The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tiin oumou vmly jouhnau toutlakd. satuhdav kvenihq. ocTonni t. mt.
P waur. t Mttl i. .! fca (
f.l a le k'e m f r a-
aiaeS ri.i LM ta a !
te n.S tg a t a, j e
i. i
hm al . r,- .
S ln- a --.
ILe t.U J a.CU tun
CS!U wi.eM trrakfsrs.
.,4 i trnM Slutaa ".
i . 4 as mm
( SaMre e4 r strata M
. faul -fi-J-l, Sua.
W, a. fM tt
wi gv.a ..- S ST.
ML gae fe-ea MM,
Mf, nl n.. suae.
hMiit i sewalaa. wtaaai .
CtatM. Kfl S
UJ af gt.W ,ava.
... 1 l as
-ee. dStet,
CktlS lata
ai- imtwfcn i. o. cuk ? . m. a a.
ru i . . . nee
1, .
0ea Cag ef ,
d. . in.
v a INETT MT east f reeee e-f :
IV I t,iiM la Ik school ere erwferlr
I I bandied by the Kbuol. le we d
J. 1 m aa that la our k"t
Tke teashieg txxlr ef Aaaertce It
a areal body of trained, ermaibells
people, with the Ufe they foeee
re doing sfleadid service for Iks child
keod of America, sad whet ,hr
U an or kaewledg e ehild, wore
sympathy f rtia lit r reals, Ml
mdaraleadtaa ef the Horn pronm. ii
will be a hairy ba hrtuihul
iku an lira raoublla all fathers end
noikara ml iMrKtri lum I b Swrt
as siudy sf childhood, wbsa It halt b
poesibis everywhere for re ranis
iNtlMri ! wet Is jriihUo dr-
(fldtn U diKUN IM grti btomm
Is to world. -
Th ehU4 ot oJy J Uf for 0
4vtopmB4 of bU pbraieu ftuv "
h imA play for otbor rvaaoaa a Volt
Tba rrl who pUr fr4r, tb bof woo
plara oat of oora, looraa moot rapiair.
. oji4 Bsasy a timo Uo oaao of tba dullard
and tba backward bUd to emuaod T
MfUr that ehild tba rtrfct to play.
Tarn your cblldroa to (rmoa and yo
will rllv tba tonaioa of backward
elaaaoo la ear cltlM conoraily.
Wo waat our boya and ctrla to pUy
la tho op air boeauao Uto boy wb
pUyo with hU fallows la tho epoa air
U apt to bo a eloaa boy morally. Oao
of Uto ftm tbiaa-a bo loaraa U to play
fair; ha baa a eoda of othJca foreod upoa
blot, and to tbla bo muat Uto up to or
bo cannot ttlay. I wlh wo bad that
aaato flso oplrit la our publlo Ufo la
Amorioa, that orory aaaa who bold of
floo or who aorroa tho publlo ot Uto
p to tba bltboat Btaadard of oocln
tlooa duty 'or bo oaaaot ofo la thl
Tboro la aot onoagH eoartettoa." say
Dr. Opponholna. "la tho mind of par
ant and toachara fJiat tbo roapoaalblllty
of tbo eblldron'f aota olthor rood or
bad root uponAhalr older abouldara;
that tbo final outcom of tboao chll
draa'a Uto deponda almoat oatlroly
upon tbo Inflaonoo, tbo nutrition, tho
': onvlronmont which tho authority of tbo
. paroata and toachor prortdoa.! . '
v Wo should support our publlo school
syatan; It la tbo creation or a rroa, son-foramina-
pooplo, tho responsibility for
it, tho merit of It success or tbo blame
for Its failure rests on ua the people.
What la tho end and aim of that sys
tem? To train thinkers T It certainly
Is a necessary' part of education to bo
able to think alertly and eirectireiy on
all questions that concern ua as human
belnrs. Is It to train workers T A rery
important part of education Is ability
to do skilfully whatever task Is allotted
to us In life. But neither answep'alono
Is satisfactory; nor are both together
adequate. Tho main end of our school
system I understand to be to make men
and women who shall, bo tood' cltlcen
and useful members of society In ail
relations proper to mankind. It Is to
live to youth Intelligence, skill. Initia
tive, self-reliance and self-control, aa re
sponsible moral beings. The culture
' which Is needed most Is that which
produoe a well trained mind, a healthy
and responsive body and a sound char
acter. Said the principal of a school
to mo recently: "I say to my teachers
that nlne-tenths'of our work Is moral."
, Did she no too farf No; for the moral
- i f - m
J r
an . , . i ii I
A7a Complexions
Un, rr4 U Olaen, cbaJraaa nctia commltt CaQd Wslfsr Exhibit
Wrtttea for Tba Journal by Darra Mora
aed t. U a litUe rtrt after my
owa bear. Recently, rreold
raillerea vtsltad tbs lltUs prta
eeaa mother. Queea Wllbelmtna,
la Amsterdam sad The lUfve. lie
broufbt with him three superb dolls,
dressed la tba belsht of Part faahloa.
one of them la bobblo and aaotbar In
barom skirls, and preooated theaa ntf
Blfloeneea to the little princess. The
wonderful toys were Inclosed la a larfe
and beautiful mechanical swan.
When the doll were taken from their
splendid housing sad presented e FTta
cess Juliana, sbs Is said to bars flans'
them contemptuously sstda. and to
bars oaufht up bar old and battered
doll fa Dutch costume. Tor her, , tbs
rrsaoh models bad no attractions.
afaay are tbs deductions that ralfht
be mads from the Incident. Wo mlsht
say that tba ehild shows a discretion
far beyond bar years. Ws might say
that the desire for tinsel and frippery
comes only as maturity approaches.
that tba childish heart Is over for aim'
pllclty and loyalty. Wo might say
that there Is a striking dlffsrenos In
the mind and manners of Princess Ju
liana or Holland and the little over
dressed manikins la tbs shape of
American children,
I wish oar little girls didn't cars so
much for the garish and tbs gilded. Z
wish they would be a lltUs kind to th
old-fashioned and the battered things
of life. I wish they would wear fewer i
laces and furbelowa and snore of the
simple UtUe dresses of childish appeal.
I wish they would fling tba harems and
tbs bobbles contemptuously aside, aad
appear la stuffs that draw less attea
ttoa to'tbs peJptuaoas of the bumea
body. I wish our little girls would
be loyal to their aid fiieods, sad, not
make of life one round of c basing after
tba latest arrival. Just because tbs lat
est arrival' husband has barrels of
money aad beeasea she makec bar sails
"Inclosed la a large and beautiful me
chanical swaa" la tbs shape of aa aote
mobile, aad Is forever dressed like a
ooroaatioa, I think of aU ths virtues,
loyalty la perhaps tbo very finest.
X wish ear Amerioaa mothers would
teach ear little girls tbe homely and
kindly virtues. X wish they would In
still lata the childish hearts a love
for the tried and tbe true. X wish
thsy would teach them to rover enoo old
things aad to respect the straggles of
ths poverty-stricken and tbs maimed.
I wish they would teach their little
fledglings to value their playmates for
their pure minds, tbelr loving hearts.
their unselfish devotions, rather than
beat Into tho little brains that they
roust not play with say little girls who
haven't three ruffles on their skirts.
and laoes en their petticoats.
Our women of today are only little
girls grown up. At one time la their
Uvea, they were like unto the little
Prince Juliana of tbe Netherlands.
It all depends It' all depends.
Tv giit ta t eaae as eil
U bUf la a ,-
a ewaeoaa ef anul'tag a
sMifwiar fw is iir ete
a i 4 rM a:i-( lMila
ef t4 a4 fwM MU. fee Ike ei
lie esio u. , ts kIJmiI i
la'S lliaal l (!., la rf
j laa) fwviJ II aaa ef tilowl
uikuH ea tikt ke le la
el siaie ef iWui rwiiUg air
4Meat(M?y to . tasiare ef lU 4iv
Alieel attielWas sf be as4 14
aeuf are rey m. fr tM
foot last li.y brtas aal aely lr
aMa, It flaaa dlaarsrlaf
iiaia a list after ie r
preawe sre Sla4xsllae4 Ire sad Sf
iraesety welav, whaa eatrefelly sp
U4. omiU s4.aiii lb par
ef iKiasi'g to lt beAs a last
lag flaafc. Ik baJ way U to mab
tMt ikuk pass, Ike sue sf a aWiaf.
brat lore's sf raatoa fUaaal suak
ei call eat pa4a Saw Ik 4g let n bar
M fire I dip tas ef Ike pads Is Ice
wsiar. ltf tkaa a tbe rbeaks wkr
lets sere
taaaa ta ike Ire waiee agala aad apply
la a few miauive thsy are tskee sff.
tws sf Iks rs dliped late very hoi
water aad UI4 oa Ike meake la tiertty
Ik Bn spot where tbe oeld afpl'a
ttoas were mads. rtpe the treat meat
sai: a daldad i.M(Ua of glow ts at
laiaed, and Ike cheeks will be found to
be attractively rosy. Treveat all poae!
bUlty ef chapping by rubblag sou
ereem ever the eels that has beea wet
tteth of these tree I at eats are harra
lees, sad Iks latlrr. If carried out per
stsiesur. ofiea causes the cheeks Is
glow permaaeatty.
Ta llrsnovs talaa.
Ire) rust stains sre socaetimee caused
by a chemical actloa of soap aad bluing
whaa tbe clot has are aot properly
rtaeed, but, whatever ths cases, they
braa ta.s -ai-s e-a wua a
aaaliad -la. f (s a,ks uaI.S
II le S4 aaeaarf Is Mea lm
Wallas. Sf a4 I .) ef IM 'uia
la ks lartlaaa ef . La kf af
t MaV SiMtak till I
aa-4 aa4 f
aasar. S44 iwdll Ular ef aawa. lae
beia f He at.a. V taaapi mm
rtKak., u. tci n'i .ar
atd ths Uh ef lie l m
aad t-ae saieeies is l ea. (wrvs
ua walfp4 riaaaa,
baked A(tl ! t U I gaas
sit-Us, I rep l.a, I learo
t-eLt( paeScr, V Ulaw salt. I
epsa Ur rap aaua, taaei seas
aaser, f laa(ae blle-
S.fl ftar, sail sad kitag peedet
lsi fceslj rb ike Urd la ty liu;
a4 Jael eaawsh at Ua is fares a savfk.
Ilare a fkawied kaard sad fell Ml
4 lack ikUlu till 14 lata fe pana
l-T oa eaxk qirr aa aia,
se baea aaskad. tared aad rd; ad4
amapMMt awgat im awe. allb j tas
H-m sailer, act Ike 4e ef deeak
ilk rvt4 aster sad faid a4u4 lbs
!!, praesiag Ughtry lf (Kr r1
ta- agele psa, eprtakle hataar ef Ike
safer seer lap, aad U laaspawa bat
lr ea esrh Saaipltag. pawr reel sf lbs
iik ever. rer aiib a pie tin. ui
IS minutes la hot . Item ike
pi lis aad babs M mtautea la mad-
era I pvaav
citse ruaainr I rup nur, wj csp
A. T
ahkl aTa 4. sat. I Ik, t . as I -
W Is daedred. AS see SS I be I rnaiii ballar. 1 laeepwa baklag pew.
laf bagln ta rtes, losaaaree I d r. H leaapoua sail.
Sift flour, baking powder Sad sail
Isle a beat, add the eegsr, lb milk sad
ell bsatea egg. Ih tba bil(r. aad
bee tws mlnulas. I nit la pudding pea
Ikal baa beea bruahed eUk mailed lard
luke 14 miaul la hot even. This
ran be served with lemoa sauce or
Lewsoa Sauee Add t teaspeoas eora-
sisrca wet with a Utile sold water
IS I cups sf belling water, tbsa sdd
I tsbiespoens sugar, tbs lulce sad
grstsd rind of H lemoa. tbaa tbe well
be lea ysib of I fg. Cook tws mis
utes. If yew do aot waat ta ass ess
Is the sauce, add I tables poos caramel
' H as H
neeea, uui, wseiever in caaas inejr .m pun H enci sn aiesa, tn4 p
may be removed by applying salt aad Ar5-.,"h,"rt,B1 oft, hlts bande
lemoa lulce to the dampened spots and i", I'.P!. tmn
Tbs ITcrKaxe,
The rich man's son labertts lands
ana puee or enci end stooe, and gold.
m ' 'IB
IY ' a.
-. I.
Alfred MacLaren, who will aid Jn
ralfllng fund for Ixnlse Home.
The youngest volunteer selllirg tags
today for ths Louise Home Is little Alfred
MaeLaren, who Is arrayed In full
Highland ' costume. The 4-year-old lad
Is the so a of W. J. MacLaren. superin
tendent of Portland Commons and
Louis Home, He will te stationed down
town, probably in front of ths postoffce,
and It is expected that his appeal will be
strong enough" to mere than fill bisj
tiny. sporran with silver.
sntsrs Into ths whole discipline of. tbe
true and. adequate education.
Open Schoolhotuos. "
In Philadelphia they ars opening the
scboolhouses to tbs chlldrsn after school
hours, and ther come there, for It Is a
cholca between ths street and the alley.
In ons room you will see the children
singing and In another room thsy ars
cutting out pictures and pasting them
In books, and In another room and in
ths hallways thsy will bs sesn sngaged
in soms simple gameseverybody happy,
everybody spendlngedFclean, sweet, de
cent evening together. This Is not only
preventive of other things, but do you
not see that in garnering me cnuaren
together In this social way you are form
lng the social Ufa of thess children T
If . there is any nlacs .where there is
danger of our democracy breaking down
It will bs In the crowded centers of our
great cities because of the crimes that
are bred In this atmosphere.
, Get the children Into ths schoolhouses
and let them live together, let them play
together and enjoy together until thsy
Americanise themselves as we did in
the. country years ago. Ws can do an
other , thing for the child in. this way,
We can open the schoolhouses for the
rally of the pupils who have-gone out
of the school and are now taking their
part in the work of the world. . They
ought to be encouraged to corns back
and make the school a center- around
which their Interest shall gather and
back to which their affection will turn
In ths years to come." -
It is a greater and mors difficult
thing to live In the true deep senss than
It Is to. get a living. Children must be
made to feel and then to see that hon
esty Is better than brilliancy,, that In
tegrity ts worth more than riches, , that
good character la a prise valuable be
yond the power of, all material means
lib measure. If ojir schools do not train
children for uprlgut manhood aifl( pure
womanhood thev rail of their hle-hest
Utl'Ity. .
We need to' lessen tlie detail of our
curriculum and increase the means and
opportunity r for inculcating . truthful
ness, ' honor, reverence, purity and up
rightness. " . W are .seeking to make
men and women who stytll know their
uuiy in me worm ana nave me will "9
do it That is an end to call for our
deepest wisdom and our -'Strongest en
deavors. un the achievement of. that
end 'depends ths soundness and perma
nent prosperity of ths nation. :
National Congress of Mothers,
Ths National Congress of Mothers, so
encouraged by ths child welfare, ex
hibits In the east, plan to make child
welfare exhibits a regular part of their
work. Mrs.- Schoff. the national presi
dent. Is very busy preparing -a child
welfare exhibit for the city of Phila
delphia to be held la November, the en
tire expenss of which is to bs defrayed
by the city. Kansas City Is also pre
paring an exhibit 'which is to be paid
for by ths city and to be given also in
November. . -
paring a rest room for the child wel
fare exhibit
Monta villa circle members are pre
paring a complete, almple. Inexpensive,
modern layette.
The Vernon circle Is planning to give
soms sort of an entertainment to raise
money to help defray the expenses of
the child wslfsrs exhibit.
. . ' H It H
Circle Plans.
At ths lsst meeting of th Sunnvslde
Mothers' circle, which was ths Isrcest
In ths history of ths circle, general
plana were outlined for ths year's work, j
Mrs. Tats gave a short talk on ths
purpose and plan of ths coming child
welfare dttlblt The circle members
expressed willingness to help along ths
gooa worx. They voted to make a com
piets outxit for a school girl to bs ex
hlbited as their part of the work. Mrs.
Andrews , presided at ths meeting,
Many new members were enrolled. Mrs,
A. Kaiisber tendered her resignation
from ths presidency. She Is going into
anotner district. Mrs. A. O. Bosserman
will succeed : her, Mrs. Tlbbett was
elected vice president and Mrs. James
secretary. . The principal of the school
mads a short address. Next Wednes
day evening was set for an address by
ons' of ths T. M. C A. workers. This
circle has hit upoa a plan to encourage
attendancs at ths mothers' meetings.
A picture has been bought and Is to be
placed In the room' whose children have
the largest number of . mothers on flvs
honor lists. Bunny side Is ths first
circle to try this. , ,
A reception and tea will be (riven at
the' Portland hotel Monday afternoon
from 3 to 6 by the Oregon Congress of
Mothers.' The arrangements are in
charge or Mrs. George MoMath. chair.
man of the child welfare exhibit that is
to be given November 1. a. 3 and 4.
Mrs. rrea U Olson will slnsr fa) "The
Shadow March" by Del Rlego and (b)
"iisie. by Chaminade. Miss Florence
Jackson will accompany. J. Ross Fargo
wiii.ai8a sing, .
14 mlautea. Rinse thoroughly,
It Is seld.thst rubbing glreerla
peach stains oa tabls Unas two or three
dsys before crashing will saase ths
sislas entirely to dissppear.
Pour boiling water through fruit
stains, with tbs ma ta rial stretched
aero the top ef a pan or other vessel.
Wash out tea aad coffee stains ta cold
water. Stood aulas may be removed
If the stained artieis ts put to soak
at eeee ta cold er tepid water.
Ink stains may bs removed by aa ap
plication of equal parts of el trio add
and cream of tartar malted ea a plate.
Mix aad rub ever tbe tains aad then
wash cut carefully. la almoat ail
tbe Ink will disappear at once without
Injury to the color. Stains that have
laundered may require several
treatments before tbey yield.
If garments stained by tar er wagoa
grease are first wasbsd In cold soapsuds
ths stains will bs eradicated. White
d re eeee oaa be freed from grass stains
by touching the spots with alcohol be
fore washing. For pitch staina, first
grease with lard and than uss soap aad
sold watsr. Turpentine will rem eve
these stains.
st It st
feiaaurug TbJBfs.
It Is true I've forgotten tbs day. sweet
Wa war married lust It rears aero.
Perhaps you ars right and ye for my
I nan a care el V. believe It Is
Dsv glides Into aay In the endless bliss
mat von navs nrouini me. hit anr,
So I heed not the flight of time and this
Ssems to ms but our very nrsi ysar.
And I had forgottsa your flowsrs todayl
T ..... K aa , 1 , 1. . 't. .
A ,UI .viii v ,,'J . . - "
But my wits have wandered so sweetly
Xvs been dreaming, my darling, of
And so. without gifts of beauty or pelf,
Oae scares would wish te hold ta fee.
The rich man's soa Inherits cares,
Tbs bank ma a nraait f K. r.x..,. k-m
A breath may burst his bubbls eherea,
aaa sort, whit bands could hardly
A llvlas that wouM un. tiia Sara,
A heritage, it saems te me.
Oae scare wsuld wish to hold ta fee,
The rleh man's son Inherits wants.
eiomecn craves ror dainty rare!
With sated heart be bear the oants
f aj.i . a . . . .
vi wiling naaos, wits Drown arms
And wearies la his aaa-v chain
A heritage. It eeema ta ma. .
caae I On scare would wish to bold ta fee.
WTist doth the poor man's soa Inherit T I
biouc muscles ana i itsi heart.
A- hardy frame, a hardier spirit:
King of two hsnds, bs does bis part
lrKevery useful toll and art;
heritage. It mi to ma.
A king might wish to hold la fee.
What doth tbe poor man's son Inherit
Vt isnes cnoyd wlUi humble thtnra. I
m. ran aajuagea oy ion-won menu
( ITltiases. Oersvee aaj st
I iw.m, H. ... e-b4 la Ifca
"t a t-aaue 'Ml ef a ! data
Iter ars g-ais 4 ISa rw
Lininui a-rr tt t. iart
ef tas aad siil a Si a ts lis eiir lur
are r ia4 f iaaa (vsiseia sad S-e
Ike rViliaa4.
I'f II C. Malktas sad wife sf H
Saieaa, Waaa, are etaa-siag a few SW
la la sun, aat al I --a IXiUat
It J. Uu4t-r ef l.a I ajud
laias areay la a 4l el la rvriiaad
far a law aa
Ijv. Oers T, feaa a4 wife ef dp
saaa are sS el la rVriiaad
If. Jaee A. Uakr f lasla Sad
wife eaaa.Jl a law SajS ia le
nil, SS si IM rVrilaavd, L.
M. hi. l-dan. a Saiaiag aaaa sf Ctr
rle ttiy, auaaa. aad kis saaiaar. Xia
W, at. Ifctn. are ef aiiifce a fea Sre
ta tae cur, gt si l Cwiaellaa,
J U. Jaaae. a t-aaliaas aaaa ef klaiek.
field is a s-ajaaes etaii la Iks eiiy, a
gwel si Ike Catraaliaa ,
U Wthgeta. Ika well kaeaa r-IHUla
ef Aeturia, ts a kwstaea vlailar la iae
cur. a gvest at Ike i'raiia
W. A, tlMllaa-S. a h-aeiaaa eaas efdla,
Uea, ta a eialior la Ike etty. a gaaal si
Ike Coraallu.
. lharlee g aWmervtlU. aa enrker4ut
f lluod fUver, sad wife, sre pe4;ag
s few days la Ik our, geeels al Ike
( orna (1 u a.
H A- Martin, a snarrKaal sf Oaldaa.
dale, Wasa. aad atfe era siaat4lag s
few days la Ike etiy, gueels st Ike Cor
IL C Kelt sa effteUI ef tke Nertk
era psetfte st Taovesa. iafi for fcl
Isat algbt after a kwalaaes vie! I le this
City, lie was a guaat si ths Uoaera
r. , Steeart. ik well kaewa Imll
land dealer of Helen., le-ebuelaaas vis.
lior ta ths city, a guaet si the floe era
A. II. gleet, a tailor sf aaa Ties
elsea, is a bnainass visiter la tke city.
a guest st ihs Itowers.
Mrs. O a ilrewa aad Mrs. J. L
Rase ef stalem are speaSing a few daft
la tbs rlty, gaeeu st tke Hewers,
3. O. Relebart, a merchaat ef Blat,
Wash, aad wlfs are speeding a few
days la the city, guests st tke Rowers
IV. C Whitney, aa advertistsg maa ef
gas rraaclsoo. Is a business visiter la
lbs city, a guest at ths Rowera
fted Zimmerman and bride have tak
sa up tbstr winter seat at lbs Pow
ers, If, a Wyatt, a msrebaat ef North
Plains. Is a business visitor la ths city,
a guest st ths Perkins.
sV W. Robert, a real estate dealer ef
Madras, Is a business visiter la the
city, a guest st ths Perkins.
Prank Davenport, a lambernvaa ef
Bull Rua. I a visitor la the city, a
gusst st ths Per kin a
Senator Ml Ilea A. Miller ef Lebeaoe.
-t. la a t -a .4 .a t . a
g ,4 at I'-, re
U W. 4 a a - .1.-1
ef .a4. t a4 g a I. a -Ifce
- al I. a r.. .a ia.- ,f
! a4 ai-'kJM .v-,aL
i. aaa ii..i-a la I wa a a-
iva f-ratta.
-a. v- , " . a .aa --. "" . ' ' -
eHle Vaata af kH-i.'i te
a.aa el-tar Is L e.g, a 4-al al
tiaravaa H'laav IIS a '-
ct-aal ef Aa44a, te s -n-n ' .
la las nr, a t war I el ia I ..-
AUaa It tttmm, liM.Uun Ii.
Laa -.! i. ee a eta ir ta it a
fHMS . a g al al lie I
V tt avigt. a ka.aHa.ts at
Stats, W aak. as a I !- iei is
Iks ellg, a al SI l-a laHMl
Ailaay ial A ki. Oaaf-4 sM
Ife ate Sp faa SWIaaa ea a eva.l.
gweaXS al ll-e laatat.
t. A4rew kinue. pkisiriaa a-4
Baala ef ta UJaaila. s4 tiev '
egaagtag a few da la Ike sllr, gaaeta
SI la le-kMUl
It 11 ItaMUlaua. elarS at Ik tws-Mtai.
Wks kAS beea ai-a.4.44 k'S ta-aik-a
Sa-llag. Is eai-aal4 ta Mlwt l-4r,
C C- fUit, a M'k4ia af An'aia.
Is e bwsiawas staiiar la Ike en, a
geaet at las laapariat
lUfl W. Twsmhi, aa Bllaraxr ef
Caata-ls Lsacka. la a g.aia.aa iaiiu ta
lbs silf, a gvael al k la.rf Lai
Oexrge V. Juaaeiaaj sad a. It Jakas.
. kaakaes ad 1'aft.r, are ei-aastag a
few are la tfc my. gais al tbe
lamp lal.
U A. B. glaiVafe sf tJ-as Is a bs
tataas VlBlleg ta LkS city, a te al tbe
tMie All ed Kaw tarh le a k -.
etajiar la Ike my. a gst at tke Ce
goa K. C liurUagaaia, a sapllaiial mt
Walla W al.s, s epeadiag a few dsys
la las rlly, a "ut at Iks lr-ga.
W. IL kclce of lload Itlver. If a wail
kaoaa lambaraiaa. Is a boeinaae
Iter la tke city, a guaet al Iks Ore.
J. starrer Page, Paetfla eaast taaaa.
ar far laa Loant-ue eampaay, ts a
busiaees vlsiivr la tbs nty frves svaa
rraaetsee. lis ta a guest st lbs Ura-ga.
r. P. Davtdsoa, a saerehast of gt
ha as. I a boat sea a visitor la tbe any.
a guest st the Oregon.
Mefsdam Loop for Valley Is rtasw
tksartel Tke J steal
Heed stiver, or, Oct. T-Tbe st(
miles ef maradara road eoatractsd for
by ths eouety this year bar beea al-
beea eoastructed a) the east slds aad
three miles ea the west slds ef ths
valley. lt la expected to build twtos
this am oust of read next year that
Ul practically cos bee aad form a
loop around tbs valley.
from employment I
of being poor,
ome. to bear It,
list Is surs
A heart that In his labor alnni
A hesitate. It seem a to ma.
A king might wish te hold In fee.
What doth tbs poor man's son Inherit? I
a patience learned or being
Courage, ir sorrow come
A fellow feeling tba
To msks ths outcast bless his doorj
a. neniage, it seams 10 me,
A king might wish ts hold In foe.
O rich men's son! there is a toll
That with all others level stands
Large-charity doth never soil.
But only whiten soft, white hands:
This Is ths best croD from thv lands.
A . . "
A neniage. ii seems lo ms.
Worth being rloh to hold In fee.
I aland a eulDrit. dear wife:
can offer only my love and myself.
And ths pledge of the same for Ufa
O poor man's sonl scorn not thy state;
-mere is worse weariness than thins,
in merely Doing ncn ana great;
toii. oniy gives tns soul to snins.
And makes rest frarrant and banlrn:
a neritsge. ii seems to me.
Therel I am forgiven and all Is well; I Worth being poor to hold In fee.
rft.,. In, In th rfav IaoIcs han ah t I
Both, heir to soms six feet of Sod,
A ii.l In K. . Vt . 1..,.
Both, children of the ssms dear 6od,
trove mie to your neirsnip vast
Br record of a well tilled past:
A heritage, It seems to me.
Well worth a life to hold In fee.
James Russell Lowell.
Good, healthy flesh can only be sained
by tho use of, the proper food, together
with natural action of tho organs Of
assimilation. ' Nine people out of ten
In ordert to weigh as much as they
ought ana ds perrectiy healthy, should
use Samoa e, the great flesh forming
food and health restorer. Weigh your-
seii Derore commencing to use, these lit
tle tablets, and see how your weight
increases rrom week to week.
Bamose does not , contain a cartlcle
or starch or pepsin, nor is It anysau
seating preparation, such aa Is usually
recommended to make people fat and
which does not build up good healthy
tissues. 6amose has valuable flesh
forming properties, tones "up and
strengthens hs whols system, helps the
food that is eaten to be assimilated in
a natural manner and absolutely re
stores health ,4o all the organ.
If you7 are not perfectly satisfied
with -th results from Ramose, Wood-
ard. Clarke A Co. will return vour
Woodlawa; circle members are jre- money without any quibbling.
For Joy is a thing that ths shops don't
And with love alone Is it bought
I am glad 'tis thus. In this oostly age.
With Its nrlces so high above.
All I can afford on my present wags.
To glvs you, my own, is love.
f Chicago News.
(. a st
Some Economical Dishes.
By Anna B. Scott.
Surprise Potatoes I cups mashed po
tatoes, 1 teaspoon melted butter, 1 tea
spoon finely cnoppsa parsiey, tea
spoon grated nutmeg, 1 tablespoon milk,.
dash cayenne pepper. cup left over
meat, ground, 1, egg, .1 tablespoon cold
milk, bred crumbs.
.Mix the potatoes, butter, parsley, nut
meg, pepper and Hot milk together, salt
to taste, xajce a small piate, piace
1 tablespoon breadcrumbs on It, then 2
tablespoons ' mashed potatoes, spread
half tnoh thick. Through the center we
put 2 teaspoons of ths meat we have
prepared, by adding a dash of salt, a
dash of paprika, H teaspoon onion Juice,
1 tea b poo n chopped parsley and 1 tea
spoon catsup. Mix this all together.
Fold the potato all around the meat, roll
in the breadcrumbs, then In egg (1 egg
and 1 tablespoon milk beaten together),
then in bread crumbs. Fry In deep hot
fat until light brown.
If ws have no left, over meat' we can
purchase pound half smoked sausages
and parboil them, ,
Apple Desert S cups stsie crumbs or
bread crumbs, 4 cups apples, washed,
pared and quartered, 2 teaspoons but
ter, tt tablespoon sugar, 1 cup whip
ping cr.eam. " , '
Put tns apples on me stove with H
Church Nptes J
The annual convention of the Baptist
churches of Oregon will be held in Mo-
MlnnvIUs from Ootobtr 17 to 21. The
subjects of horns and foreign mission
ary work and the work done and pro
jected by the church in the state will
be th principal topics discussed,
A mass meeting of the Sunday school
workers Interested In the lnterdenomlna
U6nal Sunday school work of the county
will be held In the First Presbyterian
church on October 20.- Dr. John IL
Boyd, of the First Presbyterian church,
will address ths meeting on ths "Scops
of ths Modern. Sunday (School." Profes
sor Frederick E.' Chapman, head of the
music department or the publlo schools,
will speak on the May Musical Festival
of the Sunday schools, which hs will
probably direct Webber's Juvenile or
chestra will play during tbs evening.
.. a e
Rev. Delmar H. Trimble, of Centen
ary M. IS. churoh, will begin a series of
sermons October 15 on "The Man for
Men." The ssries will deal with what
is most admired in man aa a -class not
men as Individuals.
L liv e. I III ' IIJLtl
3 i.'iesa? ti.i-t uriui
- j - -
CfUn oroA no syrup co.
In tfiQ Circfe, '
on evenj Pacftaf? of tho Genuine.
rot up or ncs aw txrjux or soma has ctvcn
NotetfcFulTNaineoftfio Gompan
7.1 1 1 1 1 .1 II I r I a! J .1 1 1 iBafll!
srlll4lI;fklf'Xls11l sM l.lllitl'f
t-1 -I ' rm -
syrup or ncs anp rxrxm or spina ts the most rUASAfrr. wholb.
Wsm I ' :
susti ut cwwwwmis. ij I j j; 1
w mmmmm
swgsssjH juuiiUK,iuriuairair i ir.- j
II g aaa. i i tea - i t
FYS to You and Every Sister Sur
, erlng from Woman's Aliments.
- ' lama woman.
1 kaow woman's sufferings.
I have found the eve.
I will mall, free of any charge, tnykaagtrggr'
sstt with full inxtractionstoany snfferor f-oni
woman's ailmenia. 1 want to tell gH women about
this enre rea, my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to
tll you now to cure younieiree at home with
out the hel p of a doctor, hi en asset understand
women's gulf erlngs. What we women know (raa
liatrltaee, we know better than any doctor. 1
know that my'home treatment is safe and ran
cure for LawarrkeM m PWtlts titcherem, Weargtlsa Bte-r
Bhceaeat m fslllel sf the Weak Frefete. teaeh w SeieM
rmeae, gum sr gtsnss i smart, m i
Mi, kack ass Bmls, seshsg snr wallsi
, m Srsaiktj sa gem k
Ins, kack sag testis, stinag gag weltaf , awnsiwii,
freer tug fetHag s lag eg ms, ealMcaetr, Satire bj cry, kal
a, eeeriaetv kleMg. sag UaaSM keaMe atari-rains'
Sf sssueist secanar to our sex.
I want to send you g (osehl las sty Irssrsssl
etflrtlr free to prove to yon that yon oaa ears
yoorseix a noma, easily, q bio a I y aaa
surely. Remember, that, s afl test wa sttttit to
rive ths treatment a conaolete trial : and if roa
srlith to eoattrrne. it will east yoa only aboat ISoacUe week or less than two eents a day. It
will not Interfere with yonr work or ooenpation. Jet swd ae fear ssss get aeerra, SeU me how yon
1 1 will send yon tke treatment for yooxea-Mi. enttraly rrae,urtiafn wrap
per, by return mail. I will also send yon tree gf smL my hook "WBaUl Ctl gEDICAl iBIOUT with
.w i tVJ , . ui i, lull. . wu. w ,wi fgmm V. I" ft "J i. nu m lima m,. i.i .
explacatorr lUnatratloaaahewing whr women suffer, and bow t her eaa easily enre themes! yes
at soma. Every woman should have It, and learn to tout ( kereetf. Then when tke doctor says
Yoa most have aa operation." yon eaa decide for yourself. T bnasand of women have eared
theruaeli with my home remedy. It ourae ) reeag. T Btttwrt tt Stsgtrtart, I will explain a
almnla home treatment which trrJedilvandeffertnallvourea Lencnrrhorek. Uraea SlfkUKt and
Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladies, Plumpness and health always results from
It ve. -
Wherever yon Mve, I can refer yoo to ladies of yonr owVloreJHy who toomand will gladly
ell any enfferer that this gene Trettmalmailv cam all eromesf s dieeasss. aad make woman wail.
M stag ae tew sseratt, and tbe free ten dar t trtsument is Tcra, aan
the book. Write to-day, as you may but see title ot a rat a. Address " -
MRSe M. SUMMERS BxH Hotro Dam, Ind., U. 8.A.
Another Line to Grays Harbor
Regular train service b now In yogae 'from PDrfLxodta
Aberdeen and Hoquiaxn ria , -L ,.L'..T-.
(One of Shasta limited)
LEAVE PORTLAND ....8:30. hi.
ARRIVE ABERDEEN ! . a2:15p.m.
ARRIVE HOQUIAM . .. . ... . . 2:30p.m. ;
O.-W. R. & N. has unecjualed trab aenrlce to Seattle,
Tacoma and intermediate points, connecting for Vancouver,
Victoria and other Puget Sound cities. - - .
,0--W. R. N.
" (Line of the Shasta LimiteH)
V AH trains arrive at and depart from . "
' , Union Depot, foot of Sixth, street
City Ticket Office corner Third and Washington streets,
C W. STINGER, City Ticket Afent
; Telephone Private Exchange 1, A-C121 -
' " General Freight and Passenger t