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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1911)
BRIM PEOPLE TOGETHER JraJ Ml At IM afteeaa f njU Ml .i4 t 4t i . la,f k- llllli .ii in i wr t - ar -1 i r i i i B-iTir - -1 Tl . tlr F.4! tola gal CAuUfj so Hetty wla4a. BI !.' : Tho Sunday Journal Cvatraissa 6 Scctiom 74 Pases vol. via NO, to. . PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY WOUNINO, OCTOnnit I. till. PKICE FIVE CENTS WAR IN TRIPOLI MAY DISRUPT CONTINENT; 11 BE DISSOLVED." IS DIPLOMATS ANXIOUS OUT OF BEAVERS r ;x.: . i ,t --i ; -y -? V OR ' ' . THH ARTIST! llGERS TURN AND CLAl'HIIEAnf w mm ITALY'S ACTIONS STOP SENSELESS SET POLITICAL PAIS PLAN OP KETTLEBUBBUHG CITIZENS' LEAGUE High .Officials . of Important Favors National Reserve Asso European '. Capitals' Hold elation to Take Full Control Busy MidniQhf. Sessions- Outlook Threatening. of Financial ' Situation by Amassing Cash. ." rte T tinil tVt - -Bttla, Oot Tk Curves teTMUMtl political kettle U falls; kmmvUI aagrfly ! Probably t aot f th mors ta- yvruiit capital ka va the hither rn Uli f tit fovesnmefit .ft i,air AmM far bad. lhf h mUalh Is now wll past Th ttraaJs loo aaikua tor sleeps Aastrja. pant what raciW'eJlr amount. 4 ! M tUmatua ! Italy yesterday. True, Italy preoiptly complied auk A atria's demand, but IHa laeldeat rva d Werld diplomacy good daai af a bOCS. - rTaaoo-Oermaa toaaloo baa Inert i again. A aula af war will b declared to souther Italy today, whll I0.O troop i embark for lha North A flic a coast. Tark.y nmi unahl. to cop with Uta Jlallaa. but It can easily overrun Oreac If the power pari" It and Turkey soma dlepeaad to do tt Altogether, th outlook la threatening. A fight wta port ad between It allaa and Turkish ships In tha AdrUtla la which Tnrklah torpado bata war unk'and 100 kJIUd, but tha report la wiwoaflnBad. M talaraartaaal Vra aWrU I la I Nw Tart. UrC T Jana c'Uflla. bob-1 pridet af lha N.v Tom alat branrk lag.' lha jwatianal Otlaafia laaM wimt leva? ina taa icacaa la 4" ibt or of a aaiianal ranra aaaorlaiiua which wt:t tak fall control of tha fia andal attuaUoa la th t'ali4 LI kf amaaalna la on a alrontbold lba ra- aarra raah 'now hld by try baak'ln tii country. ' Tha abjaVt af tha la to arouaa aaatlmant for m rrforoi af tha cur rtajr banking lawa t atop aanaalaaa aantca. Tht hadiuartara of th National CII. laaaa' Laafu r la Chk-ago. Ttt of ftcara ara: , , - - . , Juha V. rarwtlt. at John V. Farwrll A Co, praaldMt; Joha Kartoa Tarn af South Park com ml talon. rte pmUlrnl J. Lauranra Lanthlla af lha t'alvraltjr of Chlrat, chairman of th xrutlvr oomaltta; A. IV BartKit of ill board. Bponrtr. Dartlott A Co, ttvaaurar, Xlur rr 8. M'lldman of Northwaattrn unl rarally. aacratary of th organlMtlon, Branch learaea. lth almllar aata of Rigid Policy Toward Business Is -Reiterated by President at Spokane; Whole People to Rule, He Says, TENDENCY OF BUSINESS DIVERTED HE DECLARES Walla WaUa, Lcwiston, Mos cow, Spokane, All Hear ; Him In Single Day. 7" (Contlntt on PS Klna.) ITALY WILL CEASE .: ' HOSTILITIES AGAINST TURKEY FOR A PRICE -;-110 MAIffl MAY HAVE-BEEN KILLED III FIERGE-FIGKT , (ratta rn tm4 W1ra. . - Itomty. la Frontlar, Oat 7. Italy ha not! Had tha powara r Ik .(arma on which , It will eaaa hoatllltlaa atlnat Tarker. Th asaat mrdWjafHaarn munlcatlon la unknown ouialda of th circle at tha varloui capital, but ttkr la n doubt aa to Ita tneral trnor. . Klna Viator haa nnniuH m uaAlnua' irr to an Italian protectorat thera. II an utria. arcordlfif to Man authority, that a reaaonabla Indemnity Ohay b paid to th Sultan it th latter la tractable. Ha refutes, however, to nca-otute at all until tha Italian occu pation of Tripoli la eompleted. It I announced that a complete atop will be put to tha tranamlaalon of preaa telearama from Italy and that every southern port will be declared In a atate of war tomorrow, . which1 la, gen erally accepted aa meaning; that tha Ruler, k at Head of RoyaUst Army Despite Reports to the Contrary. 'ov 1 ; ' (Halted frana Utaad Wlre. , London, .Oct. 7. Not only ; did the Royallat Inaurrectlon suffer a severe setback in Portugal today but tonight there are grave fears' her for former Italian army af occupation . will begin I Klna Manuel himself. embarkation for the .Trlpolltan coast I It was rumored yeaterday that the' ,.ir "eeia r iranspona. carrying apposed monarch wae on his way to put 1B.000 men each, will leave on the sam himself at th hoad of tha Royallat day, ona from Naplea and one from Pal- forces In bis natrv country. Today tha ermo. Thirty thouaand mora will fol- statement waa given out from tola Eng. low wltbln a few days. In view of the i-h re.ldence at. Richmond that thcae taHl t Tke WmI I "pobsaa. Wiik, Oct X. fJaaptte a Wall atraet flurry that . follod hi middle of th road" tntet ach at roUlla yaaierday, rraaldaat Taft to day repeated and airaagtMnrd fcla a rtild policy lowarde bualataa "PUanlv or bo diaaolvad. waa th glat of tU pr at'a dnlin tlon. At Iar1,to. Idaho. To a rroad of ma lce people Ihe yrftitH lcl. rd t al-f th railroad have laa ror-txl to auu ailt to recutatl m am ! Ihjr lu trukia will have to follow bull. "AVe have put railroad !ndr control " he declared with great rarttoat aae..' .Pwr a tlmo ihry ware d.fUot and now under the a toady action f rongreaa Inrraaalng tha powar of Iba Interatata romaiarto rommleelon from oataton to Brealoa. Ihry finally raallaed that tha whole prupla are gmalar than any part of the people, that tha whole prople If they move In on direction and are determined to control and bring about a iuet condition are likely to In In th and. however often thay 4 Continued on rare Two. TAffS RECEPTION. PLANS COMPLETE AH! SUCH A If: I Ni. msmm. w ' m Take JE2df Lead Away From Champions and Show Ben ny Henderson's Weird Arm Up for Second Time. , STEWART SERVES UP - PUZZLERS AFTER 2ND EWDETAL President Arrives at 5 P. M Oct; 1 1 Fine Banquet at Commercial Club-Speech at Armory Line of-March. bad seamanship displayed thus far by Italian naval commanders, there la con (Continued on' Page Nine.) RENEWED STRAIN BETWEEN FRANCE, GERMANY WORR ES Believed -Present i Conditions Due to Italy's Grab of Tripo li Kaiser Now Has Grouch, and Europe Waits. . ' (United ; Preaa. Leaead Wire.) London, Oot 7. Uneasiness over th Moroccan situation . re-awakened : to night with tha unexpected news that France and Germany wero again in disagreement over the terms of settle ment. The stock market waa depressed all dajK as a result of the 'unfavorable reports from Paris and Berlin and it 10 p. m., th chief officials of the Ministry of Foreign , Affairs were still In consultation' relative to the troubled auropean ouuook. 3 r ' V- The renewed etcain - between ' Franco anJ Germany is undoubtedly tho iln direct outcome of the Italian grab of Tripoli. 'Though the fact has hitherto freeh" kept Jiretty quiet; , It lis cecUln that UermaDT waa neaotlatlna- with Turkey, just before the Italian declara tion of war, for. the purchass of Tripoli. Supposing that he was aura to obtain vt mo i.uiontuia ui long uesirea . foothold In North Africa by this tneanc the kaiser waa less interested than he would otherwise have been . in urging excesaive oemanas upon .the French. Italy's sudden action In taking the aggressive against Turkey Is said on good authority to have , been due to diHoovery that the Turko-Qerma nego nations were in progress. Cheated, ao fas as Tripoli waa con cerncd, by the Italian move, it is understood the Berlin foreign of flee is again assuming an overbearing tone In its 'correspondence with Foreign Minis ter im (selves or France. . Tha French think Germany la getting tso much. Germany believe it la not getting what it is entitled to. . At any rate, Franco-German relatione re again badly atralned and English diplomacy, alwara extremely tearful of a continental war In which . Ita own Interests . may suffer, . is worrying gravegr aa to wnat may result. i reports were untrue,, that. Manuel waa still at Richmond and that he had no Idea of going to Portugal. Tonight, however, it leaked out, on tha highest eout authority that for two days ManuefVxad neither been seen -t Richmond nty , anywhere n .England. The Richmond .residence Is- heavily guarded by police and visitors'' are. not even permitted to linger 'in. the Vi cinity. ' , i - .' 1 -glnce he' waa last - seen here, th ex king has had ; time to cross th .Portu guese frontier, and If-h did ao. It is considered mora than' likely that he took part in today's flghtingr, which ended in ao disastrous a defeat for his fol lowers. ' ' ' ' .'....'''...; Owing to the strictness of the Portu guese censorship, -only tha most meger details of tha fighting - have filtered through to the Spanish cities along tho frontier.: There seems not to have been' a single bigbattle, but a series of fierce skirmishes, resulting la victory for the Republicans all along the line. The Royalists ere reported to have retreated Into the mountainous districts near the Spanish frontier, where they may keep up a guerrilla campaign for sometime. How great tha losa of Ufa thus far Is not known, but the Spanish . reports are that the- engagements, .were Y very determined and that many on both, sides were killed. , Twenty Royalists are said to have been left . dead near Oporto alone. , ' ' 9 Busy Svtaiag for Taft. - President Taft arrives Union depot S p. m. Wednesday, Oct- 4 ober 11. v 1:05 p. m. Parade begins. d Line of march; Depot to 'Fifth; on Fifth to Hoyt; on Hoyt to ) Sixth; on Sixth to Morrison; on 4 4) .Morrison to Tenth; on Tenth to ) Washington; on Washington, to Seventh; on Seventh to Oak; On d Oak to Commtrclal club at Fifth 4 and ' Oak. . , - . :S0 p. m. Informal dinner at 4 Commercial club, dark clothes . will be worn. President only speaker.". t .1:10 p. m. Mass meeting in ) 'Armory, Mayor Rushlight Intro- duclnr the president. 10:00 p. m. Reception Knights j of . Columbus hall. . d 11:00 p. m Depart for San Francisco. , o ' Arrangements for the reception of PreslJent Taft when he arrives in Port land next Wednesday at 6 o'clock, have been mad so complete that every min ute has its plan. This is done in order that the greatest number of Orecori people may aee and hear the president auring tne rew hours that he will re main In Portland before leaving near me miamgnt nour ror San Francisco. The ' committee on arrangement In conference with Chief Slover and Steve Conneii, chief of secret service In the north w;Bt, have decided that the parade route chosen will require but SS min utes from the moment of leaving the Jepot at 6 p.- m. -and the ar- ' ; , STRIKE SETTLES ENDURANCE NO COHTESTON COAST MUCH SUFFERING BUT NO DEATHS IN . TRAIL-OF-R00DS Strikers Believe They Have Enormous Property Loss In ' Best of lt; Because 'Many Black River, Wisconsin, Re- Engines" Going Dead and Equipment Paralyzed. gion Devastating Floods in Other Sections. (Continued on Page Two.) BOY ACCLAIMED HERO FOR FOUR HOURS: THEN ; CONFESSES LIFE-SAVING ACT ONLY "FRAME-UP" (L'nlt.d rm Laaaad Wire.) San Francisco. Oct. 7. Quiet prevails in tha strike situation .over th llarri man lines on tha coast tonight, after a week which hhs been characterised her by lack of th usual disorders and riots between strikers and - strixeDreaxers. Beyond a few fist fights there has been no trouble. On the coast the strike haa . settled down into an endurance contest, with tho strikers calm and appearances great ly against the railroad. Engines ar known to be going, dead In larg num bers In varloua coast divisions, and in on Instance a train from San Francisco to Los Angelea used 11 engines 'ort th 500-mile trip and consumed IS hours making one seven-hour run. This Is said to be an instance of the way the company's business Js being dispatched In various other sections. In San Francisco, guards with riot clubs are stationed at all the shops which are Inside stockades. Strikers de clare that the strikebreakers are dally deserting to their ranks. A Ban T i , f nHtann fm m iftul.lAH point on ' the Southern Pccf lo, ' and an Important center for shopwork, the rail road has. been compelled to grant th demand of the men for new overalls ! (Continued on Page Nine.) RUNAWAY BALLOON . Flood Xoeatioa. at CHano. (Onlte4 Pt LeaaMt Wtra.t Black River Falls. Wis,, Oct. T. Black river has completely In undated this rlty. ' Two thou aand persons camping In tho bills. Property lose , between 1 1,000, 000 and f (,009.000. ' . No lives believed lost. ' Maiden Rock, Wis., Oct T. Rusk river Is flooding th sur rounding section. Property' loss will be great Happy Hogan Chants Hooligan Keirain and Opines Men Will Win Series, W Hr If. L Walker. La Anirele. Oct. . Varan t bak osj th baoabaJl map Bad lha Tiger wr- ' mrm oiaapuig oa h-tr arma) to Iglit. ready for th double balUa t. saorrow a. etmsrU that ibay ara ertb.r muul lh,r blaotf ll tt Kogaifs nan lllarally, wop tha Champion a befor Ibaot. wtlppln port. Jo4 to t. aad for th firet Uma alaro th Sanaa ooaaiad tia .i... bread of blL ' , """ fpAr crowd. ettmat4 at IO.O00 paopl, aaw th Tlra knock Benny -ffsnderoow off th alab l four Inalag. punish Tom Saaton, and, g-o-rally spklnc play rtags aroaad tho ; e iMrs. laa Oo XHfry. Just to show the tamper of such gathering, th on dodatv wis by th ! eoulhem team made th crowd eaUre-i ly forget tho three defeat auffarod la as many days, and th Joy eras fans who fought their way out through th exits war either saying. dont aa bow Portland ever won a gamo from ' them," or, Tho Tigers wlU wla th pennant sura." On strong pull of Ror Trraahaar'a ! shoulders brought him $1140 la ama.Il silver, reatored th ctmfldaaco of th nervous Tlrera. sad. t s aa axprva Ion haaj-l , all over th . grounds, "changed tho cours of th antlr ae ries." '",'..',. ... '' By reason of forious onaUught oa) . Harry 8twart la th acoad tnalngv th Champions had piled np six hits, soored two runs and taken a big lead, ao far aa oopfi'lejioa tws concerned, on th day's doings. ' ' ' ..- " lMBaUr M sTOSIl'. '' " With two out In the'flnrt. Patterson ChanCeS in ThlS RPPS to handl. Brashear foUowed , iwitn a ciean nome anra, lining ui oe.ii jn lover the left field fenc and vntng New Manner by Dr. Boloar th crowd raved over th hit, whue th ... players on th two teams ran about 0T HUnCjarY. picking up the ahower of sliver coins tan i u Aitiiib v& iiv grBiiuBi.ini, Henderson began th fifth by walk- ,.. . , ,.. j I Ing BurrelL when ha was retired in .., 7 a- " I , o.. t.A t- TO CARRY OREGON S STORY ABROAD IN FOREIGN TONGUES Wonderful State to Be Explained ful opportunities that exist In Oregon, favor of Beaton. Brown fanned, Burrell Chippewa Falls, Wis., Oct 7. Th country is being flooded. Th damage to crops will ba Im mense. Food supplies being sent to Black river region. - La Crosse, Wis., Oot T Tho Mississippi river, ' swollen by Wisconsin rivers, Is steadily rls-, Ing. No present danger Is anticipated. Wausau, Wls Oct. 7. Dyna mite used to change the course of the river here, where it has risen eight feet The country is flooded. Damage heavy. No loss of life reported. ' LANDS NEAR PEORU Million Population Away as Aeronauts Attempt to Tie It Down. (United Preaa Leaved Wire.) Black River Falls, Wis., Oct,. 7. Th devastating . flood of the Black river, which inundated this town, sent its 2000 Breaks hills, and causing property damage be tween $3,000,000 and $5,000,000. began :r ' . li:."": ateallng second on th whiff and tak- IV W VI Ml aVW VIBUVI U 111 SaShta T I . . . , - . , . . language, Is to bo the mission of Dr. " ln,ra, ."l t,..l Ludwla- Lessins-Bolsar. a - Hungarian then alngled to right scoring BurrelL, nawapaperman who haa visited every I vPa".IL,0n k ?. VPel.- i-V5 mnntv in thi. atmta tnrnrmin- htm-.i the sixth. Brashear lifted a fly In left as to the poaelbilttles they afford. Now bacK of Bhort- 11 WM dlJult ehanco he is preparing to carry bla message to everyone was surprised when tho th Hungarian and Germans of the reliable Pecklnpaugh muffed th eastern atatea and then on to Hungarla, &". Patterson, taking a chance. It is believed that Dr. Lesslng-Bolgar scored from second on tha error. has hit upon th solution of tha lmml-1 ' Make Two la rightn. gratlon problem so far aa th brinxlrur I Three hits and two runs for tho Tl- of the desirable foreigner to help de- I gers In tho eighth. Carlisle opened with veiop uregoa is conoernea. Talk to the foreigner in his own language, la his idea. This will giro him confidence In what Is told him. XUIlonalro Tavord Plan. Thla method of reaching th foreigner was also the Idea of B. N. Baker, th Baltimore millionaire steamship man who visited Portland a few weeka ago in th lntereat of great shipping cor poration to handle traffic through the Panama canaL While here he suggest ed that Oregon should send represents Uvea to . the old .countries In Europe from which it waa expected to attract desirable Immigrants which would flock to the Pacific coast when-the canal Is opened. Dr. Leasing Bolgar will be tho forerunner of those who should carry to tne oia countries tne glad tldlnjra of this land of untold rlohes just waiting for the hand of man to bring them forth. The doctor has spent seven and half years In the United States, having spent three years in New York state and three and a half -years in Pennsyl van la. I know of the hard times my peo ple ar having to establish themselves In the east," ho said yesterday. 'I shall go to them and tell them to come to Oregon, where such wonderful (Continued on Pago Eleven.) (Continued on Page Five,),, (Continued on Page Two.) Train; With '300 Passengers Aboard, Rushes Nearly Onto 0b struction; on Track Hero Steps jn, Receives Purse and . Thanks' of Travelers, But Train Crew Are Skeptical; - Hero BreaKsjJown. , ; ' v-; ; (Cnltad Preaa Laaaa Wire. Colorado Springs. Colo., Oct 7. Four hours after he had been acclaimed a hero because be. flagged a crowded Short Lino passenger train and saved it from being Wrecked on the brink of a 1000 foot precipice, Raymond Wood, ard II, tonight : confessed that.. he had placed obstructions upon--the rails and had planned the entire affair. Hi only rea- aon, he said, vsi to be rewarded as a hero, .. -- Th. train was .. rushing down th mountainside from CiippL Creek with 10 parsons aboard whan, a It rounded a eurve leading to a loo foot preelrlce. th lad stepped out with a red bandkar- chief tied to a stick and flagged It aown. ,e tea tee trainmen and pas sengers (0 feet along th track and showed them where flv , feet of log chain was laid across th rails and th enoa ooueo down. . , The youth asserted that he hhd found the' obstruction accidentally and -had determined to save tha train. The pas sengers mad up a . substantial purse and presented It to th boy, treating mra aa a uero. several orierea to call the attention of the Carnegie Hero Com mission to th affair. - -Skeptical trainmen insisted on quea tienlhs; th youth tonight however, and he Suddenly broke down and confessed tha tho- whole aXXair was a "traxa up." (Cnlted Prem Leased Wire.) I Peoria. 111.. Oct. 7. The runaway bal loon. Million Population, .landed In a pond across tho Illinois river from Chll licothe, 20 miles north of here.-shortly after t o'clock this afternoon. The bas ket was badly torn, but the Instruments wero Intact and the silk bag apparently was In good shape.- Mayor MftcheH, of Chlllicothe, took charge pt the balloon and -wired Captain John Barry, at Mason City, Iowa. Mitchell removed th bal loon to hla home. . " . , The Million Population, an entry in tho races which were started at Kansas City, Thursday, broke away from Pilot Berry and his aide at Mason City last night The aeronauts had made a land' Ing and wero attempting to secure the balloon when the wind, carried n away i. ,- l' II I . I I '. , MAN WILL RAFFLE HIMSELF OFF AT $10 PER IE; chanl SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED CANADA MAY SOON- V " ' i MAKE OWN AGREEMENTS ' .-.-v , ;. ' -' tOsltad Pr laawd Wlra.) . Haddimrton, Scotland. Oct 7. "Our colonies disbelieve In fre trade," aid A. J. Balfour, English Coheervativ leader. In a apeech here today. "Unless Bnaland adopts protection and gives them preferential treatment w shall have Canada and Australia making their own agreements with other countries. This will b XsUl to British Imperial unity. . Cripple Creek, Colo., Miner Sees Plan to Get 'JJest-Egg" Says Marriage Gamble Anyway, so May as Well Make : It Real Game of Chance Prefers to Have a Western Woman Win. . ' (United Pre Leased WIr..) Crlppla . Creek, Colo Oct 7. A unique plan of getUng a "neat egg." to start- housekeeping when he gets married was made known Joday by Wil liam A. Cockrell .$. a miner, when he announced that he would raffle himself loff at $10 a chance, to women candi dates ror nis nana. - He agreea to marry whatever candi date's name Is drawn out when the drawing is held, but he announced that if the drawee, whoever she may be. Is dissatisfied with him after seeing and talking to him, her ten spof will be refunded, apd a second - drawing will b heldi 1 1 " Cookreii -fays .matrimony is a snun, anyway, ao why not make it a real game of chance, where the financial end of the bargain is assured before the nup tial knot ia . tied.. It Is understood! he declares, that the women who do not draw -tho lucky number lose their $10. - Cockrell -prefers - a Colorado or western woman, but Is wining to - ac cept, any one- that fate decrees. . Tvrpln Abandons Flight, ; :" fCnttcd Prune Laa.d 'lr.t Peoria. 11L.. O-t. 1. Aviator Turnin abandoned his flight from 8prlngfiel.l to Peoria at Rlohmona, 3a miles from this city, at 6. SO this afternoon. He expects to complete the trip Sunday cr Muiiuay. . 1 ALASKA SYNDICATE '10CK,"APPARENT Revival of Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy May Como When Investigators ; Return to the States. . . . , . .y , ' t (United Preaa Ltsaed Wire.) Washington, Oct 7. Th prospect of , a revival of the Alaskan controversy In . a form that may surpass In bitterness the Ballinger-Pinchot case and may In volve former Forester Pinabot In a heated contest with bis former Intimate : associate, Walter L. Fisher, who sue- . ceeded Ballinger as secretary of tho In terior, loomed here tonight. - It became known that Plqchot will re turn from Alaska, where both he and , Fisher have been traveling, prepared to charge that a systematic conspiracy to depreciate' the resources of Alaska has been conducted in the luterests of tho dug-gen helm syndicate. - The new; .situation was outlined, m dispatches received today from John B. Lathrop, one of. Pinchot's traveling corn, oanlons.'who said,. in parts : , '. :v'i;Toxa saong. - "It Is now evident- that word ha been passed long the line to all repre sentatives of the Alaska syndicate and the - federal - administration to 'knock Alaska generally to bear th value of the coal, copper, : timtier- averythins. Men who a few months ago were x Datlatins eloquently on the rlohes and possibilities of Alaska, have suddenly begun to discover that thr is nothing of value here. Ordinary facts of com monest knowledge to. all Alnak are distorted with this purpuw. "Moat amaslng statenK-nts have !'f;i printed In the .newarapi-rs in Tie sra!i. regarding the visit ft the Fisher-r In Controller bay. Tha story was t back that be experience! vry r water and con1iii"tia f ' i him that Corti"li-r ! v . i wort hie as a -1 -r Now, i n i v " i Ie. r"'Il " r . -1 i;