The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 08, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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IW I la KM
4 S-& IM U
- t . uwil aWM.a4 -a aw
mi mm
Suit to Be Started in Pari E
pcded to Reopen Divorce cf - rr.Y,
Her Son and "Hancjomesi
American Woman.'
aMi St f llvS lilt lIlMMMh,
t I Ml atftwiaia
M. fisa ia tV J M
a: aas It aJr Sa af Ml v ki
Mii.a t -a --lka Ua. !
a, Mt aa t aii ta amaai ia aa
I M alrvarta, Ikht fUaiS la Ial
M ll U Mil
flaw a
4 Ifca ! saa l aa aiaa.
, n ww4l a- - I
i4 t.-ilia. IL BfctdMa M..
smii- ar A. ItaM.r !
i. r. -Mr" Xlil. Ma l-ial-
I !' WaJa '- "
avua a aa l Ml tNU
iMtu Tt- MtJt aea rigta
Taa aU4 W aartnltia. t4 laa
t. rsatalaaar af Us Ua M !
c f Ha a.
ti nfc
iuhr sa4 a4.i4 aaia It a
(! i cutler
lb nnK( BilliiMAir k11
atAVlua 4 Uttr aXM
.i..rxf lata la 4t r f
IK kaurl alt, ilcka-k Hanu
ra4 IM MaavaaaM AiuafVaa ma
La Larta. iM (! la'4 la !
aol wliral ablr ft ar Mll
uia. , '
, Caat'f aa tUaUaaaA.
1mI IM thai UJ b kraBl
la la a( ial APtrti. mt t
lt AaaUtaa aibaar al Mriaat raas
iMttl taiwf IM xUiiy af rfaafarf
a4 aail lw la fatta. !( M a lor
ar flaaea of Mrs. Itaalar Taila-Me-Ji
la ai4 aba tfia&varad M M4
m mcmrf a 4 fcraka I ha amaiC
Jahaaaawi 1-aaba ll4 b aaotaar. l
mm U lt'aaalala4 Mr. MiKm ha
ha a-ai axklac U varc. )ta Iuaaa4
anoaV I bar aa4 xrp9 ar aluka
a arHr. Tho ta rafvaatf la tia
thaai taca. and aha troub aulL btca
K!k4rBa Mcauaa of lha pub
Tlia Turk waa tbaa rommtaaloaar of
pubUc raa of Ceo J am Utopia. Jla bad
plenty of men; and tlkrd I'aria aa a
raatdaacak Thm Touag Turka. arhaa
ltir took poaaaaaloa of tka capital,
aada hia raaldaaca tiara a mailer af
Badaoaa XU Zaoaaaa.
Tha Uaaaactloa of lha atocka arlth
lha Turklaa noblrmaa cut Mra. Mo
Xaa'a Incoma from tlO.OO to llt.OO a
yrar ad cauaad bar gral Inconrcntanca.
Tha third ardent gallant wanting ta
tiarry Mra, Tavla-k!iKa la I'ryca Jean
Ohtka. Tha prlnca. howarar, rtaada a
dUxirca to do Ihla, arm though ba nay
hava tha oooaant of Mra. McKaa to hia
aujt. Tba rrlncMa Ohlka aa Mlaa
liaaal Bina-ar of Chlaago.- -
fiafora contracung tbla marrlaga. It
la aaid. tba prlnca waa ao caralaaa that
ha acraptad tha word of a frtand that
klUa Bin gar waa ono Of tha aaw1n
rnacblna Hingara, with ao much waaltb
It waa a bard mattor to find put what
ta do wlUr it
'Tho prlnca ballavaa ha will ba for
ttinaia aaough to bacoma tha buabaod
of Mra. McKaa. Ua la a brotbar of
tba Prtnceaa Chlka, who married tba
i-aruiaa Daaut. LUna da Pourbr. and
bla coualn la pratendar to tha throna
of Albania.
Tba ault of Mra. II. SoUara,McKa la
t for trial befora tha flrat tribunal
of tha fialna on Wednrada and bar cf
fort to obtain poamaalon of her grand
aon prornlara to ba lntoreatlng.
ir.Uw froea raja Oaa)
nl al Iba rmaiwrul rlab al j
I If p. (a, TM aaa4aaal wtU faal
faf a few aaiaalaa la a Itecullf pv
letr4 aana af raoeaa bafara ba aatera
IM a al ata-at It a. aa,
lHW aVaata JO) Oaaa.
a Iba baaaet all laaa baa baaa
aawMflwdk ?ae uu tlal waa
aaaail la IM la adadlaa la IM poal
Oeaia aarty aad ar aaara I Ma Ibia
aaatMr avagbi IM afpaaiaajif of HI'
IM It a puia la aat aUaaar wllh lSraM
laai Tan aJ la Mar iaa lata far a
fea gtkiaaiaa hUi k ite I ik Araa
aT al I p m, a kee bla (Mta a14 raaa
a III M 44trr4
, II flrai plaaaad bp Iba cwaamlllaa
aa airaageawaia. awBautina af fraal-
4M Aarkallb af IM (oaimeUl club.)
1-reaUeal llaUar af Ika CbajnMr af Ca. I
were. WUUaM J. llafaMaa, gearaiarrJ
or laa cuaaareiaj alah, Marat Kaab
light. T. M. Wiloag aad 4gar R Mpar.
ditar af iba Oregoaiaa. iktt tba prae4
deal abeald faaal aa Cbiaaa phaaaaata,
bol Iba proieai lhal (vllaaad iba aa
itawaameal briaga iba caaaa dawa ia
Hal ore- Ike ateau iaa differ
froot flrat piaaa ita cwai for IM guaata
preaetsl alU paaa. II la Mid, Ilk, Sad
mora ihaa liaoa U ba aapeadad la
deevrauoaa aatda from lha aerrloa.
PeearaUaM Vaiaa.
Tba dacorationa allL I faal, ba aulla
uaiqua. ii ta aaid. Uaa mi mki af
oriiaal Jaaign will mur llilf faal.
IU ruiura. aa wall aa olbar daroratlTa
feaiarea. U1 ba kepi aacrat imUI tba
bight of tba banquat.
la Iba parade aataa car a will ba ra
quired for Praaldent TarTa part. Tba
rar la which lb prealdntt aad Mayor
Ruahllght will nd will ba f urn la had by
Grounds Upon Which Request
for Chanoo of Judces Asked
Is Placed cn Record.
la eia o4M aaJtaaal af IM a
W arV
Tka ftitag a tba aTvaa lea fikaa4
iaa tsii aa.1 a daatai af a fwabal
ret aaaka bp Atlaraap r".raaaa
aa.4 tacaaipHa taaa af IM
, a aaaaga af r m
v aaa ! m inn Ma ike
gfffciartla waea fti4 Ml tbr '
a4 M aeal aa IM iiimim af
JmiA tw4ae-J kIU W
tpf ra iMawawl baaa Mire
ta Aageia, Il T Altvrae a f
IM MXaMf krikaa, iUi4 aiib
ear4 aa It arfle rwvaia a Iba
ea af Ika lUaaa dtaaaiar a a
a laoer. n--t arrwaviu ia Ja
WUikaaa tvtca e'l a cart wPm wfctrb
reajaaat la aaad IMI IM raea ba triad
leg la af ata awui f lie i
fehal a 1 uaet, II la laaea aa a
avaita ai aaaa) IMI k a fveaMl
aaaaar aaada ka aa aa't, ka4aa
oar aul M af ika Mwa un
ll ia aaaeeaita mm4 k M-ia aUaa
IMI IM mm win la Klal Mix
4uf fbr4eil We-ea4er aad IMI
ikia iHitfca aiil M aa a Mtiag
mum for ekilMtr waiiaaaeiea aaf
ariaa laiar aai la iaa taae.
IxelruM Anar JaMi U firtka.
arka teae4ap aa4 Ikal lkeeaiataa
af iga bierbep af IMVeMp-aua,
faalag la allow Iba Iraaafea of akral
eal atiaeewa la Callfwrata aeet4 la aa
wap affect tka raaa. M Paw. ba4e.
a Maga af avIadL Taaap M 4o-
,Ut ika
wt la-a
b e a a.
riiaa awakt
aM aa-- J--a
e4 tie 4m1 I
. 4J I -A ea Meaaaa
akaia aad aeeiael tMaifeaiM ti.f
baea la waaa M 1. brataava. a
rea aa I M (Kale 1 aa MHaaaJ f
faa. a:M4 fW f i4ja
lka of "bla ! a art4e'y af
dial (ikfMi ltiiii ia a(ua m im
a(lr ge.e n. aa4 aaa a
iul by Aaaitiaaj k aa fk taaia a la
regiaie M aa4k wiia! im fat,a
arp fev Taa Wiakta Ma ika ii
Ma a nkl la laka ika imiwi tat im
miI aad gal M ala4 iwr If ka
fia IM Mala la lailag reaM
General Mandencn, Dies
Way From Europe An
other Death 1 Birth.
waikad aafk ni4 darkaaj Cm
um.w4 Ckaa. r. Maiedavaaa,
I'kiiel aialea aaMiaa faa kUn
aa-4 al aaa Hate iimUmI p
iwa iMtla ui aelavaa IM
war. 4h4 aal)p ia tba VJ' krt
jrp4. Ita wm ail k wtfg a4
ka4 aa abroad f kta baaila ka .ir.
al ki.4.raa m bara fa
KkiMi.kla la III, aad ar4 wtia
Ike laal) (Ofcla .aiea daftaa IM
1 1 ill eti. laaxaiagi IM paaa af aaf
gvaaeal of ealaaleara Ha bad loag
ti4 la baaki aad ikara aka a aig
ra-taua aa a iarr, Itta aajr
ia iaa kaaata waa aaUfca
ItMaia aaple4l
agga Wat )
aaa ft f LHeeal
iMMW f om4 Va
Mew !. tarl f , M ita a r4 af
faiatlitoa aad -!- weaiktr a'l
ika aar aa lta J-1 to
kself Ii. IM lo4ia, af IM Will,
ai.r 1 1 a. aaa la l-Wf ki ILaa
Mf im aega ka4 Maa laid el
Or k-kaa I a. kik aaa Ikera
laa doalM aad aaa bulb aad aaa
Oft Weaaaa) Ouatfkl Arrtfw, , '
eaata b"a ad fU .reel I
a teat. ur tat. t -a aoar bad
a . a axaavWf al tba palellarr-kulaak-atb
Vaaa. Mat P froea Aatortg
aa a turn af lalxoar. arl4 ladap
aM waa aooelfaad la ta woeaaa a ward.
rapar rlM far aalleacaeav prartkral
tp ladeatrwelkkla. art balaa triad a
T. a ttlloag. Tblrtp-alg cara have baaa
retained for th recaption eoramlttaa.
Latter a hava baaa aaat to aacb itiw
taking him to ba promptly praaaat at
tbt depot a baa tht praaldaat ta raoalvad
and tba parade atari a
At tba banquet fraaldaat Back with
of tht Commercial club will praelda.
Praoldent Ttft wlU ba tht only ttvaakar.
At trie Armory maa a mealing Mayor
Ruahllght will praaidt aad will Intro
duce tha praaldaat
laart rwrtUad al IL. ba.
Immediately after leaving tba Ar
mory tho prMldent will ba aaoarttd
la tha Kolghta of Columbua hall wharo
ht will ba received by tba Knlghta of
Columbua In a ball daeoratad unto tba
teeming or fairyland. Tha Tart paclal
will pull out of tba union depot aa aoon
arttr 11 p. m. aa poaalbla, bound for
Ban rranoiaoo and tha ground braak-
tng axerclaea la connection . with tha
i-aruma-fkcirio Espoaltion. lllk.
rrealdent Taft wfll ba wall protected
during big PortUnd rlalC . A dataU of
regular aoiditra from tha Vaooouvar
tarrackt and commanded by Llautan.
antt Maiont and Burnett will Mra aa
racort ana nooyguard. Tho car follow
lng tha pratldent'a In tht parade will
ba occupied by two aocrct aervlca op-
eranvra ana tne preaiaenl t phytlclan.
Two hundred police commanded by Cap
tain Moore will patrol tht Una of pa-
? ii
Does the Wind Blow Through It?
Does the Heat Go Through It?
-lf our rtort or ranre4 mJtf vt cn iron its joint! arc merely boltednoretljer; It
it imponible ta bolt two aeeiiont of iron tta-ether in fucminr a oint without tearing a
wide crack between the part. 7hfe crack i are filled with atoro putty. So far, ao
rood, but the intense heat cnimblra the atove putty and it falls out, Ita ring tha wide
cracka. The draft aucka in the cold air from the outside through these crackj and
your range, "don't bake like it used to." The coat of operating it alao ia bJfhef than
when it waa new. There are no aeama or cracka in the , ,
Moricirch Malleable Remge
It's solidly, compactly, tightly built to stand the strain.
7 :i IL A Jrlv-Year
0 Written Guarantee
With every Monarch Malleable Range aold we give a guarantee in writing
to replace absolutely FREE the firebox or any part of the Range that cracks,
buckles, warps, breaks or bums out within fire years from date of purchase
someming you get wun no oiner range manes tne Monaxcn a sale tnveatment
As Good After It's in Your Home Fire Years as the Day You Buy
on i
Meaht tt
k ut III
fCowtlnuad from Page Ona.)
may ba defeated la reaching- that pur
pose. ; So too with respect to our trusts.
Oonrta of BnsUasa Bivarttd.
Hrt tht president reviewed tht effect
of. tht Standard Oil and Tobacco trust
decisions of tha supreme court and de-
clared: '
The supreme court by those (n
decisions has .re-established tha force
of compaUtlon In this country. There
. ara other frusta In tha process of prose-
cpt ton, but my own hope la that thay
will realise now that these art epoch
making- decisions bound to changt the
course and tendency of bualnent. If
they did not. arcntlomen, I do not know
. wnert wa should hava k-one." -Tbt
president declared that tha tend
ency was to cetnra.llse.all of the con
. trol of business la tha hands of a few.
' 'The. only resouo from that, unless
wtj broke . these combinations down,"
- he declared "would be state socialism,
the atata Axing the prices In all busi
ness and regulating business."
The president discussed the tariff
and tha xjurreney problem, recommend-
: lng: tht Aldrlch monetary commission
plan. "If ; the details ara correctly
worked out."-,. '
' Today the president made two stops In
;, Washington . and two In Idaho. He
spoke to a rood sized crowd at Walla
.. Walla, Wash., where Governor Hay
renominated him and he laughingly
accepted. Lewlston and Moscow, Idaho,
greeted him . and he spent this evening
In Spokane.
f A ay of Little politics.
There was little politics , In' tho
president's ride today. He was In the
wonderful agricultural and fruit-growing-
region of the northwest where he
enjoyed tha clear air of tha hills and
the pleasant views that spread out
Jaefore him. He completed one-half of
his long- trip today, and was in perfect
physical condition to begin hia atrenu
oua campaign on the coast. He will
reach tidewater ,at Tacoma Wash'., to-
morrow. ; - V .
Bpokaaa Olvas Tina i JUctpUOn.""""
, Tbt r most - enthusiastic crowd the
president has met on the tr'p greeted
him hero tonight Fully 60,000 people
linea ine -aireets ana burned red fire
aa ba passed Half that
number' mora awaited him at the Wash-
Jngton-Idabo Interstate fair grounds
And tha crowd really cheered. The
crpwd that Jammed tha streets of Spo
kane and tha fair grounds grandstand
was a typical : Saturday night good-
natured crowd ana it . cheered Taft as
ha has not- beao cheered since ht left
Ucverly.; Ht enjoyed it Immensely.
. The president .wat unable to make
half tha audience, at the fair grounds
hear him. ' He .repeated, for the second
time today hia comment on orernment
relations to business. . , r,
. "Tha aa aad o "Tarther."
''Tha supreme court has said, to iba
business of this country, 'thus far ahalt
thou go and no farther " ha shouted.
"Ther has baea much complaint that
t'ia enforcement of this law -would ln
terfara with and disturb ' business,
th.r.fore. they arsue that tht statute
"i 4 not ba enforced. That complaint,
wiU no avail aa long aa I am president, i
V ... .-.. ,:
i- - -"
' ' . J ' -.- '-
(Continued from Page Ona.)
opportunities are ready for them. That
is wnat i win ten most who hava mon
ey to buy land and be independent But
I "do not think the laborer should come
here. There la not enough for him to
For tha last seven months Dr. Lose-Jng-Bolgar
has been InvesUgatlng Ore
gon. He has visited every oounty in
the state. He has dug into tha soil and
examined It He has visited Commercial
clubs and has sought Information from
every source. Ha is now prepared to go
among the Hungarians and Germans of
tha east and tell them of opportunities
that will make their tyaa bulge with
wonderment Ht says ht believes ha
can induce a hundred families to loaa
no time in coming to Oregon.
ur. L.easing-Bolgar waa attracted in
Oregon by the immense amount of ad
vertlBing tha development organisations
of the state ara doing, and when he
same here, to investigate hia first im
pressions were confirmed and greatly
' Preparing- Pioturaa.
He will spend snout three weeks In
Portland, his address being lit Clay
street, before ha will leave for tha east.
tim ia uaviug- aiereopucon views pra
pared for illustrating big lectures. These
views wui snow rarma or all kind aa
wen as the beautiful scenery of tha
Ht expects to spend only about three
weeks lecturing in tht east and then he
will go to Hungarla to do hia principal
wonc in tus messages to the Hungar
ians in their native land ha will tell
those who decide to comt to tha United
States not to stop in the east, but to
neao airect lor Oregon.
One of the excellent features of Dr.
Lessing-BolgaKs work ta his publica
tion or a pampniet in three languages
which he will circulate among tha peo
ple to whom he is going. Tha pamphlet
is to De puoiisnea in Portland and is
called the International Immigrant ' It
Will Contain descriptive matter of Ore
gon, printed in English, German and
Hungarian languages. In thia way ht
will place In the. hands of those desira
ble home makers of foreign lands, to
whom' tha wa 1 tm n Amn t
" - ' O" . - VY IUB, I
never able to possess before.
- "There are 8,000,000 Hungarians in 1
the United States now," the doctor
. ear : iuu,vuv. vt : laeul
come to this- country and aa many re
turn to their native land.: My idea is
to get them to coma to Oregon, buy
isens." , J-:, . ... - . 4
Let tis show you a MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE. See ita airtight
construction, its Duplex draft system, its beautiful polished top that requires
no blacking, ita many conveniences it's bound to please you, aa it's the per
fect range. Furthermore, it has the pin water front that heats abundance
of hot water with very little fire. It's a great fuel aaver, the MONARCH.
Will be given wit every MALLEABLE RANGE sold this week. The
set is a new design that we have just received, a dainty decoration. The
set consists of 44 pieces, enough for family of six.
We also give this set. with all purchases of $50 or over bought at one
time (specials excepted), no matter whether you pay cash or buy on time.
The Plain, Simple Lines
of this Bedroom Set will appeal to a person of refined taste. It is entirely
free from any carving and is built along plain colonial linea. The kind of a
design that you never tire of. , .
In construction it is above the ordinary. AH pieces are of perfect propor
tion, extra strongly tonstructed and thoroughly finished. A three-dollar pay
ment sends this set to your home. Pay the balance one dollar weekly. ( The
complete o'utfit, consisting of bed, dresser and chiffonier, on sale rf0a
this week at only.. 4. ...... abajf D
Places a Monarch .
Range in Your Home
JjSt Up, Indudin Hot Water Con-
3 No Blacking j
Polished. Top
Tills Bedroom Outfit Sent to Your Home on a Payment of $3.00
f ) J Reiiuir
,iy law
Min II W m ill 1 11 -ft WmmSm,
i Jm&lM ill 1 1 BIiwl 1 M " 'feBi' '-
- . -...
Ute it for 30 day in your
Own 'home, test it in 'every
way and then if you ' are
satisfied . and find it every
thing we claim, why pay the
balance at tho rate of five
.dollars per month. ;
'.. That' Fair
v Jnat : telephone " Edwards
Exchange Department, Main
504 or A '2226, and our store
man will call and allow yon
every cent your old atovt ia
Great Sale of
Box Seat
,79 Each
(Special ta Tba JonraaL) ' ,
Albany, Or.. Oct. 7.M.' V. Bilyu. a I
ploner of this county, died at his home i
hera this morning of auoDlei v .' Mr. !
Bilj-u was 70 years old. Ht wss bom
in Missouri in' 1(12 and' cimsspd lha
Plains br Ox team In' II5J. Mr. Bilveu
in earvirad by a' Widow arnf hint chlN
Buy Yolir-Healing
Stoye Now .
Twenty-five styles to se
lect from prices " from
.$1.75 ta $30. v
Your Credit la Godi. . .'
: vOood P 1 ace TcvTrad
- ' ' - ' N
Solid Oak Chairs, with Chase
leather seats like illustration. :
Usual price $2.70. ir "1 JQ
pn sale at v. , . . ;.P X tt,.
a: ...