Tin: oi;::no daily ioimikal. ronrtAS.-n. Monday uvchino. octoiii:i! t. nil. i 'TrM?" Makes Hit at Hcltlc;; 4-tf ., Veaaakaart T4 4 I M4 " mhiJ fcaA.a) imul rW QUOTH THE PESSIMIST Town Topics - -,- V V-atl. - :t - at.e lata a.. Mirth, Song Baker Magnets ai - A a a.a . f iu .... i !. ... ia ticnuinc Luif c IUI M IM MM M ti Mi J ' VJUUUU1V, UUiwU. - w IWW 1 - ! a-. J -! Bj t Ik U4 . IV alt 4 t-al I -a -, 14a ak- iimnil . 4 to.! nil w-a.r The Secie-t Girl In Paris" Gute Ufa cf Pblns Per- ttrI.l.V-T rrt U TM Wfi l.. HmIuJ hwM M rrt a,..-! i.i Ci.4 I. 4b U :.! I HUM 4 IV Ug-4 4k. CMt4 J- to tlttn-lM tw-- f Ik Kaarfk." Hn Plenty cf Life ar.d trayeJ li "flc er cf the U) n.v kl xti.ii t. '..... t . Ranch,1 iw taj - -4 rtl..aj to fVlWUHI WIM4ir lllMMM), i a F s . aGt: Yat .1 . . ! Ii.Hm,tif lkl to W I ' pa. a en ni fiM4 r I " " 1 w- iMttiwi rwa ! wv $ ' mI to l MM II H I. -a. 11 tto MM K IWI I A iii rit Tltoto nuiM Wwlt mi to Wl I Ki M4MII. rt to4 Tn vwrt MitvkM ! fa Lw4 HUl k HmAAM Ulilt I I VI MO-I mttmMm l to felN I " ft t 4 i iki Mr k te.ki rW'.4 k-4 VW: ur fl uutu n't la t-rt. I Tk. rmmM Ikl La unau.l.J k I " lil ftm l4 Wil j !( kaM M.kik ulUltu mt IM Ik U4) T 1 tvtU kly I I tvi a.M m Mu4 tut ii m I iw4 ti"tm i krt to toJUl kir 4 r t t4 k- I , M il in i 1 i I ktMltwM rur I tM M V tox kto i . n .ww l PLWt I M wl I I , t mhiiI ! tokk4 I lb l iJ liw C. T. ft!, ffil; ami Mr. T toV HUM Kwtiwn rVM Him i f k to wl llk fi. i ; ! wrfuttiir alk4 Ik 4itui)r ii to wm4l . Tt fHf 4 I 4 f f4 iU M itxkrt r IiLr M I to m). tk to UKM KrfaM.t M l tktf k4. I -t. .-i cm rwt- i. r tT'Vrj fcl 4 Cife Ivto.lrM .i,, k-k, twMMi 4 iw r'fn ifii ik f kir kii i (b j liku. rv4 ii litr Tto mmb-! "r iU:v till t I rtotifjn to Ik ! 1 m.Uk ll Ii lk Unwt'i.uhJ lawA I Ik I "!"! o rk V ! l IMIU1M lt .. Ik ! I ' ' -V fi Ml wix Lf f I I ( to bM rtl Ik Ulk bmi ikrM vkW k k k m fili tlkt-k Jmt ttom. M wMfttag ik i Ik to4 I V " I fMix k n ki Yk l4t( ltM,tw kk f k to kteklf f tor, 4 ii . i . tvtoma. "'TrJT.. . ' k f Ik tl'l I " trwav r k'k lkl. I lltiw tl..t n4 I Ik I ti , 4 kl,l l ka.J 41tl4 km! akllMMl kim s-y r ii tkfkv ttut rmkk u l , i rrn ! ' I t i .mu kti iiu4 1 ! tW Mi- m r k W krt 1f kM 4 lky klk I ra kuIIm kUt-ct l Nwto' tokkf. lUMf tax, 'U -t, I A at U-4 I M rkt" tit tol VtalaMa B Lm.rlna I Ik J I I a .... M Ik Ul . 1h I ii4 a. n r4r. n.i " rr ik Nm tkl for Ik Jr Wlmt. Ul j I .! t.. -) Akl. ailal fWaiawt Ik au a4 .a anal. . I lakl l Uk ! lMtaaUU M.u ri .tl I itt ll k M mmiIiii k rMHl4 f r.r I4l4, I W it Ax Mi)M4 Hr t 4 rr HlUe 114 rl lr4. al4 I" - og I t U A M.- t tobl 4 krU IUttr frooi IM - t-aw U fta kr Kr f Ik ;, rrUtr. toibl tv ft litol l F. . kl "t- 4 to li4 -r. . ipeikT of Uttor oftU, TM fswrets, Cl i tv Akr tt" ttwwi Ii4 to Ik lr r rvlT Ik m, 4 u. ut kl TJI k4 k r v4r tniUMklr r4Hr hr tlv ark4. 11(14 I t . v 4 f 14 . k Ttrll full kiif rir f Itx 1 Mkli fhkBf rMt4 kl M(ltk QMtai ON ftAYj kt kl. , All I U l !! Willi lUlMttkMto k Hill la r rri 4 ki eioik. I njMt . Mk gil liita iar. (.(, u Tli c ntl k f lot?. IWk W. a T. VT tMtor f 030 rJ l -rt iai out ta rn- Tfc bill Ul k a aalil Wlato( CEYLON TEA Aaaaall Ctapt-JM ruk.r. ah. IK AJW(kA ' Ckrt.ua THPf I ", "" a rra4 at n4aini ki nuii lIVJka i'M m ( an klr. A. J rif ir-i r lkiraiiaka towwoA ,1U uonm Ur!. It T iul in l ia a iniiairipa wvri I tf y f lra. ji mvii vn a aai T " . L .-.T ".-"I toaa-kf J kita fr r.. r .... - Witoifl ) r l4it. 4ilr K.a a4 Ulr V ri Lv. W k.bi.K tr V I B r r tJ ai aa a I 4 f worker, . . - . al 4w . - I W I'll aV . h!4 htm uotli Bhrvood arnvvd. VANCOUVER SHVER SCANDAL BARED ? PV4 Aato Tklf-Pk.l Thomp. I A I I I Hi II II :rr rrru'uV,: OIHIL If ILL IIULIJ rpt4 on. mnblU r(urn! (n ltrtlnd from Cunj Ul nlghl by Ivirtlv ncw tor IHJ In Ihl Hijr n a lrrnjr thara. Thorapon. during hi right from lb city In th Hrrr'l lfl automobli. tn down nd klll.-d an g1 ranchtr at V tiwfnm and mmm a rrr-ml A f ha pa Ktit vrr i ih. loc.i ofnd.i. rot Land Agent Rinehart Files on LAKE SHORE LAND Portland City Engineer Asked to Pass on Alleged Second Grade Article. AUfd Kuktr Arrt4 Ura J. r. 'IliUiy. ahlU walking In lh rtclnlir of Klflh and Market ftrta, w fo. lowed by Kr4 B. Worn. who Pr- ltd In paying hr attention. Th 'Oman met Falrolman Klch and com- lalnid of the . action of th man. Mineral Laden Tracts in Lake County. (BWrl.l ta Tk JamaLI Vaarouvvr. W a h. Oct. A a ul t of lb cpnf.rmnc today btwa lb city rouacil of Vaaaou' and dif frnl rlay til contractor. Mayor Kuabllfht of l orlland will b akJ to ad City tCoa-ityaor Ifarlburt t p on th quality or lp now bin- tJd by th Johnaon-Aadcraoa ooropany La th main trunk a war. Inspector wilboln of PortUad mad an irtapectlon Haturday and oondmad th pipk aaylng It wa ond crada (spvrjil t Tk Joaraal.) Afrni T n .n.h.r, ha. ratu 1 1 h- Johnn-And.r,n bid Wk. ward. 1 wni-raupon n atanca io run. ana anr from . lrlo to ikli Ahrt and Bum- "" "" a rhaa of mora than a block waa ar- mrr uk., wher, b mj ,tmU acrlp Th aartlon wa mad that th ooo- rcat.d and held for court for rtolatlnf n ahont taoa f iaa aiona tha 'r'.0" w,r an aatra profit the flililiM ordlnanc. bodl. of watar. "It I tha Intantlon of OT "P9 00 oomt ot P'P. wnoh I tha atala" Mr. Rinehart. "Io hold " ly company. . . m . . . 1 ' i . opcv Mwxmvm i-ian io mow i thaaa hndlea at watar. aa thara la na in aax at iounou creai ar diit dt,ubt tiun th.y contain larg a.uanUtl ii. nav on mwirira inia mornina, of rninerala auch a a It. al-oda and nurn in wiicjimin, in roumla, aaw a man hldt uirvuiiy w.tr in ipiiica uunuinf wnrr I tn tt many in aai. ia Kept, vnen ma watenman Mr. Rinhart went to Alkali lak anJ anouteo. in iniruaer jumpea rrom u brouht back a larg aampl of th tiding plac and aped away through th d.po,iu thr and IU hav analy brush out of alght. No deor1ptlon of by th iUta chemlat. Th peopl tha man could b ccurd. of Ik. rountv .m. anr mafhod of ualnir tha watara at thaaa atoonr Ton aaoa Ticket Today for i,it if it win tn, m.ard d.v.ior.. tha Portland Lyceum course. Six treat men, lt wlll msa . atw iniu..rr H.MB.- . . Sl.OOIb. -5 O'Clock," . . 75c. -"Cpiul HouloLiM 50c. " Cay Nw U Iui LaTw at lUttSto GRISWOLD'S CUSTOM TAILORING $5 to $20 Saved. in making- hi k. ., .. . 70U n,w ul or Cloak at din. In a ti U cVmp. bulldlnf wher .t,, many million of doll.ra." Pr. -oond floor, tfw.tland bldg. Crowds attend Oaka Rink the day. Sawed tlaa. Alblna rual Co. attraction for $2.00. Ticket on aal at J. K. GlU'a book a tor and T. M. C. A.. Attraction to be given In th great auditorium Central Christian church. East Twentieth and Salmon -afreets. Honorable Victor Murdock wlll deliver hla great lector on "In- that will enhance -th value of land and property In th entire county. Want Better Mail Rrrvico. tftDerlil to Th. Joornil. Lakevlew, Or.. Oct 4. Northern Lak county people want better mall aervlc surgency" Thursday evelng;. Ootobir u'"' ii.. wau. rr . nmn 12 - ' , I for thejioet offices at Lake, viewpoint, CUff ad Arrow, also th Inatailatlon of an office to b colled "Moss." in Rye Hi-a.. .ll.v vKp a M. W..ta(ii.au UaPMI I U 1 D n .1 . 1 V aa, k 11UUIVII I U I I XtnUua Arrrtd Patrolman O'Brien esterday morning arrested Harry llessllns; and Z. P. Richards at $04 Ilaw- Qean batliroom tub, pipes, and sinl. witli Gold IDust To keep bath tub and lava tory snow white to keep metal pipes, fixtures and taps brightly burnished -to purify metal bowl there's nothing on earth like Gold Dust Gold Dust is the great sanitary cleanser; because it sterilizes while it cleans, and drives out every germ and nidden impurity. Other products may clean the surf ace Gold Dust clean ses to the bottom. Add a heaping teaspoonful of Gold Dust to a pail of water and you are ready to prove these claims. ' " avallabl lands In the valley. Th service In the Christmas Lake valley section I once a week , and tha people desire at least a tri -weekly service. A United State commissioner has been appointed for that section of th county. AMUSEMENTS. LT SAX TOMO&mOWaawi (Box Offlo Opn 10 A. M. x il-xl-,Vj Tta and Taylor 3NIGITrSBThiirsdav GERTRUDE HOFFMANN and her IMPERIAL KUSSIA BALLET (la Balson da Stalata lOO opl 100 OWJT OBOKXtSTBA uta arrania' ana Matinaa IStatlr lower floor. $1.00; balcony. 5;st 6 rows, $1.60; next 4 rows, 1; following 4 rows, 75c; last 6 rows. slon, 60c; box seats, $2.60. Do not as borax, soap, naphtha, m raoaiii.ao or ksr osen with OOLD DUST. GOL1V DUST h all aW irable cieaning. aunlitie io a pr foctly harmlaas and l.ttie form.. 'let tha GOLD DUST TWINS t!a jroor Work " ;,;'.-,!: THE BARKER .ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Conatruet Asphalt 'and t)r tJltnnv Inou Pavementa. 444-401 Elcctrto B'df, Portland. Or. Oakar Uuc.' .. ktanaa-sn . People Seek Cheap Lands. iSDCClal to Th Journal.. Lakevlew, Or., Oct 4. rtecretary of th Commercial Club Charles D, Flpk I has many Inquiries regarding- the lands in Lake county.' lie will hav to ob tain th services of an assistant In or- I tar uaqaaid TaadarlU. der to answer them properly. The poo- . WEM, OCT. . atobastlan JttorrlU ' ft pi that write ar from very state In 0o, Unloycllst. Dayton, ronx-Volod th Union.. Muuy letters com from A"Brt!? 'ort1 Albtun. Sorla Hawaii and tha Phlllnnlnaa ..vi.. . .jp... '". way m wont- about homestead, here. The coming of ZZZ&gi " " vaiaiua v. IUVUa .UU .MJi sands of acres of fertile land to settle- I mnt has had a marked effect In th sTl 4 I I X1U.AXJKJB maU that comes to th club. JI--wl J 7th & Taylor lAons Main l and Av-liaa. TOBTO-HT, TOaXOXBOW, WSOITSBDAT pwcaai niM Mam. Wednesday. Th aCosloal ComsOy Boooms "m BwxzTEirr araz. xm vamo" With th Parorlto Oondlnn TRIXIE FRIGANZA BzoUst Oast ButtfrU Production icvenmga Lower floor $1.60. fl: bal oony. 5 rows. II: 8 row, inn- n rows, 60c; gallery, reserved and adm., 50c Wed. Mat.-Lower floor. $1; bal- a.H J aa - 1 t tT . a " ' J-not a ruw, 100; jasi 11 rOWS. RAr). H 1 aaaaawaa t(a a. J at uvu en.A.f icbu eu, oou, nam., ZOO. SEATS SBLTiTlSTQ FOR ESGAQ EM ICNT. THE ONLY WAY That you can realize all the food points that are embodied in CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES Is to have a suit made to ' your order next time. Every rarment of the suit I make for you will please you, and you will be quick to realize that from the standpoint of Fabric, Tailoring, Good Style and Price you are getting exceptional value. An unbiased compari son with ready-to-wear garments and a critical examination of my Fall and Winter Woolens would be appreciated and should convince you. llilllillrHAtSJ. b k 7aLT:Q:a,l 1 0 1 -j rr IT'C r-f , ' -r aai IV Vkff. t;V TODAY Tie Rut Ber!n i for the J27S0 Pritc Pipe Orgcin ro rrBaT raa enrvmemi aUkCaTXTTSw TM a kkOerT tmaa: sTvtwy aa r awalrtV! akaa l rxUlaJ.I' TM T to-.- In,, MlMt fraaa Ik fItrtar aa kaal . a kUa gta wti My tk ra ar4 1 IUy nrkKirt. !. W f IrtMf A CV. rhaal Tailor. 41 lrrhaa T lla, IH Ifl t'aark kM rrr'' raa. utm- na tlilura. Mtr ta II H ocrl 'va. Ikny.r iTtnllKf . im ItK. iar (Ml W4 Ta C. Ta. rpfrw. !. ! (man fluff xf A (!!. HiHUUr. kien yir nl.Mnga. Ill kl omasa. Hutterwer-th-at If.l. a w. falffkll r Ii t r a. Waahlnstoa Of r ( . ( I an aen Art O. Ilrti.rr rtamlna. I IT W rrk CVlumMa llaritwar Cn. 11 raurtk Columhla Mill s K Id k1 Market: I votra with rh ark White Moun I lira Hi a lain Floor Vir mrorr, Ooodjajf BJhn (W, 114-1 Pnarth Imlr-n4nl Coal Ai Ir Co lit "lark. J. J. Kadd.rlr. Hard war II let and 111 rmnt. M ftaa Wall !- Cb. 114 rMMi rvaak Stm, lrufl, th 4 All, fa-ir luaJryCa. Ill Artfcur IS'rtlaM Sa4 fa. al 4 T fa il!! rrktn JewrtrrOa.. h and Wa.ktng. I "a lfk1S llolal kidr I T Vr, rVral . ur t"o. 14 aj4 Tamhlll. ftaamtta. a f. Iatnia O l. V X. Cr. It and Tay lor Ft " h I a a a A Oaa. riothUr. atn' furnlahlna. 114- II Wa.hlnrtoa .11 "I 1, aak ftnw a klarlln. Prvrrlilk i:$ Waahlnfftnn, Rublna llalr 1wt. tturna Mantror ln. Hrlllna hldg, Ith and Aider. Mas M N m 1 1 h, riorlat. II Ith Knlrht Hho Co Tth Wm. II Walker and Mnrrlrn. Toll f irorrr. Ith an! a aibbs bidg. Washington. Wllaon. Th Trunk Kllar Vfuat Hot., Tth and Al Man. 2H Wash- dor. in non n R r.rrall fVi t-laaka .,lta rur. Coraata, Millinery. Tth nd Aldrr. rralay firo. Millinery. $14 Id. lie I ! F. 1'. Yodnc. laadla T u mUhlnca, I'm. hrrllaa. $2$ Morrl. nn. C. Chrlatlaasan. Jew eler and Optician. Id floor, Corbet t bldg Tha CYwn Millin ery, 111 Morrlaon. Ira F. Powar. R. XX KarriL ii r kTit. Commltt. ANNOUNCEMENT Owing- to th many raqoeits for portraits we hav doid4 to ooa tUa this exceptional offer for a abort time, gave roar oonpons and a" ia yvu yuvtv a 1 onoa. Ton may bring th photograph which yon wish to bar nlargd to Th Journal portrait department, any tlm. Th artists will begin work at aua wu.a jvu nT savea in ncry a amber of oonpoas, brine thsm In. By this mean yoa win b bl to obtaia th life sis " ui wm iuta portrait earuer than IX you wait aatU yon w v-na .nn. .nng- u your paoio at one. The Plan e A. H. GRISWOLD TAILOR TO MEN 308-9-10-11 Rothchild Bldg. BAY CfTY ELITE APPROVE fl iNYNII HOOPS! ftTnltcd Ppmm TalaM Wla flan anclseo, Oct 9. -Mrs. Eleanor Martin, Ban Francisco leader of fashion, approves of th hoop skirt, Just lntro duoed at Paris, and local society Is acog over tn expect,: innovation her. Th new skirt has a hoop at or about the altitude of th knees, and no , steel MtnatnMriAtt whAtwvA!- LEADING ADVENTIST ON H WORK Marvelous Development of Seventh Day Adventist in Mission Fields. Bldr A. Q. Daniels, tha toraaifVint ef th World's Qensral Confaranna of serenta. iJay AdvenUsta, and ehaiman of th foreign mission board, and El. der a, B. Thompson, field secretary of m xoreig-n mission board and renaral secretary of the WorM'r Sabbath School department, wlU apeak Tuesday and Wednesdsy, the 10th and 11th of Oo tober. 7:S0 p, m., at the Women ef Woodcraft ball, corner of - Tenth and Taylor streets. . aa l a am an w ia uv w Mxxn e, a lose aATXZTBB ITEBT Mil sTltSBTA THEATRE U-25-59-7J? wiiua; i ki jk. wuu, -The xappy w ar, w , iiuay, aia i'lioomk BIX Brown Brothara. HanA trail asaey s uo. rarsn Brothers, jans iJamm. urn avrvaera m victor. 1m Maun Bvery Bay. mess a Sullivan a W BflndTa fjonaliiliia ormrix urana WEEK OOTOBEB a Bae-Brosch A Oa Millar, Ekfl A KUlr. Chartos Bar tholomew. Vtnatian Four. Hobart VnL rora, AiBio a) sauay. jrnos loo ana 85o. BAKER TXBATBS Maln a and A-S3f riaw. T- VaVA. -aar-a TonlfhtrAlr Week Bargain Mat-'woA, 2 So. Mat. Sal- tSc ado. TJia unafnl Musical tjomedy TXrOWZB OF TKB BAB OK . By Joa. Uowaxd. With Jess Harris. Bettv Caldwell and great cast and enorua. Beautlftu song uuiuaia. nun in laagnier. prices; 2ac, owo. 7 ML 1 Bext Weak Th Evening j Assignee Sale Pianos, Talkirtii Machines, Vio lins, Guitars, Mnsle, Etc By order of court, tho as- elgnee must push the sale of the Perry C. Graves Company stock In order to liquidate at once. He Is, therefore, making prices never before known on musical goods of all kinds, Pianos from $130 up. Schfl lers, Woosters, Kranlch & Bach. Baus, H. P. Nelson, Weber and others. . ' Record cabinets at half prloe. Talking Machines, regular 1200 kinds, $150; $40, now $30, etc. Investigate our talking ma chine record prices. Come early in order to get a choice selec tion. Washburn Guitars, regular $25 Instruments, now $16.50. Regular $15 instruments, now at $10. ' i - cornets, ; regular $60, now $ 40. Violins from $2 up. Sheet Muslo, 20 copies for $1. 6c per copy. All other goods in like proportion, except Edison gopd, . " . : Remember the address) ' 'rBecedreF'or Pfrry O.JQravt) .;. ' "7" Company . "'" , 418 Washington St. f pdal Fortralt Coupon win as- par in an taitioaj or Th Journal and will oonttnne until OotolMr is. ltU. Cut out th ooupon aafl after you hav saved TKB TWBHTT 1TWB (of different dates), bring them to Th Journal Art OaUtry and mww wail r omnuiui ui-su oust, black and whit oltod Fortralt, from any photograph, absolutely FBZB. Ton furnish th yaiu.u, wa iinuia aa xram at SLS9 up. BOTB BubsoTlbar having subsoriptlon rolpts coverlnr th our rent month can present them In lieu of th oonpoas and th coupon an prlng oa Sunday, is good for four coupons. EXTRA' J.Tafnal hM ma rwgsmnts With Its adv.rtlsers , iaVal0a rlva w,th portrait a ma rchsndis order rood for BOo In trad radeemabl at any stor advertising In Th Journal SAJCFXaXa OF TZX8 BXAtTTIFTJI. WOBK HOW OB BZSF1VAT IB OtTB WTJtDOWB THE JOURNAL OB BOOM SOS (8S00VB FXOOB) TKB JOTJBJTAX. aVerXTaBXHa OUT KSBB The Journal Special Portrait Coupon Oct. 9 No. to wupona, prwnaa at xn journal Fortralt Department in aa. ooruAno with the terms of Th Journal's tr portrait offr, wlU entitle UM aOlAftr to A Life-Size Bust Black and White Oiled Portrait Out them out each day untU you hav th rq.uird aumbr. TKW OOTJFOB- BXFXBBal BOFXTWBBB 1, 1911. A Dollar a Week ' r-tacr ihit tp'.ni4 FitkOA ositfil in ny roni. Tnu it rraUy tat ml (.mfltti ootfil w Bars ev( I olirtt i tn tBt let ma in .! ti'-wi ta I. Uteet l-Zl Crnuine lJ..u Vlttkiaa, exscity Ilk pit tore howa tbnve, w l eluJ a titntfkom record Ckbcnft, nthfr r-kk er minogtev. yoa prrier. at well m I die Ed.oe. rrcordt (0 tnjrd and ft era-1 heroh your oaa c.ting, coatt r:tf lor rnly $43.35 Tin KJuon michtnr. withfalcs rl (!t-d an. I pnluhrd ngndrtl. t.iy all hdin record. Th4 new I) drtigned motor bts lav I provr.i at art ind top rrfnUtiofl idcvivc. runt notifirttly and caa Lr wound hil running. K is equipped tto wfth rwl ityl model "K" rrprodtKtr.l which plart both two snd four-1 minute records. Get your todsja It peys to deal at hadpurt-4L. I Graves Music Co. Ill FOURTH ST. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES rur i TBI f a V VP I 7 " SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ava-k-rt . rm -.rSg t China and Glassware Bailey & Co 424 Washington Street Bet. 11th and 12th . The Old Reliable Union Painless Dentist Sttio a in -SBsav- asssssaatsBsT sapii f yy t-AT-AV - i TWW'IfP1' EVERrWHERE POINTING TO iFacts Worth Noting " aa.-asaa.iw. --aaaawaJ Best equipped business coUege in the northwest. Individual - instruction. Over a million dollars a year being earned by our former stu-v -dents' , ' v":': " ' .; 1 XiJlWniYi8"10 roR STENTS WTJC! 4 , OUT OF SOWH FBOFXVB should r- , member mat our tore ia so organla-4 that we can do their entire crown. bridge and plate work ta a day If necessary. Full set of Teth Bridcre Work or Teeth Without Plates .935Q to Oold Crowns $3.50 to Porcelain Crowns. . : . S3.SO to Gold or Porcelain FUlinKS.. 81. Silver jpimnfts. ... .....604 to io Years- ouarant. Honrs 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays' ... to IS. . UNION DENTAL CO roil UD oTOBBZBOB sTTSk 5 00 nn The people who are most en thus 2 astio about bitulithic pavement are the fellows who own the property abutting ori bitulithic improve-" ment the fellows , who have to-pay for it. ; B Tr' .valla; UlMitiit,