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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1911)
A - y " j- x - " A SUNNY HOOH U a a4 St MM !. - aaa, H1 MT UlT UtlUt COAST TT.MPFRATUkl-S A. U. l-d ...,, 4 T" - .,.. V " --.,,, 44 ""- ..,-.,.,-...,.,.,.,, ' ,., 4 Tk wtr -"Weli4l ? fct!l, T-?. eW.lfc-el$ 4- VOL. X. NO. IIS, PORTLAND, OREGON. MONDAY EVENXNO, OCTOBER t, iU.-4JIXTEUN TAOEa MICR WO CENTS HAUWMlt mm HUMAN NATURE CANADA. FOLLY OF ICAT PUTOVEiYMIIT; 1 mmmm I at point era D AO 1 CA v m o E WANTS DEFEAT PORTLAND JN MH Hoganltes Score First Lose Lead When Beavers Push In Two Runs, and Then Tally 3. Winning, 4 to 2. DOMINION IS TOLD 0 R AY H MM m aw . w ar r I f r B i 9 , K T la. . sT. I fl WW ,.,, -V Error Made When Reciprocity Was Turned Down, Says Talt; "Not Our Fault Now If Canada Loses Growth." PANAMA CANAL TO BE COMPLETED BY JUL?, '13 "Official Secret" Gets Cheers From 5000 Citizens at Bcllingham. (lali rwe. tw-4 wlral Balling Un, Wut, ctcj. I. tc!r1ng that Canada Biad mlslak la def epi log rwiprwiir, lr I Teft br lo day an ail a Me noil vigorous coram o I oa .h rwrlpeoeliy Uau. "I think w kaow luUa nr Uie Ida," It Mid. "man ta Canadians d o theirs. bKiuM ar aa older country, end afisr om years of ex It la poaalbl thai lhr will com to t.k. lb right vl.w. bul wb.lber th.y ito o or not If they oo'l f row aa rapidly aa w. do, ami a rap idly aa Ui.y might hair, frown th.y cannot aay It la our faulL 1 UUnk you wilt agra vim in. that In d.f.allog reciprocity th.y mad a mlata." Tba prealdont declared ha would lat lha people of IWIHngham Into "aa Of ficial aecret' aad aald tba Paaaja raoal would b completed, by July. lll. Tbla prediction waa cheesed by " e90 paopla who liattnad to Mm. ISelllngham lurnad out a big crowd to greet tho president, aad desplt a chill prx. inai caxri.a a aoruiua ox rain. tb. airta war crowded aa tho proa! dnt rod. aionc at tha brad of a lopg . auto procraaloti. ho bad broakfaat with tho commercial club and addraaaod tba aooo popi. in tba open air bafor ba left at uuvn for Mount Varnon Kvaret L Jaanra. Waahlnrton waloomed tha prtaid.Dt to tba wrat juat bafor b mad. hla apeech. A yount womaa aad two llttlo lrl. drKaal la th. oompl.t. plrlureiua coatum. of tba flow.ry klncdoni. prraented him with a hug bouquet of flown a. Tba yuung woman. Mono laiuifnwa. mad. a llttl apoacb. Tba pr.tty children wer. great favor It a wlUt tha president' party, avaa Major ArchJ. Butt dandling on of tbaut on fata kno while th praaldent apoka, ' Tha prealdeni a tpicti wa on.oaar vatlon. and b ffct tb I'anama canai will bave oh th proa parity of tb ooaaC 11a declared that tb. caruU will b open for traffic la July, lll. No Evidence That Plan to Mo nopollie Excellent Harbor Has Been Abandoned; Lo . cation Notices Up. 4 FISHER LOSES NERVE WHEN WATERS ROLL Waters of Protected Bay as Smooth as Mill Pond; La throp In Portland. Seattle. Wash.. Oct. When Preel- dent Taft goea to bed In Seattle late tonight It will be In a gorgeoualy up- r.oiaterrd Clronnalaa walnut bed. H will occupy the 'Btate aulte" at the New waahlngion hotel, which waa uaed by Theodore Itooaevelt on hla vlalt her Uat April. The preaidont will arrive at 7 o'clock tonight At ( o'clock he will apeak at th Armory, and later Inf- the evening will be entertained by th Seattle Preaa (Continued on Page Twelve.) Itow h AUaka radl'-at. planned t gala tb rooaepoly f Uaaa porta tlo at Ceatrotler bay through tb It. tt. Kyaa etalM aad !ka (h.r artlvlll I elaarty told by Joba K. lAlkrop, WaaMagtaa oorroepoadaat of Tb Jauraal. who ar rived I PortUad Uat aatarday alg hi aad la epnd.'Bal a few day bar aftar vtaltlng th. aca of lha Ooggeahalm truggl la Alaska. Jtorleg moat of Iba time Mr. Ithrop waa la company with Olfford Mnrbol and Wonator Wile pilndatr of Waab Ingtoa, who mad a tborouah tnapnlon , of th d la puled ground. Th.y followed th eoar alao of Kmirr Plab.r of th Interior department, and Mr. Ilh rop "telle hoar the aerretary ground lea Bervousneea areounl'd fnr report a of a alorrn Inatd Controller bay. Bay rally rrctaoM. The bay la dearrtbo.1 aa fully pro tected front heavy wealh.r outalda. The ronclualena reached ar tbua given by air. ratbrop: "Controller bay I a protected harbor. landlocked, aaf from all aeaa whipped up by wlnde that blow from any quar ter. It haa an adn lrabl channel, about one half mil wide at th narroweat part, a mil wide for a considerable part, and aevera1 mile long. It haa from 41 to 114 feet depth at mean low tide, ufflclent to accommodate the heaviest draft modern big or cruisers of from 10,004 tn 11.000 tons. It la at th beginning of tb Open sea cours. from. Alaska to Puget eound, Columbia river and San Francisco ports, so lhat Ita utilisation would obviate all danger from ahlpa going through Inside water to the westward, were the tiering coal to be shipped from that point, rather than from Cordova. Tba aea haul to th States would ba aborter by th HQ mile roqwHwd-eo tVpuwsta t -grM'baeic from Cordova, boaldea aavlng a U nil lra rail haul In earning the coal from Katalla to Cordova. Controller bay could be Improved by the usual de vice employed in all harbors. A rail road terminal could be constructed acrens the flats to deep water. "In conformity with the Alaaka yn- dlcate'a well known plan to monopolise transportation on land and sea In Alas kan traffic. It waa necessary to get the vantage points In Controller .bay. The Richard 8. Ryan shore claims and asked for rights of way out to deep water, with the terminals Indicated In hla maps filed In Washington would have given Defense Gains Strong Point In Preliminary Proceeding To day When Grand Jury Ex amination Is Postponed.1 FIRST BIG STRUGGLE WILL COME WEDNESDAY Nearly All Veniremen Insist They Arc Not Fitted to Serve on Jury. (lalies- rM Uwrf IMI I AAfrWa, tkrt, . Th. a.fene. la th. ra. of k icNamara brvUt.r. acud of muilr In caciln if ta tb luato and fir ia 6lrpy.d tb lxe TlJb bulldiKg a r i ago. aoartd tear 11 la the preliminary proceeding today. John It lUrrlnglofi. on. of Ik. le fenae attorney, bad len acused by th froM-blin of-l atn "pprHirbe." !. IL lngrull. buiaod of a leading cIiwm, with tb. object of havlr-g b-r tratlmony "litflurnced. He waa railed bef4 lb. grand iry a weh ago and questioned regarding hla ounferice with Ing.rwdl. which took plae In Kan Krattclaco. lie refuaed to answer and waa again to have appeared before lbs grand Jury today. gtale reread to Back Dewm. The defense objerleil. declaring that to rail him at tble time waa a clear violation of tha rtghte of tha accused and their determined attitude forced th slat to bark down and th entire matter went over to t settled at a later , dale. Neither of th defendant was la court today, the proreedlnga being en tirely devoted to the qualification of th Initial venlr called for this ca. Moat of th men present today showed that they did not wlah to sarv and (Continued on Page Twelve.) ((" I yiJH!a fJtfAML'fgfy 1 VfiXJ ft , il .T . T iiaMi. ?CB a. " "Uiuivr 'Jt LOCALS UNABLE TO HIT AFTER FIFTH INNING Luck Playt Again on Side of Villagers; Game Not With out Features, irattad Pewja tn ml Wat Las Aagaie. t(, !ty llltt waa Im mam for u twrtiad ftaaeera in aafaiAd aad U na3jJona leal tkeir tklrd gaaaa I Vara. ( la 1 Town? gbeokaa waa U first rrt Under t arrive at flrat. gettlag iter a a elttgl la tr fearta laalag. Pr bear oord for Verno la tha eeoo4 a a elaaa drtv by McUoaaaU. Portlaad g:eead ! la llltr oiy bad laniag. lb nfth. but la a aiath ! alag rally th Villager Pat lb re r Ik. plat aad aewed tip the game Hard blttlDg waa reeponaiM ror ail lb rune, but lack waa lib Veraon. Tba Vtrnoo a wer never la dakr aa e-e(,l la tb fifth. Tba eori ronTLANa ah. rc h. m a. jt rhadboam. If. I 1 Kodeers. In. ......... v bhrv.'tan. lb. ........ I lea pre. It Krw M-hlitum K I jiloor. a. ........ f i I j 1 s tan, lb. ! e.b. 4 IT J npaugh, aa. .... 4 1 f 1 bVaaloa, p. Totals , 14 1 AIEST AWAITS ALL JOURNAL'S OFFER TO ASSIST MED IfPION., BOATS ON ALASKAN ill mnnirnp m rnionn - N PLACING Mi-LAN A GETS RESULT (Continued on Pag Twelve.) Bay City Police Warn Strike breakers Not to Go Outside Stockade With Weapons in Their Possession. W. G. McPherson First to Come Forward With a Pledge to Subscribe $1000 Toward Subsidy or Capitalization- Great Trade Outlook Emphasized Plenty of Idle Money Here for Project. He Says Drones Scored for Inertness DIvEKEEPERS OWNED. BODY AND SOUL L DV Dnrurnp nniumii bihi muiniiinr di DnciifLno-buuuuiLi iviAbuinc Most of Men Who Run the Saloons in Redlight District Are Helpless Because of Fact That Their Businesses Con ducted Under Power of Attorney, Says Speaker Before East Side Baptist Church Congregation, at Meeting. vouncuman James Mafruir told an audience at th East Side Baptist ohurch last night that a email coterie in the cltr council Is responsible for th con tinuance of licenses to sell liquor Held by law violating resorts. "If anyone had asked me four month ago who was responsible fr th Im moral conditions-that exist in this city I would have said the laboring men, but developments In tho last few months have thoroughly convinced mo that such is not . the case," tsald the councilman. "Another statement that I am prepared to substantiate Is that it ,1s not the respectable saloon element, as most of you imagine, xne fault lies with big outness ana corrupt officials. "Big business has governed this city, u my Knowieage, xor tn last Z5 years. 1 am sorry, to be forced to admit tnat most or these big business men and corrupt officials are church members. 1 investigated ; what is known as , th red light' district, and found that most of the fnfortunate men running these resorts were, i might say. owned body ana soui uy me Jre-wers' association. They art robbed by the brewer, robbed by the landlord and are the legitimate prey of the corrupt officials. , Power of Attorney. J "1 went to ' the auditor's office and r found that 101 saloons in this city wer controlled by tha members of the Brevi ers' association.- One' man, E. Glutch, collector for the Weinhard brevrery, con trols 62 of these places The other 49 are owned by four or flvbiher brew eries ana brewery agencies. Iw4Ustate, that every hell hole In tha city, except two . or ' three, is controlled by these Breweries, under what Is known "power of attorney.' " "On finding this condition ..of affairs went to Air. Grant, our city attorney, I asked If this was legal. He said abso lutely To," I requested him to draft an ordinance abolishing this 'power of at torney, and presented it to th council In the usual manner. I expected that thla ordinance woald take tho usual course and be referred to the liquor license committee. But on motion of Mr.' Burgard, seconded' by Mr. Baker, It -was Indefinitely postponed bjf a vote of nine to fiv. Th members voting to muouniieiy postpone were .baker Bur gard, Wallace, Watklns, Montag Joy, Monks, Jennings and Menefne. Against indefinite postponement were Clyde, Daly Wilhelnv Schmeer and Magulre. Mr, Dunning was absent. This meant defeat for th ordinance. Combination Houaoa. "I then selected five combination houses and had ordinances drafted to revoke their licenses. A combination house is what is known as a saloon and bawdy house combined. These ordi nances wero referred to the liauor 11- cense committee. At the first meeting ui mo liquor license committee I asked that these ordinances be the next meeting, because parties cam io me ana, saia l was discriminating against these places on account of th trouble thes places had with Detective Maner ana Mr. Perkins. These parties agreeu to rurnisn evidence against oth er places, so that all could fare alike I waited two weeks for this evidence Xo d proauoed,- but as It was not forth coming action was deferred against the other places pending the action of th license committee en tha ordinance ha. for them." .,-. At this point in his address Council man Magulre detailed th circumstance attending tn effort to revoke the li cense of one of tha places and th fart that, though Chief SI over had said it was a -running sore, " tn license waa not revoKea Dut transferred. . . Would Xnvok Beoau. ' Albert Ehrgott, pastor of the church: said in response that the recall should b invoked against th councilmeYT who nad voted to continue the licenses, and that If his congregation did not support sucn a movement, n would get out with tho who wer willing; to make their -religion woric-. : .;. y. . -. Tbre is on thing I want clearly unaersiooa, conunuea me councilman, "and that Is th Retail Liquor Dealers' association and th Bar Tenders' union ar strongly opposed to thos combina tion bousea They say that the' conduct of the breweries controlling these sa loona Is bringne; disgrace on their busl- (t'nltoil Tree Leased Wire.) Ban "Francisco, Oct. 9. Two hundred strikebreakers housed In the Southern Journal In Pacific shops here armed with clubs (make up made of pick handles, ax handles and any other weapon that might crush a man's skull, , wvro given notice today by the board of police commissioners thnt any armed men found outside the railroad properties would be arrested. The action was taken after President Reguin of the shop employes had been informed by his pickets that 210 clubs were distributed in tho yards Saturday, and that the men had been supplied with considerable money. Tho report of th pickets was thnt the men would make a dash outside the fence for the "purpose of cleaning out the union pickets. It is believed the police warning will .prevent any clash, however. Chief Klndulon, commanding the rail rood guards, complained that 17 of the watchmen s stars had been taken away from them. The pickets also reported that five negroes left the property of the company and when questioned by the pickets drew razors and forced the union men to retreat. ..Continued reports are received at union headquarters from all along the Harrlman lines telling of many dam aged engines and delayed trains. San Antonio reports that tho walkout was a clean sweep In all departments and that trains are either delayed or stalled ow ing to the defective rolling stock. President Beguln declared that state ments of company pffloials that the strike was broken and the men would (Continued on Page Five.) .(Continued on Pag Two.) FATHER KILLS SON ii DDK BEAR Hi T Climbs Tree to Look; Trigger Catches on Limb as He Descends. Awake to th advantages to Portland of davelonlnar Alaskan trad through a direct Un to th northern ports, W. O. McPherson, president of the W. O. Mc Pherson com Dan r. has come forward as one of the men willing to Join with Tho a subscription list, either to subsidy or to capitaiix a Portland-Alaska line. In making an offer to contribute, Mr. McPherson sends an Interesting letter analysing the situation and pointing out the opportunities that Portland is allowing Seattle and Ban Francisco to seise. Assurances have been received by The Journal from several public spirited cltl xens of their willingness to contribute as soon as th movement Is brought a little mora to -focus. W. M. Killings worth Is one fit these, being confident that large benefits will flow from such i an investment, not only to the city at large but in dividends. Th Journal's offer was to start the list as on of 100 to subscribe 11000 as a auhaldv or 16000 In subscription to th capital stock of an Alaskan Una. Mr. McPherson's letter is as rouows: Portland. Oct 9. To the Editor of Tha Journal Your offer to subscrlb either $1000 for the subsiding of, or $5000 for Investment in a steamship Una to' Alaska for th furtherance of trade relations between there and Port- land. providing 100 other cltliens of this city will contribute each like amounts, was brought vividly again to my atten tion by your cartoon in Saturday i issue of The Journal, which cartoon to th minds of many Portland people truthfully deplcta the attitude of Port land capitalists toward any enterprise which is undoubtedly for tho benefit and advancement of the city and its merchants but which does not hold out Irom.aiat. ,and certain returns pt large A PINK-TEA AFFAIR; LIKE A LOVE FEAST Bombardment of Tripoli Is De scribed as Ladylike Engage ment, Conducted on Draw" ing-Room Lines. rates with all risk eliminated. You will doubtless remember that (United PraM Leaned Wlra.) London, Oct 9. That th Turko- Italtan controversy has been mora Ilk love feast than a war, and that th reports of bloodshed have been ridicu lously exaggerated is shown her today through th restoration of cabl com munication between Tripoli and Malta. The reports today show that th ca- three or four years ago the writer ualtlos were confined to the accidental BUYS HOTEL WHICH BURNS FIRST NIGHT Mrs. 'O. E. Santhruff Perishes at Adna, Wash., When 10 Buildings Destroyed. (Speelal to The Jooroal) Newport Or., Oct 9. Fred Young, 17 years old, aoaof J. Young of New port was shot and killed late Saturday evening while the two were bear hunt ing, four miles north of here. Young" had climbed a tree to take a look arounl and in descending, the hammer of hla rifle, a SO-SO, caught on a limb and was discharged, tb bullet striking th boy standing below In th abdomen, ranging downward and coming-out at the back. . - Mr. Young ran two and a half miles to the Monterey hotel for help. The injured boy was conveyed there . a. quickly as possible and his mother and a doctor summoned. .They arrived just before ho died at I a m.'.Sunday.morn. lug. v- . . v I (SDeclal to Tb Journal, k Centralis. Wash., Oct 9. Fire of un known origin, which resulted in on fatality, broke out in the Plymouth hotel at Adna. Wash., eight miles south west of Centralis, at 11 o'clock last night and destroyed both hotels,-the general store and postof flc and five residences. , Mrs. O.' E. Santhruff, who cam to Adna yesterday from Auburn to. take charge of th Plymouth hotel, was cut off from all, means of escape and pe lshed In plain view of th fir fighters. Mr. Santhruff. who until yesterday was a hotel keeper at Auburn, returned to that city before th fir last night and was not notified of his wife's death until this morning. A high gale blowing at th time greatly hampered the work of volunteer fir fighters, ana it was oayngnt De fore the flames wer extinguished.. Th total loss Is estimated at $40,000 and thos Buffering are th Plymouth hotel. Adna hotel. Field's general stores tb postoffice, tbe Northern Pacific ticket offices and H. Allen, Mr. Sanwells, B. W. Blake. Jamaa Hall and fL W. Smith. Coroner Stlckfin.went to the seen from this city to make an Investigation and - tak harg"f -Mr. - Banthraffs body.'.;. -.'.!. - through th columns of the Oregonlan made much tho same proposition as yourselves, to aid In such a venture, viz: To Invest $2600 or $6000 with any number of our ifJerchant capitalists to purchase and equip a steamship line to Alaska for the purpose of obtaining our rightful share of the. trade of that seo- tlon of th northwest. Bo SspOiis. At that time as now we were be sought by merchants and miners from Alaska to put a Una of ships, or one ship, or anything in the way of an ocean carrier between here and ."Nome City" to the end that th Alaskans might ba given an- opportunity to trade with us and get some relief from th robbery and holdup methods of th Seattle merchants and ship owners, of which they complained most bitterly,. at the same time lamenting our Inertness and Indifference to the splendid chance we had for capturing their dollars and good will. The Oregonlan at that time gave my letter all th prominence that could be hoped for and If my memory serves aright, the added benefit of an editorial commending the scheme, but i killing of two men and one woman dur ing the bombardment of Tripoli. Tha usual report today of the sinking of Turkish torpedo boats In th Adrlat'o sea and that an Austrian warship had been sunk by warships of th Turkish fleet are discredited here. Dispatches from Malta declare that according to fishermen .from Tripoli th town waa practically unharmed by th bombardment. The fishermen say that the Italian gunners fired so wildly that Carlisle, cf. Hoes If Patterson, lb. n.-aahear. Ib. Kiln .on, rf. tl VXRNOy. AH. K. K. PO. A. F- Mclxmrvell. Murrell, sa. Hrown, C Iiltt P- tb. 4 Touts to 4 IT II t BCORBBY IXNIN08. Portland 0 0 t 0 J Hits i 0 1 4 a 1 Vernon , ! J Hits. liMui SUMMARY. Two base hits Kysn. Barrel). Sae- rtflc hlte Krueger. llaa on ba lie Off Keaton 4, off Hitt 1. Struck out II lb.inn 1 be Iiltt X. lOUDla PIBTS Rurrell to Braahear to Patterson. I'm. tire liUdebranfl ana van , jiauren. I'lm of gn me -1:45. . . CENTRAL PARK EXPLOSION KILLS FOUR LABORERS M'nlted Traae Laed wTr. New York. Oct 9. Four men wer blown Into eternity and six seriously In jured ss a result or an xpioaion on West Drive, near Slxty-nintn atreet. in Central Park, today. , The dead laborers wer drilling holes with dynamite ana wer trapped In a rock shaft 60' feet below th ground. SuDertntendont Marlln and Foreman Kearney, th latter bady hurt, will b held on a charge of criminal carelessness. (Continued on Page Five.) CHINA PLANS TO BUILD MANY CRAFT FOR NAVY ' (United . Prew Leaaed Wtra.t ' Peking, Oct 9. Reports of an ambi tious scheme for the development and strengthening of th Chinese navy ar current here today as a result of the arrival of Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel company. Amer ican, German and English shipbuilder whom Schwab represents are said to ba interested In the project, which in cludes an Imposing array of new gun boats and torpedo boats for China. 165 FORMERS SEE FOR SELVES IT REFORMS OV HA W U T '(Continued on Page Five.) LORM E R INlRtf Gradual Development of State Institutions Into Self-Sup porting Plants Realized by Visitors, Who Are Given Ev idences of Changes in Convict System; Progressive Bus iness Men's Club Well 'Entertained at State's Capital City, REOPENS TUESDAY (Salem Bureau of The Journal.) Salem, Or., Oct 9. Unmistakable evi dences of the highest degree of busl ness efficiency and of sweeping reforms confronted 165 wide-awake Portlanders who were shown through the state in SenSatiOnal NeW EVldenCQ IS Utitutlons aUSalem yesterday by Gov . ernor oswaia west ana otner citizens oaia 10 nave Been ud- tained Against Him. (Coifed Praes Leased Wire.) Chicago, Oct 9. Sensational new evi dence is announced her today for the Lorimer Investigation, which will be gin tomorroy and probably will last a month. It la reported that th Lorimer committees ha v. unearthed a mas of new facts.. i Th -committe has secured permla Mslir 0T lumber 'N1 55 and state officials. The Portland party consisted of members of the Progres sive Business Men's club, accompanied by their wives or friends. About 60 prominent business men and officials from Salem accompanied the visitors on their rounds of the state institutions as guides and hosts. V Dilapidated structures, rotten bridges, rubbish heaps sundry unsanitary av cumulations of decades being torn out and replaced with flower beds. : vege tables or useful buildings; 1 broad stretches of rich bottop lands belong ing to- tne siae oeing convenea irom and of Edward Tilden. the packer,, but Just what tha bocks will known, - , ... ' . .. Senators Dillingham and Jones, mem- .. n mefhod nil thm . t . t InnAm ShOW I Un-1 tn Krlnr mm. lif th. .til. Institutions to ice goal or eeir support were some of tha n roofs that a new era ber of the Investigating committee,, ar lrt th- bnsinees administration of Ore- already her, and Senators Johnston of gon's state affairs tad been ushered In. auuuu ivnu urn "i""" win wit. -jifi, nearo in. vieiiorS' wiin oreatn tonlghtt Senators-OambU, Lea --.and lies Interest. "Harry Tracy seized a tun Fletcher will arrlv ltr. , . ' which . h had secluded under yonder i sand pile and shot down the guard and escaped from the prison over the north wall. . Yonder under 'the hill a small gang of trusties shot a guard and beat others and made a sensational get-away. But now no guards ar employed I ft- these' plaeea and there aregtiu kill ings and very few attempts to run away.", , j. These are facts which-gave th vis itors some Idea. of -the nature of the prison reform, , movement now . under way. But the full story f tha Inner workings of .the reform system ooul l not ba told, for in many places In tha state there are young men burning the midnight oil educating? jthemMelvefl', fur future usefulness when' they have ht- come free men. or ln other 'plane fill ing positions of high responsibility am! trust making money with which to start Uf anew, (U to relieve the suffering of parents, wive or children. Theae m'tt ar working hard and uijtly, not de siring to make thejr life atorlea piihii ; until they hav gained a firm foihot.l which will enable them to stand aa-nlnct th obstacles enemies would throw la their way if they found thm out Eugene Brooklnpa. preM-nt of Projrressiv. chib. explain-! the purp-' of the visit, to Urtti'm whn. earl (Continued, on lag -Two.) : t