The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Authorities Afe Seeking to De
First Eipendture Frcm Pro-
termlne Who Is to Blame
poied 1500.000 Is to Ej.:J
Automobile Freight Road to
Tidewater at Crescent City.
for the Construction and
Maintenance cf Structure,
rl f a "!
t t hikii, fa. ot. ? t"vi !
ealwalarr B.e Utl t:l a
Sf . e ftfnai ft '" 1
Um MiorvU r. km4Im i a himi
m4 eaaay fry ltmff AHf Oaaral
Tft utkoelt laa ara ,- I
laera M t U la J af
ateatieaae M Jkirwtt! eat ete
f tS aa II U mm
Uveas iui tb iai fiWM n
ba lU4.
Ta Nmi m adJarwed !-
m la era M eaabie IK elate I
la a fa-art ltlae r. Ta Bast
aaa witt a held at Cee-srv Y 1
satte fraaa tai nr.
T aU, II nnm bar
r4 frea tb wrac..
Th ttartaaa coeapaay wttl V aeM
llaMe fee U laa f lir aaa ,aerty
reamu" free Ik f H daae.
aaeerdtng I telaaaeet ay lb MM
aiar. Titer mm a far
laa nrvlnri af tb rta. ! ert
bIM far IMf he lra and
farm a. for raUUvea wb arUaa4
la the MUMropU.
Tktowt Kaaa. ae a the tea ling
fflelale af the tuylaas eeaiaaay, UI-
a4 laday that If at litlt era at art -4
4 u1mI ika eooipaar. I allla, which
era a big fact la tb laauatrul Ufa
af Awm ana Tldaltr, will ba removed
frata Iba lava.
- a
Bold Captain Friar Puts Back
to Everett to Caulk the
Numerous Leaks.
(Baertal a lae Jeareell
KveretL Waab Oct. I. Bans and
Ttlta und der Captain hav nothing at
ell oa Captala Oaorg T. frair and Bla
gallant craw of six maa wha plaaaad
ta find burtej treasure la th Bod La
Baa Islands, but whd today ar back
la Eraratt rattla thalr ablp raadr far
tha loaf voyara. With a aaw vtfl.
thm a loop raatar. built bar by rriar
and bla craw, thay aat aall a waak a-a
, bat tha craft laakad ao rapidly that
tbay wra obllgad to pat back to Cr
aratL Canwnt had baan ad to fill
tha aaarna and It prorad aaytblna bat
a auecaaa, tba aailora balnf kapt busy
au tba tlma la baluac out tha watar.
Evar alnc th eraft'a conatmetloa
waa commnod thar ha baan muob
myatary orar th mlaaioa h waa to
fill. It waa darkly h In tad oa th watar-
front that ah nlcht ba a pirat boat
Tha ewnar rfud to dlrulga anything
and th man atnployad with him war
equally avaalv.
It finally ha cam to light through
on of th men that tha Faater waa
to be uaed a a treasure ahlp in car
rying vaat quantities of pearl to be
found off th ooaat of or on th South
Bern Islands. Frair waa said to b In
poaeeealon of a aecrt regarding th
location of th treasur and, with th
aid of natlra diver, planned to secure
It Th men who tnad with him th
flrat unsuccessful start war promised
$160 per month after their arrival
there. So far they hav had no pay
day and It Is said to be not unlikely
there will be a mutiny similar to that
which Han und Frits ao often frustrated.
Today th Fester Is beached and It
i a r i .. , i i ii i . a a a - a, a m
III - 'Z -7
il . -i.-L;.'.r - - v v.-.-. - ... . - -. riiii ucw - f - . ;: .. : i
i JZZ&J "V-
' . J .'.?'.::.- SKS
' "! ''y aaaai " Jg"
tMa fi i tin Vital
Qe faaa. l. V I At U.'r
aiia.a avaa Mit UM aijtt.
ai laka la tn I Ika far
t a. f Ika iwrM af k-w4 .
a aatwaakU rtJtl rad ft uaia
! la (viki i nr. Cat. a diaaa
f I auia H ika
aaa la w al ra4
linMi ale awwaty. taa aif
iMaaiii la a ptmm is a4 r4 k
riif tit iU Tkia I M ea
kla kr Ika aa af ika tMi ! r al
frvMaaii tiir, ekUaar M rk
Iaa4 aa4 aa rvaakrac Tka U llaaa attjaer kaeaaaa saa fvaa
ctM aa4 fweiiaaa. Ika saala H a
ta wtka rirv rlUa.
iwt kal it mum tyaaa Ika
kifkaar. a ln4 rail fraiskl
lata af Ilk la la ar fraaa ilkr
aa ftaanaaa a rwtlaad.
rb I aMaaar al Ik aaaaltag
aa Jm T. flraa, aarba aaataaar t
tka Caiifarai Hiaar M ttarwr taagwa
af aaa fveaataaa, wK akawad laai
ftalkl ka akl4 by aalaaaktla
fr.tskt Inwlt l ar fraaa sua
tsa ar riua4 la Oraata raaa, ia
Ctaaeaal City, far 111 I par tea, wllk
at raar I iaaaiflaaiiaa. aa
aataal Iha praaaal aaraa rU rata f
111 par I na
il i aall mat 4 thai 1 laa ar pra-
daata a ad wrhaadiaa waald pas af
IM aaia r4 ak '. Iba affaet-
U a alag af II11.M a year i tka
pr4w aad aver Ik pr.
aat rail rata Win ika aaaaiag ar i
raaaaaa aaaal. It la aatlsMtad laat tka
laaaaca threagb lb I glr wlU rah
I . a year.
krarhaU JUDwsy A talma t.
taakM MM a Tka it
itr tn. f . Thm Daachala
Railroad eoaipaay laraad la Ita fiaaaatal -impart
la th railroad oomaalastoa ladar.
shoving lhat lb lata! aapaaditare af
k. .nK m Ia i&a data waaa It
wai taraad avar la tt-W. It. K.
roouatad ta l.TJT. Kalatnaale of
ii. mrtmn ata will b tarladad la
Iha report of th O -W. K. N, walek
has not yat baaa filed.
Abora Party of ararcbara look 1b ( for bodice la tha ralna of Austin.
View of main tract of AnstJn tba mornfog aftar tba disaster. Ba-
low CarrTlnc oat tba da4 from tba rolna of tba city after tba
flood. View of tba break la tba dam tbat caused tba death of
score M people.
Appeal to Be Made to the Peo
ple of Mexico Against
General Reys.
past, from which th stump was takan.
seam Ukly that It will be many days i" ?.n "nd""! 5"" "J?
V f .ail aaa. II -w ." I KDOUt inrCf lOSl 1U lIllUAiaOaW. DOAWtOUl
rvkww a nm aaa a kUO LI -au UI V I
flookaji. Wash. Oct T. President
Taft baa among- tba aouvenlrs of bla
western trip a can out from a stump
which scientist declara was a tree be
fore tha glacial period. Th wood was
found In tb valley f th aouth fork
of tha Old Man liver In th southern
part of th province of Alberta, by Pro-
fesor W. 8. Foster, a geologist and ex
plorer. living In Spokane. Tha cane.
which la valued at 15000, waa presented
by Edwin T. Coman. president of th
Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of tha
people of Spokane.
"The stump, which stood In a peat
bed, was found beneath 10 feet of
glacial wash." said Professor Foster,
giving a history of th discovery, "and
preserved to th present day by on of
th wonderful freaks of nature. Tb
Island. Tht craft Is 29 feet In length S - '
and II feet In width. " PreMrv
This peat bad waa uncovered by th
wearing away r th glacial waah by
flood and tb flow of th Old Man
rl'r. There la not th least question
In my mind that tb tree grew before
the glacial period, mora than 110.000
year ago, but ao far I have not been
able to ascertain the kind of wood It
"Th discovery was mad not long
ago in th Frank llstrlct. which la ISO
miles north of Spokane and fully 400
mile east of th Pacific ocean. Tb
presence of well-preserved seaweed and
flag stock In abundance, burled under
(0 feet of glacial deposit, appear to be
sufficient proof of Its antiquity, though
I hav much other evidence of scientific
character to bear out -all of my asser
"Mora than that, I am prepared to
satisfy any on posted on such things
by showing them th stump from which
th wood was out, also tha formation
In which tb discovery waa made.'
(L'nilwl Prei teas Wire.)
Mexico Cltv. Oct. T. Tlmul ta
again aak tha Mexican people to rise
and crush the anamlaa of tha nroiMint
elect waa mad her today by Ouatavo
Maoero in an exclusive statement 'to
th United Preaa
'A neat counter revolution. " XtmAmm
saia, "nas been planned for October
10. w e nav asked Provision. I Pr..l.
dent De La Barra to stamp It out but
apparently soma of th official n
power at the present time favor the
movement, we hav told ihui nrfi.
clala that If tha aovarnmant rin. nnt
take StODS to nut down tha InrlnUnt
revolt my Drother Franrlaco will ...In
asa Mexican people to rls and crush
our enemies.
"We ar not aleenlna. TVa ara al.
ready taking the field a rain our.
Salves. OrOBCO Is out in th. nnrth
and Figueroa In the south. We caa
aepena upon both. W wont allow
things to run a Ion a- If Rva ahnwa
evidence that he Is heading a revo't
wnen n arrives at Ban Antonio.
ha ar.rta lnlHn. . m-mm u . m
-- .w. mvavD. L 1 1 0
Grand the United fitat.s ahonU ar.
rest him for treason aa It trt tn ar.
rest my brother Franclaoo wh.n h.
waa planning nu blow against Dlas.
past few year that(Clataop county has
com to lb front aa a farming terri
tory. However, experiments recently
conducted aem to fortel a great fu
ture for the email rancher and truck
gardener, aa well aa th cranberry In
dustry, which ta now In Its Inception.
The county grange, aa th foremost
development league of tha county, has
Inaugurated th county fair with th
Intentions of making It an annual event
and th chief Incentive for th farmer
to follow only th moat profitable
branches and leara the true resource
of the soil, as well aa to aerv aa a
guiding light to Inveators.
Tb prise tbia year will consist onlr
of ribbons, flrat, second and third, the
short spec of tlm not parmlttlna
other prises- to be arranged, but It Is
planned for next year to offer substan
tial reward for th beat grade exhibits.
ICalwd Ptms Laaaas W1f.
Sacramento. CsL, Oct, T. William
Arch bold died early today and Arthur
Crouob and Oaorge Stockel ara at th
county hospital la a precarious condi
tion aa tha result of a bead oa collision
betwam two motorcycles running 40
mile an hour along tha Stockton road.
Th crash cam near th county hospi
tal, and Dr. J. B. Harris or tha Institu
tion rushed th men to th Infirmary la
au automobile.
Crouch, who Is suffering from coo-
cusalon of th brain, may die.
How to Cure Rheunutuxn
Poet Sea. Pi is its.
tloa -It la
Obadlah Gardner, th new senator
from Main. I a practical farmer.
. wr aimnla and harmless
formula bat It baa worked wonder for
all who hav triad It. walckly caring
.-4 .Mil rhaaimatlam and back
OniVlH. wa - -
ache. "Oat one ounce af syrup f Barsa.
parilla oompouna aaa on. m i "
compound." Then get half a pint af good
. . . A aa... Kaa At hst 1 Ta IfirtaW
dlenta Into It . Tak a tablspoonful f
this mixture be for each meal and at
bedtime. Bhaae tha noma oeior aamg.
Results ara fait th fir day. Anj
druggist has thee IngredUnta oa hand
or will quickly g them from his whole,
al hou. Any on caa mix them.
(Halted Press Leased Wlre.1 .
' Toklo, Oct 7. Contradicting th
reports abroad of Japan's poverty, the
government announced today that It
had prepared a naval budget for the
expenditure of three hundred and fifty
million yen. (1175,000,000) .which will
be expended during th next seven
"Seven : battleships, . two armored
cruisers of 10,000 tons each, and om
smaller warships, ara Included in the
plana. These additions to Its navy will
place Japan's rating -with those of the
great power. -.- .
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Fort Smith, Ark., Oct. 7. -ATwelv
stalwart youths and men. and lAouri
woman a11 Muttianlal TXT rknlra r.tK.f
And "Squire" Doke, aa ha is known, Is
p round of each and every on of his 28
Hard times, high cost of living.' race
suicide Squire Doke knows none of
these and himself and his family ar a
living contradiction of th theory that
under present conditions It la lmposslbl
to raise and support a large family on a
moderate income.
Squire Doke will soon round out four
score years of active, useful life, but his
career will not end with the 80 years.
He is still strong and - straight and
hearty and although he recently dls
. nnnnTn nun imini r
LEADER OF NEGRO COLONY P"ed of hl """J" Benton county, ho
rinas mucn 10 aeep mm Busy,
(TTinltad Pnea LmJ Wlra
North Takima, W; ah.. Oct. 7. An In-
formation charging, murder in tha first
degre was riled this morning anlnst
Archie Plm, a negro, following the
death during the night of Chick Malone
from lockjaw. The fatal shot was fired
after an altercation In which Malon.
head, of a, negro club and one of . th
leaders of the negro colony, had eject.
a rim iron) nis nouse.
Squire Doke first entered the matri
monial lists with Mathilda Gear, and
seven children resulted from th happy
union. : Arter tne war, in which Mr,
Doke took an active part as a member
of the 149th Infantry, Mr. Doke married
again, and upon the death of his second
wife, took a third. -,v ,y '
How did he find names for them all 7"
Squire Doke was asked that, and In
answer he said: :V
When our ordinary supply' was ex
hausted, we went , to th Bible."
Below Is a list of Mr.- Doke's children.
Mary, Samuel, Melissa,' John, Martha.
Effective tM weekth teajnerHar-i;?"";-
.t rinaan or1 tha rt .w . t iit I Stephen, Euen, Natnan, George, Frances,
rest Queen Of th O.-W. R. ft N. Will I Rhnda. n.lnrL T.awl. : J.m.a T..7
Benjamin, eimon jrster ana , Minnia
(Seedal to The Joarnal.)
Fort Stevens, Or., Oct . 7. Adolph
Zamrsky, a native of Bohemia, now en
listed, in the 98rd company. Coast Ar
tillery Corps at Fort Stevens, has per
fected a typewriting device that will,
ha thinks, increase the
Winter Schedule; Str. Harvest
leave Ash street dock for. Astoria dally
except Saturday at 8 p. ra.; returning,
leave Astoria at 7 a. -rri., except Sunday.
There win be no boat from Portland
Saturday Bight, October 7. . e
Best eoal. Alblna Fuel Co.
Th bakers' union of .San Franolsea
Cah.- has. established a eooperatlve
baKery. wner FTencn bread is baked
by tne anion workmen under union
smsr co
m poucrmouj
Homo Office, f !
Oor. nftk and acorrlsoa Sta
A. L. MrLt.'. . Pratri'ant
L SAMUEL. .General Manaaar ,
Iq Best for Oregoniano
machine fully $0 per cent
In using a machine It la necessary
upon completion of &ch ltn to move
the carriage back by hand movement
over the distance It ha traveled and
the roller spacing is accomplished by
another movement Involving the same
By a simple reciprocating spring at
tachment the Inventor claims to- have
overcome both these difficulties. When
the top carriage of the machine ar
rives at the end of the completed line j
a small button- is pressed,' Just aa one
would strike a letter Key, and the ma
chine Jumps backward to its original
position and also completes at the same
time' a spacing movement; which can be
regulated to a move of one or more line
spaces as the ' operator may desire,
Since both the back movement and turn
ing of the cylinder ' to the open : space
required for a new line are automatic,
the possibility of a mistake either in
bringing the carriage back to the prop
er distance or through nervousness or
oversight' a - mistake in ; spacing, - are
eliminated. - ' ,
- Private -Adolph Zamrsky haa proven
equally aaept - in many rieida or en
deavors. While in Austria, ha held an
Important position in the revenue ser
vice of that country: He speaks, flu
ently and write with- equal facility
three foreign languages, la employed by
a Chicago publishing house to trans
late English publications Into Bohemian,
paint well and la a mechanical
draughtsman of exceptional ability.
Tba Inventor state: - "if y . principal
difficulty waa not to find an apparatus
that would perform th mechanical func
tion of bringing . the carriage- back, at
th same tlm spacing, but to adapt
that devlc to th complicated working
arrangement of the other parte of the
maohlne so as not to Interfere with or
alter their functions.. My experiments
were all with up to data machines. Time
and again the result ' bought, seamed
within grasp only ta, fade awa.
(Sped.1 to The JonroaL)
Seaside, Or., Oct 7. Much Interest is
being taken in the arrangements now
speed of that! under way for the first Clatsop county I
fair, which will ba held at Oearhart
Park. October 11. 13 and 11. - The move
ment for a county fair Was taken , up
some time ago "by the members of the
county grange and committees ap
The management of Oearhart Park
has donated the use of the large audi
torium and other buildings for the oc
casion, as well as arranging a program
of swimming and diving to tike place
at the natatortum operated lis connec
tion with the new hotel. The beach in
front of .the hotel will be the scene of
a. lively broncho busting contest and
wild west tshow on one of the days of
tne rair. several notorious outlaw
horses- will be brought down from War-
renton to furnish material t for the
"buccaroos" and as the sands of the
beach offer an Ideal ground for the eoq.
test, with the . large - veranda of the
hotel to take " the place of a grand
stand rrom wnicn a perfect view la cer
tain, march interest. Is centered in this
feature of the fair, to which the ar
rangement committee la catering ' by
signing everyxning mat ; gives promise
oz excitement.
Aside fronr dairying it is" only in the
Blood Humors
Commonly cause pimplea, bolls, hives.
ctema or. sail rheum, or aome other
form of eruption; but sometime they
exist la th system, indicated by feel
ings. of t weakness, languor, loss of ap
petite, or general debility, without
causing; any breaking out :
They ar expelled and 'the whole sys
tem . Is renovated, strengthened and
toned by "
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Get It today In usual liquid form or
'chocolated tablet called lanatab.
Surrendering Franchises
Over the matter of surrendering franchises, tendered to the City
Council for its consideration, there has been considerable comment
Many of these franchises have been handed down from the days
when there were several companies in the field and the proposed
lines paralleled each other with a single block intervening.
To run streetcar lines a block apart in residence districts would .
be the height of folly.
No company could give good service, for the financial support
would be lacking and it would necessarily result In infrequent and '
unsatisfactory service.
In submitting the franchises which the Company offers to sur- .
render, it has picked out those which, if in operation, would detract '
from a harmonious service and those where the people are already
' amply served. ,
Any one of these franchises can be canceled by the City Council
at any time. ' ' ' . p
There is no dispute over paving on streets' never occupied by
the railway. There is a difference of opinion, however, on streets
once occupied and where the tracks have been torn up. The Com v .
pany holds to the view that it is unfair to tax it for. paving on
streets not occupied and where service now exists near by, on an- 1
'other, street.- ; - I ' ' ' r
Those streets where the tracks have been torn up, and. since (
doing so the streets have been paved,-are very few in number. 7. ,J
The franchises on the streets involved were given years ago at a
time when the people, knowing that the future was full of doubt
as toJts awards., sought the. investment of capital, and no one then
imagined that such a contingency as has now arisen was hidden in . "
the franchises. 1 ;
'However, the request has been submitted in the belief that the
"people of Portland wish to do the fair thing. - : -'
J r