The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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rrj ip THTIDM A 1 I1' tU,mM o11' rUrvl4. la 'al if tr low fs4 ( with Orj PrtUia j-- di-a U
i 1 lu I V- A n4 - , i4 . Bal I i4 MM by fair MW HHt la BmiaA a.
A NouMd
Of U4 t fvfcl rr4 BlUbt t) MU ! lUUMl tt bill SUag grl 111.
B.atyaa laawfU 44
BIIU. B4S4. ISmM fltlML Aad f 11 UHt 1 BOt
& ft i(rtiM.
TM rrHrF ( isi lb TU v4Mka It la ao mm e!iaca kw at rwwt
I" - ......
VtiliAiM klDUllullt,
T$m St. Pl Vlt Pi
i.4 m
. - i - - BwJ.4
gfBfc4l I av lrpn4Uff MtM cr a faalt f lb tatiUii AmIw Ulir f
tb &ord4
Tw W s tH
Tafl M 44J4v
ui Mrv r.j ivm ia mw m a -
jw, l WM- la 4-. r.i., . :.U. .f
4-a fXi -4 u4 t i
" ; i g ri4 f i rtiffNii tfiari;!. i aaa id -rasa la lb u:i rrtar t'sbua.
ZZZZTl N CiUM al... lalgairWaarw Uif m faaWailag tag I Ik tamtgreUu lavs tf CaB-
Uu:s fir u la U taetnc,..ty f tl ia. ade. .U!J ehWsl.if tflsi I W .Til. w
Well r4 aaa? Yat. mm
.a ii n
fcrt to tw M a i-'aij-4a at 4 a
lt-i .
fcl4 It firtla f UUn 41 but II to f1 Uat It fta4a f el(UaUe f a4 t! tM tu, wtw2 klt k..
(lltrn nil Mat !t, H'lt 'T?l
i.a (b. tUu 14 UU eiirf ea lt tahUUr 4 rffa4ta aat a t!t ntaar atat at tamlfraau
,lIu t,lt..4u iiMMMUii.i. a ia fua ti wi lwnii iiuiiiiuiihmi MMffDm Ut ar a!l4 It 1m
iratl ra' f o(tr Ctro,
4"ll?" r!lrVi.A It tfifttIo Um4 aattkAU. fcai4 f It trt& f It rtai
w . iwm. nMffa i.jn m i imi h aiic uu 4taauia f
i rr1 r-w Iom Iv a m " . . ' i " - ' " '
a mu kt (f''i I ii7- Tr iaui4 awa
wm- . '4ioiua4ito pm ittf r4t
!- tt tlU fl!4 I a.
k .... t Ml V4" iU 'rr tatr4atJ
4ti.l tAi. , vaua iu a r"" i i.
w I ew I omlaf Mloa tacfMrtto vt tmyorl I
ai4 u
i iit Mft-
rr4 t or loo rortuaa
J eoatrfbatora ef 11001 rt to a
bo sua for a tnr Ua t
ta PortlifliJ aa4 AUtta.
At aa a!traaUa rrcpo4Ua. Tt
' Jaraal f?r4 to t on of 100
rcrtlaod aaUfr1bra ef tSOOO aeh
for rtock la a eompaar to prat a
v iimqw Ua fttva PortUad aa4
, Alalia.
(aa aoybodf aa la aar Portland
aranpapr aar offrr If r brick
4ir of Portland raj tat to aid
tt boaoa or back tt eompaayf
Haa anybody bard af ovar of
4 ylaaia aa4 raltlaia mill t tafl
to it vral 4I4I Dat a row
pM ayattni f awinratloa tf tt
fdfaJ aoitorttiM U prvU4 ff.
tott itrearb tt rtrbqt of a
frm!i. aad bf utt a4rttM
lo t ft br It re4iaco effVora.
tt brotr or flr rtT of tta
tort, an 4 by tt coamoa oarrtor
traoportlBf It Tt yv rov
tt tij4t la fort r4ttiat tt tm
aotaUoa of aoBteaU aaltaala.
Tt Imaortaae to Orafoa of aaek
UcUlatloa raa tkrdl b erratat4.
Oar acaatora aad rtpiwnliUfM
boa Id b rt4 to aaata rrf ally
aad to aapport rt
AMTS J. liriX eofldm& !anat4
land alaa. II aald at Dnd:
s ar not laur! la bold
laf laad rain dota to a fair
eor of ttr to ob at Im
A !! ytxtrrdayf
lti taia aad fatCa va all tfet
taltktalao orr it 4ft of rc
proHtr, Mil ttat la It llt
tacemcat rvrtlaa4 Vraoa bat
ttr blta?
IVtat rk v ttat 0rraaaf fr.
Aaitrta fa, aad ftaaaia f4a oa
fattlaa ortr it ItaioTarfcttk var,
ttt Tbaraday'i aeoro ls to ttr for
Tt atrtkm nay atrtta, th rafW
ro4a rail aad or!J(j coot aad
to. bat tat ef K. o loaf aa U
Veraoa rilB) coatlaaa to rrt
tt rrtBLar roll eq a do-rawardT
Katioa tar tt!r 'alfttmaraa.
ktasa aad Bprora arorry oror tt
praartatr ef aurh tara trlflea aa
ttroaaa. miftty apar for o
opcfiif to auct eoatnoa ta aa
wortd far. aad A frtod army of
Ctrlatlaa aoldtra 1 coorn4 vltb
oeh protlama aa taaa'a aal ration
Aa 4euaal lt of atf'tty to r4
aad rti ta aio aroaoaAd.
To ttM aaaia folata raaf b add
4 foreranta! iaratlB of 1-
frart aad taUptoo la. Aad aio
liaproMac&i la urataaj rrtlga
a tott ParJHa aa4 AtlaaUa muu,
110 4f tl Hag HI orvr
tt f&rt at Trtndlt. ttk
PortUad at tta bi oad I of a ia4 goWfsm., awrt!a ol tt
alwraior aad of cold atorai aUaia,
Aad It la la wtat by a foroad d
fl alt Job la tr4 t ooaMrratir
Lttcri From the Pdopl
kiitk( urtiM
w.i Biinff u wia i r
kt4a fs4, mi ! I 14.
ItMK 44. ( t
allittl 'LT't t.a" w t. . a. 4 . a.
NMlftHf HKlrMHMMM lift I .
Wfta law mm nlW tmm mk
m ta.ii u lnj
rt mm , Aalrl axtUr.
f ltm twl. itai'lHl. fcL k
M4 U 41 lUiul !, -$y if bU
irf wu 4il.'4
AM ir: u iuii. br .
ru i i 4Mia. Tki i'ti r vtciub
ill frvar ilMli.r, a ifei t4
itiMIMI i l4.
lit l
blwaMMilk HrU: T4 ! at U
C'l J
IiUH u4 I y -
t 1 s&i fla4 k f 4-. I
lla 44 It- m 144 1 1 U
i fi4 ia
tTwf p4tiri Tt M.iiMia al IM
4.44 J..k
-iii aik a W4 o
4 -Ujr tia l r 1 4 iUn-U
kill i-t
ia 4 Ik a-vwr H4
m liiiHi fra ;r uf ! U
rtM 4 ia .4t!Mf. .l U M M
i a 'i ikiif tkkU 44
4IMI1m 4 1U K 4-4 IUJ4
4 lib tl 1.41 M) 41ML
awtr ' aa ia i iM
4MU ! 14. L4U4 ;ill
4f a a:'4l ioa
14m i4i aiir iiu4a
4a im i i44 , tr ik (
M'V. a uii um u m
iniaaul mm mm T4t ,
I 444
Kl 4. M4f4
4 Bk m4 4 14 i
11a4 t m W (MktoMi kaM a at a am I TT I aa
air, any maatr of baalnaaa. any pH-th .rf,,,? 8k?!..U .lBt.!T
Jar f flnane or aar captain of lo-I"" "7 w -
ln4flnH KfttMnr ran hart t)ij
rouotry mor ttaa laad boomr vtojand rodenptloa. bat aJaa and alack.
dlo aad aop oa ttolr B!ctbora. Ltbat will It all a moo at to If Port
una a f laaiatora at Loa A0(ia caa
claektb 1111 pnnaatf
; doatry offer to air a dollar of boaoa na, ,"'BP1 "vl.r:r?mm9l "l
I tA t.k. . ,i.,f-i ...4, lit blf trad b anbdlrldod. and w
r.. .,hr i iortuB b.rd!J " "bar. railroad balld-
anybody ala la Portland aay ttat wa o"p-u
oaght to bara a itiar lln to Br-
....v. Ion Indnttrr and oa dTlopmnt.
; It U -till tt fact, aa Th Joamal ! Tb land U for alL It la h.r to b.
baa bfor rrkd. ttat "ahlpa rkd nd oalr Mrra lu Porp
entht to ply btwn Portland and wban It la mada to prodnc. To yield
Alaaka. Tbey on(bt Urbrtnt down j prodoet for Bopport ol opalaUon
, cbap rod and Uk back food, elotb- ! f anrtlon. Whta It U
, fag and anppllea to tb Alaakana." I " 'T
It la ttlll tba palnfnl fact that , " W-tlon.
whlla Portland ahlpmnt dlrct to th bulldlnf of ral road and other
for month, .ndlnr rncl naka It Talaabla. Ita propr
May Uat r only flt5.l. Paget ju ? obwtod.
Who rare a rd about tb coat of
living, who g1ra a whoop aa to
whether r not th women wear hob
bl gartara. who racka ona contt-
InflatlOB and apocalatloa la a drag Jnental about Colon! Jak rnarrylnc
ttadeiina, who car anything about
anything If only wa caa kp th
Calif ornlana going aoatbf
f INCH January 1, HOT, 41 open
air achoola for children a offer
ing from tubrcnloata or pre
dlpod to beon Tlctiraa of
lb whit plagna har been tab-
Ilabed la tl cltlea of tha United
RAnA w.r tn.itT.tiT. xnntuon ana tpocniauon in una!
ll ii uim lum numiiiMuaa rrcora
that, wblla Bhlpmenta to Portland
IVmgaronrdonar Al Mty ' iT V "'k
aggregaia on aoiiar, aibbm twp-, mnnfttw Then ona at Doaton and tha fourth
jana anipmenu wer aii.iBi.4Ji. . - .7.7. ifitBfjia.
rt . .mi th ,nmni.Mn- rfirA ! Ttlnat hurt tb coontry. Mr. Hill. 8li- .
'Z " :: T . m'r:Z who with hi jivl.t hmm .ntl innraiwaainfroTiaenre, unoaa
r"" tl-;. VlMWOMOt la bringing railroad, f- on J.nnaryl. 1107. tha next
W4 Blork ranmaal.
rwtU44, Or, Oe, a T It Entno
f Tb Joaraai Wi BxKl ta rr
0c4t I a ifni4li4na r
Ua awiiy iimir ruu t lb
ef wv4 blA BtM
aid brWf 44 lA tbta epariiir I
14 rallvwlBf (aiiMl: Tb ext.
i44.ur ( ii. i th k-at pn for
irl4 bloelv tkal iJkaf bT bM atU
! al ta MI par U4uaa4 btecta
at 4ir f rota wboai ta arlM
r fta4Ua. but v bar ubtnl(!4
a n I Ik a m arml 4Ml4M
of fill pr ia4A4 bUc4 for lb
uvea bioota waua t 4 rr ihi
wra. We Ira i Our blck aaOer
udaxt eprirtoaUaa aoctk a ar u4
oa ry bridge laaartmi u u
VbH4 8UU.
Tb qaailaa af axirlmallaa wltk
lb t)nbra upoa aica tb biecaa ar
Ml U bardly wnh taAtag up a tbla
form f verb baa ba at tb ax part
mniJ iU(i for tba pat IB yamra.
Tb otnmlaaloaara ar rlaht la taU
lag taat trt4 blocb wUI agtwa
aa anirat4 blook, bat tbar ta abe
lotty ao ra wbr tb fOuatUUoa
abeoid mo b trtl aa wu a Ua
l NOt-ka
Tba dirfrMo la art wblet tby
Uu aa HUB' for Btr4al blocka aad
ivt u-aia ciocu la u a way a
fair aattmata, aa th labor for naovlnf
ana rpicina antraauo Blocks would
(ak up this dlffrfio long bfor tb
ii r or a iroatao Block waa araa U
Wa ar wrlUng tbta alaptr la 4
fnae of ouraalra and tbo lumbar La
uraat. aa it ta bardlr fair to atata
pneaa waan ptica have not boea ob
tained rrora aa nanr dlffaraat aoaroo
4 poaalbla
II Lwla building.
rU Ikv ai4awa aaaat II4T4
la 4-a alia la ia u..i. ttirh i
aat llll. nra iJVaa a I ra
4 W4c4ta) or 4 ooaauy.
a a tawia
4wintii.ilaUa ! I
J ar 4 ana f UU Feal: A Uai rallair
rfa4ia aih r'4 a 4a
oar. 4 aaiKvira 4 aa I
ala tla4. la ail akif mm r4
How am !-- ...i- , j IMM 4 dr ikal a4 J.aa
ail Lata Laaa! Haittaa tfcr
ta u MMM ia rarniofl lAaa aa 4a
bta l aerairk vm
hair ria aetata . aa, .lt Ha MuImmI
441uaaal Haatl aa Ua BmmI , a aa MlitU arf laa la Ik
I aa awr fiiaka4 aa aar Haa 44aaaL 441 4altly alU4 wtia
a taia, t4. ai It 1 ..! aa4Yrtaa. waa a.ara rxriiua tbaa Ik
jawiiMka, lb a r rMk Hvt44
ranker ui aiua4 ar raiir wita
aaa. it aa
lie far ra aa rar I
la tba 1. Tfcfra
i 4 a!4 bfr ta a
aaoa U ar rf aaraaavaabli
A lavraf U4 aaly llMt f UI b
allari4 fa a Ul af labartBg faaa, 4a
4w Ur ar ulnf Mm, aa if Iba r
rraa Ikai wata truly of Ika JT
rfika 4MnH 4 r aa4
tkiaaaa aa rrak talwiwa. 1 bar
aa taaa aaiaaBiaai aat lb waa ra
Maiaae MUtwtlia af taa aaaraaat BLaa.
Aa4 tkaaa waa tr iiaii)a aaUattaJlty.
lata k J aa4. tbaaa aaiaava
tana, tkia aaiaaitaJti, wa br WVU
rri Laartar.
1 . . 1. . . .. t . . . . I w, , w 9 aav 444 ana
haJaa .! a irkaaa baa fil4 I imrT bara 14 ajaaraaaaa karU ka-
la a! ciaiai la tna caruimaa l-k I J4 Ua Urll4 af laaaAa. Baaa far
a4Htolaaibaba tUj4aUkll4a. ' 1 171- "l
4 I a I i t "
Mra. Habart rilMtmataaa woa't It I rx., ... .14 AbUkaai u!4 npa fmiihim
wlik) Bob aar Uar aal4 b wlU ba IklaVab." pUmt araalaa oat af a iiB ?M lta ta Ik arl!al af
aaod. Akr aaajap.a af U aa. Ii IT'lT.f. L'll.
. ?m' 'f lr. bt aiaat Ufa traa wt tKalaoa. wkara ua tw raaaa
arar taar 4 a raai alca, ao4 aaalla.. rim...,.i.x u iki, f. 111. u. I haul a aa axda aM. 14.1 ik.
1 ibii 4 4i4i:i4.rrv bi.ii araariaa aa aMiiaBrw iinu.4 law h.tu um
rhoacht bia alpmUr did aot lral I erflo iiaatordaf by I'arbr, taa 4ob
mm ni n, ! i aa aaca. ariac I BUI aina.
moihar ta
(&r aaopla. Maav a (p-l
la abiidraa tbaa Uayl AMr
a a
fVamarrtt! Or a I
Mr. Tafl at Uairala aava Vr. Rrran
eradii ror karma aaaat4 aa lmporan
prariaiaa ti io paac iraua AM
ra Bta da
tl and otnara ba
Mr. Unraa'a uaiaa-
Ka U Charlaa r tetania? wat awl U
eaalry aacurtaa aavaral appla a
rrvTiaiva vf idi paa
hr weald (" bin
KIlMk La railed
adopted Baaa? af a
Iba 40UB
dclara were srowa aa aa aak lra. A I
laaat UUr wa aa aak lr all arun4
lbm. blr. nrtl alao aar lb frt
u. Hooaavvlt, loan b rlfl4 by leafing Ik appl.
arhlck to aim kaa aa aaa araa never:
bat Iba moral anan'e la4"ue taa aot
raaehed I ha I aeula eie.
Tb Batarf dab.
-. . . , V Tha land bar tha lan mnnnn. ' Den ona at uoaioa ana in ronru
- menu to Paget Bound. xclaalT of . tTr tb una nog. tna una monop- bobdIUL New York In
-v.m .rnrf. .rrr.r.1 ii nsi lit .olltta and tha land ipoculatora prey 1 0"?,U1' rtw T?T' In
'-r".' ",riinii larltlmata iBrtnafr ThrtM. H "1 BCBOOia riT CUiea WOfO
TuZl iJiSS "tiler who would bring ui W I- 1.10 16 KhHU In flro
ta. of 6?n FranT'wna " production. By orereharg- U followed. Up to April. 1911.
th. i .a.'l'if blm for Bach land ta ha buy. ' "or In fir clUea. Prorlalon
Prorlng that location
to do with Portland
..rn buaineaa, th trad
claco with Alaaka for tba period waa
15.000.000.. r: , . .
Tha JonrnaJ'B offer still attnda.
- Wa wait for risible slgna of Ufa
among our financial pillars.'
LfTtng Waire for th Girl.
Portland. Or. Oct I. To tha Editor
or The Journal. Under headtne- ar I
"waauoTr a Man Soweth." la your
laau of Ootabar It, I find mm vary
good adTtca to paranta. It I Uu vary
much of our preaant deplorable stat
aaa pauun, tbai 4 fcalaht Baaa aa a
" rareeiaU af at aouatry
fcMt bat iltUe pl 14. It ta aealy
yara alaoa Blr WUfrtd 4lerd -tva-
Uaa4-. BaliUrawajMra Indeed taa b
come aalkenai IhroufM blaa.
.tmrtna th rirel I ra af aatoa-
r aaa ta rirat aa yara af Laarlaf '
pubu ura. air John aiaclkwaaid waa
Ike paraoaal ipraioa of tha
Ha tiei. tir John mad Caaada out
ar aoiaia ioi a lirltiab colon by tba
ahaer fore of bta paraueaUty. a ear.
aonauty or tna OJ4 uniiaa typa. a Tory,
wb would b tone aradll ta th taye
bafora tha Rfom bi!L S loag aa b
urea inaoa remained a prvvlnea, a coU
laetioa of IliiUab provtac. Vbn ba
Pea ua epportuaity came for a dir.
iernt proaalltr. ona that could ln-
paraoaai ta traneliion. Aad out of
mo piaaiio. vivid oualltv af a Laurtar.
voaaa oacama a , ballon, a Uritleh
FTnen aauoa, out to dnomlnat It
mora truly, aa American nation. With-
out uaurier Canada would haa r.
malaad a colJtioa f prorlnraa, rr
fiaat inie iini or nr aaiionhood.
Ilia ta tb ona roraaaiio fiaura In th
Tt stoat faavou club aver arcanlaed i It waa attrly a oral for, auoh a
ta America waa tba tatarday elub f ooay or mn t ana rrom aiaiaar in
Boat, which waa .tartad U 1111. About ""Z?"t?rJ:
tb earn Uma tb AUaatta Vonlhly. I ., '' . , "lilTr-. -.-Ti
wbleh waa cbrlataood aa ooh by Dr. plt. aad tmu a,fol lB lba aatur
Ollvar WeadU Holmaa, waa started. I of man who wir otharwl Urrlr
Tbta monthly waa. at the Um. oonlrU I dowad." Elaawbar b wrote; "I dlda't
butad to by tb leading LtUrary llrhtalknaw whthr oar Boatoa Iltrary or
af th Muntrr I la mam hare ratoload I rofaaalonal Daonla are mora amiable
Uk broth r la th auooaaae woa by tbaa thy ar la otbar ptaeaa, tut oar. f u"Ju,w.i 4 ,c,ror. ,0
auk I. tka Atlantic I taia! r ouarrallna la out ef faablo Lr ,0 boob of ytrday. Th a
. . m..a v t. twi. u.. i a i I r renenman ao ntlrry Prmcn. In hia'
aii n tik. tila . ri . own vu, bimwmh .uwsm. i ui, mt.u hwvw w I - -
tanUaJly laanohad. tha famoua wrltara Ibay ware la tb bablt of ajrat anoay. I Lv ST -lJtt?"" P,,h,d
wbo ontrlbutad to Ita page mat fr. moua puffing ef acb oth.r. That 1! ". Ptldin
. - , w - . n . wki. I k . vi.ji a .i i ..n. i v . in. wrvuRin vi mi moac iirir i mm
bodr wa aauaUr raTarrad to aa thai which manufacturaa falaa raputaUona I " lh raplr and makln H a,
Allan U elub, but It waa eoon orarabad- aad raaajn batrada. . oTa i7k- - J ' . . . . .7 "V "
wijfinu, vi in noun
laldlna ovr tha deatlniM
of tb BHtlab mplr, maklna It an em.
plr In fact. Tbey are tha rat nr.
onal nrtna of hltorr-lfon d.
owed by tba more aonapleuou and eom-
prabaaalra Baturday club, whlott waa
urtad la the fall of J 117.
- Tbla monthly gntaered at Parkar'a,
which bad aa lu nuoJeua Eroreon aad
a few friend wha mad a practice of
me tin a blm at the midday dinner table
whaa be earn In from Conoord, appear
-On tta etbr hand. I ahould like U ! I, r. J",, "::?'"'"";. ,n? "ou
know if w are aot at libarty to ha. II hh.V."' 9Z:i.l'.?Tlln.
a good lime together, and aay tb plea-
anteat things .w can think ef to each
other, wbn any of us reached his
thirtieth or fortieth dr fiftieth or
Ighttath birthday,
llre In all sincerity speaks the mnv
mands that history shall b logical L1.
ran waa more I nan romantic, althouco
ba knw too well the value of Ihla aa a
political aaaat to loss It. so- Laurler.
Inr htm for such land aa ha bnva .''" m10" T ciuea. rronnion l0f morals ta at tha oaranta' daora. Lk
tvw . M vi. na..baa boon road for 27 mora schooler of homo trainln. and fata madeatv
' " 7vT T V B . i.' ; i -i. dtiea. New Tork Citr now f cneerrmtg the -most Tltal qusaUons of i raappaora, alwaya wtth aa affection- bar f that happy family of which th 'm .t.,ll'"ym'r'"
peiity and bla fatnr fldeavor. They:8 Biaciuea.-r.ew iora t,jiy nowi K. h rZ !.v !?".". -Vmt mantin. ? th. iou mala and latter Nat.ia iUh IJm ih. aniad maattn. fB w" '?" and each Inunaa-
BlBO drtra blm by thooaandl Into ?" " open air school and CUaaeBj But YT.r ta su7l w th Uma Em.raon. Longfellow, pl.c,. the Atlantfo th. organl 0 h-7tlTjyyjJr?Jh
Canada and Other placea wher land,a ope"V?n' a " -or" Br" 10 Pt aaa. that our friend Holmea, Iwall, llawuior. whituar. aad the conaldarable eontrlhutlOB of. .u from batnr a suaoort.r of 'Vriaii.
opioeu IDIS 1111. 1 evewe iv niil ovanooKaa L a., th low ""i -, -1 iu auaiwu winai i u- ..u.i..u.u - - ayatoera! M..iJ .
1 . - .... . ...1. ' I "I.lf h, nnarla BVancIa Adama. thelnanttir to Amarttan Iltaratura tha Bar. I T . .. 1 " "r . lOCrC" ecPtad and
Accoraing to rcporxs i.suea By ---- 7-- -ww - - -r.uww. cona rrorm till; M whew
IV . .tl. 1 A 4.- At - A tA. Ia 04u B : vivuwa bm ay ivi BJrVaa AaVl K at gumg 01 manBT I - - - 1 -
mo iaii0uai a.v.UB ir oiun, 1 ,p,IJt annU4Vy to ,tU(, pup -oc1bJ T fthaaa. with a f.W not In gan.
and Pretention of Tobercaloala re- But how fw. haw v.r r.. r .v,.-,eral ao closely related to literature,
In Tnrkar markpd bv tha Infln- latlon era hecotnlnc a curao to Ore- 1 nu" 01 109 0Pon ",r ciass wort on wramur miaresiea paopi. rr nnd ' "f
in Turtey maraea Dy me innu- uuon ar Decoming cura to uro- , - .i,im... th real eauaa for au.h -aniiitinn. , 'nltora wr ntrtJnd without th
enc of the Young Turks has gon. Ho referred particularly to th . . . ... . ..r; vet offer th rmdv a noiat ... ' sensation, of lions on
been tha American-founded and Swift who boliTa hug tract of land aa ,na ciency. n.forin-, hr ,om Un ;t thiatrours of friends!
hogs ar not In control,
Director Newell was another who,
after a rlatt to eastern Oregon, de-
HE mainspring of the new Ufa ' clared that land Inflation and apecu-
Buatalned Robert college at Conatan- wanted for th western Umatilla r-;1" J" tbat one auch school or . r, . is. c. A. .that I hop wm do some-
tlnople. It waa opened In 1863, Its , clamatlon project,
financial support being guaranteed ! Wa In rite settlers to go on oar
by Christopher R.' Robert of . New unoccupied lands. Tha land boom
York, whose total contributions ers with hug holdings Insist on spec
amounted to $450,000. In 1864 the ulatlre prices. The tettler buys and
college was affiliated to th Unl- puts on his Improvements, and then
erslty of New York. Itt two best we tax his landand improvements
known ; presidents have been Dr. ' higher than we tax th boomer's un-
class should be established for every
25,000 of city population,
occupied and speculative land. We
penalize him for making the land
produce and reward th land hog for
-Cyrus Hamlin and Dr. George Wash-
I T A large proportion of Its students
have been Bulgarians, but most of , keeping It in Idleness,
, tb races of the Turkish empire are ' It is not the plan to follow In or-
represented among Its alumni, der to successfully and quickly Bet
Wherever Its hundreds of graduates tie eastern Oregon. Mr. Hill says It
have gone they have., carried with , Is not. Mr. Newell says it is not
them not only their education In lan-j Everybody knows It is not
. guages and sciences but the seeds ' " '
of progress and of freedom. Each
:'- one has become a force Id aid of tha '
t new order, ' , '.. '.. ,
William E. Curtis,' the famous
correspondent of th Chicago Rec-
, ord-Herald, who has Just completed !
i I
HE father is old. His appetite
for strong drink la uncontrollable.
exhibition. Tb
friendship and good talk
received no chock from th reading of
Dr. Holmea rejoiced in th blessed
freedom from spevchmaking, which had
baan taollshed at th Saturday elub,
It Is told of Kmtraoa that "In 1861,
when th. club held a Shakespeare an
niversary meeting, b. ros to apeak,
stood for a mlnut or two, aad then
qutatly aat down. Speech did not com,
and ho serenely permitted sllenc to
speak for him." This Incident may b
alao aaen th baalnnlaa of th last ..!. iZ, ' a".n'.V. '. 4n.xpiicao,
tda of th. century.' Ia the .xt to ;,'L - .::;tKB,,
.' ?!- r?tablt CanarVhoSla'baV.1 iT
HE JOURNAL ought to be In
mnA tanrilne' wlft. ITinoa tt
believe In' the Oregon aystem. 1 wal 'n 'ron of th4 ,aloon
Tf na. iitifia carried him homo.
. !, i- and raffirondnm In anrl t f aa. i. oaiurus, u)8ui, m a cuiimuuu
the strongest terms of tno pervading on. It has year In and year out been fg?'9 ZJ,?
force of the Influences of these on the firing line in defens of th. 'JJ "' un"!
American-trained teachers In all the direct primary.. It has alway. and j en LT, Wh "UZlVl'
Turkish provinces, as preparing the everywhere been a determined sup
vay for th great change that has 'Prter of "Statement No. 1.
come over th people. For 50 years With a full sense of modesty, It
th process has been going on. feels that Its service has been of
The sudden rise to power of the measurable value In defeating the
Young Turks Is less surprising ln;Pny attempts In Oregon to maim,
view of these facts. It is also true mutilate, scuttle or kill these various
h'8 7lgrou .part.y!!ftB,":!!- J.68. ""trollable thirst went over the bar.
.um Buucmeu in me oesi uni-; u nauu iui weui uu aa
versltles of Europe, and they are the1 bas in the past, fully convinced
brains and chief motive force of the i that they have been tested and their
movement. . . 1 , i efficacy proven to the full.
!" But the time has come when pro
EXCLUDINQ INSECT PESTS jtection ought to be thrown by Its
" ifrlAtlda arnnnil tha tnltlatlva .nil
V a statement very recently issued ! referendum. They are too sacred to
vj occreiary wuson no araws at- become th nlavthlnirs of 'cormntlon.
thing bealdea toot Ita- horn.
It waa formed, we ar told, to study1
out th. real cause of ' the deplorable
conditions we find In Portland. Now,
my hope ia that this society will actual
ly accomplish something, grounded
upon tha fact -that Marahall Dan haa
aubscrlbed hla name amone- ita mam.
I bera. If I am not misinformed. H. la ;
! tha nnlv man T vm h rA ( . . ri n . '
ror iivo ears no nan ire- remeay ror the social evil. Ho advo-
quented a saloon at Sellwood. Most cater the establishment by law of ai
of his earnings wer spent In the , m,"1.muTm, ical ,or . Mr' '
- . v, UIVTI. VUVUKU VI UU- , . . ... .... . . 1 ., U . .
manlty. at least femlnln. humanity, to lo accfp m".V'ml " ,Vto.
know that most girls a re not lnniiely.i Pla h'l' 07,u' !
bad. but that tha cry for bread for i lA la th' brts and Uvea of Us mem
livelihood la atronger than anything j pftr' ' '
else. , I
Our present aystem makes it almost! mora' than tl, or th. land speculator
impossible for girls well reared and
living in good homes to keep afloat
when they enter the business world,
much less th. more, unfortunate ones
I without auch protection.
Statistics bear us out In the state-
th. yaar 11.4 thai rJ5J!r
th. death of Dr. Holmea bora away the i. K0r . Vith., V.Tw
latest survivor of this group of eon- JJ ? hrOI1UhW UcklB ln in
A - aaa&B.JB W ABHall VX7 4,111 Ia I w '
i7iii'v 4 ii ivuuB, uvwvii saiu vv iiaai.ara i j
baa ftL
V. la.
gone following Motley In 147T. and u T -I- ,n ' V"ui 2..IT. ?1
u.athnn.. In 1i With tha alhtlJ "7 .TT"" !. T lumo III
----- - j B4ri mat wunout blm Canada woM
th group may ba aald to Have bn nn, k.. Li.T... w7 u. .
disintegrated. A few of their younger Z'y. L" dlVfVraat anV a. .
brothers such a Dr. Hale, Professor J 0!! 2?
Norton and Colonrt Hlfglnson. remains p.0 n7h. ta.t 't? b?a
to typify th. older to tb. younger gen- ', .J"
raUon. In th.m, aa ln many ot. thoa. i'A r ,i,r;r " bm 'ala mTTSa w
.kn .in k. ih.i,'.u...iir.: .hM.. ha "?. r"lou".proDUm" """Id oava
t - iQiuilM in. I m njtrl, 1 . . M. i
Mm nnalltv of ranraaantlna- tha '"aaa
Old Um quality of representing tb.
bast social and acaderalo tradition of
place, and his family waa reduced to
Two years ago his two sons began
! appealing to the saloonlst not to sell ,
drink to their' father. Court testi
mony is to the effect that the moth
er was reduced to a condition of
nervous wreck on account of her
husband's habits
mora characteristic of Emerson than of the place. With gradual passing of tha
his club; yet 4t reveals a perfect under. I older brotherhood, Boston unquestton
standing and fellowship which help one! ably lost Ita preeminence aa th "liter
ary cental" or in. country.
Next i wek 6evn
Worker! ... ,
Oreat Literary
pi rations.
Sir Wilfrid Laurter is tba inW fla.
ur. of th. time, th. moat faaolaatlna '
rn,..ut, wumi( puouo man, piotur-
yracucai, wun -tn. race of a
p.... i, im .oui or a poet, aad th
viauia m iaieaman.
A few weeks ago the sons found i
their father lying drunk on the side-' mnt that between 86 and 80 per oent
ers, swore out a warrant, the saloon
1st was arrested, and yesterday in
the municipal court was fined $200.
It is such tragedies that make sen
timent against the liquor traffic.
All law, all morality-and all decency
were violated when the earnings of
this venerable man with an uncon
teon,ti the actIoo- of the agri-l ists and too valuable to be the tools
eparuneni m intercept-; and lmplementa of crooks.
Ing during the last year 20 different! The Ellis paving petitions' In Port
"!f f? k,Fef tT,8CMB them rery for-iiand' supplied tinht "iiroof - netes
ttldable in Europe. But the alfalfa 1 sary that the peddling of petitions
War weevil and the oriental cotton , for money should not be permitted.
acMe have been introduced, the for- j The disclosures ln the university
mer having already destroyed miirh- ref - .a ii4i
.v. ....... w
i i". iuu ui ma auaiia crop of
Another new plant disease of re-
whelmlng array of similar testimony.
Men Circulated petitions who were
; at the ' time going nnder aliases.
To take them and give him drink
in return was a crime against a
home, a family, society and public
decency. ' - ' " .
Where la the model liquor ordi
nance promised by the Home Ruje
association? Where is municipal
authority that permits such -practices
T .' '
T "appear that R. Borden,' the,
new Canadian premier, .stands
committed , by his pre-ele6tlon
promlses .to a policy that deserves
any. other name but ' conservative in
the old sense. ' ;
If., reciprocity with the United
States ..was tabooed for Anything ex-
of girls working In department stores,
factories and t.lephon offices ar.
recruits for houses of lllfame. What a
daplorabf. stat. of affaire!
Put every girl on an Independent
basis, and sea how soon the ranks of
vie will b. depleted.. - For truly no
greater hell exists than the plaoe where
a woman 14 forced to give ; up her
precious body, the "tabernacle of tha
soul," to th. vil lusts of men who ar.
worse, far worse, than beasts. '
When will w. compel th greedy cor
poratlons to pay our girls living wagesT
Are they forever to take our girls'
health and strength and not vontent
with that, their most precious pos
session, their virtue? Wars hav. been
fought, and thousands slain upon oui
battle fields for less than this, this
awful condition that cries to heaven for
vengeance, , - M. M. MACK.
. - uihuubcuob IB m DOtato Thw Bfme1 tha naHHnna
wart, which t- 'i ::ZZZ- ZTZZ. , ir.l'i ZT"' :?: wyi
-to iiot.w ;Mit .h-r-.I' rr."- "luer uuie y ,wmcu.wjth England is open .to identical
nnder i cept, sentimental reasons,; reciprocity
waVeF Th7 wh 1 .W!"8 .number are "onomi objectlo-i..- AmerlpA hAd
is In th earn category. . . 0ne w a tatxast ConTlct. and an
Th secretary says that dnrinr1. ... ;
- " -a "i-utll nM l.MOVlUUUW KU1KUCDU 4W
something to bestow aa Consideration
for removal or lowering of Canadian
tat-lffa 1?n1aniV V, a .Alkl.. . ...
ItiO tb. department discovered, te " tttllSTi
. anippmss to New York alone, id 00 th last word In fraud and" forgery, i keta of Canadian
Winter nests, Of th brown-Uiled Thav conlad namaa from Atrm f f a ' . ' . .Yl
:h containing approximately, and made oath that the7 wlr de' STof
.000 larvae. -This quantity waa in signatures. L Oairadlan ZZ rlT?L
r moth
vuu.vuu iarran. n anii,nHt, i.. .i .
. .. v..t-r - u m u uai urea. - , .
rnouga to iniest tne whole United. -They were crooks doing a crooked
Ttftts wHhl-aw-yearaSub,
a-lrnicnta war reported voluntarily queaUoni of stat welfare, ducatlon-
V-'- . ' .. . . -
view Canadian, farmers- may profit
from lowering tariff dntles that ob-atraetthe-
entrance of -British ad
American manufactures alike. But
Reaping Without Sowing,
Portland, Or., Oct 4.--To th. Editor
of The Journal- Writing In The Jour
nal of September 2 Leslie M.- Scott
appears to se. only half, or less than
half, of th. meaning of "whatsoever
a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
He scoffs at the Idea that a law breaker
may be a "victim" of our immoral -or
unmoral laws. He seems to believe
that society can do no wrong, and that
It should sternly fore "th Individual
to reap tha punishment of hia own sin.
This matter is ably discussed by Dr. i
Woods Hutchinson In th October num
ber of Everybody's, magusine. .
Curiously enough,' Mr. Scott Ignore
th. fact that society may and does com
mit alns against Itself and the Individ
ual. He ignores th. Important fact that
society commits a mora crime when
it permits one- man td reap .the fruits
Of another man's Industry in a "legal
who' produces nothing and performs no
useful labor, but puts into his pocket the
increase of 120,000 that tn inaustnai
population adds to a vacant lot Jn on
Very properly does Mr. Scott say that
th moral side of reaping and sowing
1 of in tare L Let us look at it Ao
ror dinar to tha assessor's books, th 33
most valuable blocks ln Portland land
alon. - not Improvements -were as
sesssd at 123,635,800 in 1910 and Un
1900 thos blocks were assessed at 2,-
438,410. So, in 10 years th. lnorea
ing Industry and population of Portland
added 120,947,190 to the value of thos.
83 small pieces of land, which contain
30 and three tenths acres Just about
th. sis of an ordinary small farm.
From th moral standpoint to whom
doea that great Increase In value be
long? Th. people of Portland created
that value, but the owners of the land
get It; the people sowed,' the land-j
owners reap the value; tne people
earn without Betting- and the landown
ers Bet without earning. Is that moral?
, Mr. Scott, working out bis philosophy,
would punish the landowners rovra.p
ins where they hav. aot sown. But
th. wrong Is done by society, not by
th. landowners, and the way to right
th. wrong is to chango , the system of
taxation so that th. men who are lean
ing most heavily on society and gov
eminent shall rely on their own ; la
bor and Industry. W must put an end
to th. confiscation by landowners . of
th. land values that ar. created by th.
people; and w. can do that with, single
tax, or taxation of land values,
It is not fair to Insist that crimin
als alone' shall reap what they sow and
to deny that the Industrious shall reap
the full fruits of their industry, It is
solemnly but Immorally sjrted that
m.r. ownersnip. or iana gives one
clear tltl and a moral right to .reap
tha land valuea created by th. people.
Th. 320.S47.190 of land valuea added to
th. 23 blocks ln Portland In 10 years
was about enough to pay th. expenses
of th. city In thos. years, Y.t
gav. that great .sum . t-. the 0-wners of
way, or permits ona man. to reap the i the land and then taxed Industry to
.tttli. a , li . !,,-,, r.0 1. A.. . . ' ..t.W. 1 1. T k. . t. rt
pax vumw MtieuCK a uvyv nr. ocou
will oontLau. hi studies In moral. phil
osophy. . W. a EQQLESTON.
' ' .' - ... . ..... ,..'- -
Spanish Battle on Scottish fkifl.
Hood Rivr, OrZ Oct 4. To th Ed
itor ef . Th Journal. Would b much
pleased, If you could 'prove that th.
Spaoiarda aver fought a battl. In Kin-
tail . Roaashlre, Scotland, about or be
fore the Jacobite rebellion and a Dutch
colonel alain there. Can. History- of
Scottish Battles. publlbed by MacKay
BtlrLLtig eeotland b. got of Portland
;- .. . - - "
fruits of the industry of a thousand or
ten thousand men under cover of law.
Mr. Scott aay "it Is tha present day
fashion of many to lean on society and
government. Instead of to rely on their
own Individual powers and labors." That
Is true; but who ar. doing th. leaning,
th men who stand on soap boxes aad
shout for soma sort -of "division," or
tha mn who don't have to shout for a
division because they hav. the legal
power to reap what ' they har. ' aot
lowfl? JVho latnt mora heavily upon.1
the shoulder of Industry.": th. maa who
demands-13 a day whaa h Is set worth1
bookseller a . and History of Crofter
Commission loHighlands of Scotland.
'(In 1713 a fore, of 6000 Spaniards
was sent to aid the Jacobite pretender
ln raising another rebellion against th.
Hanoverian king of Britain. A storm
dispersed th. Uttl fleet Only .300
Spaniards landed In the north of Soot-
land and wer. Joined by about 1000
Highland clansmen, mostly Mackanaiaa
and Macgregors, commanded by Sea-
forth and Marlsohat -On Jun 10, 1719,
they met at tb pass of Qlenshial ln
Kosssmr. a lores or about 1000 Ena
lish soldiers commanded by , General
WrlKhtman. A desultory engagement
la which killed and wounded on both
sides amounted to 200, was followed
by the dispersal of the Highlander.
Tha Spaniards surrendered th. follow
Ing day to th. English general. - His
tory -gives no mention of a Dutch xc-lo.
nel. James Keith, th. famous Marshal
Keith ox the Seven Tears war, then a
boy of 22, fleshed his maiden sword ln
the pretender s cause. ' --i
Neither of the books " mentioned are
to be found in Portland. But a letter
to the J. K. Gill Co. would receive at
wayfl in Good H
Rev. 3Ir. McPherson Answers Critic
Portland. Oct 7. To the Editor of
Th. Journal. My attention has ' been
called to an article ln Th Journal
where William A. Baker took exception
to soma remarks I raoently mad. In the
pulpit of Trinity Methodist Episcopal
church relativ. to Mlraole wheat This
gentleman wished to debate Pastor Rus
sell's Ideas . with .me, Under different
circumstances, I might be glad to take
up such a proposition, but as Bishop
Smith has Just assigned to ma the task
of building a .325,000 church ln Ladd's
addition - this i year, I will be unable to
tak th necessary time, at least until
the completion of this project ts it ia
quit a Job to diraet th. work of build
ing a church.
v' ... ' " I 1 i li i I i i ii :
s - One Year Later..,::.;-..'. :
; From th. Chicago Trlbuna. -It
waa th. first annlv.rsary of th
moodier wedding day, and th. rood
wlf bad prepared a special dinner ln
honor of th occasion.' - c,
-iTisoiua,- said paoodlea -after the
The fao. of th. returns," said th.
chairman of th. masting, Shew 4T
ayes and no noes." , f
."What a queer looking fao. that mast
be I" remarked aa old lady in th bn
row. , zj
From Baltimore-Americas.
--op, wnat makea UtUe dogs
their tails r
"I SUDDOS It I ICOMMH 'm. ....
a. ---4- 444 j ' BBWIaWi
They want to make both and ma
From Cincinnati Times-Star.
Th. first night Walter Kaiiv ,
to ; vaudeville as th. "Virginia Judg
walked up th. Strand ha cnmr,i.... ..
his English companion that th. most
famous street In London was dark at
9 o'clock. . .,
"Why," said he. "at thia hA... t .
way is as bright a day. . Ther. i. pn
"'p.". i -me harlot- Rnu'i.
which there are 60.000 electric ( lights 1"
-"But I say.-old top,' said his English '
friend, "wouldn't that, ha ;ihiv1l"a.B
splcousr " "m
Teacher Freddy, can vn..
wnu waa mo meexest man?
ireaay lea, ma'am. , Moses. ; ' ,
1HK mat s ria-lit. Nnvr DV.i..
can you tell me th. nama nf th ,-i-'
est woman? . 1
Franky No. ma'am; there never was
i meekest woman.
I - j Pleasant Tnenies - - J 11
recular faitura nf ,h. innT i 'iit r. "
I Ilk to - talk of '.vi
that make one's spirit light so when
som. dreary rOssip bring 2 tale tnlt
reeks with spite, some stale and dismal
anecdote about a -neighbor's s faulted I
straightway get that gossip' goat ind
tell him he must waJU -hlsaif. ii
short my friend." I aay, "f or us noi?
mortal aba taa anf -J . "r - POT
h..,way-haV .r?ra40tes.'
fhVeeS .Vr? T..VoZ
S"f"Ue"..i L0. -ome virtue. lnhU
feasUng was over, -nhat was th. best , heart . And I have found It iMttr til
meal 1 ver at. Tou- ar worth your j to help poor, human Jays to hitch thir
weignt in gold." ! x - r s
A year ago today Claud," Mrs. Pnoo-
wsgon to a stifr. br aivina. 1
, . , ' viwa vi
rV."rr "c"ura? hm and
dies answered.1 "you told m. . I was ' mook by sarins; bitter thinga- so soak
worth my weight in diamonds." your head and take a walk, and wT-i
-Did I?1 Well, dear, this Is your first lcom" b' i"r .
..valuaUon."; j awj, Cdutffc