The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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DAII Dfllin OTDIkT "Little jock Says Father I Vhlpped I urn
llHiLiiuiU o i niiiL jjut That jc Deserved it: Told Stories
Halniman Line Claims It Is Not
Suffering From Walkout
Union Men Say Company
Must Give In.
Jr Mk SB ri
lka MtuJ ta k aawae Iwit Te
Mite ii KiKUtl faaad
f iwaj LB Oaleaa. eee4
i4 j i it !
- -! aa) klM. 1 1 4 I
ue r tjtii j iui eiuai-
ik a.j ita ew u w-ert
TM eirtM rU4 ek,. M
Bi It kit IW tmnn !
ty ar.aajaa laieaUa. la
U l4r TM alked !
it ui r.iev p
14k aro e4ig firaa 4 ' tieiaae
To -r Unto Jaa" eM ae
r( u ( nk ie iai
M Ui k-att elrtus. a4 ! !
uajbj lo ti Mite ikie m
la a 4i4 IM
latae WI4 M ! aaxiH
tM'tO f fcl-444 IM W4 otel
f at BaJat.laMa aaa.Ula4 I IM
luvaaile rv.rt. a4 ka My take
fl-eaa kill M IU
-"UUla Ja"' r4 TM ltrMt
prate." kl'h t mI t a-leto-a4
by Ik H-aiaae aaaietv, f IM
)w4ge. TVm taajlag aa iImi 4
I be gal Blag 4eala " iU MMlul faaae (Ovid
ve. '.Ida KH a ttlal bt la f leal! M !
iuiim Ik raid i im aih i k- Ui Jo4g Ul ! ll4
4 HtM 4 cn4sl la IWii
4ur iui it
t am ill IM tttr4 aMtiway
UI tt4 I (WI M Ut 4
ta4 r IM f4l U I
m lal I M"U
.iU ! rrf k kwaUM f IM
iDrillers Will Now Try Again to Find
I 0 i Sagebrush Areas ofMallietn
Coos Day Residents Believe
Empire Builder Intends to
Tap Their Country.
IM ht a IM lk.fc llwi,
l IUi M 4 M 0 4-la4
mI ulin kr ( wiyi
14 t (v4a !. mlnt
-1 U U IMiu" Mil UllW
k. ' . Mi flft. I
'f. I 4 tint.
"I. f (. fc-l 4 ry r..4
Mi f M. t4 IM My, "I lkt v
li.a II
mm fra
'" - L. . .Ll.k U llk k.rJ
I !... 4 I MM.U M M k- ftu w- , i.tiai l
M Mltmm M im himi M umf It lb .iiWtU IM ft
(mmm TW wl I
Unlhi lr, lot 1
T JtT' rk"!H IM IllU Uiuitll ! UMM r'iU
i. r,, l vii m ' bwiai r'n 1
kU. -l I ( fc w n4 iti Cm.
I i
!. III. 4 lk
rl4 Mur ik i ib Vr.
a4 M 14 !. W lk -r I t
klw 1U Ik rikM r I U.
It kt 4hbMa4 4 m4 im
Ulll jAck."
txt U kr MM IM UfJ
al f w
ua Ar a rMt Ikal IMff r I
Htiir Mftrui fra IM f
tti f lk ink.
ntu i Tk Wm1I I Tkr rtli Ool IT: Arikr
Otfnilt. Kill . 1ML T. A lory I IImuuI 11. 1L 11 ima
try Oor M. WI) " , frm IM Cv Jakn akool' Ul
af Nhiu rotUa n Kxlklar Jut II M .. ....
Tw La B&Of talk todr Mll M mmi luat baar mm todar iniflik.. . i. ........ ..- . . L.
tna-r- lha .r Uft I '" f; ltr h4 rmw l-rl"' k la ruUl TM rlk t
lhl II ra MUy M a kort lima Haul I BM 4raiarfil I'm of w'lctil a 4 Ilotnit ar aaiiou ta
h I kir u rviwra 4 ill pr
i k. . ...a k . .a ri at
. . . . . . . . . . a. i. . jm . .. . . - .
mu.a in. niii I tall nkiuifi iui tw i a I ihaM ar ktf raa Uar ki trad.
IBM. nui av--r - r- I 1 I tl. laa left I ar J Uir I, aiwn Uliu. IkM n.ll arlaa. TKa Maaa
Italia Wll k tb h I I Iti imku aul Kattl raai. I l.. k. -. . . k. . . m a.
airtk and IMt edUloia ara ''IkU wlfa. kl! Ih.f ipt la Md. rm.k. Ico., UIU 14 Hfc
r . J ipm a wav " " iKair u skiib a ahnna.a
draw Ika Lrainrnva) ini in eoirri.
bHi4 1 ,1mm, U U Ik aoa ! IL U 0ka.
Oaa as a. promt al am oat IM airtk-
ar. aumat4 I bat IM llc.hmao aa4
fcrakaeaa vtuU om U Vitala) )a
tkM ! Waaka.
la tha Orfoa 4ttale af tM llarrt.
Bti Una) tka fir I waak r U atrtka
rtU out Ik) tM htlof7 of latKtr
irvmbUa far b yoMbl oa4act or
In atrtbra. All ppaTrt of nalaaf
fvU trxnibl ha ta aoU4.
ttivtrw. la tM auuanat Uu4 at
too to4r ' by 0uarlBla4at J. P.
O BrlM. acta of rdaUoa ara BOinta
tit wtvlck. It U al4, 14aUr ar tba
wort of atrlkar.' TM rpoa aaya:
"roartaoa air boa rut en frl-bt train
btwaa ron land mod oar ah op yt-ur-
Jt kmnMlaa allanll f ha Work of
irlMr-. W bv. M-ji wnabJa W lo- FAST FREIGHT PUT ON
eaia ina rui"7 p""". w waitBuwa
war roplArrl ycatrday to rl train
Or a It tntramn wra !
TM aula olayad tba flrat bit card
la Ita band today wk iba court f
darad tbat all wIimom ipjxint M
oro FnllDt wKnaaa, tk l(i af tk
dafradaat aod Iba court- roaortar M
barrod from iba courtroom dorint tM
trUL Al thla oolai rroocatlag At
torney Joho at. U'llao Maouacod Ibat
on of tba cut! rltaaao would b
K. A. Saadoaky. of tM Uarna datoclJvo
tnry. Baodutky baa working
oa tbo oaao for wont ha.
A aumbor of wllnaaaa war oiamlBod
thla morning but aothtnf of lairal
waa broofbt out
ll'allad UmI Wvl (
Balllathajo, U aaiu. OeC t VVhtng
too, EX. C, may M aioet4 to pa oa
tbo u(Uoa of tba rltbt of fadoral
tOTtrvmant to rlolato tbo dry taw la
thla at at a a roaalt of a oroiaot IMI
la Ming mad a a rain I aa adrtiamt
apparlag la k ttlalaa moot today an-
noonclng IMt Ibo eualom offtor wtll
on Oclobor II dlapoaa at auolloa of
quanUly of oral good oollcd from pr
on coming lalo tbo t'allad Stat from
Canada. BUIno la dry and tb ctllaona
of that placo Objort to bavlag onoutfc
rw aba. Tko ikul-l l 1 1 1 r
to k boiooo ii a4
l'aa.. awtialrir 4 IVn Ik:
aWiaata -n kaa had laiitllii,'
rtwo la) I Hal ftaid 4' Ik woia ,
ooiy 4 la Mo bo at ikr
aiiiNi wao k ool aaada boooa
akaa laf tii IM k
f kllil U M la) M tap.iajr af b
lllil all
A (a ariua aattoaartag rraw bad
Kaf tr Oaaaai baa ko oklad
mm a f Coa ii a4 f a Ha aaao
kawt(rl al wtk raL IL
Uiaarr. falkf af laa and tk
oa4U4t al-Aia-l"at-Ui m lallaajf.
aa bo If a ! data. II Ml
Hill faitbr I Kaa thai Krul'ak aod
! taoiul Mb 14 k railrwad
It U MlMd bar Utt ibo Hill alr.
alt at Mklad I hi ni. but al
any raia rtghl of aro aVoing ur
rbaaod. Noi only ara k rtbi of war
p4 for la raah. but aa atroonit I
! I hot actual cocialrwelkMi work villi
bta la ail aaoaika aad IMI lb rail
road IU M flaUhad la loo yaaro. aloa
af ibo rtgbta of way boufbl ar aoar
Co luy.
la IM moaatlaa Iba oailaaorlag arorh
oa bo lamlaaj road kick la lo M
bulll by local UmMnaaa aad banbra
la Mlag rorrtad oa and Iba airoUg
from btyrtio toal to Itoaaborg ta aloo
adar rot raa by EKf latav Anion, but
aoibtng la fcnowa aa to ok bo la work
leg for.
TM rlgbia of way from thla oouaty.
to Ftoaoburg pro mo lad th tat Fran
cla II. Clark bava a Lao ban aaeurod.
aad It la ataiad that pratilcatly all of
tbat rltbt of way hA baon givaa oa
eopllag la a fv laolatod caaaa.
aaaawaaaawjaaaaaaa . mm .. .
rf . 4
i' '
El. ' ' 1 I
' -
I ;
i N ,
Qjettlon of Introducing Study
to Be Presented to School
Board bySodety.
Editors Orcfoa Oil Comptny'i wtll Br VU, Or.
rnl irs iiannnn l HIP aiurr on mo maraai to aaop ma in
UnMId nAnDUn CI habitant in a otata of Joy for a wok.
Aa appaal mar bo mad lo Waahlngtoa.
raat tbrouga rraicat aoroieo naa ooaa
fnaururatod over th O..W. H. A N. I DHDT TOIVI CD CCCWC
eompanya now Orar Harbor lino bo-1 MUD I. InlALCn OCtlM
twaan Portland and Iloautam. Amnnd , Tn DCpflUCB PUII fl
and othar Orara Harbor oolnta. - TM I . IU ntwUlCn UMiUU
aarrlro haa baan arranaad aa aa ta an-
abla Portland lobMra to ahlo from bora I Robort Tiiilor flld affidavit tht
la tbo aftarooon.' leaving Portland at I morning In tM Juvenile court where be
7:1 p. m. and M delivered at Oroya Ma irjnng to rooovar ma ouatody or Ma
Harbor early the following morning. I T-yaar-old child. Trixlar'a former wife
Thla arrvlce ta daelgnod to enable I now haa the child by reaeon of a modtfl
Portland wholceal houeoa to reap the I cation of a decree granted by Judge
bonaf ita of the rceant Commercial club I Campbell at Pendleton, where the moth
xcurilon to Orara Harbor celebrating I r of the child alar ted action to gain
the completion of the AMrdeon bridge I poaacaalon. The af fldavtta charge the
aad la apwlally adapted for the. con-1 mother la a poraon unfit to have the
venlenca of leee than carload and mar- I education and malntcnaaco of the child.
chandla bualneaa aa well aa carload j Attorney John R. Powcra appear for
anipmenta. The train will leave Port-1 Mr. Trlxler In the matter, and a hearing
.v. a . ti...4.- ... ...I land at 7:10 D. m. and arrive at lioaulam I win do bad next week. '
i a. aw aw ui. mere win oe uirouau
poclaJ protection to avoid further dam
ag of tbia bind, and no further trouble j
reported op to noon today. '
al Vrt Vu Bmyloyod.
Mr. O'Brtea announcoa that St new
men were employed aterday. repre-
ecnting th dirferrnt craft who Ian
the eerrloe, and tbat there ware only
two defection from tba eompanya
-Everything very aatlafaotory. par.
tlcuUrly at Alblna ahopa." mya Mr.
O'Brlan'a report, which alao aUtoa that
"atrlkara or their ayrapatblsara have
boen haraaalng. -m IheT way Mtwn
thlr home and th nop, old man who
continue to work, aevaral very bad eaaea
of thla kind Ming reported yeatorday. j
One of our machinist atnplojrvd at the
Southern Pacifle Yamhill dlvlalon ahopa, j
Nlaoea and nephew of tbo lata Caro-
aaulted laat evening while returning to
hi home and badly beaten, evidently
by atrlkara or aympathltora. Thla man
had alao bean abuaed aeveral tlmea bere
tofore by the atrlkara." '
Jamea XJanlon. ona of the comoanr't
f'.i? fit to.f? !J?.,0a! HEIRS TRY TO NULLIFY
V lUUw ga.4 ia aaaaay ava- vmuu wwwvaaa
pany him back and forth from the
"All tralna moving on time and no
delay to them oa account of labor
trochlea." aaya the eompanya report
. While, on the other band the atrike
leader have Iiaued a bulletin announc
ing the varloua tralna that are late and
alleging thac the delay are auaea Dy
the ue of impaired equipment. The
atrlker' bulletin aayt that engine 2S4S
on train No. II fell down at Brooka on
account of a broken tide rod; that en-
e-lna 1640 on train No. tit waa one hour
1... that tralna . II an I 11 werft t WO I
hnnra lata- that tan atirlBM died be-1 BAinbNdga, who once lived In Port
tween Umatilla and The Dalle last lnIi ra Seneca Smith and Judge John
night; that train 121, which waa ached-1 B. Cleland.
v-ny Aiwnitj urant naa written a
letter to the city council Baking
whether It wlaha him to defend the
poqueat or not
.nranV1 rcTn: 2 WAG0N-L0ADS OF TOOLS
tralla, where' the new road Icavea the
main lino of the O.-W. R. St N.
(United Free Led Wire.)
" Dannemora, N. YH Oct 7. Nearly two
wagon load of knlvea, hammera, monkey
wrenchea, aand baga and blackjack ara
In the prison office here today aa the
reault of a aearch of the whole prison
una H. Balnbrldge have Ma-un pro-1 after discovery of a tunnel which two
eoedlnga to nullify the will left by life termera hoped would prove the way
her, in which th fire and police re- to liberty. The men had worked on the
ahaft for three yeara In an effort to
reach a big trunk aewer. Immediately
the bore waa found every cell In the
state baatlle waa aearched.
lief fund of thla city la a beneficiary.
A copy of the ault haa Men aerved on
City Attorney Grant' with a citation
for him to appear In San Francisco
January 16 to show cause why the
bequeat ahould not bo declared null and
Other local beneficiaries of Miss
uled to leave Eaat Portland at 10:46
o'clock laat night had sot gone out at
noon today; that train No. waa one
hour and 80 minutes late.""-
Strikers "Win JPolni.
(17 b I tad Press Leased Wire.)
Bartlessyllle, Okla., Oct 7. Frank
Amos, the alleged bandit who looted the
Missouri, Kansas and Texas train near
Okesa recently, waa cornered in the hay-
Tha (.. . . ,, lion, oi a oaro near igin, nan., ana anui
I?Xr"tL?lCJXP !?? No death. Another alleged bandit Amo.
while a aherlffa posse la hot upon his
trail. . ,
In their contenUon that tba railroad 'he was of unsound mind at the time
com Dan r had. no right to place tres-1 o document waa recorded.
paaa signs at tha foot of Russell street
Tha city engineer . reported that the
erosslnr waa a city etreet
It waa reported at atrike headqu art
era that tha Alblna yarda were so full
m a .a ..a k nna mtarii n afamwaT
had to be tki off from, work by the , Th mat.r'mor,'al troublaa of Frank t.
. I Case and his wife ara belnar related to-
A man under tho influence of liquor l?,:!? 'rcul cour,t boforo Judge lumbla dock No. 5, when a switch en-
Governor Will Furnish Convict
Labor for Work When It
Is Needed.
Judge Stepatroem,
Ten thouaaAd dollars haa Men
pledged toward tb Improvement of the
Rex-Tlgardvtlla roal la Washington
county, aald Oeorge EL WagKoner, pra
ldnt of th TamhlU Oood Roada Com
mercial Clab and Automobile asaocia
tlon. while In Portland ytrday.
i "Governor Weet haa promised that
aa eoon as wa are ready for them he
will furnlah all the convicts neceaaary
to work with the fore we now have In
completing tho road Improvement
we bava been working on rradlna
and road widening for about three
weak a, tha work in charge or Henry
Hagey, who aaauraa me that a large
proportion of the finished surfacing will
M realy for use before the seriously
Md weather of winter.
It will require 111.000 to nut th
Rax-Tlgardvllle road Into th perfect
condition for all-year automobll and
wagon traffic but with tlO.000 Died red
I am aura tha remainder will b forth- position. The
tttl a TM J waa It
Vol. Ot Oet TUrlltiag para U ona
ara to M imuidkI th flrat of Ibo weak
at IM asura Ofoa oil wait T. W.
laldaoa of Port la ad. wba la heavily
iBiereslad la Vale property, haa Man
ft raa, tk managomaal and baa eocttrod
Aloaao rtaher of Ihys Coellnga, Cal oil
fiald aa head drflar. A Urge crew Is
exported witttla a few dara. and IM
drill la la M drive lo depth af 1000
feot. r Mali! a commercial all wall It
found. f
. TM ea'iem Oragoa wall, although al
froaent only aMul 1100 feot doop, Mt
iwaya giveaj iib enowinaa si oil, ou
a i part wM have bean la th field have
repeatedly elated IMt tha ell aand
TM welW of liliclt traa
la krge Mwagki op al o
loedare aaaailsg of Ike eke ai4
aad wMla. ao. ef!etie utui oat laa
ea. II a4 lo ) aaints lo
M 1U4 of Ike al laa,
aallooe for III dlevaelu ( , Ibii.
diarilwa af Ik raMi) aj praoaat
lo IM foraaia Ik ra o4iluea aa
tkey ait la Ik a koala laOar TUi
yaalaaia gltaai vnk la aW
laadiag iki aoul4 al M lak.a aa
baaaing ifcal Iko ca board woi4
aaaclita IM iaalallelMa of h twuiaa.
Tko taaiier waa yraaaia4 la )h
Mr4 by a Ooaaaalltao frooa Ik frotla!
tlrgiao aarMf roeaprtaad af a auaaa
Mr af Ik ia4lag (.kalrlaa f Iba
my. Ur. Aauraw C- Aaaita epos a of
Iba lark of WOMf aaoaUdte of l
aea truaeilea aaiuam iko tckoul caal4a
aad eihere aa tk "hiBckj plagu" ckai
aciartaing aa of far woioo rrai
IMa tuberruiueia. or Iko "walla pUgua.
It daotoraa) aot v-wr Mre-duly of
ery cltUaa U load bit aid aad lafio- .
to iko corrosUoa af aa tvti wfcirb
waa af auea a groal axtaol. TM rvr.
rcitoa af ihla evil lay la IM leaching
af the cblldraa tbeeneelva by the laack
ar, tbo pa rant. IM) pfcyaieiaa and Ike
mlalaier. Tba lark of Ibta loaaktag ta
mabIb at aioMlad I roillag ta lb gaining of each knowl-
aa at tkVirwell d " Ik cfcltdre) ta laara faolt
auoaa at tMir well ihm .BtHa4 u-tn , m MlMun(i
would aot M found tiatil ll faol deptb
aa roaehd.
Tbo Mkmmoth Oil
ala la reoum opera U on a
..V-,. -..'I ,v Pure way frwaa tbatr con, pan loo.
eom. the Olaucoolte Oil A Oat icompaay, Vr Calvu aV While, ate a member
Urg.l. oompoaa., ef WMhlngtaa aPl-Jf ,M BUI. j,,, pok. along
laiuta. bad lea eel iba Jo ha K. Johnaoa 1 1., Mm. Haa innhu.,,,. Ik. ,...
and th J. Edwii Jobnaoa ran ho ally of baginrf tha matter ptwrl b-.
Daily croak. wkre It will al oaoa arootlfer th aoroaia.
a Urg modem all drilling rig. I WMa tk rooolwtloa provldUg for
New life la Mlag give ta tha wont IM calling af the pareatar meeilete waa
la Iba Val all flld through tbo coming I latroduood. X. N. Klalschaac aad M. C.
la af aew all aofapaaloa aad tba opor-1 kt unlay were for aupportlag II at once
at Ion t aow oa at tba Malheur oil well, lout It la Sabla oounoalod delay ttatil
south of thla eity ara Ming watched time had too glvea for tba propor oon-
wllh great In I are t
Building Permits
alderatlon of tbo propoaod cauro.
Another - matter takaa under roaatd
ration waa lb eatahllshmeat of addi
tional achool faclllUea la tha Roao City
Park district Tbla district la growing
rapdly and covers a groat deal of tern
lory, and tha erection af aaotlaar build-
Waan Laundry, ereot I " Ma ooea under contemplation, rtep
a and nr. Eaat Plaadera I raaonUUvea of eevoral different aoc-
Tenth and Eleventh: I tlona were nreaant Ka actloo will M
aA . I .....
1 . Miua. .iiw. - i ikv-a II M 1 1 iama aita ran na aarnran inai
A. Ia. Utiton. renal r ana alar I ... ... . ...
dwelling, lilt TCaat TlbbetU elrt M 17-1, loo- w Ira IT. a. a id.
iwaan TKiri.nintK rA,iJ,.i I locotiona waro auggeotoo.
iCstled rraas Uaaad WV I builder. H. i'k.ii... int. Mist Eula StranaO waa appoint!
Stockholm. Oct T.4lwden'a new cab-I w d. IJan araol ana a tare frame I actlna- orlnclrjal of tho South Mount Ta-
Inet to auccoed that which resigned Sep. I d walling. Eaat Tblrty-alxtb a treat, be- bor school and Mloa Cora Shaver was
i-.v.rn ta la kiiMutiial tadav It waa I tween Preaoott ana Ooinar: bulldar. 1 ...i.ii .-.i.- i- ih.
M?l:fJ,Vi. . . a Washington High achool to take car
succeeds Premier Undaman. Th mam- dwslllng. Eaat felt htyUcond atraet bo- ' U emflov cUaaea. Principal
bare of the new cabinet are: Count Al- tween ' Sacramento and Thompson; Whitney, of Penlneular achool. was
bert Ahrensvard. foreign affaire; Dr. D. builder same; oo. tranaferred to Ladd achool to take tha
K. Bergstrom. war: M. Landstram. Jus- O. Heldoblar. erect two story fram pjACa of Piinclpal KJgglna. wbo la awa
. t.k. t mart.- fkan. atoro and dwelllna. KlUlnxawort h i.. . i ... m.,ii p.ii
utv P. A. V. Schotta. inurlor; Baron X VLV,ta.ZZ'if02L...ot Booth Mount Tabor achool. waa
T. Adelawerg, finance; Dr. Piidljaf Berg, I into. ' ' ' I traaaferred to Penlneular achooL
inatrueilon-. nenutv Alfred Peterson, ag-l Ia Zaacoma. renalr ona atorv frame I blda were opened for tha furnlablng
rlculture: Senator Petren and Aaalatant I bakery, 447 Hlxth atroot between liar- of flro boee and Improvement of achool
Btanatroem. mlnlstera without I ItJl llU builder. Mr. earmlobael; grcunda.
A. D. Moodle, repair on and ono-
kaie f A M . . .1 1 ln IT. - U.I
etreet between Seventeenth aad lgb-
teontn: nuuaer. aama: iieo.
dwelllnr, Eaat Sixty-seventh atroot bo-
iwMn rirciem ana i'lriy-rirst avenue;
ouiioer, aamo; 2u. '
Sweeney Inveatment Co., repair elx
tory DrlcK enow a tore, aoutnweat cor
ner Seventh and Morrison atreeta:
builder, fipady Manufacturing Co.; J,-
J." E. Haseltlne St Co., xcavat two
story onck atore, i neoona street, oo
tweon Ash and Pin; builder, Wright s
Branch; 1100.
Pftnrajl A nae aeat ana anil ana naif
court of Clarke county to Governor E.story frame dwelling, East Forty-sixth I ducts an x tensive Irrigation business
Hay at Tacoma iatt woea. tno gov- street, petween nawinorne ana tiay;tm Benton county, Washington, passed
Vancouver. Wath., Oct T. When
Judge Donald McMaater tendered hla
resignation aa judg or tno superior
At a meeting held In Seattle last
night arrangementa were completed
whereby the atock of tha Hanford Ir
rigation St Powe- company, which eon-
An unidentified laboring man was
killed at 11 o'clock this morning on Co
Invaded tha camps of tho atrlk picket I "rr.J .Vl " .ura",.a struck him and threw him under
at Alblna thla morning and endeavored " JtTlVt - 01 "ynoiaa. Mia wirt tha wheels. Hla head was frightfully
to raise a disturbance and ha was ""ea tnl "ult oeparafo main- crushed, but he was not dead when
promptly arrested and taken to jail. 5, . ,,ZL . v I ,? "sanding the found by yard employes. The. Red Cross
Four othera, In a similar condition, bo- ?ert' avlna that ha is tha one whoiambulanco was called. While on the
cam noisy there a short time before 6e5 lmPo "Pon. v way to tha hospital he passed away.
and ware aulcklv run out of tho dlt-I. r. : ' . -"b- ub um ww 1 xno remains were taxen to tne coroner,
-.,7- , I ooucaie ana sensitive disposition to
coming aa It will b needed.
Brv1cea In the Church e.
Oregon City, Or., Oct 7. Plrat Bap
tist church, corner Ninth and Malh
atreeta, & A. Hayworth, pastor. Preach
ing' at 11 a. m. and 7:46 o. m.. Sunday
achool at 10 a, m., H. E. Cross; tuper- their wlrea It la expected that tha at.
Intandant: ChHattan Rndeavar at t:4S orney wnu oc-k rtu... .uu.
m. A gospel service In the evening
for the good of tinners (church sinners
Included). Reverend 8. A. Hayworth
will preach on "Turn or Burn: Ood'a
tritlmetum." .
First Presbyterian church. Rev. J.
R. Landaborough, pastor. Morning wor-
hlp at 11; Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. W. C Green, superintendent; Y.
S. C E. at 7 O'clock. Morning text
I "The On v Reaaonabla Service." Even
ing subject, "The Angel of God."
German Evangelical, corner Eighth
ernor auggetted a meeting of tha Bar builder. Olllihen Aner; from Seattle people to the American
'''V' m,.nVmwa.0ncalflod K.UlnEf. ' N.w York.
poaiUon. The meeting wat called by I Eleventh and Twelfth: builder. Gordon and Portland. From this time on the
Judge MCMaeter ana tne manor iaia 4 peareon; 1400. Hanford company will be operated by
Mfora the membera. but no notion waa Joo BattagHn, repair 'two otorr frame Portland officlait In conjunction with
Haasinaed LtAXu l STrJiSi &S& S other propertle. In which tha American
ay nas rescinaea prwraiaB w . PearBon. nooo. Power at Light company la Interested,
the choice to tha a.ociatlon. J. " Br'lnVjrepalr two atory fram Tha Hanford company owna approxl-
It ta now up to varloua atttn awtlllng. 7I feroadwar street, between m4teiy J4.000 acrea of land on th
neya seeking Judge McMaater a plaoa Bast Twonty-firat and Twenty-aeoond; ,outh alda of tha Columbia river in
as auperlor Judge to begin tightening builder, L.Wti; lllft . 'lilj! lbA .
J J. uaatauo, erect two ano one naix 1 ' - -
story frame dwelling, Eaat -Twenty- at Priest Rapids. It haa an extensive
tmra street between . msKiyou f-na Irrigation ayttem in one of tho most
tiooo Clearwater; rertu gecUone of Waahlngton. and th
W.' G. WlUlamt, repair ono atory development which haa heretofore been
frame dwelling, 19 West Going street, alow on account of lack of f undo by
between Conoord and Patton avenue; tha old company, will now bo pushed by
builder, aama: tlOO. . v. . t . - k.a
.toraWMn0 SXeTue! been kept off th. market will now fM
tween uaimon ana juain; ouuaer, 'iv v.
Niner; 11400.
H. Geora-e, repair ona atory frame
dwelling, 1614 Delaware street between
Bryant and Buffalo; builder, W. P.
Rnarle: 4160. ' ' - - .
jonn Arnat, repair one atory irame i wasnmgion raiiroaaa, prunaDiy mi au '
lxue juasi Main aireei, do-
recelv th appointment There ara aald
to bo aeveral candidates, but only one,
P. J. Klrwin, haa so far announced
openly that ho wanted th position. C
W. .Hall haa been favorably spoken of,
as haa Henry Crass.
Judge McMaater will retire at the
close of the preaent Jury total on of
Services In tho Churchea.
Vancouver. Waatt., Oct. 7. Service
will bo held in the varloua house of
told, and Improvements will b made
to tha ditch and distributing systems,;
and it It expected that th power plant
will ba greatly enlarged. Indicationa
also indicate that ona of the eastern
-' B " I . . . J..1II.. tana IT-.. t M. In . ... . ha I . ... . . . . ... . l -
and MaHlann atreetaTlav V. Wlava. I WOrtHlp in Vancouver tomorrow aa lOl-1 "",?'.,-:.: "I-, :: C.7a wtoawk wiu uiraa tie nun
" .. . iwwn rorunn auu rwiuiriii ""'il p,.fnIvi territory .
allr naalar . raaMenna lit Maflann I lows: I .n . enn ixiantora lerniorr.
Frank Rodenbaidi, erect ont atory 1 n u"1"1" " vuhivujt
frame dwelling, Holgato ttreet, between President Guy W. Talbot, Portland;
Fortv-nlnth and Mall; builder. Will vloe-prasldenta, A. 8. Grenlar, Portland;
Vr 'Millar, erect one . tory frame M. Walthew, Hanford, Wa.hv and:
dwelfing. East Seventy-third street be- E. 8. Mocora, Beame; aeorotary, ana
a,.A. .Ahvni a in a tt i Ht. a KDiscoDai.- ;aat Kisntn ai.iiuv . aw .... ,ict - -
Schrader, Monro street, superintendent; "! c treeta. Reverend Otis E. Gray,
morning s.ervice at 11; young people at rector. Celebration of the Holy Com-
7 p. m. and preaching at 4 p. m.; prayer munion 8 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:46 a.
meetlna-. ' Wedneadav it 7:10 n. m. I m. morning prayer ana sermon, i
Zlon, Lutheran, corner Jefferson and o'clock; evening prayer and sermon, J tween Beech and Failing; builder, earn; treaturer, George F. Nevlnay Portland;
Strike oicket and their comrades at Blna "ucn maigniueo as her husband
- i,m.. u. ,a aat atakaa and noapea upon ner. one or
tha Alblna ehops have set stakes and
now while away considerable tlm pitch
ing horseshoes.
X)ard to right.
Trouble was narrowly averted this
tho many
imngB sne cnarget is that ha often
etruck, her. and that he finally told her
to take her clothes and not return to
their home..
Eighth streets Rev. W. R. Kraxberger,
pastor; residence 720 Jefferson. Sun
day school' at 9:80 a, m.. Rev. Kraxberger,-
auperlntendent; morning aervicet
at 10f30; evening services at 7:45; Lu
ther, league at 7. p.m.
Christ Evangelical Lutheran, corner
Eighth and John Qulncy Adama streets
Irvlngton M. E. Reverend J. H. Bar
ringer, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.,.rn.;
morning service, 11 o'clock; Epworth
League, 7 p. m.; evening service, 7:80.
Servloea will be held at Haxeldell at 8
p. m.
Flrat, Baptist Eleventh and Harney
tween.Twelfth and Thirteenth; builder, I O'Brien,- Hanford ; and J. N. Ivy, I
aaalatant Iraaaiirar Ziwla A. MeArthur. :
ttor I aanralaHM. IT .T.
Arch, repair
F. H. Brandos: 840O. , attle. : The new trustees are Guy W.
V. W. Sullivan, repair one atory frame Talbot A. 8.' Gronler and George F.
Aneaon; tltO. . S. McCord end Gerald Frlnk. of Se-
tienry xngnam. repair xramo xaotory, i atuor wuuara " " "
Charles Crowley was forcibly ejected
9.30' a. m.j preaching afternoons of
first and third Sundays at 2:80 In Eng-
raaa .n.wan. . .1 I f rom tha offlcs at Police nnmmtaaianee lish; other Sunday services morning at
morning between the striking shopmen whom he saya his wife haa shown at- Coffey tbia morning when he-applied to,10:80' w,th preaching Jn German.
ana jack Reynolds, xoreman in tneitentlon. .line commissioner ror a special patrol-
blacksmith ahop of the Southern Pacifle I Attorney Allan R. Joy la counsel for I mtXa'B "tar. Crowley persisted In talk
yards ln Brooklyn, when Reynolds I Mrs. Case, and Attorney George Staple- lng to the conmlssionor until It was
passed the camp where the ptcketa are I ton represents Case.
. quartered on his way to work. One
of the union pickets made a remark
about working while a strike was In
forced. Thla waa resented by the fore
man, who tore off his coat and dared
them to fight The union pickets
laughed at' film. ""This Tls ' the I "first In
cident of trouble at' the Southern Pa-
necessary to escort
him to the office
:.. , i Dnlted Praia Leaaed Wire..)
Seattle. Wash.. Oct. S. The trial "or
Alden J. Blethen, editor of the Seattle
ciflo shops since the strike first took I Times, and Ludovlc Dallaglovannl and
effect unanes ferryman, and Charles Wanpen
The union pickets say that the num- stein, convicted former police chief, for
ber of "bad order" engines and cart I conspiring to Interfere with public mor-
are increasing each day, and the amall als ona giving protection to vice dls
nuraber of ? workmen who are now In I trtct charactere. waa set thla morning
the ehops are unable to get the repairs IOP uciodot 53. The grand Jury will
finished faet enovgh to cop' with th Te?um? ll" ""aions on Monday, Oo-
On of the big engines waa taken out
this morning and driven to Brooks,
where the regular train waa delayed, oa
account of a broken aide rod of the en
gine. The big locomotive. No. 2349.
tober .
. Offlcert Are Reelected.
ICallad Preaa taa.a vnaat
Atlanta. Oa.. Oct 7. At the meeting
nere toaay or the International Broth-
broutrht the train and the 'disabled en-",ooa f Blacksmith and Helpers, J.
glne to Portland, ao assert the striker. i K-iina or Chicago waa reelected prea-
Wlth iht building of the platform by,aenl "-na w- r. Kramer of Chicago waa
th union pickets yeaterday on tba north 1 "" awTreiary,
aide of the at ockad a. tha Dick eta on tba
smith side built a platrom in on orh eompanya gnSarda.' Tb aame oondlUon.
high tree and now with tho aid of field I exist it passengers alight from tb
mt;, nw, art f i nui arerj-i train, toey ere escorted to tha rata.
ii. (,a: m uih fmxm giimw niuuil iui
at tha d-pot which la within th stock
Bit, m ul ha evoerted by ooe of the
'-- - -
It la said that on of tha a-uarda la
to los hla poaiUon-toecauae he made the
remark that he would llko to aea some
trouble started so he would get a chance
to ue hla gun.--' -': . - - ;
Ctmitwt Pre Leaaed wire., - -
Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 7. Joseph
Queries, noted federal Judge here and
former United States aenator, died here
this afternoon after several weeks' Ill
ness with la grippe. , , . ,
; Robb Fined $50.
- George Robb, head salesman for the
Paciflo Fruit & Produce company, was
fined 350 this morning by Judge Cohen
on complaint of -.Market Inspector Joe
Singer, who arrested the man yester
day for offering decayed prunes for
sale. When the arreat was made yester
day morning. Singer waa asaulted by one
of the employes of tho company, but it
la not -known who It was. .
" - , . . 7' . . ... .t.t. T3.,,..n . r z n rjrt,1 na.tno I iwnrr xnguani, repair uunt imuri, aiut rr "u . ao,
Rev. P. Schmidt, pastor; residence 806 Jtreeta, Reverend C. R. G. Poole, paator. 47g Alblna, avenue, between Oold-tein Tacoma, and H. M. WaJthew, of Han
John Qulncy Adams. Sunday aohool at I Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning aer- and Railroad; builder, H, L. . Camp A I - - ; v j , '
vice, xx o ciuutk, xkevereiiu wiin .nxerriix vu., fiuvv
of Portland, Or, will preach; B. T. P. William Herlng, erect two atory frame
U. meeting. 4:30 p. m.; evening service, J61111"',.126,?. E?.1 Sfiy???'
7:80, Reverend John Merrill will oo- etyce,E36n0O. ' bull5er' ;W:
cupy the pulpit i - G. A. Patte'reon, erect one story frame
English Lutheran. Thirteenth and dwelling. 483 Eaat Sixty-seventh street
Franklin atreeta. Sunday achool, 9:451 between Bandy Road and Siskiyou;
-t Weat Oresron Citv achoolhouae
Preaching by J. O. Btaata at 8 p. m., fol
lowed by Sunday achool.
: Cathollo, corner Water and ' Tenth
streets Rev. A.' HUlebrand. .pastor;
residence 912 Water. Low meat at 8 a.
m.4 with sermon- high mass at 10:80 a.
m.: afternoon aervice at 4. Mass every I end M. L. 8mlth,
morning at 8. ':'
St Paul's Rev. C W. Robinson, rec
tor. Daily services: Morning prayer at
i o'clock: holy eucharlet at I a. m.i
morning' prayer and eermon at 10:30 I ro1" tne Aged; class meeting ronows;i dwelling, 846 Skidmoro street,, between f -na Fifh atreeta and aa an appeal hat
irmon at pworin t-eague, o: p. m.; preacning. jwaiiory ana uarrieia: io. Ua- .- fmm 'the' bulidln. coda for
1 x n nnard af huildlna- anneal 'to
a. m.; morning aervice, 11 o'clock, by o"le15! . t- f-.J oerve temporarily waa appointed yea.
Reverend M. L, Smith; Luther League, J-,,Pl"hronS?I IT!!1?.: tardav bv Mavor Rushlight In the ner-
7 p. m.. Mrs. W. S. T. Derr, leader; even- ""j.Vn" f. C Alnsworth. E. F. Lawrence
lng service, 8 p. m., sermon by Rever- white: 8800. ' " land Georaa Lanaford.
ic. J. Mauts. erect two ana i one-hair i . u. t i. hum rMunn
First M. . E-Ninth and Columbia story frame dwelling. East Twenty-soo- M-mKAr. tha Mrm.Jt board, ara
k tk. .,.l,i. x to company ia.ouyv. . . . " w ou"Wl-
, . .uv'xk, a .wwgip. M ice iener.. erect one story frame tata at tha aouiheaat oorner or Aider
o'clock; - holy -eucharlst and sermon
11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon
at 7:39 o'clock; Sunday achool at 12 m.;
7:80, "Progress vt. Prejudice." ; School board, repair two story rrame t"ZZ7 V
Christian Science society.- 71 t-Wth-1 manual training "cnoi, m m aiow i---.. " 7- TT " , N
morning aervice, 11 o'clock,- subject of
builder, Galbraith & Felander; 8160.
Thursday , evening's sermon at t:30 Ington atreet. Sunday school, 10 a. m.;
o'clock. ' -
- United Brethren, corner. Eighth "and
Tayloi" Rev. L. F. Clarke, pastorr resi
dence, Portland.' Sunday achool at JO a.
m., Frank Parker, Maple Lane, superin
tendent Morning aervice at llrT. P.
8. C. E. at 4 p. m.; evening services at 7.
trirat Conarreaatlonal chureh Morn.
Ing aervice at 10:30 o'clock; evening I atreeta. Sunday achool. :46 a. rn.; j frame dwelling, 4884 East Sixty-fifth
street between Twelfth and Fourteenth; anf Mason could not act on the appeal.
R. p. Efflnger, the third member " of
t ociock, suDject or I Il0uig . Rera. repair one atory frame TT - -J7 Z- V-.-ji . a .
th. laaann aal-man Ara Sin niaaaaa anil l."iir. t ... tv, t klim pariliaiioiik "wu.
Death Reair Wednesday evening teatl-J tween . Preecott and Skldmore; bulider, thua making It necessary tor tne mayor
monlal meeting. 8 o'clock. Reading room same; 8160. . V . , , to create an entirely new pera.onneU ) . '
at aama addreaa.ODen dally from I ta 1 mm. xv. dlhuj, k, .w,
aWl, aeot ndWV. " .- &-"" h"!
Flrat , Presbyterian. Service at thelhunder. n. a. Gee: 3100. I
courthouse, . Eleventh and -' Franklin I Mrs. J. P. Mahmann. repair two story I
Done Smith Named m Agent.
Ernest Carley of Minneapolis, man
ager of the northwest 3epn-tment of the
Cunardr Steamship company, . limited,
who la in Portland today, arranged to
appoint Horsey B. Smith, of the trav
eler' a Information bureau, in the Cham
ber of Commerces a special agent of the
aervtca kt 7:46 o'clock.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mul-
key. -paator; resldenee, Gladstona Sun
day school at 10 a. ra., N. C. Hendricks,
auperlntendent Morning aervice at 11
o'clock; evening aervice at 8 o'clock. Rev.
L. F. Stephana of Portland will occupy
the. pulpit during the evening service.
' Methodlat, Main .street, corner Sev
enthRev. E. F. Zimmerman,.' pastor, a crowd of
resjaence, sixio ana . weanrogton. ourxr
day ochool, 9:48 a. rn, C A. Williams,
mmamIhm aaralAa at 11 ..pmAn -u.Mh. lliresi. - utiwnn xwirr nuau-ann UIS I n . . ..
? ' 1" , imtrttmf builder. C. T Schroeder" 860 I Mrs. b. o. rarrisn, an oia time reel
ing Ordera." by Reverend H. 8. Temple- "li nir.'J : .U.nt ar Portland, and th. wMn. a a
ton. paator; Mualp by the Choir. At theawemn. gij Twenty-eecond street he-1 B Parrish, who was chief of the Port- I:
cloae of th service a-congregational I tween Wygant and Going; builder. L. E. j land police department for 10 yeara,
meeting will M held. lPrtu.nL 10.0- : . 1 1883-1892. died this morninr at" the !
""""t-JTL' son, in Tacoma. Mr.. Par.
SOT Break Leg. - ton streets; builder. A. E. Jones; 3100. ""h waa well known In Portland and j
Ralnh Gordon, ao-ed 12 years, of 271 FL H. Bhalmere. repair one and one-1 leavee many friends to mourn her Ion.
Montgomery street while pUylng wlthlhalf etory frame dwelling. Ill Eaat 1 Tin funeral service will be held
boya at 342 Third street fell Elghty-aecond etreet f
a and ausutned a broken leg. " B,dPtr;:m
v.- ... yim. b.-,.-i.. I C A. Brlckman,.erert
aame: 8(0.
on story frame
from a fence
He waa taken to the -Good Samaritan .k "h?'i..rl.',5, ""'If '1?.
SS'lf .'.n ,.hoCM; ?"d"0"' P-rtut.ndent; Junior league hosplUU where the Injured limb waa STt Mtw
hard erenciet west of MlDjttpoUa.JI p..m yxi ei. . -r,' ,;--r x. r Ifeurth avenues; lmUder earn; 7fc
from Taylor Street
a. m. Monday, tnd the body will b In
terred in -the Rivervlew cetnatery.
Journal want ada brine reault.