The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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    t r , - , -. - ';":';7'r' :z7 - t - f
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jvtit c:tn.4
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Tt ! fair u'i
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. - 0
e i iiro
President Happily Tumi to His
Own Advantage Remark of
Hay That He Should Be Pre
- scribed Onco More.
Italian Craft Enters Harbor of
St. iean . de Medua and
Shells Craft Seeking Pro-
tectlon Under Guns of Post
. Half Way Around the Big Or- Vessel Not Only Put Out of
cle, He Hastens Today to
Northern Idaho.
Commission but Forts
Badly. Crippled..
Weil Walla. Uto, Oct. t. -With
Muilf eae baif af hi bt ewtag
arasad Ue erci babied hlra, rraeUani
Ten ledey bgae kka lavaaloe f Ifc
fy farm Coast trf1iry. rifi)
L b ease the praaldeal end - M
M Uato4 III! MitM.
W mor tfc Imn wlih th r
4ttr i him d Its 1UU4
tMUr1r l vlut k k4 U r !
fela plBloa th trip that far baa bo
big auecaa, and ba aal4 ba waa U4
ta b la iba waat aad tt Is laacb vllb
Uta ldaj an4 probUma af iba vaat
Wbjta today's pro tram aawra4 vbat
la keava aa tba aaaat - euairy. um
rraaldcal apattt bla lima balwaao Caat
ara Waahlntoai aaJ Waatani Idsba,
laittna; Wall Walta. Waahlactaa,
lwlstoa and bfoaeow. Ida ha. and
ftpokaaa, Waab. - Tooorrow ba will
rsacb Taaoina.
riuaa, CraalU. Oct. f. Tba atablax
it a Tarbtab vajaai br aa luitaa
cmtar la rpan4 bara t4ar aa U
ruii af bat fjfti al ML Jaaa 4a
tnapatcbaa aar Ibal lha TatWfc fort
al iba ran had bra nrtag po aa4
atakiaf IiaJlaa aalllea vaaa. Oa la
farmauaai af Uta aaanast la Iba liallaa
anara- a arotasr aiaaaaad to aa4
paa4 rira apoa pia Tarkiab farta, b4
If atlpatia tbM aa4 MiUf ! af
eauBiasiDa Turku warabia wblab
b4 aaiigbt rafiiffa amdar Ibatr ffxtaa.
Iutlaa EaUbUahatafa Cloaod.
Conaiaatlaapla. Oct T. All liallaa aa-
UbllaHmaeu la litrkar wara 0t4rd
daaad tly bjr Iba foaaramaaL A pro
posal waa tradt allow tba a loo Iks
boapltaJa, Mnduatod br tba atsiara of
enantf. u eonnaaa aadar Turkish au
aanrlslon. but lha afTr waa rafoaad
and tba hoap'tsla lirtradlalalf eloaod.
Tarltngtoavi BrparaX.
IndlsMpaJla, lad, Oct T. Bootb
Tarklartaa, author, and bla wlfa bava
vm-mmi -rf mi tmnArrtA tka Ka. aaparaiad. blra. Tarfclnatea aara bar
abJlcsa eomlaalloa for lha araaldaney baaftaad la too ft to suit bar.
Both Sides In Railway Dispute
Using Every Means to Pit
vent Disturbances; Benefits
Are Distributed.
Reported That Large Number
of Non-Union Men Are on
Way From East.
rcn rM uni wwi
atraassato, CmL. Oat. t-Wlb ad di
ll oat 1 apoetal pallra. aaw auasbartM
a sou l lit. aaavatUf (asrd aioaa tba
aalbsea ractfla avaipaar araparty
Uaa la aravaat damaaatrallaaa aaaiast
tba aa worblof la tba abopa. a ad wltk
Iba laadata of tba airtkiet 'oreaai da
lamiaad aummarlly to drop fraaa tba
baaafll rail aar aaloa anaa wba araatM
a dtatarbaa. bolb f actio as ta tba rail
road dlapata ara todar daianataad ta
ootid act tba alrtka paacafully.
Tka fir si distribution af alrtka
flu waa asada today. Iba iaaa af faaaily
Wreckage of Farm Houses and
Other Structures Unes Bank
and Pills Stream as Far as
La Crosse,
Town of Hatfield Said to Be
Submerged by Rush of
Waters. ;
fraMd rm lmm V
bYUwaabaa. Oat. 7. ttastu aUpaxksa
afwMraao trmm VamaatUa, Vla
aaj tbad tba araad wtatf of Iba Kaaftald
t Ilay baa gm
aal aad tbad tba bslaaaa tba
baaar wttbataad tba aratafw
aara. Tba paa party aaa bitwaaa stll
vtna aad btaaftald la kaaro tbaa ksooy
a. Tba valor U tWX rUUc
Black IUar Talla. WlaC. Ort . Tr
inors aarloua aoaaaqusaoaa of tba baary
Moods aioea; tba Maxh rtrsr aad tba
burs Hoc af ibo Oalla dsos tbaa war-t
J "f. '.f1. ?i ; 'J? frat aapaetad ara apparafit bar taday
ima kl I K a tmm I " . w
Ins ta rrom aarloaa oeoallaa a Ions' tba
rtrar banks la aa yat far from aotnpl.ta
In 1111 by oovaraar Hay or wssniaf
ton. bar today, and . Istjf hlnrly ae
eptd. daclarlDf ba would do lha bast
ba rould. .
Afisr an anlo rtda tbroarb tba atraata
tha praaldant waa takan to tba Walla
Walla City park wbara 100 paopla bad
raUiarad to hoar him. Oorarnor Hay,
who Joined tha party bar. Introduead
Mm, dadarlnf that Taft bad ban pro.
aertbad for tho country In Iter, and w
naad a aoeond doaa ta ltll.
When - tha praaldant aroo ba aald:
. "Wall if yott ihlnk 70a aaad a aoeoad
daaa, I'll do tha beat .J caa to cur
any dlaaaaa you bara,"
Tba crowd laufhsd with tha praaldant
aod appUudad. Tba aacaaalty for la
tanava arrtcultura and a dlaeusalon of
tba tariff vatoea rounded out tho-praa
Idanfa apaach.
' Huntington Gets GUmpae. '
(Hpadal ta Ths Journal.) '
. Huntlnjrton, - Or.. Oct. 7. Prealdent
Taffe apaalat paaaad through Huatlnv
ton laat . nlfbt and atoppad about 10
rnlnutaa' for Inspection. Savaral hn
(Continued on Para JTlva.) .
Thousands; of Dollars Went
for Stamps and Advertising
. According to Testimony of
Rodney Sackett.
Building Gains 13 Per Cent fo
Nine . Months Seattle
Loses Heavily. '
Bcsl ta Tba lomnmlA
Chic a" o. 111., Oct T. Tha Amarlcan
Contractor flfu raa on . building In
leading cltle of tba United Butea for
tba paat nine ntontba, ahowa Portland
laada on tba Paclfio ooaat bannar cainad
iUBira pnss iiMd wira.i ! .
Milwaukee. Oct 7. Thouaanda of dol- " Tr n V ""'""
lara aneftt on noataaa and '.dv.rtl.m. month. Loa Anrelea. gained M per
waa tha eublect taken tin today In thi cint, Oakland 1 par cant
Btaphenaon election Investigation, when San Francisco lost 4 par cent Bpo-
tlfa wltneaa atand waa resumed by Rod-1 kane loat 44 and Seattle loet 14 per
'Man Who Shot . Vivian Irving,
. Nurse. Sends for, Sheriff,
;; Oldtlme Friend. .
' '.'v (Special to Tba Toaraal.t
Taeoma, Wash., Oct T. Confidently
ney Sackett of tha publicity bureau for 1 c.nt
fled that II8S7 had been spent for poet-
. a a va a a a I w j . . vuivjsiii .i.uv
III II !! II II II 1 1 II I apent tn one day.. On this day
I HI-IV IIWWHJllhW I letter, ware sent out. and 4 glrf
Sackett waa unable to produce a single
specimen. Ha stated that tba copybooka
wore probably all destroyed, after the
campaign. .j-
When asked about the eubject matter
of tha lettera, Sackett replied: .. .
"It la pretty bard for me to aay now."
Tha wltneaa continued that be had
paid Ellis B. Usher $f00 as publicity
agent, but ba could not tell what Uah
er did with tha coin.
Sackett waa also In total lanoranea Spain, before, them, the Rockefeller
expecting an aoquittal at the hands of las to who prepared the advertisements (pedigree is now provefd worthy of a
tha courts, Frank Calvin, fugitive from foi1 Stephenson. He had paid for var- place in tna regiater or in roton
Justice for two week and the quarry lou articles written but waa unable to I "la": . 1 . " '
of two -acora deputies and ranchers, has f urnlah aamplea of them. or'Ilc"0" oc"euera race
giTen hlmaelf up to tha authoHtlee. " Rodney Sackett, one of the cam- Mnd' by the Colleg of Hraw. P"
Calrln waa the aasallant with a -re- Palgn managers, yesterday declared that ion. land an official certiricata -of db-
niv ifr. vivi.n irvin, . ha had tald H. Bancroft I'sn for the I scent, ironi . mo Kinga ana earis, toaay
1Vrttr4 fnm tasMd Wira.t
Cleveland, Oct 7. John D. Rockefal
ler, descendant of kinga. Is tha lateat
Deeeandlng directly from tha first three
earla of Lincoln, and from tbo early
k'nga of England. Scotland, France and
villa September J4. He gave himself "reneral organising of Richland coun.
up laat night to a man who had known j
him and hie family alnce infancy, Sher
iff H. w. Urquhart of Lewis county.,
. Bharirr -t urquhavt was seen by a I
brother-in-law of the Calvlna yester
day afternoon, who stated that the-much
bunted man- was ready- and willing to I
surrender now - that his Injured arm
with two bullet wounds In It had been
healed. " An automobile was secured at
Chehalte,. county seat of Lewis, and the
sheriff : with! Calvin a father drove 35
milea eaat to Salmon Creek: There they!
were met by Calvin himself, , who had
ridden five miles on . horseback, , The
return journey waa made' to Chehalte
and the party reached Tacoma late laat
They-Stayed at the Tourist hotel un-i
til this morning,. ' Sheriff Urquhart de
livered hia prisoner 'to the Pierce coun
ty, authorities at 11 o'clock this morn
ing. ;
His victim, Mrs. Irving, is well on the
robd. to recovery. - 5,.'
Sentiment against Calvin appears to
have veered In hla. favor; The plea of
MS father, ten days ago, that Mrs. Ir
vine bad coma between Calvin and his
Ifa and then-had rejected htm, la on I
factor in Influencing sympathy for him.
Calvin's father- joined the pursuit . for
two 'days, then abandoned It, apparent
ly on word that bla son was safe.
For 10 days Calvin bad been sheltered
with frlenda at Salmon Creak, 19 milea I
from Chehalls.
."The night of the shooting, and after!
I bad been ahot twice by the.deputlea.
I wanted to give myself, up." said Cal
vin, hr today. ."I was sick arid worn
out Two deputlea. Stenaon and Palmar
of .Tacoma, rode within 400 feet of ma
about midnight, but ,1 could not make
them hear me."
"Then X atarted ; walking. First I
thought - X would go to Roy, Where I
have frienda.. Then I decided to 'walk
balk to Eatonvllle. but finally decided
to go bacjc to ray homo near Chaballs.!
. Calvin walked mora than 100 . mllee
I and went-for 41 hours without food,
j Ha refused to dlesaee tba woman or lb
ahooUng-; .: ' . . ' . ' .
(Continued on Page Five.)
Is In posesslon of the oil magnate. El
roy M. Avery, a Cleveland historian, In-
I veotlgatea tne matter.
University Practically Closes
Its Side; Signatures to Be
Compared, With. Those on
Registration Books.
Practically closing tha eaee In behalf
of tba University of Oregon In Its at
tack upon tha referendum agalnat tha
appropriation made by tha laat legisla
ture for Ita aupport over a dosen wit
ness were called thla morning to tea
Ufy as to the genutnenee of their
names upon the petition.
Judge Qeiioway, aefore whom the
caaa la being tried, then adjourned the
hearing until Tueaday, October 24, when
the testimony will ba resumed at Sa
lem. Meantime,-the bulky petition will
remain In Portland In tha cuatody of
tna county clerk for the purpose of hav-
ng a comparison made between the
stgnaturea appearing on tha petition and
those on tha Multnomah county reile-
tration Dooxa.
Thla comparison was urged by Attor
ney General Crawford and C E. S.
Wood, who are defending the referen
dum. They aald they dealred thla com
parison : to be made so the court may
hav tha benefit of .what auch a com
parison may a how. The work la to be
done by County Clerk Fields and two of
his registration deputies, who. It Is ex
pected, will then be called'as experta to
rebut ' the teatlmony of experts on the
other side. -
With th case of the university closed
except for a few witnesses to close up
ragged ends, It Is apparent that the at-
It par weak. Na violence baa tbva far
occurred la Baaraaaatii aa a result af
tba alrtka.
It la r ported bare that a large anna-
bar of tnkbrher ara today oa their
way her from tba east for dlatiiba
tloa la tba local ebopa aad lb Bay
Bualaaae Agent X
I International Aaaaetattoa of Machla
lata again today cautioned all atrtkere
I to atay away front aaioona aad aald ba
waa determined la ' bar liquor dealer
rho might sail drtnke to Intosioatad
men proaeented under th law providing
for that offeae,'
la Ita tela f aaoualUaa aad property
averal ara now roportad dead, and
buadrada radr4 t boaaaloaa. Partial
acoooDt af th property damage la fl
O. Taylor of tbal rr 77. Y." m 1 '"'"7
Tbo Black rlvr la Died wllb wreck
er as far aa La Crease, aad aumsroua
farts booaaa . bar . baa demoUahed. .
Cacnmanlcailos) with th farm districts
ba not pot be so rimd, and It la
feared that tbar baa baaa loaa of Ufa
In tha outlying aactlona.
Hatfield, near tba big dam of th La
Cro Water -Power oontpany, which
hardoat . bit by tha flood, ta ra .'
ported to ba eompletsly submerged. ant
H la feared that tha property loaa tbar
111 b appalling. Probabl caauaittea.
thara- .ran aot aa yet b estimated,;
Judge Declines "to; Grafit Plea
of McNamara Defense
for Change.
Crlmltal riot Cbartd.
' (Vattod rraaa taa4 Wire. I
Oakland. Cat. Oct. 7. An Incident
that today la gan.raily believed by th
trlklng macblniata and bollarmaker In
tha Weal Oakland shop af th South
era-Pacific to ba evlden of a plan by I other plaeea.efher Immsaa Inaaea have
Lbaailraadt iavor tb-atrlkr ta I w-niiTeraara-taroiT ivreex, -mv
erlmlnal plot and discredit tbalr I x. norm dmo, iioimea, iyuoa ana
eause. occurred. laat night whan m sum-1 Midway. ' ' -
bar of picket war approached, by a I Onalaaka la la a most precarious po-
habbUy dreaaed Individual who offered I Htlon with the river raging far out
for a consideration to plae cbargaa fief Its bank there, and It la feared that
dynamite In . th railroad . shop aad I ibo town will t destroyed. It baa
(T7alt Ptms Is 4 Wba)
txa Angelea, Oct. 7. Following
conference with Attorneys Clarence
NamarV.n.7 Surtor " wiring .a Plnk.rton b.d.
HI propoaltlon was refusd aad b
beat a, haaty retreat to avoid rougn
handling by tba angry attikers, many of
whom declare they have seen blm In
(Continued on Page Twelve.)
Bordwell at 10:4a o'clock thla morning
Informally denied the request of th
defena for a change of judge.
. Thla means that Judge Bordwell un
doubtedly will alt In th caaa. -
Attorneys Darrow and Davie Immedi
ately announced that they would file
affidavit with a view of aaklng for a
change of judge on the ground of blaa.
Judge Bordwell will formally rule on
th request, probably Wedneaday.
Peace Restored at Bay City.
((Tailed Press Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Oct 7. Peace has
been restored In the Southern Paclfio
shops her today after aeveral aklrm
lahea between striker and strikebresk-
ara, tne nrat sine in caning 01 in
Additional guards are being put on
br tha railroad In view of the dlaturb-
anea. 10 more men, wearing stars, being
nnrtA thst the railroad la nuttlnr mtmr00 Clothing and we need money.
.11 .fHir.hre.ker. to avoid trouhl. Th peopl her , ar atarvlng. Thla
TM, Rdwsrd A. Msiaburr. a rsll-1 recriven oy mayor jonn ten-
road guard, waa booked at the city ir ner ioaay rrom Mayor moqiii. g
prison for aaaault with a deadly- wea- Black River Falls, as tha Utter perched
(Continued on Page Flva) - ' (Continued on Pag Twelve.)
been deserted br atl-th Inhabitant.
Refugees from th stricken district
have been pouring In all morning, and
there ars now 1000 gathered bora, bom-
less, hungry and suffering... Mayor Mo
urn has sent out a call for aid.
Tha only communication with th ont-
stds world 'her la from an Improvised
outfit at tha top of a telegraph pole.
to which an operator climbed early to
day and cut In hla Instrument.
Refngees ara suffering greatly from
exposure today as a reault of having
kept an Irkaoma vigil camped ' about
fires on th hillside all night while
old rain poured down upon their
femiehed bodlea. ,
La Cross. Wi. Oct 7. W want
(United Press Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Oct 7. Softened by
the approach of death, Miss Elmlra
Jarvla, of Boston, with, a fortune of
$140,000 haa today requeated tha San
Francisco police to search for her sis
ter and ber sister's family whom she
belteves to be living her In poverty.
The sister, Mrs. . Julio Chabotte, and
four . children, wara known to be In
thla city five, year ago. and tha author
ities ar following up that clue In an
effort to find them. "" t
- " T , 1 rl v
v.-wjf.V;.'; -' . wash,- " !
I I - II
. I
Safe on British Soil. Deposed
King Isn't Enthusiastic
Over Prospect.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
London, Oct, 7. That Manuel, tffe
deposed king Of Portugal is nearuiy
sick of his turbulent and unruly coun
try and could not be induced to Jeop
ardise hla royal peraon by again ven
turing within j Its boundarlea, la an
nounced here today. In apite of the re
nort that he is the author of a new
revolution wnicn ia rising in mo pou'
lnaular kingdom.
A ' resort that Manuel had already
gone to Portugal to head the uprising
was formally aeniea ioaay oy jmuue
himself. from Rlchmona, Jfingiana,
where he is making his headquarters on
British soil. Manuel snows practical
lw no interest In Portugal or her af
faire, and diaplaya not thei, allghteat
enthusiasm over- tha-prospect. of re?
covering his throne opened up to him
by the new movement -,:..:., .
Th Duke Of Vlzeu, son of Doni Mig
uel, 'the pretendet to the throne, and
husband of Anita ' Stewart, Ukes an
ntireiv defferent attitude. He has
rushed to Munich to attend a council
of tha varloua membera .of v tha royal
family Intending to puah through bia
claims to tha throne. - , - .
Tha duke Is pennileaa and Mrs. Smith,
the mother OX in aucnes tseu, r
fuiei to eom tr nle aid with anjr of
tha millions of her husband, tha late
"Silent" Smith, for uaa in rinancing tna
Portuguese uprising in . xavor ox nia
elalma. Dom Miguel, son or Joseph,
and" Dora Alphonso, are reported to be
with the monarchlat torcee, . ;
Birdsejre flew of rretesa, a Turkish port, where the Italian fleet under the Duke of Abrnxxi, destroyed Turkish torpedo boaft,
Tlgo, Spain, Oct 7. Heavy fighting
between Portuguese xraiiats and re
publicans ta reported here today " by
courlara from acroaa th frontier. 1
Captain' Concelro, - commanding the
royaliata. la reported defeated at Bra
gauaa and at Vlnhaea, 14 milea west of
Bragansa another - royalist . column
la aurrounded.
It la believed a decisive barU Is
Ex-King Mannel of PortngaL
pending at Oporto.: It f asserted that
tha royaliata have purchased two mod
ern battleship and ar orr tn port--
preparing to bombard It ' Tha govem-i -
ment 1 reinforcing the garrison In
which aerlous dlssffection is reported.
Tha people tn the north of Portu
gal ara poverty stricken and are reely -
to fight for anyone who will rurnl.h
food. The republican government ti-
day officially recognised the rvn:t.
Premier Cbagaa Issued a atatemnt l' t
1509 reyaliata had eroesed tfta ' -
ernrrontl.r. He o-ur. yjy ?
permitted to penetrate U r "t
that the world wouli 1- ' r. -
ef thlr host!! Irten' t - r(
republican . annili:a:ei 1 i.