The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Strong Winds Offshore Mov
infl This Way and Already
dn-j a-. . MJr ti 4
it t a! 4 ". '
At4 44 ' 4ft a-. II at--
1 la-t lmU tM, it I 44M4
la fwft.t . U-ll- tee ftnt
.. v.- 4jL 1 a. - .1... aul ft a ie-ieJ eaeaM 4te -4 Ik. to 4a
. rtaw. I 4 4a r-a. ' I ft ft "- ar.a.
. & ul.Vutu til UtlM IA a4S ""l''lt ''" r wue
aaw UMiwff, lea -. I 14 4v4 aaft.4 4 ft 4eft4 4 - 4
Ml l ft4. .m4 I Ml WKIIMUhtW4 Mttlil
.1 a-, ft, 1.1. ftaO. IUH ' & eft . UMN. I Nt4i I U4 !- 4W M 44- ! I IH
' A I ftklAiUJ Jllnlrf Ml k rl IVt. B mm, tlM I IM II I let .-- , V - "
. ....ji.. aA im feu l .i a-i i w inu. I" I tuu II U uimI laal le ee I w Miiwr ivie. ee
u4 ih iu ii - tw u . tw 4 w m .wa a r . ..VyT I STICK fiEY FUNERAL IS
la ' lUtw .hi, H A It U I e- e.i.4 ft ee. ert a ta. I J 1 1 vfftfl S. J T Ul knU I J
MM - 4t. IM. Ill I
iai to4 Iw a. IHI, til II
iiIUnfX-ii CA?T itft JOSH
llMtl UJ tWrl Wy Mf M4 W
U1 trnt l AIL
r; I I Mvra a a I u n
. M . . Ila a4r a aaiM tt
AlICClCU. laato b aa u l laiata al
aa aut4-a4 la a 4a4. Mn
biaJj. IKa elir i. '4 I-' 4
T It tm kirii k bum irr 4 a wi i
mrt.tumm Ik but Ul I Uk SI W la "l
af-H ILta dUiriel U IW. UI " T VTTT
- - i la it. ti aaa i.i aa
hni uii ii tuaa aa kl 11
MM lt 11 wao4 laarw4 IKal Jla ar4
tfcftt Klt ! Mlaaaa' taa taaa kaJ la4 I af
awl III kita jr. I km r-fll muim atnirrn4 Inn
tic vamlac wi M4 axil lis I t uk 'i4 KUj Jrlrr.
M. tM Xt Will II KlU
ui tiuv. WVl4 . I AU)XQ T11K W ATiltritOYT
-r. U4trl thai la turn W
Ob to fait fT U lr.aa cai ai rarrT,B aaaaf.r a4 IU !
U wlhr titraan iMl H frlBl fraa TlUavaaa. la iaam
UM ar U IM tf rJ, I UW Oalx CmplAlA Cittaai r1vl
MBBjkU4 f ttrtf wlaA I ltl ih Caalrai aca Ifct t .
aa lotaorr." twU aUa4 for rJ aai T Ik
At TUwrt UUM VMtW af fog tfc rtvr ta
arrar rrt4 Uwat Iran' 1M aa will Mil Mi Wdr arirax
tatn an mUa) avt at trm hi Tb WrtUafc ia-r nribU mul
atatlua, aa4 at Nona Ii4 ft maalaua eotaaUi hr ear a !.! lt f
ata4iv of 11 mil fra U lunbr for Atflla at LIabi llftt
OMClba Itrail ftT rue wt Nt chtn u lh, Tutt
OaaoaaL earn pan jr. iKa achooasr Vtrflnlaa Ufl v
A oulhwt iw.ll la ruaftlo fy.fX.u fof Kvaiport ratar-
jact- u: " aatiniOT w Th IINIBtr I ho bona OplaU A
Miitfe r Ul Columbia rlw Ui ,Juii4, fcaa riar at U ruuxa ha
U reufli, mor o tbaa oil4 fc a-nk TH.IM fl of mtr for Ma
oa4 br -rUJ wlM. ft rpn4 ftanetM.
frm ttiara tUa morslac vara Mr. x eoovoy llittrl N. II dwa
Haaia, la4icUnc that tba h r th rlra to th buor dpot at Tmim
Jm4 of Lfc atom. Tta mm atorta folnt, hr b will ! r4r la r
ta rxrw etral orar tiika wltb ft br m kr autlM off Ua mauUi at U
rnir raadloK Of O-IO Inch. ColumbU rtr oa Octobar 11. th it-
Th follow lay trtaa from th Uaili U apMt4 la rrt
ataanar AJIUnc laat Blbt U0lMto4 Might. ,
mamm wiu ui.iii nuiwi i wnai,
t iamU (kta. I Anlii. Mllil I alttaav f-arlnU f
Iwa. a r.i . . k-w.-a I aa - - la W anii
Mta, u l.a.a:iw l IWlMaM to M4 Ul '
wMit it- at , cm. miiti I lal fra.
t.4 wi,l II akltaa, waaiaa.
l 4mu vaaaih Hl
i I ll a aa. 1 1 f44 til a . It
I, tmm lit am.
I II ft aa. I tmmK
IkaXif IUrr lUaaa.
l.iia ...
aiuM .
Alaaa ...
ri , , , . .
i Ua Ui
fi t H it
V ff
i 4.1, 4
I 4 4
t Hlala t raiUM
I allr to Wr aa4 aha lt4 kJat a i4
Ctla4 r r O-)
Vaai renav i-a
fir iaa ai ll4 to
tw - iltMliH . la
la.a ka iWa - e-vil44 II
a.w aawft, II I -ar4 ta4
Ik ruM l Ik. Ikali ft
IU J. . ! aaaa-. I W'
aiaUMft at laaaa . a tr
ta I ft aal fa af ft aautkaaa
tat4 -f (ka rw)W r toft- to
ftaal ii
aia to lt t-MTm a t
HliiM I- taaa af I ft. rH ra
lua atl at atft Ut-fm haia
r a-l4.' aal4 t-aiftlawft t
4tal4 k Ull kt WI-, k
aa aa au aaM.if r im ii
Ulr aa aaarla4 Ik lav 4r kc
laar HaaaaUal ft 4 UtrM4 14
la tka tikMNir kU lavara Ja
Wftf. J, K rrrj. It U Ktaa.
Hr ar. L Wai (ra vara, IL W
a4 U. U. OaW taifMt4 lkr 4l4
ftal at- IKa fti 4b4 Ibat tfcair
aia vara f 4.
Vtfl ft I n VN 4 kUfki.
CKa lav Inrw 4i4 It, V
fcU lfa. Xaali4 Kruftr. a-i to4 4tp
Tka rafraraj t & imaftaar
4i4 l ft. Vlaaaaf kaltai laal Tkr
4y. a a k4 frB Ifta 44 14.4
ttwiaata a4araktac ftaifta at I faiaxft
Iftia Idrtiw aal aa NUiat If im
lalaa ft I Hi f ! aa.lafy
Uaata. Mill Urn, r. a ftlaaa.r.
kt.r W. W. atacrav. rt4 C lk
a4 tivkarl Kaviift, ail tall at l If
rii44 44 all4 f (4 4i4a V
ft4 44 itBft4. fl4V. P.
-mm af Trtitr riJ ahx
ia4 144 KttaMal karftal iwiVi 41
tka (kafat 44 41 144 riH
tfy laba4
-i 1 1
AnHaa r4al Oft
$3.50 Recipe Free,
iSS For Weak Men.
Send Name and Address To
dayYou Can Have It Free
and Be Strong and Vigorous.
1 4if Krvf aar" 4aa
. i i rv
ft lhm tap 4f ttiaafcaa awl l I Burl
wtlft lafta4uu rwftlt 44 ft rJkf trai4 1 aa4r iaUrpaaalUo. nn4 hi
I kurrrloj to tfta rVaa4-4lrtck4 U.ft ift4lf 44 4alct 141 W. T. klaofta. I f "i, " ".:1l.,'"-'.''wr,!
4 4.a-tWft4- to 4JWna I Jf Vfl ,.7! . JZl -aairr l,Mk .7r-ftftTwb
in. rtiu44-. ;7Th. i .k., a. aTaT; KS t" ' r'tt "1
v. - - - - . . .i.ii": . . r zz i hii, ' m
r mm wm w..-m-w utiiM IKa I fttaasa aaraivaa aim. ik. m muv. au m aiti a-
vita 144 4UUI44 W4ft4 to H14C TWrr I i, rr.r it yaar af 444. 4414 h n4 a eopr f ib rarlpkia fraa 4
rmti4 14 rroaa 4a Imprlaa tait4444 aa4 a racollarllaft af aianilea th oll-
444 Uirata UMnaMftl fli4 r 4a I uea, bat vbaa t4 icaalr V44 a a
cpttf oa tb laa afka ta WlMalhtai ha 4al4 It Ika4 faaulaa. Ja4
144 rru. I la aaaskar. oar4 1 Hera alaa vnn4 41 almatdr 44
Ul irt lowa UMU haoft, 4ili4 1 latoa bat fIU4 to rasaiabar 4a r.
44 aarfrtna' fraia aspoaura, Majrw M I Ula 44oat IL
QUI trot-. 14 up th4 pal4 aa4 mI ata
aa a aa af 41atl4 to tkla Hlf.
itrr VmgXm liamadlatalf ed4
rtora ta b4 ami 44 at 11.41 ft. aa.
railf trala laTt tara. baajtaa- ttarar
Patvclar. a bub bar af rlttoma 44 4
arc pi aapply af prrtlft4. aaddlac.
ata. far tb aaa af th raf toolft-bt.
rorroar aula Sanator MeOUli ay
lalvtsboaad bar at aooa that aaly flva
baal aaa bona ara lft atajftdlatr la
II lack Klr rail, Baatd tha praa
Ileal vltlaf eat af 14a bualoaaa
lloa. bi a a4 41 rld
ba dmoltfth4. Tba a tori
of Ufa ara aav brtaa dlaeradlta4 I by Lao Martin for hi freedom, It
It V4a lara4 bar a thla aftnooa ooaUn4 antll thla aftaroooo to or4r
that tha amall taw aa aboaa aa4 blov to racaiva tha -tradition pap4ra
I bava ta B aaaaaa
ttoa far fta av
tx liWft.r. wbaa aa af tba traT4bt
4trtla laatlfW ataa4 1 Uaai,rl 47aa. ar
laa bt !.
aaa aaaa art
o ay aaaa
aa isa ruiat ai
yayUv. that baa aur4 o ftiaay vora
tba wta4 aa4
ft. & AUUa 4 p av. Oct. 4 Vla I aaja4 at 1 1 M ill tba BrtUb almr
.ik - mn..k B.a. xn iik. "W11! b ataar1.
aaatb af TUlaaaaok Rock; atraac.aaatb-
eoQtbaaalarly wind; cloudy; baa aa
avail; barematr falllag. I p. ax.
four mil aorth Cap Mara. Baa and
wind laeraaatatt.
bound for Laa Ialmaa for araara. h
la uoaI ar chartar ta Karr. Olfford A Co.
kJakiDf ona of tba faataat paaaat
op tb eoaat that baa baan raoardad for
any ataam aeboanor la a long tlnva, tba
JoLaa Fouln, captain Laooaatar. r-
rtvad at U- Ma y dock at 1:11 o'clock
laat nIahL ladaa with eacnanL 8b
o-.. . .... I Golden Oft I ta Portlaad bftrbor. 8l
10 do aul 01 ft-HiuvouM will load at fWMtport for Baa Fran
Tha Octobar Balllnt Data BolUtla. leioo.
at lud br tha bureau of alaUaUc4. 1 Tba ataamtr Mod 00 baa Un auld by
drprtniBt of com ro and labor. I th O.-W. K. A N. to th LawU Rlr
giTaa 4gaJa furthar aTldnca of th N4TlaUon company aad wtll ba opar-
. v. u . .s w aiaa on in rorujm-.awis nnr mo
Stataa and tha Amerioan oountiiea at ty Captain 1. W. Kckaon and O. A.
tba aouth. Tha aaUlng dataa announced watara. who ara tba Biw ownra of tha
from tha varloua porta of tha L'nltad
fiutaa to tba rarioua American conntrtea Tnr of jndpndnt pilots bav
and porta at tha aouth. including In thla na ovr to tho rgalara according to
tarm Mexico, Central and South A mar- nfrt. tby blng Captain J. I Smith,
lea and th Wnt Indian lalaJida, number captain M. Moraa and Captain A. R.
oyer 409 for th elngl month of Octo- i.aron. who, with Captain 8. V. Short
bar. While thla total lnoludea In a few ud Captain W. W. Babbldga, aurtd
. InaUnoea mora than ona departure for tbm independent organUaUon laat aprlng
. a alngla Teaaal by reaaon of tha fact in compaUUon with tba Columbia KIT or
inai xew ot vna bbbcib toucn as more i pu0t aaeoclfttlon.
man ona porx or ui uniien oiaiaa, mi
grand total, of departure for porta and
oountrle to tha aouth of us approzl
mil -AA for tha alna-le montb. while
f h- rvfnrun anarturaa for tha varloua I XH4 10 AatlTO.
porta and countries of tba world run ftr. Sua H. El mora, Tillamook... Oct T
Into tha thouaanda. J SVd.Sani.'.o ' 't. I
This i Urge number, of TasI depar-
turas for tha American countries lying Btr, Bear, b'an Fedro Oct II
aouth or tha united, sutes. running 4t etr. Alliance. Eureka Oct 14
tha rata of approximately 400 a month, I Btr. Roanoke, San Pedro Oct. II
la tncMantal to tha ramftrkablv raold I Btr. Roaa City. San Pedro ....Oct II
growth in recent years In tha trade of 8"vorlOrlen. Ct. 14
: WVIlw UIVI V A VIII AAiivi vfta wtas-
tries and . lalanda lying south of tha "op".
United Statea hava grown from J12,- Btr. Golden Gate, Tillamook.... Oct I
00.000 a decade ago, to 1311.000,000 In tr, Sua H. Klmor, TllUmook.OcL 10
1111. and tba export, from tha United Bdon0' &t S
SUtea to thoaa countries and Islands t BeTer, Bn L?lego' '. '. I TOc't I
have grown in tba aame tlma from $110,- strnhlvou. Orient Oct II
000.000 In 1901 to $210,000,000 in 1911. Btr. Geo. W. Eldei: San Diego. .. .Oct 11
This rapid growth In trade with this Btr. Bear, San Pedro Oct 14
section of the world Is due In part at gtr. Alliance, Eureka Oct. IS
1.. ty. -rsn A-m-nA nn tha Btr. Koanoke, San Pedro OoL IS
;.T. ,7 .v. TT.t- sf T for tH 8". Rose. City, San Pedro pot. 19
" " " w . i Duveric. orient
We mn
a-r a 1 -ax-a Sa
iLHjakl aalaa aa4 aXai.a
Vtik. fal -'
tiiii.ftii ti4iaci.r. "
am rli ( wmmJ. - I IrftCltld
tKuil ft 0 lau af-a
(4 i:fly a aftWM4 ftl
rnfl aiar-TIAa -
r wiift.Mft .iiailtun tmmmm mi
loltitio. Ufn ati.
bat IMltftiitm Siaa.
ftwii rtua 4 aa 4114 au
Oar art -fAT
r"lki aa aa.
aaiaia ar!!-,
C a a W ) I ft I I aa.
ftaaa laal Wat aaJ
ei a a I a f a
Wtll ra wal
la ft r, Cwaa ft
a4 ! - It
uaa 4f r
Itaaiiaa t. aaa
ul uukr rai.
la bav aiaiftia a
litlag ft la la rM
ail la tfc 44j
af ft aiacLaJ:.t
vbft aaav ftu
baa la aaa. Oat
ta a4 4 a.
ly yaata to lira bal It f to year
We rl aary lal Wara v
bailtaa. Lrtnmm ftsura 4-lt 4 ft
A.aga f to . 4aa 14 to 1.
Waabtagtaai It, 9artta4. Oa.
Ism. A. cv. a at it k. I
rum uAniatt incuuiT
I I aa
nrt la a alftia, oroittarr aie4 a,
eaioa to aay Ma wba aul vrtta ata
for ii.
This araarrlptlaa aamaa rteei a ab
air laa ho ha made a sparlal to af
mm ana I aa aviaoaa i la ma aura:
artiet eoanblaatloa for tba cure af Oa
rirl.ui Bnanbaod a4 vigor failure mi
pat tosaib?.
I think I ova It ta ar Ntlo asaa
ta e4 thf copy In aonfidaaaa aa
inftl ftty aaa anywnar wn ta waaa
a4 I'laraurasad with re saatad fallaraa
rf.y etrp druse-tag hlaif wltb barm-
rui patent naaewra. Mean wnai I na
il t I lb oulrkftai-acttnf atora
tlra, apbulMlng nPtJT-TOUCHINO ro
ady aver devtead. and ao care hlmeelf at
borne qulatly and quickly. Juet droa ma
a im im lata: ur. A. 4L Hon la eon,
III? Lack Building Ijt It Mich. "e3
Tha atrlke af aba nan aa tha Rani
. n- - - UM.. -rr tki-
I K-r ri M i 4m. -m-iI4
ba I morning a a ease la tha circuit aoart. 'eha,.. 11 1! to 11.14 for marely wrttlna
Tba a tori af loa I It was th ha baa eorpus 4ctlon broag bt oat a prcacrlptloa like tbla but I aeod
I will send you a aopy af this splendid
raclpa la a plain ordinary an valo pa fr
ct chftrt. U groat
Hatfield aaraped with minor damaga.
(Continued from Pag Oaa)
Tba paivere tn queatloa ara coming
from Deaver, whra Martin Is wanted,
and ware ta have ariiTed on a train
that ta due In Portland at I o'clock.
Tbl train vaa reported lbra houra
lata. u hail not arrived at 11 o'clock.
Tba delay ta dua to tba strike. It Is said. I
W. A. Rlnkr. sut agent from Colo
rado, who Is bare aftr Martin, arrlvad '
yaaterday evening, and said that ba waa -
taek m tha refarandum will ba baaad 1 1 hour lata in getUng Into Portlaad :
on two principal line, ona tha one U on I on account of pangr trafflo being
of fact aa to fraud, combined wltb Ita I delayed, Thla delay, ha aaid, waa do
legal effect, and tha other tba purely to tha atrlke. lie rurtner reportea many
legal question aa to whather the peti- traina on tha 0 -. R. A N. railway held .
. . i . a. In ,U. K anl nfh r f-- I
On tha question of fraud. It wul be I hind time.
contended that cartain dreulatora bav I Brookings and Collier, attorneys for
been ao dlaerallted that tba aourt will I Martin, brought babeaa oorpua etlon
ba juatlfled la a raping presumption I Monday and aecured tha releaa of Mar-
of fraud aaamst all the names tbey sa- I tin. Ha was raarreatad when b left
cured, and ahould throw out all of the I tha aourt room then, and baa been held )
namea tbey have verified. It la declared I oa ft fugitive from Justice warrant. A
by tha other atda that th attack upon) second action waa started by his attor-
It entirely free.
Take This, Weak Man!
use ir in your home without cost until
cured. It will restore your vital power,
cure your rheumatism, backache or chronic
ailments, and make you the man you
used to be.
.OCL 10
' . . . . . , f DU TCI VI IOI1 V
and' auD-Hropioai proaucia, no me Kumerlc, Orient Nov. 11
equauy growing aemanu in m. wimi KlsoeOansons Tsssala Xnronta.
mentioned for manufactures. Tba value AmJ'mZ " """
of tha tropical and aub-troplcal producta it&g Nor- Btr- vSr
brought into tha United SUtea haa Anerley Br str. 'Kc2m2
' grown from $386,000,000 In 1900 to $184,- British Yeoman. Br. bk. . .'San Francisco
t 000,000 In 1910, and the figures fortho Catherina, Nor. bark Valparaiso
" flannl 1911 mav ahow bji aven Guernsey. Nor. Str. . . . . . .San Kra.nrl.rn
laraer totaL since coffee 4lonn shows L1?0.?? Am- ach.... Newcastle
porta In 1911 cpawdwith 1910. 0; Rygja. Nor. str..., .......... Hongkong
, - . ------ ouiveifi-, nor. etr Antwerp
also showing mora or less Increaae. On Strathnairn, Br. str San Francisco
tha other hand, tha exports of manu- Suverlo. Br. str Hongkong
facturea from tha United Statea for drain Tonnaff En Boute.
the fiscal year 1911 were over $900,- Anna, Gar. bark. Callao
' 000,000, against $466,000,000 a decade Arracan. Br. bark San Francisco
: ago, and the valuo of all exports to grrnbefc. Ger. bark St Rosalia
South America alone $109,000,000, uf$k iit
g-nst $44,00000 ded. ago. cib&Tcnto
' The Sailing Datea Bulletin above re- Chas oounod, Fr. bark.. ...... ..London
. farred to shows departures from each CoL Villa Mareull, Br. bark. .Newcastle
port of the United -States to tne pnn-i crocodile, Br. baric Callao
dpal porta and countries of tha world, Diona, Ger. ship.... ........ .St. Rosalia
r, V.Tmrt line br line, and country Eugenie Fautrel.Fr. bark,......Callao
i .ol -Alr In advance of WeUopOlla, Br. Str .Bft
Nene, EHooi j Skis
Kumai Sptdifct
Men ara daily ex
ohangtng monay for
gueaawork and mle-
taka with thoaa in-
exparlenced la the
treatment of their
atlmenta. You have
tried tba real, now
get the neat npon
the unparalleled
nroroitfon of
"TOT A 1X51.1 triBD 9M VAZ9
Tha following dlaeaaea are eaoaeao-
fully treated: Varlco Velna and
riK.lMi.Hn-. V ii. RIamI A Abln
Ailmenta. Sidney and Bladdar
Trouble, Nervoua Debility. Eruption,
PI Ira and Flatula. '
Consultation and Examination Fraa
to o, T to I DftUyi Saaday, 10 to L.
J. J. KEEFE, Ph.G. M. D.
S194 wAaHznCrTOaT ftT, COM
rvruua, ur.
j j
sa .
And nozi"
Dtaaaaa Jkaed ao loner atrlke
terror to tne heane of fnoae opoa
L whom Ita blighting touch baa
lauian. ior in naaitna power ar
theae wonderful r4mdla la each
that avan thoaa given op aa in
curable hava been reetored to
health and hepplnaaa. Tha won
derful Chlnaaa remedla bft ve
etood the teat of eanturlea, aad
have enabled lr. Wo to reetora ta
health hundred of eufftrer who
bad loot all bona of regaining
their fall strength and vigor.
Ia writing for con u I tat loa
blank Inclose 4 cent tn etampa
W o ChineseMedicalCo.
- MOl Aider. Comer Third.
Satire Corner, geeoad riaoa.
"m:X?Z.X Z,: lovercoe, Br. bark. . .
vu-. - xaverioKie, or. Dirt
talned free of charge oaf application to iverna, Br. bark
tha bureau of statistics, department of Jolnvllle, "Fr. bark
commerce and labor. Jules Ooramei. Fr. ship
I jviKjuuurjKiiiBiijre, Dr, auip
IT.. -D.nk. 17-
Lydgrate. Br. bark
Bwkentine Chchalia Added to Fleet Marie- Ger ship ..........
at 48s 8p. Rene, Fr. bark '.
Another vessel haa been added to the Saint Rogatlen, Fr. bark. ...
I dAVmaKab' 11a m. ml fir
lumber fleet to load Tor tha west coast gf"
CAnih Am fi th. h.rirontina nh- 5lerre suranaa. or. amp...
J a LIVUVU aaa-wf w .uw ---
-halls, now In South American waters,
having been chartered by W. R. Grace
& Co, to load a cargo of Oregon pine
on the Columbia river for Callao. She
was taken at -48s 6d, that rate being 6
penca lower than the last previous char.
ter. This it la Bald, does not Indicate
dropping market, however.
- The barkenttne Hawaii, laden with
150,000 feet of lumber for. Valparaiso,
ts . now ready for the sea at Preecott
and tha towboat Ocklahama haa been
ordered to leave down for Astoria with
her at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
&SUK. U-l Jtil - B L KAA Lli LIST
Portland Bound Yeseel on List at 4
, Per Cent; Vessel Founders, Reason.
Among the many Bailing veaaela on
thd way from .Europa . to the Pacific
coast which ara figuring on the rein
su ranee list af XJoyda was at leaef one
Portland-bound craft, according to re
port. Sha was th German ahlpXaabek,
which recently arrived at Santa Rosa
11a and which la under charter to come
here for wheat, and aha waa on tha Hat
for artneurance at 4 per rent-
It la elated that tha reaaon for this
Is not becauM of alow passagea they are
making, but because of a report received
recently at Lloyds regarding disaster
to an unknown aaillnr vesseL Tha ahip
was sten to founder, trot her naroaT was
not learned and a a rtauH bat vita II
rd JO l'lrg vaela war placed en
th rf!nur4feHt-4ti per cent' " ,
' report oa ahlfl4l cftmftJtUg1
San Francisco
..St Rosalia
. .Newcastle
. .St Rosalia
.St Rosalia
. Talcahuano
. .Newcastle
- .Newcastle
..St. Rosalia
Sol way, Br. bark. Junta
Stelnbek, Ger. ship .St Rosalia
Thiers, Fr. ship Belfast
Tassels In Port.
Irene, Am. sch Astoria
Boston, V. 8.S. Jefferson St
iieriin. Am. on. .uoble
Beaver, Am. ss Ainsworth i
RygJa, Nor. ss...... Ainsworth
Georglns, Am. Pktn .....Knappton 1
Isabel Browne, Fin. bk. ........ .Irving !
Wm. Nottingham, Am. sch. . . iWestport '
Ernest Legrouve. Fr. bk. .On way down;
Strathblane, Br. aa. Llnnton i
Osweetry, Br. sa. St Johns
Shintsu Maru, Jap. str. . . . . . . .Banfield's
Strathspey. Br. ss. '..North Pacific
AatorX ct- 7- eild at I a. W
Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Aberdeen.
Left up at I p. m. British steamer
HellopoU. Sailed at II a. m. Steamer
Hoo.ularn. for San Francleco. Arrived
at 10 a. m. Steamer Elmore, from Tillamook.
San Franelaco. Oct T. Arrived at 10
a. m. Steamers Catania And Roanoke, I
from Portland. Arrivec et earner Rose
City, from Portland. 'Bailed at 1 a. m.
8 team Carlos, for "Portland; at 10
ms Steamer Yellowstone, for Port
land. . . , .
. Astoria. Oct 6. Sailed at J:15 b. m.
Schooner Lottie Bennett, for Pearl
Harbor. Arrived at 1:J0 p. m. British
atmer IltfllopollB, from Saa Franolsea
Arnvaa ,aown a. t p. m r rfif n nark i
Eroeet Lagouv. Arrived and left up!
In the words of the poet, "Vhlle
you live, enjoyl For, once aeaa.
vim never ahall return.
Here in thla .world wa have every
thing to mane us nappy. ve nv
much misery, it Is true, but most
of that can be traced to man's own
, To be healthy and strong Is to
h hnnnv if vou are unable to en-
Joy the gifts which nature has be
stowed so lavishly upon mankind.
It is' because of some fault of your
own. You were endowed with a
constitution that should hava held
good for your allotted threescore
and ten years, but you have oroaen
nature's . laws, and now you are
paying the penalty.
Vnu have wasted vour vitality.
You have traveled the pace that
kills. - The spark of Ufa has been
liint hv voitr own folliee.
Brace up! Arouse yourself from
the state of dejection into which
you have fallen. Turn your back
upon the past Make up your mma
that while you live you are going
to be' a live man. - Avail yourself
of tha means whlcn nature nas
placed within your reach for over
coming your physical ilia. Make
this world a heaven. Be healthy
and happy. Radiate sunshine and
joy. - Get back your .strength and
ambition by . wearing Electra-Vlta
while you sleep.
Elecfra-Vita Is a scientific device
' for infusing a subtle stream of life
giving electricity into tha human
system, for hours at a time, without
the least shock ar Irritation. It
generaUa a continuous current
without charging,, and all jrou need
to do is adjuat It correctly when
yon go to bed at night and remove
t in tha-morning. Under its pow
erful Influence your pains and aches
vanish like mists before the moraine-
aun. The blood course throurb.
' your veina with renewed, vigor. Tha
glow of health returns to your
cheeks, and you feel th thrill of
new Ufa that cornea with Increased
vitality and nerve power.
- We can s4iow you plenty of men
who came to Was a last reeort
after being told by medical doctor
that 'they could never- hope to re
rain their old time energy and who
are now In possession of perfect
haaltb and strengthfta the result
of our . treelhieut Theae -JHaa will
tell you that we don't praise Eleo-tra-vlta
half enough.
It doea not matter how skeptical
you may be. We are ready to prove
to your own satisfaction that our
appliance win cure you oerore you
pay u a cent All- we ask Is that
?'ou ahow your sincerity by agree
ng to pay for It if the results are
satisfactory. If It falls to do the
work, then you lose nothing. This
offer Is open t4 every sufferer.
Mr. J. Jonason, Sulsun, CaL. says:
"Electra-Vlta has certainly been a
blessing to me. Two montha ago I
was thoroughly - disheartened and
discouraged in my efforts to get a
cure for stomach trouble and weak
ness. Must say that I now reel like
a new man, and am aa well and
strong aa I aver was."
Mr. J. A- McDonald, "care T. B. R.
R., Graham, Wash., says: "I have
used Electra-Vlta for a little more
than a month and my back trouble
la cured and my health generally
improved. I thank you for th at
tention yotr hava shown me."
?re& to You
Ton ought to read our big free
book explaining our . method ' of
treatment This book is illustrated
with photo of perfect men and
woman, showing: how Sleotra-Vita
Is applied, and contains aome valua
able Information that ' you need.
We'll send it closely sealed aad pre
paid, free, if you will mall ns this
coupon. Send the coupon today. , .
Is what you will gef
if you treat with me.
Results ara quick and
p o a 1 1 1 v a Tou are
benefited at once.
Men who have
dragged their cases
along for months
with soma other ape
clallat ara astonished
at tha prompt effecta t
of my remarkable f?
...... m . n Atif. m r
Nervous Da ellne, t-
Varicose Veins, Piles,
R u n t u r a. Rheuma
tism, stiff and swollen Joints, Kidney,
Bladder, etc.
Blood Aliments quickly 4nd safely
cured by a ramous ana wen known oer
man remedy.
Consultation rraa. ' Write or OalL
The Old Bailable SpeotaUst.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 12 8 H Second atreet Portland, Or.
Office hours 9 a. m. to t p. nt, Sun
days. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
ft ra-wt4 aad mil
ft4ye fcu ft. Miuu, ay
ft... I to 4t4av af ft k a
4a aaase mar ftaveata tmmmf aa
MkUWaMl ftftaa wU KMmt Vawiaal
MStiwit fttaMuft. I aae -
ftta aftaap laa e 4 la.aa ft
4.1a ae paiitft fta. A araa eya ll M
4a4 4 I mm .rt ft aaaia
vaa aa
ftlii-al vata a ftO 4aaJt wtil
aaaa ta earvftvae Sft M fr
a4ap 4. ! r
WIS a aalrwt avu la
eaae ft. y m4la tuft a4 r
aaaid aaa 444 a aaa e to fwt
rwa aaaa.
I i i skUt aad e
gatr4 to aaa a eras lul
aaa aftar. a4 ftaal4 a
rtt anal A ! m It to l
alftia fa a bhm!
iMaf to aft
Vav ft 4ft.
a to Ovfaa Bay a as- eaa. A
yarfti K fateaaftJuy aad ftaa-
lltv mi
ft 44
ftfc Wtftaaaft MiaU1 l Ifta
aaaMaaa. avan
na. Klr4
wi 14 qaetiaaft4 aaftUiy
st4 aeaa ait Ha, eaaaiiseslea al
V4v treat ait lrvaaaikiae
waa yea ca aacara the aarr eary
lea er a raepaaaiaia aaaa UtT
If r bare aay af ta
faUowtaa 4laetdrai tuliiil Yatae.
if 41a'
lilt All
LaAAa Tveeataa. niaed
Amytiaa. tn. ruae a rttaua
a 4a, to a aa. 4y
lele t 4aXr.
V Oev.
" I . I
Every Vcmsn
Is tBftwMtad aad atoeld '
know aaoat the vaaaarf al 1
HA1VEL WkHIa Sprsy
aaa nav yanaai amara.
natt i aig. nsT.iuMk
i bi nat imm
Aakvear drarsist for
v iiD.anooiMipi
? v vvuer, a evuw a wr
or Ulaitrstad book 14, It
siva fall earUealar aad 4ue
F -
X bisr-Va
kaV M -
Kill "Bn
$U4TU ao, 44 4 IM 4ft, nf
ff aal by Skldiaor Draa ' Ca- ' Waaoare.
CBftta Oa. aad Lae Ptt- ores l iats
Journal Want Ads Bring Results
I Cure Men
Py wan Oevaa.
Oeaaral Dkll
Ity. Weak Ba a.
wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM fBaaatBIB Mllllft
t aapvsura, overwork aad at bee rte-
lattoaa of Jiattav' law, Eeeee er
BlaAaar a4 aUaaeya, Tartoee
Talaa, gaoaftiy aaa yetmeaaaUy
aared al aasU eapea,
raciAX. ArT.4nT Jfawly aea-
tractaa aaa cnronie eaaae enreo.
All buralnc. Itching and Inflamma
tion etopped In 14 hour Curaa f.
faetaA In.aevaa dav Canaultatliiti
free. If unable to eall, write for
liat of qostlon.
Office hour 9 A. M. ta I P. M.
undaya. II A. H. tt I P. R only.
rAdxriu cgftiT aiaoioAi cx
44M WaablBsao at Oo. rtrA
Portlaad. Oregon
A Wondcn.'Cnra
By the famous .
Dra. a. 0. Chan,
224 H Morrison St;
Portland. Or.
. ... - J .
,M and have mif- S&xs. ft.
8. K. Chan fered from weak- Oban
nees and nervousness for three months,
J from a tumor on my face. I first went
to some doctors, but they told me that
i it was Impossible to cure, so upon the
I advice of my relatives who had been
cured by these Chinese doctors. I went
to them. Alter talcing two weeaa or
their neroe ,ana roots compounded ana
otner meaicines, .tne tumor was com
pletely cured without the use of knife,
I feel so grateful toward them and I
recommend . anybody who is : Ul and
want to get well soon to go to see or
write to tnem ana secure some modi
cine, wnicn a am sure will bring . re
sults. J. A. ZIMMERMAN. Albany, Or.
When Others Fail
Call and let n give you careful pains
taking examination ' absolutely free. Our
opinion aad advice will coat you nothing.
Perhaps a little advice la all you need.
X-Ray examination, when neceaaary, free.
No money required to oommanc treatment
Only vt) IU Cases
Please aend me, prepaid, your
free, 90-page. Illustrated book.
. .t . O. J. 10-7-11
Brreef or- box
. . . . . ...
;f 1 " . ' 1V -"
... .ft, .
i I'iiiiiiii i
Each Cap
aula bear
II1U la IU4 uJai mAV
Una, pmtU4 wUk Bhw aibbai.V
Tafta mm atbar. Rr afJraarV.
raarlM. kfClll.f tftft.Tr1
1 MM mm. Si ImU AlTltrilM
it if
Bemovad to 831 H Wftslu. eorsaa Sd St.
- - u . i m-M ' . au . t
Chineee Soctot.
Hia Cbineae herb and
root medicine ear
blood tremble and all
dlaeaaea of tha hrt.(
lunga, uven atomacn,
kldneya. Whan others
hava given yea op, ee.
suit or' writ to Blag
Chang. -
toaaf'-.- T '
I You Can Pay Fee When Cured T
During our many yeara of active practice in MEN'S DISEASES ln Fort-
land noma unscrupulous ao-canea specialists nave invaaea tne city ana
tried to etal our methods and advertisements, but not being able to
ateal our brains they were not able to aucceed In their dishonest ways,
so do not be misled byv them, but come to us, the oldest established SPE
CIALISTS for MEN In the city, who guarantee curea or make no
charge for their services.
Xemember, we have been here for years, are permanently loonted, la -
oorporatad nnd, linsd nndar tha lews of Oregon to conduct and operate
a Medical institute, Sanitarium and Hospital for the treatment of men's
.diseases. Ton take no risk whsn yon treat with us. we ara her to stay."
and for all time aad you will always know where to find na. We ara
not hare today and gone tomorrow. Onr staff of physloiane are grad
uates from th leading; college la tha United Stat and have been la
practice from 18 to aa yeara, and are duly qualified and lioenaed to
practice medicine aad surgery In this and several states. Investigate o
onr records aad standing and oompaxe them with the other so-oallsd special
' lste who have only been la. oar city a few weeks or month, and who hava
copied . onr announcements, which tha newspaper records will ahow.
Beware lnvestnratl . Men, If afflicted or la trouble, call aad have a'
friendly ealkj 1 will cost yon nothing. We wlU advise yon candidly,
honeetly ud oonsointionaly.
J We Treal; Men Onty-Cures Guaranteed '
Specific Blood Poison Cured in One Treatment
By th4 Oermaa Method "One Injection" greatest Discovery of. the Age.
We Cure Weakness .1
alae known .as Nervoua Debllitv, ' Nervo-Vital Debility, Neurasthenia, etc.
If you have any aymptoras of this! ailment. such aa loss of -energy or
ambition, vitality easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling nervousness and
- other symptoms, I want you to ba sure and calL I. have given this con-'
dltlon of men special atudv and I unhesitatingly say that my treatment
' la not excelled by any other specialist regardless Of what they may
claim. ' I know what I have accomplished ln even the most sever cases
letter of Indorsement are on file and there is no reason , to believe
that I cannot care TOU also. RKM EMBER, by calling you do not obli
gate youreati u uuta uanmeDi.
Contracted Ailments Cured 4
Bwty eoatraetod eaaae quickly eared. All burning, Itching', inflam
mation il .Aleoharge ebeeked ta 44. houra. Xany oaa cured la ona week.
We have a speetfle traak eat for thla aliment.
We Cure Bladder, Prostate Gland and Kidney Troubles.
i ' tl ..'.! ri v - .
i Yancose veins, nytxroceie, rues ana rutula
write for free book and self-examination ' blank. Many caaee cured at
noma, xioui v w. dub aw .w -