The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 06, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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hm mm
ika '
t fca.e .4Lua4
rWMI MMlb oa.4 k 114 i
fau i iim at a. a www la
' BafaJtO' Ik.. .Ill.WB MS d.'a,4a
lltll IUI M M Wilt. It
'a- T kwHa M erf
t-mm awa a. 4 la 1 . Ik...
II . 4 li aMaJa tfcai it. M,
IM lk bal.k
flaal ertlrtl y
lag i.t.laaa
beta. 4
r i rat ui kA a eualiag ia
I'-. aav. r:itMi fv 4 wee ak4
M a. 4 a we ata Uk oal
ek 1 ao i at aia bmi'4,
1 la fa M.hHilMl kaat ad k
(klaliwdaf af ai:re4
ka. Tim U ao H"nni (Ml a
ki la will r
Pa a a ..ei-ai.a wi
bl ww ta ao a-aMii i Uk. a
! faxt la 14) aw tea, t V
a offUkaiaA ua Ike tat r rM
aikwa. we a ai Vwk t-y
fiM ie t e far tt.n maa
Cr.a-4-ithi r-ktUrl Piirfiu Rrinno " oUia
Wf-.n.Mir vauwu Mjwa, Tk, ... aaaa . did go wttk
, Men to Office for Checks :Zt;r.LZJZ: tti
- Ww apivf 4 eiae ta lrekJ
Railroads Report More Men
at Work.
T' U pay day for IK tribe al
tha ik.W, K N. lailr ate al
Aiata. aad al ) 'elrk lha laoa lla.4
a la front of the aftira kuildi.f Jttel
atatA Ka Tl4 a4 laialtnj la4f
ikU Aa iw uiul orurr4 u
aaiaaa I ta Ra a4 arUrl!y
full aaaeia'a rf u laaiav T
raarula 4ajr la aa iba (a af a
mi. aa lata M a aiully ciU4 par
AH t f l ! ahapa af laa O.
W. X. N. aa4 aiara Jwifva oa
a-aatra. Tw ar Uiraa aaa fear al
lapia4 la attr Imaala al In At
h ahwaa al faUl T irt pl-a
, aaJla4 ta aloa and aa4 la af laa
aa) arraal4 aia t4nlbt la alfHt.
aM la Uirt oa wui ka ajrl4 U M
rapaata kla rrt a laalia iraaala.
Ta airUar ara ihlr 4a
tamlaaiia la r-armlt aa Iroabla us arlaa
aa aa aQta-raala af laa atrtka. la
anala pa 14 at Ua ptekM laal at
Alain Ua aJUfartoa to Ma4 IKat I ha
rUro4 aaaBpaay la aaaiad lha mm ba
r trrui la oaaa niai
' .- Bf faaf Ara XlraAV
Tl Voaaa fram aU rpraa that
tt Ihuga kir4 bf ! company art
frrtM t fare r ta commit Vulnra
f aonia kind." aar laa bullatll. whlctl
la aict4 br tba a4vtaorr board. TCrp
aol 4 tbar tl ta rraatralad la iMa
naa, 0nfJ rmni Wr4 af tha
O -W. K. A N. la laaklDe- auiamaals U
C Iba taa thai tbr b4 baiiar
a barti w ar taa will aavar ba
takaa back, via or loaa. All thla oaa
ta aba that tAa rompangr la lolf eat
j4 la VatUnr daaparala." -
But tha rwnpajir. through Suparla
taodaat O'Drtaa'a offlea,- r porta an ao
Urlr 4irfarBt rUrw af tha cmattar. Tha
oompaar roporta that II mw man hara
Wan hlrad and pot to work la too laat
J haora, Thia nakaa a total or II
aw ataa that hara baaa put ta work by
tha eompoar ta tba Uat thro daya, ao
oordiar to tba eotnpanjr'a r porta.
Voo41Uoaa ara qulat aad practically
traljva ara oo aobadulo Una." a?
tba raport. -
Striko laadars vara . aooourta-od tbla
morning whoa six rar tnapocior at tba
AJblna a hop, who war not kfflllatad
with tha federation, walk ad out and
Join ad tha atrtkara. According to la
formaUoa racalrad from atrlko baad
quartara thaao tnapoctora war work lev
uodar a apodal acroomont with tha
railroad company and war hot aubjact
to to atrlko ordar. Taatarday, bow
oror, thay aoat a reproaanUtlva to eon
far with tho atrtkk laadara about tha
tarma of tho acToornlat balnr damaadad
-a a
IL alaa
latr ba4vart 1 114 a
irtiaM4 r
r4a oM t
Oarilalaa la liaiaa uklll
air pip ha o,ut 1i,a na
aK-kaar aad lu rt Imviku ara
al ral Htgr4 la lUn( t ranip-lief
Hju ra i WW. I
haw tMUaaa, Lav. Uil iUTlaa
atrtkata of ika i44:a aad far o i
(o ! Iavla4 ta too amaaaa
f ika law tkr iao of taa
ttal aalktiiko 1 tAaao kxitei wao
o bUy OMkia' arao-aratkMO lo alia
IWaa tr eaalaaval aa) a kafga af abaal
ltt.4 fWaJ lalaoriWiao faoliaJalaj la
" IWr.i who raitrav4 prof
aro aa.laM.
ikirar Ko4 la roaktaf troaoo
la MotVata ta aaiwipaa al huu
Ma taay braak ool laoro ta at aay
oaawia. Tka atrwata of thai lif ao
4f t4. aod tho roitraoda will aa4 oa
otriaaaaaaf a lhaoo fa a oral
Mm Mill
Technical Point Raised by the
Food-Commlssioner; Rul-
Ing This Afternoon.
Ik W ulil f . OT-twMa at
ll-i-li fl. I l. t-.ta lv!
.. I.' I K T ln' k.r,u4 lr.U b.H
... huak mia rw It.i.. ti
Tu ImiiI oa.4 aiio aaaaMtiao al
Ik watfa lUr ' . I ad Ik.
o af aa Oaaa4oajk ta IV. i
. aa.4io Ikal Ofwaia..
4ia at k bat L aaair
lko t-4kok ao o.ikL. aikaa la.
Maum 1 ao i a i . im w4 a4a.
" oao W'l a.t af Ik. a.iotao o
iaao aa la taw awaif ko aaoAo I
ir ool r t oaiitaa, .
Mll to ookaa.4.4 Il a4 4Jk alii.
Ikaaal atue a. kaaiia
aauavao o ( Ufmiant la
oiooio o ao agitata.
T4 l'xo lwai4 TiUI a IV. 004
af u.ulr, L A. ti.aia tfm Im.i
(niU 1 4 H.a, r. C. avkb4
ra f, J. oViLaWt far ffwllf, VUfUl
fcuaM frwaa law tV k ar oo l-L. I
t-at of rrt IimIwuI, Uio fc. i
l.y rwaa bWt It bar!. f lm
blarafa4 ttall fiB ( tt.UW
1 crtily aA WUia.tlo bka fM I
ttalr fMk.r lr araatiy, ,
Constipation ;
Vnnishej Forever
Owgio . llurtdU Itaad l.
ll'alto t.ta4 wwal
Amroata. O.. ck-l t Tk. Oaorgla,
riunoo rajiroao lo roaiplautr Had op
by tbo atrtka today d provi.laao aa
awa: iroaaportad y oaoo i towaa
alooa- tba Uaa.
OtncUla of otbar rollrood Kaf da.
linad to oa4 onglooo to naaoo a Iroia
aiauao oooia or Oar. fcartA to bo.
aotoa iavolood ta tba atrtka. Tba one,
poay tbraotatu to oak fadaraj latarf ar-
B. C.
Two BaffToto bavo bao hlUad aaA a
tfllurad la tho atrtka rlattn
' '' ia too alith day biam a
trota woo ooaratod m iha ru.i..
" v
rriortdo lloo.
noBtlaxtua tVrHitioa Iooovod.
Huatlnaioo. (r f . hKwtn n.v
" ar inroatitoiod th rati for
Pnw or oapouaa horo yttr
T?...Z'laorw of hta man.
"""i " ma aiiaaiioa waa not ouch
o to damaao lnlr rraMnro Thar ta
aoioo wis at ino trlkro
mair ormroo on tha
par la l wMrb Will
at 1 o'clock A
li -rafl
arrtr h.ra toniaht
OOr araa Kmk.. l .t-.
nam in m iocoJ yarda and a aum
bar of aboao otolon. 'Too yard waa fall
puuao out too
(CV4 Pwjbb Laaaal rH
ooooor. IL C. tun. t-ntrarr T.
crxn. faroMo proaidaot or tho Wailooo
Itarth of Conuooroo, la bar. Jdoho
roadldata for govoroor daelaroo bo lofl
tba ataia wttb tho fall baowtodgo of
tha abariff who la now oaodiag bta 4o
lurao bro4caaL Ha want to Caiaory I
" nr. a iriaa o oaii ia uiaroai m
aoni tlrabar UmJU but fatlad. Tho
ho oao. to TaaeouTor whar b pooaa
aa oa eutalda roal aotala brokar.
CTNail darlarao ho mad. oo ttlagoj
financial movaa whlla at tha baad or
tbo Idaho book, bot oofTorod badly froot
111 lock. II rafoaad to aay wbalhor bo
wtl rat ara to Xdabo or bot.
(BaaHal k Tba
Wailooo. ladho. Oct hart ft !leh
olooo'o poatM gi.a d.arrlptloo aad pi a.
tor of Koroay CTNail aad oak lolo-
graph lo Information of hi wharaaboota.
CTN.ll ha a wtrod from Vaoeouvar that
ba I not a fu1tl and that bta owo
fort ana la wrackad.
nan waa not
fitrikitV Claims ad L Onuido.
naarui to Tha JwmII
Otrl Baby Bor Frank X. Bock. g0
oral aa I a last la tho Unltod luiao dla-
trtct altomay'a of Hca, tbla morning aa
ooooeod tho arrlraj of a baby daugblar
at bio homo. Thla la tho third addition
to tba Cnltad Itaioa diatriet attoraaya
offlca during tha paat raw month. Ip-
Lo Ormoda. OrM Oct. . ooyaoty bad
ordar oaro. ara en tho trio tr.k ..
.Uk f' hw t Btrtk.ra today. I utl.a Evane and btoUoIro ar th otaor
jubilant borojiaa ooooa tin, I k.
alnco yaotarday nooa. and ara bow An
- ? f0UI "irlkar now
rr1,.- rhC ,M rtJr waat
,t.0f8ttt,,:. Hna ar
7"' Bixuar to bar a com In
oruwr, including th
me raoi mail laat
AootklV ttaoH to ttl
tbo aoartio af tbo rao
Iboomm M tbo Mfit oooit by
W, fJii,. aiata doory ao4 tm4 roa.
bt. ) bo wool Uforo odaa
lukoaoooa rr in. o a to4iXaa4
roartag faUoro to t-aUi.b o moofkla
a. - " "
oouotta r work ta bio omo ii oh.
arka OO O laokabol flro of m
todUtmoM rotoroad Ogaloat blm M
Ika J4g took tbo oaottoo
iaaaaot oatil 1 oolua loia
f laraouav
Thla I lb tilth Itano lUl raklo
ballay kaa brooahi miw
aOa.kaa a Ika chorga aiaikol blm aod
datayad tbo baortag Taa loAlMfcaaoto
bao baao daoa oootoot blm and hot
Tbo ablortloo tklo Wtoralao araa
tbo groood that tbo tod!rakat aloa.A
with th fotlowtag otatamaoti "Tbal tbo
oo w. taouty railad lo fuhitab
aaaotoiy aauiatla lo tbo nikifui .oiK.
oroaoo aod (Iktloetkao f pobit4 Jco
Tbo oiproaalao to wblrh kfr
rmmuj ewfO' ia mniraai
and oboi root too of potdlaXai.
Oiy iM.irtrt at tor. k-ii..i.
w' oroaaeuio tha roao. aa4 tal4 krwM
ma coon that bo oblaetlaa m
tachMcol aod of minor Importooeo to
tho graot laavo baforo tha paool af tha
aiaia m ooy rrom pabUs mart Ma.
"7 B'o lao aog oatry eommtaalonor
wm lorto. inroogh hlo ottorooya. that
A. bf. Cot. formar rbl.f of poitco. waa
dtarharyad oo a almlloT 4fao la tbo
todlctmaot. aad that ba aha Id sot bo
rooulrod to go to trial. Ia tha Coa eooo
odgo Ka.aoaufh bald that thor waa
a total fallur of proof, aad that th
tadletmaat ceo Id bar b troogr by
allmlaatiBg th word. ..
obotrocttoo of public Juatlca.- Tbo Judg
uta mil amnroaaiop ntui ik. ki
. - . .- . .
f aouoa artar com court pro.
t-apaty I'l.tnct Attorney rihf.M
argooa that tha Ball.y Indlctm.nt la
a" oy Tinua or Including tho word
"public bu.lna.a with tna ...i-
1ublla Juatlca,- " "
Tbo oalocby ttoktf of II f.alaradi
Ik a.k.y grtat of dlvoao tklo awr.
Ug La tha rtrooll ojotv tfartko atarttaJ
l44 rraoiAlag Jodgo Oalao thai
ooobaod. Jaoaob, waa gtaatly addlrlad
tbo a of Uttworo. Tb.y oaro mar
rU4 10 aoaooaao. B. C la IMf.
Aibart rorlbarg waa atvoo a 41 rare.
from ttaalo tvtlborg oo. th aroood of I
aaoartia. Othar oiroraoo gtyoa
toroitao kaaoeo frv Autu.tat oo.
oao tar crwvlty; t.ygto
OaXi Rlnlc.
romao o pvoviar rt-4iar fkattaf I
orooamy to oao tmarw afioo
fa ika f.U .. kl.ay m I laa I
to to tatraditraA T a. nl I lo I
moaag4 ry otilct tiaao aod II
1 garally oo4ralw4 lkogal
rortiaog tiai tho tJak rtah ratofa ooiy
to Ika boot .U...O, Tkar wil bo tkioa dolly oa fUa.. to It
m. far aatluatra. 1 to a oad
t.ll to II I, baatna. wlU bo lukll
I Mala dartag oil MtlMt
uvt rioi
Ud pW am
tba boo.
I ra, Aoal ta foal frta
("W'U'U Ua w-w mrnHJUl
rxa i
a rrctAurr atvtcb.
IB a Iwul hM IK. W. VI
old Hibil.fcad o aaarll arfVaLa Ika
rara ar uia bair. lo Wklrh waa gtvao th
r o noma moda hair laa la.
blah waa hlahlr rvoacamand far lia
m.iuu. pair growl a proirtla aa
o for iopping fall In Valr. rovt
loUtloa too hair .aula. alnn Ika
aaaiu garo OAO roalortag gray balr
la Ha natural aolor. Tkia rlii.
or apanai intaroal to ma. a the fern..
Ola oa OtVO Which 1 mvaalf haaa una.
ocrtbad la oooBUooo aai.a with moot oo
toolahiag raouJio. I ramambar en. cooa
la oortlauLar La which 1 kravrikai n
for a maa who bad baoo bald for many
roara and lo laoo than two maa i ha an.
ar ha bao Ita oa Kla Kaad waa eon. ooard with a lomirtant growth
or rton. gtoooy noir, la ua proving that
hair oao ba anode to grow oa a bold
baad. oothwitboiaodlag tha optaloo of
man yiiwi to in. conirary.
tor tha ban. fit af tboao who hv not
oaen It baforo. 1 glra tho formula hara.
with: I ounrao of I lay Hum. 1 ounoao
latrona da Compooo. ono half drachm
M.ntbol Crratala. l'laola tho Cryatala
In lha Say hum aad then add tba Love
no da Cnmpoeee; ahake thoroughly ood
apply eight and morning to th root
of the hair, rubbing Into tba acoJp with
tha flngar 1 1 pa. Thla proparalloa eon.
tain a no coloring matter, but raatorao
gray hair to Ita raturol color by lie ac
tion on tho hour root 'If you doalro it
parruroao. aad oao toaapoonrul of To
Kalon I'.rfuma. which comblnae par.
factiy with the other tagredlenta aad
Imparta a moat plaaalng eeaaL
rrlnovlDo Journal- omhW
rocalvlno Immlm.i. . ,.Z7 f 7
"rrirao a culver Sunday
Ultiy .w"1" trn foor tn eta Incha
nZTTT:.! r"7C111 " th oaf of their
BjrrortureforCrook oowoty.
P0 J..
laaaaai aiO
enaino on
niahf arktk .
I. . . V r npno hanng to bo aant
ooat to brine the train In. MlWdatll-
.k " 1 v,r1ou engine.
- w wimwi mm T. , I Pi m .aal
v!. r" "I mhmn b "7 lltUo enang. t, MtTceabl. .,!
to hi follow worker tby decided to I wb.r. . nouceaoi any.
their lot with taa maa who had
M.MJU JL VI inns TT-I n ao-o m
Sore Feet 1 1 18 e JraKC bpcciailStt
Run to Cover
walked oat.
r TfM team bo
: Offlcara of tho local federation ro
cotvod a lttr thla morning from J. A,
rranklla. Intoraatlonal praaldant of tha
Brotherhood of , Bollaimakara." , with
badruartra at ICanaaa City, In which
ba rrporto about genera conditional and
tirgoa tha atiikera to aland firm.
Tired, Achlna, ftwoHea, SmrH,
Swreatj Fcrt? Oorna, Coiloaoea
. or BonJoniT t'ao TIZ. It's
Bare, Quick and Certain. -
Stockade Began at Rosebnrf.
tBpad.l to Tha foaraaLI
?ZT,i ?!r That the
: " .""no intend to
atrtkrbrak.ra Into Roaahu
. Import
became i
' - '' mi erection or a
liT1" ronJ roondhou.. mach-
BMW w.ivu ana rnair rrajkr
will bo nearly a half mlia r7'
"Lot ua rooolro at Utla time that ro- Jeral hundred feet wide. Some bod anrtnaa
ard)oa of tho length of Urn It take I wera received at tha -..-k-7. "p" "
a al. kl l-k. ill I " ' ---..-..wua. jraa.
w.m ...,a .i.Mk. WW WlU ao, HCI in I .Ma.,
co tno anopa a w cam out, a unit,'
ao adviaoa tha atrlkera. . Ha orodlcta I Rrwiv.T .i . . .
that lha atrogglo can hara oily on TvrttZi ZZ?0'
nd-4 complete auocoaa.for tha fed- JkaJ-fi.M W .
antal craft.. I . ' wno nun
lUlVU iriKHDrnurfl m 1 vrav V-.
' " -ioi . w ill IIT tUUHT inn Wflra Im m aA I 4 -.1
Lobor-. tnpa . kro-tTat- So" bad ordw w7rV In the 7o ZVZ sTthe
caro waro oddal to tha u. ih. " . . ln oouthem
car were added to tha Hat at tba Al
oina anopa yeatorday, making a toUl
of about ISO car out of order at those
ahopa; that three anglnea war pulled
la dead laat night, being Noa. (4 and
(I and on O. &L. engine; that switch
engine No IS waa two .hours lata ln
getting out of tho yard thla morning
and waa In .auch bad condition that It
bad to bo returned to th shops within
an hour.
, ah errort was made by the railroad
employe to' place a trespass sign along
, the. railroad tracks at th foot of Rua
aell atroet, just outaid tha gate of th
enclosure about tho ahopa. , .The que.
, tlon waa raised as to whether th prop.
rty was a atroet or railroad pro party.
One of the policemen on -tba beat re-
rusoa to ief them raise th lgp onUI
a report should bo received from city
' officials, as. to tbo. ownership 0f tha
property. .. . , , ; ,.
I; " 'iJo BoUormabor. f.-v..:,;.. ,
' !Th llf of Taylor, a bollormaker who
refused to Join tho strikers, Vaa made
miaorabla last night. A crowd bf 100
or more suuers.acoompanlod him from
the. ahopa and Jeered him until he was
in tears before he reached his home.
However., ho returned to work again thia
The strikers are. considerably aroused
over me presence of a professional
BiryceDreaKor known aa "BYUty McDon
aid." .H la wearing a star as a special
oiiioar xor ine raiiroaa company.
On "wiper" who has been working
since im BtriKe started, walked out of
toe Boutbern Pacific shops this morning
wnen no was told that he must act as
a helper ln the machine shop.
, One or the guards employed by the
company eaid this morning that one of
tha freight trains which pulled Into the
yarns- this morning, had 14 hose coup
lings cut ln half. Thla waa dona dur-
w iuiu. woiw inn train was on
atoing at tno east side depot. No con-
nnnauoB can be obtained of this report
When told of the affair the union men.
of wbloh there -are a large number out-
aiae tne stockage, deny that It was done
oy any or the strikers.
. blsjr atalso otbockado
a je root platform now adjoin th
"-'""' ra.iroaa. , Altnough OCOrM of
J v , . " station when the
""" ne strikebreakers ar
riToo, mere was no demonstration. 1
Strikers Add to Holla.
Sacramento. CaL. Oct I.-T...I, .a
dlUonal name hara boon added to tho
local Harriman atrlko register In labor
w.uun wie paat 14 hours, in
cluding 16 car workera. two boUer
makera, one bollermaJcer s apprentice
and one machinist. Labor loadera who
are conducting th .atrlko.. working
fiuiuiuw 01 zb, claim that
they ara pulling out at least -on mail
par hour throughout the day. v
' No Aid From Tralamen. ' .
Denver, Oct. 1. "If the striking
shopmen of the Harriman lines win,"
said President Lee of the Brotherhood
of Hallway Trainmen today, -it win be
without our aid.
"Their dlfflcultlea." ho ' contlnuid. 1
Wnen I beer. a m v adv.rttain Mmr.i .t- . . .
2125 fD' fuk or- some of tha ppeclal1ste"
5?K?.KJif " st my atatemanta No doubt
l vl ,L ncl"- or, ,h,r wou, ry "to cover
V b'50,.!,r. nnoclng their methods of doing bus.
thZV .k.i VJL,nfK 10 conv nc . ,h" unsuspecting public
1. i . mrf ih on,r Unrtlmate aparlallats In Port
u . f. rvPt. I am the only UOXTZMATB IXTUT
specialist in Portland, who WmiT hiil? .fAlJ
mnnl .1.r4l.u wi. "iia
: . . . m . . uii ann curiwi nama. Bum .h
raoant and traa nhMn.r. nh aaa n-..n . ... TZ
offtca. 1 do rv,hiy.,;.jr. v -.x:i -""m"! ynB""
llah a falaa -- "1" "a,?' L"" '""' "".1-
1 a ikiH aiaiaroeni
"f serrlces should not bo eoracarod with
ih t-il0? wfo adr.rtl.a one thing aad do another
iiiiuvmi uiaj m uir curfiu-vno
of any
the quacks
1 X : I
, ;-r- i ,
Toa WO Xajey Talar'TXS, Tbo acoet I
s-Maaaai samaoy Toa Brer Triad
aad Moreover It Works.
. . . c . . . ...
wi.nere is instant rall.r arul a I
tasting, permanent remedy for sore
fee.. No more tired foot No mora
aching reet No . more ewollen. bad
smelling, sweaty reet No more corns.
ino more bunions, no mora callouses.
no matter what alls your feet or what
under tne aun you've tried without get
ting- rcuci, juai uaa xxa. -
Tiz IS totally unlike anvthlna
else for the purpose yon ever
neara or. it's the only foot remedy
ever made which acts on the principle
of drawing out all tha poisonous ex-
uaationa wnicn cauae sor feet Pow
ders and other remedies merely dog up I
ia pursa. j. u weans uiem out and
aepo uiem Clean, it worka rirht off.
xou wui reel better the v.rv rat
time if a used. Use it a weak and you
can iorgei you over Had aora feat.
There is nothing on eartH that can
compare with It TIZ Is for sal at all
druggists 25 and SO centa nor box or
direct. if you wish from Walter Lath.-
voago ec co., Chicago, IIL
?rar"d to.PT some unfortunate doctor a few dollar
in. u oi nis name which la put rorth In brasen let. f I H.lcni.a at a
tern aa THE anarlali B tha nri. a, BkUmu, M. I
fla.a In ...... - -
- - - a.iwa Euroo or rfiunn every collar
- " b" paiwnu into nia orrico ana who.
uuBinm-' ana arugging nia system
iiiiu mi iiiiriua nis money, ruinaa in haaiih
r paid," and many other
after arettlnar hi. i,,Mii.
for weak and mfPt V SI tui-wkat
Jnhr?, Pd "iy "Pen fali promise, to get tKlrrbu.?n..a
and hire lneparleneed doctora to consult, examine VrTd frLV iSSZ b-U.".,"."
in oiierintr mv a.rviraa
nanca in ailments or man-
anywhere. My reputation for
moat akentleal that i" . tRi"-vTii JrSa25 ur"cl?" J convlnc th
Portland. I do not make fi.o VromU0 . JW.t ln"
,' ,'. A.i. . lo set ineir bu.lneas
?o tha af f Ha'Xf J"'0 n.d trat PatlentB.
to the afflicted the reeult of II year' um.
-I am giving you the HIT that can be bad
X'Li'l'V? J1. lfT- dobt..ht2
BraczAXXBT wao crtrBBB
It mat tare not what vmir all
moot la. nor wbo baa treated It If It
ia curaoie I will a-lva vou Immadl.
ate benefit and a oulck aad laotlog
l0 not allow monav mattara ta
aaap you rrom ulna wall I
charge nothing to prove my math,
odr will cureyoo My offer NO
ktyRT KtgUlHCD L NT I la BAT
in i-i ia your boluta orotao.
iwn. vui .una uao. iiunikiiiM a rA
dlagnoeia fr.
1 claim for mr traatmant nathtna
Nroodarful" or "sacral- It U aim.
things "Ue" Wr n
AXTXZCTXB bCXW, baforo troatiag
""' aoatoauy iBvoeagw Bay
prowoa aaatboda. Tea will thaw, aaaer.
ataad how aaally aad aalakly I oaro
aU oarakle oaaae of TAJUOOaB YBTBTa
a. Bivsoiiibl witaoat Owrero oarg.
loal operation TJBBTKBAXt OBSTBUO.
TlOVk wllhoat eottlag or bwrmtajri
w aiaaiw oaiwu rvilVII WTUOBV 1Q.
lartoaa draga (eod aklllfully admlBle.
wnaa praierroo;) aiaTU-TITaL
vsaiUTT witaowt stlmauttvo ro:
oiae raoarAno, iiaddei aad
aaDBTBT Troobloei OOlTaAOTin Ola.
oraersi riLik axuTAL eoaaDlalata
kad all ailmoata of raoa.
i The above la my specialty, briefly
e pressed. Tou do not earo to read
long winaeo, boastful advertli
mania in which one quack de
nounce another quack. Their pro
tended warnings Bound like tho old
T i - aiop tmer. ion ara wiao to
uun invcn.
under my traatmant. you will qnlok
ly raalla how elmple a thing It la to
get well In the hand of a epeolallet
who knowa his business. My cure
add not only ye re to Ufa, but life
to rears. i out new ,nrr, intn
womout bodies.
Office hour-, dally, 9 to I; vn
Inga, 7 to Sundays, 10 to L
sea Washington t, Portland, Or.
ba. A. O. 9MXTM.
I am a rariaiatad aad ltaaaaaS I
Byo-ietea, awaflmlaar my eraaiol
oreotlc to the aiaacdaro of Uku. 1 1
aave more noiir taveatea tn mr aa. I
I taelt.haiaat tk.a aU eikas BorilaoA owmklaed. I oarer edvor-l
tie obeao faae a aa taAweeateat oel
snaer me y-au.ata. a krae ey.eiallw
avi r.a.n ao icmiB muim
matkoaa. Bo bum wke pUoas aa ta
taUlgaat vala oo kU keoltk will
eeak ika aervlce of a maa who pro. I
ao lo a aboap dactoa - Too I
aoa OBiiaat a ai&a akna la
of a aheap modleal aaoa aad ywo
komld o taa aama oaro ta yoar
I poeaeoa skill aad awoorlaaea. ao.1
tatrod ta Back a war tool no otaor I
eaa aaaro, oaa aaewjd no
wna aaadleal eompaalee. Z la taiaaa.
elblo for a aaediool eompaay to at
tend eoUego. Oompaalee bore ao at. I
Powsoo or ueoBae o praoatao ma4v.l
eimo ia urrg-oa or aay otaor state. A I
Borarort, waoeo perooBauty aad Idea,
lit ar lnAefUMa. t trahlieked a.
tba lagittmato spool. Urt of the Of.
flea. aUrod BWboUratee. orOlBarrl
aooaora will .aasiiooaeio aauitr.
rtva ooBsoltatloB, aamlaattoa aad
tree tamest. I
Why treat with Irrrononslbles
wneo you can earura tn esoart aarv.
loao of a responsible son-lallstr
Mao ma If you have anv of thai
following Tartoooo Talma, I
mmrwm. auooa oao a xia Ulaoraara
ladder Trooblae, Blood PoUona. I
BrarUoaa, TJleors, PUa or ristala,
iHouro 9 a. as. to
O. am. ana4aa I
av w a vui
t-dk, Xorrlaoa Ut, Oor, eeoad,:
aooulred In such a way that no Sthor can ahire It and ahouid nt iVt?l"ao
rmssps m
. A,h10'"'h lnresUgatlon should bo made by every allina man aa h.
apedallst be consult. Duty and destiny to aelf and T thS.r 2hF d.nit
upon you aemand the beet modleal attention
fi juu inn aemca i nave alw
hat my services may be obtained
ira charged a
oy any man
' tno BDinty ana can
very reasonable fee. no
no sincerely desired in
be cured, r make no misleading statements Tor unbusinesslike
.lr'- noendWwo
imuoni it you will COmO lO mo On a atrlnflv .1 -.
or certain
oeptlng Inducements that I offer, which are mi
epai-ianc. umo-aavmg treatment and cure
would like to have vou
y Drofeaalonal K,.i.
kblllfy. ia ye.... Z,7nA?..7
Is what you win get
If you treat with me.
Results ar quick and
positive. Tou are
benefited at onoe.
Men. who - h a v o
dragged their caaea
along for : month
: with some other spe
cialist are astonished
af tha l)Mml .fua
- ..... r . V..VV .
of my r e m a r k a ble 2.
treatment- I cure Vf
. Narron. Dirlin,
Varlcoo Vain. Pile.
' R U D t u r . Rhtuma.
tlam. atifr and swollen Joint. Kidney.
JBlsdder. etc. ,
bioou ah men ia quickly and ' safely
ant-art a e.w.n1. .- v." "'''
- -' wwa -..v. wvu aoown uor
man remedy.- -
Omaultotloa Prao. WkM or OalL
Tb Old Bollabl Bp-olallrt.- '
fWroar Alder and Second street. En
trance J16 Second treotPortJad, or.
ttnnfTf.tLl aariykoquoats for portraits w bar decided to eon.
ttaua this oxooptlonaJ offer for a abort time. Bar your coupon aad
bring; la your photo at onoe. ' BO
Ton may Taring tba photograph which you wish to bar enlarged to Si
J-Ti 9-. "J m. Th. artist. w0ror.
4rC iT-0?,11" th' T number It ooupons,
i.M"m"n- Tw will be able to obtain tba llfeiae
bus, black and walto oiled portraits earlier than if won wait until you
bar all tbo coupons, saved. Bring; la your photo at oao.
TAJtioon rxxmn
I dailY . demontrtrata that Var4naa
vin can te cured in nearly all
ouea ov one treatment in iiiMi a
saiisraciory way that the vital narta
are preserved and strengthened, pain
ceases, awalllna aubsldaa. a haoTkw
circulation Is rapidly reestablished.
in.ieaa oz tne aepresaing conditions.
x Kuaraniw you a cure to star cured
wr reiuua tne money. -
TarjDtne- a nvdrocela ttnrm ut
temporary relief and the swelling
awl, i wui ii., iirnr uiHn Dirnr. in.
Jectlng carbollo add. iodine and Ilk
proparauons ore vicious practices
and rarely result In permanent cura
My method la direct, positive, paln-
ibbb. none not asiain you rrom your
vwufauun or nome, ana 1 give you
my worn -ana absolute ruaranteai
that It effects a radical and perma-
liaiit cure. . -
weakness has
tions baffled
"i?"! alordar commonly knowa aa
years ana genera-
xiuria or pnysl-
iorlt oY-docter. pVclallaty not IZ
ffllZJin&n1 vercomo
stant iT- .Za' V "RV0,Dan in oon-?XJBt-?
":.hv J?T9 failed
..m aw wtju.uj, xney aoMm trim
lltex?n ,wltn wftU stimulant.
S.L.2nl calculated to restore
WW iii rj vr BcrensTn th&t im
temoorarliv n'VT:"!.
rtatrlman. .." ."'"PaiH VB
Should you hap'
pen to be afflicted
witn any or the
which men ara
prone, such a a
v a nTrnnir
nujyuuutti. AILMENTS. . consider
wen tne snecisJIst with whom vnn
are ffolnr to treat Don't be deceived
by quacklah announcemania nf rina
atment or Flve-Dav Cures, for
you are certainly sufficiently Intel-
The Plan
A Special portrait Coupon will ap
pear la all editions of Th. Journal
aUIrt WrllX rim4rf wtriak nwaoVdi Aak.i m -
-t-ivS (of different dates), bring them to Th Journal Art Oallarv and
.rXJrZT "tZ '?!y: .n.tlfu.1 U- bast, black and' white
awZaT:. Ta. ao8oiuxiy rMaSH. Tou furnish tba
m ' a im.. as Up. .
B LTX J1- flrihafrKara tiaarl... Mi i. - . .
rak ., rZZL. n iweqni OOTOrro- tb OUT.
- aia ui am oi tna ooupons ana tba ooanon tn.
poarlns on Sundays, la good for four counoiiav mrapoa ap-
for BOo tn trad, rodoemaol at any stor advartlslng tn -m Journal , v
. a -a. a MaaJi BB III kj&0
809 Sflra 'alOOB)) TSB JOTJBjrAX, BTJXXJjro :
"' ' - . - - -OUT
The Jonrnal Specif Portrait Conpon I-
Oct. 6
.r, ymam a xno a-ournai Portrait XJeoartmoiit i. uJ
oordaauia with tk. a.k. . . ..I "rr? -vpMnan la ao
tb Taoldor to . JmvmMr ?. vonrut error, wlU eattu
L!?t?" Bck and White, Oiled Portrait
, Oat tkaa oat eaob day ntu yea bar tbo rottlrod aambo"
With thes diseases you may have
more oomDlioatlons than ara nraaant.
od by any other diseased organ. By
my searching Illumination of the
bladder I determine urnini.iir
disease and by microscopical exam
ination and urinalysis4 I make dou
bly aura the condition of the kid
nays, thus laying foundations for sci
entific, treatment'
, . spEoxxio bxooo poxsoar
Sclentlfla treatment Ari. Km.M
be used in combating thla loathsome
disease. I cure Blood Poison by the
new German Remedy which I Intro
due -directly, into tho blood, purify
ing It neutralising and expelling
poison from the system. New blood
thus formed supplies ogid rebuilds-
tne tiaaues in eucn a way that the
paUeat recovers his pormai state of
iiwuui, 4.iT;ria m ana BOUTHUie
thO Datient. Wa.lrn...
- jmpram resulting from
nany local condltione and Is curabJs
iving or a Bind In f x
which demonstrateo the ha.,.r.
ouracy of my understanding and
treatment of thia disorder. In yeari
I have not met with a ai..i. iT..l"
and I have entire confidence in my
ability to cure all cases that comi
to roe for treatment t .
tSaV11 nr ?:"isA:z
NO MONET TjfattrTTO'nr mr
tlents have no nnnfM.- i-'ax.Kt!
' no Qemanas pay be
fore a cure haa been effect, mZt
t fiara wav imbhh aa-1.. a. .
,ZXZr.A "JIZ.?'V D.? mis
n .-- ' .wr-more i
...ii . . want on oppor-
!,n,tJr,i;-trt hwsn..Mt maltes
v uuiainuun saiJUlirT rna rinaHlial
part. asvI accept pay for my iefy:
Ices as benefit are derived: .), t
fl? ,?""',ed tn Patient is Hable!
Health ia capital at Intorea" I w U
prove my ability, to cure, before ask
ing pay for my service . ,
llgent to know that, such statementa
impuaaioie ana simply auurlna.
UOn t you know that vnn pannnt h.
uuiou oy mono wno are inexperienced
and unqualified to treat you T Tou
ail, uuinr vim r .nnn mnnaw i .
should certainly . insist upon mora
man pruniiBea tor results.
xo aure tnat tne nerann vnn ia,:
aun ia not misleading vou. Ta ha
unaer nia
I Cure Men
Pay Whin tfntad
. Oaneral D.bll.
ity, weak Barves,
' TnsAmnla u.aHu.
- - aa.ieaw aJBJU 1 IB
ua oa uuaurta uvai sai nyir m r v ar aa -a
los Of Bator', uwit Die,e of
Bladder aad lUim. w
. , ... ..wvaa
vau.a, auiwir ua permanently
ana4 at -mall awt
' PXOXAXi alLkfllTl N..I.'..
. . . . - ..wnuv WVII
tractea ana cnronlo cases v cured.
All burning. Itching and Inflamma-
iiwn Btuuyvu id am noursi. r"tiro a
fectad in seven daya. Conaultatlon
free. If 'unable to call w.i.. i. .'
list of question-. - w
Office hours I A. M. to a v
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P; M nl
I34H wasbinrtoii tst., Oor. pirsl
Portland. Oragoa ,
practicing hi profession
true name? Has he" visible
-Proves That Cures
were fossiole
O. OSB WO la dallr '!.. .J.
patient who became well and" strong
from bis herb remedies. Hut ..Jt
a y ava carumoniai
I as to th ffloaoy
I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured
I Offer a Free Consnltatfbn and Examination
cations such as diplomas and licenses
ll..7- . . '" Vl "is . standing; and
ability? Ia he lending his name as
a cloak for a medical company? If
j-uu voiiuui assure yourseit on these
vuiiii. ii ia pernapa aa well to
your time and money.
.Lf(m4uly an1 ,?JIy. Qualified to
Pjactica my profession In the atatea
I . flK"r' vvasningion, calirornla,
and Nevada. I publish my own pho-
wSia.uu in an my announcements. I
practice under my true name, per-
suit-with and treat all my own pa.
uent until a cure is effected and
uovo ku cunnecuon witn any medi
cal company." "Institute" or "mil.
seum." i tnererore offer to mm
fllcted with any aliment Included in
my specialty a service Unexcelled by
any other specialist in Oregon. All
iiiwiviiica - uiBtionsea unaer in, Hi
red supervision of a graduate in
0 to B, T to 8 Daily; Sunday, 10 to L
, m ...i a. ... o-.S.. a,; .a-.- .. .
... -(' i,
lMoiTlson Street
Corner First St
Portland, Or.
brow this ooTjpoir roa taxttablz
oryoBJtAxioif . free. ,
tS?, .JS r.r' 7oar elf-eiaml.
nttloo bUnk. "For Men,'', u I dealr. to
oiwcrlb. my case to . yos far to. par
poai of taking traatment. If I dclrt. yea
can oara torn and year ehar ta W
eDongk to salt. at.
mvmm , . ... ..- ,vy
Gee Gee
;-iv. ,.,:'' '.' i- ;s
This wonderful man treata a ......
an diseases with simple remedies com
pounded from. roots, herbe. barks and
vegetables that, have been gathered w
from all Quarters of tha ..? Tl .r
by these simple remedies that 'h
cure all such diseases, as Cat- ...
thma, Stosnaohi tung and Xlror Trou
blas. aad also private dlsaaaaa
and women. : He ures without pain or
operations, and shuns the use of such
poisons as merqury. Put your case
fn his hands if onlv for . .i...r" .
t i - -." uma -
lie win uviiniii you.
cowsuztation- pbsb. - U
itstdo of the citv wrM. a 4
blanks and clroulara.. iB-
Pattenta outside of tho city wrtto
close 4c stamp,
Ooea Evenings, and ia -
to 4 p. m. ' -
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co
aeK 1st st, oor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
bilious bzrtzrr
r , - ''- a ai aaiaB ar
fiaiwTaa . aoaaaae
T aaL r ,
0Ua rkla4alaaak Jo, 1
. "la!' ' ,;
. . iww ri'Ui. a. BO. to p.
p. m. Sun-
oa)-. ih a. r. to 1 p. m.