The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    the okegon' daily journal. iktlanp. Saturday evening, ocrouot t. nu.
Programme For Sunday Sermons and Record of Church Events in and Around Portland
MPnmnnniPinf Will Be Dedicated TonwwK'X&'ll kew pastor coues to jtetuwgne-
IM Art., ft 1 1 I L'-
t4 lr-a4 N fc-a4 tae eU
A-a . ll-M M4 I' a-!.
14 a4la fcW
tit -mi-4 attt, ft fit.
tM fi4 (ut He t
mi ae.4 r I tvir a-tag
taeeA I 04 IM ! aa
u i .! h. w,a
huiMl rMt W. l4iii f
f i !. MtM, IM W 4 f v
I j 4 U. 4 tt4li U
uir txii ttiik. wt.i
! iae wie ra en
110 Churches in Portland Sup.
porting laovcmenWpccial
Services Arc Planned ust
cf Spealcrs and Subjects.
wtaie ul M to u4i4M wau i
IhmIM U4fl I M B M4
i hi ia kit eiM ef u w. a
r. t'. Ci tn. u im 4rt4
if f ib ttM i .
J , 4 - Ir. Hry N,
tJa. 11. i-M4 Ht4 seieia
, will be Miiiww flge
Jewish Celebration
W. ! at.
-juur T
t 1 1
r ib J
Of tM k
J. W. MeDoujaU. prominent U ra
: lljl oo tnoremeat.
Tiwiiiiw win iba tb vp!
' m f the aot vlrer reilto
. (MDtlni ewer attempted U tkU mr.
dr the lArahfp f Vr. J. vr. Me
J oat ail. It la le b ta Ucl "Bally
ear" r IM inM eaa rwurtow mmww
Ir, McDoorall U im C"""
wJ MffiBiUM la at least II
. 11 ehorrkM which f upportinf tb
movement la fortU4
IM MTcr will M 10 IM -
pitMlloa ef tb tI, l'
, arpoM, I La xtal whl kM tJr4y
Ma roomplltl aa4 Ut m wb
J MblBd lb
On f th mod nttln; frtar
f IM noinnt will M IM MrTT Of
oadiUona la nnM oprirarni
wbleii tb Aormaat cr Tbta ur
vr la tab la all f tba Urr clll
' ta tha Vnltfd Cuta aad maaf of tboaa
iMlr 11.M popahtloa. It wUl In
clude cs fully rtprd aUUsUcf coa
cmljic all phi ef ranIlm. work
wita boy. Biblo atadr. lo "1 -aal
ooodiUoM. '
Steaks giaUIkmlafc
Blaaka titri Mon ant out to tM
otnmltP la tha Tanooa eiuoo ib
a lut tviia a4 Ikif1ti
iiu iLla ia t IM M
ito U tU4 IM ri of ib Tab
NudK IM it rUat. aa4
la IMHl 0L TM fvMl MM
ttU u4y Ja. icir 1. !
ul M lbrl4 wuk Mcal McttoM
rtA M
TM irMo(M mvo mm Moral4
wtib auiuata fntli. earoala a4.ail
kuMf r ihfaco wblck rwiM Pli
f ib iirwM a( tba mi
.lakiA EYarrlbJaa? Will M f
Marr. iMakfal Mlur.
At f ataplo Italb UfMl rtt wr
Mt4 Ul ala aadar IM iracno
IM Aila Oul4 WHb faUl ang.ia i.
Aar IM 4!r-Oa of Mr. IM UlaclH
immt. ti ittta awaiac Kabbl Win
uaM4 tl II aelawk.
Rabbl Ik Abrabaawoa ooa4aia4 tM
aalcao at tM UMtmcIo of Ibo Coax
arwaiiM Abaval Vbalom at tx tm.
laal aifbt ul l it o'clock Ibi inoratac.
t will at omHata at lack thia
aolac a at tomorrow moraine
At IM 1U11 airo ayaao Hakal
It N. llallar amcUlod.
Institutes Close Wednesday
Katt WodMa4ay bnarka lha alooa of
tha aortaa of uadar ocbool laaUlutoo
whlck baa b earrlod oa for Ibo put
faw woaka. TM fMOllBM b0 Moa
try auceaaaful and arouaad a rroat
dral Of tataroat ta tba Sunday ocbool
work. Tba mooUn oa Wadnaaday will
b for all wbo kavo takon part aad for
all lataroatod la tba work. TM maot
Ibco thta woak aro a, follow:
Monday. OctoMr . Third Praobytartaa
cburck. Eaat Bldo Oroup. Tblrd Proaby
tartaa. Eaat tUda BapUat. Coatonary it.
C. tktnaoa alamort! ConcrocatlOMJ.
Flrat Kaurana. Vr, William A. raraona,
Tooaday. OctoMr 1ft, A Mat a Baptlat
cburob. tBta-Artota Oroop, AnaMI
proabrtarlaa, Axlota BapUat. Kara Park
Cbrtatlaa, Laurolwood Congrovatloaai.
LAuralwood ML E- and all Lanta
.; 'U " . A
i , nrr ; : vi
ium ai . -a a a v 1 1
a&a I
w j r Am IMtW II
am a t, T a. m,
tVaLlialatvf l- 1. liAoxUMK If .!
I it a , . u.
S. 4 i - at
tbvtna, . rf. l-Maa-a, It a. 1 ti
J bti4avH. lfUM Hi
M'. a.
.j-...--M.t a4 !. k
f ttwv II a4 . . 1,
hTu Oaroni a X jA. Waal 11 ul
a fltrt-Rtf, B. bt M1ia.
a.4 III IU,t UIU
Irv li. roM II a. I
lit l a; i i a i ,. I
'Mally lay nan" - M
Hum bifca.4 I It at aaai
rl Y i:iia j l4Mi l
4 t M a . tti .. 4 -kJnUa
OMafli II
J 4, A. av if, itaoa at-.ulA. U, 1 L.
aa4, V aV, Ht aoa. II. aV
L.ltvaoA' Ja at llaoklM.
4 I J V. I., I llj P. L.
a.,al, 11 a4 t 1.
la t'ltaia Kai'y W il- It w
L I !
litkardda MethodUt Eptacopal Cbartb. which ba Jnt boon oomp!o(a4
tad furaUb4 t eott of f 40.000. . Utr. W. !L Trj, pAator, U hoB
On of tba dual of tha m c burr baa
M IM OMt aid. tb ajLirtda M(b-
04iat EiKVptj church, will M
a lad tomorrow with approprtalo o
c. Tho cburck la aiiaatad at Cul
TblrUatk aad Taos bill atroou 44 la
fin atoao odlfico.
TM approximate coat ef tka ckorck
id rarnlablBa-a waa II4.444. It wUl
aaat 111 ta tba mala auditorium a
Mundar aebool rooma. rooapuoa
a kiickan. aialaa room aad all
of lha lataot coavwaUaaooa ta tho bj
mtai fur tho aociai dapartmaau of
fiurch lir.
la tho mala auditorium ta alaoed
flM Kalay orfao. which coat II044. U
atrt to tM church, half of lha
oat balDf paid by tho phllaathroptat.
Andrew Canaatia. aad tho other half
wm mad up by tho Ldlo Aid aocloty.
latereetln- oircamatanea la eon-
BecUoa with tba dodtoaUoa U that It
cornea om year and oao week from
lb data oa which Ray. W. IL rry,
the pea tor, -aaaumad tha pa t or, ta.
Tba eommlttao which baa had eharn
ef lha buUdinaT ef tha church la aa fol
low: IL Oordoa. chairman; IL I
fTalay. treMurarkJ. P. Newell, aecre
Uryi Prod Oppenlaadcr. J. AUaa liar
rleoo. Oeorro W. y array aad Ir. W.
a Kwla.
A larre choma choir baa, beam orra
Uad voder tho dlreetloa of Jaaper Xoaa
MeraU. form art ef WaahlK-1ea. JX C,
with voieaA. Tho oololBia oral Mr.
klcPalL barttoMi hire. W. 1C rry.
cvoualtot Mlao Pay lluteblna.
praao. oa4 CX A. Booeerma. laaer. Mr.
bamuel P. ulorer la errnlL
The proraia for tomorroWa onlaia
la la part;
Oflriory To tt tVcflc" Orlaoa
ITarer -vr. T. U. rord,
Aaiham "To Ittum" Ketaeehi
Hcrlplure laaoo r. VT. T. hrr.
Offarlory duel Abroach Ibo Oele
of UoM" ...un
Un Vr. Mr. MaePall.
t. naicitar jiomaa or wu-
lamella L'alreralty.
Dedloatlooj aerrtce under lha 4ttraetloa
of Dr. i. W. MotiouaU.
Aftaraooa. I n, nv
Uraw i Kallr A. ML Smith praa-14-
rayer Dr. J. 1. Waller.
arrtpiure I aon Dr. Heajamba TouRf
urrertory eoio ie not iae uit
Mora Than bieati . . .....aahaecker
Mr. MacPelL
Addraaao Honorable lc A. Booth aad
other a.
Benediction Dr. J. J. StaaK
b.wortb Xyeaxue. 1:11 d. to. AAdreaa
by Dr. Oeorjre ii. Pratt.
Phrenliif. 7 10 p. m.
Prayer Dr. Homan.
Offertory oolo "Sonra of Tnaakarlv
ina; Aliitaen
Alra. William IL Frr.
Addreaa Dr. J. W. McDoutall.
L'tutiiMf Parfc-ltao. W. a laffry. J
II I 14
A frtuaa lUeefler. W. MIUej II
aa4 a, a a. i ; v- a-, i.
l-il.o IC k. aitiere: 11 aa4 li a
t. e, at I., t
lia h. W. fWyd lieeetl II and
; a at . 14; K. U. t. ,
u ii J K. Veoei 11 aad I. II.
I i. Hit: U, 4 it . .
Mtai . Tabor hr. C C, Tlarirk.
Moraine; aefiejoa al II C U I I a 4
4i fi .rlr at I ll Toolce
"Oo4'a he4 ef Men." -The Tr4 ef
Uk Orere Iter. Jameo T. Meore, II
4 a m ia.
Vetrn l(r. O- C. WUkir. 11 aad
I; a a, it: t. p. M
l-aliea Be. K. X MeyefO. 11 ad
f Hi 1 I, Ul t U 4 14.
CeAtraV 11 and ; MHi ochool rally.
4ft. Dr. J. P. ONOttnley WlU ape
al II . a and f.ll; rwnlor K4er,
i I p. m. rer. P. U C..a will 4eet
Itodnef Aroaoe wrair w. naae.
miim. I II a. m. aeaAay a-aoi. 1 1
a- m. Torlrw: "A Book for IM Allele
ck-Hoot." -Virtue."
Plrwt II 4 T II. ft. 14; C ft.
I II. W. P. Htr. minister. TMmee
rt.nlnt "Tit Nona or IK Klnrdont.'
Woodlawa Her. Edward WrtdkU II
aad T:H a ft. H C. K..
GladatoM Iter. A. li Muiief. aer-
II f r
itit. .wfc-4o e4tt.a
4 ..... l 4
v Kor. J. IL IWoatL
Lao taaday marked Ik beiUalaff of
lha petrl of Iter. J. IL teM.e4 al
Iba Mtbe4lat arck. tk, Mullae-
mk and L'etoa aireeia. Mr, Bewayeil la
a native ef North Carolina and la II
yaaro of - 11 revetted bte due
Ua la TVeeTerrlll aad Malberfetd
eue of North Careliaa. Emory aad
lleary retire ef Vlrclata. and the eor
I J 9Ji VrSiT reapondeoea abJ of iMoloa-y 04 Yen
ttmt&t?2r ttx VtZ1" amrerwity. Kaakrilla. Tml bl.
omTnf I lMtt aerred la w paateraiaa U
North CaroltM and ta poaaa.
A lira Ul,
11 ll 1 K
p. a. . T"li
4 ' t ta i '.
J . h U....l- . J. IlickAtd
tx- 11 at 1 . n o. t
ll . 4 it a a. u. ia
lr itiirt htiiti f-yeedl-
K U ll-ft, atfotva. II, H a. It.
A.'vi. t-h.. i. C I eertte al
II. a, U
f . tt.'-t' lt If. Kerrtmaa.
II il, I ll 1 i.l il
at ptii (.... ! i.f orhe4 at
Ilia, a rMi at la a ml mom.
la ari atvl uaiitk III, a.
It Wtt A kj .. WUl
t va. tttU f tUli
ltl.lf tiraaa VI.i 0 1 4
Vti.ikie a4 e-tJ, 4. A. lumhMk,
I il a a, h; t
aei)a ititntM-Piee. If ft, ftand
44i. t it tti, a. a . 14.
k h. H J. Tnereaj
ao.4 I 11, 1. T, P. I H
l uta iujti-jt,, U . 1brea. Hi
ft .. H.
Ittl (iMau-. -4 H4Iwe-il) IL C
et-.:t.. h a a.
tl.aao t.iubj lattaeourl $ r o4 1
Km i t a4 e'o tarl lleaeoid,
I H aal f l ft. H
.iitaa Pfe cfcurea Ptee. B- A.
!! tik. ttrtlM at II. !. and f 14.
Ualania Ionian Her. I. Itouit. Vrr
U tr l Tevi Mr. Nu will
i Tl.a Ma and lha ltUla
I 4 "
l Jofet. n...'t!ifl ayaed), Orr.
ma IC (i. lMe. tre. II. ft C,
14. iUtmaa) lrdy at L.
tratwad Brwibrea ta OrUi.
PdieiwHee. tr A. Marua. II aad
f It; a a. Hi C, 14.
tlrat .nweaeit IL k bower. Matpr.
l. a. c. a,, t.
eee al U
AiMrt Re Job W. 4 P rer her. 11
and : at ft. II: C ft. T. toptr er-
iwhi by Mr 11 M. Prop. OA "Mea and
rlallrtoa Pc
1 riMnl-
..J a ... m i a
aoaih 41 L TaWIUv, C P. Blaach.
rd. II and I; N . Hj Y. P. ft V- E
If m. Tot-4. "Wmt and Mi a tea,"
"ToitnoT People and Miaalona.''
tier Woodwpnh Memorial Bow, Pi.
a Pummerlln. J Ker-rtoe. 11 and l( ft. ft.
Hi t. P. ft. C ft, f.
1 and. I a. . h: , i
Tapir. Th Inner B
lie-art. Our Pather a C
Iter Jut) a W.
ft. II: C ft. f.
Ir PL M. Brawn,
Porward Mtttmml,' erenlna;
r prtvrem al t It by W. M. A,
I It. Merrta Owodrtclt. il
With tho return of tho who bar
aeaa apendln tba rummer at tho re-
aorta and tho opaalna; op of the a
aon'a work of tba raiiona orraniaa
tlona of tho Eplaoopal church. Blabop
Beaddlna: haa addreaaod tba following
paatorei Utter to tho people of bla dlo-
' l,M,,.h IK. M,ln,n. nf th. nnnlt
cha-lrman or in a muonu Lntharaa, Pirai tnnouan, airai wor- I Churchman, which ia Juat off tho pre
chare of tha morwmoot ana win o church, Mr. J. W. WUUna. orcaoia-
dtatiibated by theea oommltteea to tho f 1
men In chars of tha different depart- Central Waat Bid Maaa Meetlnr
tnenty and tha paatora of tha churchee Wadneeday. October IL at Plrat Chrta-
Bwtad. Thee blank when filled ... .-nr-i. rirat BantlaL Taylor atreot.
out wUl bo acnt to Dr. Char lea ftteUle. I Grace M. Et, St. Jamea Enallah
Bishop Scadding Issues Pastoral Letter
elra II ald f:!4. Illble achooL It.
L jannaw. IV jonneon. paeior, av
14: prwachlna at 11 and T II; C Pi. 4:14.
Montaviila i. ix u. r. o. n , it.
Prarhint. 1 land I. Bar. O. K. Berry.
Call wood B. J one. B. aad eherco
errlo. 14:14 to 11; i. C PS. :!; ft C
t. :; areola? aemoo. i.i.
Plrat Preebyterlaa eh area 'Boo. J oh a
Mora, minister. Morning woranip, !:
r. 1
Topic: "Men and BaUaioa." 141
Made and Self Married.''
Mlspeh Division street and East
Nineteenth, fterrloes crery Sunday, ft
PlttpatHck. Vasa at a. Pnr
with eerwteev. H I, ftenday oekaal at
ft. Benedictloa al I 14.
L lalrtraa Ktr. a. r. acnrpay.
Low maaa. I. I it irk maaa aad eermew.
H I- Veopero t4 Mr.e4lIHn. 4 I0.
il atefthea a itor. w. a. watii. iew
anaee, 14. lllgfc ma and airmen.
14 14.
Holy Boaary Tory Bow. A. at I-w-
ler Low maaa. 4. 1 and 14. lilgb
maaa and oermoa. 11:14. Vasporo aad
benediction. I It.
fleered Heart. Mliwautle rtow. or.
rorr Bobla. O. ft B. Lew anas. I. I lick
maaa and sermon, 11:14. Vespera and
benediction. ML
lfoir Croaa. cnirersliy ran row. t.
P. Tblllmaa, C ft C Low mas. 4:14.
Plrat Ckarck or Iba Kai
IC Howard Imrla a a. t II: mem In
eerrloe 11 a. m; T. P. It L. 4 ll eren.
ing rlce p. a prarer meeting; w.
y, a. m. sire! raeeung union
M KurnaUle atreet. l it p. a.
a 1 1 wood ("hurcS of the Nstarene
g Wedneadar. T:4.
ft.' ft Hi preach LnT
g woranip. ?:ii. Topic -xcii i - -
la AcUoil- -Menul Mflelency.-1 and i boned lrt Ion. i.
raryw Ber. Thomaa Holmes waia-l ,'. V. .7. 7.- .. . . ,7, J
la and :4: Bible ernooL Boon. I well. i . Sot K. Low anaaa. .4. High
I aaaaa and nermoa. 14:ltt Banedlrrioa. 4.
Pre rer aveetin
Pill more Tsiner.
aerrlcea li aad I,
Breatwwod Charwh of tka Hi
Ber. Aaron TV all a. ft ft. 14:
lag erla. ll and 1:14; prayer meat
lag Wednesday, T:H.
loandiMrlaa Churrb Bow. C Erlck
oen. b err Ice la Weodmaa . balL lat
ft- . -
Vailed prooi
Third Rar. J. L. Aohaeoa, lit ft. b.
8-1 1.
social aemoe, at tha enaral offloea of I -.UonaL
tha morOmeat la New Tort Tba dale I .hta maetlns- Sunday aebool woTk
three reports aro duo la Norember lft, I ara fnm n parts of tho city aro urged
and aa soon aa may are an in wnt 1 10 M preaent. J. Albert EmrloB, organ-
will M mao corsnna- u i aw umt lar
gathered fr Portland ana uiese wiu oe
aenc vui tor vvmw..w
tbetr eanipalgaa.
Thena reports will bo recalred In
Portland la plenty of time for tho big
.eight day. campaign, which will take
place Febroary 21 to March a. At tela
campaign eeren members . of the na
tional morament will bo preecat to (Ira
addreeaee and heart-to-heart talks to
Church Notes
The Lyceum course ef the Central
Christian church, which opene Tbure-
dar araalng with a lecture by Jon-
Teastnaa Victor blurdock of Kansas,
all whom tha local oommltteea ara able promises to be of groat Interest Tba
to interest la tha movement ana to ox- l others who hare ocen aeourea tor in.
- tend tba movement aa far aa possible.
Their campaign will round out tha ef
fort f the local men and will. It la
hoped, arouse Interest to such an ex
tent that from that time oa it will go
, ahead with Increased strength.
Tba seven man who will visit Port
land are:
Xlst of Speakers. '
Fred B. Smith, tba bead of tba na
tional movement, who will take up tha
subject of evangelism; J. I Alexander,
tho bead of tha Boy Boout movement
in America and editor of tho Bov. Boout
Manual, who will talk to tha boys and
: explain tba work among tha boys; John
Dean, who will conduct tho street and
shop meetings: C. A. Barbour, for 11
years paator of the Lake Avenue Bap
tist church of Rochester, N: Y who
will be a special preacher; David Ruir
t eell. formerly of South Africa, who win
also apeak on evangelism; William
S Brown, formerly of Chicago, who will
I speak on social service, and Rev. R.
J Moore, also a special preacher.
H The services during the eight day
I campaign will bo conducted In five dlf
S t erent sections ,of tho city slmult&n
) eoualy-and the ' different members of
.4 the party will go to different part of
the city each night' Only one general
2 meeting ha beep arranged ana ror that
( tho Olpey Smith tabernacle baa been ae-
cured for March I, tho last day of the
1 campaign. .
Accompanying tho party win bo a
Quartet, known as the "Association
Quartet," and for 10 years oonneoted
with the T. MS C. A.
S' Quartet to Blnr.
i, Tbre members of thia quartet are:
Paul J. Gilbert of Dea Moines, Iowa;
j P. H. Metcalf of Toungstown, Ohio; C.
IS. Koeler of New Tork, and E. W.
(Peck of Minneapolis. This .quartet will
Jspend the greater part of the eight days
tin Portland, but will also make trips
I through the" Willamette valley, atop-
ping at Eugene and CorvalUa and per
I haps one or two other places.
The first of the eight day campalms
;wm' betrun. in Minneapolis and Bt Paul
, last Sunday. . Next week the campaign
rw1U be carried on in South Bend. These
were selteduled aa the first In order to
' show the methods which would be used
In a large city and then In a small city.
After tho South Bend week three par
; ties will take tho field and at the be
' ginning of the yean, another will be
added. This last win be the one to
come to Portland In tba latter part of
series are: Whitney Brothers' quartet
of Boston, Senator Oore of Oklahoma,
Chrlatophsr P. Connolly of CoUler'o
Weekly, and Frank Dixon of Chicago
A heating plant baa been Installed In
the new Central Christian enure n.
Members and friends of tho Third
Baptist chuxeh. Knott atreet and Van
couver avenue, held a very enjoyable
"at home" at the church last evening.
Refresh msnta were aerved and abort
talks given. Tba church baa been ren
ovated and la now In aplendld oondl
Dr. Jobn H. Boyd of tha Flrat Preo
byterian church will deliver the aeeond
of bis sermons dealing witn tna vuai
momenta ia -the-Uvea of young men
and women tomorrow evening. Tho
subject will be "Mental Efficiency.
and an interesting musical program will
be given.
e , a
Tho Millard Avenue Presbyterian
Sunday sohool will oelebrate "Rally
day" with special exercises tomorrow
The pulpit of the East Side Baptlat
church. East Twentieth and Ankany
streets, will be occupied tomorrow ev
ening by Councilman Maguire, who will
speak on "The .Power of Attorney and
Saloon Licenses." Mr. Maguire apeak
at tha Invitation of Rev. Albert Khr-
Issuing of power of attorney in oon
nectlon with saloon licenses was in
dorsed by tho Progressive Business
Men's club.
"My resolution la . firmer than ever
to follow the leading ef the apostle 'I
made a point when I came to you of
preachlne nothing but Christ crucified.'
At we take up our work with renewed
vigor for the autumn and winter let ua
priests and people make thia our
motive of our campaign In all our ser
mons and all our pariah work. St Paul's
teaching la applicable to our time and
to our needs an age of "movements,
theories," 'organUatlona. There are
tastes, theories, positions, opinions,
which divide us. 'Away with them!
St Paul says: Down below these there
arc the need, tha guilt,1 tha capacity for
receiving, which unite ua. and which
are the sum of what we have In common.'
I think that Is extraordinarily im
portant for ue today. We need auch a
great variety of people; thia man baa
got bla particular view. Thia man la a
acltntlflo man and has a acientlflo the
ory of tha universe; that man is a So
cialist or a conservative, or has tot
some political or social view for the re
generation of society: that man - ia an
artist with conceptions of beauty. They
hover on th outskirts of religion, ask
ing for some religion Into whlMi their
own special point of view can fit tlrelr
own theory, their own Jew, and they
do not find It Bo they remain forever
hovering outside, attracted, never won,
Ia fact, ao movement, no view, bo
theory, no philosophy does afford, the
way Into tha kingdom of Ood. Nothing
but what Ilea below all men, all theo
ries, and 'all phlloeophlea, the positive
common fundamental human need, hu
man consciousness of sin. need of for
giveness, need of peace, need of fellow
ship with Ood. That la the one .and
only way Into tha kingdom of Ood
Jesus Christ .
"St 'Paul's argument appeala to the
heart, tha reason, tht conscience of
man. He la very loth to deal In mere
dogmatic assertion. Ha attributes no
value to mere passive acceptance.
There la to be the proclamation of tha
message In all its almpllclty and all its
breadth of appeal to all men. And when
men Jiave been brought In on fhe basis
of this fundamental faith, then there
la to bo the growth, according to each
man's capacity. Into the wisdom of
fuller and fuller perfection The apos
tle teaches ua that tha way to the king'
dom is not through any, political, or
pniiosopnicai, or social doctrine, or de
nominations! theory. The way to It Is
oy going oeiow all that aeparatea and
divides ua, ail particular views, all par.
tlcular theories, back to the great foun
dation or human need. Lot there Is
the message. It la the old messaa-a. It
la Jesus Christ and him crucified. And
it ronows that the function of the
cnurcn ia continuously to proclaim, to
command ana to defend Its original
message. Let ua one and all take up
our parish and diocesan duties and re
eponalbllltiea under tha Inspiration of
mis measage."
ML Andrew's Ber. Thomae Klamaa.
Low raeea. 4, HIcM maaa aad itrmon,
14. Veaper. Instructloa and Moodio-
Uon, T it. v
at is nanus new. w. muoa. 0. a.
Low m. 4 aad 14. Maaa. eonnon
and benediction. 1 4:14.
BL Btanialaos Poiiaa)--Kv. rjnanaa
I; high maaa and
ourth Rev. Dmald Maekensie.
14 It ehd T It; ft a. 11; C EL. 4 14.
Marshall &treet Iter. C w. nay a. 11
rarhMnt. TTenr tt iran: 11 anai mw
T:I0; & ft. 14j C E 4:14. a. Mrmon. 10.
len at 11 10: 7:10! B H- 11. Topic: I aTptaoopej.
"The Great Commandment, "Mlaeloa Trinity Church Rer. A. A. Morrison,
Work In Mam." Y. P. 8. C E, 4:11. rector. Services at 4 and 11 a. m.. aad
f'ledmont Rer J. E. Border. 14:14 and p.m. . .
0; 8. H., 11. Toplca: "'Morning Wor- . Kt Matthews Re. William A, M.
nmunlon. Kveniog, Men ureaa." lioiy comi
nm prank Da Witt piadley, H:ll
and 1:14: ft. ft. II: G E, 4:40 p. aa.
Topic. "How Jeaoa Won Promlnenoe.'
"For the Sake, of the Other Fellow."
The Church ef the Stranger
Rev. 8. Earl DuBola. Itrmon inter-
r 1 rated for th deaf every Monday morn
ng by Mrs. P. C Metcalf. 10:14 a, ax.
I a. nv: Christian Endeavor. T:I4 p.' m.
Topic. "Th Ooepel aa the Power of
Ood." "Doe Tour Name Need Chang-
ntOB & ft, 14:14.
of the Toung Men's Christian Associa
tion, on tha "Forward Movement'! Dr.
Kmll Enna gave several piano numbers
and C. H. Hartman- also gave an ad
dress. Every man present agreed to
bring another man with him to the next
a e
Tha North Paclfio conference of tbe
Unitarian church will meet In Eugene,
October 17-19. Rev. Earl M. Wilbur,
president and dean of the Unitarian
school at Berkeley, Cal., President Fos
ter of Reed Institute, and other promt
nent speakers, will address tbe oon
October la to be an Important month
for the Presbyterian church, M the
Mr. Magulrs's Bland afalmrt the I Portland presbytery ia to eonvene In
Astoria on October v, the Pendleton
presbytery will meet at tha First Prs
byterian church .of thia city on October
12 and the Synod of Oregon will meet
at tha Mount Tabor Presbyterian
church on October 12. It la the usual
custom for meetings of the presbyter
lea to be held In their districts, but
tbe Pendleton meeting will be' , held
here owing to the fact that all of the
representatives will - be in Portland at
that time attending the meeting of tbe
aynodV v " ':' 1
' '
The members of the offllcal board of
Centenary Methodist church and their
wlvea " were entertained by Rev; - and
Mrs. . Trimble ' last Monday evening fn
the church parlors. Refreshments were
served and an enjoyable evening spent
Tomorrow will be "rally day" In Cen
tenary Sunday school and will be do-
voted to- the- promotion of the children
from class to claes and the graduation
of those who have completed the" classes
of one of the departments. TomorroWa
collection will be devoted to the pur
chasing ' of modern equipment for tbe
Sunday school.
The University Park Baptist church
has called as its pastor. Rev. A. C Bax
A reception- was given In the par
lors of the Taylor Street Methodist
Episcopal 'church : last evening In
honor of Dr. .and Mrs. - J. H.
Talbot and. Dr. vnd ' Mrs. Benjamin
Toung. Dr. Talbot waa formerly pas
torp Taylor Street church and is at
present' superintendent of the Utah mis
sions of the Methodist Episcopal church
ton. -Rev. Saxton comes from Orange- Jwlth headquarters at Salt Lake City,
;j Delegates Elected1
A a enttraalastle delegation frem Port
land will be In-attendance at th UnU
.veraallst General convention at Spring
field. Mass.. October 1S-23. The church
of th Good Tidings elected E. 3. jMger
and Bev. Dr. Vames Dimond Corby M
'deleratea. Instructing them to convey
Th unanimous Invitation of th parish
and city to hold Its next eeasion of 1I1J
at Portland. ' Th Commercial dob and
"l amber ef Com mere have assisted by
t i (Milling literature and Portland pin,
aoiil l!. a tarse jsurer ure to be pre-'
day's addresses: 11:00 a. m,, "The Wid
er Vlalon," 7:10 p. m., "Tha Unwearied
vllle, Idaho, where he baa ministered
with Increasing success to the church
there.- Ue took his divinity work at
Chicago University, having . finished
March, 1908. The subjects for Bun-
First White Temple-
Oodi Other services: Sunday achooL I Behwell Hinson. -B. Sv,
14 a. sl, B. T. P. U 4:30 p. nv. pray
er meeting Thursday evening; at T:4S p.
m.. .. -- - . . .
The men's aocletiea at St Jamea Lu
theran church have been unusually ac
tive durin- tha last week. The young
men's society was reorganised and a
meeting wu held on Tuesday evening.
The Brotherhood bad a splendid meet
ing on Thulrsdsy evening and listened to
aa lauresting addrasa by B, R. Perklna, i
Rev. .Walter
4:41: 11 and
7:10; preaching by the paator. ' Toplca,
"When uoa f rajea, , uoomerana;.
Arleta Rev. Duncan' M. McPhalL
Punday school. 10; B.- T. P. U, 1:46.
Services, 11 and 4. Topics: "The Bap
tism or Jeaue ana tne capiiara 01 jonn,
The Testimony of the Aire to Jesus."
East Bide Kev. Albert tnra-oit. uer-
vlces 11 and T:4l. Sunday school, 10;
Topics: "A" Russian Upheaval, by Rev.
T. U. w. rmritr. nevuaina; v.eriain
Paloon Licences," by Counrliman James
aloirulre. even In;. t:4a, 1 .' r". M.
U 7: Sunday school, :4B. Services at
it ana e. morning, -mi Men and Relic-
ion Forward Movement" by H. W.
?SS.'JSS: ,?efi-Y- .A A.v ovsnlng
. Sn0,2,?"".RevIi;,V Hayes. 11 and
7:30; S. 8., 10; T. P. U., 6:J0.
Calvary r.ev. J. N. Monroe, ll and
7:20; S. S.. 10; B. T. P. U 5:20.
Immanuel Rev. H. S. Black. Preach
ing at 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 13; Finding
Out club, 1:16. 5 . v
University Park Rer. E. A. Leonard
will preach both services. 11 and 7:io?
a 8., 10; B. T. P., U . 7. -
Bunnyslde (German) 8. S 1:46. Con
rad Wyss, superintendent
st jonna tuermani Key. Karl Feld-
meth; 8. S.. 9:411; ll and 7:80; T. P.
M. 7. .. .,''?.,:.-.
8t John a Rev. H. T. Cheney, acting
pastor.' 11:80 and 7:80; R 8, 10; a I.
P. U.. 1:30.
sraoe Mentaviiia. iter. Albert E.
Patch, ll ana 8: a. B., :46; Toung peo
peopJe.. 7. Topics: ."A Sober .Minded
Hope." "MaKing Election Bure."
Chinese Mission 3 63 Burnslde street
8. a., 7 ; J. u. Maione, superintendent
First German Rev. 'J, Kratt 11 and
7:30; H. e., :4l.
Second uerman Morrie ana Rodney,
Rev Frederick Buerrman. 11 and 7:30:
& 8., 9:46; T. P. U., 6:46. ':
Eaat Forty-rifth Street Corner East
Main. Rev. A. B. Waltz. It and 7:90.
Topics: "Proved Men," "A King's Bad
cieari. v.-
Lents rRevi J. K. NeUoni g.- S.19t 11
and 7:30;. B. T. P. U., 6:30.
Mount Olivet Rey. B, H..; Thomas.
II ana 7:10.
Tabernacle ReV. Robert Qray. castor.
S. S 9:45. Sermons. 11 and 7:45. Toplca.
"Three Old Wells. "What Must I R-
uev to do tsavear
Third Rev. w. 3. Beaven. 11 and
46: 8; 8.. 10. Toplca: "Religion and
Aien, -At me lsl"
Swedish Hoyt ana Fifteenth. Ttav.
Frederick Linden.- 10:46 and 7:46. & 8.,
ll. d. i. sr. u.. o.ou. -
Taylor Streev Rer. Benjamin Toung,
. x i:su. o. o.. ii:jt: ju. l,.. t:4&.
Mornlcr class. 9:80. Sermon by 8. H. 3.
1 aiooi, 01 Bi ijtnt wiiy ; evening topics
1 ne Biory 01 vrpay Dim in.
'Trinltv Rev-. Charle T. McPheraon.
H and 7:10: E. L.. 4:10S 8. ft. II: elaaa
meeting, 1J:1S.
Grace Dr. H. CudllDD. 14:24 and T-4I:
8. 8.. 11:16: Epworth Leagu. Special
mualo. Topic: "Just . Common. Hon-
estv." -Tempered steei.-
rlrat Norwegtan-uanisn Kev. H. P.
Nelson. 11 and 1: S. 8, 10; T. P. M, T."
Bt jonns kv. r . n. sanaerurr 11
and ; E L,' 7: 8. 8 . 14. .
Sunnyaide Kev. William H. Fry D.
D: 11 and 1:39: E. 1. 4:16. TaBtca.i
Dedication day program: 19:10. Dr.
ahlps and Commu
Third Rev, William Paraona, 11:21
ana 7:i; s. tv. 11.
Weatminater Rer. Henry Mareotta,
10:24 aad 7:41; B. 8 11; T. P. 8. C..E,
Mount Tabor Rev. Edward M. Sharp,
11 and 2;S. 8.. 10.
Spokane Avenue Rev. D. A. Thomp
son. 11 and 7:10; 8. ft. 10; C E, 6:20.
Hope, Montaviila Rer. Henry a
Nave, 8. 8.. 10; 11 and 7:20.
Keniiwortn Kev. M. u. Martin, pas
tor. Morning, 10:20; S. 8- 11:41. '
Millard Avenue Rev. Charles T.
Roosa. Services, 7:46: 8. 8.. 10. Topics,
"Rejoicing Christians.' "Self Control."
Anabel Robert N. McLean. Ser
vices 11 snd 7:46; 8. 8.. 9:46; C. E. at
1:46. Toplca: Morning, Rev. George R.'
Cromley, of Aatorla; evening, "Cowboy
L-ire in Montana. -
t Vernon Rer. L. Myron Booser, 10:20 and sermon, 7:10.
communion, 7:29; B. B.. 10;
service and aermon at 11; evanlBg arv-
lo at at Helena
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen tha
Martyr Rev. K. M. Ramsay. Ifoly
comm union, 7:14. Prayer and aermon,
11 and 7:80. Sunday school. 10.
Church of Our Savior Woodstock
Vespera, 4. . Holy communion and aer
mon on tho fourth Sunday ol each
month at 11 a. m.
Bt David'a Rev. Htnrr Ruaaell Tal-
DOtc. r:v, ceicorauou 01 in nuiy au
Cbarist - .
St Andrews, Portsmouth Holy
suchartat and aermon. 11: prayer and
aermon. t:io; H. a., 10 a. m.
All. flainta' Rev. Ror Edxar Remlnx-
ton, 11:00, morning service. No even
ing service. -
Bt Marira iter. j. h. . Dimpaon.
Holy suoharlst 7:10. 8. S. 9:41; holy
eucharlat and sermon. IL , Evanaong
- 1. ia. a a 1 i tr. T
Rose City Park Servloee 11 and 7:41;
Rev. voudinot seeiy.
. I u.l.hta Tf e taMhlll Ml,
tor: 8. 8 10 a. m.; aermon 11 a, m. and
Chinese 146H Plrst, 7:46; 8. S.. f:4f.
Rt John' Church Rer. T. F. Bowen.
8. 8.. I. Evening prayer and sermon, 2.
Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson.
11 and 7:20. (8. S. 9:46.
Ascension Chapel Portland Height a.
B. 8., 9:80.
V.IIIIICVU I1VH , 1 ... "" J- w., vtrmv DlCl! lull . i v . . mtui .a .. w mu
Arbor Lodge Rev. John A. Towneend, I Waters and Rev. Oawald W. Taylor, -rec-
Prayer ana aermon, 11 ana 1. JHOiy
11 and 7:4t: 8. S . 10.
Trinity Rev. Wm. J. Bpire, aerrlcea
11 and 7:20: 8. 8.. 10; Y. P. 8. CEL.
6atholio. .
mt V11V1 ProCathedral Most Rer.
A. Christie, D. D. Low, mass, 6, I and
High mass ana sermon, 11. vespera.
Instruction ana benediction. t:4B.
St Joseph's (German) Rt. R'
Jamea Rauw, V, O. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10:20. Vepsra, bene
let ion, b:su. .
'St. Francis Rer. J. H. Black. Low
mass, 6, 8:80 and 9:80. High mass and
sermon, 10:30. Vespers, Instruction and
Deneaiction, y:su.
BtLawrence"a Kev. j. u. HUgnea
Low mass, 6. 7 and 8:30. High mass
and aermon, 10:80. Vespers and bene
diction. 7:jo. v-
st- Michaera (Italian) Jesuit ira
there. Low mass. 8. High mass and
sermon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction,
. Immaculate Heart of Mary Rev. W.
A. Daly, Iaw mass, 6, 8 and 0. High
maaa and aermon. 10:80. vespers and
benediction, 7:so. -
Ascension, uontavnia nev. j. tr.
T t-l
by Rer.
many interesting atorle of bla axperl-
iiT. C. B. JLUoU. ftlP, Haman. Willamette unlrarsitjri S n m, encea while abroad, 7
' "X '
eommunlon at 8. 8. 8.. 10.
Bt Paura. wood mere Kev, uswaia
W. Taylor. 8.- 8., 2. Services, 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel,
Good Samaritan Hospital Rer.. Will lam
R, Powell, chaplain, rioiy communion.
7 am. Ward services, 2. Prayer and
aermon. 7:it.
St John's, Mliwaukie Rer. T. F.
Bowen. 8. 8., 2. Evening prayer and
sermon, 9. ,' "
St. Mlcnael and All Angels' Rer.
Gerald C Potts, curat 7;20 and 11.
Holy communion. . J ,-
. oonfrafatloaal.
First Rev. Luther R. Dyott'
11 and 7:46. Toplca, sermon
j. H. K.noaeu: evening.
Schools and Churches."
St Johns Rev. u. w, jvaiaon; ll ana
8; S. 8., 10.
Laurelwood Rev. William XL Meyer.
a 8., 10 and 8: C. E.j 7:16. .
sunnyaiae Kev. J. j. buud; ii ana
7:45; 8. 8., 10; C. E., 6:45. Topics.
"The Evolution of Peter." 'The Men and
the Religion."
Hiarhland Rer. E. B.Bolllnrr. W.
H. Barber, aupt.ll and 7:46, worship; Y.
f. 8. c is., 4t; o. o., iv a. m.; inter
mediate Endeavor, -6 p.- m. Topics,
"Captured by Doubt and Discourage
ment," "What la tho New Movement for
Hassalo street J. M. Lowden. Morn-
ins; service 11 a. m. and 7:46. Topics,
"Tne Power of Work Within Us;" even
ing. "A Practical Counsel." ' ,
First German Key. jonn h. hood;
10:30 ana 7:bo: h. b., :io; v. o:.iu,
- University rarK ev. w. u. nantner.
D. D.i pastor; preaching. 11 a. m. and
8 p. m.; H. o., iu a. m. xopics, uiving
Our Best to uoa. ' noiy communion
What Ia Man 7" . '
Atkinann Memorial Kev. Herbert f.
Crocker; 8. 8.,' 10; worship, 11; evening
Worship, 7:46, : -
Wft ver ly Heignisix a. - w iney, ma-
........hi- IT .M T V II U u in
Pilgrim freacning at ii ana o; a. a..
l:4B: (J. Hi.. . communion ana recep-
Proctor, of Pacific university.
. lrrajigwlloal Aaolattma. w
' Flrat English F. B. Culver. 11 and
p. mj 8. B.. to: T. p. A. 71 sermon by
Dr. Tufts, field aacretarv of th Lord s
Day alliance; evening, Rev. O. W. Mc
Laren of the Portland Commona. -Memorial
Carvln 8. Berrstresser.
pastor, parsonage 189 East Eighteenth
street 1 9s, ra.. Sunday aebool; 11 a.
m morning worahip; 7 a. m. Y. P. A.
devotional eervlce; I p. nv, evening
North Portland. (German) L Stock-
. -. a. a -. a. . 4i m A m . v
P.M.. .7:11.
First atrmin H. Bchuknecbt; 10:46
and 7:20; a 8, 1:20.
. - Pin Methodist,
First church Rer. W. J. Johnson,
pastor. Sunday servioes, II a. m. 8 p.
m. and 7:10 p. m. .
Second Church Rer. Wilbur N. . Cof
fee; 11 and 7:20; a 8 10; maaa meet
ing. 1:20. . , ,
St Johns 11 and 7:80.
Central church Rer W. H. Boddyt
8. 8.. 10; services. 11 and 7:30: revival
services thia week at 7:48.
Tatted Evangelical.
Flrat Rev, 8. 8. Mumey; 11 a, m. and
7:30 p. m.; 8. 8., 10; Keyatone League,
Christian isnaaavor, e:su.
Ockley Green Rev. J. Bowersox. 11
and 7:80; 8. 8. 10;X U a , 0:80
p, m,
St Johns Ivanboe and John. Ber. C
P. Yates; a B 10. ; v ;
. ' .- K, ---AdT1,t- .,-.
Ina-. 10:80 and 7:80: Sundar schooL 12:
.f. d. Lt., :u. lopics: oeoona prupnav
lo lecture on "The Theory of interpre
tation, tna turning viuesuon.
Tfaltarlan. :
Church of Our Father Rer.- W. O.
Eliot, Jr. i Ren T. L. Eliot, D. D., min
ister meriiim. - oervices at 41 a. m.
and 7:48. Topics,, "The Old and New
In Religion," T'Savon4rola Italian. Pro
phet and Martyr, illustrated with magio
lantern, u. b., t:io: evening services;
"Oar Home christening service at 10:16; communion.
rrisnas' Ohureh.
Sunnyalde Llndler A."-Well. 11 ami
7:80; Bible aehooi, 10; C. EJ., ;80. .
JLeniB center tiroovjuyra a. omiuil
11 and 7:80; Bible school, 10.
West Piedmont Friends Rer. T. J.
Caburn. Preaching 11 and 7:30; a a,
10, - ' .
. - ' K. XL Ohnrob South.
t.w v.. ft. Mowre. 11 and 7:80a ft 8
9:45; 11 a. m.. -preaching;. , Epworth
league, 7:80 p. m. Topics, "Is the
Bible an Inspired Book?" "The Un
changing Christ." '
Church of the Stranger Sunday
morning, bv Mrs, F. C. Metcalf. .
' First GermonO. Hafner,. pastor; atr
vices 10:46 a. m.; 8, 8., 9:30 a. m. .
Seventh Day Adrentlat,
Central Church G. W. PettlL pastor.
Is.rvlces: Sabbath sohool. 10 a. irl.l
preaching. 11 a. . m.: 8unday nitfht
.' Rer. J. C. Hughea.
Bar. J. C. Hutrhea pastor of St Law
rence pariah, returned recently Xrom an
extended tour ' of Europe. Father
Hughes visited many of the famoua
churchee of the continent Ht tells
nrtachllll. 8 V. m BU
I r t . 1 1 "on 'i. ..
lecture .- ur, ; v nitrou nyrwt , vti
"Loma JUinao. . 1
. Montaviila Church A. M. Dart, pasi
tor. Barvlces: sabbath' school, 10. A.
m.t pTeaehlnB: 11' a. m. prayer meeting.
Wednesday night 7:60. V
Mount Tabor Church f'hapel Port
land aanitarium. A. M. Dart pastor.
klt vices: Sabbath school. 3 p. m.:
preaching, 4 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wed
nesday night 7:30.
Alblna Church H. Hiefft ' pastor.
Services: Sabbath school, 11 a m.;
preaching. 12 a. m.i prayer meeting.
Wednesday night 7:30. . ..
Scandinavian Church, Arleta Adotph
Johnson; residence, Arleta. -'Sabbath
school, 11 a.-m.; preaching, 12 a. m. ;
prayer meetlns;. Wednesday nlirht, 7:30,
Lents Church C F. Folkenberir, pas
tor, Mliwaukie, Or. Service: - Sabbath
school, 11 a. m.r preaching, 12 a. m.;
prayer meeting, Wednesday plfrht, 7:30.
uevenia 4-ay Aareniisi uiiuren aat
Servloea for tbe Deaf.
United Presbyterian Rev.. & Karl
DuBois. 10:30 and 8; C. K, 7. ' '
Ohrlatlan Boleuce. i
- First Church of Christ 11. S; subject
of lesson sermon, "Are Bin, Disease
and Death Real?' --; : ' -Bj-find
Woodmen' HalL Sundar
service, 11 a, m.; . subject of lesaon, .
"Are Sin, Disease ana Death Real 7"
' rjalrersallst.
Church of the Good .Tidings Rev. J.
D. Corby, 10:46; 8. 8., 12. Topics:
"Promotion Through Ability, a Study of
tr.w Ch..l U.lrca 1U n .
How Christ Makes Men.
' ' . Klscellaneeaa. . ,
r-hiirch of the Brethren (Dunkarda)
Rev. George C. CarL 11 and 7:30; 8. I,..
10: C W e:su. ......
Swedish Corps Salvation Army 420
Burnsees. 11. 4:30 and 8. '
Volunteers or America 185 Burnslde
street 3:80 and 8:30. , -
jsew unurcn society toweaenoorgianj
Eleventh and Alder. Knlehta of Pyth
ias' hall. Lay service and sermon, IL
The Church of God, 861 Falling atreet
Rev. J. T. Neal. pastor. Sunday, ser
vices at 10 (German). 3:30, 7:45; 8. 8..
1:30; testimony and praise meeting at 7.
T. M. C A. Sixth and Taylor streets
R. K. Perkins, religious director. Meet-'
Ins? for. men.
Lents Church Center street ! Urn
t. prniuj. rxeacmng, i ana B.
10: C. E.. 6:45. (
i la Aiisaion uu gospel Sunday i.