The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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OF 0 W
List cf Esunes cf Convicts In
191! Is Only a Fraction cf!
Those Who Fled In 1910 or
1D0Q; vti, 3, 11 ancf2G,
hmi of TV )n4 I
. tt. lte mi
mt oikoe tf-m Ik taallaalsar f,
:ilktl .atua af Umiiw Mfl aj
a ,l.a itlwa la
t r44 lit.. o- - mt
l-a at 11 da Ika- IB. a War
a. autay a lai r e
' I'H foaaa-a .( hk t
ml .tvota- fa. ! fftaos rvfo.
wa f (WlrrtM Waal, r aa
of IM oa f Ika aaatiaailar, kn
e ! a anlMaf mi Ikrtr a
llll') ' ...My a aaiaiae
w- oaa Va U tl Oaara war
B4 Mfrwn! Wn Ik a
UW1UH ta la Ik aaaa , t III
. tvfMT l lrbl. fall.r of la arid
e,l. I 1 1 wkaa II B.raaa.1.
(aru J V! I e!y Urn . el au
la ra4 we.k ww4 k la.tliul
- ei.aja4 Matfa, k-xl .urta
Ilia. II . inimI Bad I !.
' Wka la Bum har War. work eed.r
M,r (kaa ar w oarta wltnoM
aaraa. It oaKapod. T IM Ual f
I lr haa- Baa, wh bar kroara fall
wlta Ik ifnar km ka.a addad. ft
tba Ml of allaUa la Bnak la
' . a-ovatal IntMl. et a r
I k fa-nad iihM any MHiitaatiurr I
Ik e"uairy, eaI vrl artaonar mi
. HkJr Ik p-ia.a af lk parol taw
- T Ik rr..lal.r.
KUaik tk Km la Xwa,
I raly i uiMwl aiir.bi4 I
' eaavtct lha Ik r1oar tkameelv
War mTttf fpO. 1 Ik ftlMaaTl
work. A young baaar aaa a im I mw
ajoflnc Ik mat aad roafUlaAr f
Umor Wt. Mid: "Thar ar quit
auanb-ar la (h aial f Ofti M
ra of poa4 I Oonrttot Waal a prlao
awtlcjr far obvloua raaaoaa. Tti rhlaf
. . reaaoa I (hat lhr ooa'i knaw I ha ftrat
ihia- about a trkoa r lu Inmata an4
lhf kara ra daalr i bala man wb
I 4im. SacJi paojl,bar a right I
' ra Judiataat ) aa aartoua roaltar
; l ha l wiaaaa aa mack tor bumanllf.
ll a maa b throw jmih lb la-
. maiaa ar tba frioa lbr a ad b will
fitv4 out bjr obaarratloa an4 comparlaoa
: lhal a majoni ar rletlna ar aoflroo-
mn aa4 aot erlmlnala at baart.
-Tba vollcra at lb a4 af lb atraat
. ha ma ay aucb eaaa and. mt eetaraa.
t maajr to tba contrary and It ta Ooytmor
j U rat iBlaalloa la waad out thoa wbo
jar la aucb btraita knfl balp thm. but
) It all tia tim. nine tba tllc'
ra ba aaUbUabad l Hatara thar
mm o
Seattle .Man Sentenced for
Wholesale Registering of
faaltl. Wk. Owl. , . 4trr A.
Iaks, U aa.4 " gV.4 miU 14
f ftat4i.t iaiaitacta, aa .
aa4 I lkt la la faal I. IK
ail.liay Ula ala la Ilk
Air4 l'ka, IK ii aiatuar aav
Ml laf4 ilb IMarlka'
iMa f a.r kf ik ummm
I i ika iiiaxvi ! 4ini im
alai f ll.H alaffiaf a
lilf ilwlM 1J-
lll'GUlf Bf BIB HSH
lawitt la TV Ja.ll
Moualoa, Taiaa. 61 t.-oolaa ar
ar riwm a aktrr I tba ta r ku
Utu braihar. wba waa Ballad and
r aama aimtr (lab. CddM Kblaad,
tl yaara ar aa. waa drawaad la what
I baawa aa ika Allaaita drda bl
k. aaat f Oalvaaloa.
Arat4la la Ika iorf 114 br lb
raaru4 brvthar. IH wo war fiabiaa.
Th reaasar bf bad 114 Ik flak Una
a lakaa
fih bad
I m . IB
i 1
Sfc 111
miw couri is
Oattle for Inltiatlvc'and Ref
erendum One of the Most
Important; Status of Rail
road Commissions
R. P. NatL
llawial a TV Jaaraal I
Aablaad. or- Oct. a. blaror R. 1.
l)d blm vr board, and waa draff la Nil and Vila Ida lUrtra ( Ibla
Mm banaatb th waiaf. Tbt Ut aajrlcH wra vaarrtad at aooa atrda all
Waaklattaa. R C, (VI t.-.An.
Ut ataatb vaaatiaai tba i.unu
taart f th( Taiiai ,!, ,,t
Jk am
.p.iM ana a aar at
IM l.a b r aarikiaa l:h
ual lapartitra a Kh I ka fiu.,j ml
Tvbatraa diauuUa ulla I a Ik
bbI. but ibtr ar a kawkar f la.
Mat aad lairua , a&aiur k
will ek kfar Ik, aiM r.a a.ifcai.
..T.ir1 to b aa Drat
ar all tk auwara ja4i ika
rtlH at lal railroad aoaualaaiaaa.
V. l ih lb
bind I ba datidod. Aa J1 a( ibaat ara
orraUtad. t u cratabi tk ur will
baar tka aa aaarta
bla Thar ara rata aa froaa il.
aoari aia. Ihra froaa kllanaaaia. .
ladla h. dell4 fcr Jad abr.
bWb aiiuiad tba axwraora- cfr.
aaaa at aprm, Xk rorUy. and
ral frwta Ohtiyna kod Kaatucky. Tba
opinion, ar in auprama irlkunal la
lha aaa arwbably will n daflAjUIr
lb aoaailiaiioaaj Haslia ar aula tail,
road aomaitaaloaa and clrcumacnb Ik
awra lhy may aiarela ta Ik way t
fitiat lb rata ar camrno rarrUra ta
lauaaut traffic.
Oaaaaaataaa k UaHaa.
at one taa ta tba roaeua and aa.llb bom. f tba arbta rtrat a.a. I,., tr7m thJ7Zt?iZ?lLh"'
aa4 la br.ab.a, lb. Iiaa. bat la do-I Only tba Imaaadiatd rUUraa aad mm A VZSZ Tb! at."l?:
Mcdford Girl Is Made Pub
lie Today.
la aa It waeajaa lanflad aro4 Uun or Iba eily eeaaetl war la alt4
wi. ara"a nm ia l ara awnaaia IB
lw(r la rUa k mora. '
Rtlaaloa. Tba avaramaai n-.i
I . , " raa l aaaba conoaaaloo.
at. I to lalra. boldla; that it t. raoaUac
. bav. ba nvany rtjvamor in offlo. but
.. aot ena bafor W rat baa don a thing
to raform tba ariaonara pronally. In
. tha rtrat plae. thay war afraid or tba
man Inalda and vara glad to lat wall
t noii(b alooa and thay thought by doing
, that tby wr balptog tba maa, but
. Ihay war aot.
I- "Uovaraor Want ia Afraid or no maa.
; wkthr Inalda tba pn!tntlary or out-
i aid. Ma anowa tna maa ana goo among
. tham aa ena or tharn. Thay all know
' Mm and baartJIy tndoraa hi policy. Of
court, tba cradit or tha raforra mora
meat la not wholly up to th g-ovarnor,
but to tha man aa wall, aa ba la but
an Inatroroant through which tha maa
may balp thinelvK
raw rold Ka Tan Down. -"Taka
a man on parola. for lnatanca:
Ha make good for a whll and than
Captain Paul W. Brek. Un!t4 But artar. t tba !! of bit Curtiag
bliilan. and aaaUd aloDfaJda ot blra Poitmajtar Gaoora) Hitchcock.
Btandloc to tba right of Captain Bck la Attornay Oanara! 'lckr
aham, wbo wag an interaatad gpctator at tha arlatlon noot bald at '
Kaaaan Boolarard. Long Island. Captain Back, with poatmaater
Ganaral Hitchcock aa a pkaaenrw. flaw from tha arlatlon field to
Ulnaalo with a bar of malLXPoatmaater Ganaral Hitchcock person
ally dropped tha b( In tha handa of tha poatmaater In charga of
tba office at Mlnealo.
raaartal la Tba Jaaroal
VI ad ford. ur. Urt. T. Nora DarllBg.
la pralty ralaa of It aum m ara. wbo baa
an amployad for aornailraa aa a -
aatla by Unroia MoConnack ai 41 Roa
ooart. baa dlaappearad and all afforla
ta local bar bar failed. llr mother
Vlra. Darling, wba raaldaa at til North
Central etreat. falling to find tba girl
through bar owa fforta. today appald
to th aawapapara and police for aid.
ar. aaa am il aim cm a ai- I '"'or a. nwaigr lhal It la a.h.ii.
"w a aoai anau aaa matron or - aaia Terminal; cotnpaay.
boaor. Ula Edna Dougherty played J owaina twa bridgaa avar lha bfleaiaaippl
i ww marvo. araonf ll praa m vaigf vraugnt M lb bar aa
inn waa
Ban tad
Vila a Darling baa net ba aaaa
raa an elaborate ilvr at pro-I 'be uUoa of u btaf a monopoly
br lh ally eauocll. - I raatralnl or trade. AaoLhar Uao thai
r Nail a nathr ar Tnaaaaa.4rll be fought aut aariv In ..
waa bora la till, eroaaad tba pUlna I hetber tba atorkyarda la Iba Urg
with bla parnu la lilt, and aattlad I f,ti-e ar rommoa carrlara withla tk
rive mil aoatb or Aahlaad aa what la I naaalng of the lateratata oommaroa
a Down aa tna old Nail homeaUad. At I ' A raa agftaat th BalUmora and
the egVef II ha BUrld out for him- PD' outbwtra road la ipc(d I
aelf. Banning roonay la th aummer t I 'e4 to a daclaloa aa ta whatha a mi.
ICallad Praai taaaad tH.1 I kaap blra la tba sublla echoola af Aah. I road may trenanart ahaan ih.k .
Ottawa. Ont. Oct. T. Tb cablnt of I land In lh winter. If baa aoaat hlafetala Into anotbar alala aha. tk. .....
lnceRbrt Oordaa. new pramlar or Can-1 tnllra llf bare and baa won sucoasa I lh rough which Iba aheap pas t Hadr
lflada, will not b announoed until stoa-lby hi owa peraonai afforta. Ill piin- I aueraatlna.
I laal IIahi. mnratha lha 1. ft
ha Mihw'i knma la rainra la har Burma rooaiTOQ rnra iipai anspaiira oa pa in IIVMtocB. Willi ror til Inltlallaa a .a.
placa of amploymenL Bhe left without M"a1trw0" ,b,t lh artooa pro. H waa la tha bu.In.aa la Aahland rorlerendum. lha foundation alone or tha
lira cloth, without mon.y and with- lne' w1" ,b rDf".,d " 'ollowa: II year. II waa lctd mayor rorp'eoa primary ayaum. will b fought
out a word aa to bar Intentlona.
Mlaa Darling, accordlni
pkryar. Lincoln WcCornwk. waa In air- rr;, "" ""i ouoanuai ana permanent .' ! I "iraaay cava roiiowrd tha aaampla of
cbaarrui mood Bun a ay tror tba isrt i r IT ViJ.: 1. . . ? D9m iwic a-i ia aaopung tb IniUallv and
to rlalt har mothr. ah waa aaard - 7?, '..1 A. J? Wl '4-featad for aUta aanator from Jaekaon rrrtndura and othera are praparlng to
alnglng cheerfully aa aha want about Miff1! i-' 82klb eoun,yV do ao. th. daclaloa In Uila caa will bae
her work and If at that tlma aha had I a A. ,bJK B.'.n,,?r Th bria OM of ahlando bual-1 far-reaching conaequencea. Tha matter
tnt.ntlon or leaving tha country I ZiZZ.,. ' ""V" ' I naaa woman. Bhe baa lived bar about I com t lb uprm court aa aa an-
itentlona. I ov otla, Robert U Borden; New I tha eecond tlma laat December and dur- I bafora the court early la November la
t to har em- .";'r LQtTa- ? ,0 ,n" P" " tha eity haa im. Uw ar tba fact that num. reus eiatea
Jk. waa In a - ,L PwUZv r- n Monk, many aubataatlal and prmannt . Im-1 blready have followed the aaampU r
carefully concealed. Mr a. Dar-
thr waa nothing In tb glrt'e I " r . 7" ' " -"Tr
... .kit. .k. .. . . v.. ..-. I wwioioi vi aial ana or in
day alght to lead her ta bellev that
ah waa oontmnplatlng laavlng, la fact
ii i. .Mh.Ma tk.. via -ir. ". 'r - - a.m 07 m -
- ""ii-1 uuamaaa aii uti um. on. naa I jiob 1 siepnona
Grand Jury Presents Its Facts, Free Tolls Through Canal Onfy
asks wnetner to indict, is for American Ships In Coast
Told Not to.
to Coast Business. Plan.
(Bairn Bar f The Joara.LI
Prealdent II M. Haller of tha oham-
thoaa who aaw th girl during th laat
tl hour before her dlaappearene aaw
nothing- which would lead them to be
llev that ah waa dlantntd with
her Iol '
Early Monday morning the atrl left
hr mothara bom to go to her work.
She waa not mla4 until th afternoon
whan th McCormacka, wondering
nance mini. tar and Doherty will ba min
uter of Juetlco. ,
and Talaarranh mih
achieved much euoceea. - I pany agalnat tha aUt of Oregon to
Thla la tha mayor aacond matrtmo- I tb'oonUtutlonUty et the Inltla
alal renture. hla ftrat wlfa having died I ue and referendum Uw.
O.I. cir nrL Th. n. ,i, .1 ,. . I , V v nm wiw wiwi ana waa, go 'ai oommuiuca-
.TiT-rw- -.1 . .r.f?1 b,r ot oommarc haa juat returned from tlon with her mother. It then da-
119 niaaaa vug tur a wiuiw u mw i -i.-k m.wk. . , . v. wiumarva oaa juai reiurnaa
breaka hla parole and cornea back. Th.n I 70(."; ,r.n th. vT.Hon mf 1 8B rranclapo. where ha met with rp-f veloped that Mr. Darling thought the
ar . 1 reanUUva of the chamhera of eom.lairi at ner wora. aira. Darling than
r . - ---.".i 'l ....... ir. atarted a arat.matla aeareh but fallad
w . . . .1 TBI mat waa .1111 if al laaW a aaa a aalaaka ttlaaa I IUIU Vi U1B X Bkt'l I in r-faatal rn IlSBBl Btin I .
andtbar ha. brob.n bu. i paraia.- Vu 1. 1 7 ----- ""h. 'law i:Tm... arranged to an Invitation on thrn ." trc . . .
a man go oui w mi IWiwwiiii ":"""r: nart of thnaa hnii.. ,. h. rKi. "aa uarnng ia aaaenned aa band
onera only one cornea back for violating
cr?ntl4 praaa Laaaad Wlra.
Waahlngton. Oct T. The growing
euaplcloo that Italy aalsed upon Tripoli
with tha full knowledge and eoneent of
the European power la atrengthened
eeveral montba ago. Owing to tha aa-
nouB uin..B or tha btida'a mother, tha
contamplatad wadding trip into eoutb
m j California, haa, boa a poatponad.
bis parola.1'
kal ak- 1 - ow...l . a. a. a m.
.n: o "V,:Z."" - UnlW State, aaat Veir: "he I- .mall for her age. Rha had not
"w " " " i a. - . - . . a.. . I bMti wVAIl fftt n ma. tlma Sa.vln Kamri
wuu.. v iiiuwi m a.u viK.ii lur CUD- " -
..... I aalaa aaaa.l. a..
r'T." " . . I Panama -an.i wik. k. I Tn authontiea north and aouth havalB. u,rB1,n'
BotV thT ssjs: -?- --y sjr 'att zvrz
and the local option law were
"nc,,.aw "Tha P.n.m. r.Ti..(r. -V. 1 Tha polio . bllr ah left for th Tna reruaaj or Buaaia la regarded aa
ha facia ,op oorirtdaratlon at Minday a inawtlnf7.S nort. .Tn 0"" fc prt,n "p,C'"y '" -
' (Unltad Ftoh U.m4 WIre.1
San Franciaco, Oct 7. Aa a result I under either etatute.
of the ancient and -effective bunko
trick known aa the box aaindla, . Ar
thur Nlckolof f. a San . Franciaco : rea
taurateur, la mlnua ' 1500 her, today.
Kickoloff waa visited several days ago
by a prepoaaeaalng stranger, who wiahed
to buy the restaurant, and with. whom
he aoon became fast friends. Tha new
friend brought around another atrangar
who aald he had 500 which ha did not
know where to put aa he mlatrusted
bank. Nlckoloff agreed to put tha
money In a tin boa with S00 of his
J 111 ir. Ifallav .dvlil lha k. ...
aet forth would not warrant indictment ther,. w.erl prJ!""
v i.finwwum trviis ail ol flw Xa
cine coast cities, including three mem
been Instructed to watch for bar.
(t'Dlted Praaa Laaaed Wlre.t
bera of congresa It waa at first nro-1
posed that all vessels flying the Amerfq
can iiar oa allowed free paaaage through
tb canal but ' this waa rea-arded aa
being too broad by aome of the dele- J
gatea and at the augaeatlon af aom
or tn snipping- man present the res
olutions, which were presented by J. N.
Teal of Portland, exempt all American
vessel plying In tha coast-to-ooaat
iraae. . mat practically Includes . all
; IDnltcd Pm laaaad Wlra.1
rr.i..a b . w m ... . i lionauo. ucb I. il IB oinciaiiv aa
Chicago. Oct 7. High winds here I Mred '' tod r -br tba Portugueee le- proved of late. - The general tone of I fhr5e.0f tih of "n Italian aub
. Alaaka Ooal Oaa. . , .
Among tba moat tmportant caaea'on
the docket ar avral that were held
over from laat term. Included In th
..w euM "volvina; tb validity
of th Indictment of Char lea F. Munday
and othera, growing out of tb so-called
8tacy coal land clalma In Alaaka, and
or the Indictment or Jame A. Patten
and othera on charges of violating th
Sherman anti-truat law In "cornering"
the cotton market Th review of th
trial of Frederick A. Hyd and othera
vnaj-a-ea or tana rrauda on tha Paclflo
ooaat will conaUtuta atiir another Im
portant aaa.
.w.I?rt wm aUo nMr brgoment in
the Oklahoma land fraud cases, which
ar four In number and a r typical of
101 BUlt brought by the government to
Invalidate 10,000 or more oonveyancea
k. or titiea to real eatate,
which tha government clalma ware
fraululent conveyances.
Balem. Or, Oct.7.-In ita T final' report iviVn. ,1 " ku'""" xr?m
fit ?25 Ktf..b7
for feabli mtaiad lm7l Sr wtth or3e '", V?
fliaa,- becauaa of no provision for w0r id- is the ciT. brohi
acraana; "nnaaTilrjirir - arM whAll. la .1 . .P"". broua:nt test, the;
equate f o7 th. Tccbrnod.on of in- .2 ..r ."a. M m"
matee. No fault was found with the . ., , T-taUti- - .
an. t . c,n..... . w n " uterpntaaioa of Treat.
Smith but with the lack of financial T." court been bsked to Inter-
support for' th Inetltutlon. ; "At the I FlVf . between the United States
penitentiaries," says - the report "we 7 : . iM cage question involves
found the sanitary conditions much Im- f Jtaiian conaul to take
today by a aemlofflclal report that the PrS SeS Elevat On Of TOilfi 3t
state department of Russia, when asked I . . , , ..',
jiaie i-nson . ana ueuer
Sanitary State.
Baim Bnraa af The Jenraal.)
American BhiDS that will naa tha imi I todav ' at arthn a fnn. k..ii. Isatlon that the revolution in Portural h.. k..n i. Meet dyina in this country
Kansas City. Mo., Oct 7Apprehen- as wo have no foreign merchant marln. ing under construcUon on the ' North IT" ?uelIel after ,ome harP claahes. greet credit on th part of th govern- ?on.trar!t to. ,ocaI ,aw"- m
V aw 11 aUU twa a-iiQ uv nuiurj, Ririua iio i m 4-kaa 4 lvt mL. . . "
; stranger a key to It. Whan h opened I Tl"" T. . Cl I K " racora unanimoua. siae. Bix men were taker
. the box he discovered that It contained ;.:""V A ... ". 5 - -17' riT. " -uf' ln ire ton lor aeoria, or whom Paul Laslo and Harry
a few scraps or paper and a Quantity I7r. , Zu Ti'l- -n, . i ureenwooa probably. wm die. Firemen
or Iron washere. J"", """"f ".r"n " luf """"i was agreed I later round the bodies, of twd children.
.iiviih' wu rforfliBniuivM nr rn. Ann. I . .a .
! vj. Am jraara ana a dot or mix
Slda fllx men were taken from th I le"ion aaaerta that the Invaders or. w would recommend that
w 7 ui a v ai cava way gf iu7 liuiiiior.
The Berlin II Is thai
only one of the nine balloon that left! to Invito 60 representative of the con-
incr. inur.aay jn ma uoraon tfenneit l "ui"" vnineB cnamDers or com- I yeara In the ruins.
i ibuv wniun naa iiur; ueen reporiea. it I mi uuiiia DiareB next
was formerly named the "Dusseldorf year. CapUin Robert Dollar, who will
nrrcill rr III OtmriTiair who xurmeny nuira me ijusBeiuori I f , v'"'""" uoiiar, wno Willi iminnrir-r a w.
RtSULTS IN - SHOOTING and has a record last year of traveling leave within a few daya for th orient WORRIED SEATTLE
lover iio mnes or country, ui inosei"" ' ' i vv o peci in I
'Unl Prna teaatd wira. that have come down, the Buckeye trav-
i wauaiu, wi. - i. jubi oeior eled the farthest, BR5 miles.
. uuir an nifoi po.w game oroae up
today Cecil Bright waa probably fatally
. wounded by Sam ' Moulton, another.
player. There waa 60 in the pot
v and both men claimed the stake
Moulton shot Bright through the eye,
snatched the money and with hla pis-
: . tol ln hi hand made good hla escape.
Invitation will be accepted and that the
party win arrive In Ban Francisco about
March 29, going- south from there,
inent-B east to wasninaton. New York
ana Boston and back to the north Pa-
(United Pre. Xa-aard Wlre.l
Seattle, Wash,, Oct. 7. Falling
neaicn ana Duoiness worry caused
(United Pre Led Wire.) .
Oct. . 7. (Jommanaer
RnflQTPn CnP MAVflDCCC i "? c reacning; Portland th laat UTeaencK B. Swanptrom. a financial Booth, of the (Salvation Army, arrived
DUUOICU rUn IVIMIUntOOlof June. They will epend a day and a broker, to commit Suicide IThuradav from tha eaat thla noon on a r f
(United Prea. Leaaed Wire.)
Santa Barbara, Cal.; Oct 7Dr. Ida
V. Stambach, president of tha local
equality league, for mayoress of Santa
Barbara. This is th plan today of
nanrtAnatifa at aAvi biiMmm a t9.
PLEAD NOT GUILTY,1 Barbara provided, th. measure la
" , T carneu.
fUnltad Praaa t,,a ri I The Buffrau camnaian In Santa Bar.
Cleveland, Oct 7: Wall paper com- bara will end tonight with a rally in
panics Indicted under the Sherman' which Robert J. Burdette, tha preacher
anu-truat law were arraigned here to
day. They pleaded not guilty to com
bining In restraint' of trade and fur-
nianea faooo bonds.
Ronnd Table Scandal Revived.
Berlin, Oct 7. -Reviving the notorious
"Round Table" scandal . her in 1909,
Prince. Eulenburg may be brought io
tnai xrus montn on a charge of per-
humorlet, will be the principal speaker.
(United Pren Leaactf Wlra.l
San Francisco, Oct. 7. Clubmen and
naval officers her are eaarerl v dis
cussing today, the exploits and achieve.
Jury..'Th trial of th prince, two year ment -0 -Captain fmbelto Cagml, the
ago, waa poaiponea , lnaerinltely on a I " iuinuw mi iana-
howlng that he waa In bo precarious a lng of marines In TripoIL ,
condition that further prosecution miicht I "aPtain cagni was well known In
result In hla death. DeteptiveB investl- San .anclsco. He waa with th. Duke
gating, find that tha nobleman la not In 1 or Ar,n 1 . Arctlc r exploration,
a eerioua state or
iacie expose -oaa one or tne most sen
aatlonal of tha- aort lh the biatnrv nt
Oermany, - - Morgran Backed Slilliners Palla,
health.. Tha "Round Mt pa" several months In this city
one of the most een- lu" ural c,uo ana naval men.
"The Chinese are greatly Interested
In our manufactories and our educa
tional system and no doubt they will
devote much of their time to studying
the details of those phase Of our civi
lization." -
(United Pre, taanad Wlrs.l
Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 7. The twenty-
rtrPk a n fit 101 vtakak-twt a n7 Vi av . nv
l.l- 1 m m . a . . ! . ' " ' I -. aaaaaaa MivUM V4 wW Vil
wo ueaiuo it, mm ooay was round In I morrow arternoon, sho will addreaa I f rnc of Charltiea and Correction
a room at th Rainier Or&nd hotrllblar meetlna- at than Moor thMtr. rith nnanmA haara. laat ,!rt
. . , . ... , - . " 1 - , 'auuinuaj I v waaw wo vaaaaw aawaa VII Bat Llf U A V A
night here and will be taken for a trlnlnleht. With h,.nf w .v. I ........ ..... .
T. . 1. .. . .. 7
.1... I "i tna least or tna DrnMama tlw.
Kin. . ih n.if.n.. ni ..,..!.. v. I in supreme court is tha imh.
changed so aa not to conflict with the """'i"'" vyngenuon wnich threat.
aulta worn , by boys of th training 1 7, ,. -rn,njairauon- or jus-
achool." , r . "tlc "meaauree ar not taken by con-
ir in rener., as before stated,
mar. an now mora man 700 caaa. tn
the docket, with the probability that
a..n aa . a . i . .
tuny .u auumonai cases will be filed
before th end of the term, Tha nvr.
age number of cases that can be decid
ed oy in court in a year la about inl
and this Is somewhat blah. It inn.
parent therefor, that the court Is two
years Denma in its work, and will In
evitably fall back still further If ita la
oora are, not iigntened.
.SD!lal to Th. Jonrnat t " "
: WeatdpiJpr; Oct. 7w. M. . a.rk-
lng, vfaknown resident of Weston,
formerlyjown marshal, died suddenly
yesterday afternoon whll chatting
wiia in.nos in a local . narber ahon.
He had been ln falling health for sev
eral years. He la survived by a wlfa
and family,-; -- - '.
laat evening. He had reglatered
F. a. Smith, of Tacoma:
Swanatrom was 44 year old. He
had been a resident of Seattle 20
years and- was ; formerly auperintend
ent and manager of the Seattle, Hentori
and Southern railway. He leaves a
wife and three children. Hla .wlfa ia
RflR PflTflFFiriF- QAFF branche of chart Uble and reform work
nUO rUulUfrlUU vHr C I and well Qualified to aneaV on lha ah.
eon of three daya, brought together sev
eral hundred men and women who are
recognised authorities on , varioua
(United Pres. La.ied Wlr , iVl ""'"v 1 "l""'" ""erenc
Eureka, Cal.i Oct. 7. Excitement pre- Pram.. ne speaaera rrom
valla In thla vldnltv lodav ovr a A.n. ouiaw ut Biaie are Aiexanoer jonn-
a daughter of .the late Governor Eunn. I Ina- robberr of the Blu Iaka noainf. on-- e"eneral eecretary of the National
. (United Pioaa-Taaad . win v
Klamath Falla, Or Oct; 7 Dr. John
flea about 10 milea frc-m of ChartUes and Correction; grant accuaed of awlndling In
axnert rLmlt tS1"1 ' Albion Fellow Bacon of. Evans-' trtd to Portland
. - , --- .,: . . .. : aotlla. Tn .nil IMaaril T n.ri. 1 lOa.V. in ID. cnitMT T ITnltaM. Ktataa
rna yegamen aecurea ssou in mh I -. .-. . .a,,-- . .
The safe was blown open with nitro
rency but Vverioored B00 In iumli" of th. Charity "OwnlzaUon ao- I f1 h U- Scott : H trial
tteWwra of New Tork city. , . : charge, of Aiding fed-
The officers in charge of th confer- PBnerB ai aamatn aiia to es
" Around the" World fn Airship.
(United Preaa Leaaad Wlra
Paria. Oct. 7. To cfrcumnavHa-ata lra
aiorj Aviator nimn inn nana itri i aJr"."' "b -.v wiwtu in a una i " . . . .. ht.v.m.i . i .
11. . Ir matt haaa to itaaan h. I ence are; rresiaenc k. a. Lonnn.ii. -u.o.. auara.
h.,. ;..niVn. v-mi n .tv !l fir.r Tic president Mrs' ocompanied th marshal.. .a
?v!.r!. mI0!:..3 th ... . ApoUo Ope. New Philadelphia: second L B. Thornet a nuraa who waa with
tna- Paria. thev -will fl tX h.Z' ZZL. I'ZllZZZir-."'. . Preatdent ev. ' Joaeph A, Ben
Lyman, ln custody and who tvaoaped a
Wisconsin Congregatlonalista.
Declare for Wilson for Prealdent,
New York, Oct 7. J. P. Sfora-an. tha
' eteal king, appear, in the novel role of
Trantnt.. K J. rvi 1 in ih.i oacKer to a raflilonabJo milliner trl.v
Inn hei Luia- tha i. ai.. I through the failure of Herman P. Tann
federated Demo, rat li; club adopted for who" baukruptcyproceedln(ra are ba-
their alogan "Woodrow Wilson for prea-1 rP oia tn court
ident In Jilt." Governor Wilson and aiarxea in Business with
other prominent Deroocrata wM address! 0'?0 09 of, which had been aup-
the convention. vko, y im, ana tna otner nair by
. a -... '.I M. Tappe.
TO miTO- ArrBTTT-1 ,,araaa''BHMlIU r' "-00- l''tiea
Take Horatord a Acid Pbospbat. 110.000. He namea many prominent so-r.-rmnmeniiai
for reatoratinn of app- e'lr wom(n and actresses aa hi debt
t'te, tirtngUi and vitality. Try It lora. - .
tlan. along" th coaat to Glbaraltar. ovar nni t Umiim h.i .
the strait, and down the Mediterranean I in, a V It aattlaahaaaa , a-k Va . aaa
Fond flu Lac, Wls Oct. 7. With "Tha I coast to Egypt Their will then nrnaa I. . tk ki -,,,.
Church end the Agea. th-general Egypt Arabia Peraia, Afghanistan. In- beloved kinar. . Born October 7, 1141 in
theme of discussion, the- seventy-third dia. Slam andChlna. They wlU embark hh nia ,u... mi k ' vi.l "
i. . . lha P..IPIM tA'QAH.h .1 I - . " a ' "-w" v.
Cettln j. Montenegro. Oct 7. - Tha iiett Newark, and.aecretary. H. H. Shir-1 week ago., la still, sought by . Deputy
er, Columbus.
annuar meeting of the Wisconsin Con-I serosa tha Pacific to South America, fly
gregaiionai association oegan her today I acrosa mai coniineni ana then take
ana wiu cvnunu. unui xaonaay. The I am "c"mw rvm. lur rranca
prominent apeakera to be heard Includ
Dr. a W. Richard of New York, Rev. J Ate Up the Evidence.
H. Chandler of Chlcaao. Prealdent I " - ""(Uniud preaa Uaacd wir..
Biia icvana or Kipon colleca. rt. I San Bernardino, Cat, Oct , 7J
cnariea r. connony or Milwaukee, Rev. IBecauae Patrolman Ptotney att- all th
n. x. euro i superior, ana Kev. j. a I evidence in a watermelon theft case.
Reev of Appletoa I. Mexican cauaht In th act ofmnnm-
away with an lmnerlal ..i..
Mlaa I. Follette to Wed. lie a free man today. Tha melon had
Madison. Wis, Oct 7. Th ansa a a. I been left at the city hall taaaed TC.
ment of Miaa Fala La Follette, actreaa-J oiblt A." When Ptomey .am la dur
daughter or Senator La Follette. ml tor th early moraine- toun ) tm.
Georg Middleton,. a playwright, hatjained if a gift to th night fore
""Wi ' i- ; aja at one puaiea nimeeiz.
400 -yeara-had been th abode of hla
Bnrglara- Get Quick Pnniahment.
(United Prea. Laaaad Wlra..'
Taooraa. Wash., Oct 7. Twelv hours
arte aiaranai nixon ot Koy caprnred j
rm"T':,cA0,'s. "T?011." them In-the Tact of robblnV Warra.
ln .:? VVr. a?,.""' " enral .tor at Roy. Frank Murray and
.,: h- -VnT..v..:r:."t": .B"w"- b prof.
..:'f.,"i. ?" nL nurgiar., war aentenced from
Marshal Frank Beatty, Another federal
prisoner. Ray Brown, charged with .ail
ing wnisacy uiegaiiy, ia a prisoner with
Lyman en route to Portland. .
Berlin.' Oct 7. The marriage her to-
accession. Montenegro waa proclaimed a I to 15 years at th Monro- ntllZZli VCX :;"T mm "" tt-
klngdom and th ruler took th tluro Ueaterda , Tli-t9 et.
King,"" I - - .- . - - -1' n.tfwivi vi nuafapgui, ina
Harr Guatav J. WutiaM h. t. k.
ner. bit. eiinea iieceivea. , , isennu diplomauo aarvlce. waa wit.
(Special f Th. Xoarnal.) i I nesaed . by numareua member of th
Grant Pas a. Or, Oct 7. A Urj r. American colony la Berlin and by many
. African Lion Cub la Dead. '7
Tacoma, Wash., Oct 7. Despite the
br.,t Cnk1" n,other'1B EngHah J eertion by Newman M. E. church was persons prominent ln German" rfflola!
uuii wrun, nvnu, a cup aincin lion. nonaerOT nev. Air. Jfllinai jr. an niaiiira. Tha ra-amn.. .k-
i.j I.., . i.k. -,. ii..-. .. . k - . . . r. v-i """r """" -a an.-
"' "a"'- a Biuuiw wa. wii. laai . evening. ev. air. jerrnea arnooa in the Kaiser Wllhelm Gdaeeht.
too weak to care for it Tha dog mother waa formerly castor of tha T7nlarair I niaa vimh. rrk. . ... "Tt.rr-
howled mournfully after , th little Place church In Portland. L. L. Her. Roma, whara ..
rick rare the addres. of welcoma (of the Garmaa ambaaav.
aorpea was taken away.