Aloa. Mr.
Wrlahl of New York. Mr. Tula, Mra.
Btrwart. Mr, rhilllpion, Captala Hlatiop.
appolntad t aomlnat th fflor for
the fortboomlnc yaar. Tba report will
M given at tba aaooad naatlnc, which
1 alwaya a larwbeoo. Novombar A
Tba time of raeetlBf Am baa ehaorad
to tba flrat Saturday af aach mooLb.
w w .
Dirarunrat AaBOunend.
Mr. J. r. MoCartby anneaaoae tb
n(Ainartt of bar danjhter Helen
Irene, to J. M. Chamberlain, tM wad
din ta tak place tbta fall.
Daagtitor Arrtre.
Mr. and Mra. W. J. Hoffman ar b
mc anowered with congraulatlona oa
the arrival of a daughter thla mornln
Mr. Horrman I advertlalna; managar
or the oreconian.
They Grow Htilr
Certain InjmfienU If Proper-1
Ijr CombinerJ, Stimulato
Human Hair Growth.
Great Sale of Bedl9 Bedldltof 9 Laiee
aMdJ Tapeslliry Cunrfam cram9Ete,
Mill-End Sale of Lace Cuirtaies
p!A,.''ii-li ;
..i7' Jr.v
- - A A'-' li. V
"iW-LJaaAJ? "At".
Mld-Ocrn, Oot, I
Tujitor. Ruayell !
en rout for lil fall
vlult to hm Ixndon
' cliarce. full of vlg
or. Croaslng the
ocean loaca no time
for him. Ua la ao
roniDanled by hi
stenorraDhar. M r
Rutherford, and
through th news
pa p r a preachea
weekly to about
twelve million In
the United State.
Canada. Great Brit
aln and Australia.
text today waa. "For the life of the
fleah la In the blood; and I bav given
It to you upon the altar aa an atone
ment for your aoula." Lev. vll, 11.
The trend of all achoiar within the
past forty year in particular ha been
way from the Bible. Even thosa few
who still contend for the Bible concede
much to the higher critic and merely
strive to retain a hold upon certain
ahreds of truth. The Bible I suffering
at th handa of Christendom. Or per-
hapa wa would batter say, Christendom
la Buffering- from letting loose Ita . hold
upon th Slbl. ' Tha Blbla theory, that
all the -sin and death manifest In th
worm resuuea irom jvubju unuutu
lenoe. Is now generally denied. ' Conse
ouently. thoaa wh still preach 1 for-
glveneas of sins and an esoaye from
tha penalty of sin ar In th minority.
And those who admit that tha death of
Jeaua waa necessary as a aln-offerlng,
tha Just for the unjust, ara extremely
few. Our text Is looked upon aa foolish
cy the worldly wise. .
Darwin'a evolution theory, that man
sprang from a monkey parentage and
haa been evolutlng higher and higher
for six thousand years, finds apparent
support In the rapid growth of Intel 11
gence during the past fifty yeara. But
those who. heed tba Bible find a more
satisfactory : explanation In Its " teach
ings, that we are,. In the dawning of a
New Dispensation the Messianic period
so long promised of God as the time in
which all the lainHlea of the earth 'will
be blessed.
Th Bible theory of man's ' sin and
condemnation " to death and of a re
demption of Adam's race from the power
of death by the blood of Jesus .is one
consistent narrative. 'Because one man
alone waa the original sinner and tho
sentence camo by- one, therefore it wa
possible for divine mercy , to arrange
that by the sacrifice of tha Righteous
One. th Just for tha unjust, the entire
raca of Adam might ba Judicially freed
irom - tha death sentence and b per
mined to bav a resurrection of the
dead and the opportunity of restitution
and to approve themselves to God for
everlasting life. This, the Bible theory.
viays tn wnoie stress of salvation upon
the work .of our-Redeemer.. Without It
Adam's race would . have been as dead
as the brute creation. - By It a way 'of
life through resurrection and restitution
haa bean opened up. This la th mean
ing of jur text and la fully concurred
In by the apostle, who says, "Aim oat
all things are by tha law purred with
blood; and without shedding of blood r
no remiaeion of sine. So unless our
Redeemer had purchased Adam and his
m mi own precious Diooa there
would be no hope of future liXa. either
for th church during thla ag or for
th world of mankind In general during
th kingdom age, which will follow
Scientist now laarn not only that
different species will not amalgamate.
but that different bread of the earn
species crossed cannot be maintained,
but will revert again to their originals
In the third or fourth generation. Un
doubtedly thla waa what troubled Mr.
I'arwln In hla rearing of fancy breeds of
pigeons and his Inability to maintain
the fancy varieties. The same prin
ciple is found everywhere at work. Dif
ferent vartetlea of peas crossed hay
produced new varieties only to return
in the third or four season to their
Moreover, Dr. Thompson proclaims I
that he finds, in full harmony with our
text, that the life Is In the blood and
that by blood reaction It can readily ba
actermineJ which animals belong to
certain species and which db not. Th
custom heretofore haa been to classify
animals Dy Uielr bones and natur.
wnicn naa aiwaya been more or less un
satisfactory. The blood is now found
to be the sura teat and the apeedy one.
Notice, said Pastor Russell, a text
which always seemed to us hard and
cruel, but which we find, on tha con
trary, to be merciful and gracious.- It
reala. "I am a Jealous God. visiting tha
iniquities 01 th parents upon tha child
ren unto th third and fourth genera
tions of them that hate Me." '
' The merciful sentiment of this text
ia now aaea: The Ufa la In th blood.
Tha law of heredity carries Imourltr
and dlaeaae through the blood In micro
organism. Were it not for th Divln
provision that these small organisms
of disease or blood lmDuritv will die
out In the third or fourth generation,
our race long since would have been
wiped off the face of the earth. Tha
jjivine arrangement that Infectious
germ diseases such as syphilis will die
out In the third or fourth generation la
a most merciful one.
Thus Qod shows meroy unto thou
sands of them that love Him and seek
to Keep tha Divine commands. Thua
the theories of man crumble, one after
anotner as the decades slip by, and aa
tney nava oeenr doing ; f or centuries.
Thus the Bible is seen to stand nr.
eminent arjove ail otner teachings, Jem
onstraung itself to be th word of
To realise the existence : of thla
fnighty God la but to dread His om
nipotent strength, unless wa can se
nira possessed pf benevolence ani
goodness corresponding to His power
ana wisaom. Not only ar we forced to
tha Conclusion that there la a God. and
mat iiis power ana wisdom, are Im.
measureaDiy oeyond our own, , but we
ar forced by reason to th conclusion
that the the grandest thing created Is
not ' superior to Ita Creator; hence w
m II BT PAIUtllMA That , v. A , . .
. ... . .us uituw
featatlon .of benevolence and Juatlc
among men la inferioV in scooa to that
or the creator, even a man's wladom
and powr are Inferior to HI.
And thus we-have before our mental
vision the character" and attrlbutea of
me ureal creator. He ta wis. lusL
loving and powerful and the scope of
His attributes ta, of necasaitv. lmmeu.
urably wider than that f Hla grand-
lUAerola Is n of the mart affective
germ destroyer ever discovered. Bata
naphtbol 1 most powerful, yet abso
lutely safe germicide aad aatieepUa,
which p raven ts development of germ
matter, and create a ataaa, healthy
condition. ,
niocarpln. although not coloring'
matter or dye, ta an Ingredient well
established for It power to restore nat
ural color to human hair.
Borax, becauee of It wall defined
rriftenlng and cleansing properties, lj
moat useful In th treatment of eoalp
and hair dleeaaea. Glycerine acts M a :
atUnulont to th hair bulb, and ha
soothing, healing and nouiiahlng Influ
ence. Alcohol la Indispensable In med
icine becauM of Ita antlaeptlc atlmulat-
lng and preservative quail tie.
Rexall "9S" Hair Tonlo la chiefly eom-
poaed of tbeae iLgredlenta, which are
compounded In a peculiar form, and w I
believe It ta the meet effective remedy
known to medical science for scalp and I
hair trouble generally. We personally
guarantee It to eradicate dandruff and
ecalp Irritations and to grow hair, even
though the ecalp la spota 1a bar of
hair and providing of oouree there la
life and vitality remaining la tba halrl
root a
We want every one troubled with
scalp dlseaae, dandruff or loea of hair
to try Rexall "91" Hair Tonic. If It I
doea not remove dandruff and promote
growth of hair to tha satisfaction of
the user," w will without question or
quibble return every cent paid ua for It
Thla guarantee Is printed on every pack
age. It haa effected raoat aatlafaotory
results In (S out of 100 cases where put
to a practical teat.
Rexall "SI" Hair Tonlo 1s entirely un
like and In every particular different
from anything else w know of for th
purpose for which It la recommended.
We urge you to try It at our entire risk,
Certainly we could offer no better guar
antee. Two alzea, 10 eenta and 11.00 I
The Rexall Store. The Owl Drug Oa
Inc, Cor. 7th and Washington eta.
mmm mm
m: mm mm 1
S3.75 Curlolns at $2.50
$2.00 Curtains at $1.25
$3.25 Curtains at $2.00
$2.25 Curtains at $1.50
A great AaJe of Mill Ends of
Lace CortAirtA In tine mesh.
Ivory color, with fancy check
fcentert, with Battenberg lace
insertion. Our reg. & ft(
$3.75 values on sale P 4 DU
White Lacs Curtains, extra
rood qaality double - thread
lace, with 13-tnch Insertion,
filet lace border and plain cen
ter, buttonhole edre. Regular
$3.79 values special o f"A
or this sale, a pair aJV
Two-Tone Lace Curtainiwlth
beautiful floral borders, 1-inch
fine lace insertion, eood wide
widths, wide enough for one to
a window. Regular f
$3.75 values, special jjaWDlr
Ivory Color Lace Curtains with
insertion and Irish Point lace,
border and fancy design in cen
ter, extra wide. Reg. ( or
$2.00 values, the pair ) 1 eaC t)
'Excellent quality White Lace
Curtains, attractive designs
in Brussels nets and fancy
dotted net effects, very dur-
able quality. Act-o n
ua $3.25 ral., pair UU
Arabian Lace Curtains in the
hew bungalow check de
signs snd pretty neat floral
borders. Curtains suitable
for any room. Regular $3.25
values. Specially fjo aa
priced at, a pai3aGUU
Ivory Color Lace Curtains,
stripe floral patterns and im
itation Cluny lace edge, the
most serviceable and effect
ive color, good full sizes.
Worth $3.25 pair. Ao. A A
Special this sale daCaUU
Attractive- patterns' in the
Nottingham Curtains in
plain and fancy lace designs.
good sizes and ex
ceptional 60c values
A great sale of White Cable
Net Curtains, with 4-inch imi
tation filet lace insertion and
plain net centers. The most
durable $2.25 vals. A- ta
Special at, the pairOl3U
Ivory Lace Curtains with beau.
tiful Renaissance lace borders
and fancy scroll lace centers.
Very attractive $2.25 values.
Specially priced for J A
this sale at, the pairOI0U
Arabian Color Lace Curtains
with 2-inch insertion and at
tractive lace edge to match
and .neat' dotted net enters.
Extraordinary $2.25 A
values. Special, pair llOU
$2.00 CURTAINS, PAIR $1.25
White Lace Curtains in sim
ple, neatly designed borders
and plain net centers. Curtains
suitable for any room in the
house. Regular $2.00 Or
Effect of Great Kidney
I feel it my duty to let you know
what Swamp-Root did for me. I was
bothered with my back for over twenty
yeara and at timea i could hardly get
out of bed. I read your advertisement
and decided ta try Swamp-Root. Used
five bottles, and It haa been five yeara
since I used It, and I have never been
bothered a day sine I took the laat
bottle of it, I am thoroughly convinced
that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, cured
m and would, recommend It to others
aufferlng as ..I did. .--.....--..r'-
. My husband : waa troubled with kid.
ney and bladder trouble and he took
your swamp-Koot and It cured him.
Thla was about five years ago. '
You may publish thla letter if yon
enoqse. -
;- ..Very truly youra,
R. F. Z. No. I. ; GoblevlIIa, Mich.
Subacrlbed and sworn to before me
thla Ilth of July, 1009.
-- .- Notary Public,
for Taa Duren Co, Mich.
-1 K-f-
' Xettar to
r. Xainar at Oo
Bingham ton, v. Y.
rrm- abdt Swami-Iaot wm I Hr Taa
Send to Dr.. Kilmer A Co Blnrham-
ton, N.T for a eampl bottle. It
will convince anyone. Tou will eleo re
ceive a booklet of Valuable Information.
telling- all about the kidaeys and blad
der, i When writing, be sure and men.
Uoa The Portland Pally Journal. Regis-
ar xmy-cent an one-dollar else bou
tl fw sal at aU druaT ator. .
Imported Scotch
Madras Curt'ins
In beautiful floral, Persian and stripe
patterns, colorings to harmonize with
all rooms. Can also be used as side
hangings with lace curtains. Prices:
$5.00 Madras Curtains at only $2.49
$6.00 Madras Curtains at only $3.29
$7.50 Madras Cuitains at only $3.89
$10.50 Matlras Curtains only $6.29
Crash Portieres
Art Crash Portieres with stenciled,
borders, in artistic floral and orien
tal designs, 50 different patterns to
choose from, at the' following prices:
$7.50 Portieres Pair 53.50
$1200 Portieres Pair S6.00
a WA tail
345c Scrims 23c
SOc Scrims 59c
Beautiful Figured Scrims in the most
pleasing effects, for curtains of all
kinds, 35c quality. Special
price for this sale, the yard
Plain Linen iri rich shades of
blue, brown, green, 80c val.
75c Drapery Challle 45c
Beautiful patterns in wool challiesin
a variety of patterns so extensive
that every taste may be pleased.
Regular 75c quality. Spe- A Cf,
cial price for this sale, yard T'OL-
35c Cretonne
the Yard 23c
A splendid assortment of patterns in
Fancy Cretonnes for curtains, fin
Our regular 35c quality, yard wOt
Felt Mats, Engraved Table Mats; and
Scarfs," pleasing patterns, special for this
sale 85c, $1.60, $2.50, $2.75, $3, $4.50
Women'o 01.50 Underwear SOc
S wIsj3 Ribbed Underwear at 75c
On the Bargain Circle tomorrow a
sale of Women's "Stuttgarter" x Un
derwear iif small sizes-28, 30, 32,
34. Normal sanitary wool, unshrink
able, natural and white color. -vests
and pants. Reg. ft. 50 val
ues special tomorrow only
Women's Real Swiss Ribbed Underwear,-
vests and pants, fine mercer
ized quality, lisle or cotton. White,
pink and sky colors. ; Sizes 4, 5, 6.
Good fitting, excellent quality. Reg.
ular value 51.25 a garment J
Specially pricedJomorTOw at O W
ejUC li values on sale only
S10 Blanket at $6.25
$1.25 Blankets at 95c
In the big Bedding Store, Third Floor,
a sale of All-wool White Blankets witft
pink and blue borders, double bed size,
.. .a m a a
specially priced for this sale as louows:
$10.00 Wool Blankets on Sale at $0.25
$11.00 Wool Blankets on Sale at $6.90
$12.00 Wool Blankets on Sale at $7.50
Cotton Blankets in white, gray or tan,
full sizes, specially priced , as follows :
$1.25 Cotton Blankets on Sale for 954
$1.50 Cotton Blankets on Sale at $1.15
$1.75 Cotton Blankets on Sale at $1.35
$14 Mattress $11.00
The famous Sterns & Forster Cotton
Felt Mattress, covered with best
satin-finish ticking. C 1 1 - AA
Regular $14.00 seller tDl leUU
$18 Mattress 813.50
High-Grade Felted -Floss Mattress,
with heavy roll edge, biscuit-tufted,
four rows of stitching on side, cov
ered with best art tick. C 1 2 - C A
Regular , $ 1 8.00 value D 1 O 0 U
$14 Mattress a! 00.50
A full 30-pound Silk Floss Mattress,
with roll edge, covered with art tick
ing, biscuit-tufted: Our (3 A C A
regular $ 14.00 value for
$500 Bed Pillows C3.C3
07.00 Dcd Pillows
Rt f iv Hnn:. Paifh.-r Fill.! r:'.
MM r aVaa W W VVWW - A aw a a a v aa
'lows, covered with striped ticking