Till: OKEGON DAILY JOUiiHAL, POItTLAND. I'fUDAY IIVKI.IJ.'Q, OCTOIIUK 6, 1511. 1 1 . tit.,.. i 7 i .tt i . - ..... t . . . . . . . .. . 1 I AU JIUlVlNVJ- Wm t t4f t 7 It Ue t o in. ul Jit, I. tt.:i Kati!,r ,d U Iui.Mt: I ii'uttruuif t.l U I - l.tu ie:i.-a4 4 a T.rtuk antra, Ua t t4!t!Ul ki k.liJ I 11 D-. 1; ,, -if "'- tM '- J'1 trBat .jui humm t a unmrt f i m un rnt oi it itfu&. r J,". "it' . I ' T U tla f ijAtoa lnt.loA.rte- u4 let.tf. Ilkt4 tlautortag ft a re4elt.a of COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF aU ll Hi ) Bw 'ei F.." wk,t.;,.i,M.fi.ju EjfiA aaaai is. avtta. Mneilu pa it . ay hat u ... . a-- -. .-. IM tlW Ifcif i a i' . I . tawe fa!., . , . . . . i Jtlrol ?. th iW4ae. aaj m-i, m .-'jh.vmls.- i .. . i., - 4 tm4.,.. I M MH. ...... Mill mt n . .4. Mjwb! U fclfkiU t,f wl4; AUici U f4 f kufk U Ult.'f b4 III Mitt f frt4 , MH U M r"4, V LkfUtii o- U .ijr vi.4 ftitac4 f(!a41f frtm! ft. kow c4 lf. 4 Wfl4. It a fortabtta fvr Ua aar ef a! Ul ta Ula IhmU tUs warvr aa aaaj i. 4m aa of iba ttf tsa ef iuoBf .ti t4i U hb4Iih ' fur Ua irvtactwa of aotf ttfdi. wuri atr. Ta 4aa i-it U croattg a4 )r4Uf ta utta e(Ur (iro4 t Africa a4 C"- ffl ANT IK arfitcsreta for ii tarj ftrm. ft U teaxty a familr oa tha Uo4. aa aro lt cl .. I -talroUaJ. (itraii La I Aft tu i JaoV tWraua eartl Hi'1' ' 4 leaemeata f Ua Ua rara4, 4 ta Um44 Unh (aiihf cj-a air lira. II aorta aal aoat It Urtu. frtwtlvrm. P V fur Iba lboaa4 f DKOifjpmo.N iui lr Tka kill Amerk-aa ruatlaaal ioBea aes aia aaa or t -law .SoTrttUr. Ita 4cfcal aa 4.wju!4 Wa a aileadt4 Cl14 fr Ortsia Wlb bua4re4 of duIUra to ao lorMt I r5.Jta. TU tola for It aa jrloJiiU. bat la Urr4 by tha MI.S41. ni aiatart fi. IS.IIi. I Uttaroa dottrta at4 ir ta alitor "H a4r najorlir M tMlt. . (Mvttrfal aiaaU of U AfixtivHaiua mmmmm r 1 1, rf IUUH tl . I . k,iA lift. ttl A I - a, j letter vrom the rtopic j ,Noiag ta art(ta4 afsca t lajrkr. tf! ta a troah cf r6fclHlioa a-au.1 Tr4a a4 eommwr ara tsrat Tka (S.III ao pp4 ra a trma. It ta tr-4st It Irk j rolt! of Btfet64 tatB4., Ttarllba aatrtolla Ortuaa ttat Iba fou4 lifunKi lama nor aires! uu awr irull ceTtloftucul. la itia tta. .. , - I Tt ttaeajitaaea of tL Oermaa Tbt to ao uitataktBf tb maaa. JgUat la tb aoiBie4 fjr. bd4 trt of Ha!aa, la theory It aa dry. lerpecUilf tha frorta h ta miktof la rrr!iftt, in raraJ aonea war dry, I far loflaaof ta tb TnrkUb mi)lr, anj iu llg tide aaUvfall t.a4 for tb toU4!ef of tb Ua4a4 Tha famtar , commoBHta bj4 tU jrailaraf hi 0rea root to India Ucra cbrad tb lav, but tb ataT aad tb t. rtuea oremvJa ft, raiaj It, ab rcrted ft and 3fW IL Ja klaJaa IUi prohlUtion aa 'tbal laarfal ordar. tkar var la Portland I 109 ilQoor aeHtac aaUblUbmaata. to Lcwtftaa too, ta Ao.ru it f . la Gar-1 diner it, a Watarrtlla II, ta JtMk- T1IK IXTlflL CUM r HIE dellbarata aJdlnf Of auf fer ine lacarabla to auldJ aa aa act of in err, u opaalr-ad vocatod lat ck at a tntvtlog land 41. la Bangor 110, ta Path 71 ot Mftaty cf Medical Reaearca at and ta IZtstport brtwaa f and lO.Jet. LooU. . Tha aamber of federal liqaor daalara I Oa pbatdaa ttrg4 legal koral llceaae fdr Matna rvmaallanr raa aa I eldea aa a rtJIef to frtaada and rala- bffb m 1100 la a year. , .Jttraa charged with tb car of la Tba eondltlona crpated a rtm of Jcnrablaa. pr. WHUa Toung. rtfer. graft. Erery Illicit buaioeaa. mrr nf to crtala eaaa la whlcb tb tabllsbnent condocte4 la dIaobdlrBjlcIaa know tba patient cannot enc of law ha to pay officialdom I long tarrlr, aapaclally la raae of for Ita Iconnalty. Tb officer tar I great agony, aald b bimaelf might to b bought. Tb vbol framework I b Induced to glr ta lethJ gl.M In tb big Mala dUea waa a Uuo-1 Dr. Toung aald b wa wUllag to tnra of craft, lawbraaklng, bad rlUiro oa record aa nor tbaa merely sonaitlp, and demoralised aoclal or ! aiding death. Dr. Brady ondoraad der.' Aa th rrnt Tot ahowed, half tbo practtc of enthanaal aa a means th peopl wantad whUkey Bailing, of ndlng hope! offering. Dr. and aa la alwaya tb eaae, If they Conaalmaa aald ho would aot do aoy could not bring It. about by law, they thing, to preearTO th llf of tb Drongbt It about la aplt of tbo law. hopaleaa aoffercr wbo desired death. Tba high alma of oor prohibition-1 Dr. Paraon challenaed'anT doctor Uta la Oregon ar admitted. Tblr J to say ba had not at aomo tlm prao dealr to better aoclal conditlona la to Ucod aotbanaala. Any phyalclan who bo arDlaaded. Tint, thav r&nnnt rliaalha nnt nrift ! A Kl. their eyea to Main. They cannot get daty, h aald. II added that whll i n,a Ireatmont of tho away from th condition of HwUaa- narcotic haatea th and, they ar fr " 'ctrr . th i dvIopment neaa. Krari, corropuoa ana aemoral- alwaya applied la caaaa of nalnfal r : w fi liation that- rreraned la th large dealb. and that any other conraa la "'. nveam or .rery dollar ibem aa to aotor a Uriihoo4 that ta not rot abort If adraadog year, ft ttiake of rery head of och a fam tly aa ta4rfeo4&t dtlin. hU oarn eiaater, iioJUiarU-d ty labor Iroa- bk or blBa ttctatitadaa. It fill It vacaat fpacM ta comraoalty with prodorr and coaaamara. It lecarv for ry enbr of tb family common taUraata and ambi tion. It rmoT tt growing ebU- dra from lb tamptatloaa ef city Ufa. It rrorldo for tb family aa trltlooa and abundant food, it gtvaa Iriior aad porauit , for eoontry t&at.' " Tb limited art of tb am all farm rejulr that all of It aboatd t cul U?ate4 to tb atraoat, and. la th aggrtgat adda Iramenaaly to th food prod acta of tb aatioa. Tb ccaaoa tal a a. bowver. that (WuMitM mwml M Tmt Iwwl tmt 1M Ul IM Wfil mmmit 4 in. 4 aw la Ulm mm4 11 k T T- n tmi a 14 mm4 mim 4 Vmt t. Ir. CltpAa Caaght XaffBgf fwtua, or, Oct a- Ta ta Uim f Tb Jirai I (ids a lxlur Cbar kto&mf vataa-. Taa lurr waa lr. C IL CTapoiatC aa I ha iaciur u (K flnrt ef a ra rtMicl ault.bra to t Im y t)a eailnuia, u4r ia T ttkt lortlkiit) Tcta club. Uy artvtaua . aoqualauao wtth CKa iika tll r moat mA. waa limit! a4 I looked furar4 ta aa I tauiUcfaai tratL Ja IM 1 waa aotisiS. Tfta Utrsul aoriar varr aU aatly h4 eoipa mapraparad avad b. i aoaaioua ar Ibai raot ba warily ir4 cjar af Kla aubjMt aa aauca aa aoalbla. !( aalad al rraat laaflh. hovarar. upoai Lb BacMlir for pU la raform; frra which on may Mrr that ha bad attamctaa la "raad un" tor aia laotura at tba atavaal hoar, an bad bacome aa ardaot vrt la Cel. eaal Korlri thaorv while aittntbUna vac Mymolof InaJ booldar la the "Ca uroury Taiaar uaviag uauanaJlan to lactura aa A twtitr la ai.r (H waa t ai ..-. 4 lu.it, m W.:.. 1 kai M tvatma U..a. Wv4 . ' A eoualr thai 4 h a atloiiuk duiibs if Mil I nBf (rata ta " tt La Lfc-a mm va (.llaua 4 V.oiV. a A trlvtal .aaarfvl rmnA tmr.r A la aa bia ttmtmumr U, atv4 m, r eoaiaaa4 IWa. tVMbf Uiil A. lrriill muiI ri4, In laa ll(bl of Ha uau r.'a fl1ala tlmmllf aitn4 r- alad. Hul li Waa i:ihiu tlao4 iuw kltb laa J. i M a,,,J Crtu4, M I Ua cirvMll Jla la lb in ir a. A. a laayaia Inia li.a lii4l nwi Baiui4a4 Xo awllra Iba caaa, Wbr Ittay wua tmr blm. Lul uicii. i id tuut a bru i ha tu a J. f. ivj,il. ia ha aii tJiitot) lDl.lAuUia. U.Wf iim i'v '' " I j Twa ifu4 ; a l V't -I wa af a la laxUi UMlaaaal ta li a a lMiiri irf r iva tit4 tuii . ' . - . wm 4 ana mm i rnm-m af (ivaa ia ataia. nrwii iS ta ( kki Tnk.aa, i M(wai r T'a itui-'r 'la' i r aMt.a ef im Oir.rW'a ar IM il4 1 m.V a rar l vi.i I .a l a la , . ii airy M.i k. i t ... t - a tiUiii la ita aly Aar iiu.r-iUM at al.taa aatf, aii f"i a taatv tauu, I la liWin lilt u. I .n-J li.i liutary Hi.r a CV1 la. I 'aa.l waa al r Wilb rtNa.- ttt Ia4 i-a fala mm a4a Tit ..'I it.tr ImIivim Omii al ttin.wiii .i.in.. 1 1 a t . ,n ... ... a.Mt. Mariana La u. ki , ' " M-a r - -' . a a Tia laiafail mf ftikWaf af iil.itt aa If laa a( aa la k-avar - anal. Ua M4I oaa I ! Al il b4 tka :fa.l waa ill tabi-a, UU I'kM t iruiin a tk4f t4 lUkl ta I La rl4 a 4Ua4 IbaJT lti4 ta t-a al - vj. 1 raf rtVii waa immtf la f "taltioM t.f lilw bl 4 a Ia liit-la' Tka filat na4aAt kJ traaa tk. rrul ar.4 a tat fl'iala I Lila. bll.ia ta tkilM,. 11 ad t.taatlala aa tk'm.mi- a Tuli.a ?-- iTL.i- Z 4 at. b.h..a a4 II a f ltru g a aw4 r af ita .4.0 aBf rviaaioaj arv a W a. aa paal li aer4 aJHho- ,a. 4 ibaibaa tlaa4 Uta tot ! r4 b.taaa Mabul eourt of all A. fiw. If f.a KadjlbaM x!Rla. arv4 Ita a a tha twl WAUld imiall bul ba .. I I . ..... m . 1 1, . 1 l..l mi trmAm mm. It. ar. both rial bruka. wkUa f1a tbatrt.aa t m Va apaoi iUiim a4 aitaal, a ,W itatl !.. a a B. lam ttitMatt' Mr FVikar af Via. mum. la kia lava ana la ia) r.ra raat I ria tba road. although tber ar 1.140.000 farm Cbtur. , Xr. Chaptnaa bad la tb United State, tb food aoppty, paclally la meat. 1 not keeping paco altb th growth of population. Whatever tb adraaug of th mill farm it la obrlosa that th farm of 10 or 10 acre give so acopa to ta railing and handling of abeep aad catU. ; It may well b that tb day of tho epn rang and of th far reaching ranch la pawing faat. Bat It 1 cot a Boceaaary conaeqnene by any meana that th InTeatment of money and brain la th large farm I loalng any attraction It ever had. Tb mor tb new adene of arming preada th greater acopa 1 given to tb fflcient working of large area. Mor coetly machinery knd aulp- ment, a higher claaa of lnitmctad la bor. Investment of larger aaxn la atock, better arrangement for sale and porchaaes, ragalar account keep- dUea of that state. Nor can they overlook th major Ity of 20,911 by which aUte-wlde prohibition waa defeated In Orejfon last year. - What they ar confronted with la not a theory but a condition. There la no chance, nor hop that their plan, of testing state-wide pro hibition la this stat next year can have, an outcome favorable (o. their views. ' " -. .. i " . : The aounder policy is. local option. ' Bo long as rforts were .'concentrated on local opelon. Oregon waa swiftly aaaing to Its dry territory cruel and Inhuman. thai th modern larg farm eoeta. . T f...V.. U 4 . , . . I - ww.w vuvuiu lW VI &k .ui. Bwyaaiu wv" aa BUS B V,M In mlriA fllnlf. .A- tir- K.I V. iij ii,.i it., v... I - f. ii vuv m um imiivT. await iuo uvyr1 less sufferer who desired death. abould not b denied It. and should be given the means with which to hasten th end. ''When th aanda of life ar surety ebbing amid almost unbearable pain, TIIB BOARD F " MEDIATION w1 BIT, NEGLECT r HT has nothing been heard of th board of .mediation, constituted ijnder federal law, for the settlement of when hop la gone and the merciful Interstate railroad labor differences? agendes of relief-are In his bands, I This board Is composed. of Com th man of medicine must stand . In I mlasioner of Labor Charles P. Nell!, th presence of a mighty temptation A representative of the labor organ- to make easier the final surrender, liatlon Involved and a representa tive of the railroad company Involved perforce to maka aoma man lion ef Tha waa aa4 til a work," and. wbaa ba a aarad thla ba abowa4 tjttk ba bad a airaar araap ef bla aubjartl That la la ar. aotnawbara in tba doalor'a baa4 ma raaia vadouMadly war, but. dur laa tbalr long cold atoraga parlod thay oaa aaootne aomawbat Jumblad. : 'Tha near." quoth lha laclurar, waa ralatad to tba family of Joha of Oaunt. tb head of tho hooea of Latteaatar." r worda ta that affact Thla . throw a now llht aa tha poara blatory. Ha nadovMadly waa a prota-a of John of Oaunt. but not a ralaUvo of bla. rar from beta oonnaotad with any noble family. Chaaoar waa ' aJtog athar Of tha MODla" balnr tha man at a London wine merchant. . Tta lived durlaa tha relaa of Ed. wara lit. who, you rlllMntmktr, waa wa kin wbo made ' war on WaJlaca ana urate.- Jflatory. telhktta othorwta. Can tha tloetor have meant Edward If And tf ao. whan did Chaucer live Con. lemporaaaoualy with Wallaoe : and atruoar - - ....... , t Itla crowning fllaM of fancr. ' how. var, wm wbaa ho a-ava hla an.ltanra a brlaf outllna of the facta leading up to tha Trojan war. 'Tart a, aoa ' of Priam, king of Troy" ha aald.. "nap. Hod off Helen, tha wife of Aamam non, ma moat naauurui woman la th world." t eta. Thla la entirely a new dl boo very. . rormarly, Halea waa aup poaed. to bTa been tha. wife of Men. ua. Mow thlnr bav been changed atnoa wa at achooll ARTHUR D. BTART. SEVEN FAMOUS'CLUDS The Atheaaeam. J-t.ble ut ike La: 14 etaire e,iuJrt a erteeuae aa Iba avalboa i4a af tbe le.at4 ef t!jr. l-)al.aal a(rba Ikerfklff. the It raia aid. btMti4 la be HMaat4tf a prea?i tte Ike terapiure ef iba rtu'a 4 wtia i.a( ijfruulif ae. rra4 kta rvmataadtof mri arrvv. t tta eauta frvra trrt.-uM r.bnr i.-ta.-va"t tra Tkiuw wua a- picBH crew er T Tb waaikar a a etortajr K.t ,k iba bva( It dara I a.cr.tii.n s ara.jr whU the alaaaikweta mika Im a faa l,.k . J Tba lb!U4:.bt lay utW the attaav Tba at eel tantoua af th areaaal liter, lalna- baa tba iuh a a tl aa A:Ai' ra(te aaaee a I bar af tba aa. ary club la EgUd I tha Albaoaewwt. laaoibar venerable Moa.alAada, Pr. Ta-!)LB', ' " eaterad tl . UBC. trblcnwaa nrat eablUha4 la 111! ua- ham, noted tV bla aot.atftclir aad ! r" aai a alurk der Iba nam of Th oeiety." The aarrnooa. Tot aaethav dll wJ fcaeva U'"" k1 ,h preeanl clubbouae ef thla oelty waa at lha Albeaaeuui waa Iba enafeartaa S2 r-iU f mm.???,,?9? r"m, rorwally p4 la rabruary. Ilia. Tb UUbp thirafor, of Chlfbaaier. tiiahop t hajiffa-til Vi.-!rIi '' balldlng. which I ef eome architectural bav alra beaa mor or la ahuad- ., V.,wavwi tit ? .X J I??1" tatareet. waa areclad aw th waat ad f aat at thla eluh, tm wbU reaeon. wbett iT . VL ." nI tgathee for oooroljon. Abr- Waa on!, II p, from th frfgal llayward ta td t ba grumbled Decatur aen mea a mU tJaat ta "I thk b labor ar blanUg J feete a ahlp'a cebl tb forrha4na lha court yard of Old Carlton boue. tha laa tiaaeaeJly lara number war ool'ltb.ie Bmoaing rvoia peing exactly witoer wnat i lecte togamer tor ooororauon. Acres-1 waa the rrtnc I'eg-eera dining room. I bant la th final proportioned halt eight lout: pale trim roe piliaxe aa broad breasted 1 1 ittrai lb atmoepbar la alive with I of th fiiaai aa hmiatm ik- baaae, copied from th "Tempi ef th lhmi every Baoaveait J a i peel to find tan knew what w goi, a tb Ma. Wtnda at Athena, eapport the paneled oa dropping lata my aoop. '. ,lcx waa warped aluagaid the Chile- wagon roof, tha "rotnpella rvamnta- Eamoel V 11 barf ore a. Abraham Hay dalphl and th A tsar lean Led by Ie lloa bain a f aa evlalnaJ oaairn. .The ward fTfca Vraaa Tuft af aUmual Vl-ar. elur. lean mm tba 4-k m .k. two autuee la bleb at, Tduc Tletrta" I rwa'e Ta Taouaaad a Tear,- tlO re-1 '1i"a4ipbla as after a brief but de and TUna noblag." war ohoee by sir I membered by acme), and raa ay ether H"'" eirugci got poaaeaalott ef tb Thorn LAwranca, who alae deelgned celebrated charactrr. war freoueeter :" . ' . UUm -'m th port waa the club aeal. . - I of thl peaceful room. Her, loo. Theo-1 7k . VT". Jr ' fir, aad Oa th right of tb ball I th mornrldor Hook daahed off mxh brlQtanl I J"" r. waaira ale prepared Ing room, redecorated In 1111. when thai work. Thla apontaneoua And vtHaill Ui T .ft I?. . u tmpoaaihl j elltn waa elaborately painted by Btrlwlt at ee Urn vd th Jub a areat I veaaiar it nrej Edward Poynter. Tba buat of Ml ta im wwaffwaw watakat - irai v mw at ear ha, w a - - Trollop; la th adjoining writing room TherVe flrat th Athnttm dnb, ao aaTeral .crT7r 1 .v'n'"r bang. portrait f Dr. JobnH. b, Or. a. . . Urldfrtwl' ' tha. sift of Humohrar Ward. Thai i. i.. I On ,i..i a mi . .: .'. - a ... .... r . ' r.T 11" V1-" V.V I.. - r "V -wJ5rt nbia. "' . wv-.-'--, w.. v .... t ua twi j waii.ra iniwir ywtt who in i ripoil harbor (O attark tba rooroa la London, ha a fewer tbaa 11 1 aueno BocratlcaL , lelty. Ere In thoae day th ItalUa window.- But th chief glory ef th And .aiware pla thkalvs and forkajin,,,,, ,B Tripoli wer rreAt that Athenaeum 1 tt library, tha vl.w from ,B maih.mailcal. . j ,h of ZJ? 7" which embrace the pretty garden, Th ft waa at tba foot of the Athenaeum funt0l and iw entailer vMela uo- Atheaaeuni library la by far tha ftnaat ataJreaaa thdt tha author of "Pickwick" p.lh eommBl of lha Amerloa aom. aad moat Imporuat club library ta tha ended, his unfortunate trkngement rador. who bad bee Idea (or Amen oaa world." all ' departments of foreign aa front Thackeray, being intercepted by , J,"ic ,3Inr ,b frigaU Coastl- wu a aaia-iian oooaa oeing repreaente the Utter aad forced to ahaka handa. I ..v.i - , ., c by rar nd eomplt ampl. Wore-1 Klnglak. th fcUtorian, lived alaioel ,.7-?'.' "V n" oap- ovr, tber la oa Ita aniva on er tnai.ntlrely t th Athenaeum, are when 1 1 " 5'"oeipnta arrair. lone of' reference book In infirm and terribly deaf. People I "r.... r,.w V J, Qt " beat col lee tl oca Paonla I V,rT wl tlln EngUnd. and the bookcaae ar atored U.ad to My that, urhwn Jhey talked to boldrlat T th. hatbTa "TIT .,U .PMh"1 with raluabU volume., dealing with Ulm, .rybody In tb room board - Si . emy- h Hi? VU2,0f btatnrv. Innamiili. anil trrhlulsn. .. - I . . vi . . . I IT "",nr B BQipa. HI 8 COfflRMdora f HE. wall that went np. In Port land after the latest city prl , marles Is. well , remembered. . There waa , a , hot mayoralty fight, but only about 50 per cent of toe regisierea rote was cast. The COSTLY GOVERX31EXT f In a labor dispute. Js It not the fact that this law requires that all' dif- N lilt there .were, 6827 persons f lenities occurring - between , lnter- vu loir teaerai payrou. jc waa ltate railroad companies, and their ,"""'" w...v., v Vi employes must be submitted to this ;popon. . : i- ' j board? ' i n m i t narn mwa a m a it a m rn wnai a a . - loudeet lafnentatlon that went 'tin in in- ZlZlZ L LTlTaV. Vr aoe lM. magnitude pf the Is- ' ia kj i a n. i aiiias li nvri v a..a iiiiHiiiiHnii. i . . a a w . . . .. , . . conseauence were moatly ntiar.,1 .- m' " ' .1 " l.T He wvoiypa iu me. present atrite. men who had remained aw7v from iTTJL J?? 1 Vn rert f not one . Jabor organization the Bolls-i v - ' v - - " r" . . "7 I: nt five, and not one Interstate rail- They held: Massachusetts direct primary In ISS . h - last ;.week.. There Lew-' . e,".; . "7. " , '"7: a? "is conanion exclude the op- were a thousand offices In the -tat 71 T. of -"""1: rVon of the actr . It Is generally to fill, including . governor. There igo ot inhabitants' " ' ' believed that the reputation of Com waa-ttaarw 'ffa-httwV eb- 1 l'i 0t i,tRWtan-.i. . : . ' dlssioner Neiir IS unchallenged foi Dante's; Inferno. , Portland. Or.. Oct 4 To tha tmia of Th JotfrnaX I have Juat returned from th Star theatre, where "Danta'a tnierno la bain Dortraved on . n. for th pleaaur. and edification of tha people of our beautiful Roe City. Ex preealng my opinion of aald moving picture, fa candor I muat aay, that I dem tt tha moat diabolical and indiwant of anything ever thrown upon canvaa, and I truly beileVe there are thoaaanda of our good . peopl n Portland who will readily coincide with ma in m veralon. I never eonaldered Tant'a inrarao, aa a book, fit to ba perueed. blatory, topography and archaeology. ' I cept Klnglak. al.e .. Ki- - ' V . -"i 7 7. i. raanneea, a eel red to Suau or.Dr. jonnaon (preaentta oyi, Th Athenaeum haa never bean very I call bin, k. ,.Z" "T? f riUgerald) and of Pop (a be-1 favorable to tha at.ee. Rom. af th. Ir.tran.. k.; i. 7k-If are here,- together - with, the gret Ur of tb paat, however, b. been thought aeceeaarr ' V. and think bla imagination waa baaed the future prima mjniater ehould bav upon a auperabundano of intoxlcatlne-1 been blackballed in lilt. ' The reaaon beverage when, he wrote th "Infernal given at tha time for thla rejection waa uiierno. i ay, down with auch pro-1 that hla proposer or seconder had ren aucuona xor tn rood or th. nuhlln. anitldarad tnlmaalf nartleularl nnnonular. give ua a good clean drama Inatead, It waa not until '.84 yeara Utr that BOraethlng Which Will UOllft tha mlndlth mal-ilatumin haA.TTva a nunkal LTTT t uu manner and of tha Athenaeum to which h waa ad !Lmt .tl ,mtz V h?manltJr- j Much . haa Imitud ondar tha rule allowlna th com- .u."- u. llon .r . P I mltu to elect annually a limited num- houaes, but nothing exceeda Percy . queat) cexved " :. " " , " "-1 wna waa a nw popular memotr. uuier ne 01 tne en amy' gunboata. death, th great novella t had been alt- actor member were Char Mathews drove tha survivor, of the crew into tin m wari-twW ws lTAmwi n Tkwa-w UaAan. In a a . H. . I tha war a a - a lu,w vv v. -era aw we- aw. ww. . -ve an. laar, - AlAOfUar? . LTnatriaTasl gkf HVffi 1 wajitji. MIIU WBJB nil llsj 1-ilai ea.aa. a t.v'g Mnrtai. natal thai hrakgi nn TTn art lath I - i . I With Ma at-... " a wu - --- a vuna. viiba lira AruiiJiaL inavrifaai mhii i --" , niien anotna arnniiAat' hlatory, U a well known featur of thla and Daniel Tarry.- . , , whlc.h h4 ben. commanded by hi Horary, wnisn uio Jaie mats nuiwn I ur iAtteon. wha waa a mamk.. R 'vmr,.. ueuieaani . jimu ru...... aald ba thought tha moat delightful I the club from 1124 to tha Hn ot hla M!"" l?"Sld. Th offloer In rh.r.J . . l . i . . in . . I inrfmmmjt rw.H. . i . . . . . piaoe in am wvrio, aapeciauy on a ouu-iaeath In llS, notea the following aa k." " v" . i " BiaDroihr had f thaAUnaeum: ;r..n Ve""::?.'? ?T TrkUh Chantrey. th aculptor; John Wlleon raDtaln fZt.r ,2.. urrender. Croker, Sir Humphrey Davy, sir Tbomae after th. Si h r JT6Bt Lawranc. Sir Jame. Macklnto.h. Tom board. e'ngTeS f lit AiJJ,'., Moor th poet; Sir Waltar Scott, to- hlmn a hand ta hand PiSV WU5 gather with aoma other.. Among die- brought both hi prttii 2af.i?,V f.?? tlngutahad ordinary member, have been hi. 17 ASeTI-C?!." !f -?BV ,th Benjamin. Brodi. M.rk Iaambard Bru- klHd or captured Ift firU d tak nel, tha engineer; Dlbdln. leaao Dlaraall, tw hoatlla gnnboatai -Ixrd Ellenborough. Michael Faradav. I The War Waa anriaA John Franklin, 'Henry Hallam. Jme surrender of Tripoli and Jth bomi Morler, th diplomat! and author of ' piracy. - aboiltloa)- day morning. At the tabl In th aouth weat corner Thackeray nad conatantly to work. On venlng, la or about th yeat 1810, a non-member, young Benjamin DlaraelL la defiano of tha club rule, coolly walked upetalra to tba library, and there proceeded to confer with hla fata er. He waa duly requeated to withdraw, and it is perhaps aot extraordinary that acena acenea at the moving cloture tnr.mA v.'. ... cinguiBnea mmence." ww um uuh i l. run win oar . . .. . M . . yr Osltlii, amon, th. H ..i. .. V. v......' ?IM10ner ' McMIIangM for I a very ahort one. jnno. -uttftA MURRAY. ' i i i, ' Bank Cleutrlngs of. Great a ties. ; "Haji Baba"; Samuel Roger. Sir John Tha name of the Maatlrwi ... ..-. Soana. Who bequeathed to th nation th n Intrepid in honor of th exDlolt i Soana muaeum in Ltnooln'a Inn fim-lnd It later waa blown un b r Joaeph Turner, Charlaa Kembl. Charlea .'nt Richard Sorrier, to prevent it fall.'' I Mathewa. (hi nM,ri -nr..ii .... ....... 1 ing into the hand, nt h. , . ... . I - . . . a...v mi tiat, I a. . m wain. All David Wilk Henry Holland. Blanco I n bord PWlahed. ' ' )t . . .... w Aiioim vi. iuienan i: wnat.-ii wna.M J tmr, .wjiian, wonii, m wit: JOhn Htii.ll A 1 ' ' rf- a art Mill and Herbert Spencer. II IW4yS in VjOOu aa' - Tomon Lumorr vi me vote aiayea aifnome un th "almr.l-V : wAvramtit rnnnmiii, T . w IT .jTi i V -j -----' win oe eeiuea in me ena, since all , "r I wars end in treaties., cannot the DemocraUc rank only one 'third of administered tne vote wentxo we ,poii,jf v ; goa t but It Is one for each ISOoof L.7. " " "ZT.::Y: In the New Jersey nrlmnrloa with I . . .' zKKszz&'zirs: srrss -2ria onlv SO ner cent on th J.l.r . ,1 7 L . tw ""' end arrives 7 " ' -'-bi 5oteroieni. -,.ii,aDOUi mree ana only 10 rpertwnt in. Trenton,, the LM half times the total expenditure home of the governor.. So great was Lf the , United ; States government' V n a 'are w .a y-. km a- 'wjaIa eVW . A a t. . I . . ' T -..-v,, TU OI(l vue U08B- under 15 president from the lnaug es dethroned by ; Governor Wilson urajtion of Washington to the begin- went nirrn-l- n W.f4 ... . I . ... . . a in- rang or tne yivii war. . .. ;v: ' turn to power. . , K is double the f ilu4 of all the ou -t uu ttte poiiucai game THE SPOKANE RATE CASES Tv is reported, from Chicago ?that the railroads have resolved to ap peal the Spokane rate case to tha new commerce rnnrt at arm Tbj gold coined by the United States The decision of the interstate com merce commission becomes effective r politician Js always on the lob. and I mint, from 170. t i ana f.-iA the so-called good citizen remains at 0f 116 years., It' is more than three yttuwri to nowi wa fourths the value of all the agrlcut- IT - a ' lw 108 7e8U1V , p- tural products, of the United States . . ' ' for the year 1909. a ut reason wny government Is in 14 years the cost of governing baa. Is because ao many men of ,cl- the UnKed States haa far mor than III eara, r n.?le 5 eelBe doubledv During he.period the ex- thO duty Of dtlsenship.. . ' A nnltitr frtr tha arm t. GETOLAXY AXD ENGLAJffD ' , RIVALS - pendltures for tho army and avy in- creased fourfold. ' - : ; We complain that the cost of Hy ing Is-high, and It Is high. fs One In Tim essenUar. dissatisfaction of J1 that contributes to It ls jhe Germany with her .commercial c,rMe o' T M. ge." on prospects is dealt with in . 'ederal payrolls and who, onfce there; .J: interesting? letter in the rnn selK le 'na never- realg- -nation" from an Austrian German ion resident ln-England.-4 - ' The ; German population Increases on November 15 and the railroads must either conform to , it by pub lishing new tariffs before October 15 or must appeal." . . o; The railroads claim that they stand to lose In freight revenue Ap proximately $10,000,000 by the. de cision and they, will propably ask for an injunction , restraining the com merce commission from enforcing Its order,- and take the whole Issue; be fore the no -amerce, court. State every year good to tha value ot 1 14 cent, per capita,' and from other A recent week' bank cleartna. of th. I coantrlea aooda to th value of 18.81 per great citlea.of th-United State : were P"- " -f,vv5l. -wtZ-.d ' aa roiiowa: . . ' -.Ine. Deo. New York i... 11.629.969.000 n t' . ... I hlr-fla-A A-llk 1A aah a..'-. "-' viuv-n ta. j . a . . a Boston it.,.. Philadelphia ,. St Louia ..... Kansas City ., WILLIAM 'E. CURTIS, JOUR-. KAIIST - t . $o fast, that there is grpwlng prea rure on its means of subeistence and l i-vviuyment, ,: two remeaies rare, first, colonization, second,'. Increase in HE passing by an .attack of ap oplexy .or. -William, J. Curtis, best known by his longconnec- i tlon ' with the Chfcatfo ' in tor. efficiency .In producUve effort. Ocean and . then with th r-bt.- The latter demands a larger volume I Reeord-IIeraM. rmnTO, a - .. cf rore!gn trade.. Therefore both beet known and most reliable" of u n rui". ax ta easence rouucai, writer and observer in the news- Tfike then for study a raajfof the paper field. v ," ' v-orM. German ahlpping must all Mr. Curtis had but very recently ",,'-'t 3 the world through the returned from a long Journey to the ':. rJ.Pnel. The passage of near and far east. And hl letters and ;rs. $ Clbra!tr fa 'dependent j reporta supplied most valuable In 5 will cf England. Then J formation. arvlnr to form nuhiio The" tatea affected are all those between points east of the Missouri river, and the Inter-mountala cities between; the.-Rockies and the Coast range. , Among these cities are Spo- a-ane, tsait.' L,ake City, Reno ?and fnoenix, .Arizona. - , . - OUR A3IIABLE PRESIDENT "T HE question of . the .tariff." saja resident Taft in one of his speeches. "I think all Republican agre UDon. - r' WhatI ' Cannon knd ' MurdockT Aldiich and La FolletteT Lodge and Cummins? Penrose and Poindeytnrt Does Mr. Taft really think Pavna. Penrose, Cannon, Burrow, Tawney and the other high priests of stand patlsm i. are In hsrmony with the flttanureh i San Franclaco . Baltimore Cincinnati ... . Minneapolia ... Cleveland , . . INew Orleana .. Detroit Omaha - Lo8 Annrele. ... Loulavlll . Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Atlanta Portland. Or. Buffalo .: Denver,: ....... Indiananolla . . ' Providence Richmond .... W'hlngtn. D. a St. Joseph . . .. , Fort Worth Memphis ...... Salt Lake City. , toiamDut .... . Albany . . Tacoma Savannah .... Spokane, Wn.. . , XTmv Vnrt'a THmtnl T.anra 878.49i.ooo i8.o i . . ,1 ( " . 7. " tt.-; : 142 fSBft OOA A A I ? Tom tne woryaiua uaseiie-ximea. 133,521,000 6i8 ,...r" One of the most rigid laws ever de- K97B7 nnn jvlaed againat Carrying concealed weap U'eTlloot If J-on ba. recently been enacted by New xora aiaie. a. license ib requirea even for the purchase and ownership of fire arm and penalties, usually heavy, are z.l I provided for violation. ? it ao happen that tne -atatute ha certain technical deiecta which must be corrected, but Its general . purpose la -6.4 4S.870.000 81.293.000 26,872,000 22,016,000- .... 19,773,0,00 .... 17,821,000 4.0 18.646,000 ' 11.9 15,246,000- ..... 18,431,000 . 23.4 12,191.000 8.7 14,577.000 6.5 12,712.000 4.S 10,178,000 I 8.8 12,856,000 30.6 12,696,000 i 10.8 10,413,000 . 14.2 9,6 39,999 v,. 9,616,000 .... 6,955,000 ( ..,,. 6.757.000- 9.9 0,43,U(10 4,674,000 6.678,000 .1 a 10.T ...f 6.2 6.T 6.768,000 6,961.000. 4.694,000 8,635.000 4,681,000 13.4 7.4. 7.6 1L4: 44.1 Traffic for" the Canal. From- CDiiiers.-r?J- I thoroughly sound and beyond queatlon ! It will tra far toward tha raduntlon anit 'H.i " ... ... am (jiayeuiiun vi crinia. -.- . , It is a gratifying fact that the new law1 haa aroused favorable comment in every corner of the Union. The cress "i Vl of th country, IS almost unanimous in S'S I itar commendation, s v; This Indicates that the American peo bla are at last awakening to the a-reat ooiai danger ot the oonoeaied - pistol. For evarv inatanca , In : which firearm. 11'7 1 have been legally used to -advantage ntipro ara a Tnounann inwnicn tnev tmva been abused : and have been the occa aion of crimt-vi-- ::'.- '..:-'.'i't.:: 23.6 1 Certainly,, no community can afford . ... I to tolerate the carrying ' of . concealed li.zi wetfrons or. to leave' any aton unturned that will put an end to thla really bar baric practice. . -j .. ' ; rry "Tb Saturday Club." i Tha Old Maid-But why abould a.'' great, atrona- man iika v. . on. they can lwava obtain i.mi,.. ... I begging . . , T .y retain their aelf-resDeot and .h.r.... I 'The Wayfarer Dear ladv tt t. .v.' bou in unaained labor.' nnlar nn.r...l. T i , . . . r, ' augw ia wnton a gen Ueman can ad dree a a beautiful womtuk' without an lntroduoUon.J-Sketoh. - a " 5 .',..;.,.....' ;.,;..S "What - ia How Will It Tin? oneof u alonf H':-1J . t: you """l'.n1 "e. Journey of "R"" - guea ifv - y w'ig m man an oould dha aouL . "MHenneok SKlui' .eomVadefhlp rnarrlod. j but ; Un'fBoZim t Wton2ear' -:;thedW v Though one alt stricken where' Ita 1 M "LP Chleage.Nawa ? i --billow rollr . " I Mra.. Neighbor They tell m your'' "PD08, b dumb, or from th my-1 on the college football lvaib - - Ua rOll , w . I fa , nfalaMauxia vu j . e W1U . whlsnerin. t lo. ha t,..v-.- CIT-' IXXT - S-? rr-v; blownf -:-ZJr" lTtirm'lT:, ," what. When our united live are wrenched y.lhpr9tTK mln't but' X t apart, - . , w thJn he' one of the. diwbactas. ; And day no mora meana iwut com. panionshlpi i , - , 1 , - . . ... . Some time in 1918 the Panama HUT! All lT7nali . -m 1)nw - taiwa ITAnvtM Rfnit . - - - aw jsi a a. ah baa - Aaa w mm buu a ituum hi w-.mm. Tg'ZZoTW Coepondent -New Tork World. .:.. " . . lroen' 1 T am una of tha unemnloved. T bava position , for the -laat two I am married, .AfrT.lt ll tb. lrana.nnH...nl a. j rill .mnn.t ... . ..a ... t SOUgnf i,vuu, mm .,.. arlthnnt aiinA.aA a year. The coat of moving thla freight .i . .w ... -ilV' at rate fairto th roada. varies f ""A .VL .T,:'1;" -e -f . M -.a-- i .. I ui cu. af. liar vvtuo .v vtio wuwiubiuii ! J ,Tinn:nl 'B.r,t,t? that a man with a trad 1 beat qualified 167.80 ton on clothing ahiDDed we.L Aooui j.uvu.vvv ton or rruit are sent east at an average -coat of 126.76 a ton. Steamship men believe that on a modern sixteen Knot eteametv with refrlrerat- ing racniues, tne l.ouu.ooo tons of fruit oaa be shipped from Ixs Angela to new i ore at coat or 17 ton. Usual. ly, aa in th case of 'the Great Lake, th ultimate result of developjng water transportation I beneficial to the rail road. Only 10 per cent of th coast, to-ooaat traffic now goe by water. There are Just eleven ship In the over sea trad, flying tb American flag. All ar old.- Within easy water communi cation of the canal are 14.000.000 peo ple whp. are buying from the United to make hi way. unfortunately, I have no trade, which no doubt account for my present ill fortune. - I have1 been compelled to pawn ' my .tew clothe to feed ' my family, and therefor ; could not make a presentable appearance for a clerical position, which I have bald In the past. When applying for a position other .than that, I am met with - th query, Hv you xpwlenc?" Being truthful. I answer in th . negative. Very aorry.but w can't us you, la the Invariable answer.' - - My object in writing 1 to warn boys and young men to take heed and tearn a good trade, and. If they thlnS they When fervent night ;idlovelyi'?lai. .V4 sruorous dawn - I From Puck. . k Are only memories to One aad heart, ? . Mabel I am sura he muat '.hav loved -. ivna Kisses Durn vjruearty.-': :.ft f i v. the lip. . . A: ., - Maud I should ay .o.' . mi'li UufmovroS?" th' - E Wheeler Wilcox.;: i:rJ.tl2.yUn:t. U. m - i b i . . w i"v"vvri.Wwl' BtTtlllCK Wirh I ria:; a.J'-ii1- - i v vB at9 aaw her unexpectedly at .fame the ing after a dance. morn .TA bokingf Forward , 1 A Minnesota $3 Bill. ' ?; From th Minneapolia Journal, f 1 A." IS. bill purporting to be Issued by th state of Minnesota March 20, 1858, two months before the state wa ad mitted to tha union, waa nraunt. 8 tale Treasurer Walter J. Smith -tna I ' t (CentHbated to Tba Joorn.l br Wait w. , for redemption, with Interest at is .V 2S.fif-SSft.- P-aaoem. ar. T cent The Interest claimed amount.; ion.Ll Mum " Xb. Call, nearly 1 120. Th . bin wa rartaA - l -: r--ry -r' '"--g'--j.ai.J. .,-.,., -t letter from'R. J Dietrich of Lnrrain. The winter soon will mala trin'.vi- I Va, with a request to please remit th w?yvl,.B madiin frenay. and then wt"' " monov. , I all will hava tba or In .... . . . i . - - - m"ft mvrw uiroai. taAu' "Th tat Of f Minneanta hhii mnuen.y. -j The ' bllaaard wttt . Thomas Cowan or bearer 13 ' with in- J bl,wlng forth, with rude and ahocklntr tereet at 12 , percent ner annnn r, 1 rnannera. and all ' the storm b-iT Li ' date untU notice of redempUon; Issued j thejnorth wlU Bhaka icy banner under the act of January 29, 1858." thai- then, alas, poor weary oui. you'll ' bill reads. Z'tt is signed "Ira Bmith auffer dire emotions, when b..i treasurer; Jdliua George, auditor." olothea and buying coal, and h,,i. urngs ana pouona. Methlnks I .M w.." Iteconunendlnir Himself. " in-the atreet, on Icy pavement totter. - i ann inn rra naai. .. . . . TwAM . a : 'I "v 0 aBtvaa. tu lummar haal . j v.. Dutvcag ittaKajeine. , : ' nlv wn... -wa". -" au IWhen the language of mtsina. i. 1.'.. LT .i'J. -"p J heATyou ?r mayVTn.' ' Urtllng. ... . ITnAAii l7Tmm..v:u frytegT'. laJTPlJS S-?.P.f yVlfy tovethea? o" baa vt b vivvru w II era en AT Or Tataa l jt.in.. i i - , auaufy-- . making a campaign speech. Afr ' L7JL' Oh m.Ih-"-" m - lng to th speech for bout ie mim.tl e.e. III. whl?.tlln whisker!" one of them turned to- hla companion n?r ! m tr irtH i . ! hum- ; Cln ""TtVio frnnrbHm,P,T f ..r"bVhe"Wna.nTy d: L h t- Af v." ' -v. rlaK and they loa thelr pos.tlon. lA.r jommend hlsselt mo." highly."..' ila-.' - lK v. . '